" Mil W .13 News. Dudes * Seeley have told one thousand acres of Phosphate land: in Bur. gess to some parties in Boston for fitteen thousand dollars-th-, lots oompriu some of the LestPhosphMo Min Btu-gnu. Mr. Davies will have tho lawn! of the misses, and will inch-u. the {an of than now at work. They hare titanium} and titty tons from on. tot,the MIMI months, with {out “I. The Bowmanville Shannan Boy: that; new Congregational Church in ubout to be erected in that town, on the site “Show um structure. which was built forty you: Ago. The new building will be of btiol, I bout 40 ' 70. 1nd furniahcd in I Mylo nomad to no church edifie. in tho district. than. Davies * Seeley In" told on. at-___, ,7 -- - A Tory paper by a typographical error calls it the " . Notion' Policy." Very uppin- priate ! And it's a Yankee notion " that. The total indebtedness ofthe town ofBer. lin,0nt., is $32,000. $26,000 ofthis Amount m in the shape of debentures boning in. terest at the rate of 6 per cent. , and the enterprising Mayor has already dilpoud of " 000 worth st par. " Selby Smyth has sailed for England. The Mennonities in Manitobl “no that there will be . large ud1ux of their poop]. next year. to supplement the '16granud bythe Town. sin p Council of Osprey, to be expended be. tween lots Nos. 28 and 29, on the 3rd mug. of otspre.v.--Carriea. Moved by Mr. August. seconded by Mr. ostrander,--Thp.t this Council do now ad.; journ, to meet again on the 2nd Mondayl in September next.--Carried. Moved by Mr. Hewitt. seconded by Mr. ostramur,-.That the taunt" be instruct, ed to receive a noto from Thou. Humano- mnn and Lawrence Breen for 977.46, being balance on Roll in default on Michael Boweder's Roll of 1876; the note to be papablo on the In November, 1878. --Carrivd. Moved by Mr. August, seconded by Mr. Hewitt,---That the sum of $16 be granted, Moved by Mr. Hewitt, seconded by Mr, Corbett,--That the clerk “instructed to procure a deed of the deviation of road on the lst concession between Melanethon Ind Nottawasagts, from Samuel Pound.-. Carried. Moved by Mr. Oak-under tteeondei1 by Mr. Aagust,--TUt the Reeve issue an order for 95.20 for himself, and M.1o in favour of Mr. Hewitt, for attending Provisional Council, at Oratumvma-r..., I Bylaws Nos. " time. caved, and read I first time, Moved by Mr. Hewitt, Mr. oestmnder,---TUt By-] and M be now red I noon lied. an. August asked leave to introduce By- Law No. Ill, for the purpose of oWing n. trevitvtion of road. By-Law No. 48 re- criveJ, and read a first time. Mr. Hewitt asked leave to introduce By- an No. 44, to establish Standing Rules and Regulations to be conformed with at meetings of Council. By-an No. 44 n- eeived, and read a first tima. --c Moved by Mr. new: August,--That the nath Moved by Mr. Hewitt, second otstramur,-TUt the treasurer rized to pay to June. Brown Pt count of $2.91, up to June 80th per bill rendered-Carried. the same ; A. McAulay to have the privi- lcge to perform four days statute labour, and on producing pathmutors’s eertifieato, shall receive m order for the "mtr.--thsr. tied. Moved by Mr. August, seconded by Mr. Corbut,--That the trenurer be authorized to pay Mr. John Rutherford'l account for printing Voters’ List. stationery, etc., for the your 1W8.--Carrud. Moved by Ur. Hewitt. seconded by Mr. Corhett,--Tuat the treasurer be authoriz- ed to receive from A. McAulay the sum of 029.97, the same being for taxes due on lot No. 25, in the 9th concession, N. E.,ior the years 1876 and 1876, nut] that the clerk notify the county treasurer to erase the same ; A. McAulny to have the privi- lcge to perform f,"". an... Ad". , . cancession, o. S. ; 11m lieeveley be paid .15, for nod eertiiiea by comb the Reeve issue orders for tied. Moved by Mr. August, seconded by Mr. ostrander,--That R. Watson be paid .10, for building culvert on 10 side line, in 4th c.:ucession, 0. S. ; also, thnt William lt:.-....IM. I _ .. -- __ ' Moved by Mr. Hewitt, seconded by Mr. UstranJer,-Thnt the mum be unho- xized to pay to Menu. Ray & Hunillon, provincial land surveyors, Coilingwood, the sum of 89, being half the Amount of bill rendered, for plans and trpeettieatiorm of deviations on the out hallo: lat conces- sion between Melancthon And iejiiiii'ii Ca, Notmwasngn paying the other half.