Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 11 Dec 1879, p. 3

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ark Farm, he yreat stock . revw t, TMA »1| the Sromen: * distance was «d out and the en n«rM city lnnnits avel s arrived “ when t'\lfi'* »1SOmO K % ol ie resig h 4 ec be ;“. mevig + the grovnd. red nearly s P Fhese were al} certions of the e three saved ’lpnufl d t was the only m«lestruction. site to where anparently rth hich were rain of al® ote. Out e ‘N’CU.. arc=, tem ‘re burnt. The vreat 23 Ly 24; : all gane. Shorthoru Shorthoree se, 270 by iâ€"heartedâ€" of thee he worthy .01 sense, he great 45 high, threaizecd ar below n the in in thi i number 52 grand twenty d .'rmul- entirely %, with eniance, ad MtWt yht, nor Lre nunbey im box formed, n forthâ€" n made ntil the e w 0‘." taines Foinnerk t'lel'fl” ollectâ€" t time. 'Il‘ not i table 1 that T here manV but in Â¥ ie Venys rd by r thi umeelâ€" 1009 3 after br@be Bye and the the 1t Ared ye Ruaring a recent heavy eye‘one in the lay ..c';;...,-p.t the sturm wave swont over gluhishaull Island, drowning several hanâ€" eomplete defeat of Hakim Khan, of Tura. Hakim Khan besiegsd Tashkourgan with 5,000 men, the Chinese garreon namberâ€" ing only 2,000 ; butâ€"all of Hakim Khan‘s Kirghiz foree deserted, leaving only 1,800 Sarts. â€" Hakim retired with those into the corntry of the Kirghiz, which he ravaged, and then started for Russia laden with pooty. â€" The Chineso from Tashkourgan wertook Hakim on the 21st of mber in the Kizalart defile, and slew fi}:;..a n'.b men. dion Catherine Giyune, daughter of Sir Stephen Richard Glynve, ot WMawarden Castle Flintshire. Their union has been blessed by eight children, all of whom, save one, survive. life until nos carly man." from office he finding that tl Terrace, whi eighteen year he perted wit house in Ha house in H elains upon led to the sa tion of val virtne varionus ways. . It is when Prime Minister heen found in the hum In the month of July, 1839, Mr. Gladâ€" «tone was married to a lady who is almost a« distinguished for her many benevolent wnd social qualities as Mr. (iladstome is in political and public Tfe. The name of Mrs, Gladstone is widely known as that of a practical philanthropist, while to Mr. Gladstone himseifâ€"we may, perhaps, be pardoned for sayingâ€"she has ever been that interested sharer in his tritmphs and eonsoler in his defeats, which the late Vicountess Beaconsheld was to is Parliaâ€" wentary rival. Mrs. Gladstone was Miss snn n t l 4 4 _ _ Tws Kasmoar Revour.â€"â€"It is reported that the Kashgar revolt has ended by the s®ensous TD eep in Ihuabit of Wiltiame Ewart Glad John Dright, but his elogt e« greater breadth, foree than that of any of his The memory of other spe fuin; ut the effeet of ma stone‘s parliamentary orati indeltbly stamoed unon the i«A helped him is the clection at Liverpool in 1812. After the declaration of the poll Camming addressed the populace from the balcony of "Mr, Gladstone‘s house.. The rom of his host was then about three years <f age, and "as soon as he was able to understand anything of public men aud public movements and events, the name of Cannuing began to cexercise that strange tascination over the mind of William Ewart tiladstone which has never wholly passed away." ‘The following passage is descripâ€" tive of Mr. Gladston» as an orator :â€"*"His voriee is.of itself a great gift, being rieh, full, and sonorous. Speaking generally of his oratety, in certain individanl respects he is infericr to Lord Beacousfield and Mr. John Bright, but his eloquence altogether Lo« greater breadth, force, and versatility than that of any of his contemporaries. The memory of other speeenes may grow fuinJ ut the effcet