jeste mment bonus? Could cver face the people after 1 running alongside the & Bruce, which is not roml, on the contrery, rritory that is not suf§. id if you unite with us we will got the Goversâ€" : are not going into this expectation of makikg it of the stock subscribed rrying bownses, but all Zfter scriods comâ€" come which they were :« the bect that presented ch would be mh.fl, is to Owen Sound and ~untry, than a# bransk dit Va a bankrupt conceru. any had boen successful s because the villages interested, but could n start from Paimerston e to Mount Forest, thenee nt to Durham, through t>, and through Derby to lns scheme removes any been met out of the us who tike an interâ€" The names connected z should inspire comâ€" all residents ammongs® | men in the country. lost hoeavily by sinking t Valley, but we ate t scheme, seo that we y to bu 11 the line, beâ€" re from the lfl)'nlbiâ€. wonu Company heve rter alle wing the Trusâ€" 1e debentures on the 3. We simpily 't':\aly. count !‘ â€. : to complete our it over to the Greoat ratl»=d and Huron ven Sound it is & a branch to every t_reatens to oppose olfored a branch to re an tious to reaci s urged on us by won Sound is the s on the Goorgiam s. _ Seven years ind opposed the thing that we error. People 1 would not be also mid “ ber for North rommse of the but lh.’ built it the Lraneb. eir c'.mrl" io aldressed by Stephens, B. n Sound. whe nor advaninges s and Wellingâ€" to dé‘ all “0’ ims upen the \_ is assured of : up in valne, | onable me 4o â€"w. _ ‘The trade the norh and eason 'hy our ind to Presque irrow gauge io | to excite our 1 we had not# t road because rlevators. The en offered us, ev were in any i that He was not t got to Wisrâ€" H be constructed He wont im { Derby, aeâ€" ‘uss the matâ€" es into two. to all arownd e Company, tants in ue Provinc#, made a juneâ€" me President t the towsâ€" ONLu+C%. n. t had h.l“ was railway cesâ€"it buil% vere hcsvily 18 nu‘h. “ v our dates. XF mether M was in their in which i% people ; hut if we sht have at to save our» was ccause the nt a% n NSC®. we are d van tagemw de knownâ€"1% enable 4e years wgo asonable to »FO a% Mr. G. M. Butehart briefl ; exproamed hi enfidence in tie scheme and secondâ€"d tis re«slution, whic‘h was carried unsai seonislÂ¥. * * «o «* M awad 1z Mr. Bac‘vart, «0e maeFKs xtâ€". V dville, Tast Massra Câ€"ersor, K ngh $ %en, Rutherford, Parker, Weishma : anc tâ€"o mover anl smconder bae a committee 10 ea@e wth . the Reilway Committe of Town Council in furthering this schen: â€"Carried. After votes of thanks to the Deputation *Aurl to the chairman, the meeting adj>urnâ€" Sound. By our a:stom #f gebenturcs, u> sinking fund wowid roquire t» be raised, but a debenture would be payable eac‘h year. ‘The rate that would be npiud in UÂ¥En SouAd on a bonus of $49,000 by this »ystem would be only 2} mills,and it could nt be done so ersily auy other way. If the road was built, this would be the main 1.qeâ€"no changing cars, ete. It would give us two routes to the States, two routes to Toronto, and what was of.more conseâ€" quenes, would make this the best route for freight coming from Taunader Bay. There be connection in a week between the American lines and Manitoba, and if we did not want the whole trade of that Proâ€" vince diverted to the States, our Governâ€" ment would have to train every nerve to have the Canada Pacific finishe.l throngh ro Winnipeg. A great trade wouldl spring up there, and this harbor would be the kest to accommodate it. The townspeople | ad g. ven $15,000 for a Dry Dock, and it will on‘ly be by encoursging trade to the harbor that they will get the advantage of their expenditure. In answer to Mr. Allen‘s allusion to the National Policy, he would say that the late Government disâ€" eriminated against Owen Sound by sendâ€" i 1g Lake Superior trade around by wiy of Sarniaâ€"that obstacle was now removed,the «ifferent harbors would have to stind on t.eir merits, and Owen Sound should be propared to do its share. Mr. F. MacRae Reeve of Glenelg, said Â¥ .mt his Township would rather have conâ€" n»ction with Owen Sound by the G. B. & W. Railway, but if the people of Owen S und did not