92 0 t a | Â¥f Wl why 11,, eapadaiterfalling beadâ€"long down the stairs _ he himself does not know, but from the «"Wighthil inanuor in which he has‘ been * buwamed almost to a cinderit is probable that : he dinggad himself out of the burning buildâ€" the first stroke the broom became wrapped in fume,:and instautly a broad, fiery â€" colâ€" . run shot up and swept swiftly along the eeilivg, . Then all was confusion, and the survivors are not very clear as to what happened. . Miss Douglas opened the door but for some reason closed it again without anaking her eseape. Perhaps with true avomanly instinet she turned to save the helpless little ones. _ Vanallan scized a ;mmd still hoping to smother % 1 m, but before he know what he was doing the room was literally full of blazing gas, and he was just able to stagâ€" ger to the door faintieg and half suffocateu. COs o PHR SLEEP OF DEATH. All this time not a sound came from the doomed ones inside the house, and Vanâ€" allihnâ€"siys he only bkeard the wailings of Morland as he staggere1 out of the house with beard and clothing both on fire after a vgin attempt to.save his wife and little onef by groping wildly about in the mass of seething flames inâ€"doors. A door at the " bae¢ic ot the house was burst open and a window driven in, but the house was literâ€" ally full of blazing gas, and it was imposâ€" sible to enter. In the meantime the three 5 lo.)lprlw. Henry, and little Charlioâ€" ‘ had mangged in. some way to escape, bui ~ â€"Mrs: Motiand and Miss Douglass, and ‘ Lizzie, Sarah, and baby Morland were ‘‘fHever ‘seen‘ agnin. Meantime . the young amen Hough and Rambeaun lLad not beon‘ alarmed as parly as thosq downâ€"stairs,| . though it . presumable they were not aâ€" sleep. Tough sprang from ths window, while Rambeay threw himself Load first «‘dowsn‘ the ptairs, Both were still aliva this aftermoon when L visited the seeone of the disaster, and hopes are entertained of Hought‘s ultimate recovery, but poor Ramâ€" beau has no chance whatever. â€" Heis frightâ€" fully burned all over. Some parts of his person are entfrely burned away, his ears being so , charred that they crumble to pieces when touched. He is perfectly conâ€" seiousâ€"and rational, however. Hough i-‘ biaoke disfigured past recognition, ‘,‘D}ng;;nfq» is abtendiag . him, thinks he willrecover. How Rambeau esâ€" though it is presumable they were oA the ssom ‘were very wide and comâ€" perutively. op@n, the greater part of the other oil ainppolnd. Vanallan, wishing to get rid of the last of it, ignited it. He .Allowed a small space to burn off, and ‘then put it out with his foot. _ Then he i lit enother spot which was also smothered, »amd these dangerous operations appear to Lhave been repeated several times. At idength _ Morland _ lighted _ a _ piece «o _ paper _ from _ the _ little fire which Vanallan was waiching and with it ignited several spots on the floor in rapid succession. . Almost immediately after this had been done the flames began to mount higher from the floor, and waver and tremble as though they were not confined to the oil on the floor. Miss Douglas seized a pail of water to throw upon the floor, but F P uitgthih n Qveugin is dn Psn ciscacinnd d is Morland itoppod her, and attempted to beat dowu the flames with the broom. At Vanallan and the Morlands came home, apd found Miss Douglas, and the two young men Hough and Rombeau still out of bed awaiting their arrival. The young men nqm' to out the horses and carry in the gs g:: of the sleigh, and then they burried off to bed. HoW IT OccorREp. Mr. and Mrs. Morland, Mr. Vanallan and Miss Douglas remained up, however, and waked up two of the children, Sarah and Charlie, to l6t them try on new boots that had been purchased for therm. Among the things which they had brought from Belleâ€" } ville was a fiveâ€"gallon glass demijohn filled with coal oil, and covered with the usual wicker or basket work. Charlie was walkâ€" ing up and down the room to try his new boots, and just as he came close to it, it exâ€" ploded with a report similar to that of a revolver, ‘ard