Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 3 Jul 1879, p. 4

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y I'? t. I"? "(fl yt l I l V, N,“ -- -B.Tl-.. ...._y "merino": for m not as . twining reverie on a un- 'iiiiiil vr+stttsde", of 'thtlt: . mum of ords . n: murduet, “anathema; tho {elm "trtrth Ind right living, of avoiding tho NM “a sane: thstleul to (Induction. "eltietiug whatever is pure, and W. and noblo, and generous aim "l in thunder. This I [a one if in- to, human existence. on Otivns contained "ml-mafia! trhili ttii hare brought us, oat u . gloon mg onronblu Within my ' . " 7â€".Pâ€"vv - "nu: on "MU-by be dictum-ed. Not; contented mmmnfirf aim m. a. the I 3110303. " In useful, must combine en. ergy. hp. Ill] tonal-lion. To dwell mor- bidly agon our sin: is as futile as to dwell mortndtr upon dur ealatnitiec Only us they-rounds“ give out their earnest lesson: for the future are they a safe or wholesome subject for retieetiou or medi. tation. to the woman; the lessons it holds C/trs: tt we have erred through wilfulness or iguana", if we laws acted liutily or foolishly, if we have weakly yielded up ouritulgment, or obstinately re- fused to listen to reunion, it is well not to shrink from the knowledge. Especially when moral if' are concerned; where our uu'ahedo and noglcota have set in motion a train of evils; when if the outbreak of pauion had been curbed, or the lawless desire “trolled, or the loving counsel rc. spectod, or the inner voice of conscience I obeyed, the present time might have been on od mu” hoppineu. instead of hu- miliation “damn-s; in such cases the pain of retrospect is Maury. Yet even - II, in which the thought of what might have transpired, under other eireum. stances. is a yhplesom and Jumble one. It is when (It. mgrtivi IF obtain I clen- " light to we the rump. Then it is no irtdulgeneo in useless complaints or sickly repiningx, but a searching investigation in. nigh. to attribute in too great an istfiaeneo to sing!- trtbttSM, 1nd the reality thumbs back use: In, with inonaud force, is all the larder to bear. Time has closed the record, :21. only ammo our own [min by 'vhg to tear Opel the closed Bot honoured, or it some one had taken I aileron! coune. Generally speaking. these regrets on Oily productive of increased discontent and gloom. ‘They no often granny emitted from the morbid con- dition ofnind which brings them forth ', but oven when they no well founded, they are notuthhl subject! for contemplation. Could we go but far enough, and in imag. ination opon up All the contingencies which might hnve been, an] orange them to brim about what wo consider more favora- ble malt, w. should. in our fancy. sule I an the whole otder of nature. As it u. by dmwing ln out own minds the uni ltmitml pictures which our powers can fur. ___ - ..... 