Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 22 Aug 1878, p. 3

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th A Word to o11 PM, Pete his who the. 6.. “thin two "ooh. f, r v.fthe Revior. t.-As Old Path In. , rind: Le wt was." h g .'umr pvmu'unn,bq 'e- ' ox' droning homo, MeCutoohoon. near "meh ht lid-thin: rm: H ""w ftttt-d and Mn" " of iuelft, the 3.. inns ; and it in .0. " "f “can“ 5". Ln! that the 'ut:: mwcd to will...” " “We like Mam-ho " can drank in tho man, were hom- La 0 . ln'hl say . "'hstetol “1%. i' I’mnlcl Iggy.“ . :Lthgp. given t, whie!, “Wand ir, t"neliing and I... "it “attach-I...“ kdwork ofmhd. ttlc, to tho _ Mr. I v - "(at to a H” " ", u former in. " v‘ kw found‘ Ar. v If ins .ur.t. h T n question ". rf, wily .1ch . an" drao, i. a f irrelevant to " ‘1 mhr letter u. n_ " union from m _ mm] 31v an“: nonth poor t Path. i; H“ is pt, " them an bo. is tlu, m “I. said, inn-hm“. Indulge, in and [Lye their ame, i, put up to tto. rong but 'ight. "Amt him. it URI: his 9% mate-lly a.“ Y'lmuthim. Lu ad Aqua-.1, u, 1 tuuar OI.- manor)“ 'ntion than tLtChurett. (t Mr. d Mr, These than opinion Pushy . lei " worn he so Ply m tins wu an!» am. that m a com- . Tin-t h as of Ply- mity oflu. “own", thumbing. Edwina” than [by can”. on): m Mince ICON n: In the “the but e x “mom. pro They no can In 31:: 'n-gatiou ma a,but 'onrerts. mink!" RICH .1" the " " w in dumi. Hyman}. . ' letter " r is"). " :nd. Ar, teel. 7.. . Jinn 'rith 'ltaintu. C“ in "u. m to th. " by h- fmm ou “to the .m‘I'm Ire d a'rttrq J". A th. '. If Lill- n]. mt: Ill Lick pockets of the many :qu putting it into those " the few. On the contrary. it in an injury to both India, lecanse it destroys the man- “new and self reliance a! the 'mututaeharer, while it drplctei' the pockets of the comma". u, therefore. In wank) have the greatest rc- mlta we must have cheap living and patient labour, and cease. striving to the by enabling one elm-s to climb up by tramplingatown their neighbours. Almlogising " this intrusion. l am " "reciprr)eity of tariffs" would simply plaee the Jarsuer at a ratio of Ibout 580 t, MT, without his getting tu1ytltingwltatever in return. unless it was getting well hmgh- ed at fre his folly in supposing that high prices and high taxation would possibly benctit him. T he mrchauics and working. nu-n would he in a still Worse position. We have seen no omr-not even the tumtionist leader-- umke any attempt to show how it was pmsihic in my wily ta protect the." claws. Take the machinist. the bhuh. nmith. the ettrpeu'.cr,the mammtha cooper, the Shoemaker- in fact all who may be chased as workingmeu--how are they to be cnmpensatul for having 980 of their wages frittered away to pay for goods and supplies which they can purchase at present for .57 , What return are they to have to make up the incremd burdens which we to be pllecd on their backs in the chap of highor prices for iron, coal. tools, and almost every nrticle they or their tami. ly nu t The Galt tttArrmer snys :--For can tain rinses of nmuufuctures Canada is an im; purlin: c "uttry; put on higher duties and up goes the prices of the articles ', for ngri. 'slturcl [m duets, on the contrary. we " an (”.‘pnrllng cunntry, and 3'01: might make your tvviil 100 per eent. and tho farmer's prion. would not iv.erease--he wuuhl just get for his “ hertt,Uriry,butter, cheese, ete., the prices which the Ihiti h ttttd other for. eign markets whu'o they have to be sold will warrant Canadian buyers to pay. Unt- ting then no increased pncu for his product. "protection" is the home a that country in uhown by the fact that the State- moot largo- ty engaged in industries affected by the tariff are the very parts non depressed, wherein nuw prevail poverty, want. And disorder. " the population had not been unduly drawn uny- from rural lite into mach-deal occupa- tions by the desire to become Inddenly rich, which was created by the high taritf, that rouulry would not now bethe world I monitor. In me, therefore, warn your people again” the fallacy that I country can become rich by alimiaislting the purchuim: power cf money or binding men up to my more for good. than they are worth in order that 00!]