-- Curried. --------- Vt------ Mtred by Mr. a Mr. oatmmur,--st order in Invent of Mr. Harv-seven dollus I Drinting400 Pamphle Carried. Moved by Mr. Hewitt. "etonded by Mr. oummur,--ahat Peter lander n- “in In order for $10, in put pm.“ of a road job, on the 280 aid. line, tl. E., between the In and 2nd eoneeasioms.-Cnr. tied. ucpuxy-mve; nd luau. August, Outraudcr, and Corbett, Councillors. The trustee- of school sections 0 And 9 presented the mount: to u [wind to meet the expenses of their union. for tho can rent you. A mmumtnittatuet from the township of Osprey In- muted and road. Account: from 000. Rain», And from .Cutte0 a Raine, were Alla m- - The Municipd Council of the Township ---- of Melancho- not a the Town Ball, on . A nut-brown maid is “W bl ' tml. Monday. the an. August. 1878, magnum iiantmd "td "llow mf- ttho Ah, the tdjbnrument. Members present. ROM. Mo- 'uapr merchmt, nodding baton his M Ghee. Esuc, Rana-n "-.. n...-.. a, “an“. s, .. . ccnmca by commiszioner; and that Reeve issue orders for the trtumr.--Car. r, Esq., Bun t Henry Hewitt, Eula rtrRessvsr; lid "can- Anon-o ',--That By~ana Nos. ii Hewitt, seconded hy Mr. be clerk be instructed to the deviation of road on Jtt between Meltsnethon , from Samuel Pound.-, , at orartgsrviiu.-csp. ',---2lutt the Reno hue tn " of Mr. George Raines, ior donuts and My cents. for pamphlets. ete.,tor 1877.- Hewitt, seconded by Mr, Hewitt, seconded by the treasurer be ar, and 44 read I second second time.--tar. '. Hewitt, Seconded by Brown postage .0 have the privi- statnte labour, road work done r 1878, " but an. we hurt; 'F" - blinding him. The tender In uni nonr- al inche- into tho nir,but ruched the luck again All right, and the whole thin Ina jolted " though ott the truck. Tho pum- gen‘ hair stood on end for men] nil-h. hrat “A... m 1.-.: H I They had a hail-storm et Pakmcz, Slave. nia, last month, which lasted four hours. _ One person was killed, twenty-three Were t fatally and one hundred and My slightly . injured. About four hundred held of cattle L were killed. The hervest woe destroyed. ' the fruit trees were broken, end even large oak and tir trees were uprooted. Among the hailstonee, weighed by the Authorities, were some of six kilogrnmmee opiece. eey 181 pounds. A railway trein hom Boston, mm to 8pringgtrld, wee lately etruck by lightning. The bolt struck the engine by the right [ cylinder, enveloping the whole machine in en electric dune, knocking the timrmtn, Fleherty, my ineeneible, and for I mo. meat dinning Oegood. the engineer: whip. J ping hie hand of the thmttU And needy Minna... '.a.. MA ., . There is death in the pench stones, and they should be kept out of the wsy of children. The pits contain In Abundnnce of prussie acid, and are certam to produce fatal results if eaten in any gummy. A child died recently in Paris, from acting the kernel of a number of peach pits which u secretly crushed and ate. I Nearly six hundred persons but been arrested in Germany for distusturtnetton since Noboling's attempt on the lift of the Emperor. Of tho whole number 521 have been convicted, their sentences mmpting 811 years. Cardinal Nina, the new Papal Bectay of May, 9th, State, has addressed a circular tothe Papal S"-e-"r-e.e-eeuee Nuucios announcing that u will follow the , policy of Cardinal Franchi. rm The native tribes of Armenia m muster- ing in force to oppose the carrying out of the provision of the Treaty of Berlin reh- ting to Asia Minor. ‘ The phylloxern is working terrible havoc in the vineyards of southern France. The loss is already estimated u $200,000.- "All In Germany the finest ilouruuing made with mill-stones of glass. The deaths tram the recent famine in India are ofhe1illy given at 1,850,000. av...“ -uuvu seal a: " l I had murdered it by neglect. Young plants need a deal more care than old ones that are used to storms and blight.' " Hero is I: word for us all. Tenderly. patiently. pertreveringly, wisely, let us can for thy little (was. - in "I passed a florist," says one, "so absorb- red with his 'cuttings' that he did not hear 1my 'Good-morning,' till twice spoken. 