Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 17 Oct 1878, p. 2

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‘l of! li --rre have had the npportuuity of exam- ining a new Atlas of the Dominion ofCan, 1111:. published by ll. Belden & Co., of Toronto. In addition to its containing Local Maps of Counties and Provinaes in the Dominion. " contains Maps ofthe Uni. ted States and South America. European) and Asiatic Countries, Ucennic. ate. This w, " rinlimccs Railroad. Geological and T' r. ml DiVisiuu “ups. column! the w, 'r, . V mixilule 0t Postal rates. stamp llllllu‘. ' '. “inf of eastoms, a table of the Pa! 0:50): of the Dominion. and Banks mm thor .Uivuries, lists ot the members of l'.:riu.mr-ut and the Judges of the various Limits will; their re’poczivo jurisdiction, 5 chronolf gicnl and Geological History of (Minds. ingot-hat with eabisurt-sized per mm of the [ruling Sutcnmcn and other di.. tinguisisd persons of the Dominion and beautiful Lithographic vicw: of "OM". public buildings Ind objects ot may.» throughout the country. A now but”. of thin week is that it m. for biognphi. col notice. of albumen. co tuttoUe historian and ”that", of tho twentieth cum-y it will 50.13“”qu in but“ tho We! diotirwauUd pct- cul in “an (cautions. To m in! and inim- ucn nth-"lib“. g1. In... at Multilin- mn. A.'-. - ‘u III-loggin- and 0h "Memo-st-trd-tdare a.“ not“ to the but ad and co- m” 'isroreriee ie Geography. Tho At. -(Typme end the East are continuing to cum-go a large men-urc- ol public attention on the other side of the AthtntiO. it in ad. tnitted oh all Item]: that the responsibilities a surned by the British Government ere "uptvemleuted, indeed tlsat they Are in. ' "parable. However the interests " stake ere ot' Murmur. impoetanee. The coasts of b) ria, as of old, ere infested with hostile sects and tribes. Armed bemhtti roem mm the country. and to nuke matters Worse, recently. upwards of ten thousand CireassGns fresh from the pillage of Bul. guru, have settled in the plains of Damna- cus and Among the deserted cities of the . Grantee. For many yeere the French here had it precarious footing It some of the principel centres of commerce. and in their wake the J eeuitu followed end "quired the most valuable portions of the land. But the condition of the native rncee were in no wise improved. tt then the intervention of the British Government will he the meme of introducing new and order into that lured and elude country. the cease of humanity will be eerved. and the principlee of Christian charity ennui-lied in a land wherein wet iimt proclaimedthe Christian heme. “Sir John, the most loyal null devoted " vocuto of Britisit connection, could abandon the principle: of A life time. And Income . plotter against the Britiah Crown and the loyalty ot the Canadian people." Our con- tempnmry forgets tint Sir John'l put nd. mmistrutiou of public "airs has consisted in one omtinuous but over varying piece of treason against the interest: of the people of Canada, that his conduct in the future must be judged of by the past. and that therefore it is exceedingly probable that should eireumstamms loud in “at direction, he would with As little "sluetmse. plot against British connection an! in invent ot) United States nnuexntion. I5 n few you: we. he threw eight million: of the money of the yomplo of Cnnndn into the sen. Love of offiee impelled him to do the one, and lose tt 0mm! would just as surely induce bias to do the other. -...We he" received the Bret lumber of The Tribune e new journal published " Owen Sound. The Tribune is independent in politics. but devoted to the mlvoeeey ot whatever in cuneidered, by in promote", to be in the best interests of tho people. There - In e time in the history of the country when greater need existed for the exercise of an intelligent renon and 0 I '..1 m sense in all mute" effecting the e. “no" of the people, and Is the Tribune phymwn to be an educator in this direction spatially we wish it every success. --The London Free Pr-. muelly sober-minded Conservative oN't1-waxeq wruth at those who doubt the din-ingenu- a [was of Sir John, Ind his friends :an ex- chums with horror that it in impossible that -The Hamilton Times Printing Co'y has announced its intention of printing what in technically known man; now- paper men on the " Outsider" for country now-pope“. We hue no hesitation in "tyitttt that the Time. in the bait Film pupa! in Cauads, Ind that tho nub-oditing In unoxceptionnble. Then is no question but that the pun-uni of the Time: in this new enterprise will be well guessed. -hlr. Horton, of Centre Huron. hu re- Agnerd hi: seat, and the Hon. Mr Cartwright i, the nominee of the Reform party in the new election in that Riding. In View of tho “poring with the tum which will be uttonirted in the new Homo of Commons, it 'ts of the greatest importance that tho late Finn-co Miniator, Mr. Cutwrignt. would lino n seat in the House, And Mr. Horton has shown oommendnbio patriotism in withdrawing in his invent. -tifr John A. Macao-dd haattot