of many of Mr, Gladâ€" stone‘s parliamentary orations must recaain indelibly stamped upon the minds of those who beard them. While he has a powerâ€" fnl frad of sarea=m, and is not destitaic of a certain kind of hnmour, who can equal hing im comprehensiveness, in mastery of letail, in moral fervour, and intensity of ive of Mr. Giadston> as an voiee is.of itself a great gift, ind sonorous. Speaking g ratety, in certain individe is inferier to Lord Beacon John Bright, but his eloque Mr. Gindstone is descended from a Clydesdale family whose fortunes decayed during the seventeenth century. _ His grandfather, Thos. Gladstonc, was a corn merchant in Leith, an enterprising man with an aptitude for business, and blesssed with no fewer than sixteen children, twelve of whom reached maturity. The eldest son, John Gladstone, was taken into the busiwess at the age of twenty one, but being commissioned to go to Liverpool to sell a cargo of grain, his demeanour and business eapabilities induced one of the leading Liverpool merchants, Mr. Gorme, to ask his futher to allow him to settle at that port. This laid the foundation of John: (Gladstone‘s fortwne. He became a member «£ Mr. Gorvie‘s firm, and by his energy at a cvitical juneture he saved the house from rmin, and establisked his own reputation tor sagneity and resource. In early life | We give Lelow a lengthy notice,from one of onr exclgnges, of Mr. Gladstone, who, perhAps is the ablest statesman now living. His public appearances in Midlothian have elicited the utmost enthnsiasm, and Ingh nuthorities proncounte kis speech on the financial policy of Besconâ€"field‘s Governâ€" ment as destructive of ccnfdsrce in the Conservative party. nstant T oU 4s M valuabl Ser tl establuished Ins own reputation ity and resonrce. In early life dstone was a Whig, but like many : becaine a supporter of Canning, Mr. Gladstone. W ly 1nd nc y wistone lides land Ire has Uh il th ibit 1ses, Poa numerous d to hrve RD vinced in at n House engaged plunged & , io ie as been nd at all be means y pas maller m n an tired and r i POAS 20« soeveerre en esn eer sn 6es 2i to 08 Barley, t« ... 0 48 to 0 50 | Wool per JF... .+. «+« scrvexvereee" OWE EOE AFOU | Flour per bbl................... 570 to 700 l Cabbage per doz............... _ 86 to 48 Tarkeys per 1b. .....cscs0ek006}. 0 to _ 00 | Geese *5 . cenivrescsnenuer 0 to _ 00 , Onions per pushel.......... . 0(0 to 0 00 | Cord wood, clp‘ per cord... 0 00 to 0 00 [ BAEREK FOF M sssussrecressesess 15to â€" 16 | EggS PCF COZ..cseseeereneee+++ 14 to _ 15 * H4D CMFYyececrererreerss ESS PCY O L «ccrerscccenkruss . Pogitoes, per hag............‘ Furpips, por bash..ss,....... Hay . PF COM+sres > ++ > > saenper MOUNT FOREST MARKETS Confederate Oflice, Dec. 9, 1879, Flour per barrel...............85 50 to§6 00 Oatmeal per barrel............ 4 50 to 5 00 Fall WheRt........c«scssessec.ss 1 0%0 1 28 Treadwell Wheat............... 1 18 to 1 21 Spring Whoust.................... 1 10 to 1 20 THHENEY scr ces ccunnnvrsirscersccre‘ves W Oy tur O S 1./g8, DOF @OZeceaeees > Wood, dry, per cord Wool, P@PF Mr.ccccecee .+ Apples, per bag........ Oats Spring Barley Oats, Peas, Wool per Ib.. Sueep skins... l:'m\E Skins... Hides per ewt HHY wc6arte8t6ean Fall Wheat, per bush ...... Spring Wheat * Barley, NC . veuess Oats, $* Peas, *# serem Drassed Hogs, per 100 lbs Butter, rolls, per Ib......... Potatocs per bag RHLEEOE .. «ccrenncrure Fall W DPressed Hogs per 100 lb Butter, rolls per lb. ... * _ large rolls per lb a+ tab dairy * * Eggs, fresh 4 Sheepskins cach... Potatoes, per bag cent Lottles have emeed Coughs and Colds, which have been proof against all other reme. lic>, and the proprictors positively claim that 1 81 Dott‘e will