. of the com- munity may become rich. There in no royal road to wealth. t'apital can only be prodnred by labour I and ii we wish for prosperity we must earn it by honest toil. Nothing is Ida- ml to our wealth hy taking money out of the Tut PREMXER AS A Mr.cahsrc.--The Tlon.' A. Mackenzie, in his address before tho 1 Workingmen of Toronto, will as follows '. "I observe you have the motto up here to. night, "Alexander Mackenzie. a first chm mechanic." Do you think it would have been possible for any this: mechanic in the day of the Family Compact to have been in that position. (Cheers.) The Tories-who assume with James 1., frctn whom they seem to have all deseonded-- ilanguterr--fcr they am all nppnreutly. in political ethics, about as imbecile as he was .--a divine right to rule. 1 saw not long ago in I Tory paper an accusation made against myself that I was allowing the poor workingman to be robbed of his wages by contnctm. What are the facts , One of our contractors on the Ottawa River failed to carry out his contract. I withheld mough money from him to enable me to pay between 08,000 and 010,000 to the poor workingrnen who were in his employ, and who but Lr that union of the Govern- meat would have been left without a cent. (Cheers) _------------" The labourers who were working on the new church in course of erection in Parry Sound. aod who were receiving from 81.18 ttt ”.15 per Jay. Itruck for higher tug”. Th0 W. who fetid" in Michigan. U. B., iesAtrmed tho men that if they au not work " tho shove wages. he could get sit tho no. In wanted from the States for " “Walt! par day. From the alto" it can be an that high tum lor protection doo- not pk to m the hxhoagingmtut-4ts M I” ml min. . w h "id to in" out on aoemltt" “new” “I” 'tn - " 5. pi -- as tho mute-con". a. - m towni- may: our the vexed qxtortion d political iconomy, wotrdering why [notation and iuflstion by" ruined them, wd ready to and: - lulu- tion, lion“ no! need to krite. word, ali denim for the men-tar would case. That I am sorry to tind your people so unduly exercised on the "yroteetion" question. It should have been impo-ilile to find two aide-(l this matter after in (borough ex- hauetim in the Mother Country at the time the ahaptul a free trade policy, The enor- inou esp-idol: d her wealth and power whirh grew out of that policy that“ have olmwn n: that free trod: " the true but: of would -yeeitr. Amt when we add to this the than” which he. overturn the 'ruited State- in _'teuettcrs of their high taritr, which ha involved the nation In iMU. tion, "tr-erm', and my, we should not now linen to than who ngiute for “protec- tion." " I could lilo. you when lie tho-"1nd: " unemp‘myed lixnrere m we other side of the line, and the other tho-und- now thucon'.entedly occupied in what they consider urine-genial minim, all brooding The following letter to the Shield Beacon in from a mu ,mil known to nearly all the tendon of Int paper. In nddition to being uury than] observer. Mr. Crink- ley is a thoroughly reliable and highly in. tellim: .W- Me bu raided for some yen; in the United Stn1.a, and can speak with authority upon the (In! question of th. hour: _ (To the Editor of the Straifurd Beacon.) Sm,--ueing over trom G other side it the line on I vUitto guy tumor neighbours, August 1 f, t87& Protection in the United States. limb up by tramplingetown their Apologising " this intrusion, l ‘pcctlully, --- - M OMIRVII. 'meLn' getting the best of the bargain. A short time afterwards he saw the horse udvt than] as stolen from Mr. Edge. of Toronto. Thut gentleman iudtsntided the horse, and Mr. Calms delivered up tho animal. No clue to the thief. About three o'eloek on Wednesday morn- ing it was discovered that the third story of D. w. K;.ru‘s organ fsctnvy, near the post other, Woodstock, was on tire. Tho whole building was completely destroyed. The [ms to Mr. Earn is very grout, as there is no Insurance whatever on the th‘k and only $2,000 on the building. Nothing Wits saved except the :tI-clu'n the first flat. It IS ditfiealt to my with accuracy whnt the loss will lo, but it cannot be less than 815,- ooo. T he new Presbyterian church now in amuse of construction at Orangavillo will be a very fine building. and the largest church in town. The size of the building in about 100 x 80 feet, and wall have a spire 1,'30 tcet in height. Unnlvrueath tho Island: is the b.v.rmrutt, to he med for Sabbath schonl pnrp mos, the height of the room being P.?, rr 14 feet. The total amount of contracts In is now $11,500, but counting the furnishing of the interior of the church the total omit will amount to over 914,070. The corner stone was laid on Monday last. FircttrE.