i â€"Â¥a9 92 0 i# MDve Two Organs. Regulate first the stomach, second the liver ; especially the first,so as to perform their funcâ€". tions perfectly and you will remove at least nineteenâ€"twentieths of all the ills that manâ€" kind is heir to, in this or any other climate. Hop BRitters is the only thing that will give perfectly healthy natural action to these two organs.â€"Maime Farmer, In Virginia, when a man is conviected of burglary for the third time, the law conâ€" siders him confirmed m the bad habit and relieves the community of its fears by sending him to the penitentiary for life. People have no more right to become dysâ€" peptic, and remain gloomy and miserable, than they have to take poison and commit suicide, It the stomach becomes weak and fails to perâ€" form its functions, Burdock Blood Bitters will speedily remedy the trouble, You will not be sorry for hearing betore judging, h&h before speaking, for being kind to the distressed, for being patâ€" ient townards everybody, for doing good to all men, for being courteous to all, nor for using Esterbrook‘s Steel Pens, which are The official report shows the number of families burned out by the Michigan bush fires last September to be 8,075, and the total loss $2,251,565, or an average of $732 per family, ; Moved by Agnew, seconded by Johnson, that this council adjourn till March 2nd.â€" time, signed, sealed and Byâ€"law Book.â€"Carried. Moved by Black, seconded by Re that Byâ€"law No. 242, having been first and second time, be now read cer, milage, and the as-'iaza;ntr ;le;iu fees included, and the Reeve issue his order for the same.â€"Carried. se en e e t . law Book.â€"Carried. Moved by Agnew, seconded by Jolhnson, that Alox. MceConnell receive the sum of $4.40 for services as deputy weturning offiâ€" Moved by Robinson, seconded by Black, that Byâ€"law No. 241, having been read a first and second time, be now read a third time, signed; sealed and engrossed in Byâ€" L. wl as w .02 Book.â€"Carried. Moved by Black, seconded by Robinson, that byâ€"law NO. 240 having now been read a first and second time, be read a third time, signed, sealed and engrossed in Byâ€"law x M e .ls Moved in amendment by Black, secondâ€" ed by Johnson, that John MeMurdo be apâ€" pointed Assessor for the present year, and that he receiye $75 for his services, proâ€" vided ho furnish satisfactory security.â€" Carried. Moved by Agnew, seconded by Robinse that Wm. Boyd be appointed Assessor the year 1882, and that his salary bo $ provided he furnish satisfactory security W i.4 Moved by Johnson, seconded by Agnow that the reeve issue an order for $20 as supplement to Government grant to poor sehool according to motion of council of 22nd Feb. 1881, in favor of School Section No. 11, township of Proton.â€"Carried. TTTRWETHE al and 24 cou. 10, be placed on the Collector‘s roll at a valuation of 1§5 each to Walter Deans.â€"Carried, Moved by Johnson, seconded by Agnew, that Thos. Hanbury be appointed township Anditor, and that the Reeye appoints J, D, MeFadyen, and that their remuneration bo] #6 each.â€"Carried. Moved by Agnew, seco son, that lots 21 and 22 eo on the Collector‘s roll at a each to Walter Deans.â€"C Moved by Johnson, seconded by Agnew, that James Hanna receive $1 for services as eonstable on election day m polling booth No. 5.â€"Carried. _ _ ___" *rooimnson, that the Deputy Reeve represent division No.1, and Mr. Black division No. 22â€"Carried. Moved by Black, seconded by Robinson, that the Treasuror‘s half yearly report hayâ€" ing been read to the council, it be received and filed in the Clerk‘stoffice.