yet been Able to make . add-mot, amnion \h shun-t. litmus. Tho emu of dob, 5.4-,“ by the Con-tir. Plush the absence ot3Ir. “won. 41119 ti. S. Sumacinn has been chutn- ed to convey Lord Lorne. the Gov-nox- Geatml, and tho PM“ bun-mos: the Adamo. They will anon th. um prom, and will In met by the North American tuetiam;do-td 'meortedtoHalitu. Durham, October w, 1878. Agents tbr the any Review, THE REVIEW. says I - “Some your; ogo Messrs. T. t J. Bram of this place, purchased from on npple mo Agent. hailing from Rocked“, a quantity of fruit trees unwed to belong to Rover-1 favorites of grafted fruit. This you the treqts yielded fruit. which the proprietors submitted to the inspeetion olan experienc- ed judge a the [on Mount Fore“ exhibi- tion. This gentleman pronounced the oomph. shown the commonest kind of seed- lings. sad in no one In the fruit true to noun. Putin inure-ad would be on their turd “not th- hi3 tn. orindlem -motte, invested with than: it almost eer- tain to be lost, and dinppoinuuont and vu- otiou in the inevitoblo molt.“ Thoobovehmofn glut munber of vim showing how momma“ of our Mitochondria their on. open in the matter “gotcha-in; fruit in... Solomon 'rartttat "the on: ofthofoolm; in the end. Mthe "rth." And this “be l The Afghans are only about four millions of people and are devoted to agriculture and the chase, They are bold it is said in battle. but like all savage and uncultured tribes they are easily discouraged by re. Veraes. They are exceedingly hospitable and like the Arabs profess a sacred regard for the stranger who seeks their hospitality. although no sooner has the stranger turned his beck. than he is fallen upon and rubbed ed by the host who a for minutes before bade him an affectionate farewell. or by a neigh- bour who has been duly informed of the prey within his reach. There seems to be: l some doubt about the ancestry of the V ghan people. While some maintain thati they are descended from Copts of the race of Pharaoh others suppose that they are of Jewish extraction and may yet prove to he the remnants of the ten tribee of Israel. It the Afghan chronicles are to be believed they are descended from Afghan a grand. son to King Saul himself. Their religion is Mohamedan. but without the bigotry and prejudices which characterize professors of that faith generally. The Eastern policy of Disraeli is already bearing fruit. To the north west of India lies the large province of Afghanistan, in. habited by a semi-barbarous and warlike people. For the last fifty years the rela- tiona between this country and the British Government of India have not been ot the most cordial nature. Indeed on one or two occasions there was open rupture but it ended after the firing of a few shots, in the Afghan Emperor promising better beha- I viour. Recently. the political Afghan ont~ _ look being rather murky, tho Governor- Ueneral of India desirous of testing the state of things. dispatched an embassy to, Cuban], the capital of Afghanistan, avow- ( edly for the purpose of establishing more detinites diplomatic relations with the Ean. peror, there Ali. The proposal wee reject- ed somewhat ittsultingly--tu Emperor acting it is supposed under Russian inthe oruNr--snd the British Government, as has been Its wont of yore, seem: now deter. mined to accomplish by force of arms what diplomacy fouled to effect. Hostilities have not yet commenced but active preparations are going on, so that before the ink has well dried on the Treaty of Berlin, this in. strument may have brought about develo- peniente in Asia which will, it not nipped in the bud, involve Great Britain in a war with Russia. The Toronto Hail of int week aim. is:?:, solemn to ebnee of Dr. Lenderkin. he rodeo: it“ of thin etteek will be found in the last peregreph of the ertiele in queue: in which the leek-writer re. fore to the explenntione which Dr. Lender- kin in the intend- of truth felt oompeled to make towerde the cloie of the memor- eble debete on the Quebec crieie. It will be within the recollection of our reedere that in connection with that debate. in which Sir John A. Mecdonald end hie erm/ber" gained to diagraeehl e notoriety, that the ’ chuge of drunkenness wee hrcught against the leader of the Opposition, end pertain of l the lesser lights of the Conservetive party, l Dr. Lenderkin, who had been en observant eye-witneu of all that oeet1rred,might here made en upon of the nutter if he had been over anxious to make e point egeinet the Opposition, but with rare good teste refrained from doing so, until directly ep- pealed to, en e competent enthority. by the member for Ottawa County, when the Doe. ( tor roee in his pleee end said that e cert-in i, Senator (Campbell, if we mistake not) had 1 in his presence attacked the member for) Ontario (Mr. Gibbs) for seying that he (the 1 Senator) hed made Sir John drunk. This interesting piece of evidence settled the ( whole Mruir, and the friends of Sir John' dropped it like e hot potato. But en ill- ‘ conceeled howl of indignation rose to the) lips of