---0n Thursday, lst inst” George Himmolspach living about two miles front tho village of Formosa in the township of leross, committed suicide by hanging himself. He however was suspended so low that his feet touched the ground. Doubtless, fearing that he had baugled the hanging, he cut through the twteries at the knee, Midis said to have bled to death. He was over 60 years of age and was suffering some time of mental disease. Ho is said to have requested his family some time ago to put cutting in. struments out of his reach, fearing his self control. if they should fall into his hands. s-Walker)" Telescopr. Great damage has been done in the neighbour'uoo0 of St. John, N. B., and also in lows, by almost unprecedented heavy nins. I“? rm" mull“. summit I" N'"'"? cm Idu with reference to the undies and internal I'gi'hm'm. At the mating of tttethand Lodgo of Oddklton hold in Tomato tho " lowing statistics were patented by the Grand Secretary. Bro. J. B. King, of Brantford t--TU receipts and expenses of the put year have been as follows '. Ite- ceipts, 018,742.22; expenm. 08,552.14; balance on hand July Blast. 1878, $5,189.- 78; number of lodges last report, 175; number of lodges lust instituted, 6 ; num. ber of lodges resuscitated, l ; number cf lodges surrendered charter, l I number of lodges at this date, 180; Initiated during the your. 1.776 ; admitted by card. 190 ; reinstated.88. Total, 1,954, from which deduct ..-- withdrawn by curd, 889; mu. pended, 1,316; expelled, 28; died, 77. Total, 1,755, not increase, 229; number per last report, 12,272, present member- ship (July lust, 1878), 12,571. Number of brothers to whom benefits were paid,1.166; , number of weeks' sickness for which paid, , 4,267; amount paid, sick benefits, 811,- 789.42; number of widows in receipt of; benefits, 297; amount paid fur the relicfofi widows, M,IP2.62; number of brothers‘ buried, 77 ; amount paid for funeral bene. fiu, $2,101.82 ; nmount paid for elmrity or special relief, 02,334.06 ', total amount paid for relief and 'surity, 021227.93 l amount paid for current expenses, 039,686.35 ; total expenditure, 560,924.27 ; receipts of subordinate lodges, $106,866.19; net gain, added to capital, 546,141.92. Walk has commenced on the 0141 grading of the Peusbiua branch railway. The Orange kink in Montreal are still, going on. Sir Francis Hineks was one of the lending witnesses this week, and gave some interesting historical evidence. The Imperial Parliament mu prnrugued on Friday. The Queen in her speech attri- butes the pacitic tsolution of the dittieulhes in the East hm- ly to the Iupport of Parliament, and believes the peace concluded by the Con. gress " Berlin to be satisfactory Ind durable. The independence of Turkey has been secured, the integrity of her territory guaranteed, and reform In her administration pledged, by the (lemma convention bureau Her Majesty and the Sultan, in muonlsnce with which Cyprus " occupied by British (omen. The Queen praise- the Ipirit 3nd ulnrity of the land and naval forces, and afor- with upecid gratifuatym to an sand-c1 o! the Indian my and loyal .uiad- of tho Indian Moon. Tho an.» tenum. ttet hear-2m: with al.i Another brenkeanan named George Ben. no“, was killed last week, on the Grand Trunk. nut '3trstforil, by his head coming in comic! with a kitty). Thi, is said tn be the seventh brakesmun killed at this bridge. Nunnic Conley. of Dundnss, was drown- ed in Burlington Buy on Tuesday last by the “putting of a yacht. The body was afterwards recovered. Deaths by drown. ing have been very frequent during the present summer. A man named Lyman Corlcss, of South Dorehester, traded horses with n. stranger. There are u this moment ihe unpre- cedented number of thirty-three irorrelaiL in commission In the British navy, besides many unarmoursd fn'gntes and corvette: of recent construction. 