Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 30 Mar 1882, p. 3

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2 e 4 Johnson,â€"That N. A. H~ + suue of $4 fop ynp..: the teport for the pinter seue &c. “ , Melntyre,â€"â€"That B ~lmay township officers iw’lh g roduced and read a firsp trng., â€" 6 went through all the r-“_. came out with the follawi * for feoble age sneld,, DDM,“.J,E . Clurk, D. Me eun, W L.’x-.‘:.‘ intes, J. Elliott, A, ( P. .\'e('unn.". H. W Brown, J. Crov, A . A. MeMallen, T. ( ullen, R. Adame T M Bru?‘n. € m. OUND KEREPER®, 08t, Thomas Lnck,B, hail, Nei} McLean, Mc:fivmwl-, EKMIGEAiNYTS, eersâ€"Tlhat the Clork h‘ strueted to notify the .". 10, Osprey, and the Coun vod Township respectively : intends to pase a .,'h‘ ting affecting the bounds thak that distant land hee reign suprenme led hoarts, desires which lead lintant purts. «e h-m..‘-“. ilo West : that blossings shall repay , they leave this carth Drowy . ". A. Ferguson, F rosneld, J. B. Sin ; at Singhampton ":-w"nm # N# of the emigrante hled hopes do smile, mfort thus their frie " gnof beguile, d fOF s0MmaA frs Tac».. linisters of the gosâ€" tov. Greene of Pais« hl’k of Port 'h d onee or twice to has reached Hanâ€" places, and several eir departure last h West. We hope of prosperity may rhonlnl be consider» meet with a good the shape of mosâ€" than they expectâ€" ised, having bad ) you receive one end of each the finest -‘: tal mumic imagin: e for the Journal o Dolar ; on witily ime â€" Doliar and y the actual 008b etpress on the rsâ€"That Wilham + ll‘ll’ lor Wu“.q eersâ€"Tlhat ‘b.c‘..h sEPmebidl ho aoccutp ow _~ natonâ€"That MH 6 ui Witar .cs Dllbh)mn_ the ploasant looks mrke cal â€" Journal for hsagreenble tfine heavy calenâ€" will have in over it those who stay joys that‘s o‘er, olt Shoe Factory lanover at no yet we are nok Ta~was. W. Mics®. Clork, 20, 1892. musand persons watch «_ The former in hureb,‘and the lat« MceDonald dson, W. T those p their home. ~1. The reading . being nows from lournal will have wing beautitully ig but enjoyable rth West during hanunts over. ars in reference irther developeâ€" as something of M ret vihags ans oity »f the TI‘Inn”" Mr. tsfactory, and the Barlthrop showed f the Post, all of la u it the loss of Mr. J. ‘uctory, un sccount in another colomn. the Canada Method~ ul ‘Ten Moeting, eeel â€" mmo Iwithatanding * eveni Y 3. School choir, ory ereditably. were given by | Carson and & ance of Sanday ET ore was rathor « the mmeeting os wae by no the Sabbath Spronle me to leare and promis« P notify the Trug. 8. J. Mc G. . John ‘Tree. t A. 1 K P rpmx: 8P .:. .2 7 No. 8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Hunter‘s Survey, East Side Garatrara St., North of Jackson St. HESE Lots are beantifn!l itnated T the ipal Street, hnt'?-y'lo.'n, oppo:: ~€:o'0¢n. Jackson., "*4., they are very even huudn.t‘uobtm-u.m-n ie ts i en ts on o ignt -...:o: Town &D-u.n hins become one S ie n ie dee Lo‘ of Durhs and at no distant m*‘.ol note. J. H. ;il‘.. lq: is now erecting a commodious sens. x/ "UbT. £sq TOWN of DURHAr Nn Lk k L4 a re_ March Brd, isgy Bulldinflg-" ol | \ THE Subseriber has a quantity of Seed | a c'n L:o:.(‘f.n: lJ. lm:a(l.,“.:l:ad & few .Cw! P! Nss JAS. MeMEEKEx.! @©® _ Wemmane d B4 0p0 ar hands g.2°__..