immediately the oil, which had been expanded by the heat of the warm | room, and the gas or vaporgenerated by Athe rapid rise in the temperature begaa «pouring ~through the small openings in the wicker work with a sharp hissing ~sound similar to that made by escaping steam. Two ordinary pots were brought â€"and in a fow minutes about three out of ‘the five were secured in them, and set| saside at the back of the xoom, which | »aside at the back of the )oo!;:. whi;h wwasithe full size of the house, eighteen Dbyrtwontyfeet. As the cracks in the floor D i Pdbodins ~90%...4 farmer, living about tem or twelve miles southâ€"west of the village of Madoc, and in the township of Huntingdon. Yesterday mdorhing he and bis wite and Poter Vanalâ€" lam, jr., drove down to Belleville together to make some purchases. It seems that Vanallan, who is getting out logs in the meighberhood, was boarding at Morland‘s along with two young men in Vanallan‘s employ. These were Simon Rambeau of Napamee, and Minor Ho@gh, whose home io ‘mour " Belleville. ~There were besides tkesds in the household, Morland‘s six children, as follows :â€"John, aged twelve years ; Henry aged ten ; Lizzie, aged cight; Burah aged six; Charlic, aged two ; and a baby boy some six or eight months old. Mzs. Morland‘s sister, Miss Susanna Dougâ€" | las, having come over to take care of the | children in the mother‘s absence, was also, | unfortunately, in the house at the time ofl the disaster. It seems that about midunight | f (From the Globe.) Mapoc, Feb. 10.â€"Probably the most frightful calamity that ever befel any family in Ontario overtook John Morland and his wife and children, between the hours of twe‘vs and one o‘clock this mo n BESULT OF A COAL oIL EXPLOSIO® ; hardâ€"working Patents obtained throuch us are noticed in the Surextterc Axmericas, ‘This large and eplondid . illustcrated weekly paper, $3.20a year, shows the Progress of science, is very interesting, and has an enormous cireulation. Address MUNN «& CO., Patent Solicitors, Publishers of Sctexturnc: Awerroays. 37 Park Row, New York. Hand book about Patents sent free.> We continue to act as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats, Trate Marks, Copyrights, eto., for the United States, Canada, Cuba, England, France, CGerindny e€e. We have had thn'ty-‘1 five years experience. P AT E N T S. CS Sn CHH" Breathe with the mouth closed, have access at all times to pure air, exercise moilerately, eat nourishing but simple food, and take that best of all cough remedies, Hagyard‘s Pectoral Balsam, it speedily cures all throat and lung troubles of adults or children, â€" Price 25 couts per bottle, â€"b205, _ A sad and fital accident cccurred to Mr John F. Becker, an old and highly respectâ€" ed resident of North Easthope. fle tas engaged in cutting wood is the bush and it appeared a limb of a tree they had cut down lodged in another tree, and while he and another man were sawing the limb it fell, striking Mr. Becker on the head and kil‘â€" iog him instantly. ‘ Weak Lungs and how to make them Stroug. ‘ : f thirty years‘ trial has demon» hi Ltmta:{thac when bred to the commmon mares of the country the produce is more form, aro easier keepers, better work» ers, and soll for more money on the markst than aug.otier class of Horses. . â€" â€"â€" Piibet ce _ Eces and Dortors The fees of doctors is an item that Â¥ery many persons are interested injust at present. We believe the schedule for visits is $3.00, which would tax a man confined to his bed for a year, and in need of daily visits, over $1,000 a year for medical attendance alone! And one single Bottle of Hop Bitters taken in time wouid save the $1,000 and all the year‘s sickness,â€"Post, 100 PAGE CATALOCUPR sent FRER on enpnlication. . Contzing over 40 Ilus« iwat.ons «..2 *he }!story of the Percheron ruee. .Order 4 c_281L0GUVE X," , SEARCHING THE RUINS. | _ Careful search was made in the ruins | this morning, but of the five unhappy vieâ€" | tims that perished there not a shred that is |recognizable remains. Two heavy masses of cinder that have been found are