Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 4 Sep 1879, p. 4

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dt it, M an of mail. ", . Ay.nimussreasietubrtuet (Erato: to my" tone purpose ounuoolm pm ”and melanoma! M m. Boa m gecmetruiots: Wit out no no rounded u. with a M91 "I min. to tt-th.aite_dq_. and the but mini-hi teirtg-tiee. ' 80 . to in the at“. tAin MM W a one“, correct in in conform-Hon " If may "rt1iear--8ome not the part of the agri- culturist, among which are worms. proper- ing the land by laborious etforte for abund- aut erops.--The" insigoiNuat Ind unattractive ereetniee are of the greateet bemdit to 'the tula. which they inhabit, though many have enppoeod the eontrevy They are very humble, but are very. ethei- rut servants of the sitrietrlturitW; and far from injuring his meadow and his garden, tin-y devote themeelvee with themselvee with the most praieewortliy assiduity to turning over the coil to e mater depth than een be done with the beat epliencee known to science. These "timnU--tor no they are cleeeitied by the "tumlut-m scarcely more than animated tuber. They seem to live by taking earth and earthy summer. in at one end and paneing them out at the other. This eimple prooeu of digestion is aided, however. bye muouone secretion; and the worth hae- e habit. when he has filled himelf with earth. of ascending to the eurface. turning round and working hunt-elf beck again into the game This client“: nnloede him, and the procene repeated tr million of hie fel. low-e. eannot but have a highly benetierinl eiteet upon the quality of land. It in said by Mr. Darwin thettheee worms have been known to cover a tuid to the depth of " inchee in the couree 0180 yeare. A elow proceee. to be euro. but no are all the pro- ceseea oi nature. This however, ie not all that they do. They carry their ehalte or or galleria to a depth ot eeverel feet, and. croee and intereeet in alldirectione. looeen- ing the eeil, opening itto the air and water and. in short, doing all that they can to help vegetation. without preying upon it or injuring in roota in the alighteet degree. Uthm net the pert of ehemiete, giving themselv- to neutralize the bed .thot. of corrupt utter on eodety. An unexpected friend tome bee teen discovered in a kind ofnninielcnlc engendered by eewege. which prevente the decompoeing matter from becoming a dangerane nuisance. Mr. Ansell. the public anelyet for Hempehire. Southampton water. line discovered that where the Iii-pended wetter- ere thieheet. there in going on e eilent sustmetiortortr. foul matters,throttgh “new? of were oi minute creatures. by lune held to. he of eniinal. but by Mr An'n believed Jicu of vegetable origin. 0n examining the muddy mud through a new”. it .e found to contain milieu of little tun organism. surrounded with a geletinone eubetence. Each aperimen wee to“ do be active in ite maven“ end of Mt ehape.bein¢fnrniehedwithebelt iq',A. round the cent" of the body, end I.‘ . long transplant and very W a,ki. Afterdeath.theeetiny at“ give ttlt-P odor mailer to thetet‘eeaweed.end~e to a green eela. Duh. M they we!" bubblee of oxygen see. which eerve to“- fy the wanton the Me! the h.- podnq.