Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 30 Oct 1879, p. 3

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1 few ation barasg a crazy Noss madity l whose Â¥icromIA wl nerv@ t lv. d cy 0 is n3, n was®s : the Wise. Lib e this t ~ang iving t t It me, the V 1M dom, on Wednesday evening, which ha »ulted in the death oi Frauk L. Guad representative of a commercial agency. particwars of the affair are as follows seems that Frank L. Guadlack, who has there for the past three weeks on bus concected with the Dominim Reportin; Collecting Agency of Montreal, stoppir the Grigg House, in the evening, and shout to go to his room, when he was ace !y a young iman named standing at the counter several others. Drought is wholesale firm there, an« a partly intoxicated. He ad< oHensive raillery, inquir of the Liliputian troupe. G Then Drought asked him i to the troupe that had just Opera Houseâ€"the Keut: disclaimed any comnection wl ime," and struck } rew a short ebeny ponent a blow on the hind the temple. T imediately separated. ercantile ndering a «t if he h a office hc e tried to s room nolding his nding he met Mr. ( currence, saying h ruck in his house. : ought of the case f indlack sa; 1, over : medals, plow‘ -l’l_' . have fari bath mornt9g, Mr. Qliver was the fire was cli near the straw outbuilding, co vearly all the were entireiy d were will sum heary.« . £*" Dumiries an and amount 4300 on the To be therough To be weth in tho ake the yrgat e lates ,:l renoval y ury benet ver bo&t®. Fatal Affray in London. cowna BCHNU and uzes of the urina It Al X very de Tacas ( 6.0 CANADCIAN ITEMS. e hours wer d to withdra ffensive plr U , wh All e was tinued Di it t 1 1 N) H EL 61 EIGDR 12 OMRRUIMEEY | r a and clul a commercial ageney. The i that thh : affair are as follows :â€"It i j * L. Gundlack, who has been | 4O8!98¢ t three weeks on l:usiucn! I‘res ie Dominim Reporting and :5:;"‘ y of Montreal, stopping Mt | of asthn , in the evening, and was | and can room, when he was accosted | requirin named Drougbt, who was ;-hl-‘, # , s or sale counter in company With | Xyypor roucht is an entry clerk in a | Teront: man the Grigg House, Lon ening, which has re Framk L. Gundlack CGundiack s21 ippears t lade ;, you must be well. oi cases, you shoukd which rcheves, reguâ€" lorly systemsâ€"Â¥ 1c« hst. . For Bright‘s abutes, and all disâ€" x, it. timely use ill by ail lealers at &1 he was L wos n ua.. APPRENTICE WANTED. sult un have been 10u3 was z. when lon ack in 1 and up to n the IDEL Y No m ut this id It dent last week. While attending to a threshing macline, his arm was drawn into it, and before it sould be extricated was so badly injured as to necessitite amâ€" paitation above the elbow. The operation was sucecs ifully performed, and the patient is progressing favorably. The supporters of the Stratford & Huron railway will soon sing a new sorg. In the township of Normanby the railway tax will this year amount to $1.30 on every $100 of valuation, while the taxes for all ther pmâ€" poses will amount to fiftyâ€"five cents per $100. In Elderslie, we believe the rate will be §1 on every $100 of the valaation. So says the Walkerton Telessope. Robert Moore, charged with murdering Reuben Smith at the Royal Hotel, Ingerâ€" soll, on the 26th of last March, eame before tue Assize Court at Woodstock on Monday The Grand Jury, thinking that the evidence did not substantiate a case for murder, brought in a bill for manslanghter. F. R. Ball, Q. C., conducted tie case for the Crown, and J.C. Hegler acted as counsel for the prisoner. After tiking the evidence the jury then retired, nud after an an abâ€" sencs of an hour returned the verdiet of Sh The latest accounts from the White Rivâ€" er Agency reveal & tale of horrible butchâ€" ery. Every employee at the Agency apâ€" pears to have been killed, and the women and children are mussing. It is conjectured that they have either been carried off &s H I‘rRs>NAL.