0f tho iron-elads in commission fourteen In in the Mediterraa an: mm Admirals Homby and Lord J oha uy. The English. French, and German m:- bnnsadors have insisted that the Porto carry out the provisions of the Trusty of Berlin. A revolutionary movement has broken out in Ecuador. O'Leary hits aeeomplished the feat of walking four hundred miles in one hun. dred and twenty-two hours. Prince Louis Napoleon was enthusiasti- eally received on his recent visit to Cope:- hagen, and cheered as Napoleon IV. Home}, who attempted to assassinate the Emperor of Germany in May last, was executed on Friday at Berlin. CANADIAN ITEMS. MISCELLANEOUS. Oddfellowship. I Night I'.fir,tt,tt “my on or Man hull ' mnrm in math man: t, T. Imp-u, Aoc, It was early when the norm broke, end in twenty minutes after it begun the min stopped, the wind abated‘ the sky elem-ed. and night came on. But . dreadtulheareh had begun for deed and iqp1red persons. The Town Hall bell m rung. A report of disaster spread through the town. The falling ot the telegraph wires prevented eommtmieUion that way to neighbouring towns, but physiciansin Meriden were soon on the way to attend the Wounded. Men. women, And children were picked up in the Open luts. Mrs. Twohey, who had been whirled more than a quarter of a. mile through the air, was taken up dead. The Catholic priest directed that the old school- house should be used use. morgue. The bodies Were taken there until the 21 had been ee'leetl-d. Yesterday this place was the most interesting one in the village to the immense crowds, who floekeit to Wallingford from New Haven, Meriden, and other places. It is it plain, double, dull red brick building. In a room twenty feet square. surrounded by blmkboanls and hang with mnpsmcre laid out the disfigured corpses. All of them were packed in ice, and the wuter that dripped from the plain pine boxes had collected in n pool nearly an inch deep. All the bodies were hors ribly eut. A touching: group was that of the bodies of Mr. Hulllie an] her two children. Mrs. llnldie's wounds were frightful to luck upon, but her faee was us peaceful as an angel's. She had been uvuek in such a way that her head was layed from n. line drawn net-(ms tho eye- brow: clmr back to the cars. Near her was the dead body of her riix-montlrs.old baby, with an expression of astonishment on its Gee, a terrible gapinggash an inch wide on the little temple. and several other deep cuts an tho head. In a corner was the body of Frederick Littlewood, n. grave-looking man of M. His death was a sad one. He was a earpcnter,tuul had " cently came tromPcnn. sylvanth, where he had been M work. to take employment on n. new house ineourse of construction for Postmaster Hubbard. Ho and his wife were u. very affeetiomsU ample. and the was accustomed to meet him ushe went home from his work at night. On Friday night she met him as usnalmnd they walked home along Colony. street. The storm cnmo upon thetu---tho first patter of ndu--wUu they reached Brown’s house, the first dwelling next to the Catholic Church. Leaving his wife for shelter in Brown's, he run on to their house to get an umbrella. The storm bust in a. moment; he was; struck with a fying tim- ber. the Gel; of his head was crushed in, and he was picked up a few minutes later 2 corpse. The shock and bereavement have seriously affected Minx. Littlrwooul. l‘he Morgue was crowded till day tuulay, and perhaps two-thirds of the 10,000 people who are estimated to have visited the place passed through the little school- room, ntul lifted lln stained sheets to look at the soured a id bloody faces bc. wan: Giiti G, s'. af‘w. EVER-Ts; look neat C'oCHP.ANtt-lrt Durham. on the Elsi mat. the wxfo of Mr. Junu th,eltrtvuo ot a. you. IhxoN--Tt1 Egmmnm. on August 8th, LITE. the wih, of William L. hime of n son. (Snluu- Georgu Plata- In lloutinck, on tlto uh inst, the wife ot Mr John Pin, of u daughtur. Mann -HoP1uNs-in Durlmm. on tho mm mm. by the Rev. Mr. Park. Mr. 'l‘lIumM Mum“. of (How-lg. to Miss shrub Hopkins, of Buntiuck. t'ssrrrtr-mrsTrm--ht the residence» of the hri 10's father. on the mu ult., by mu Itor. P.. Godfrey. Mr. J. Fl. Smith. Mun-hunt. of “muscle, to Mug-1i» c, only daughtrr M James Hunter, of Durham. BANKS in Glumulg, on the PM: Hm. “will". Lil- hm infant daughter of Mr. Wellington Banks, aged two months BtytrtmF.sr-ht Durbwm, on the 19th inst., Thomas Bouidam, lead 66 you". Menus-In Barnum-k. an the mm huh. Hugh Me. Lean. aged as years. qumn-In Markduln. on the 13th inst., Sabina. beloved wife of Mr Georg.) Wright, aged 28 you" Emmy-In Emphasis. on tho the 7th inn. Mary Jun”. eldest daughter of Mr I). It. Ellis, in the ggnd year ot her ugu. s'rEr.mr--rn Owen Sound. on tho 1221: inst., Marin, beloved wile ot Mr Junk Spurs. aged M years. Town Hul-opm ovary may evening from 7 to 9 o'clock. shun-n " annual too 50 can. Alann- der Bahama, Librarian. STEPHEN LODGE No. no I. 0.0. F. N t of moo . " Mandi. " 71!