â€"Carried. Moved by Agnew, seconded by Robinâ€" son, that C. W. Rutledge‘s bill for ballot papers and stationery for raunicipal eleeâ€" tion, 1882, amounting to $1.385, Le paid.â€" Carried. Moved by Black, seconded by Robinson, | that the Clerk writo to Mr. Buekley about , the work let on town line between Wost ‘ Luther and Proton, and to know from him |, what proceeding he took about the same, and let the Reeve deal with the matter acâ€" 1 eording to Mr, Buckley‘s certificate.â€" Carried. MISCELLANEOUS I CORnet â€" CRTREd, Moved by Black, seconded by Jolnson, the following parties be paid for the use of houses for polling places for the present year: Jas. Menzies, division No. 1 $2 50; John Searlett, division No. 2, $2 50; Dunâ€". ean MeMillan, division No. 3, $2 50; James Frazer division No. 4, $250; Alexander MeConmell, diyision No. 5, $2 50.â€"Car. stis T COn Wikdnnin »reupcind t se that the eollector be notified by the clerk to reduce the amount of James Stephens taxes on lot 18, con. 6. by $8.44, asf it apâ€" pears that this arrears is due on 2 acres of N. E. corner of said lot, reserved at the time ‘ of his purchase of lot 18. son. 6, in the year 1876, said arrears to be enterel by eollector ngains said two meres.â€"Carried. Moved by Agnew, seconded by Robinâ€" son, that John Little be refanded the sum of $176, taxes paid in error, and the Reeve issue an orded for the same.â€"Carried, rk write to Mr. Buckley about ot on town line between West Proton, and to know from him eding he took about the same, Reeve deal with the matter acâ€" seconded by Robinson t Proton.â€"Carried. , seconded by Robinson, appointed Assessor for that his salary be $75 , seconded by Robinâ€" ing been read a ow read a third engrossed in the in favor of L O Mephsd Aibatiigtatictscista is Ti 5. *_ , o a uC CATTied.| Wright, that A. Webster Esq., be Deputy , seconded by Agnew, | Reeve for the year 1882.â€"Carried. notified by the clerk Communications presented and read as t of James Stephens follows, from S. J. Parker Esq, Thomas 5. by $8.44, asf it Spâ€" | LancerEsq., J. Whitby Esq., D. A. Creasor s is due on 2 neres of Esq., and R. McLain Purdy Esq. , reserved at the time Mr. C. C. James was appointed auditor, t 18. son. 6, in the as the selection of the Reeve and Mr. Wm. ‘s to be enterel by Brown as the selection of the Council. Mr.] frow mamue s Aratrmas ts Bre i in accal s m & @@z u.. _ 10 P0rough us are noticed in the Sorexererc Axrrtcas, This large and splendid illusterated weekly paper, $3.20a year, shows the Progress of science, is very interesting, and has an enormous cireulation, Address MUNXN « CO., Patent Solicitors, Publishers of Sctexttrtc Amertca®. 37 Park Ruw,l New York. Hand book about Patents sent froa iha Tr:sP 3 °q1 _0 "12rKs, Copyrights, etc., for the United States, Canada, Cuba, England, France, Germany eto. We Rhave had thirty.