Her Majesty's Opposition and it is only now, that their star is in the' sseendant, that they have seized the oppor- I tunity of wreaking their vengeance upon i Dr. Lenderkin. Truth is sometimes nn- _ palatable. but espeeielly so to fools and _ wrongdoere. Such persons always meni- fest ill-will on being shown the error of their ways. but become especially enveze to their Mentors, when they become pom sessed of positions rdinhuonee and power. The little incident to which we have reterr. ed being only one of the many illustrtstionsof the truth of this, afforded by the Tory party. The wiIhy-wnshy character of the article in the Mail as a. whole carries its own refutation and does nut'.requiro any further notice. Many good and true men have gone down with Dr. Lnnderkin before the wave ofignoraut chuncur, but the (luv in coming. end not for distant let us hope fur the sake of our country. when the people will, with clear end uncluuded vision, be able to detect the diaereuce be. tweed truth and humbug, between the high miuded patriot end the trading and truck- ling politician. In is contained in one large volume ul In 181 inches. handsomely and 'substantially bound. We would candidly com-0nd this woAtoth. “undone! mound-Id". THE "MAIL" AND DI. LANDIRKIR. APPLE TREE PEDDLAM, week‘s Mount Fond Examiner THE AFGHAN WAR UN ”\RIU TORONTO l szurou &sow.--A vow succeuful l Exhibition wu held " Walker”; laat week. The number of enteriea were trboett 6,000, end tt very large number of whiten attended the thaw. We notice that e Inge number of the exhibit, Imrtieulnrlr in thorough-bred cattle. vegetables end Bow. ere, were from the county of Wellington. Mr. B. McFuleno. of Duh-n, took 2nd prize for buggy, 8rd for phonon. and hi for veggon. Mr. B. J. Middlll‘h took tityt prize for his lplendii 3pm of ”that. end 8rd tor pair of blankets, unfilled. Mr Bun-elEdge “Glenda took e huge number of prizes. We elm notice the. Mr. Henchman: end tr. Punk of A“? gut} Wm. Penman end bed. molt Beam; J. Arthur, New; .t11Ucl Rondo”: Sound. were the WI ootnttetitom. Donna Farm-The fair held here last Tuesday was one of the best attended held this Par. Luge droves of cattle were driven into Town on Mondiy evening end 1 Tuesday morning. end the streets were crowded until Afternoon. Atty thing in firtst-ela" condition was quickly bought up. Oxen sold at from $70 to896 per yoke, Steer-e from 017 to 880 each, and cows from $20 to Mo. Farmer. generally con- sidered the price. received tether low, and when queetioned u to what they had sold for, generally answered that they had "given them May" or that they had “he- stowed them on the buyer." A lug. amount of busine- we: dons in toms dur. ing the any. Arman-so Flurmcxoz. - A shozking occurrence took place in the township of Keppell on Monday morning in on attempt of murder of a young man named James Arnold by his brother Isaac Arnold. The perprator of the deed lay in waiting for his brother on a road he was to pass and shot him in the back. The wounded man lies in o very dangerous condition. and in not expected to recover. Isaac Arnold was on Tuesday morning summarily tried before the Magistrates at Oxeuden, and committ- ed to Owen Sor nd gaol to await trial. a Candidate for the Local Legislature. The Convention is to be held onNovember 6th for that purpose.--' Sound " vertiur. Enron: MrErtNa..-.A meeting of Ile. formers from all parts of the Riding wns held here on Tuesday afternoon, in the Reform Association Rooms. There wan a good attendance. every municipality being represented. The meeting "enacted e good deal of business, amongst other things the calling of B Convention to select Protests are spoken of against the elec- tion ot the Hon. D. A. Smith. of Selkirk: Mr. Hughes, in Niagara; Mr. McCuaiq, in Prince Edward cuunty; Mr Hooper, in Lennon Mr. Dalton McCarthy. in North Simcoe; Mr Drew, in North Wellington; and Mr, White in East Hastings. Biron MrartNo.--on Monday evening next, at half-pus: sovon o'eloek, u meeting will be held in St. Andrew's Hall, Durham, to take into consideration the formation of a Junior Reform Association. All friendly to the Reform cause no cordially invited to attend. Tm: annual ploughing mulch of the Egremont Agricultural Society will be lu-lu on the farm of Mr. J nines Ross, Lot No. 28, in the 12th concession cl Egremont. on Thursday, 24th inst., commencing at 9 o'clock, LN. A Myrm-'ne story which bu for some days back been going the rounds, to the ef. fect that a. man in the township of Pool was visited by Divine eluustiseasont, in all a mvth, there being no truth whatever in the story. Mn. Cvxxxsoam. one ofthe first settler: in Bcntinek, was buried " Hanover on Weduenduy last week. m died " the advanced age of 100 years. Fm: Bmeovmr--ht, there are certain parties in this town who are industriously circulating false snd malicious rumours to the tfftyet that we are going to give up the REVIEW and leave the Town, we wish it to be distinctly understood that we how no such intention, neithu have we ever utter- ed one word to