15:1!me upon us. few deaths take place when the sub vivin. fiend. do not he! he): with self- reproach or displeasure " something um was done or lea undone upon which thty laid the Hun. ottheir "iietion. So in other cue. of trouble','tlze toxin " need not have keen lost, the friend-hip need not have been broumtyi good name need not have been "ltied, 3h. hopes need not have been persoul 'intents the} we review conting- eneinnl niece the - warning: of causes, end iasattindother and stiff-nt remind)“ might have bymi/eertarin {hinge on whfch they depended had transpired diderelnly. Especially when Mme Ind troubloe have inniled new we up: to indulge in tmeh We... Jf we land had more which. at In blanched what we did ‘ pom. ifm, Myidded to the advice of some friend, or "we had resisted the per- ennial: of another, if other people had ect- e I (literacy. or it some apparently anim. portal! event Ind not traatqrired we argue um this trial My“ never have come upon tgan f... A-_IL_ A . . A Lspecuuy when BM have i-ited In". to I such "inspect. If we wisdch, a in had no pom. if we had ,UlAsst lame kind, or ifwo had "union of Another. if oth, .1 diihrentlr, or if some a Mum event Incl not tn: Thus b, nasal air It in other sud; "he“, hams». dome usually (an... "mat-.... --- " u A ...A. - If oily misthing iid Li, or had however, one exception to this M M Ind whieiGriii "who brighten “poet- " . gnmm97;,:.;:;: [an my .hiveit, More J.'" of that little wori. mow itch of our own It no "View conting- "Yue-, on Ps.' "aim tigation in. IN ' it holds l The CM Southern Bcilway Comp-u ‘have been obliged to “when" mm to rid “Launch” of that growing evil, the bump nuisance. Any 'rgemNe. of hr fraternity found on a tmin m haul over to the polio. “undies of the tiest town, and an an» had worth. week or two. An Iii-hm hiring rarmh-ed In Mme, their.“ again“ ' him whu he hind“! to do with it. “Och," m M."lnhl've nothingiu dobnipull “to mini: and wake lay-elf." " " . â€"â€"â€" -... "e"""" Hi.“ "11°" does he ride‘ when “out?” Winn-a, "Don't know, no": In withhim when he was alone." hwy". " have done with you, sir." r Too MUCH you In: "roet.i.--TU . following dinlogue. which occurred years , ago between a lawyer and a witness in I l justice's court. is worth relating:---" seem , that Mr. Jones loaned Mr. Smith a horse, . which died while in his (Smith’s) possess- t ion. Mr. Jones brought unit to recover 1 the value of the horse.Lttributing his "tttttl to bad treatment. During the course of, ' the trial a witness (Brown) we: celled to) the stand as to how Mr. Smith treeted hora. es. Lawyer, with a bland and oontihsuptr invoking smile. "WH', sir, how doee Mr. Smith generally ride I horse?" Witness, with a very muy twinkle in his eye, otherwise imperturbuble, "Astmddhr, I bo. lieve. air." Lawyer, with scarcely I per- ceptible flash of vention on his cheek, but still speaking in his hhmdest tones, "But, sir, what gait doe: he ride t" Witneu. m l never rides any gate, air. Hie boy: ride all ‘tha gates." Lawyer, his bland smile ell gone and his voice sligtly husky, "Bet how does he ride when in eompeny with other: t" Witneee, "Keepe up. ifhie hone in able; if not, he goes behind." Lawyer, triumphantly, and in a per-teat In”, “How .1-“ l _ .. te" . - butter in cream being about the same portion as the peculiar waxy In. found in this vegetable milk, I he: will readily