‘ on which they W to“. “it". hem. ht III. tr routine-Iv- vii-me». lea-n ehed " lei "am eeed d H W eu- ncrs. Tho bird placen- tutor in a waver; he wanna-web to In“. his no“. Tho primia iotaitvr: he so“ the ban. to- gether to nuke his unit. The Iquinil u . ferrymnn 2 with I chip or . yieea of bark for 31:00an “til “halt.” a strum. chn, wolvu. jnclull, and many others, minimum Tho black but “a trnuau-trftsoNttua_ rmro-iththe.idooh_ i-tew menu. The mote hum-hominid. Che bird allelic nine-lull“ is II “W05- tutkoy, and “an. otue biedn. Tho loun- do, the r". and the ei-trio "t, no Uta- trieianr. Tho unumlnh . “WW: he mints lad 10mm. at. -tdweigl" hits "ehor, Ind perform ttthae untied cvolutiontr. Whole/rib" click an III- .icmnn. The r,eaveka'sas aiihiuee, build- " and WM: be “all“ to“ ard "on: haul. “a that. The name! khaki! angina; he no! v Liv build- houses. but when aqu- dm. “d this.» In) a- do. Tho white mu maintain . "gum ”my chol- therr. The “India I!” I. horticul- tumu; they nuke nan-mums. upon which thry feed their young. Wu];- m paper misuufaet- caueiN" In ilk Uph- heron L. tuhermen, The um we rega- In day Inboun. The monkey u . rope dancer. The -iatiort ofbcsven pronoun ram. us with I model of republietutitmt. The been livo and" "mushy. The India antelopes live under I purinohsl gonn- ment. Elephants exhibit an Miltoeruy of elders. Wild hone-m aid to also! their lender. Sheep, in . wild mu, m not!" the control of tb military or chic! Hem, is opened up . wide iUld in illu- tratum u our when ; wedo notJaowovor. Intent! to go out the whole, buttoeoMno cumin: to s {a “um point an odNi. ent mloqnnu ideas of it. l. Th. useful oporntimu at animals. The” is no wind without use in the economy of name. but new one perform. some one. or other In the ”out! pod. In many can. thi- mo, not - obvi. mu. but It in numb-ha 'vfbeVthat than arisen Lunch” 3nd endlou "who from the operations of animals in 91). economy of nature. A uric: of hteta may be sadne- rd in proof of this petition. bu! om " two taint that thegtitie £309!th of prehistoric men. Tho bubonic of on. “and is three sJy1 I lull feet wide, and iaqtus a neck fully he het in width. The diplodveu "(any (at In. Dtbo-i. um um “In“ I M long. Th. numb-burial. I Baud-bowl Allin-l. must have boon forty Minn. who: din. Anoint- mind. embedded in I lard 30-" trig of rock, which w “and, matt lug. one. Ind contain-all III-Dad beil. lint 118.1. mm aiq6. and such I. the top-mud“. W ”W518 ”not“ hunuhingaird. And wmetimel‘. Gonxno run-rout: Baum-Tho animal tannins found in the Rocky Morin. thetiny gem botanic-d with in about with neck. that it curs» up “I dveing And muting ink; the tsantttaridm, or Spanish ilr, and in modicino. In fut. every innoct in tsotttn'Utmtt in me my to well the anon“ of commercial pins or coehinul; while "tother-quo penis-:- to Indu--su1utr, or nth: its prodnuion, in nucelvlou nimble. Moro than 1,g00,. 000 human being: thrive their lob lapped from the calm" Ind mum of the fibres upon by “an silkworm, of which the Innnnl chuckling medium is mid to be 240,000,000. In England tion.-.', lay nothing of the other foreign parts of Ea. rotre-et00,000 is about ever; you in the purchase of foreign home, up": from the vnluo of that which is unite. 