supposâ€" ed from their shape to be the head azd shovlders of the two women, but not a trace of the little ones is to be found. Of the three little boys that escaped only one is burned at all, and that not seriously. It is thought that the distracted father must have thrown theose little fellows dut of doors without knowing how or when he did it. The ruins of the little cabin are still smoking, and the suddenness with which the calamuty overtook the doomed houseâ€" hold is marked by an ugusual amount of utensils and furnishings, the blackened reâ€" mains of which are lying directly beneath the spot were they were used last. Both Morland and Vanallan are thoroughly â€"soâ€" ber men, and neither of them had been drinking anything yesterday. Mrg. Mor« lind was during her girlhood a Sunday Scehoolscholar,and subsequently a Sunday S teacher. The Coroner thinks that no inâ€" quest is necessary. EVERY LADCH BREPDER â€" & EVERY NPIGHBORHCOD «o Wayne, Du Page County, Illinois, U. S. A. (35 miles west of Chicago,) During the past 17 manths 360 STAL» LIONS AND HMARES have been imported 5'0â€. France to this establishment, being TORE than the combined importations of all other importers of Draft Horses fromy all parts qf’i:uwyo for any one year, Om--ï¬â€™.lb of the catire number of Import» ed French Horses in America can be seen on his furm. His Importations havs included the Prize Winnors of the Universal L.cposition, Paris, 1878, and nearly all &12 Prizo Horses of the Great Shows of France since his impor» tations began. ‘They also carried off the houors ut the Centennial, 1570; and, at the Great Aiemae. Tib danRF U OJ 41. To Diszases, Comrrantrs and Accromiers :?dcl:o Hacyazo‘s Vercow ou_hi. m‘.. Brase .:-‘:-._â€"‘“h:k, or DCARE â€" NO oneres cometii, t ~<f TAKEN INTERNALLY FOR CROUP, Y _ | covenxs, PERCHERCHN HORSES Importing and Rroeding Rembeau; and Hough, and hastily â€" harâ€" nessing the horses they had stabled less than en hour before, poor Morland, bareâ€" footed, bareheaded, and clad only in his undershirt and drawers, loaded into the sleigh all that was to him of what was an hour before a happy and hopeful family, and drove a mile and a half to the nearest meighbour‘s house, where the little oncs and the young men were sheltered for the time being. allan was clothed and and unhurt, and Morland was not badiy burned and was dressed at the iime of the disaster, but the three little boys has ouly their shirts on, Charlie baving his boots on of course, while Hough and Rambesu had only the charred remains of their shirts clinging to them. Morland tore off his coat, vest, tronsers, socks, and boots, and used them to shield his three little frigntened, shivering, mothâ€" erless boys from the bitter north wind, while Vanallan divided his clothing with â€" M. W. DUNHAM, NEEDS A PERCHERON STALLION INDEXL LARGEST None brt first class‘hands employed, and guarantee to give;a perfect fit and satisfaction. ~ ; Erguch, English, and American Fashions Received. Prompt attention given to all Orders. Is the place to get your Suits Made, ‘Coat, Vest,â€"‘Pants, Overcoat or ~*~ Ulsterette. & ' The Bigâ€"Push The A full lineof Groceries, School Books, Seed Grain, &c. * Empire Horse & Cattle Hood for Sale. Tea Sets, Ching, Glasware, . &c., Juâ€"their Season; Best brand of QYSTERS, and many other things top nuh-dohl'to mn;tinn. CROCKERY, CROCKERY. WALL PAPERS and Window Blinds, Fancy Work Boxcs and Writing Desks, Berlin and other Wools, Mottoes and Pictures, Photograph and Autpgraph Albums, Toiet Sets, Vases, Confectionery and Nuts; ‘Fruits The undersigned takes this opportunity of thlnkinflin numerous Friends and Customers for past patronage in his present line of business, and hopes to merit a cofitinuance of the same, and would beg leave to announce that he is ttrow receiving instalments of his School Books and Stationery, Durham, Noy. 3rd, SCHOOL BOOK DEPOT. NEW DRY GOODS. Call and inspect &t the Cheap Storé of Boots and Shoes! 