'I beg your pardon, sir,'aaid he, 'but, you see, one must put his whole mind on these young things if he would have them do, well; and I cannot. bear that one should die I on my hands, for I should almost feel as if r 3...; ---- . _ ' - "Martha, does thee love me t" Asked I. Quaker youth of one " whose shrine his heart'a holiest feelings had been offered up. "Why, Seth," answered she, “we are com- mended to love one another; are we not t" "Ah, Martha, but does thee regard me with the feeling tho world calls love ?" "I ‘ hardly know what to tell thee, Seth. I have greatly feared that my heart is an erriug one. I have tried to bestow my love on all; but I may have sometimes thought, per. haps, that thee was getting rather more I than thy share." {geese came stalking up the middle ttUU. The preacher, availing himself of the eir, cumstance, observed that he could no longer fiud fault with his district for non- Mtcndunee, because, though they did not come themselves, they sent thir represon- l tatives. A French constitutional priest who had usually a. very small audience was one day preaching at the church in his village, when the door being open A gander and several geese cam. stalking m. n... mun, _. . Painful question by the Salim. " h, this Tureey, or is it merely portions of England, Russia, and America t" The late Mr. Suet, the actor, going once to dine nbout twenty miles from London, and being only able to get an outside place on the coach, arrived in such . bedmgglod state from an incessant rim, and so mat. ded up in great-coats and poeket0uusdker. chiefs, that his friend enquired doubu'ngly, "Are you Suet ?" "No l" replied the WNY-- “I'm dripping l" she would hare triveL' seven Both eougraiaid themselves on the operation. m would lave taken tire, and IL- _....I.1 L - . ,well? Tho thingia worth thug mau- t mom in imply robbery." I 1lfetyoeundututamu,.tw. cannot trade. Sooner than loll far eight tools I lhlu nine the cover oif my brainst Go thou t It is eight in the morning, Ind still than themed." She lay: down the no"! reluctmtly, ny- ing I "Five." But the outraged merchant work, "our fully: "Eight wan my hot word t Got" She moves away. thinking how well that ( isetuf would look in the Apollo Gudonl, and casts over her shoulder u Parthian gllnce, and tiu-.. "Six." "Tako it! It in modem“, but I unnot waste my time Urmsining." MISCELLANEOUS. well , _ - --" vv-U.‘ In. - "What is thin manual?" He nnswen, with profound indiihmnoe. "Ten reels." “Hombre! An you draining or my?" She drop. the coveted neck-gar. and move: on, appmntly honor-stricken. " Don't be rash! The soâ€! in not“: meaty rub ; but for the “he of Satin-inn Maria I otter it to you n half price. Very well! You no not suited. What will you gin ?" ."CaramUt Am I buyer tad Idler erved that he could no t with his district for non- mse, though they did not I, they sent thir represen- the recent famine in [In order to toduce their stock, oNThiiii I DIM. m. m, tm, Apt for the hpcriot We! HIP apt Drill. -"'""N""iT - winch he wan-Ann fresh And free '"pii,i,,Tye, and would Mer P"'"'"""""- to inform “WAR? 3:31: if £31130 Stock of STOVE and TIN Yoga; 'tt "t Scales-t: 85:12!- lb, or: CHEAP FOR CASH on TRADE W2.“ ct', ext'):',',)':',','.'.'.?.'.' 55:13:11: C,', mm. t"l,'u'.'etg:r" Bets “W m. so,.,?:.,,,,,,,, :23: 2ir:hattj:e, or o Cash for Rhshssa,aTr,u,e, "_.