that effect. It is easy to understand where such rumours originate and that it is with and by those who have in times gone by (an the power of the Re, vmw. But although we have had many 'iiiheultims to contend with, we are now in n more prosperous condition, and the eir. enlation of the paper larger than ever before. It we hear any more of these stories alter this notice, we intend to trace them up to their source and hold the parties circulating them responsible. G. W. Ross, Esq., Inspector of Model Schooll. visited the Model School in thin Town on Tuesday last. Mayor Howard has been Instructed by the Council to take necnnuy steps to pc- titton the Legislature for an Act to incorpo- rate Guelph as I. city. _ luring holds good of numhetleee (Ollie: in- ‘to whieb people {AIL " well u in the - ‘ter of perched“ pines In the County I! Grey them ele he mil-t 'utrsagig.- (i'? " J. Doyle. 1... dm Bound. and A. T. (item, Bag., 0mm: PM when my “day at he or plant on be obtained. end wherepeoplewill he think) get the partioular varieties uked foe end than suitable for the elimete end soil of this eecuon of country. But if e tie-ire is felt to try one of the Inger nurseries. why not lend for . “My” toLeslieofi'ornnv to, or Bean-die and Buchenen of St. Cathe- rinee. These dentbmen will really for. ', ward illustrated ceteloguel, free of elm-3e. [ to my one desiring them. A nucleation can then be nude of en evening at the tueulu, 3 the order mede oat end mulled, end in sl, few deys the trees will be received in ex- cellent condition and exectly such "xietiee u have been ordered. We do not write this in the interest of my nursery men but of the people who on yeulv imposed upon and fleeeed by these quack tree pedlnra. And we write from experience. having el- ways ordered from respectable nurserymen and having always been exceedingly well satisfied with our purchase. Local and other Items, W Co. A hm mounfiiim: '31; hp! an in circulation in the 1mm Pto. 1t2tttarrAriiii ham or A BAIK m P. E. L-ru Manhunt Bank at Pnnco Edwlrd Island cloud in door on Thundoy n Charlottetown. ad will in :11 probability be wound up. The - liabilities to the publicm 0806.000 to lupi‘nl of 0146.- ooo. The total sum up 004,000. Ga. Dunc“ a Co. owe the bank 0140.000. of which there is security for "2,000. The Dune“ “to” will poy only 60 cent: at 60 am.- on the dolls to unwound eroditou. mil-n. (In k...L _:II I-“ h, .. . - gineer of the Great Western Railway. on which a very fair estimate of the out of the undertaking can be made. Bonuses to the extent of 81M,000 have boon already voted by municipalities along the proposed route, and there is a. reasonable prospect of others making some small addition to the Amount. There is thus a very han lemme sum at the deposition of the promoters of the line-in all . little less than $7,000 per) mile over the first section. The important ltrack of country lying between Mount Fore.,t and Durham has not yet received any appropriation from the Ontario Government for railway purposec, and there is reasonnble hope that fair con- sideration will be granted to the scheme when it is hid before the administration The grater port of the county of Grey to u traversed by the line {a much in need of railway 'etromrnoUtion, end there is no other scheme which will meet to no large on extent the requiremonu of the people interested, We look hopefully for. word to the curl, fitttiltneut of their desires) for nilwny mommodation, by the com- pletion of . at W the tirat section of the Georgi-n Bar end Wellington Bulway. Th. only extension of the nilwoy through to the Georgia Boy is, we trust, Ilsa among the probabilities-IU-ttter. ing ofthe shareholders to be held in the town hall, Durham. M one o'cloek p. m., on Monday, 4th November next, at which the regular board ufdh'ech-rs will be chosen. The new board will doubtless soon be fully formed, and active opmations commenced. A very fuvomhle preliminary survey of the section from Palmerston to Durham was completed last week by the Assistant En. We are pleased to know that the $25,- rooonock required by the charter of the ‘Georgian Bay and Wellington Railway lhu now been fully nubsciibed. and the stock book returned to the Secretary at Durham. The subscriptions have been about equally divided between Durham and Mount Foreu--8t,0oo being also taken by public spirited residents of Holstein. An informal meeting of the Provisional Board of Directvrs was held at Durham on Thursday for the purpose of making arrangements for It general meet- It. McKenzie was appointed collector of taxes for 1878 at n salary of one per cent ch the amount of rate. By-luw No. 71, appointing R. McKenzie collector was read a first, second and third time and passed. On motion Council adjourned. JOHN Macaw. Clerk. Report of fimutea committee having examined the following sects, recommend- ed payment of the Mme. Cheques issued. Geo. Bum". selecting jurors, ee.,..., 2.40 J. Noodle, qunrter salary, Inlet-ting jurors and posting bills,.....,..... 14.00 D. MeGilvray,serutitteer MoCallum's ward, ."