account tor its great nut powers. I exhibited by the Venezuelan Government, at tho Paris Exhibition, there happened to he several 6asks of this milk, and after a long period M. Bosungault has been en. abled to complete his analysis of this sub- stance, which is unique in the vegetable world. In a memoir laid before the Acade- I my of France he gives a detailed analysis,, and concludes by stating that this vegan, bio milk most ceituinly up; ranches in its composition to the milk ot the cow; itcon nuns not only fatty matter, but also sugu caseiue, sud phosphstes. Bat the relative proportion of these substances is greatly In favour of the vegetable milk, sud brings it up to the richness of cream, the amount of butter in cream Lain" I‘m-I. ".. MW - a Tn: MILK or In; Cow (trms.-auxttn. It der Humboldt rennin that mung the a many very wonderful neturul phenomena 1 which he had during his extensive travels 1 witnessed none impressed him in a more . remarkable degree than the sight ofa tree t yielding an abundant supply of milk, the , propelties of which seemed to he the some . as the milk of I cow. The adult Indium . would go each morning with their slaves I from the village or station on the slope of y the moantaiseltain bordering on Vane-me- [ la, where Humboldt was stopping,» a tor. est where they grew, and, making Icme deep incision: into the trees, in less than two hours their vessels, plneed under these incisions, would be full. All‘yresent would then partake of the milk, on which the slaves grew fat, and a quantity would be carried home to be given to the children and to be mixed with cassava and maize. The tree itself attains tt height of from " to 60 feet, has long alternate leaves, and was described by Linden as Bruinum ga- lactodendron. The milk which ilom, from any wound nude in the trunk is white and somewhat si.,eid; the flavour is very agree- able. Some time ago on the occasion of I M. Bouingnnlt going to South Americe, ' l Humboldt requested him to take every op. portunity of investigating this subject. At Mummy the thee was tirst met with, and l for more than a month its excellent quali. I tier Were daily tested in connection with coffee and chocolate; bat there was no op- portunity for n ehemiealanaiysis. Nor does si such appear to have occurred till the other A day, when, amid the many curious things l exhibited by the Venezuelan Government, . at the Paris Exhibition. there happened to be several flask, at an; ...:u. --, n m " Inning to eradicate. Indeed it i in the nireete after nightatrtut be” prinei. mlly sequin the odttmtion that " them, in an" rear, for beaming Iii-solute, cn'miml men, and make. them tit lubjects for the penitentiary. Parents would adopt en intUxibhr mU never to permit their sane. under any eiretumanees, to go into the streets utter night-Ml. to engage in outdoor' upon-ti, or to meet other boys " the purpose of l "mging nonnd groceaiu and saloons ; bat rather let them have some innocent amusement in-doors, With plenty ofjuven- ile books md pnpers. Many a young men hm; been mined in health, hardness, and character, who can trace the commence- ment of his min to the evenings spent in the street. --- ._ H " waxy material milk, th {not that ite great nutritive and, making some trees, in loss than 1. placed under these L Nfvresent would ilk, on which the I AND SKINGLES. 