~ .0 Kive them into other hands for coilection. l sineeedat hnd ie bever intend to pay 1 vould respective I-ukiym.hmwon in the future f nednemetyimene inllhsMack viB ie elnaiet | Zuods to henest men. Will have AUCTION SALE of BooTtsg & SHOES on April Fairâ€"day. J. C. JOPP.| Airnafee SE CE is inss CC COs rl AnOFte good men st prices on the usual Terms, Those whose accounts and notos are past please cull and settle as I‘m abour A*** 0 Ens NP PNRInOss will Sell off his Present Stock OF ... Imome os h ... .. _ _( CORS IOF HRelp | 4 liberal patronage in past years would niso inâ€" | form them that being about to give up businoss will ,’ KB NB UE 6 16. iess BOOTS&SHOES At Cort for Cash Egremont, March 23, 182. 1 C q. /3 _ _ W°r Hns three Lots for Sale l in the thriving Village of Dundalk. On the Lots wre erected Two Good Dwelling Houses. Also amnll.ndfiwsucclc‘e\om-dd Village. For further particulars nQp[y to KENNETH MeAULAY,. Durdalk, March, 30th, 1882, t9it IN thanking his many Uhawnd vadienne ue dsc o i1 THE Subscriber has three in the thrivine ViMtaae 2s w Aberdsen, March, 30th, 1982. Houses and Lots for Sale In the Township of Proton. ( )N!} hundred and twenty five mcres cleared , &vW and easily worked. The farch is well wa and has erected thereon a good irame house and large frame barn. Terms »asy to a good man. Apply to ** tub dairy,...... Eggs,perdoz......... Potatoes, per bag... Turnips, per bush... Hay per ton......... Poas, 160 0o ruads Dressed Hogs, per 100 lbs huptq._ro]lq. POF Hiqe«+1¢.«. Fall Whent, per bush Bpring Wheat ** Barley , «+ Td T BC oo iA P igze" Seed Grain for Sale. Hen Feed s , Ontmenl . Phatn Mised Chops F Outmeal Seeds s Fall Flour > Mixed Flour s Spsing Flour . Grabam Flour . Cracked Wheat . First Class Farm To Rent FLOUR & FEED Apples, per bag............. DURHAM MILLS. Bhsepakins, each . MP:.kpordlb h OZ...« .. avd.”drty. per « Wool, per Ib....... Pork, per Potatoes, per bush. .......... 0 68 to Flour, per 100 lbs Corn Meal " * imeal Seeds « * 15 per bag. %* tlh,.> . w CSQe <th .. 8e N.G. & J. McKECHNIE. Durham, Mar. 16th, 1882. tf190. Beamrxnoustâ€"â€"At no-uuo-:d{n: l‘m:‘h-‘til:l: ‘oe.tb-'& of Wui. Burnhouse. aged % urâ€"runun.-o;fummn.n. wife of . Lowick of & son. charm. . So does that grand Key to Healthâ€" BurdockBlood Bitters, the greatest discoyery of the age. It unlocks all the secretions, and cleanses and invigorates the entire system. Bamplebottles, 10 conts ; larger rize, $1.00 of all medicine dealers, 209. Some shrewd Yankee has invguted a key that will wind any -mh;i;hflufl.«uh- ment to a charm, and it is said to work like a ing like magic. it is perfecily safe to use in all eears, and plensant to the taste, and is the prescripâ€" tiom of one of the oldest and best l-n.lzdlydei ans and nurses in the United Stutes. everyâ€" wiere. 45 cents a bottle.yAT about i*. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will requiate the bowels, m«l give rest to the -o&-.n.dnld.ndbo-lmw&oom.o&om ing like magic. it is perfecily safe to use all ___ Methers! Mothers!! Motbers! ! ! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your -lby.delemdnl-n?u-nd svh;’ with fl:: pain of cutting teeth s once -‘;.Mfiod Mus. WINIwW’HwIOgl'B- ‘n-om._‘_. It will relieve the poor little sufferer about it. . '&“‘ z wd't“mo:.l use one bottle of Hop Bitters in : Li e t P es cleansing and strengthening to prevent an attack of A Billous or Bria,rava. or tome *mfld sickness that unfit you k a cccc t 7i 2+ L2 C o s Betore ?