take up the schems heartily, th» people to the East would take it up and take the Railway in thit direction. The following resolution was moved by Mr, John Creasor, Mr. Creasor said he was pleased t> s% Mount Forest, Durh+m and Owen Sound now working together. If they had done so year« ago, we would have bettar railâ€" way fracilites now. To have the T.G. & D. widned would benefit ns, but the bost way to get that wou‘d be t> build another road, and porhan« that wonld spur rp Toronto. . He was in fivor of the prosen‘ reaeme, althonch the amswaat they talked of atking from Surawak was altogether too large. That this meeting, after hearing the exâ€" wlanation« of the Directors of the G.B. & *V. Railwav, believe it would be t» the i ~tere«t of Owen Sound to assist in its conâ€" «trâ€"ction. C uneil m ttoe w «cafting The sons of Mr. James Bacon, near Sunâ€" derland, who own and travel with a threshâ€" ing machine, were threshing at Thomas Ruan‘s, 8rd con. of Brock, when the youngâ€" est som, Ephraim, jamped on the machine while it was running at full speed to clear the clevators. On coming back he slipped * jnto the eyiindér and one of his legs was torp to shreds. The hborses were immedâ€" irtely stopped, but he had to stay in that pesition until the machine was taken apart PDr. MeDermet, of Sunderland, and Dr. Nation, of Usbridgo, wore ealled in with ail haste, and docided to amputate the pontilated limb, but his nervous system had reccived such a shoek that he died :;- prostration before he could be taken t .e purp tha Geor pany Mr. J. Wallace, watchmaker, of Goderic‘, wimelatod so doubt by the reports of Kciâ€" rou‘« discoverias, hbas invented an electric licht. â€" It is poworful, easily managed, and ; roduces a aoft mellow light, showing olâ€" jeets in thoir natural colours. By means of a poculiar contrivance the light is diffasâ€" «d evenly, doos not fatigne the eyes as ranch a« a common lamp. Mr. Wallace is sill at work upon his invention. + & clever church treasurer in Collingâ€" ~wood becom ng disgusted at the number @4 eoppers thrust into the collection plate, reâ€" rolved to withdraw the coppers from eireulation altogethcr, so that l is congieâ€" gation would be compelled to "come down handsomely" with silver. ‘This gentleman is reported to bhave 1,900 coppers on hand, but the importation of $10) wo t‘i of eentâ€" has burst the ring and relieved the finaucia‘ pressure. 8 On Saturday last. Mr Jaraes Hortop, sailler of Colurabus, was arrested at the inâ€" stance of the Ontario Bank, charged with traud. Itappears that in October last he had obtained an advance of four dollars per barrel on eight handred barrels of flour, for which he presented the shipping receipt of %{r. Moore, agent of the Whitby and Lindâ€" ray Railway at Brooklin. That signature, it is charged, is a forgery. Theore is susp ccon that there are otuer forgeries afloat, made Ly bim, but of this there has not been muach evidence furnished "Me was lodged in the Whitby gaol on Saturday, and was to have undergone a preliminary trial on Monday, i ut en being brought up he was remanded f r a week. A short time ago Mrs. Barrows,of Georgeâ€" to vn,I t someé ducks in some mysterious way, and she accused a drunken fellow of the viliu? of taking them. This he denied. Â¥Yn Tae«day morning of last week ‘he was ing Mrs. Ds residence when he saw her m girl, gbont ten years old, outside, to whom he mitde some remarks concerning the dueks. The little girl sard, "You did take our dueks," and he on hearing tius awore he would clean out that house,which in * he immediately procceded to do. He went to the door and found it fistened, but he foreed it open. On gung inside he saw Mrs. B. standing on th : other side of a table, ard I-vmfli- nereas, grasred her han« 1g9 the fingers, and deliberately ent off all tne fingers close to the hand with a saw he wasearrying. Hew immediately arrested, aw! neyw t"." PM a alearn that at a meeting of the Tow» cil held tie following day a com 1e ratepavers of Qwen Sound fo se of giving a bonus of $40,000 to nan Bay and Wellington Comâ€" v»inted f r the purpose of be submittcd at Rev. Dr. Davidson has become pastor of