'l'homngbred Durham Bull "oaroaoots-dmtmntr,to.una. timeg. " DIAJOR” SHINGLES; .14“ AND JAJMB.ER ‘fou, mm Con “at: Sauna on 'trsh-dart- don mm. . F f,,',tdti,',,etegfeiitciiic"i'rr'rd4"l Wonk In“: l. , CRAWFORD. "". " COLIN C. Mammy. l annual. mun. Durban P. 0.} an". I van-ck to». war " Gu.on """ ... '““ Custom Sowing of Ember With “I. Ctmuur Evan‘s-t I“ kind. «in! Log-during we. _ N o ARMlSTICE f South. mm tat 1,111.. 11:35 B, m.,5:£0 p. m4 l _ve (1:10.. fu., 4:25 p. m., sun p. In. Nqrttr. W. "in; 111., frfrp m. Ania. ttar, a. m., 5:20 p.111. We“. Dunn 11:45 min. Arrive woo I. m, aux BOUND. hop-rt an mm, mm noon. Am" "tit NIL. 10:15 p.111. unsun- Dopu’t won. m. Arrivo 4:30 p. Fr,,' Por time u [Automating swan-loo Tun. Ttstrue _ ED111139 “queen. South TORONTO. GREY, AND BRUCE RAILWAY. CHANGE or nun. Night of moduli: 'tiv/iii/ii, or before u moonin each mom. . T'.Ctsritt,iHe. Toronto. April 8HI.t, 1m Night of meeting, Tummy on J, iiai,' full moon of each month. "ttlt brethren welcome. A. Valle: W. M. H. W. other. Secretary. STEPHEN LODGE No. m Lo.o.k. ,. Night of meeting every Mos-“lug at 7:30 o‘clock, in thouddlv‘allou‘ ali. Vision? mun-cm welcome. T. A. Harris, N. u. W. B. Vol att, Soc. T one. hour: {toms-.111. to T p. In. Arch. Me, Kenna. Postmaster. Town Hall-open - Fridny 1aGiie from t to 9 o'clock. share- #1. annual fee go mu. Mann der Robert-son, Librarian. Thoma Lauder, Racism;io-h:i. Munro. Ile- puty-Rcul-tmr. 0mm noun trom to t. m. to 4 t'.m. W. Grant, pant-W. Sunday 'oryieta--tmaets. ing In It I. m.; t3abbattt School M. eat p. In: Preaching at 7 p. m. Week evening Service-u- Mondny evening, young pootrHs' rm?” meeting " 'll), m. ; Wednesday evening, Bib o c “a " 8 p. In My evening, remand pmyu meeting at 8pan C. METHODIST CHURCH. Bandeau even Sabbath It 10:30 a. m. and 6:30 pan. Mb“): School at 2:30 I,” m. Prayer meutmg even Thumb)! evening at o'clock, and Bible Clans gvelgy‘lrudny owning at8 o'clock. Ptustor Rev. Divine Service: on? tum-m at u a. m. and 6:30 v. m. Bubbath Selma M 2:30 3). m. my" meeting every Wetland-y owning " :1). Bible (rim 'trtrr.y Thursday owning at 7:30. new. Wm. l‘uk,pus?nr. Sabbath act. icon at ll I. m. and 7 Kim. Sunday School at 2 p. In. Row. H. It. Wrny, . A., paator Church Wardens, H. J. mammal: delhu Edge. month. ' __ T V “7-..", -- Milduny - Last Wednradsy of mouth. month. I -.. wtuPtfy,t-T1e lyst Wednesday in month. f .ri1etrltrfonrrMomhty before orangeviIle, Ilaryihslk,-Ttystuhsy before Ornugeville. 8eltremr-rWoiimday before Ornngeville. hrarsrillsy--seeond \Yeduesduy in muh _.,--_..__. -...-u.-u _.. Juliana! , " ml, Jane, August, October and i'd',d,',i'.",.? Printer-Vid-day preceding the Orartgevilhs Fair. orangerille--The gud Thursday in each _..AL day after Guelph. I _ Ber1iucFirrt Thursduy in each month Brampton --First Thursday in 'raehmonth. Listoiel-ritst Friday i each month. -renrutr--Thu_rsay followrhg Mount Forenh Roeemont--h'itteimth of February, April, T.