id to .eourietion of the nremittiitcviga-r For, to unwound. to I my and. lob-N int MO! ' It" and .‘7w: Karl .. “an! I 'ra. M Artemesia Cannon mum In: ot lnmher. the 9" te Hill. Byna ltd“. 6001.5- penv of the Mug-WV!!! my. VII burned - - Mul, My ill-rod: in“ Ainv the stun but. I!†teb, In: lying " the wharf n'ner. HO! and» also hav. i Ottt the ham but] in tank = mm: bat. bouts " M ole dnwn be, ulnpingmu mu the valley below. “5 u. ti we Would not“ Arm. er. In us much kn. duh. L J, Inn-um "WWI?†I“. h "ialltvan tilod two“: - 1;. port of t'oarmtittoo on Iett, , renl Mull adopted. P. â€no r. ,4 many perm“, um r1. “in V0»- My he t'vvmu-Il. "h. _ l "Po "UHF-i MM " luv low " ha" junta“ it of me- an k. Inland ld get Mining 'ra-ttter T In A‘hh-N' I‘IQMI, LT M. yam “no. The. " a a,“ " my b helix In I'm - " Th who! the Henchm- h: we, mJame. 31.1.30 " .a In: t in the Tom. h I078. Mmna... the Tart '06-- III! was I’m-â€l Ge ah hum-erg " “W rims the neceuig,‘ For, dun“ " a night nu... mm; fouh' - trail W..79; S“... H “I. Ira-tr. T aux Shut. mu BIN", " ' “Mar, 'iieimtr "r. in! tes Me "tr manna“ “L Tits"- rahhen. TI. u. Shh, Nit-min b mg tho 3 undo: ?IU: Jane. 35: Hugh SO: Th- ..ils 00:1 mam. "Mi "ebor. a 3 Hulk-r, " S tr m Ry.- u to .‘md - l An.“ 810 w soo. be wail I" t "lratou, petition of I, and 'hat n instruct. w. ‘. ' mg tho yam! the 3“. id. in 'e in. cl y Ulcnel‘ " line. -- t {ml path- 10.on mill 2‘35 rateq " A men Arte " ' I“. To": Wo 'mt,-ottuou-tdbtt"oTo" Mb of the towuahip of Barwiek, w†:,ttttrf, driving u - on his farm he . n1 bean. Iain! and fell " tho mt. m in if! emf-min cannot with bim Mwu to dreadfully may“ um holivod and)“: tar" Iftor the Acci- d, ohieBy in " and 10 cent piecea. Manchu»: ought to have I careful look out " than imitations. OI WOW: last " Mr. J. M. Hou- Jertt. A Kinsman manhunt informs the New: M there is a considenblo quantity of - coin m circulation " present. both in â€and quarter dullars. American coin of . Mama: is also being circulat- There were sixteen appeals by tlie Ile-. formers of Brussels and about baty by tho Conservatives against the sotcrs' list at 1877, before J olge Toms, with the follow. ing -ltr-Fiver Reformer: pot on and on. Conservative put on. The latest retrenchment rumour from Bdtinh Columbia is that all ofreeial salaries m tobe reduced 25 per cent; that the hauls " departments will weep! 02,500 per an- ..m, which will include wipional Mince. and that odiee hours willbo â€-9 to 5. instead of from 10to4," Wu. A by-law lor the traction, of tgrist mill and woollen factory has been carried in Mnnitomutirtg by a mnjurity of 70. There Were 116 Votes polled, " in favour ot, and " against, the by-law. Last week Mr. John Hymn. of the Mansion Homo. Culedonia. ent, tllrcshed. and tent to the Balmoral mill two acres of when of the 300136. variety, the yield being one hundred and ten bushels, or tittiivet bushels to the acre. Near Mono C EWOJJI Mondny morning. A. Mm. Robert Buchanan mu orgasm) in picking berries, a limb fell from a tree, “ticking her on the head and causing in. uumnnoons death. Sh. have: n husband and infant child. A non of Mr. Thou. Canthors, lot T, can. 5th. Mulmar, aged T years. went to the field to drive home a mare, and when turning her, the animal kirked the boy in the “alum-h so acutely that he died of the hurt in tour days. A respectable farmer named George Nichols. of the township of Markham, re- siding about four miles from Richmond Hill, mmzuitted suicide on Thursday night by cutting his threat. Watering his milk. 020 for taking the top The Passenger. and Mrwortir, stranded Antieosti, have been feared the vase] will 1 A moose WM shot at Collins Inlet flannel sumo days ago weighing 1.800 lbs. This is the largest ever seen in that part of the country. It was shot by Mr. Wm. tSolomon, of Killarney. For killing a do: in . cruel manner, Dr. Blight, "t Chathtuo, was. compelled l-y the Police Magistrate to pay its value (MO) and $it tine and cons. Batson & Currier'. saw.mill at Ottawa mu- destroyed by the on Tuesday, mulling a lose of 0150.000 and throwing A hundred mud my men out of work. A {mun-r living in the meisrhborltood of 1'mrrrssville was latelr fined ra, for The p'lssollgers Mn] crew of the steamer Mryam‘ir. stranded on the shun of Atttieosti, have been taken ombut it is feared llw vessel will pruve a total wreck. Mr. Wm. Cassidy has purchased the l‘ongln thsur and saw mills at Douglas, from the Merchants' Bank. Mr. Carssidy has had the mills rented for a coup]. of you" part. An effcrt is on root for the organization ot a Board of Trade, to include the mer- than“ Ind and": of Fergus. Elm, “an.