â€" five years experience. Patents obtained through us are noticed in the Setexrrerc Argrtcas. This large and splendid illusterated weekly paper, $3.20a year, shows the Progress of science, is very interesting. and has an s1 .. _ ___" Nor 1 Y We continue to 2ct as 8. Caveats, Trade Marks, ( the United States, Canac grance, Germany eto. â€" W PATEN TS Tw uC MIUTE S | Reeswater...... * #15 t 3:0 Orangeville.... * 8i5g | " T:3 Toronto..........arr. 114 " 9:5( Business men and travellers generally fro: arts nlong the line of Railway will be enabl ï¬:\ve home in the morning, have FIVE HMOuRS ix TORONTO, . BReoturn the Same Day. TAKE THE sHoRrT ROUTE. For THE KEY To HEALTH, gwen B?nnd.. .dt‘r_p: Ccranar: or tamr. Fast trains, with now passenger equipment and powerful engines, will be run us follows ;â€" Toronto.........dep. 715 a.m, 4:10 p.m. Orangeville.... * tib 4 C:50 " Toeswator......orr, 2:00 p.m. 10:35 " Owen Sound... " 115 0@ awae on On and after THURSDA 1881, there will be an entire ther particulars seo Timo T St. Joln, N. B., is at presont the scene of a Canada Temperance Act campaign, {Bot!x parties are organizing, and prot. Fosâ€" tor and Mr. E. King Dodds are expected to do the talking. Some local excitement has leen caused in archsological circles by the discovery. of a stone, bearing supposed ancient charâ€" aciors, near Bobeaygeon. Many stories are afloat concerning it, and scientific tests are in progress, owonto, December 1st, 1381 mrmeet mt t lt K4. The damage to the Peterborough Court House by the late gale amounts to about $1,000. One half of the tin roof was lifted off and deposited in fragments on the adâ€" jcining premises. \ Toronto, Grey & Bruce RAILWAY, Steel Rails Throughout, J. Rutherford $12.00, Thos Lauder for $1.05; R. J. Sproule, postage, §$8.17; W. J. Bellymy, qr. salary, $37.50; and nominâ€" ation and other Election expenses $6.00; A R. Faweett, printing, $9.25. Council adjourned to meet on first Monâ€" day in Feb. 1882. Council will meet on the first Monday in each month during the year. W. J. Beutany, Clerk. Wooden This Railw The f. be paid. The Reeve was requested advice reâ€"collecting taxes ch Lots 7 & 8 Kinross St. Price Collector for Ward No. 4 to . ance with the same. Thomas granted $5.00 he being in ind stances. STANDARD GAUGE The Reeve Deputy Reeve and Mr. Wright were appointed a committee to whom all .application for aid to indigents shall be reforred during the year. The Reeve and Clerk were requested to sign a petition to the Legislative assembly relative to T. G. & B. R. and have the same forâ€" warded to D.A. Creasor Esa..‘Owan Sanna Wm. Betts was refunded $5.84 being arrears taxes charged in error on his lots in Engenia in 1878. M. Akitt was refundâ€" ed $2.82 for same cause. J. W. Hoath was refunded $4.00 for statute labor performed in 1878, on his lot in Eugenta, said labor having been charged, but satisfactory proof having been produced that it was justly performed. _ 1 nomas tnibert was refunded $2 being statute labor returned in error by the Pathâ€" master, Wm. Book was refuanded +3 being for statute labor performed on lots parts 20 & 21 3rd S. D. R. said lot having been placed on the N. R. Roll for 1831. 1 of the country, the line hiri \;ith peateiintnicitetriatstondiciatts itc cias 1 d 21 13 John Whitby was appointed assessor for 1882 and Byâ€"laws were passed confirming the above appointments also a byâ€"law to extend the time for return of Collector‘s and the ffrEe on Bridges Heplaced by Fron. ufl.\:r‘ THURSDAY, 8w DECEMBER wilh Tou ase aclablls The newly glected Conneil of Artemesia for 1882, met in Town Hall. Flesherton,on Monday Jan. 16th,present Messrs. Christoe (Reeve) Webster, Elliott, Wright and Pedâ€" lar, after each had taken the necessary deâ€" claration of qualification and office, the Reeve took the chair when the following business was transacted. Thomas Gilbert was refunded §2 ollowing accounts were ordered to Minutes of last noet;ag read and bas new boen changed to the as .