-, A__, A A . _ I -- month. I fyelpl!--litet Wednesday in each month. I_urriston-rFrioy befora the Guelph Flir. I?trtore-8ustraiy before Guelph. Elora--The day before Guelph. llottgltur-Mouhy befme Elan Fair. "t"tiltee-cfoy,tiy, Pulaco Gretna-i! the .1-.. A 5..- "-, _l, DURHAM LODGE No. am Jiri.' End: T.ii, Ihtrham-Third Tuesday in and: month. 1rieovilu--Monda, before Durhun. IInnovtr-Monay" before Durham. Mcunt ttrest-Third Wednesday in each cloVer seed, A, 111% 03m mung Ihotllx go] NOW a. the time to My . tufrt own! 'c'hoiu up... To. a Me, tmt up in . Tin Caddy. new is the time to buy It mica of GOOD CHEAP FACTORY corrox. PRINTS mom " PER YARD UP. FACTORY Cotrttmis From (Fe. per yard By the Piece. TEA mom we. ran POUND. . I be: to inton- tho pull“ that new under the "National Durham. April 2nd, 1879. MONTHLY CATTLE FAIRS DURHAM L. 0.1.. No.6ag. MECHANIC? msn'ru'i'ni PRESBYTEIIIAN CHU "CH, , G. ugygwx' OFFICE BAYHST GEORGE nlOAXOIVIhLE. TBXN ITY CHURCH, ' War! POST OFFICE r GOODS and GROCEBIES At J. H. HUNTERS. And intend 0mm than n the tstd LOW Prim for 80 dun. was an“ 'shortly go up in price, may lino: Irwin: who require goods will an money by Buying no J. H. HUNTER‘S. DIRECTORY Grass seed, Garden seeds * Turnip seed . DY Burma A GOOD MPPLY " Very Cheap. new FORGET TO BUY EARLY AT of Staple Dry Goods. Groceries da., " each cap!) IClover & Timothy t.9e1hfu1?t, my Glue! Arm It, 1879 . v - __.-_...- "'"""d UWMU’ uuu L1"- his Purple To Mammoth I Mange]- wnnol. Globe “flame Mommqth, Beets, Cabbage, Carrots to. kc. _ Aberdeen, Green Top and Purple Top Yellow, 1lt,vetyrs grey b'tope, upd Car. Carter’s Imperial Hardy, Bangholm's Improved and Sutton's Champion Swede. " 1879. ANNUAL 1879. IMPORTATI ON PER STEAMER "8ARDtNrhN." . EL HUNTERS. ()f Seeds H. PARKER. inmate! dutiu I pushed an Including Dunn. ES Maven, Reapers, Salk: Hay Rakes, Laid!“ Improved Gang Plough» to nu 8ttueibir.S Aaratomn:ifiijrf, Agent. for the Superiot Broadcast Seeder 5nd Drill. Also an ‘ beat Snlky rake in the Dominion Cash. for Sheepskins PartieuUr “melon paid to Vasrettroughing, I‘ho subscriber begs to inform the STOVES AND TINWARET! A LARGE AND W. SUCH AS Cauliflower, Cabbage, Celery, Tomato, Onion, Carrot, Pars nip, Beet, Cucumber, Melons &e, and the, different FLOWER SEEDS, Vegetable and Flower Seeds TURNIP SEEDS. of The Best Quality. of KIERNAN & HUGHSON, Durham, April, 9,1879. Dun-ham, Feb. Mth, Mme. The Royalist Trimming especially shaped for collars & tn1irg PATENTED CHINELLA NECK TIES, MUSLIN TIES, NET TIES, LACE TIES. FRENCH FANS, FANCY FANS. DAMASK POCKET HA?inhH:ncurr.rs, NEW METAL DRESS BUTTONS, * A LOT or SUN SHADES. . an of which will be sold at very low prices. Fashionable SUMMER WOULD NOW INVITE THE LADIES TO COME AND As “an! we have a lug. Stock of Pains and (India Tweak. Rundown. Shining! and Flinn-d: which we will cxclnuge for Wool or all chap for cull. in the but pouihle mum: and on tho shone-t notice. We are duo pnpsml to par the Highest Market Price in Cash, F " R Mr O