...r'.rore....n.r............. 2.00 J. Campbell. posting notices Ben, tinek Ind Sullivan,................ 7.50 W. Johnston, posting nntioes Egre- mont and Normanby, ............ 8.55 A. Robson, buggy bit-e,.,................ 31.00 W. Hustie, Beleciiug jurors,......... Mrs. Hewaon, scrubhiug lmll....... R. McKenzie, Collector‘s salary, Durlmm, 7th Oet., 1878. Council met usual monthly meeting. Members presemb--0. Mekeehtne, limb Reeve ; Mess". H. Rose, T. J ones, W. W. Gray, ROM. McFarlnne, J. H. Brown, Ps. Bull. H. Stormy, W. J. Hughson, Council» lore. The minutes of prevxous meeting read and approved. The chairman of committee appointed to examine the Coluetors' Jiol1for 1877 re- ports all correct. By-luwn No, 69 and 70 were pmssed levying School, Town and County mm for 1878. Durham, Oct. 11th. 1878. J ennui: Patenon, Robert McFurluue, Elsie b'utherltutd, William Park,. Annie Mackenzie, James Kelly, Jessie Brown, Herman Spence, Bella Smith, Jackson Cuchmue, Annie Campbell. To the Board of School Inc-ten. We, the undenigned scholars of the Dur. ham Public School upon learning that our highly unpaved leather. Mr. Curry, in going to lose his dtultion " Christmas. Hereby sign I petition in his behalf. en. :unting you. the Bond of Trustees. to en. "gre his services. for at least mother year. " we In much pleased with the progress that we have made in our studies during the present your. Hoping you will look flvornhly upon this petition ; from his much beloved pupils. To a. 1&0: of the Review. Dun Sup-Pious publinh in this mks inn. “your valuable ”it, tho following Mm signed euegitsllr this duy by m the pupils, with on. oxeeptiomin attend. no. " tho DurUrn Public Selma), and undo? “I. (lino! tucking of Mr. Curry. or the Bil-bar ilftrtwo upper room pupils who signed the requisition not one did so in hit presonee. or under his direction. We intend planning it to the Board of Educa- tion through the Chairman. Mr. McDon- sid, lid to try 3nd iatimrue. our worthy Principnl to apply for this School for next yen. The G. B. dr, W. Railway, Durham Public: School. Town Council. (Committee.) Assistant En. $94.50 27.05 8.M 31.00 2.00 for years. but thev have not liettrtl tt oi, Pnir ”Wimp”! gospel preached, they have heard the keep- ' _ inn: of the law. Morality, and good Works If“: “a???“ 1’0 set forth as the way of salvut'un. In other Grrsrirr, . ' Ch' cases they are taught that it is not iteerssnry w1r'!gr,tl"""v"" i, to know they tire sun-(l. and that the best 1uiraaela.Jao at llelicvers are than: who have doubts about Gttt their salvation so : ' -- , . Two bttOral ttdl Ill worse than r',)',.',,.,;',)',"),,,,?,?,',.,,'.'"',,,',,")), In “Nd hump“. In Pt. ' , p, . Alt here Two bushels stir T comes ora, who tells them that thev mnv Two "”5)“ iy “h it) come to Christ tts tlio.varo,,rtnd find l. ul ,,', Two burduls bl; of ' . . _ prrr1 t n, l’hurlt-LJ Ist" J; l and that salvation IS as full and tree as the Prime. IN m ill-Iii I' air we breathe, the message is like water id/ul,,': pumtmu [if tin thirsty soul. His so tl'fTervut, ovml,m5gtcl:,'n.tutuii' .1.1ythinz they “me ever heard, no Wonder’ Ant otlwr kind t. they are drawn Ly it. Now what is the Juimimmm'mh' , le lesson to be learned front this? Is it nut ' f'1",i1t farm! ii that many of our miuisters um] churches Diugwtrll. " W ' are cold and lifeless, and that God has f.'.'."".? mm' lulu: l. raised up these Eran,uwlists to do tl . -k [ him“ “mm. m y that the rrvul . 7? . I. .7 . m “m d'/iilc,,l'."'""v"" ,, her "tuustr? has tailed to do l, or that ordinary means of vr . l 9 , Atty other kind ll e failed to convert mm“. h . g lite ltu lug gunman)». JIM” _ . , it: Is using extra, t. tomato“. Juhn m ordinary means to do so. And while on 6cu'utubers,&h im this subject 1 would call attention to the “Minimum. L n fact, that ifit is contrary to the seriptures Bust 12 'sppic"s "t It or to Presbyterian usage for unorduinmi Ttrqtts. A, ‘3 men to preach, the church itself is the 1'f,.,',h1,'.e11",','ce'," y eltieftmnssrressor, as' she sends cut ererv "/i'JCU,7c.i',i,i, ‘1 summer to the mission stations of our 12 crab “Prim“ rf church, scores of young men who are mt Chip, ',,' ortlnined. “the principle is wrong in one raJi1','1,'gt,ttiirid1,','.t l, case it wines be so, in the other, and if it ntitvrriuuuy sha 4 were carried out, it would close one of the 'tynt,lr,va, cam- tr most useful agencies of the church. X 11tl'ij'vr.", Mrs inn ' F . . . oney,5Urs..hrtn t 'ttCl,,',',',',',)",,'; "use: 3:3,:er of ogg'Ut"""u'" question, . 1 I would just any that1 connider the sentence DoMFuir1L' lAHl‘F , which speaks of men "who split theirhnirin w'hh?."tm"t cloth, I the middle and carry a limp bible in their Fouicr, reds, D - hands." is extremely silly,but most of your 5 yards "tinet, H , readers who followed the proceedings of 2:: “$331,? , the usembly, will remember that these Home ','ltllS','l1 words were not in its finding, but were E"tlrPrstB I merely the remarks of I certain spells", 'f,"fi,tl,,t,'itir'tt ' and it is gratifying to note, that many do. fl',td'l,"2'rsrir'.'