\‘ulicito.ra_ for Patents, Artemesia Council. 115 EDMUXND WRAGGE, ; tagy Oeneml Mnnugor, ung taxes charged against ro«s St. Priceville, and the ard No. 4 to actin aeccord. > in LBnS 3:30 p.m. «+ 2:00 p.m, h 7:30 p.m. 8 9:50 p.m. ers gencrally from all way will be enabled to , have TORONTO, AND risor Esq.,"Owen Sound. requested to get legal ___~â€".Staple and Fancy Dry Goods "’ / MILLINERY, MANTLES, Readyâ€"Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Berlin Felt Goods, Groceries, &c. ss=> Sn yeg en Thomas Manders was g in indigent cireumâ€" les. the discovery ancient charâ€" Many stories scientific tests 410 io "=" 1035 " 1015 " "=Boots and Shoes! furâ€" Durham, Noy. Prompt attention given to all Orders. None but first class hands employed, and guarantee to give a it Btand Snfteinstion. The Big Push The Highest Price paid in Empire Horse & Cattle Food for Sale Is the place to get your Suits Made. Coat, Vest, â€"Pants, Overcoat or Ulsterette, A full line of Grooeries, School Books Seed Grain, &c. Tea Sets, CROCKERY, CROCKERY. In their Season ; Best brand of OYsTERS China Cups and Mugs, Toys Confectionery and ‘‘*AA4 iRiAio and Window Blinds, Fancy Work Boxes and Writing Desks, Berlin and other Wools, Mottoes and Pictures, Photograph and Autograph Albums, Toilet Sets, Vases, WALL PAPERS and Window Blinds Durham, Sept. 8, 1881 Tailoring Establishment, School Books and Stationery . ", â€" 1t ersigned takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous Friends and Customers for past patronage in his pruentYme of business, and hopes to merit a continuance of the same, and would beg leave to announce that he is now receiving instalments of his The undersigned takes this 0; SCHOOL BOOK DEPOT Family and Pocket Bibles NEW DRY GOODS. Call and inspect at the Cheap Store of Noyember 10, 1881 8 Cases just to hand from the Best Makers, Durham, Jan. 16 1882 Upper â€" Town and invites inspeetion of the same, , English, and Amelican Fashions Received. Has just received a very Large Stock F‘rice paid in Tash for all kinds of Grain, Butter, Eggs Fresh Oatmeal always on hand and exchanged for Oats. CHRISTMAS GOOD®S:! Durham. October 20, 1881 toj B JAMES BURNET, Which will be sold China, Glasware, &c , Revised Testaments, Presentation Books, THOMAS JONES, , and many other things too numerous to mention, _ DURIILAM, Always on hand a FUSL STOCK of very cheap, of Crockery, consisting of . L. GRANT. Upperâ€" Town, Durham. Nuts; Fruits and Small Wares, em1092 , &c. Double and Sing}e‘cntï¬n, and which he is offering at as Low Prices as ever anld at â€" R. McFARLANE, Of the Durham Carriage CUTTERS . Tea Sets, 44 pieces, for $2.70. Crystal Sets, dozen. Wine Glasses, Tumblers, Glass W Btew Pans, Napies, Matte, Plates, Oval Vegetable Dishes, Pudding Dithes, Cu which he feels fully confident cannot fail to s receiving more New _ Falt and â€" w At the A Large Stock of all sizes, always on hand. PICTURE FRAME MOULDING A Large Stock always on hand BUILDING HARDWARE Paint, Varnish, Varnishes, Furniture and Carriage, the best qualities and the Lowest Price. Boiled and raw Linseed Oil, White Lead, I keep the best Oils in Town & sell them cheap for Cash Big reductions for large quantities. Machine Oils, Machine Oils t\elestemiest C aleclemty Of the DCSt. quality. A first class Assortment of Tinware Always kept in Stock. Job Work promptly attended to. HARRIS & Co. Lamps, Lamps! in all varieties At HARRIS & Co‘s, Durham PAINTER‘S MATERIAL Great