3nd 10,000 lbs of In: imputed ovary you. We; .11 that. than no the pliant. and In woos th. 1mgl6a' nit-3min. ”In In“ from Bower to - with an m. pidity of lightning, and hem: out“ on. And then “other. Bil {nod to“ of the tiny imam that live ma. tho petaU, 3|:de Inn Med him with I long Ind mood" bill pupa-sly for #abutg s,mstiia. the bill in “he. end wine-E time- it in caved. h eome specie- Mun-u} upwenh end the bid u celled the Moodi lawman-bin]; in 0pm: it in bent like e sickle. T . f l The tongue hie-hr. end an he ”:1 'tttttot-t bank. It is made uy of two pm. like round tube. that G, Lili, eide by Me for met], their whole length, ma when it in that into the thnrer the it mu stick to it, and cannot ttest I",. And the edge of tho tongno in fringed with tiny brunet, that still 'tuthee Mp to “up "Hummus“. his as] sticky. The family mm. of locum-ll. been given boom-o the bird up: the new" a! he Iowan, and m not sum- od to live emit-1y on honey. But it in now well known that the Inn-bird feeds very much oniuloeu, aod only gin. not dunng life, their m, Ih'u. fun. lid several parts of their bodies boom-o tunin- Iblo article: of oomlnaroo. Gm! Britain pm annunlly 91,000,000 for the dried bodies, of that tiny insect known " the bhil bongo-0 broipoetheJuoe. at the Iowan. The name of sun.bird is way is very cp. propriate, sin. the “shim Inn . nun-2k- Ible efhret on tk plum, and nub- It membered that even the moet Northern States at America enjoy (or nude: from) e climate eimiler to thet of Spein or Moroc- tro-the suite of trees is agreeable, end in the principel etreete of the principel citiee, the elenthue, the elm, the meple. end oth. er thee ere plented, both foe their been” end utility. Unluckily, the nice-are worm, e vile, digesting, bleak tttstorp'tt1ar, that breed: in inaudible numbere. levee the he eteo, end the eerlier hem no eeoner ex- pend than the ‘meeeurer' begins to dieporr. himself by singling from the boughe. All such peste are keptin check by the oper- rows. They have, thereto" heel: netnrel- izad in Anetnlie end with the greeted. euccese. Mr. Edward Wilson eoneigned e large number of heelthy birds to Melba“. They were letlooee immedietelyon mire}, and um theamelree to thetilee end tren- tops ', they speedily began to peir end breed,, end make themeelvee et home. So greedy hevo they thmruhed-it is to be hoped in the tint inetenee et the expel). ot the Ine-~ ild at.“ --thet the tmrtUnam in the “Scheduled of Melbourne hue begun to complain. just u the gardener: and {3mm {001551111 do u home of their dopmhtionn upon the page And cherries. We would Invested" nbnndnnco of fruit Ind grain, haw. mun such usinunc] in tho work d palpation. Bat to pm to the ‘othor :elul. “an In 3mm]: tint contribute diroctly and largely tty pruduetive labor; and buidu doing so look like gold and precious noun. This "eet in really produced by the bird, on he moves his musclu. and ell-um the posi- tion of his feathers, throwing them - moment in a different light. Sparrows, too, demand, in this "Oped, sperm notice. There "e,seeordiag mm. great French natumiiat,Befhtt, who Io-oe times angrily cull the sparrow on "1le gluttou," no lea than 67 vartetUs of this well-known bird. The best known; of the Eastern Hemisphere. And none of then known except by name in the Western world-age the house-npenbw. the “or sparrow, and the hedge-emu. They do invaluable service in their respective abode- by th. destruction of noxious creature: in our iUlds and garden“. The plague of eaterpillarts, upecinlly of that known so the “measure worm," is beyond oonooption to to the dweller: in our more fortunate idol. 67--allot them inhuman: of th- old at In the hot 'ttmater-nd it should be u- The like! 