}o'clock. In go th ",'lrJ,'l'/Tht'5?dl','l,tl “than volcanic. p. In. tug/Gui Helm“! at mob-.1". -t'rtssrrr {awaiting} ovary Wednmd-sy evening M. :30. Bible Claus every Thunday evening at P.W. Rev. Wm. Yuk. pastor. Services new Sabbath at 10:30 I. m. and 6:30 pan. Sebbnh Schoo " in” , m. Prayer meeting avory Thursday evening at o'clock. and Bible chug every Monday evening " 8 o'clock. Puwr Rev. p.. Godfrey. John H. Best, paint Sunday Ferviroea---ptmutte ixug " ll n. m.; Ssb6tsttt School " M p. m.: Preaching it 7 p. tn. Wonk evening Beri'ieam-- Monday sysyhgyoung ?,ofT9.t.' payer nagging " Thoma Lunar. wan: John A. Munro. Me. vuty-Begistru. once our! tmm m I. um to 4 pan. Nigut ot ot ouch u vouet, W Crttt'1rmf'fytral 19.1mm. .""F ' ""'“ "--'F-"' Crttrord U'aioa--ht C1imtrd, Sept. " and Mt, Mount Porttsb--ht Mount Forest, Sept. 18, 19 k N. my.trytTyc-"?r5yttylt,.?tt-ht Toronto, Boptumber sr,su,st2tts7anasis. F 7.7 MW Wuat Wellington-ht Drayton, Sam. 2:! and " Brmttnek-At Allmxpurk. on hid-y. Sept. g7th, Holland-M: Chatsworth, Sept. 27th. weatcrtt--M London, Supt. 30 to that 4th. tro.rmrf".uiz-.yt DtsrAsrtt, Tuesday Ind Wednes- 12.}; may" mind and; - --. fl” ' EAST o'aar-ut Flushcrcun, Outobur tet and and. Arttrnwoia--At Eugenia, Oct. lat. Moianethou-At BhoWuruo, Camber 3 and 4. Dundalk Union-ht Dundnlk. on Friday. Oct. tth, Osprey-ht Mttghampton, Oct. 4th. Proton-At Hopevillo, on Tuesday, Oct. 8th. Northern Union -ht Orangurulo. Oct. 8, 9, and IO, Nortuotar-At Walkerton. Oct. 8. D. 10 and It. DURHAM DIRECTORY. Sabbath services " 11 B. m. and 1 ll' m. Sunday School at 211. m. Rev. H. H. me. . A., puwr. Church Wardens, H. J. Mlddnngh and Elias Edna Divine Service mm? Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. tiy.sb.rmtuAolvro qt 2:30 I'. gunning”? meeting: a P, "L"; mam; E2666. ?,)),'eeii'iiiii,iiri','.iir Tammany evening. regutai prayer meeting at pan, one. hour: Malamute? p.111. Arch. Mu. Konu'e. Posmuwr. Terrible liletsot of the Storm. can: was " LIFE up noun-n In CON- nc'ncur. _ (Corretpondertee Nan York Times, nth.) DURHAM LODGE No. M " A. F. k A. M. ot new“. Ttteatin on or before full moon mum. wan? Men woloonu. A. W. M. R. W. (which Secretly. PRESBYTEIHAN CHURCH, MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. C. METHODIST CHURCHA B. G. REGISTRY OFFICE UREA}! L. O. L. No. 632. Pall Shows. BAPTIST CHURCH, TRINITY CHURCH MARRIED POST OFFICE. M Gudph. Uh September 17,18, DEATHS BIRTHS Potures per bags....... Pork per 100 lb.....,..., Beef " ............... Hide: " .....'......... Sheepskins each......... Butter per lbw... Eggs per MZ........., Wood, dry, per cord... Wool......................, Applos per bug........... MOUNT FOREST MARKETS. Confederate Office, Aug. 20, 1878. Flour per barrel-........." 50 to 4 Tr, Oatmeal per lrarrel............ 4 50 to 0 00 Pall Wheat,.............,........ 1 08 to l 10 Trendwcll Wheat............... 0 M to 0 90 SprittgWheat.....-.-, 0 70 to 0 85 Hurley.....----. 0 40 to 0 46 fhtts.....................-.... 0 28 to 0 80 I'civi.............-...-... 0 60 to 0 50 ,“utrxtncs per bug............... I 00 to 1 00 Butter.............................. 0 10 to 0 11 Fa',',-',...................-...-. 0 10 to 010 Wool pnr ll)..................... 0 15 to 0 28 Sin-op tskins.............,......,. 0 20 to 0 50 Lamb Skins.......,.............. 0 60 to 1 00 Hides per t'wt.................., 4 00 to 4 50 Hay................................08 00 tolO 00 Ucnmu, August 22, 1878. Flour, per 100, lbs, at mill " 50 to 2 l Flour No.2," bt g M to 2 1 Corn Meal " " ..d..orge l 60 to l l Shorts, " " 0 80 to 0 1 Bran, bt " q lit) to 0 l Full Wheat pet bush,..,..,, 0 80 to 0 i, Spring Wheat, JI, Chum” 0 76 to 0 I Ulnagow " ...'i' 0 MI to O I Outs tk ........ 0 27 to 05 Harley hh ........ 0 50 to 0 ( Pros " ...“... 0 45 to 0 tl Hay per ton........,....,.... 