Bargains in Stoves Hunovonhndudfor&k,. Small Profits and quick returns shall be our Motto. Durham, Nov. 10, 1881. [ t DL D g ui 0A omm coeet 1008 Trom ©1.,90, ries, Boots and Shoes, &c., Cheap and Good , November 17th, 1881. JOHN CAMERON, -,“‘ Horse, Serub and Shoe Brushes, Always famous for Good and Cheap TEAS Leading Hardwa,fe' W'S't;)x/'e Upper Town, Durham. T.J. ADIE. in Aaky s Ui!, White Lead, the best brands in the market, Venctian Red, Whiting and all dry colors. ROCEKE fNo* fail to command a ; Profits and Quick Returns, OUT, LOOK OUT! BRUSHES. of Nails, Glass, Locks, Hinges, Door Bells, &e., &c. ital Sets, 4 picces, 502, 75¢ and $1.00, Goblets &1 I Glass Water Pitchers, Comports, Custards, Fern Jugs, s, Oval Preserve Dishes, Salters, Egg Cups, Vases, "hes, Custard Bowls, Bedroom Sets from 8$1.50, e t‘ For Cash, number of Elegant and Well Made . McKECHNIE. Frames made to order Winter e lbs for 81. Five lbs of Hyson per 1b. Try our Teas, r040 46e ame" Lib 'Stâ€â€˜f"â€""{ï¬â€™ 9t Tetran / Latches, Ciothes Hooks , any size, Very Cheap, Works, Good=s ! His motto is Small Fire proof paint, Tea $1.75, per 192 Cattle, Sheep, Hogs & Horses, 22056, Or iSt and Faceâ€"g Bofllk Tau Salt Rheun Ulcers, Sore: Discease, N« nesses and ®" | Affections ¢ Emaciation, 8, BV itt canw For Sale at all Times. TF Subscriber wishos to intimate to Butchers, Andany other person in want of It is folly to cxgvcrimem with the numerâ€" ous low'lvricod mixtures, of cheap materials, and without medicinal virtues, offered as bloodâ€"puritiers, while disease becomes more firmly seated." Aver‘s Samsarammia is a medk‘llaaoli T-u-h concentrated ('urali\"o power, that it is by far the best, cheapest, and most Nlhbley bloodâ€"purifier | known. 2{"0&" knmow its composition, and pre be it. It has been wi(lg-ly used for forty m and has won the unqualified conutl« Of millions whom it has benefited. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., _ * By its searching and cl it purges out the foul cc contaminate the blood and ment and decay, |It stimula the vital functions, promo strength, restores aud. prese infuses new life and vigor whole system. No suffere ease which arises from i blood need despair who w Barsaramicta a fair trial. hamm oas 2c on o33 200 22200000700.â€" medictne known or available to the public, The sciâ€" ences of medicine and chemistry have never produced so valuable a remedy, nor one so rotellt to cure all diseases resulting from mpure blood. _ It cures Berofula and all serofulous diseases, Erysipelas, Rose, or St. Anthony‘s Fire, Pimples and Faceâ€"grubs, Pustuwles, Bloiches, Bolllkh Tumors, _ Tetier, Humors, Sait eum, Scaldâ€"head, Ringâ€"worm, Ulcers, Bores, IRheumatism, Mercnrial Discase, Neuralgia, _ Female Weakâ€" nesses and IrreguiÂ¥rities, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Emaciation, and General Debility. m ies d o mt ' oCE PCTTDTY faind _ most effectnal alterative . m« known or available to the public, T ences of medicine and chemistry have produced so valuable a remedy, nor « Sovnnesy GET0IT POVE Is a compound of the virtres of sarsaparit la, Stillingia, mandrake, yellow doek, with the ijodide of potash and bron, all powerful bloodâ€"making, bloodâ€"cleansing, and lifeâ€"susâ€" taining elements. 