O IL, t The Subscribers winking to "hm tuttks to their numerou- friend. Mid customer: for their putt-mm in the but would ”mind then that they m n lulu] prepared to do Carding, Spinning & Manufacturing, ’ tharrEraar1italres, Mowing Machines, Reaping Machines both single and l combined, Lumber Waggons, Horse Powers and Separators, At The DURHAM FOUNDRY. A, COCHRAN B. Durham! Shy, Ili, 1879, ALSO Note and Book Am m‘lt Kiel-nu; swam, yummy ABERDEEN, and WHITE T NTrhtt " Belgian (3a rrol MANGEL WUltTZEL. Also n full Stock Hanover, May = 1879, 5 April 4, me. NEW SEEDS, Comprising: CA " JOHN CAMERON WOOL! WOOL! JP 130R C‘IASII 0R WIe A " Cook. Parlor and Box Stovpa. . iro:rrtrsTojii-,""i"fc; 'l‘inlolhy and C-novstp or THF. DIFFERENT nuns: ADAMS & MESSENGER. STATIONERY. ligature purchasing Elsewhere dent fail to see our Stork MILLINERY for the "k ot the otrhrheatod MOWER 30870 mm: c uowzr. comm ELL ASSORTED STOCK oy STATIONI'IR BOOKS, Always on gum}. Fancy Dry thooods. E. * A. DAVIDSON. Durham, May lah, 1879, KIICRNAN__;_{7 H musox Agent tor It. ale of att kinds of Consisting in part of the following “was M-- LADIES public the. he In: B large Stock of STOVBS ARE, which will humid IMPLEMEN Ts, HAVE IN STOCK , no Best Quality. of the different “ml ABERDEEN, and mum Tl RSIP. --AND- -AND-- MEDICAL HAL! Also the Canon-q 3m). Mum-n}... w. an", 1...,“ T'm, IVER maul-anal by the TANK EXAMINI'Z HIS 31-)“ of ‘4. LOWER TOWN. JOHN CA ME RUN d; Stewart's '. A. HARRIS. " 'iqoeei. Hides. STOCK and SCHOOL and TIN cmb'G 'MW‘Y'H Dm ‘Its at only "no Prlla 'lCMll'd. ' Buy ll! ' Wvy ll . FMSale byd] TM. B. i'rriGlG"liGTG'a"Jl'.'."'""t unto Mm mw Milly. Ji"l m..,.aarar'i'i','iak"a, Mumm- tte tttttte, Constitutional l “mi: .. . - - V-dtqlschomer. www,uq.wok' MIAMI“) "ttrv. 14mm! et'tttiei 1"“le mm“ for] hkr m. up: but tre ”Irene-l to m u , in lln- I,cd _-M th “1““ m .81me “10me u In 21'itrrgehi,i to WM» In August PC" 1 thm. bottle- More I tmd usoU u ”mun! at to nun-h at on. bottle I found down . " hr: and V“ I had lied he hotties and A tturd 141“" Mm" ",liutf'fiit (“he cm of that mum-m 1m" , . tll “In; PdLertietm.tui of Utetttmvt In MIKE-31': farrG"t; ":11!" g; 'yreritiietoau. an macuhcmx.‘ R'l'e1,",'t2e,ee.ii,h', nm 'tr.e.-_tt-iiiiiGG'W,1ii ,7. titma3Catiiif, . I.” “I’D t'ttt'.r K .r. mu Wad My . “I! lntrmhirr.‘ to ttw Ind- '.2P2'tff3ytet, te W " tho elm u. m n- Tim - In I'm-I - Hear what a. Reverend Gentleman my: of the Constitutional Ramos-u 1?Pf.?1tueudinm 'beuum you bet. .1“ u. I. iiii'ifhii'i. In reading Ty,",?,', rum" 1tli,'N, 'ltptThtt in t'?Ytt. tlruinn 'Ihr MI. n-A'RE.L.P M t'l'iW',,'r/, n-H (in Light Harness, Trimmings. Whips, etc. In Writ-Clu- te 'hoing Ind NH " " you: CT'onstet Damn-mm he run pumuw ivfl'dargi to than I'M'quy favour him I! theirctstotn.' (m Don- - in). Flour and Food for Sale. h mum-nut» sin-.1 t 3.9; manual: of Tom” . Puma-luck 15 Miran .1. B. Emmi: Pet, Durhun. July 4.1;". 'PY, subscriber desires to tnrmirtte colllmuuity of Gland}; ina Townships. that he tu. Pctltt mu...