'nntiupknm,uduuuithedhdl m for ttar" " warm-am. IuUunuoo Time Tub}.- NO ARMlSTICE JOHN CAMERON WOULD 30mm m LADIES TO can AND mum: ms NEW Fashionable SUMMER STOCK . ' Conitatinginpanoftt" following: Don‘t. 7:15 n. m. MP/f 11:10 B. In. North. Depart, Nil) I. m., Arrive. 11:15 B. m., West. Down UM all. -.re- - Fancy Dry The Royalist Trimming especmlly shaped for collars & tmff's PATENTBD GMNELLA NECK TIES. MUSLIN TIES, NET TIES, LACE TIES. FRENCH FANS, FANCY FANS. DAMME POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS, NEW METAL DRESS BUTTONS, * A LOT! op SUN SHADES, "In“ mm 80.100 N no... ' I Afiti'F)3.sih'.tii'i, Riggs; .A, N. . mamas”. light at tutu: ' ThundAy on or laden M'llfdtu"2ln'. lemma”. TORONTO, GREY, AND BRUCE “WAY. Durham-Third Tuesday in each month. 'tti-ilu-Monday Wu Durban. Hanover-Monday We Durham. Mm. P--.'"" WMy in ac): 1131M" G%iitGiiia -, ai, Ahhtt Mita",', month. 'Yet-rt? Wednesday in each month. 1hsrr"ttstoo-rridBy before the Guelph Flir. Dmytorr--Ntunlttr before Guelph. Etoru--Ths day before Guelph.~ Dtrrtghw--Mottdtsy befolo Blot. Pair. Haniiltoe-crtrtal Pulse. Groundn. the Divin- - on? MW " il B. In. mad man p.ut. tbttttath Schoo " my. m, my” manual ovary WMy awning a go. Bible Clan ovary nut-by ”In: It Pat.- ”Jim. Mouton ti.it,gicai2.iit,t."i2itio.ti, “I. w "r.. In: Mo a. " ' p. m. We“ fait'.', ffghtra n may you. W ting a. 'flf..',%'leld'r' owning. tlit' = " I p. In - mum, "can! prayer mooning " 8pms Walnut? - day after Guelph. BHirt---k'irBt Thursday in etch month Hampton -Pirst Thuradny in one]: month. Listoivil-Fimt Friday in each month. Perguts--'ruttrMttyfo)1trwjy.g MotuttPoregt. Roanont-FifteiuP.lt of Febmlry, Aim, June. August October Ind Deccan er. Primrose-Wed-day preceding the Onngovillo Fsir. Otmgovillo-Tho 2nd Thursday in and: month. 'l,t,tt'g.'.'rreg'h, before Orangbvillo. Dundalk-T-ay More Orangevillo. t,tgi,e,,'gtril2,er'tg, baton Onngoville. Mumvilu-rfueottd edneadny in each "toats" W Wu; John Alumni» putty-W. Ohm unfrom 10 t.m.toipatr mum-cu .. m. and? .m. Sand” School "' p. m. Rev. It B. me. 'it A,, paw: Church Watkins. H. J. “manual: and Eliu Edge. month. Walurtoa--The laat WtsdstsHtry in no]: numb. Milan-y - Last Wednesday ot each month. m. urn m. MN Town We]!!! a m- anning from " to o'elogk. 1t2'r.tt1llhWi 100,50 out... Alex.“ DOW WWI: No. I. " a. P. C A. M, War, War! qummuuhuo- stock“ ' Durham. Mny. 15. 1879. MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR‘L bop-rt cm LIL. It!” noon. Arrivo to» p.m., mama. FREEBYTERIAN CHURCH ‘0. MB!!! 0D!" cm “CWICS‘ INSTITUTE B. o. new“ OFFICE BUREAU L. 0. L. No. 638. POST OFFICE. [9399" m. to , p. m. Arch. Me 7mm CHURCH. "ZH‘ATI’ MILLINERY Durham. $Gy lull. 1m. DIRECTORY All of which will be told " very low prices. $.13. 435 p. at. Mp. a. 426]: In. 5S0 up, Arrive um s. an natty-.929 p. we LADIES . manage: " 1:00 o‘clock. in "tft-rt welcomo. B. C A. DAVIDSON. __ W a“ -.v - ,, "w-..