William ~ street Baptist â€" Church, Chatham. The Episcopalians of Listowel inh.nd erecting a brick church at a cost of abort $6,000. . A.son of Mr. Chas. Thresh, of Byng, after twentyâ€"one years‘ service in the 100th Regiment, returned home the other day. Mr. D. M. Cameron, Deputy Reeve of Strathroy. shipped on Tuesday 1,000 turâ€" keys for Eagland to supply the Christmas market. The Catholies of Kingst+n have eontri buted $1,500 towards Queen‘s College. _ St. Andrew‘s church, Guelph, has lately been remodelled and enlarged at a cost of aloutâ€"$5,000. Mr. A. L. MeMillan, of Chatham, has been appointed Chief of Police in Guelpb. There were 78 applicants. A Provincial railway system is proposed for Manitola ; and certain wellâ€"koown menshavre begun to work it up. Dr. Robinson, of Claude, Caledon, was thrown from his buggy on Broadway , Orangeville, and had his knee cap fracturâ€" A call of the Presbyterian congregation at Glenmorris has been accepted by Rev. Mr. Serymgeour, and the induction wis on the 10th inst. Wellineton connty poorâ€"Louse has forty sit inmates. The last rail of the North Simeoe Railâ€" way was laid on Siturday, The Great Western, Grand Trunk, and Canada Southern Railways have resumed issuing passes to drovers doing business over those lines. Great morlality prevails among the hogs n the neighborhcod of Conestoga; the vieâ€" tims are attacked very suddenly in the cear of the jaws and in a few minutes death ensues. 1t is expected that the Midland Railway wi‘l be opened for traffic to Georgian Pay next spring. Ouly about three miles of road remain to be built. The miniog of Asbestos in Thedford and "reland, county of Megantic,Quebee,is said to be making good progress. Already some s sty tons have boen Li vp: d to the United States over the Quebee Central R. R. The juality cf the mineral is pronounced very Aine. It is stated that Canada is next year to mmve visits from the Priace of Wales and the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh. The Duke of Argy1, ths‘ f.ther of the Marquis A Lorne, is spoken of as not unlikely to «ome here also. i The incerporation of the villag» of Tivâ€" orton was carried unanimoul«ly on Thes day by tle C mnty Council of Eruce, and the village placed in the electoral riding of South Brucs. The event was eclebrated in the evening by a huge bonfirs, with great cheering and rejoicing. Mr. Geo. Wright, of Massagaweya, died very suddenly at his residence about a week igo. His wite had died under similar cirâ€" cumstancse about a week â€" previously. A quantity of decayed fruit and vegetables in the cellar of the house they lived in is supâ€" nosed to have poisoned the mir the old couple breathed. They were highly reâ€" spected. \had fewer onneals, sustained ; modsty all of them, T esy ol Recently near the village of Biyth an Am was felled which msasured cight feet a‘diameter at the butt, and over six feet A sixty feet from the root. The chcppor ook two hours and a Laif to fell the nonster. A second ercp of brrley has beon raised »y Mr. Nicholas L. Lazier, of the township A Hall »well. The heads are full and well ‘ormed, and would thresh out as well as qnoy a first crop. Wentworth County Conncil has offered reward of $1.0 for the conviection of .ny one of the parties concerned in the ite robberies in Ancaster and Beverly, nd $50 for every aduitional conviction uade. The Oshawa Vindicator is now delighted with Canada as a country to live in. Everyâ€" thing is cheap, if work is scarce. 1t is conâ€" soled by the fact that milk is %c. a quart and turkeys 7e. per lb. If Mr. Mackenzie wore in Sir John‘s place what a how! there would beâ€"for the National Policy,of course, ut now everything is so cheap our strugâ€" gling industries don‘t n e 1 it. Mr. David Wootten, Sr., who kept a grcen grccery store in Markham village has been missing for neariy thâ€"ee weekr. \t that time he drove to Unionville, and leaving his horse and buggy there, ‘he wrote home telling his family they would never see him again. Since then nothâ€" irg has leen seen or heard of him, and it is feared he has made away with vimself. Dr. Malock, who has been deer hunting up the Opeongo