- your heavy spring g:v:n’-:r A..n.;,m,of.’lm.".:fi . _ C. JOPP . â€"Six of the Bestâ€" TORONTO MARKETS. Tomoxto, Mar. 28th, 1882 TOâ€"DAY‘S PRICES OF DURHAM MARKETS. Durnax Maur. 30, TY HiGccccececese ~In Durham on the #th inst. the wife Thos. Donughy of a son. SA LE, Of Ditters in your famal Dou'-::d& â€"Burl'm’glu llnl DEATHS BIRTES eord....... «#:++:+««.8 00 to seusccsuu Â¥ BW ts se«««««« 0 55 to cun ces C U ttew 10000 "* "*, person returning them ®. BEoK, _ | fttrmily enarndana 20 °7917 co"Aried and any ; BECK. _‘ after the publication of this notes L union Fam. cured. T. dol0 _\ i urhem.Feb.Tth, 140y #$1 $2 90 per 10016 18 to 8 00 to 24 to 20 to 14 to 1 15 to € 00 to 6 00 to 0 75 to 0 16 to 0 12 to 1 25 to 0 21 to 1 00 to 24 to 29 to 85 to 0 80 to 0 60 to 2 50 to 1 18 to 1 20 to 0 338 to to is no mistake 8 25 26 21 16 1 25 45 12 00 31 27 1 31 0 70 15 06 0 70 0 22 $3 W 0 17 0 13 6 59 45 0 70 Cash Paid for Hides Skins and Tallow. Particular attention paid to BELTING. ‘ Orders taken for WOOL CARDING, Cloth Dressing and Pressing done at Orchard Mills. Boots & Shoes COLORED LININGS, & SHOEMAKERS‘ Supplies. ~~ o nds taak un e e cct DAE TAOd CURRY COMBS, BRUSHES, &e. SPANISH SOLE & UPPER LEATHER, FRENCH & CANADIAN CALFSKIN, NATIVE & FOREIGN KIP SKIN Durham, March, 14, 1882, SADDLES, TRUNKS, VALISES Manufacturer and Dealer in Team Harness, THOMAS SMITH, Saddler, Tanner PA RKER‘ S Kept in Stock and made to order on, Shortest Notice. Ficld and Garden SEEDS ingle & Double Curriige Harness, Plough Harness, A LARGE ASSORTMENT March, 28, 1882. & Shoemaker. s them to the DRUG STORE. SEE D S H. PARER, CROCKERY, CROCKERY. ANOTHER LARGE STOCK of SPRING TWEEDS PERINTS and Dress GOODS Great Sale of the Season. Remember the Place with the Big Chair Would thank his numerous customers for past support, but as he hits determined to exâ€" tend his businers he will sell off his IMMENSE STOCK of FURNITURE at Cost Price, and those in want of anything in this line from the finest made article . to those of the cheapest kind can be suited by calling upon him, ut prices never before offered at in Durham. FURNITURE AT COST ! Upper Town, Durham. Acknowledged Cheap Cash Store. ALL at BOTTOM PRICES. Durham, March 15th. 1882. A First Class Cabinet maker wanted Immedié.i?l&- Durham, March 15, 1882. d209 MEN‘S SUTLT®S, A Large and Well Assortsd Stock Just to Hand l â€"â€"OFâ€".â€" # . Superior STYLE and Fin.ish,'l smm JY cce . Ready Made Clothing! Just arrived, all newest Patterns. Also a New JAMES BURNET, Upper Town, DUEREHAM, ~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"0â€"â€"()â€"â€"Gâ€"_â€"_.â€"â€"__ Now for Bargains and Goods at Right Prices ! HAVING JUST OPENED an IMMENSE STOCK of oys‘ SUITS, COATS, PANTS & VESTS, COTTON TWEED PANTS, KENTUCKY JEAN PANTS, 4 OVERALLS AND SMOCKS, AT LOWEST PRICES. CALL C eE We aro able to beat any offer yet made tovthe Public BOOTS & SHOES JOHN SHEWELL J. WOODLAND, Jr. ns LOWER TOWN. "*A. MOCKLER. â€" fa D .A FCCALIN‘S. fz,f'QOcts.‘ Uup. 17 850. Gents do , 14-16 from 55 to $90. 10â€"13 Clocks from §.9, _ Test for Fitting Sight. Don‘t forget the place where _ , _ , «_ 42â€"50 The Boss Spectacles are sold. ~, . 