ensure a larse family again t wmy danger from Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Loss of Voice. Coughs ind Colds, and all kindred discases, for a Fall Wheat Spring * CRHDSsr is uie0+ Aged People. To pass from poverty to wealth is only changing mincr'{. but to pass from illness to health is hke fying from this world to paraâ€" dise. Many aged people who are troubled with derangements of the urinary organs would find reliet by using Victoria Buchu and Uva Ursi, which is prepared expres«ly to meet their cxses anl cure diseases of the secretory system, 81 per bottle. â€"Lb94 The value of land in Treland 18 so depreâ€" ciated at this moment, says London Vanity Fair, that in the Lavded Estates Comt, the other day, Jmdige Flanagan declined to allow the sale of an estate in Roscommon, for which no higher offer cou‘!d be chtained than fourteen years‘ purchase. _ There were no fewer than seven estates for sale that day, November 7, but only four were sold. â€" For iwo of these there w «s absoluteâ€" ly n A [ ir was held last Tuesday night at the Presbyte.iim clhumich, corner of Broad and Oxford street, Philadelphia, to Jefray the expenses of a new organ. Early next mornâ€" ing the decorations caught fire. Everything combustible, including the new organ, was destroyed. Loss,$100,000; insured for §42,â€" 500. Advices from St. Petersburg state that a full meecting of the Imperial Council will be held on Tuesday, to exumime the internal situation of Rassia, and determine on a poâ€" liey. _ It is believed the decision will be of momentous importanc for Russia and the whole of Enrope. Advices from St full mecting of the held on Tuesday, sitnation of Rassia Since the opening of the year 181 divorees have peen applied fur in the County Courts of Detroit, aud wich few exceptiens have been granted. _ The canses assigned are chiefly desertion, drunkenness, or refusal to support. A new Spanish Ministry was formed on Tuesday, with ‘Canoves del Castillo as Prime Minister.â€" It is said that the new Ministry will commund a large majority in both Houses. Five wives have turned up to contest the settlement of the estate of the late Col. Walter Price, of Caldwell, on Lake George, who died recently, worth a couple of m‘« fions. The value of Wheat in the Canadian Market s coutrolled to a great extent by the foreign emand. If crops are short in Russis, France nd India, England must buy more Canadian Vheat, ind the price consequently advances. ut the price of Wilson‘s Compound syrup £ Wild Cherry never changos, A twentyâ€"tive ent bottle will ctire any ordinary Cough or ‘old and give marked reliet in old standing ases of Bronchitis. In hundreds of cases 50 ent Lottles have cmed Coughs and Colds, The Arizona ftotm New York, which was seriously datmaged by a collision with an iceberg off the bauks of Newfoundland, has arrived at Liverpool. . Among the deaths reported by cable is that of the Duke of Portland, a nobletwarn long noted for lifs retiring and eccentric disposition. Heary snow storms are reported througl»â€" out Central and Southern Europe, +<ed « Lawet® ; r>l A, â€" Â¥2 W%fiâ€"\g . F ) bidding Ths Price of Wheat. DURHAM MARKETS. Durnarx, Dec. 11, 1879 per 10J lbs............§2 75 to §3 NoA * <++ 2 50 to 2 Fersk * 0 4C sscsscres TW 0 y t .. * 0 90 to 1 hadfiiihe 0 50 to 0 WALXS3TON MARKET®. Bec. &. 1 MISCEI LaiNEOUS. PUXDALK MARKETS, Dusxvacs, Dac. 3, 1879, rieat, per bush No. 1 $1 05 to $1 18 *4 hi * % 105 to 1 10 +* *+ * °L 1 60 to 1 16 x+ i ... 0 80 to 00 w# ... 028 to 0 29 *# ... 0 40 to 0 52 Hogs per 100 lbs... 400 to 4 25 roils per lb. ........ _ 16 to _ 18 large rolls per h. ... 00 to On tab dairy * ** .. 