.e, , clued themselves heartily in sympathy ““35 iR'Gri', , with Evtuv,e1istas servicas, whether oon- maxim: 'il " 2'itht 2:mt1t:"gg,te't r. m” w" tiomrm, MN. agent who Hooked mat, Peter ' I an sure but me enough to endure um: 'mm ' quietly the muny hard "lying: uttered Pu: tram mitta,, ' ugdmt them, tut I cannot help noticing Iuir "m" sosrha,s l the Maren: pluse- of character unlimited ttorc, , to them by x. In smoking u the Fol he 2fht M. thntiaar mu some choice lauguqo‘; an! I". that 2tlGlhC1't I people 'rodR the "that he might be the gl',',ttt/d,tt,t l sturdy Mia-of a prize fighter, or . hump ttflue, mun“: ' and In a omitting saloon. than . convert Pill-Chino bot ytotlugospololpuee. and these-retire Pwmuim‘ l thtetierhuutoodraet1-o-t. hauling 1y In the public emu-men of tho-one Porb-tinItm.tra, and Gait 1ihaageiistn.-itu, . black “mm“ ,' chm. Then he ay- I "he" been 2:h".'g'grg,'.e' impound upon by the sun mew-Ionian Bumbag: ‘M¢ “than.” One ., ld nat 43iaMar,itrisfrgiiiGhi' -t.thartt-uit.t. “My”, rundown”! v.“ it a ' ; In; number-oft Sol, "a l . “mhlmld 'teriieFiiirn F nt' tttttpetit-tre-ttii-ai; '""'"tfftff.i. q 51' as lid 'sau 'lflldattt1tr when thorn-idolwhnoln ”a." GU,,',",?""", With respect to the practice now so com. , men of unordnined men preaching the lgospel. I would say that I think it should receive the serious oonsideratiott of every minister of the Gospel. The feet ouunot be overlooked or denied, that from Moody downwards the preaching of such men has been nth-MM with most extraordinary re. sults. About two years ago or more, the Montreal Witness in B lending editorial drew attention to this faet, viz .--the pre. ference shown by the greet majority of people for evangelistic services. and advise ed ministers not to shut their eyes to the signs of the tin: as. It is evident that a wave of religious revival is passing overwir land. Many are enquiring what they must do to he saved. They have attended the ordinary services of the church regularly / (To the EM# ty 1pm.; but; Entree, Wm - thetI have - to new} nhu abject, " I much We may... causeway, but your compondut x in youiuue of the 8rd in“. Quint-in. the wetness of " former statements, though in a somewhat modiiUd form, which bring. it to be . question of veracity. between him and me. I Inserted in my former letter, that only one of the Gait Evangelist; ever readied on the Lake Shore Road, end that only on one occasion, and that private individuals do not diaper": the communion to their families end neighbours u the marital these menus teaching. and I “gin unhesi- totingly assert the truth of my former state. ment, and also lay that X‘s informant whoever he may be, in either guilty oi o. liberate misrepresentation, or is quite ignorant of the fact! of the ease :douhtleu be imagined no one in the neighbourhood spoken ot, would see the paper containing the statement, and that people in Durham: would accept of it as true, not knowing' anything to the contrary. Sizee reading his letter of the 8rd I Lave been thinking the l matter over, and I think I have discovered l the grounds on which the assumption is 1 based, and I shall shew how lii:le founda. '; tion the more! nimble :ource has for the) sweeping assertions made. There lives on l the Luke Shore [loud a gentleman who was for munv years it member, and for some years an older in the Presbyterian Church there, but who, for personal reasons which need not be mentioned hero,withdrew from the church, and since that time which is over twelve years ago, has conducted ser. vice in his own house on Sunday, and I believe has also dispensed the communion to his family, but not to hi. usighbonrx, no one thinks of interfering with him, in what he believes to be his duty, nor does he try to press his views on any one else, he _ never heard nuv of the Unit men preach, ,nnd so fur as known, his views on the rub- ject of the communion, were formod while he was a. member of the Presbyterian Church. If this is the case on which the absurd story about private individuals dis. pensing the communion to their families and neighbours is based, I would ask your! readers to judge of what a in tile imagina- tion can Jo, when unfettered by the virtue of truthfulness, and uls i it they can trace the slightest connection between the case mentioned and the teaching of the Galt Evangelism. The Gait Evangelism. It!“ PRIZES. Poe hm I lb. has; In. m. Tor but 60 lbs. button Sum uel States. But motto in Berlin wool. Edward Noble. Bout m nu clams, -tdiaeort1tts,Rgottston But add]. horn. Max. than But colt "xrd b “non "Inna Hulda." Gouge Gustav, no and; Stokes. Bmt we cow. John Doug... A..heEteyntrtot,rtr.ir-numd and tyigts mm to Ind which Tr411 re- 'ar: 'llrlrdrdd'o't'a'attSei ot It. to“. cm. M. m. Pd: iron tau-town. Bum Guam. Plough, VII-o- Ema. 1etilttgrl,1.fp2,tc?t,tnttgpa,r: Ti'.'.'?, for ci7iF'dGTi'iii'G"l'l"a'iTa1',1'ttbr. - Pill-mi Inn bomJ. W Morrow. Pu: moat can. bow, Thomas Hubury. Flaunt-l, 5 yrdl. D. McMillan. 