Road, asserts that ther» is no doubt of the existence of splendid wuosphate deposits at Clear Lake and othcr localities in its v.einity in the county f â€" Renfrew. _ The distance to rail transportation, however, may be for some time a formidable bar to any suceessfal deâ€" v»l pmont or working of the minepal in these loca‘ities. Mr. Savors, of Ballinafi4, while attending. Oivision Conrt at Brin Villaze on Wednesâ€" day last, lost a very valuable team of horses: ind a lisht bugev. Owing to the muddy tate of the roads it was impossible to tell which direction the thief had taken,and all that conld be done was ¢) telegranh to the different points surrounding Erin. The team is a valuable one. _ One of the horses is a bay colour, and the other a sort of The revision of the Sonth Brant voters‘ list lhins been completed. In Brantford o‘ty the Reformers gained 62 votes for Parâ€" linmentary and 66 for municinal elections. In Raf rd the net gain of the Reformers was 34 ; in the part of Brantford township included in the Sonth Ridin#g, 10 ; tins @‘ving a total net gain to the Reformers of 106 votes, there bein@ no appeals by either side in Onktand. The Conservatives put in a vast number of appeals, but these were attended $o «o well that they were either ahandoned cr disallowe1. The Reformers CGANADLIAN 4Â¥Ei48. Sir,â€"Allow me to thank the Warden of Grey for his reply to ratepayer in your last issue. T have been at a loss, as ‘well as the Warden of Grey to know why it is not known to which county Shelburne shall become attached. As the hunter said "There is something in the wind." Well, well! the vote for the refusal of the Dunkin Act had something to do with ‘it. And the next I hear from a pubic man in Shelburne is that it is not their intention to appoint their officers if the question of annexation is settled. But Mr. W. Je‘ly will run for the Reevsbip of Melanetlhion, and Dame Rumour says otur present ‘Reeve will lay on his oars in anticipation that are quest will be presented, asking nim to stand tor a M.P.P. I am satisfied she township had enougls spent in 1877 for Jelly» â€" there may be other delectables wanted, but let the township get out of debt for the first cost Jellys before second debt is inâ€" curred. Yours. &¢., i A wzetinc of the Board of License Commissioners for South Grey will le held on Monday next, at Durham, when the applications from the varions Hotel and shopâ€"keepers for licenses will come up for consideration. We undertand that authority Las leen given for the issue of licenses for the lalance of the year to May Ist, 1879, payment being received at the rate of fiveâ€"twelfths. All parties selling intoxicating liqnor without ligense, will le rigorously prosecuted under the "Crook‘s Act." The latet figures show that 94 of rew of the illâ€"fated Pommerania savel out of 111, and 72 passengers of 109. A henvry rain storm prevailed over the Dominion and a large portion of the Norâ€" thren States on Tuesday, and many bridges were swept away and railways washed out. _ Several traims ran into "wash outs," in some instances with fatal results. Twenty vears ago in Bulgaria there was not a scho 1. Now every village has one. Even to the south of the Balkans the deâ€" sire for improvement has extended. In th« provinee of Philippopolis there are 805 priâ€" mary sehools, 15 â€" sunerior schools, with 356 teachers and 12.400 echolars ; 25 girl: schoo‘s, with 87 teachers and 2,26% pupi‘ . The Ameer of Afghanistan, it now apâ€" pears, sent a conciliatory reply to the British ultimatam, in which he expressod his desire to resume his former friendly reâ€" lations with Dritain, and his willingness to recaive a British mission at Cabul. The messenger conveying this despateh, howâ€" ever, only arzived at Ali Musjid when that stronghold was under the attrck of the British troops. The Ameer, though d‘sâ€" »laying anger at this failure of his intenâ€" tions, despatched a second letter to the Vieeroy, which is said to be defiant in tone and destrnctive of his prospects of pence. Shere Ali has fled from Calul into Turkes‘an, and‘ the British troops are contemplating an advance on Jellalabad and Candahar. ihe:berne