0J to 00 resh o e ols 12 to 15 TORONTO MARKETS. Tozoxto, Dec. 10, 1879. »ty boast, but a fact which al proven by thousands of C.na their enire satisfaction. R. Chan Glasgow bushel..... *4 â€"@= m + $1 28 to 1 % to 85 to $1 7 50 to 10 00 1 05 to 1 10 to 0 27 to 0 30 to 0 45 to 8 00 to 0 45 to 6 0 0 0 0 0 87 to 62 to 5 15 to 18 to 19 to 18 to 0 69 to 0 35 to 0 28 to 0 55 to 0 40 to 0 18 to 0 14 to 0 00 to 0 00 to 0 60 to 7 50 to 7 50 to | 10 to £8 to 51 to 0 48 to 0 00 to 00 to 00 to 50 to 40 to 14 to 12 to 50 to 18 to 75 to 10 to 60 to 45 to 12 to 28 to 55 to 40 to 18 to 1870. $3 00 $1 39 0 29 0 46 0 50 9 00 0 50 5 10 0 50 0 30 0 57 0 20 0 20 0 60 0 16 0 00 0 OO 1 00 8 00 7 50 0 55 .?l) 60 5() () U8 12 20 13 50 20 10 14 12 IX Con mon Sehool Seetion No.7, Townâ€" ship of Glenelg. Third Class M ds or Female, For fu: ther particulars apply to Alecander Beator, William H. Arrowsmith, Trustecs, P.mona P.0., or to F. Mackae, Durham P. 0. A splendid 1. cof Silver and Electro Plated Crttets, Cake Baskets, Butter Coolers, Napkin Rings, &e., &c. Gold and Silver Watches, all sizes and prices. A Lot of Cal, Gold Het«, Coral sets, Black sets, G«1d Lockets, Ca.uins, Scals, Pencils, Pens, &¢., &e,; Also u very nise line of FANUY GOODA. Please call and see these Goods before finrchulug olsewhere. Agent for the celobrated Heintsinan Pino and Domintor Organ. W. F. DOLL, Watchmaker, &c., Flesherton & Dundalk. McNiitâ€"In Sullivan, on Nov, 29, Annic, daughter uf Mr, Malcolm MeNe!‘l, aged 4 yeurs. Pitrt axâ€"In Proton, on the 27th ult., Sarah E,, dunghter of Mr. Jereminh Pholan, uged 2 years and 5 months. SrverAteâ€"In Exremont on the 2nd December, Llizabeth, wife of Mr. John Sinclair, aged 34 years and 4 months. XA/ ber, Lo NO, %4, 3rd Con , W. G, X., Bentinek, about May lnst, a oneâ€"yeur old H ifer, red color. The owner will pl8 ise prove property, pi y expenscs and take it away. JOHN W. SMITH Bentiuck, Doc. 11, 1879. 495 Portland, Muine During the Mont‘1 of Dec. NORMANX KELSEY, Xmas i New Year GIFTS. Wedding and gem Rings,some real beauties, lind, Maine House and Lot for Sale or to Rent. LOT No. 20, Queen Street East, Durâ€" cellar, cistern, well, &°. Large Stable. Will be sold t a burguin. Apply to $5 to $20 ®s Upper Town, Durham, Opposite the ReviEw Office Durham, Dec. 11, 1879. tâ€"78 T»â€"at‘s the Place! NV . I". DOLTL‘s, Flesherton and Dundalk, 'I‘HE Subscriber has v number of valnâ€" ble Building and Purk Lots situated in the Town of Durham, which he is desirous to dispose of, and solicits a c m those w purâ€" {, and solicit wll from th hhmid\o shw :nfh pmwn);. ’I:I‘xey will be so _lhup for cash fi'r.u-. o’rfn’n on time, $72 Augus a, Maine ConntE®â€"In Glonclg on the 10th inst., the wife of M# Michard Coliicr of a duughter, EWrxâ€"In Benttnek, on Nov, 2#th, the wife of Mr. Robert Ewen of a son. ALLENâ€"At Latonr, Dec. 8th, the wife of John J. Allon, jr., of a daughter. Sixcratumâ€"In Egromont, on the 30th Nov mber, the wiie of Mr. Mualcolm Sinclir of a dasshter. Bamâ€" W ARNERâ€"At Durham, on the 0th inst., at the residence of H. J. Middaugh, Esq., Mayor of the Town, and uncle to the bride, by the Rev. Mr. Wrayv, Mr. Solom m Erb., of Bloomingdale, Co. of Waterieo, to Miss Mary F. daughter of Mr. P. K. Warner of Darham. Rossâ€" Watrâ€"On the £th inst., by the Rev. W. 8. Fish, assisted by Rev. John Duff, Rev, Ross, Faqg. 3. A., of Mellville Church, Brussels, to Elâ€" sio, fourth danghter of Alexander Watt, Elora. AMBROTYPS On‘y 10 cts each! KELSEYS GALLERY, $66 (entlemen,â€"I have examined the articles employed in the Victoria Chemical Works, in the preparation of the Victoria Syrup of Hypophosphites. The _ several â€" Hypophos« phites used are chemically pure, and tf:c Byrup is also quite free any impurity. Your Ryrup of Hypophosdhites will