“m. .br6b"lFW%FVR, um good to be than!" 1 mm In m haul (or you-n before 1 sun- ref, It who 05mg. In mains In your Circular In. my one described In many ttreti11,"g,; The - “amp" [tom the ' had emu very dia- Wh. Ind n emu ”Mon often prevonb. ln. In. from lying long“ would he] like numb". tn. nod be r',f,'l'g",'e,,'tigi,',,,y,' in the bod. Mr hula: m mm was uno y mama, When ladrg,', an. to Wuhan-ton In August. 1876.] this We. Won Haul used seawater of It. mum of one home I found would what, tttlatte I Ind Ttll.",',,',' W‘dagird. I (In); 8th. ”m m " out, In t1TmltlrgrfnnS"'lrld'l,i Into I hnvo ' non. for . sold In my hat Brockville, Ont. DEAIt 8t1c-tt in now two you: since rtutr"Cott, mama-10ml: Rowdy ' wu {unnamed to we. I Lt".2thi.ettt1itAPFiiiirtiiir cog-you“ re- - m" __.v - w... - w... Winn“ m '.'ttttiieiii,i,ieiiiiri' an. mydttty,toyou, an 'rtirils,'/ll'rTt'r'd'd"l'i1'l'h'to'ft'?ieAt'o' and In ha bu: ' Tho-nu- Arm-d It. Wonderful Cum. Hear what a. Reverend Gentleman says of the Constitutional Remedy. T.3.B. Huang. Ihyt., - _ LOWER TOWN,") .. DTYRNAM, The Highest Market Pride paid for Hides and Skms. ROBERT MoPARLANE. Compnl Iver and Ike!" Placed Good- Gold sud Siver Watches, Ladies and Oouts' Wedding and Engagement Rings, Gold Lockets. Charms. Chains, Keys, Pencils, Pens. an. ke. Amman) “no ot Clor.u. Alums Una of Funny oooda,htetstaeus,vioruu, Fug. Coneerttmus, u DURIIAM carriage Works. Repairing . Specialty. Saddler, Tanner, Carriages, Buggies, Demo- crat Wagons, etc., U god mush. end " price- u low u any (mm "tatt . ttrrsout1nttmeotutr, Those in need of Such Articles would do well to Dail and Inspect My Stock. The thttmert'ber In use Agent tor All 1mm: of FAR] IMPLEMENT! OF THE VERY BEST MATERIAL good than. mud n price- " low u tutr cum Mr. F. DOLL's. Watchmaker, Shoemaker, No. 6, Garafran Street, Plalherton. Demtmtrer 18 1878. Durham, December 19th 1878. Durban. NEW GOODS THOMAS SMITH, URES CON§TITUTIONAL Catarrh R e mf dy Manufacturer of aus., Ol? Pletshtsrton, ROBERT McFABLAN E , CATARRi JOHN CAM ERON . AT W. F. DOLL. AGRICULTURE Agent for the Supon'or Rroadaant Seeder md Drill. Also th, but Sulky take in tho Dominion. C II 'E Puticulu attention paid to Eaveatroughing. Cash for Sheepskins STOVES AND TINWARE I The lubscnbm- lmgl to inform the public that he has a large Stock of 870“ - "I WARE, which will hand NOW is the time to buy 3. PIECE of GOOD CHEAP FACTORY COTTON. PRINTS FROM tie. PER YARD UP. r ACTORY COTTONS From lie. per Jard By the Pita. TEA FROM Me. PER POUND. clover seed, Grass seed, Garden seeds * Turnip and Very Cheap. DONT FORGET TO BUY EARLY AT . As Ill kinds of goods must shortly go up in price, many liues having already Adam“. all who require goods will save money by Buying new It NOW is the time to buy a CATTY of that Choice Japan Tea at Me, put up in u no“ Tin Caddy. Immense stock of Staple Dry Goods. Groceries da., I beg to inform the public that shortlv before the increased dutiu were impel“! under the “National Policy" um I purchased an DRY GOODS and GROCERIES At J. EL HUNTERS. jii2ijr'itijititrt1ir,,,.t,, 315:? J, Durham, Feb. 26th. 1873.' l Durham. April Md, 1879, eaaiGriihts 5:351: .7 I mm I- w» PI” 90 at um 'G'l.