Incorporation. To the Review. s MackENZIEâ€"At Kilsy th, on Sabbath the Nov. the wife of Rev. A. F. Mackenzie of a son. FuEtonzEnâ€"In Bentinck, on the 9th inst., the wife of Mr. Churles Fletcher of a daughter. CAMPBELLâ€"‘n Durkam, on the 2th ult., the wife of Mr. J hn Campbeil of & son. 3eansâ€"In Egremont, on the 0th inst., the wife of Mr. T. Houston Sears of & son. McBxiD®Eâ€"In Ecrement, on the 2nd inst., the wife of Mr. Robt. MeB ide of a sonâ€"stillâ€"born. MowaTâ€"MacrurRsoxâ€"At Toronto, on Wednesâ€" day, lith December, 1878, by the Rov. D. J. Marâ€" donnell, Jnugh F. Mowat, Hardware Merchant, Durham, to Maricn, of the lite Alex. Mucpherson, Esq., of H. M. C., Toronto. Hucitsonâ€"MANHINNEYâ€"At the residence of the brides‘ father, Alliston, Mr. W. J. H ighson, of Hay per ton............ Prmnuesâ€"In Proton township, at the restdence ot Menry Graham, lot 9, coa. 12, on Friday, tae 6th inst., Mr. David Peobics, late resident of Minto. Uuzpar, Dee. 5, 1878 Flour, per 109, lbs, dt mill $2 25 to 2 Flour No.2, * * 2 0V to 2 Corn Mest "*~~*"~....... 1 60 to 1 Suorts, N /+# 0 60 to 0 sran, uy * 0 50 to 0 EFall Wheat per bush......... 0 70 to 0 Soring Wheat, R. Chaff... 0 6) to 0 G asgow " _ weeese 0@ 65 to 0 Jats * S use C UO o 0 Barley U sesece>. O 40 to O Peas ht M nitectcenen n B7 Sike 1 Hay per ton.................. 08 00 to 08 00| _ An Potatses per bags.......... 0 40 to 0 40 rg’" Pork per 100 lb.............. 2 75 to 8 25| JÂ¥ Beef 5* .l..lcl.ll.......... 3 O} to 4 25| aid Hides\!* _ .................... 5 00 to 5 50 [ thre Sheepskins ench............. 0 40 to 0 70 Butter per Ib................... 0 07 to 0 10 Exgs per doz.................. "0 12 to 0 13 Wood, dry, per cord....... 1 50 to 1 50 o6 1 WORY evsinmmemmmigesee.;u..... O 18 to 0 20| O f Apples per bag.."............ 0 75 to 0 9) se Potatoes per bags.......... Pork per 100 (b.............. Sheepskins ench............. Butter per b.................. Eggs â€"per dor......:.......... Wood, dry, per cord....... WOML L1 .. cercass iÂ¥vritea‘res, Apples per bag............... TRUTH AT THE BOTTOM OF A WELL. Truth comes to us as gold is washed down the mountains of the Sierra Nevadas, in minute but precious particles, and is still truth, though it be found at the bottom of an oil well, like Carbolineâ€"the great nat ural hair restorer, which effectually preâ€" vents the falling out of the hair, the accumâ€" ulations of dandruff, and the premature change in color due to a disemoc} condition of the scalp and the glands which nourish the hair. It is well ï¬nown that the most beautiful colors are made from petroleum, and by some mysterious operation of naâ€" ture tï¬e use of this article gradually imâ€" arts a beautifal light brown color to the l:a'ux which. by continued use, déepens to a black,. The eolor remains permanent for an indefinite length of time, and the change is so gradual that the most intimate friends can scarcely detect its progress. In a word, it is the most wonderful discovery of the nge, and well caleclated to make the prematarely bald and gray rejoice. Carboline is put up in a neat and attracâ€" tive manner, and sold by all dealers in drugs and medicines. We know of nothing so well caleulated to put the reading public out of humor as to Lgin a very interesting account of some scientific discoverg, replete with interest, and just as the reader‘s mind is thoroughly imbued with the subject, and a gigantic effort being made to grasp it in all its bearings, away goes the author in praise of some patent medicine or newâ€"fangled bairrenewer; for instance, Carpouxs, which, by the way, is an article of genuine merit, and has really done wonders in the hairâ€"producing way, as hundreds of cerâ€" tificates from wellâ€"known citizens amply testify..>It is cleanly, and so penetrating that the disease is reached, and a radical change for the better takes place almost immediately. ~It contains nothing injuri« Melancthon, Dec., 1878. ous; is, in fact, a natural hairâ€"restorer made from petroléum, thoroughly deodorâ€" ized and delightfully perfumed." It is sold by all dealers in drugs and medicipes, ut ome dollar per bottle. /‘ ADVERTISING DODGES. Durham, to Emma L., daughter of W. Manhin ney, Esq. wovnoncinmmensy un DURHAM â€" MARKETS. MARRIED DEATHS BIRTHS +4 @â€"++ Ratsrayger®. 