09 00 to 101 Potatoes per bags.......... 0 " to O ' Pork per 100 lb.............. 4 60 to 6 1 “UPI. " .................... 4 00 to lit Hide; bk .................... 4 50 to 6 1 Sheepskins oach............. 0 60 to 0 ' Buttevpcr lb.................. 0 10 to 0 I Eggs per doz......... ........ 0 09 to 0 I Wood, dry, per eord....... I 50 to l I Wool...........,,.............. 0 18 to O! Wool per 11).. Show skins... Mung) Skins... Hides per (-wt Huy............. month. " Walkertoy-/rho last Wednesday in ttuh month. - Mildmny ' Last Wednesduy of each month. General Mezentzow, Chief of the Empo- rorU print; police It St. Punching.” “laminated on the 16th inst. Tho - ins Lave not yet been captured. month. Dundalk--Nttulay before Orangeville. Guclgh-First Wednesday in ench Infanth. Harriston-F'riary before the Gne‘ph Fair. Drnyton--fraturday before Guelph. Eloi-The day before Guelph. Duuglmr--MonGy hefole E1011 Fair. Hantilton-cyrrol Palace Grounds, the Jay after Guelph. Berlin-First Thursday in each month Brampton --First Thursday in enchmonth. Lislowel-First Friday in each month. Fergus -Thtusdtty following Mount Forest. 1losernont--VifteqtNt of Febrpyy, April, June, August, October and D'ecomLer. Primrous--WednoiGy preceding the Ormgeville Fair. orangerille-Tho 2nd Thursday in each hioutll. . 8helburue-Wednesday before oramysvills 1iarsvilurssseond Wednesday in each Full Whent, per bush ...... " 07 to Spring Wheat " ...... l 09 to Barley, " .....'. 45 to Oats, bt ...... IN to Peas, " ...... 61 to Dressed Hugs. pa 1()() lbs 0 (M) to Button rolls, pct lb......... 20 to " tubdairy............... 11 to LN nershitt tor smug time put airmail on by New... Gem-nu Wood and D. . Mtuattillait under the Arm name of Geo. Wood a Co, " tho Wilma ot PrieeviW, in the County ot “my. was this a" dissolved by mun-l ”not. Pruitt; new» will from hence!“ be carried on by “In George Wood mm. who in authorised to dilemma lad count nil dob“ on account of the mid partner- Durham-Third Tnesdsy in each month. Priceviilc---Monday before Durham. 1Gnover-MonGy before Durham. Mount Forest-Third Wednesday in end: Full Wheat, per bush Spring Wheat " Barley, It Oats, bt 153M695. per bag: Turrtips, per hush Hay, per ton...... Vibe". 11. D. Iurmam.rath y good 4 yen rs old Home about 10 i hands high. Thu bum in a. bay 'soiour, very Lind, and n good driven Cheap tor cub or will ho said on tiuw if required. - - ' __‘_____ ennui-ting 01mm germs of excellent land, under cuBiosfiott,ots Ttttirstt_it arwwd_ I ImHI outrage ilird iGiGitGGiiiTitri. (,t',gi','ry would mum "es nice homgnntqul tovs lnpchw l I}; I!!! one :15!)- Dissolution of Partnership. ---)or--- Realm] Tenders, addressed to tho under-lanai and tsudorsed "Tender 1'ucittg Railway Fr Bill be re- ceived at this on” up to mum at 'iv"iidniiiifG tho pt flay of. Jruutrry, you: tur the v9rtutiugr.Nys)e l figs of the country Mtora Gr “I. m. popc- ty in tho nice homage“ for n mechanic or any one wish- anm nun, "om 2Tht,tt,'t,' Iiro h I villus Will be no” for 1.2330 whit: In only on par quanta! 5ch lot. Apply to the pmprlotor, or by letter to NEIL MUNN, - NOTICE is herebv given that the part- nenhip tor use time put curled on by t Lyiiig'nnd diiGGGrir,. of tuhktrrieiia "ir'ii?i'rjii,, Co In usemutml on the following season: of Can» tlirtts Pucitiu Railway F- L From the wessterlyrtnd of the Nth coum at English River to iuslcigb,a distance ot About so mi CT. 3. From Eagle River to the mainly end of the 159:1 cnutrltJt It Bowman, n dimmed of about " tun UL]. 4. From “do to anlnmm Lake. in British Cu1asubia, . diataatsso of abut“ 1g6 mite.. Tho. numeral Tender for construction ot who! lino undur Railway Act of 1871, covers above we autumn! septum“ tenders are “km under 0:. or luxury quJtiom otthtt Depunmwt. Department of Public Worker, Ottawa, 13th August, 1878. 