%2'fL'i prom mamas trrroirerated entirely by HORSE POWER, and GUARANTEED to bore at the rate of IO to 15 FEET PER HOUR, mgnteltuettargtr,aiiinllmlElllxtiti! They are WARRANTED TO BORE sUCCESSFULLY m ALL KINDS OF EARTH, SOFT SAND and LIMESTONE; BITUMI- NOUS STONE COAL, SLAC', and HARDPAN, and make the BEST OF WELLS in QUICKSA"Y/, GRAVEL, and CAVY EARTHS. They on may Opel-lad. limp]. In Con-true“. and m I The Cheapest 3-4 I... PM”! In a. - Mir MANUFACTURED AT OUR OWN WORKS, hom he Very Best a! Material, by Skilled and Practical Workmen. - “v... va- “u...- -w ___r.r___r_ ._ -7“, v.," United States and Canada, to whom we offer liberal inducement. Sad ke or .tllustrated Catalogue, Prices, Terms, &c., proving our durum bu Ao. GOOD CTIVE AGENTS Wanted in Every in the ml Sums: andACanallL to whom we offer liberal inducement emf!!! or APtmess GREAT WEN WELL Mall Fm CAI’ And intend offering them at the old LOW Prices for 80 divs. Vr'iiriiiiiiih, and are‘prepmd to demonstrate th. an. WELL Allliliill MONEY SAVED T - -' ' I CAN ACTUALLY BE MADE WITH THE J. II. HITN'I‘ER‘S. P 170]} (‘JASH OR TRAE. Cook. Parlor and Box Stoves .JOHNSTON,Jm BY BUYING h GOOD STPPLY op [Agent for the tale nf all kind! of IMPLEMEN TS, J. H. HUNTERS. St. Louis, Missouri. "he one“, Bulky 1tah.--th. T. A. aunts. " a - - “a! brunrrrt ""'tttttua-t-utuo "aoo-uit-r.t'.,',i't'o"ut'tt mm an 'urine tnulrmsd.-ugitioatoou, Iuua_qid.i-eetq tum, I'm-gmhdliduhtkudl in tho To“ 1M lost-u Home”. Epsom. mm“... dhmen um ”durum chip. all. in. J thte Job knowimdupin the "eruotru, at “no” Good [wily Map" “Grey Review,” “which Art, no" Medium " m" Job P11090135 pa Mum, mankind-um B'POSTAGE I “will - 'hoesidotsb-tbehethn hIhoCn-tydhy. 1rmrtsmidirr.emases ”Pom-“g WORK. doubting ”MM um...” ”out. up Why; I‘d“ we; " VETERINARY SURC LU The British Hotel. Durha: IV W7 CALDWEL ll Cabinet Make il ll D arham, - - Woe-on Bro. . Carpenters and Buildm I Huis' 1'thde THE REV IE Do Trom [at Mom l ' 'P u L'Ali. “EAL [VI 1.1, l'rr AGENTS, READ THIS " SINESS DIRECTO LEGAL Boot and Shoemaker, LU l.ul'l."-II Inn-N. DI IEIIA it MISCELLANEOU S Goo. a. luau-m. tl In. D. “NINJA “HULK. ATTUIRM.‘ Inun. Durham. out ' n he... w ill [my M o-t't “he" . Lcll nwmu to use r- ostil torboblem, and vim “1' “Min: or and “I knuh of harp. A" AN'IALS. ' anal uh! b-en. cards, rr Ind and”. per y"'". no: at ““00- acmpm no at month Him - , adv-Rim: Mu: I“ “at“ h “than“ "at! "It“. Wood Turnin J, FRY IOTABLI SH Mr \(E but thortttwhl.s ' In" in - on” 1... 11-1“ on “lung m. . " anal-Quinn Th- 14." .' w-v Oh can. eul alum ”Mt-hum»! aquar- u tgr,', '0' an..." I an m\.- aw r. .. ‘ArKICI. I. t I'VEY Ill Ln“. _ ' _ l "Mid-luv! m u t, K from t Frost. :s'rrtlm um] V' Irrt"s m I‘lmmvon ivlhl 'r _ "I. JAM“ FATE of Toro, mum. and CN1tl Hunt.” " " ILL..." t. "I... TI rd f5ent "puCtg.e'g', I: xl: Mil "limb m, tur. taught?“ , nu“, [It r lush 'crafted plu- 'dl'; J: 2'gg; l "tutttt and It? man-l In an“. “Ma-u. dun-r 4 -." u a.) t van. 3:”. Mum. uh 'Ntoigttvbt 1l?2h').',r"r'/a"c": Wu: m: m. 1 AMI-Q... .-... I. 'f"'-' rm .' \‘I'l at . a". Nun hut we II‘ In! nun-musk c u CI. the advet-ot. ‘W‘RT rortgt Ittt. RYE] ITF. "T VI II! a. M on“ AYtrEN & Hilts. Noll I|IIIII not pa MEDICAL. fl , " are“? W Jr h or ADV and "mi a). bun: DUNDMJ tttY Motel, i [lulu " oil rh 61.00 p A an“ Hun-u of Um 1.1.“ "ttN than Ir, Agent pr “or... 1'1 NV It If Sl Mn Cat

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