0 45 0 40 2 25 1 75 0 70 0 70 0 70 the are out Valuable Farm Property by ‘o‘n Quill‘nan to t~6 Vondors, whith will be pro ucel at the time of 4ilo, and in ‘lmylnont of whi h d fault has been nia ‘\, there will be offered for sale, by FPubl : Auction, â€" 4 he4rcop slip, Qrontes, on its passage from Halifis to Bombay lost a man overâ€" board. A boat crew of thirteen went to his reseue. The boat was upset and all were drowned, besides the man they went to save. 1878, at 1 o‘clock p. m., Lot sumber fourteen (14) im the 6th Concession of the s Ad Towmmg of Glenolg, containing 100 acres more or less, of which 70 acres wre cloared and undor cultivation. Terms:â€"Ton (10) per cont at the time of sale Fifteen (15) per cent within one month thereafter, ind the ba‘mnase to be secured by monqugc with interest at 5 per cont ‘hnl( y'ecrly, or if additional The Caledonia Bank of S:ctiand has gone into vo‘untary liquidation. I s affairs are snid to be in a solvent coudition. sectrity given no cash need be paid or terms may be vutw.‘fln any reasonable way to suit purchaser Mortgage Sale For further pirticulars apply to F. MacRAR, D arhaim, or to UGH McKAY, Auction. er barmers and others<who uetain stray cattle ten days without‘ advertising make themselves eriminally liable, h ‘\flf HES to inform the inhabitants of Durhuim ind vicinity that he has opened a Qutcher‘s Shop, in the swre Intely occugled by Mr. ‘rocsor, Next the Durkam Foundry, whore he will keep on hand and for sale u'utmnf’lmt first class meat, consisting of Becf, Mutton,â€" Pork, and #ow1s. Shop open from 8 a, m. until Noon, & Street, and in~luding also the North half of Lot Number two, East of the Gueliph and Owen Sound Road, in the said Township of Arthur. The South Ward containing tbnt.hl:t of the said Village bonnded on the Northerly b&flut part of Qucen Strset between Cork and Wellington ‘Streets, by that san of Wellington Street between Quecn Street and Main Street and by that part of Queen Street and Main Strect and by that part of Main Streat between Wellington Street und Queen Street; on the Emsterly side by John Street; on the Stn'.heruv side by the line of the Southorly limit of said Village, and on the Westerly side by ‘Cork Street, and inal'xdinadm the whols of Lot Number Two west of the Guelph and Owen Sound The New Chuâ€"ch at the Rocky Sauzoen, mbout 4 milos north ¢f Durham, will be Dedicated to the Bervice of God on BUNDAY, 23nd DECEMEER, 187 8. \. Female third class Assistant Tencher LA for School Section Ne.9. Melntuzthon, duties w commmence Jan‘y next. Biato salary and appl; Services will be held at 11 a.m., and at 6 p.m. The Gaelic Servico will boe held immediately atter the Morning Sarvice is over. Colloctions in aid of the Building Fund will be taken up at each imooting. On MONDAY EVENING, DEC, 23rd, A S »iree will be hcld in the same place, commoneâ€" ing ut six o‘clock. Admission 25 cents each, \ Third Class Teacher wanted in Pul« L lis School Seetion No. 7,'l’o\vmhi£ of Glenely, lutics to commence in Junmum s , 1879, For further ourticulars apply to 1. H. M« Rae, or Alex. Beaton, Pomonu P.0., or to F. MecKa: , Durham P.0. Addresses will be delivered by Ministers of the neighbourhood, cne from Toronto, aud other Bpomkers. County of Grey, and those parts of Lota Numbers Sixtyâ€"eight, Siztyâ€"nine, Seventy and Seventyâ€"one adjazent to the said Village and lying between the Third Concession of the said Township of Egreâ€" mont and Sligo Road produced to the said Third Concession lme or Road. The East Ward containing t.!ntm&rï¬on of the ni~lVillev€m bounded on the N erly side by that part of London Road extending Easterly from King Street; on the Easterly side by the line Arthur, in the County of Weumï¬un ; on the Southâ€" erly side by the line of the Southerly limit of said Viflw,md on the Westerly side by John Street to ite intorsection with Qucen Street, and by Queen Street to Main Street and by Main Rtreet to Kl‘ng Street, and in~luding also the North half of Lot TAKE NCTICE That