undoubtedly prove a very valuable medicine. v Hexiey H.Crort, Professor of Chemstry, U.C. The French Government intends to ask for $400,000 for the relief of people in the districts of the country suffering from the depression of trade. Certlficate as to Purity and EQicncy. Lazoratory, Usxivexrstry Corcser, Toronto, December 4th 1872, To the Victoria Chemical Co. bastom sixinj a%sondsd to during Winter Months. â€" Fall and Winter Stock of STAPLE and FANCY Dry Goods, Millinery, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, &c., &c., VERY HANDSOME CLOOKS Manufacturers of and Dealers in LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, FLOUR, Bi‘l Stuff Cut to Order, All Sizes. Glenelg, Des. 5, 1879 Durham, Dec. 3. 1979 Durkiam, Dec. 2nd, 1979 1AME on the premises of the subseriâ€" New Advertisements. HEIFER STRAYED. LANDS FOR SALE. A Teachar Waatod a wook in your own town. Terms and 25 outdt free. Address H. HaLLET & co., Portâ€" A WEEK @12 a day at bome ensily made Castly Outht free. Address Trvz & co., Custom Siwing attsaisd to during Winter Months. MARRILE]D per day ut home. Samples worth $3 free, Address StINsoX & Co., DEATHS BIRTHS â€"rOâ€" WM. R. ROMBOUGKH MISS E. WALKER, Durham P. 0. *d9% . G. & J. McKECHNIE ax. : Of Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks, Gold nor |â€" Rings; Go!d, Silver and Plated Chains, â€" €95 ask _ Ox rur VeRros or tie Gray®â€"Such was the | the condition of Moses A. Walker, of Demy, | N. M., with congestion of the lungs and chronic the | Catarrh. | Two bottles of the Constitutional Catarrh Remedy entirely restored him to health, and, to use his own words, "built up _ | my whole system," The remedy is for sale by + | all Druggiste. JUST RECEIVED I.\' thanking his numerous customers for their past favors, and soliciting their future ones H!t'”u to say that he is now fnll{ propared to exeâ€" cute any orders that may be entrusted to him with neatnoss and punctuality, and at prices the cheapâ€" est in the village. Cutting Specially Attended to. Dundalk, Nov. 19th, 1879. \ll stoekholders of the Yarney C. & B. Z.Company are required '.“lm,‘"l‘ill‘"""‘e'f cent. of the Stock held by them to Mr. W.R. Watâ€" son, Treasurer of said Company, within Thirty Days. + War. R. Roxmovar, JAMES ALLAXN, Prosident, ° Sccretury» Varney, Nov. 25th, 18790 d9¢. A. GORDON‘S, As I buy for cash I can sell very cheap for Repair‘ng promptly doue and Warranted. Give me a call. Watches, Clocks, The Best place in the County â€"TO BUYâ€" Varney Cheese & Butter \\7 antod for 8. 8., No. 10, Glenelg, for 1880, a Femaule Teacher holding a Third Class Cortificute. Apply to uny of the undersigned trusâ€" tees ; if by lotter state sulury, W. CHITTICK, A. GORDON, One door noâ€"th of Parker‘s‘Drug Sterr. Duâ€"ham, Nov 6 1879, vi9 Notwithstanding the Jtut eniargements >nd improvemeats to be made, the annual subscripâ€" tion to Tur Weeriy Guope will remain as hereâ€" tofore, only % ~ TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. sent postage free to all paits of Canada and the United States, payable invarizbly in advance. The CLUB RATES FOR 1880 t s WILL BE AS FOLLOW8 : «t \ For 4 Copics and up to 10.... .