2. From Rulolgh to Eagle River... dintuucu " nbuut Mtuilus. t'ltucs,&e.,turay be seen, and Btttscuietstiotttr, FP' prnxmmtn qutyutitimt, forms of tender, and other iMttrttrrtioti obtained at the 0ch uf the Engineer in ('hiu-l M. Ottawa. A hill ot quantities win b0 ready on or before December lat, at the Dept. of Public Worm. No tender will be onward-ml rinks! on tho primed form, and unless on conditions no calm plied with, I HERLBY forbid any person purchas- A ing or wagon-Mag n. unto ot hand given by In: fur (as) sixtysix dollm. drum-u In tun/or of J. Mc- Cormick, an I hum: not reach-ed who. JOHNSTON MIL_LNER, House and Three Acres of Land Ear Sale. A GREAT BARGAIN. Tcndrrs for Grading, Tracklay- ing, fe. Tee Subscriber wishing to leave this pm of the country Man for “I. m. popc- Floshcrton. lug. Mth, l, Pdcoville. Aug. 16, IMT, August u, urm, Canada Pacifit: Railway. New Advertisements. MONTHLY CATTLE FMM. ' ILLAGE or PRICBVILLE. -fuTr Wth, 1878, D URHAM MARKETS TORONTO MARKETS. Tonosro, Aug. 20, 1878, FOR SALE l CAUTION. By order, ‘)0(‘ GEORGE WOOD, It, F. MhChtrr,tny "F. BithON, B. DAMUDE, mulbertun P. o. 14 (In tn 13353va i', o, 11 to I" to 65 to 20 to Bebmmy. iGiar, 0 85 0 28 0 60 0 50 10 oo " I? 50 'ia?ihsrzro0 WANT To BOY CHEAP, 075 0 fo 0 10 n 10 l 60 095 260 125 tf-28 176 V . I Y - v IaiiGruraiirkrTiuirif BIIIISW AN. 'ttsoy wart, write tor -rtutrs In R. HINT." ' Jar, Crr., l‘uthm-I Hum.» 0 62 oo ONTARIO ARCHIVES 10 10 61 '22 12 11 &c., ms. ALL GOODS CHEAP FOR CASH! The Inbacriben beg to inform the inhabitants of South and East Guy that they are prepared to execute Bil orders in Hardware, Oils, Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Dyeing and aothmressing, Full Cloths, Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, Stocking Yarn, 800., Which will be Bold " mndemU prices. Sntisfnctiun Guaranteed in every branch of busineal. Call and Exunihe. “charge " good: or in payment for work. Get the Best Value for Your Money, MOWAT’S Hardware Store, WOOL CABDING, SPINNING and WEAVING, Various Qualities from M eh. I. gallon Excelsior Mullins Oil 60 eta. a gallon, oqunl to the best Soul Oil. Custom Carding, Spinning and Manufacturing done 1n the best possible manner, as usual. Also a. large stock of Canadian .Tweeds, Pine Tweeda. Fulclothu, Funnels and~Shirt1ngI, which we will dilpole of very chop tor cuh or trade. We pay the highest pnce in Cash or Goods for good Wool. ADAMS & MESSENGER. Oils, Pamts and Varnishes at very low prices. I wk in Ptur own town " out: the. No Mah. “or, it you I’ll" I busing-In rule! par-unin‘atl alum _n\ .... .. In- " an.-. "A: - . u. oi...- As it in an admitted fact that they do the WOOL Aniline D X’ " Machine Oils, A Ll. In; - AND (‘01.0l' Ill. Light Harness, Trimmings, Whips, etc. DYE STUFFS, Dye Stuffs, Flesherton, July 4th. 1878. Durham-N1! 4.1m. LO‘VEII 'I‘O‘VNo Beat Dutch Holder 12l cts. per lb. Hanover. May 28rd, 1878. England Declares War ! CALL AND SEE " None but Experienced Workman Employed. In every branch of our work. We have Always on hand 1 full Mock of ADAMS & MESSENGER, .-AT THE- ‘lesherton \Voollen )Iills. . Boulden's Stock of Cloth Dressing, 650., Putty, But that do” rot Affect the lamina” of IN FIRST-CLASS STYLE cm-21. fin-H FOB Paints, First Class Farm for Sale. Sargon; w 4:an “I: 'llllm'l,% T/W, a... a; "mi uu Jim. I m s?,,,', u: run. mm 'r','gtg,iittNttp,'rW. and Wu euluvnwd. (Mod Denim: orchard. Good Lo Home with (“me Human. New {rune bun 'iiyi'ilii Two trump" cunvdliont. Teri Buy. App y (In the promises to WI. CAIPBILL. a Durham P. o., on. Those in need of Such Articles would do well to Gail and Inspect My Stock. Tho Bum-wet h also Agent tor “Imam of rum INPLEMENTt's. ROBERT MeF.UtLANE, Sl2ij2,iitt, and " price! In [our u my cunt out-b em. in u" county. in}: DOLL. \Vntchlnker Ind Je'q'lor, 'ttrnin's _ Block. FT Morton. ()FFERS the Frmucs Muxrnuumm Coumxr's Family Sewing Machines Selling price 332. Then Whine: have I polished tidal. and cowl, with ouUR. uuygmor amount-I have ot Urto 'dt'"t been put on the human Ind other nmrk ' They 1mm boon told u winning Mr, mrrit,wbil. tstew mka'work have rendered mm melon. "THF. Plump" ts fully wan-mud to do a mo of work such " no other computing cannon: can attempt, vim. In Mummy u iuuioubtard. Durttaas,Wb.e8 1878. as Carriages, Buggies, Demo- crat Wagons, eta, I) C " 11A " Carriage Works. ROBERT McPARLANE. L' R. Townshis ot BoutuMstr,omttatrttetg mu norm “pout 70 clay-9 ' my remand-r "trug ierdroed, Durham trade u! the Counties of Urey and Bum Oil Sale, Lot No. M, Con. 2nd. W. G. R., Township of. Berutintth,ysm"aitpttt 100- germ: I” Tm', VERY BEST MATERIAL. Alexander Robertson, DURHAM, W. F. DOLL. Irc' R11 AM. Glass, Manufacturer of, Brushes, CAMPBELL. Wool taken in (lulu-t “unison-tun. um. '" 1 xuwuniu' rind man; $316.1"? “that; no ulttl'o"ll;'llulid'l hue! I ttnt 'Aut%%rd'M,tlf'. of )1qu I“ (an “my: writ-7n null or mu-ttne.. FariircrtiiofiiCFoirfui; "1m “hm- anna ”John may“... m -. 