-.. .1 H. " . _ STOVES AND TINWARE I OFFICE t ALSO The Subscriber is aertLtt?ttu ale Mowers, Reapers: AeRrtmamriifrf,' on hand, for which an Runnable taller will be refused. We also offer n M eu., which for quality and price cannot be beat. "We respectfully invite the public th call and judge for thew SITMDI ER Hastie Bargains! Bargains! BARGAINS! Mixed Paints, Ready for GRASS SCYTHES, RA GRAIN SCYTHES, BRUSH BCYTHES, Barn Door Hinges, all kinds. Now on hand a full Assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING, DURHAM, June 12th 1878, White Load, in small tins. E t At Kim ds Bushlan'l Store, Lower Town, April l ms DURHAM. n Machine picked and tree trom haiku nails, Wool Carding attended to at for Sheepskins DURHAM. IN DRY GOODS 'era, Sulky Hay Rakes, Laidlaw & Stewart’s Improved Gang Ploughs,. dm . JOHNSTON, Jr lar Load, 200 Kegs COT NAILS, all sisies, oneepsmns and Hides. It: 'lirlr,rd 3:13.. sei', “:3: (idler-y Sully Rake-the Agent for the sale of all kind. of Shortest Notice. will sell I large lot of the above for cash. A lot of HASTIE & GRANT ~SUCK " Gr. & J. MCKECHNIE. IMPLEMEN TS, . HUNTER DIlESS II Reaching this week CANADIAN TWEEDS, tre J. II. HUNTER. RAKES, 8NATHS, FORKS, HOES, SPADES and SKOVELS uds, only 6 cents per lb. j in small tins, all colours. I, which he in selling at very low prices. We also offer u really good Tea 1...“...4. K, I a Grant, beat quality, in M lb keg. mentioned Good. " them-elves“ G GODS " 8y 1878. coat, Agent for the Walton: “We. thsrhatn, Fl, u, ms. ' A good assortment of Ready - - which! . The under-ind hu secured --_--- -- -- . . “quiet chance lot of those ti il whieh he " Pleated to tind has swan to much utilisation“; Te",'httutT.t fee Ite - A -- - " WILL SELL CHEAP yl ‘lAdiea' mu Ind Bonnets, Plowers, Feathers, Ul'nrunv-nt-. Rians, [act-n. Sill“, Bum. Fringes, Dress Buttons, Dress and Mantle ’l'nuuuums, Parnols, (My Embroidery, Corsets, Bulin Wtulr, Collars, ('ull'x. Frllhngn, Show Flake Dre" Goods, limbnsunl Prints, Hun-y Ptunts, me ' takc. Ulster Cloth. Mantle Cloths, Whstc “toss Muslim, Men'- White Shirts, Mauls Fancy Shirts, ttstool shirt. iuga, Tweed Nu'tings, Whiteeiirey Canons, Machine Needles all Makes. Dresses and Mn"-.. Durham, hl - -MmV--- A. Cochrane. WILLIAM LAWSON, General Agent, Durham, 14th Murvh, 1878. Aa they have just opened out Great Bargains i I “so continue to mole the N agasakl, _ilapan STRICTLY PROSECUTED! For which I hold the patent. for the Counties Reaper & Mower, YOUNG. HYéBiT Millinepsr & Fancy Dry Goods Formerly owned by the Old Firm, will be GEORGE RUSSELL, DURHAM FOUNDRY, Suitable for the Seuon. February 14th 1878, I would any all on me for prices and terms in Ontario, BY ME OR The "Royce Reaper," 'OS'l‘ PRICES 1301}. Clit"E.' FOR SALE ! In them, Counties, run! any TO TI MILLINERY! f Ready-Made Clothing from $10 a suit A good heavy quilted Orereoat for tr. Stoves of All Kinds! Now u the time to make Goods, &c COMBINED MACHINE. all Makes. Dresses and Mantles made to Order. I quantity of LAND ROLLERS just tituihod d .DAYIDSON’S, in Threshing Machines and all other Agricultural Implements. a we" snorted aid fresh stack of the very on hand tb Luge Stock of well known MEADOW I single mower, and as a tthe Counties of Grey 1nd Bruce. Thin machine can only be sold A call from Bll old friends solicited. JOHN CAMERON. '. vF.i"'t"ataunmio,rC; responsible may. ...-IN WANT OF A-- --h QUANTITY OF-- AUTHORIZED AGENTS -AT THE- infringement on my rights will be your purchases at b, or 5 [In for 01.50. t, or 6 lbs for 02.25. t. or 6 lbs for 02.00. Mer them a the Ity Ribbons, lieu, Silky Gum TEAS, 5 lbs for 82.25 :, and see the only good Muchznn M sold " COST PRICES FOR CASH public. "Iii; Teas ! LARK as I Iingle reaper. “a GEORGE RUSSELL yl bl t A. DAVIDSON, 'uruols,_ tiiovii," following low u iiue lot of latent nylon in y! 1878. well known {MOST APPROVED KINDS NEW PRESSES. Can depend upon being "tirfUd br And with the Gram Promputudo Having Intel: an. an PM and new». foe I: new fitted up in the vary but my}. or Job Department, Job Work Moment farm-body“, "Cal ray Good Family Newspaper in tho TM of Cluck, B NW1. Est-mom. Proton, An o-r, I‘d-notion And other , an): and“ it one of tl" OF rm: “my, Tho [am and lipid], Beat Median" for a POBTAG E type, name MATTER, Price 01.50 and Nut-nu I mt amount of ie Mrt " Hi. done inthe very If not tsaid in “In.†“Grey Review" would nub-til» for tho “out ItmaEw., In won. my mum a“ the Count, of Grey. All who run . of the Art, .so W Annum, PRoPtttEroR. comma PAPtut lulu out. If " v i e " ." “El-a AND Inn'onuu Wotan, AM. attd otUr Tom. Adverts, hm arm. “you“, All Farm ",3 BEST I) Durha In“ H; BUSINF. Nothin Do TI newt BOOT il grin: all " tM2' hm m