$1 90 per copy. piek ME AF oo site s fh s O uies PR 15005 o y e C n e 0 L rg :‘ 6 peoo n n @0 ll220 4 60 s n ; a 4‘ ++ «+ over L Â¥% 1 50 66 +s ‘\ _ GCREAT IMPROVEMENTS IN 1880. THE BEST! THE LARCEST! THE CHEAPEST 6 1N NORTH AMERICA. uP NEW PRESSES â€"NEW TYPEâ€"INCREA8ED SPEED 1N PUBLICATION. This vast addition to the capacity of the pctfl wiil enable a bili ot fare to be presented weekly probably more varicd and interesting than wes ever before accomplished in mg weekly ;ourn-l. The literary matter witt be much inct ; more space wili be devoted to Household and social affuirs ; and the Agricuitural Department will be rendered mors efficient than ever be‘oe. f ‘Tue Weskuy Gzone will be sent free of postage to any Post Office i. Great Britain for $2.20â€"or mine shillings sterling. _ _____ _ k Glenelg, Nov. 27, 1879 )o the march of mprovement that have mainâ€" tained it for nearly forty years in its high posiâ€" tion 28 â€" mer P A THE iEADING FAMILY NEWSPAPER â€" OF BRITISH AMERICA. The increasing newessity for great variety of reading matte: in each week‘s issue, so as to inâ€" clade the news from ali sections of the Dominion «nd meel the varied tastes of its numerous readers, has rendered expedient the enlargement of Tnx Wrexiy Guope much beyond even its sre-ent largo «dimensions, Commencing with the first week of the New Year, therefore, the form of the paper will be changed trom that of an 80â€"column paper to that ot a 96 column paper; and the length of wach page will also be so extended as to l?\'e. in all, an iocrease of reading matter in each weex‘s sheet of nearly 32 cotumns beyond its present â€" Rehal I:«';Y'hâ€"e-l.l'-l“ii-nv;li)r clubs wili be supâ€" plied with specoamen mp?u ot the papet gratis, _ On the 2nd of January, 18§0, TJ CLOBE wi!s take another of those up Amy one is ot liberty to get up a cluo on his own responsibility. ~ Each cab paper mey be addressed separately, a..«lmay be tor any Post Office. _ _ _ _ ;;l|_~ ;upl_!i.allu'f R'e;nltm:;s-nvnlrc sent by P.0 money order, hank draft, registered i<tter, or by expross at our TISK . Orce‘s and remittances to be addressed uo the { wgo GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY, Teronto. ( g27 Al subscriptions sent in between this date und the 1st of January, 1830, wil entitle the subâ€" scriber to receive THE WEEKLY GLOBE ‘rom 1a@. uf subscription to 81st December, 1880 WEEKLYCLOBE A New Stock MALIN STREET, DUNDALK Mcrchant Tailor, Teacher Wanted. and Jewcllery,â€" is at NOTICE. "atabe DURHAM. Now Very Complete. l1 Sizes. Gristing and Chopping attended to at Shortest Notice. Nztu Meca®xut, Win, McLeod, *d03 Priceville P..0. , 1880, y79 Protom, Nov. 11th, | adjoins the corporation of the Town of Durham. i :fi'd lies along a good Kond, und has all the advanâ€" i hquolbdaelooetothe'fownandlo'mA It | is well and in a good state of cultivation. awrin is Leaa is i & nhabiny w n tb e l meh owner as payment FARMERS AND OTHERS Who are anxious to have their l)wellin'.lg Houses, Biurns and Contents Insured a by Firc, can do so at a low rate, an l in a reliable Company who pay losses pré App‘ytt JOHN CAMERON, JOHN CAMERON‘3 TEAS ARE GOOD, They are Cheap, § They are Excellent Value. Bought before the Advance. Try Them. For Sale. 'PWENTY acres of Land for Sale, oh. Airembpirtot the tog diowion i on Garafraxa Road, Townshin of Rentinck. T is well cleared and in a good state Will be sold in lots o(iove acres parcel. For further particulars ap or Mrs. THos. Btare, of Glenelg. Finished, and Ready for Delivery : Sleighs, Land Rollers, Gang Ploughs, Turnip Cutters, Straw Cutters for Hand, and Straw Cutters for Horse Power : S T OV ES of all Kinds! Nearly the whole of his Stock having heen tought before the great rise in prices, he is enabled to sell at and even BELOW OLD PRICES. Call and see the piles of Tweeds. Call and bity a piete of Factoty Cotton at the old price. Be sure and buy a Caddy o‘ Tea. All kinds of Goods have advanced and will probably go higher, therefore do not forget to buy your Winter‘s Supplies at the Low Rates. °A Liberal Discount allowed to Cush Buyers. I am just receiving a Large Stock of Boots and Shoes, which will be sold at old prices. TEAS, TEAS, TEAS! ATTENTICGN ! Boots and Shoes, Clothing, &c. J. H. HUNTER has