the Corporation of the Villace of Mount Forest. in the County A. of the Village of Mount Forest, in the Count of Wemufton, in the Province of Ontario nhn.fl petition the Parliament of the said Province of })nw.rin at the next sittings thereof for the passing of an Act incorporcting t.c said Village and cerâ€" of an Act incorporcting t.c said Village and cerâ€" tain lands ndjacent therato into a Town to be calâ€" led The Town of Mount Forest, and dividing the same into the following Wards, that is to say . The North Ward containing that a«:fllon of the suid Village bounded on the Northerly side by London Road to its intersection by King Street ; on the Euwflg side by King Street toits intersection with Muin Street; on the Southerly side by Main Street from its intersection with said King Stroet, and including Lot Number Thirtyâ€"three, in the first concession of the Township of Egremont, in the Panntv af Avav and thase narts af Tate Wnmhars from King Street ; on iï¬o‘i:.}'t.e}l"z;ï¬d{ by the line dividing the said villnfc from the Township of Arthur, in the County of Wellington ; on the Southâ€" Number Tw'o'i'viig;éi the Guelph and Owen Sound Rond, in the said Township of Arthur. oi o e i ooo t oA c T. © . nc nc dn in ce e """ i peiaie enc ols . aamemie n â€"â€" M «m be e 0 is cl 2 o said Township of Arthur and Lot Number Thirty. ‘ Steer Came htl“’ three in the First Concession of the Township of Normanby in the County of Grey. } Nes j JAMES McMULLEN, _ + Q@trayed on the premises of the subscriâ€" Reeve. â€" Sw.w..uomr«m Proâ€" _ % WAM. BALFOUR, . .‘ ton, about the ist of October. a grey Steor To Whom it Mayzy Concern. Of the Corporation of Motiiit Forest aforeâ€"sii‘, . Prove property, and reg Trited at Monnt Forest, 12th dmy of November, 1078, 1â€"41 Frotar "ou. 28., 1998. Toronte, November 14th, 1673, Tussday, Dacember 17th, Durham, Dec. 12, 1878. Gleaely, #th Nov., 1378 Rocky Savgeen Church. December, 2rd, 1878 And the West Ward containing the remaining rere itz TDt e +A ibmci Oe we it m 24 on lt 50 + oine.â€" DEDICATION NDER and by virtue of a power of A Good Choir will be in attendance. New Advertisements. Butcher Shop. WN. LARTER, AT THE BRITISH HOTEL, Towrship of Glenelg. @1)~ »antain~d in a certain mortgage made & O I Nt EC E. In the Town of Durham, on Tsacher Wanted. Tcacher Wanted. NOTICHE. ALEXANDER TURNBULL‘ BETHUNE, OSLER & MOSS, Vondors‘ Solicitors. WM. AUGUST, Sec. Tres,: Hormings Mills P. O IN TI3 NEW OF THE Chairman Man. Com. em44 And in Spite of Hard Times, Hardware is within the Reach of Every body, as prices at MOWAT‘S keep pace with the Low Prices . for. Farmer‘ Producs. Now is the time to Buy Cheap for Cash. Flour, Feed and Provision Store, Flour, Oatmsal, Cornmeal, Unbolted Flour, Potatoes, Which I will sell at Prices to suit the timees for Cash or Farm Produce. _ My Motto is Small Profits and Quick Returns. GROCERIES, CROCKERY, &c. Gréat Slaughter HASTIE & GRANT The stock is very Large, Wel! Assorted, Well Bought, and consists of Nearly all New Goods. Now is the Time to Buy! Great Bargains are Being Given! Wood ! Wood ! Parties wishing to pay their subscription to the Guzy Review in wood, will oblige us by bringing it in at once, as we are greatly in neodg of this useful article at present. Cnmo on the g::miut of Mrs. Miller, Lot 38, Con l’ tinck, on or about the 5th October, an agod . ‘The owner will please prove property, pay expenses and take the animal away. * mike. . _ UNDERâ€"SHIRTSaad DRAWERS VERY CHFEAP Horse Blankets for 50 cts each. The Great Sale! Dry Goods at COST and UNDER Call and see our Bentinck. Nov, 28, 1878 Mowat‘s Hardware Store. The Cheap Clearing Sale Dairham, Dec. 12th, 1878. Durham, Nov. 28, 1878. Durham, November 27, 1878. Durkham, Nov. 26th 1878, Will Comtinue until a Clearance is Made. Upper Town, DURHAM. Prices Lower than Ever| J. â€"~â€" H. ~HUNPEER â€" Came Astray. Black L istres at 12% ceats por. yard. Winceys at 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 cents. Grey Full Cloth at 835 cents. All Wcol Flannels at 25 cents. CALL AND GET SOME OF THE CHEAP BARGAINS. TORONTO We want cash and are selling all at cost, and sometimes less, OF HARDWARE GOODS were never sold at such low prices ia Durham. BURNETTITS I have on hand a well assorred Stock of And very little money buys a great deal HAMS, BACON, SALT, &o., JOS. F. MOWAT 90 HASTIE & GRANT. Ts still going en, and Is still going on at â€"ATâ€" â€"â€"ATâ€" J. uaxmummm notice, and in the Latest Style, Men and Boy‘s Clothing. A good Chesp for Cash,. These Marhines are the best roade, and give entire satisfaction to those using TAILOR, Residence at the Old Post Office, Lower Town, DURHAM. week in your own town #5 $66 i2 :: mt at w ® * nex man m“i’}"‘mlw C nex man m«bm‘;:ï¬'b.."h.