â€"Rev. James Brooks, Weaton, says :â€"*"I have found nothing to give me more permanent reliet for shortness of breath or asthma, than Hac varo‘s Prorontar Barsaxt and can with confidence recominend it to all requiring a good medime for cmflu and colds, and discase of the throat and lungs. For sale by all dea‘ers at 25 cents per bottle, Mirsurs, BestLKY & IEarsos, Froprietors, H Fall Wheat Potatoes, per bag Turaips, per bush Hay,vor ton...... \ ‘\I:\LE and Fomale, secoud or third 1%1 Class for s. s. No. ; Melaccthon. send testiâ€" monials and state salary to WM. AUGUsT, i A young man named Scott, a farmer‘s fimecs Paisley, met with a painfcl acciâ€" Sccretaryâ€"Trsasurer. Hornlugs Osto ber 25, 1879. W W New Advertisements. per & fre WALKERTON DURHAM â€" MARKETS. Domnax, Oct. 80, 1879 \ Teachers Wanted. Monyy Lost. MARRIED Ho ALK MARKE Doxoauk. Oct n Beith t nt lation to mercy. i to three monnths MeQueen, farmer, 10 r of the late Duncan ls, Arch. Davidson, eld st duughter of und 17 to 15 to 15 to 0 8) to 00 to 08 00 to 0 1 0 tonce of the , by the Rev. 10 to 12 0 25 to 0 30 TS 0 t 0 t 6 to 0 to 0 to 18 17 1 09 0d 10 00 0 ) 6 8th t)l (On and after MONDAY, 3rd NovemBer, 1879, an additional train will be run between Orangeville and Teeswater, leaving Orangeville evary Tucaday, Thursday, and Saturdny at 5:45 a.w., arriving at Teeswater at 10:40 a.m. Returning, leaving Teeswater same days at 11:45 a.m., arriving at Orangeville at 4:45 p.m..there connecting with the evening trains for Toronto and Ower Sound. Additional Train. DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, BOOTS and SHOES, GROâ€" Are now receiving FALL STOCK of STAPTLE and FANCY [I. Lots numbers 30 and 31, in the Third Concesâ€" sion of the sat d 4 ownshiz of Normanby, contrinâ€" ing togethor 210 sores, more or ioss, wore than 80 of whi h are clearod, and on the premises nre a hewed Log House, Frame Barn, 40 x 70, and Frame Drivâ€" ing House, and the fences are good, TERM3.â€"Ten (10) per cent at the time of sate, Fiftecr.(15) por cont wichin oue month thereafter, and the belanco to be seentod by mortgage with interâ€" ost at eight por cort. half ycnrl{), or if additional wcurity be given no cash ueed be paid, or terms may be voried in sny reasonable vay to suit purâ€" thaser. â€" For furvher purticalars upply to HUGII McKAY, Auctioneer, Durham, or to BRTHUNE, MOS3, FALCONBRIDGE & HOYLES, Vendors‘ Solisitors, Toronto. Dated 2ith day of October, A. D. 1879. 489 Public Auction by . V , M@IEIEOW, Auctioneor, At the Angloâ€"American Hotel, In the VILLAGE OF DUNDALK, In the VILLAGE OF DUNDALAK, In the County of Grey, at the hour of Two p.m., on TUESDAY, the Eleventh day of November next, the following property : Lot number thirtyâ€"two in the thirteenth Concesâ€" sion of the Township of Proton, in the Coun y of Groy, containing i0) mcres more or less, somnel2 Sent to weres or more of which is dleared and bn.lumol principilly timbered with beuch and maple with wbhout 20 avres of cedar. | 'nw)ah-y is sitiate on leading road about 44 C y l do e ols s tie Ar Ece l Thetplfv,; is sitiate on I miles from Dundalik Village Terme:â€"Ton per cont of t time of sale, sulllcient to mt =_____â€" Vendows‘ Solicitors Or to GEO. RUTHERFORD, Dundalk Dated October 25th, 1879. C Sale contained in m lunrgu;e made by Geovge Lepurd and wife and Oliver Lepard defauit having been made in payment thereof,) there will be sold by Public Anction by 4. w. MORROW, Auctioncer, At the Anglo â€" American Hotel, In the VILLAGE OF DUNDALK, In the County of Groy, at the hour of Two p, m., on Tucsday, the Eleventh day of November next, the following