1“,. Bold b I}. J. Gunman. W. m , “1007‘”. Cabinet Maker, Wh PAT ION baring been mm lav.” an“. m [Mad-It and may (d,5dTuri2S2"lhfhN.1'e,tt'tg,tuit.t'2t wombaotnnmhmllmhuuul I... all Mantle linker [rum Torosno, And [nu-1. m an! my wort mttrartqd to new: no dal- can mum and 1rupstcu. Latest Stylus in ladins' nun. I’m.- uul Com. on Baptism. THE Early Chard: History. Dork-inn and 12mph- of M v . WITH; {him Gard - tll'.',',",",',,,",',','.",', lot-a. llouh h“... Costly outt1t and mum mo. Add”. M O 00.. Am. “M. Millinery & Dressmaking. (hunt cGuce to mull .umm-y. We twed I pea-on in awry In" to take sublcnptium fur the largut, cheap. ut and Lest rllusuutud family publication In the world. Any one can Lemme a mcctuful agent. The moat slag-m wotkn of Brt gun-u {we to qulrwviluuus. 's' hr price in In .tots that {Almost everybody NILBOTILCH. Um- I”! n- j portonuievgover8i5"inuwetk. AIM; Agent rupuru ukmg over 400 Iubucnhrr in ten darn All who englgo makr Mummy fast. You cu- devote all your tune to the Lush-cu nr oulv vnur "are time. You nred nut be uuy tron home over mght. You an do it u “all at others. Full particular. direetiow, uul term. free. Elegant uni exp-ire Ituttit free. “you want protitahle wovk "ml III your whim-val. on“. " cost.- nottuuu,r to try the human. No one who any” fan- to make gm! my. Ad. idmma"Tl" PatNuJourstnl,"Poetuud,lGiete. PATTERNS FOR SALE nausea“ hawk. must o. RM Ocu- etul Agency. TAILOR AND CLOTHIER. Eeddance-Opposito the Cumin hub,- Spring and Summer Falhionl min-1' C<)1n'o:.'::xu-¢-x'. dkts,. Tun ornrsr Frnr. Isstoscr, and Mosse hon Anne“ in the Towns". Tho best Culnxnnies in gin: l'mvinoe to". JOB. MCARDLE, m7 gm. m5 p m, 5:» P u mm. 'e. I. tu.. Lu p. In, mi; p. a, nnnuzwur. m mm. mun... “on... "pert, was...“ 5:53 In. -, Arite 'li1"cl,'t: fi1PcrtctlWt ann . -rr.,atM".m.. I ' AM” 1am... Ethan. . m “s... Mun‘ Farm and Village Lots Fot Tat. ”Eminent dune strictly pl mm Roddcnce and mam. HUI'EVILLL‘, Co, June 2i, l577 ,rtii vii Lrii,iia7.u 'lVom).\"m. 0mm. Aim BRUCE MAILWAIK CHANGE or ms. 0*! Ms. -~M’.n. unv- uo .n. ”was. ".tsAT'1haulghdl'lh'h',','i-..,, put "t the Bollutry who in uilling to wan “chilly at the etuploytuetrt that we furnish, 066 per week in your own town. You need Bot he Itly tram hon e aver night. You on give your whole time to the work manly your spare momentu, We lune agent- who In muting aver W2tt per day. All who ens-g: It once can nuke money fart. At the M'- time money cw not he made In eaaiiy It my other (mailman. It cost. nothing to 'a the Mimosa. Tenn: and .A5 outtit free. A aim. at once. H. " “.1111 & Co.. Portland, “nine. $777 Dunn-1k. April, MN, Um “(I momma. am _ m. 9-. an: "trr mum-Aw. Ian. MAY, mm Toronto, Mb Mr ttr7F Durum, Feb. 14, ItR& Cutting done to Order. KNBW 11rrr H" v. Lu: I h1it, 1l'liYt1r1,rydiH, ttcmrvCuc.i,mxlcorttaitcs mum If: u g .ougim Iprr: trl'lmom. nzu'cn . of “Lu-H warm H-v mice " the ck. lhh Ln. 5; was P nlzcn bv tl," II" " u. VIM“: and prnba‘. 1. thr, mm 1 diliulrrnrtiIk-mr In Amrricn. Inwhnm "‘:‘I use,“ ed r L"|.1I may w- (HUI mod " Ivy thre tiatimrul .‘lxdirJ Auudnuou. A l'umphlrl. ilutrtrctrd with tre wry in. titert L'cgrrasirergr--rt [unr- vcl of an :mr Irw.uty-- lit I'D! rm: In rdl m I d _ faltrg'nf'"tudiifrit .. ' . 1) . F , mama-x1. l at} 1;J.TIIV_QFI I Eiai "V ganged... Mars JOHN ROBERTSON. in! If t:stwtsuu V Nrn'ou urd Pts: tir-r Commissioner in the Quinn's Bench. DURHAM St., BUREAU. "0pm 6.it6 LIL. “an up..." Wood Turning. can muse money may ht- s'/',trtt't'.,',',ettgtt Cari not I.- qInn-d. “mu a you. 0"pr I. human!“ by my [ls7Ale,"f,'ftlff. tom-m tt;stot. Ifl'l'lDIJ " Lorin: Church. yawn-.14 Jo, 41: 213ml; all. this» , a reached. mute "'ticrov.ty0t. but Ivy-.1 nu Keri" of “an. u . mulrJ n lmlmrr Dunne. I buhxy. sud I'-r mum umold Itu-I ries "tat mum " Inf-[t-lluin ':;ot.ax'uu:l Pee: n rradire and i'Nl't,,t','. h',, 12:: 'e'2,.1,"/1 J',',', um. Lima ht the be" medial brroy, tX rttteekrrt_uNtd, iiiirhisrii'hyi0N 29M"!!! ‘VAIHIO c-u torcr, I!!! um “an. ‘1! ttot "tstty and III then times, but " can be made in three month» by my on of emu r ICI. In my Co, ot:' Guy. rt “a

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