38â€"42 If you want & Good Watch . . 30â€"36. Or Clock, try A. Gordon. . 26â€"28. Silver Watches from $7 22.24. To $30. Ladies Gold . 19â€"20 Watcheg from $15 to . 17â€"18 * Gives a )ram'cal' ‘ 27 t ‘o education to suit this prag a ,’ tical age. It is not a ; ‘;\';t commercial department W J in an Academy, but lA ,::; f A Reat Live Busines ‘ / Traininc ScHoor, AND BE CONVINCED. as of Grain, Butfior, Eggs, &c. exshanged for Oats. and Fashionable Stock of , consisting of Send for Circular and Specei. mens of Penmanship to C. a. FLeminc, Owex Sounp, On Ekio @uatitu&c JOHN SHEWELL. WÂ¥hs 33-42‘ h . . 30â€"36. n. . ze-ae.l i $7 22-24.' At HARRIS & Co‘s. Dur Eivery Lover of a good cup of TEA Should ty A. DAYVIDsON, The STHTUOCIEC of Canadian, Scotch & Einglish Tweed MILLINERY, MANTLES, Mantle Cloths, WORSTED Coatings, Prints, Dress Goods, Mantle & Dress Trimâ€" mings, Fringes, Buttons, Silks, Satins, Laces, HOSIERY, GLOVES, and all the very latest novelties of the Season. s Also a Choice Selection of At the Noted Cheap Store buinimanfininiifiontenficntetentetdbâ€"lk. _b _A 4 4~11 The undersigned has also received a large stock of New Dress Goods from 10 cents per yard up ; Men‘s nobby Felt Hats at 60 cents each. Umnperellas at 50 cents. Parasols at 25 conts. Boots & Shoes, Valises, and Crockery. Bomething new in ‘Tea Sete, Crystal Sets, and ornamental pieces. ‘The Choicest Groceries always in Stock & fresh. Durham, March, 1882. JOHN CAMERON. WHC EEEPS THE BEST SELECTION OF GROCERIES IN Towx. ‘GREAT Discount SALE 22 t t i Te Announces the first arrival of Teas in Durbam, bought with the Daut quently he is now enabled to sell at the following Low | GOOD JAPAN LEAF at 25 cents, previously worth 85 YOUNG HYSON " 80 * &# * _ 40 EXTRA GOOD ** 45 4 hi *4 45 BUPERIOR Quality «© 40 * *4 * .. :.. %0 PEKO JAPAN 4* BQ 4 [O «â€"â€"â€" en DUTY off TEA New Goods are now arriving New Dress Goods cheap & stylish, NEW TWEEDS, Scotch & Canadian. i New CLOTHING, stylish and cheap, New Groceries, fresh. Spring Importations! GREY AND WHITE COTTONS, DENIMS, COT TICKINGS, SHIRTINGS, TABLE LINEN, Ete., IS NOW COMPLETE: 15 per cent. off all fiurchasel of DzoGoods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Hats and Caps from $10 to $20. This Sale will last only 30 days, and the above discount will be allowed only to Cash Purchasers. Durham, March , 1882 Staple and Fancy Dress Goods. Tweeds, Coatings, Hats Caps, Boots & Shoes, etc., Good News to TEA Drinkers! A Full Line of GENTS‘ FURNISHINGS Having Just received a Large Stock of NEW GOODS, Consisting in part of per Do not go without a FOR MANITOBA! JTOEEIT CAMMEROALT J. H. HUNTER‘S. 4 Call and see them . DAVIDSON NEW SPRING GOODS. With a Reducton on 4 Ibs and oner. DIRECT IMPORTER OF CANA‘l)IANAmqg_'_If'!'QN GOODS, **% ) NoW GOIXG ON AT STOVE. C. L. GRANT. s bough!