8 Cases just to hand from the Best Makers, Famiiy and Pocket Ribles, Revised Testaments, Presentation Books Durham, Sept. 8, 1881, Boots and Shoes, Berlin Felt Goods, Groceries, &c., All now {veryifTcomplete. Tailoring Establishment, Staple cand Fancy Dry Goods, MILLINERY, MANTLES, Readyâ€"Made Clothing, Noyember 10, 1881. Highest Price paid in Jash for all kinds of Grain, Butter, Eggs, &c. Fresh Oatmeal ul;$:t;;'s on hand and exchanged for Oate, ‘ China Crpsâ€"and Mugs, Toys and Small Wareos;, Durham, Jan. 16 1882. Upper <~‘Town, DURIIIAM, and invites inspection of the same. Alw‘ayn on hand a FUSL STOCK of ‘81. Durham. Cctober 20, 1881. Has just received a very Large Stock of Crockery, 1881 .8 3w1 .x» CHRISTMAS®§! GOODS! JAMES BURNET, Which < will / be sold af THOMAS JONES, w a s1 C.â€"L. ~â€"GRaANT. very cheap,. SD06 ®HJ ol ods Upper Town, consisting of om192 | ip : & T LOOK OUT, LOOK OUT! * + 0" Timy & ghuge pmanntegime gmame . . ... . | Aup ene o oolyâ€"> _ï¬ OOTs BHY ©IRG, V ery Uheap. Atâ€"the TLeading Hardware Store, A Large Stock of all sizes, always on hand, Frames made to order, any size, PICTURE FRAME MOULDING, A Large Stock slways on hand of Nails, Glass, Locks, Door Bells, &c., &c. BUILDING HARDWARE. Paint, Vacnish,, Horse, Scrub and Shoe Brus} Varnishes, Furniture and Carriage, the best qualities and the Lowest Price. Boiled and raw Linseed Oil, White Lead, the best brands in the market. â€" Fire proof paint Venetian Red, Whiting and all dry colors. Machine Oils, Machine Oils. I keep the best Oils in Town & sell them cheap for Cash. A (. > Big reductions for large quantities. Lamps, Lamps! in all varieties. COAA_L OLL, of the best quality. A first class Assortment of Tinware Always kept in Stock. Job Work promptly attended to. HARRIS & Co. At HARRIS & Co‘s, Durham. Great Bargains in Stoves N., G. & J. McKECHNIE. 14} PAINTER‘S MATERIAL. Small Profits and quick returns shall be our Motto. Durham, Nov. 10, 1881. JOHN CAMERON, Upper Town, Durham. BRUSHFES. For â€" Cash, Y B I 168. , Hinges, Latches, Ciothes Hooks, T.J. ADIE. Very Cheap, y157 ‘8l 192 4 zse ~It is a most agreeable is at onee harnnless and . serving the hairs Itore gloss and fresImess of you light, and red hair, to a ric black, as may be desired. hairâ€" is thickened, and though not always eured. of the hair immediately, a growth in all cases wher not decayed; while to 1 otherwise diseased hair, it imparts and strength, and renders it pliable FOR.RESTORING GrAY HAir TO I7§ NATURAL ViTALTY KHQ CoLGR, Ayer‘s Hatrâ€"Vigor, VHORCUS MEIEID® ore the bost in the world. The Frorat GUimx will tell how to get und grow them, Vieks Flowor and Vogetable Garden. 173 9115.0 Colored Plates, 500 Engravings, For 30 cents in paper covers; #1.00 in cl gnnt cloth, In Gorman or English. Viek‘s Miustrated Montily Magezineâ€"i Pages, a Colored Plate in evers number, and many fine Engrayings. Price 21.25 n your: Fio Comic w. BSpecimen Numbers sent for 10 ceuts ; 3 éopies for 25 conts, For 1882 is nn Itlmu Reook of 130 Page es, two Colored tos of Flowers, nnd more than 1000 Ellustrations o; tie choicest Flowers, Plants and Vegetables, and Directions for ing. Itis handsome enough for the Center Pable or n Hnwln" Present. Send on your name and Post Oflice address, with 10 cents, and J will send you a copy, postage puid. This is not a quar torof its cost. Itis printed in both English and German, If you afterwards order seeds, dedust the 10 cts. that all prevalent disease of eivilized life, is always attended with a discorded sympathetio systeimn and bad secretions, and no remedy is better adapted to its cure than Burdock Bloog Bitters hzen according to special directions found on every bottleâ€"hb205 hoh ds w & : 4 where Smith‘s office is ?" **Ye8, "#ir; mext door." â€" The stranger uttered his thanks, and passed to the next door, which wa, locked. Returning to the lawyer, be o. served,© "Smith‘ seems to be oubr . agy course he is. If you had usked thu; ques tion in the first place I should have ANSWep. ed it by telling you so." The visitor bad y groubled on Lis face as lie passed ou; of the mlu. but that look wus ow the opinion given, and the niik moving away when the lawyer sn fee, please." "I haven‘t a cent you." "You haven‘t?" "Of cou J Â¥OQ 1. 