â€"' ther =~«+ ~~itg. for partionits ® N. Shrrorr &4 Ce. Postliand. Snine. THE subscriber is srcp.ud to Receive _A. and Make Up, on the sh ; notice, and in Sewing Machines For Sale, J. H. HUNTER. Lower Town, DURHAM Durham, Nov. 4, 1878. Alexander Robertson, A few firstâ€"class BARCLAYS JAMES BURNETT. !?'..‘!'! “mglpnu and Summer Faskions regulerl ou want a | of cithor ; the thme lml!v.l ly The Most Popular Scientific Papert in the Wosld. Only ©3.20 a Year, Inclauding Postage. Workiy. 39 Nambers a year. 4,000 »at che Putent La Slscis, their costs, ar "or vroenring advan for the paper, or con SCIENTIFIC AMERICAXN. THIRTVâ€"FOCBTE YEAR. The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is a large Pirst Cluss Woekly Newspaper of Sixteon Pages, l'll‘ :u mn-;&-ut‘.nu style, profusely smy Tuventions and the inost recent Advimgrs is ghe : Co. n;.&»l.:;ldwn of Am:::‘:“lll."fl utents, have %4 years e t mew have the largest establishment in the w Patonts are obtained on the best terms. A notice is made in the Rclentific Americanm of al Inventions patented through this Agenâ€"y, with the name and residenee of the Patentce. By the finâ€" mensgs etreuatfon thus {i\‘rn, public attention is direeted to the morits of the nnu-h-l. and calos or Intmdnstisn «(ton easily offected. Any. r:ui n who hus mude a now Aseovery or Invontion, on ascertain, fro: oi charge, whether a [n\':qt ean x»m!_u_-M_\.- be ntw_ui-mï¬ by vP incto the Arte and Bciences" including (Rew and inteseriing Hmmitn Aecifoal P ro@vat! Srcing oBrleas® wpmeadd pncucu'.la.oh",'hy uninon{ m-:':u dopartâ€" moents of m will be found in the Scientife MNUDDEGMCCCST ASTODOMY, The most veluatte practical , b ominoa(mhdl na::o(mn.zfllhbfl in the & American ; Terms $3.20 por vear, #1.00 half year, which imâ€" Branch OMes, Cor. F. & 7th Sts., Nov. 26. 1876. Row. New York. _ PATEN‘TS TEAS| â€"TEAS! ~l. Terms $2000;â€"€500 down, ftor balince Mime will be givon. Forfurther particulars apply to F, MatcRae, Darhaim, or to SMatee * Including BLACK, GREEN, and JAPAK. Farm for Sale in Glenelg. Currants, Raisine, Candied Lemon, Orange and Citron Peeis. ’l‘HE Subscriber offers for Sale, Lot Ne. 38, @nd Consession, Rast of G, R., Township of Mon»lg, containing 100 ncresâ€"ubout 70 acres cloar» Residenceâ€"Opposite the Canada Presbyâ€" Light Harncss, Trimmings, TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, Very Small Small Advance on COost S T OV E S |! Y eutside of Toronto, can be seen at the DURHLM FOUNDRY, Glonelz, Sopt. 19, 1878, Credit given to good men, if required. Pure Flavouring Extracts aud Essences. yâ€"8 Green, 25¢ per Ib. _ Japan, 25e per R. Durham, Oct, 10, 1878. $ roseived. Derkam., Veb. 14, 18%6, . WJ Boulden‘s New Cutting done to Order. JOHN ROBERTSON, Black, 30¢, 60:, and 90¢, per D. f Assorted Btock of all kin‘s of DURHAM Sr., DURHAM. MUNN & COo., 37 Par‘ Row. Ne« York CALL AND SEE F08 in as osts, and how I;«wâ€m“'md.'_'hir : boints advansos on inventiops. . Addrcas or comsorutns Patents, We also son:l rnz® our Hand Book and will be Sold at a \lehiQ" . C1 Lot, scount to ta. «opéen all Noweloaier» *"Hentt ty NN & Co., Publishers, 7 Pask In connection with the Selemâ€" » tiflc Americaun Mesers. Mena rs of American and Foreign 4 years expericace, and mw establishment in the world, d on the best terms. A spaeted ic Rclentific American of all 4 through this Ageney, with the : of the Patontco. By the dmmâ€" hrus fix-m, public attention is its of the nn:‘{-b-l. and calos on easily offected. T H E atonts, Coveues Pnaflies Washington, D. C. VOI ‘fl‘.â€"vmï¬-â€"". \J ut