2nd Henry Hewitt, 5 yards “and. Henry Hewitt. Funny quilt, Andrew bland), 2etd Thu- Human. much quilt, John Wm. M In. Minn". Home mule tine mm. m and 2nd In. Airth. Etnbmldory, N. B. Allin. 2nd Joleph Form. Knitted lune, Henry Gmham, and D. mum. Antiwar, Henry (inth. 2nd Ed, mama. Druid work, Mrs. Bymington, and In. Ami). Tm, William Airth. mu Edvard Noble. 0mm work. MM Home. 2nd In. Am. any work. In lull-or. Wax Iowan, In. “not. Ind The. Elam. Hooked mu. PM Mcamgor, and A. Dino-n. Pht'2 wool welt m.mom,m In Pu: men's lama. Andnw Diana. Pur mon‘l loch, A. [Maud]. M P. W. Tub butter. not let! than go lbs, Samuel Staten, Sud D. McMillan. nutm- in my shapes, 511», Wm Airth, 2nd do.. Ired John Bell. Hume-minim chm-so. 10 lbs, D. Hellman, 2nd BM Blah. 814 Mm. Ilium”: Morurr, 5 lbs. John Stevenson. and In. Am. Ind mud. Enamel Fleming. and Wm Adrth, In! John Boll. norm-mu manual-um: & meu‘ won: Best Fullodcloth,5 yards, than Hewitt. an! I Wakely. o cuaumben, B. Bell. and, Hoary Johanna. I nitrous. John Uurtgs, am! John Ben FRUIT. Bart u Applet. (whiten! Peter Methegor, and Wm Hope. _ Pm Mym tau-1s, J. K. mm». 2nd Gnome _ WHEN. Plir ouch. Juno. Penny. and has. annual". GRAIN. 3001's. EN. Two limbo! {an wheat,Fr1ucll Kimmy-nu. 2nd David Stimwu. Two bunch wring wheat, June: Winters.2mt Jo. Two lelhl‘ll whim oats, D. minim. as" R. Block Two bushels black outs, D tiUuwm2udJ. Wink“ Barley. .1050]le Wink-m. 2nd Itiehtnrtt Ben. Puttar, Wm Mruurtlo, 2nd Henry Hewitt. “usual tro'urtoms. J. K. White, 2tul Itavid Ferrier. 6 nwudn turnips. Wuhan Hope, 2nd June“: Biehardssott. Any other kind ot turatpa, Willam an". and John Summon. 6 been. J was Ferris, 2nd Mind liable. ‘5 head- of cwbm, new: Rune", ind And-w Diugmsu. a an corn. Edward Nam». 2nd N. B. Allin. a tlehl can-0:5, tututtel \\'nkrly, 2nd John Scott Peeirpotwto ant-am, Joseph Ferris. 2nd Wuhan: Laidlaw. Any other kind of onion. D. Me3tillatt. 2 pumpkin, James Ferrel. 2nd John Bea. 6 tomato-u. John Liking-I. and do. Pair spring pigs, S. Willa-1y, 2nd The. mm. POULTRY. Best Petr goo-a, John Rundlc. 2qu Wm Crawford Pair Turkeys, George “minim 2nd Pew! Me (incur. Best and ram, John “mulls. Hhmliuu mu. John Rundlu. Pair of owns. George Model-ml, 2mt D. HUI-on. Run In: b, D. Sun-on. 2nd Wm Athena Pnlr Ihnrlhng ewes, George Hail-land. I'd: a". hubs. G. Model-Dd. 2nd Wm Adm-on. PIER. Boat hour. (we? "no. your old. David sum-m. Berk-him boar. tuntttrl Watt-l): 533:, til-Han Ida-d pigs, It. Bun-oand John Yoko working oxen. oval you: old. Bot-an Bor. don, 2nd David Bunion. Grade cow. John DouttHa, Ind Wm Midvllmrn. Two your old hem-r, D. M.Mudnn, 2nd k. Flaming Una youtold heifer. Joshul. Modciruad,2mt Sunny I “'nkuly. Haifa all. Samuel Wnkuly. 2nd Henry Johmum. Bull on". H. Johnson, Ind D. Holman. SHEEP. Best lav-d rtutt. John “mulls. Two women“. oldi ur nu ' ILJ hm ind Julia L1','v"dl'l'o'if nu , o n Bpritut colt. tsirod by "Lord Mo"), George Gluten 2nd Sumac] Moist. Best maxim-brad bull, out ' yams-mud swim. 2tut G. G. Mum. 81m: uni-q. hum, Wm AMI), in! Henry Juhnuwn. lurk in human. 8. MoC'uitaugh, 2M Mex. Hamm, Dost cuddle hone, Alex. Hanan. M D, min-nu Two 'tttty aid colt,uenml [nu-gum», Sumac-l linu- down, and Andnw Dina“ all. Ono you: Old can. guiding or ftltr, (M by “Lam gummy John Btevemmu, 2nd Juhn Harv-l. Grade hull. my use, Henry Johann, 2nd Guam! Wmly. Brest lit-MT draught Stallion. J tutter," R. Trimhle. 2nd Willi-m Middlumn. Two your oid colt amnion. lume- Ronhotou‘h. Brood um, George Glazier. and Maul _ 8pm - who honu. (3.6. “all.“ Skit- nugwn Hell. utu1 apples, Mn. Airtls, 2nd Pater Mcngm'. t2 pom. Juno- Ludlow, gud John Bell. lg plums, George Wright. Md Henry John-eon. 12 crab apples. P. “cougar. 2nd Jan. [haul-crown In last week's issue of TH: Gm In. there having been given a lengthy oom- ment an the suacess of the Dundulk Union Agricultural Society we forbear makingany further retuarks on the subject, but proceed to give the munc"4 of the successful cum- pctitors, to whom the judges hive awarded prizes. We may however observe us u mark of prosperity of the Society and the fuemily interest the community entertain regarding it, that there were 210 more en- tries this your for the Show than than were last season. We united to mention that Mr T. Donnghy. of Shelhurne. showed the porter it and collection of photographs. The following is the Dunduk Union Agricultural Show. no? Do than who attended their 'ret regulnrhy, sud had opportuniti- el "e ing them. say thin in if... and whet does) their minim. aid thir “new in the ahttieh I 0.13 say than them? such low my notify the miter, in. it will not injun them, read Mat. Ftith. In con- clusion I would any taut I hue been im. pelled by I ”no. of duty, And not by my desire for controversy. to write on I hove done. A statement was made which every body in the neighbourhood knew to be un- true, and I did not conflict it my duty to Allow tite readers of the Riva-m, end espe- cially those intended in this oot1troveray to remain ignorant of the Inch u it chews the unreliable allure of X's statement, and I would further soy tint my view: with regard to ununlnined nun mulling were held by we. long before I met any of the Gait Evangelism I thank you Ir. Editor for allowing me to occupy so and; of you! valaabie space, and trusting; um it ' 11:12].