“ is new reNuiird to do Cumpru In? a“ PCII‘I‘IN MIN (:01 Gold and tiiver 1%teher, Ludivx mu} Gr, Wedding and Euciweuucct 13mg: 'tiota buckets. Chum, Hum». Keya. Pencils. t'rur, ha. Ar. Al-it)") 'fhgit,',t Mime Ilnu M h) Good-.Bpoctnclec. hunt. Hie. Ccmceaunr, Repairing a Slu-ciulty Ole-915', Fab. a. 187k HIS-herb". m. ombu " new Spring and tyyi9nee--oitisosite the {Japadu JOHN ROBERTSON TAILOR AND CLOTHIER Chap tor Cull. Them, Machine,, mm and...“ an. otttitx, 'ytiuactua to l Sewing Machines For Sade:i Te, "Ueribtrr " eiu,T",! In “wen. “(luau 'onthe on»: mum, “M m atd'l'lflt'Gl3r'lh% Pyvur1othu.s A “I”! Mum-hum. Purdy's Mills, t1lenelg “be.“ utsoi.4 Po.toisee, Lower t o DURHAM. Ot {an VERY BEST MATERIAL “gamma?” "m "m Thong in nqad of Such Article, mu do Well to Call and . Inspect My Stack. The lumber II “no “out fur All.rcv, U, FAdu0MPLEagE.sTri NEW GOODS wing and Summer Pun-Mum regul received. Durham, Feb. 14, 1876. V DITRIIAM Carriage Works Durham, Nov. l, 1878. Cutting done to Order Durham. r. F. DOLL's. Tiratchmasrer, CALL AND SEE DURHAM $7.. DURHAM yiiiifiasrras. " risl iuvc. out Wagons, etc., I“... "e-ur', Areeord A new nut-chm PattstArr; L Bouldens’ TAILOR, Pltpdrcsrton, Nook of term: Church, 1tamtiktturer of 301:an HcFAliLANF, V-l te.. OF AT itiAi; Agent, Brock , mnm'li‘ do Robertson, "" dun 1mm! Menomin- "tol and. or will no and nun-r inform the! Momma. ye IN) tttAt " Pn-nln' Hond- l ~va In!” "that I tor with rt “a DI I) tn tl FL! of III Huh done to 0M Inn-0M” " (M Mag not in Post _ Winn In N gale-ovum" Ahot--r* tir' tmr It "mm McAln'm'n. I III'SIIAIJx'. H ' »LL1 . ' a... N F " tr, . Hm... . ', 1 . I ‘1LFNLD _ _ $rmtaigtttutts, or Otherwis ' V pan-an Inn-hm to Id "We - m “viii“. In.l~ovn|rnt I a PIM,,',', Ind r'eili,r,1,"gt In" Wool-13mm .um "Iv-w In Doom, Hub and Blurb Old ot or TRUST AND LOWS t 0 WWW W L Cabinet Mak C " Money to Low "o-. liq-Inn} n lulu LY mu he at " (In and rum tumult, " VETERINARY SURGIlo Vat..- ‘ms . Cupentem cud Builders hm I mt mr Rum-11‘ , mm l I l‘..lln~: Hm In...» . m ("Jar Dual-ILMJJ I-r. mmt.1u..lm In WI " VH'I‘ q RAI'I' tTI G Toronto lul- tun-cum. _ Oll-m I MCFAYIII N IPlNt,gl,/it _ Or 060* 0hr ' Int Union“ .UI-I V Du: H AGENTS. READ THIS Ad-tt.ertuust. by Vritum "1-qu i-rtrd mm! for dunno, " N [In-I Emu: II E. ”twining-“nu "aths, MU All k It. " curtre aloud ' “he. 90‘0““ rd, lmumw - umlm, In Taro tutu. " n “he. , M W do. per be' - Coll-n. pet .“ I.“ ooh-u. .. 0- odmnl, ., 00. " mouth [in thrve Ira-mt! Caaast “van-um m- anna tho timt nun-m. tee oaah "uequeut l ITIAY ANN u _ Inch tor " m. or' PIOMYEIEII, It but Barman l n 0. Ir?“ m u ALFRED l'l TetBtrtr.-ti.uo pm gnu“ not [uni ., law- Toms. Durhm At tbe “See, liar, Durham, - - nusmnss DIRECTO F- - LEGAL mm Bomb-u own. I! "" t n lu"very 'l‘llu " “THE REVIE nur [Ml 00.. a. Matthews Atom! "nth: ”CELLANEO U S In“. d: Frost MlitIsTr'.lih mui it', u..\ Gunman“. l than.“ N. .l. I‘.I.Jll'Il-.-.n. t TmRNICY at Law bw, -' _ Fi. n. MACS: ABBISTl-LR. ATTI .. ton-Juana“. kt on. Palm will pa y [W Wood Turning BATES OF Al “ILIJ‘W t " mum REMOVAL ATl MEDICAL in”. lotion '50“ I’ll\ SA ‘0 i in! " \\' " .ID‘ at on: NI

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