‘wic'h the Duty off, and , COTTONADES, DUCKS . H. HUNTER , TOWELLI®G, iA 5f% cents, Lumber, Lumber, To Mr Leeson ; 4 "vâ€";“ 16th, 1881 Dear Wâ€"-gn':'uo md,::;l‘dn- I’v. all been cured ur theria cive. 7 am ‘lfll:z zolood care, MATTHEW lm Arthur, Nov 23, 1681, H W Leeson Varney. Dcul'::â€"i\-::: n'llm of l:n:_hfin- in = place, ne here your medicine used which proved a success J}" the Doctors gave Is the only sure cure h::hmi- "m&"m‘:- 18 Cures cases ay ana w 0 jPI‘ll No vuhtu‘:f Zwul;nq the. thromt, so m amallest child can take it, It mlso cures dnflumâ€" a:ionofchmdmnn ’bo'ell, Asthma, Croup, solds, and if stewcily token will browk Consumption . ®p TESTIMONIALS: www DIPHTHERIA MEDICINE A Large qnantity of all kinds of Po wauted for which the highest price in or trade will be paid, k IEruit, Confectionery, and Provisions of every kind,. All kinds of Farim Produce taken in exhange. Oogober 6, 1841 I beg leave to intimate that I have opened a Grocery and Provision Atore Cash Grocery & Provision STORE. CHAS. LEAYVEXS, _ Harness Mauker, Lambton Stroet, uear the Post Office, DURHAM, * :f: Team g-’w?«.".‘" udll:lehl‘ljfl :I?:"flz-:‘:m Ogod Work and reasonnble charges Collars a Specialty. Durham, Dec. 8, 188i, v 196 . Lower Town DURHAM. HARNESS, HARNESS. uch proved a success aftor ih;mf_v”'- 1 waut you to send me $1 worth at onee, It does not matter what your previ occupnation has been, if you nre vimn'. uop:v:“;o., ':‘vm. hdmoo‘tetlnn:"l:. The best olnhlunoqa‘fln‘. pply “womsmm.amsou to our already large force t h full time s Mows Y Bte c y m d on iye full time to the must. SUCCESSFUL MEX, GROCERIES, 100 ADDITIONAL Branch Offices......Montrea! P Q., & 8t. Paul, Minn NURSE“IED', Fonthiil, Ont, SALES for FALL OF 1883, FONTHILL NURSERIES. STONE & WELLINGTON Opposite Middaugh‘s New Hotel, m MNTTCTY un inven after March 15th. F‘or'llflhotwt::m;nplyw W. E. ROMBOUGEH, Durbam Or to H. CULL, Fergus P. 0. + WWash uasg ag ui .0 ECOd oT ul 4. b:-lnc “‘m &” of the first division of L:“ number twentyâ€"cight, in lst concession went the Gmfnxn’lwud. 'I"-m'n:up of Bentinck. The land adjoins the sorporation of the Town of Durâ€" ham, and lies along a good Road, near the BRailway, and bas ali the advantages of being close to the Town with low taxes, Jt is well cleared und in a good state of cultivation. Wi) be wold in lots ur in one parcel. â€" Possession given after March 15th. For furthar naveiauos ... _ _ EVCE WENTYâ€"TWO acres ‘TWENTYâ€"TWO acres of Land for $ 4ls, gumo:ehufl.beuindâ€"fiw;o.h* er. Two »rmnucnoh-runucm-flael'uu. or further particulars Apply on the premises or to JOHN CORBETT, Durham P. Ves i i Tess eine THE Subscriber will sell Lot 61, Brd Concession, Bentinek . This Farm ..fi 84 m'-:l? nores ol'A}‘Mo.h ul'). clear of ‘-1. under c vation . ruine dlh.lolh. Barn, dflvW,mv -m,a:nm. horse stuble, lndm_'?gwe P, Well und DUFID Ave an tha css cm 106 Yoursetc., GEO. WOOD. le at Parker‘s, Durham. Pownalil, .2 ____, C C» JSn6) Dure 42 Roud, Township of ceastnor in the Oo-t{-of Bruce. 5 nores cloared on lot, with Jog House x #4, and stable. Will tuko lgu't of prise in faurnn: stock or town property, Apply by letter or persoualiy to 131“3‘vu Lot 24, in 4th Con Houd MPammadigs 4 0000 PCRIE SALESMEN WANTED To Rent or Sell. OFF!CE Contamning two Rooms to rent or sell. ‘Appiy to E. D. MacMILLAN. "TWO Buildings Lots one quarter Acre L). prebh. Jn a central locality. ‘ Will be sold Bentinck. Fob 25rd , 1882 Fob. 1st, 1882, Feb.16th, 1882, Dec 22na, 1881 tfio8 Apply to Farm for Sale. 1. w. CaANVASSERS, (The Largest in Cunada.) NURSERYMEX, Toronto, Ont: Lower Town, DURHAM. To Begin Work at once un Land For Sale. Farm for Sale. For Sale. â€"â€"FOR THE . LAIDLAW, Lath & Lime,. v SECCETUE Varney, P 0 0O a a 2

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