“ to this he will kindly sign his name in. tull, I Remain. Yours, tiiueerly, I, ”an. A. Dinar-u. and P. mam. launcrum. to. rAmIr momma, kc PRIZE LIST HORSES. CATTLE ml. villi». B. C. Russ. TWMek Any other kid properh and. ’meupe. 2nd H. Wurougui! MMIcls barley. Wm. (hunt-nu, in x W. B. Wall-cc. Two builds white och. Juno. Murdnc . ind Was w. n N?“- that outs. (no tum Sud T Two bunch white winter when. W. H. Wdlm. Md Nelmn Main. Two bushes. nay other kind, pr 'l" 12} named, Adan Brown, 2nd Riclmrd Elle. Two Mullah Glugow when. John Allut. . Ind ‘IJL Wallace. Pair Reid. Sow. htving mad pigs thin scum). W Reid, 8nd W. Patric. Boar, tGtesohn Siuchir, 2nd J ulm Irvin-g D Spring boar, Wiilivu Reid. 2nd Jame, Ptir ewe- having tuned lambs um N-n son. Lst and Sud Jun. Hwanmn. Pair on lambs. Honty Album. mJuIm All--. Bun lamb, Jan. Swnustun. 2nd Th, keith. Pair showing ewes. Ju. thmmstem, 2 Thou. Reid. Pure bred WNW sltettthtte rum. tun n" by I. H. Hum“. M.P.Po. John All-m. Aged run. (given by J. H. Huutcr M.P.P.I. Thou. Reid. 2nd David Sim. Shading run, James Summon. Sid J Smith. Hard of uhhmne mal" and f, males, given by Dr. Lsuderkus, 'l Brown. Reid. - . Boil" calf. w. Cameron Futon steer, cow or [mi 2nd P. B. Kell: . Thou. Bnmu. arctic. Cuban: Two year old Uuter, W. C: T. Reid. - Yearling heifer. Thomas. Ir, Yoke working oxen. L W. Reid. 8rd Julm Fait4o Yoke sun-rs 3 yours old Wilson. Thus. Bron n' Cow giving milk, l'. Swmu. Two year old heifer, One year old heifer. 1Uuee. Bull, 8 years old " up 2nd P. u. Kelly. Two year old bull. W. t Orchard. One year old bull. J. h' II. “allure. Bull can. J. Swnmwn. Shad horse, Keith J: Ca Spiccr. Brood mum luring r season, W. J. Wilson, th Cornish. 8rd Jns, Shun ift'.i"s' eolt, John Irvin, mic . Spring fiily, William Hors Shaun-x. Two yen- old entire on", t Two year old gelding, it 2nd M. Reid. Two year old filly, In. Sh MvCumick, One yen- old tiny. John ' J. Shields. w. lii'ivuum'. W" Hackney. in suddlr Wnddel, 8rd John Rn Span of working horses. fo pose, Thus. Fleming. 2nd Jan I». Nut. Spun of estrTinge horses. W 2nd D. Isles. Matched tum. Jun. Murd, Wilson. 'hrmht'r Will My was held at M. on My Ind. and prom! out of the and Wu! ever held in the My Tho rod-Int VII very Ryan": “I“. Wdelhibiton was present. The out-Ho Mont-wore exhibited m M bett9tg tr Menu. w. T. Prune a. Theo. an)" Bttd the Show of dome, . a. nan-haunt. m hits. can. took plan t- tU Team Hall and in a lmiiding albinis- Among the \urium “mm " “I MI were vusll I'v- ml-IN.II‘ in "ttie, both llmruughlu'ul "dgmde,togetueewitla sheep and pigs. ll...- Oxhibit WWII-n it In! been lur " numbet of you. In "rieultural in”! 1.. nuts “mi was a Very fair slum on it..- part of both but] and nutshh luunufm-tm - ,iems--tlto, uuiu exhibitors being M ' q" . Keith ten-mum.“ mum. ; A. C pi. “rune. Darla-:1 McCulloch, Mount Ilu, Fest ; Henry umin. Thou. Spin-r ml 1 Arch. Cahhsr. of Yeovil. In grain and r». t, lthero was . very creditable show. Tr.. lenterles of dairy produce were rum-uh A! 'r, (mr-tlie judges expressing {In-urthh .highly pleased. Then was Ilsa a splomud itsitow of fruit-tIslay exhibiting marl ed progress over tlaut of former youth. 1.. {the India's special department tho l ALL-Mn "utic4esofplain and fancy work More 2m it largely represented as ('unld have I cm u', sired. As this is aspccinlly interesting; .1. . partmont ot the exhibitiuu the iillittcr ' " mu noticed. and the hope was t'sl't'-rrl that the old excellence would be oi,s, m l in next year's show. Tub-n allugrlhu r rm exhibition was I most creditable uffmr t t all concerned. The judges, 1lireetotu,, um members of the puss were train] lry 11m society to lunch and dinner at t,. ' hmdsomely served tildes of tlu. huh. Mod-Mon of the Holstein Mdhmil t Church. The bazaar in the mum mum» . tion, bold in the basement of the tin, trt A church ofthe tleuoeuiuutiou. we 1m ling» py to learn was quite Mu‘cumllll. w, lune to think Mr. W. T. Patric. the 1min~~hk ing ”weary of the atgriettltaral may com-team. and ulna fun ing Stallion for general puny horses having travelled m t 1878, W. Cadwell, 2nd H. J TKOROUI mum-m Fat dmp.10hn Fnirbu'rn. ind Baum Heifer calf, 1st and 2nd l. l Milth cow giving milk. W Emmott: Township Show. Wgrgrhorse, sin; (From the "can! Foul! Etaminrm Wanna! exhibition of the Egronmnl Irina pigs, Juno: Reid. M w ":16 and} you. Alex. Mad, GRADE CATTLE PRIZE Liti'l Keith in Cameron, 2nd T “HEP. cum. CATTLE WI T l HIDRSEK '. John um or heifer. l humus. Brow! "clue Ar Peter " tr'4 E the ioivu.,t Jelly. an] moiety. f (on the. full. v m " Ill II. l' Tr ter James , 2nd ly w 'tu M 'Goie Cours “an. {w in; houw vlumuejs. “v a. mdiM’VIM‘JQ it s tUs and. MU. I " NH ASK In SY wanml IN "OO, " " tw not In!” I " M he

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