0CCC CTenoqd d first place, I should have auswered i ling you so. Good morning, sii !"â€"J Free Press, said, "Beg pardon, but where Smith‘s office is ?" door." ‘The stranger ut and passed to the next locked. Returning to th served,| "Smith‘ seems me for If you had asked TP ACrI‘ <d mo com for sale by ul u. theceaiyg o P n e formale ty all desd Ti ror Tar.â€"A Griswold street lawyep was siltting in his office the other week, whena stranger appeared at the door und said, "Beg pardon, but can You bell ... Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N.Y Illustrated Floral Guide VICK‘S '.‘.‘u‘“ question in efDectual, for preâ€" estores, avith the uth, faded or gray, ich hrown, or deep . By its use thin 1 baidness often . Tt.checks falling anil â€"causes a new recthe slands ard briagby, weak, of it imparts vitality ess1 wchich .v "" to pay se motl, in the by wl« Detroit GOoLD & Silver WATCHEs _ Key and Btein Winders, AMERICAN JEWELLERY Colored & Bright Gold Sets LOCKETS, RINGS, A Buperior Quality As usual COPYTNG and ENLARG in A 1 style, RPicture 17 t us n e re puaneing business in Durham, I mow better than ever prepared t« I.\' thanking th * vory lihar Durham Nov.%5 1860 Hpring and Summer Fashions rcgul received, Durham, Feb.14, 1876 . DURHAM Sr., DEVRHANM. Residenceâ€"Opposite the Canada Pre terian Church.] JOHN ROBERTSON TAILOR AND CLOTHIE PHOTOGRAPH Y Lumber, Lumber, Shingles, Shingle Lath & Li 19 Farmers, mh‘.u.nu.-l lin-Il ï¬;lum *to with pw«) and charges made * tunnking my many "‘"‘_":7 |‘“o~|l Patronage n w PDND Tt LA . T 609 Bush. Fresh Lime. Durham I‘.0., May 25th, 1880 THE LATESTp NOYELTIpPs TSSUEN of Marriage Licenses, Fir LifeInsurnnce A gent, Commissionerin B A. Farnished. Work Superiatended and #od | Charges Modernwe. ied miank Cutting done to Order. l)L.\.\'S. Specifications, I-I~tim-lmi Furnished. Work Sanerintended ase Priceville 1880 DUNDALK ,Ont Willbe at Harting‘s Hote), Sholburne . ove daysand Priday,from 10 o‘clook a . m .to 4 €7 & Burgery, will visit 4 Ducsday (Fair Day) to t every month, where he will be most hapy wpon all th-lme that may favor him with t Fonage. All work entrusted to him wil formed in the Jatest and most approv BRaunmumenor , any of the leading Dentist LC ALEXANDER BRO T THE ROCKYVILLE MILLS Dundalk,Murch 20th 1870 Â¥Y _ aim.to Noon, Athome,2nd © BMentinck,after noon .\ Messages for the Jutherford‘sattended to . a argoquantity of JOISTE, Lot 41,C \\'. G. . Bentinck. DRacEULrre Also Ladies® & A.Z Bolicitors in Chancery, Conveya Owen Sound, have resumed at Floshort apen every Thursday as beretofore . ALFRED FROST, J . W .rRO County Crown Attorney . June 24th . 180. DR. LIGHTRODY W‘LL be at his Office, Hano , w41 . to Noon . Athome Jnd Sead @Mee, Winghain ‘Lure â€"1IUramin Done in 35 different Btyles, B _ _MISCELLANEOUS® _ W.M. CLARK. Architect and Build spoectfullyr soliqitec Casual advertisements charged 8 o for the first insertion, and 2 cents per s#ubsequent insortion . Nonperiol me Ordinary notices of births, marri all kinds of looa} n.'u.umu-rt::l t ?: ?' Amimale, &o , advoertised for 81, the advertisement not to exc« _ AAvertisoments, except when asee instructions to the contrary, m. and vhl':i‘:i ::‘:v.;:l‘n Wul dexigns in Silver tro Plated Ware wi Meoney to Lean. Two inches or 24 lines Nonpariel Quarter column, por your Half column, ied One column, * Do. six months % Do. _ three months... Professional and business cards BUSINESS' DIRE â€"LEGAL 12. Z. NI xX Co» â€"TKBMS:â€"s1.00 por year JACKES & PRINGLE LT'I'ORNE\'S at Law, Bolic Offceâ€"Lower Town, Durham. B.JACKES, B. A. Bt. A. Every ‘Thar At the Oflce, Garafraxs Street, ARRISTERS and Attorney E.D. MACMILLAX TroRXxEY â€"Atâ€"Law, & . opposite Parker‘s Drug Btore, T PRCEVILLE, Osr or the County of Grex RATES OF abvyERT â€Mm.p«)‘r MARKDALY . DONAGHY, MEDICAL. DE NEDESITE L J. TOWNSEXD, 1 moderat« many Cnetomars J. W. CRAWFOR & Gents® BSEAL®, CHAIXE JS Kelsey‘s old Stan yi1g 8. JEROME,. 14 received sinee oo I state thiat I 4 i to execute work 18PUBL I*WEp HTXG 4 «o. &o INX