property :â€" The South haif of Lot number Twentyâ€"seven, in the thirteenth Concession, of the ‘Township of Proton, in the County of Grey, containing ;Zny wores more or less, about one balf of which is cleared, _ ‘There is a Log awelling and a burn? and the proâ€" " yr-,‘n‘) is lfluux i‘ \\'i!;; -‘wdur r.lxils and watered by; good well. The soil is camy loarn. The propert on good road some 4 miles from Dundnrk'.fl o Torims:â€"Ten por cent of the purchase m at E time of sale, s‘)gcin ut to make up one third :fl the MORTGAGE SALE. FTarm Property e Te aonmone uit t __ going terms may bo vavied at time of sale, _ For further purticulars apply to J. W. MOLLOW, Auctioncer, MACKELCAN, GIBSON & BELL, Vendors‘ Solicitors, Hamilton Or to GEORGE RUTHERFORD, Dundalk. whol EDMUND WRAGGE, General Manager Toronto, Grey, & Bruce Railway. Mortgagse Sale Mortgage Sale. Farm Property. Dated October 25th, 1379. TNXDER and by virtue of the power of TENDERS WANTED. 1â€"Ton per cent of the purchase mnnefy at sale, sulllciont to make up one third of the urchaee money witkin one month thereâ€" ud the bulanco secured by mortrage on ) bo nrranged at time of Sale ‘The foreâ€" g terms may be varied ut thne of sale. ther particulars apply to IORKOW, Auctioneer. MACKELCAN. GIBSON & BELL, purchase money within one month thore» R and by Virtue of the power of contarined in ® Mortzage made by Mosel! and wile (default having been iyment thereof,) there will be sold by tion by 3. W. MORROW, Auctioncor, LN of Lots numbers 62 and 63, Nest of the Gnrafraxa Road f Boentinek and Conmty of or Fortyâ€"two and oneâ€"half more particularly described es irom the said Charles n lors, On the lands nre a n and Lo Sta‘le, and 36 been cultivated and the 16 itors, Hainilton . â€" G. & J. McKECHNIE erty is | PRACBHCAL | ney «: Watchmaker and Jeweller,‘ Vl‘IIE Subscriber will «ell by Public Aueâ€" tion, on Lot 14, 3rd Coi., W. G. R. Bentinck, On Tuesday, Nov. 4th, 1879, the fellowing valumble Stock and Implements, namely :â€"1 span Working Horses; 7 Cows, in call ; 2 two year old Meifers. 1 yvenrling Steer, 1 yearling Hei‘er, 8 spring _(Y::_Iv'g_a, ll)‘She('p, 1 nmln'. lg Pigs, 1 TCOR C Ee Am Y ROTT 1oaal w s Waggon, 1 Sloigh, 2 Ploughs, 1 sot aouble Harness, near‘y new; 1 Saddle and Zridle, and varions othor urticies too numerous to mention. Sale at 12 o‘elock, noor. No resorve. Terms:â€"#5, ind under, cash ; over thatamount 14 months‘ credit on approved joint notes, Farm to Rent. The lot, which is n first class furm containing 100 weres â€"60 clenred and under cultivation, is to rent, The premises are well wntered. A good orchnurd of one acre; dwelling house and frame barn, | Posâ€" session given immediately after Sale Apply on the premises. » ATIY MeDONALD. HUGH MeKAY, ’l‘HE Subseriber will nelm Public Auction, 0n Los 40; ow the &m Road, Township of Glewelg, On Wednesday, Nevrember 5th, 1879, The following Farm Mtoek, Iiplem@nts, &c., namely :â€"1 Mure nine years old, supposed to be in foul; one Horse, five years old ; 1 yearoldy; 5 Cows, in calf; 3 2â€"yearâ€"old Steers ; 1 oneâ€"vear old Steor; 1 throeâ€"year old Bull, 3 yerrling Beifers, 1 Spring Calf,8 ‘Sheep,5 Bummer Igs,2 Lunmober Wazzons, Â¥ Long Sleighs, Pair Bob Sleighs, 3 Plows, 1 double Harrow, 1 set Doubie Hurness, 1 set Flow Harness, 1 Land Roller, Wooden Horse Kake, Fanâ€" ning Mill, 2 Grain Cradles, Sugar Kettle, Grindstone, Cooking Stove, Purlor Stove, 2 small Spinning Wheols, 1 large Spinning Wheel and reel, 1 Saddi¢, Cutter, Glass Cupboard, Cross Cut Saw, Wheelâ€" bwrrow, seythes, Forks, Rakes, and various uther wrticles too numerous to mention. . Sale at Eleven o‘clock sharp. TERMS:â€"5, and under, cash ; over that amount 14 months‘ eredit on approved joint notes. Ten per __ cent discoune for cash on ull sums over $5.. THE FARM is to be Rented after the sale. 100 ucresâ€"over 60 cloared. Farm Stosk, Implements, &c. ROBT. McDONALD CREDIT AUCTION SALE Of Farm Steck and Amplements. \_\':\.