not retired from Business, but on the contrary, has now on hand a very large and well assorted Stock of STAPLE DRY GOODS Nov.6th 1879. At the Durham Foundry, Durham, December 11th, 1879 LOST, Promissary Note, male by George and Wm. Lockhart in favo? of the under: Durham, Nov. 20, 1879. Which he intends Selling at very Low Prices. Dry Goods, Glothing, Boots & Shoos Groceries, Hardware Intending ;::lreh.n.sen will find it to their interest HAS now recerved his FA LL and Winter Stock. or C. L. GRANT. NOTICE Everything at Lowest Rates. G R O CE RIE S To call and exomine his goods before Purchasing, Always on Hand Cheap and Fresh, Which he will sell CHEAP for CASH OATMEAL, & CHOPSTUFF J. H. HKUNTER. THB substriber bees to inform the public that he bas semoved his businoss vo ho da neon soar adee aluls »oenttts e vein e Ww se clawiag 2 d o l T e Ety A Â¥ indebted to the undersigned, cithor by Note or Bo«k account, are requested to scttlc the aame on or before the 14th day of Ihecomber mext, uumtdmov“nomnnhwnlhphod in suit for collection. Whs; taker at the murket price same as cash. OTICE is hereby gi + 4 N d O L OE it hereby given that all parties . _COCHRANE. Agent Western Insurance (7‘0: Durham Durbhem, Kor.6th, 1879 Durham, Nov. 6, 1879 REMOVAL. Edge and Contents Insured against loss eithor hy Note promptly Eithor Sewed or Pegged, Repairing done with nenatâ€" ness and despatch. Boots and Shoes, Leather, Leather. H. PARKER, CHEMIST & DRUGGIST. Toilét articles, Fancy Goode, Trusses Bhoulder Braces, &c. Our Paints, Oils, White Lead and Colors are all that can be desired in quality price as low as any other house. and Lamp Goods}; Machine Oil and Axle Grease; Sugars, TE A®S. Coffees, The Best Paper! Try It! BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. 'lml. nted in the 0st benwaiful sty le, profuseâ€" ly uflu'flm vings, represent â€" mmwuvnm-umm-tmuu~ Mml in the Ath'w‘:l'ld &-m* ;4 ding New ut«ndha‘ its in 4 are, he Home, Health, lm Progress, Soriat Science, Natural History, , Artrohomy . The “NMMJPM emineAt writers in all departments of Science, will be found in t! e Scientffic American ; Patents are ~btained on the best terms. A.-g notice is made in the Metentifc America® of Inventions patented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentce. By the imâ€" mense circulation thus rivan. public attention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales ___ or introduction often casily effected. a patent can probably be obtained, by wri to l%:sCCo. We nlso send free ..uuui'fia about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Tradeâ€" Marks, their costs, and bow procured, with hints for procuring advances on inventions. Address for the Paper, or concerning Patents. LOWER TOWN, â€" . DURHAM The Highest Market Price paid for Hides and Skins. Any person who has made@ now distovery invention, can ascertain, free :f:‘:;'r. Aelter Iâ€"="Cash for all kinds of Grain. From 25¢ per gailon. Try our Exeelsicr Oil, the Cheapect in the market. Madder, specially fine and at bottom price. "The Scientific Amcrican." MUNXN & Co,37 Park Rew, New Nork. Branch Office, cor, F. & 7th Sts., Washington, D.C GROCERIES French White Wine Vinegar. BURNETS Flour, Feed & Produc: Storc, Saddler, Tanner, Constantly Arriving at No. 5, Durham, October, 1879. y4s Durham, December 19th 18/8, Oils & Paints. TOBACCOES and CIGARS, THOMAS SMITH, JE snbsomber has on band and for :.l::n.t_n_der__‘_,-;;g ato E{n‘{ as low as it can b‘: CROCXKXKERY | Varnishes, Coal Oil, Dye Stuffs. Shoemaker. purchased at any other place. CAsH FOR HMIDESs, and Pure Spices MACHIXE OIL *Â¥ EW 8ith YEAR. and Chemicals. BURHAM, â€"ANDâ€" H, PARKER, vl

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