1t is the purest, safest, BHBâ€" amowse C nge nc 0 T 4 I P £ Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. BOLD EY ALL Drousersts everyworere o SS C PR TTTH '-gn 6 Colored Platos, $00 Eng cen ln' pn'wrcu\‘urs; ©1,00 in cl German or English, DOaxcD C PSAE UTC LNA "l.'lhol"l.om Gum® will tell } Table or a Holidey Preson and Post Office mddross, w 3:“: a c(épyi postage 1 cost. Itis print German, If you aftorwar the 10 ets. n"_g“:l SEEDS aro For ISS2 is on Mlogant Book of es imo Colored Pintes of Flow more thin $000 EMustentions of t Flowers, Plunts and Vogetabjos wnd Di gowiua. It is handsome cnough for : wble or a Holidu® Dracaue c P Aro pleasont Purgative. Is a destroyer of wo Viek® ERELMIANXS WORX PowDERS. w c ma Te‘ G0 me crowded assemblies, gitting in a cooling too rapidly after exercise, warm and changing to lighter wra dAnP feet, Nomatter wh it %‘rd # Pecioral Balsam is the throat and luny Giseasos that indu LE C flood, and we had to go mbonut in boate. TSC, J% has no equal in the wo;hrf.‘"' ::‘ in . For sale 1 ; & *n;o.-udfl sale by all dealer, at A lady who had been tm\’e!]ing in n‘l’ was askhd by a friend how she “knd ‘.en. tee "O! very much ind66d," was the reply. * I was unfortunate enongh, however, {o arrive therejust at the tims nt a _ U howluas® xn _ 1 _0 CWHE, mM.: sprains and bruises, â€" For internal an 4 ©Xtap. nse, It has no equal in the world ¢o, 1[C" Py d Sn ie 20 ' MHanyard‘s Yellow in Will be "...d ‘IVI!I.NO“M‘ all PUPDOSag of a family ‘Iniment. | Immediate relict Will follow its use in all cases of pain in the #*omach bowels or f‘“".‘ rheumatism, cotia MB Sopatations SAL . â€" point of population, in Great Britain, hay, ’“ 450,000 inhabitants. ~It Jns Npwards of 144 miles of public streets, the largest shipyards and the largest chemica] works in the world, and two dlimneyl~oue 450 and the recond 460 foet high‘wln‘eh Are unegualled in height by any ever built, '.c;:li' ilii;e;.â€"('»'mn'uj ':_ln«'a:.' llall.' pply on the prem NE About 1 smile north of Priceville. Illust_rated Florel Guide s Flowor and * ing and cleansing qualities t.bf' foul corruptions which orses, that he is blood and cause «derange~ It stimulates and enlivens 18, dq-nnuota energy and and preserves health, and and vigor throughout the io sufferer from any dis« 8 from impurity of the ir who will give Aven‘s JAMES ROBB. The Canses of ¢ , Bootland, is e _ * '-l].ï¬nn {.n nglm.imddtyo in VICK‘S to take. Contain theirown _anfo, eure, nnd effectual rms in Children or Adults. overheated in oegxetatile€: arden, 175 wha ea C of Hlowers Ungnurineâ€"32 ‘mlmr: and many ar ; Five Copies t for 10 cents; 3 to get und grow 8 the :« induce old be likeq Yen. was the reply f lmw"-,r' i9 ‘ of n han. 0V Tooms op ‘ dn:m Ped ) m ontlngg is the Cause * oure for all #8, â€" For 850 €loth.‘ In 130 Pag» the tions fop â€" Contop hervy t) a lanely . «inua for th «h th She throw he beguar received, ** Mony thank shall uwjl the 1 **Bless thee, ledd charity on puir auld Buch were the wretched looking fi arine, as, leaning on appeared on the boa F1 hope th ard extr anion : Cathar hor H ‘Ad 1 M BRACBLRTS, _ .__ Also Lndies‘ & Gents® GOLD & Silver WA Key and Stem Windrr atost in Hall Parlor and Mrmckop mo beantifal dssigns in Silver ae}® tro Phated Ware at AMERICAN JEWE Colored & Bright Go LOCKET®, BE AL Ti W B Betw mt y my ly M y sommmemens anane se a gloru toru: anm db aspart thyse to curse deenmest crown. i th v bar I V to irt MiNG® 1" «jacul for I '&v\- a THUE LATEST xovrri11 with en t The White Rose of i go, where thou lo people shall be my ue "THE GREY h . was the iry | bRuty lle b wW,. F, DoIJ® ypesctffills solerted . kir th tt Whit W HISTORICAL SKicr appel t h 18 PUBLISH BEALS, ty W here