\"1‘1&]) for U. 8. S. No. 8, Bentinck and (Glonelg a Teacher holding a Third class CertiGeate. Applications porsonally or by letter received by the uncersigned until the 8 h of November, 1879, JAMES SKENE, Latona P. 0. CEEDITF AVCTION SALE ‘P‘E.\L\LE Teacher wauted for Priceville § hool. Applications received until Novemâ€" ber 18t, 1879, ntau.luu Sulury. B. GHEZNT. Teacher Wanted. \\'.\.\’TED for School Section No. 38, Bontinck, a teacher holding a Third Class Certificate. “Apl»‘l‘icusl‘qt}fuwilth ?c_:t;imunin.ll rcâ€" Certificate, Applications with ICRUINOMI® 7 ccived until the 8th of November, 1873. Apply to JOSEPH LINDS‘:\Y,“LOQ 53. R R SacBaze in ALEX. MeDONALD, Propriotor The Grey Review To lst Jan. 1881, Proprietor. October 27, 1879. Oct. 23, 1679 Oct 23, 1879 Priceville, Oct. 16, 1879 next to Parker‘s Drug Store, Durham, Oct. 7th, 1879. k="Hemember the place, Warranted to give satyfuotion. Also ranted as J‘}amfi.w or money re Sign of the Big Watch, Uppor Town pURHAM. 19 ° of every discription. Wedding and Engagement Rings a Special TEACHER WANTED. REMOVED|! A. GORDON, REPAIRIN: of all kinds, Teacher Wanted. Supnscribe at once. now Subscribers from the present date f For $1. OF CERIES, &c. A. GORDOXN, D. McCORMICK, Auctioneer. n mCPE Durham, P. 0. Ont. Auctioncor I wn CHARLES MeKINNON, HUGH McKAY, ’__ ! Proprietor, * Auctioneer 19 *;) Oct 18,1870. bas Call and see before purchasing clsewhere, We will not be undersold and are STOVES, Stoves, SFOVES! During the Months of September and October I wili sell all kinds of S~LTOV ESS at unprecedented low prices. A really good 9 inch Square Stove fally trimsi with bast of Tinware and Pots, for $20. THE WELL KNOWN KING, Just Received at Mowat‘s HARDWARE HARDW ARE: A LARGE and WELL ASSORTED STOCK of HARDWARE For the FALL trade Lance tooth Cross cut saws. Axes in great varitiy. Hand MADE AXE HANDLES. Paints, oils, varnishes,glass, putty, &c. Bar Iron, stael, slaigh shos steal, spring stoal, hose nails, and general Beksmith‘s Supplies always on hand. COTTON and HEMP PLOUGH LINBES, â€" MANILLA, HEMP and OTHER ROP] All goods ai bottom prices tor cash. also fully trimmed, for 822. tove Pipss at 8 cents; Elbows 10 cents. No Tick, C s 1. -tâ€"h;;l 6\; following valuable Stock and ILnpleâ€" ments, on Lot 9, Con. 1, Garafraxe Road, Townâ€" ship of Bentinck, North of Durham, on Friday, October al-‘81 9. namely: 1 good Working Horse; 1 Yoke Oxen, 7 years old ; 1 Yoke imra rising 4 years; 5 Milch Cows; 2 twoâ€"yearsold Heilers, in cail; 1 Yoke Steers, two years olu ; 2 Steers, 1 year old ; 1 Heifor, Steers, twtilea.n ole ; 2 Steers, 1 year old ; 1 Heifor, on{’e year old ; 2 Calves, 14 Shnr.lL\unbet Wumzon 3 Plows, 2 Double Sleighs, 1 sot of B’wm 1 set of double Harrows, i Fanning Mill, and o articles. Saie to commenece at 12 o‘ctock, sharp. > Terms;â€"@5, and under, eash; over and .b‘i:: that amount 13 r.ounths‘ credit on approved joint CATTLE TIES, ROPE HALTFRS, HAY KNIVES, LOGINXG CHAINS, inch Pipe and Elbows at 7c each! Cash for Hides and Skinsg. â€" Truck taken as Cash. *HARRISN & Co. Durham, Bept. 18, 1879 COOKING PARLOR BCOX from $20 un. from $5 up. from $3 up. AIL Sizes and all Prices. Durham Foundry, Aug., 1879. O( Farm Steck and Implements. DURHAM FOUNDRY. Credit Auction Salse Subseriber will sell by Public Aue ts css T gec y wit ipe . Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, HAS now received his FALL and Winter Stock, No Truck, unless Old Iron, taken at its Cash Value Intending purchasers will find it to their interest To call and exomine his goods before ; Purchasing. C. L. GRANT. C R O CE RIES Always on Hand Cheap and Fresh. Which he will sell CHEAP for CASH, A. COCHRANE. JOS. F. MOWAT, bis _‘ Proton, Oct. 14, 1870 Or APPLE PEARERS, NAILS, LOCKS, BOLTsS. HINGES, GRAINX 3COOLI THE subscriber will sell Lot No, 8, West @Garafraxa Street, Lower Town, Durkam, on which is ereoted a frame fitore and Dwelling Housoe The Store is 48 x 20. The houso contrins six rooms, mlot :onm‘wqwumvm Wiu be on caky . For iculars apply to the nro« prictor, JO}K? P'.umo'n. Darham Oect 16 1879. th47 STB AYED on the premises of the Subâ€" scriber, lot No: 19, Con. 1f, Proton, nbout four months since, twosteers 3 years old, one red and white, and the other blue and white, both light colored. The owner is raft'xrsb'd to prove properâ€" ty pay expenses and take theim away. Lower Town, DURHAM. T Darhkam, Oct. 16, 1879 Pwolling and Store for Sale. Strayed Steers. MBS. MeNALTY C4T7 sel H. PARKER, CHEMIST & DRUGGIST. GROCERIES §J=~Cash for all kinds of Grain. Flour, Feed & Produce Store, Our Paints, Oils, White Lead and Colors are all that can be desired in quality price as low as any other house. and Lamp Goods; Machine Oil and Axle Grease, Toilet article From 25¢ per gallon. ‘Iry our Excelsior Qil, the cheapest in the market, Sugars, ITXSA . Coffaes, Maddor, specially fine and at bottom price. Bones of the Nose Eaten out, Memory Gone, Mind l!mpuirod,curud by Constitutional Catwrh Remedy. Catarrh with all its lothsome attondgnts cured. by four bottles of the Constitutional Catarrh Remody | For sale by Kieruan & Hughson, and H Parker, Durham. ifltitutiumd Caturrh Me Catarch, with all its ears, fast verging on € han four bottles Const Bones of the Nose E French White Wine Vinegar |‘Caturrh, with droppings in the throat, cnusing , w uUU feelings of Strangling, l)iugnm. Puins in side !aud weakness of RKidneys imm«lhu:‘y relioved, Systom seemingly made new by use of one bottle of Constitutional Catarrh Romedy. A iman cured of Catarrh of forty yours standing by use of Constitutional Caturch Kemody. ' 8o bud that it impured his Eyesight. Made him almost Deaf, | _ Troubled with l)rn”:inuu in Throat, Strangling, Buzzing in Head and Fotid Breath cured by Conâ€" stitutionial Caturrh Kemeay. _ _ P o ts Cataith of 2 yeurs‘ standing cured by Constiâ€" utional Catarch lbelnod& l)tnivphn:a in Thront nost to Chokiny, Hoadâ€" lache, Puins in Shoulders, Back and Kidnoys, and Entire broaking down of the system, cured by Constitutiond Catarrh Remedy. A cough of Twonty4ive years‘ standizg cured by Constitutional Catwrrch Remedy. _ l Constantly Arriving Saddler, Tanner, LoOWwWER TOWN,Câ€" .â€"" DURHAM The Highost Market Price naid for Hides and Skins. Leather, Leather. On hand and made to measure C A DPA BR lt H . Boots and Shoes, Repairing done with neats ness and despatch. Durham, October, 1879. accounts »rs lond past d . insde within the mext The Last Call e gned jnttmate to those whose E‘:o:fidu‘».:!a long ::z%m that u:lmqm Oils & Paints. Drugs and Chemicals. Shoemaker, No. 5, Garafraxa Street, Durham, December 19th 1878. CROCKERY! 196434 TORACCOOES and CIGARS, node within the pext two months, the accounts will be placed in other hands for collection. THOMAS SNITH, HE Baie a stock of Leathc: of different brands in inss ciuer, and ut ; rices as low as it can be purcuase. at 1y other place. BURNET‘S Varnishes, Coal Oil, oxville,. Bentinck., Ju)y 21st 1679, Dye Stuffs. LEither Sewed or Pegged, Lood Matcrial and Lew Prices, ticles, Fancy Goods, Trusses Shoulder Braces; &e. subscriber has « CASH FOR HIDES, MACHINXE OIL and Purve Spicos. N E W PURHAM, â€"ANDâ€" w=ANDâ€"» culiar Symptoms for ten nsumption, cured by loss utional Catarrh Remedy , en out, Memory Gone, Constitutional Catwrrh H, PARKER, on h of diff Durham y42

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