†Cumaork, Douglas. etc. The Amen, the two Manitunliu Island murdering, in gaul at San]! Ste. Marievae been sentenced to be hung on the 12th of September. The Drayton New Era guys: Late "ow" wring wheat will be a complete fail. ure in many parts of that "retion. A seizure of nearly H.000 worth of uncut diamonds, andjewellery was made at tho Quad-cc Cuh'wln House on Tuesdav. Hou. J mu Simcoo thunder; Pmident of the Saw Brunswick Legislative Council, died at Freak rictun Thursday morning. The Canadian Paeitu “My hu haw an iron extension of 140 miles laid west {rum Lake Superior. John R. I’ll-MI. of Pat Perry, disd ltmn the effects of mustn’t. while working in the harvest field last week. The present result " the appeals in the Lincoln clcctiun emu: is that the petitioner claims a majority of eight. A son of William Qusckenlmuh. of lun. vertou. six years of age, fell into n: old unused well, and was drown-d. The Orangn Ind Odin-How: Sock-tin of Hamilton luv. in contemplntiun the em- hull of . 'M,000 haul. The new more wider rim, with Ivan] Imyonots. have arrived for the 22nd Bat, tulion, Oxford L'it1es. A gang of you; burglar: bu boon dia. ecu-cred in Lindsay, and several .1103“ made. The Fury Sou-d my muting will open up earlier thu uuonu than on provi- I-un occasions. - Tho come: don. of St. George'u Church Georgetown, was laid by Mr. Georg. Elliott Bren of Guelph. A beautiful Methodist Episcopnl church in to u erected in King-non. A than time use, Mr. Wiilotttrhbr, Con. IO, Brant, killed 1. large wildcat. Rev. D. C. McIntyn In“ lemd I all to the Presbyterian Church " Bosmville. Many settlers are going out to the Turtle Menuhin. 100 mi!†west of Euler non. The Roman Cntholie church in Enter was! opened for unite on Sunday. the S1tst inM. Lake Winnipeg in now four tut lower than mun]. F . t- "x _t , t'sevontiii 'Fsmetla - pl, in mb" River, and four schooner; l CANADIAN ITEMS. living in the meiglnlmrhood of was lately fined tlto for :4 milk. His Wife wan tined * the top off the milk. There was an Orange riot of a serious character in Glasgow, Scotland. on the thh It mun stnrted by a Catholic shouting "To hell with King William" u the procession panned along the that. In the fight thnt followed over 40 potion: won injmd,lomo of them seriously. in Mo feet long, and tire stories high, and will have I “purity of Moo barrels I day. A woman win unabated in Flames In! hoary to twenty years imprisonment for. poisoning her husband. A now trial wu obtained on mount of lame “clinical irtcgulnrity. And itwu proved that Oh. man died but â€and “asâ€, And the 'FNB2n was Acquiztcd The largest flouring mill in the world is now buihlirqt " Nina». Falls, N. Y. The sanctum is tmelt on the hydraulic onnttl, with a perpenditnhr “I of water 190 feet, The St. Louis police caught I counter- feiter in the midst of his work. A galvanic battery, moulds, and other npparutus for making spurious ten cent pieces were around him. Seven! thousand of the coin: were in I hoop at HI lids. King Alfonso will build a million dollar church near the Royal Palace, ecntaning a splendid unzusolcnm in memory of the Queen. The room in whim she died is to " left nutuuched; in that same room he was born. A riot has been occasioned at Yokohama by an nttnck by a mob upon th body of sstudeuU who were ridiculing the astronomi~ cal theories and tenchingn of two Buddhist priests. Although much suffering Mill exists in the Chinese famine districts the prospects for the future have greatly improved, owing to a. continued ram-fall and the consetluent proseet of a fulllmrvest. A clergyman at Bath created consterna- tion at a funeral by praying earnestly in behalf of "the bereaved husband and the one to come who Almll fill the place mado vacant by our deceased sister." The Turkish you d'armeic is to u te- orgniletl um] placed under the command of Baker Pasha, and will be charged with special srrvice in Eastern Romnelin. The regular army in now being reduced. The White Star Line stotsmnhipAdriatie ran into I brignntine on the 29th ult. near Queenstown. The latter vowel sank, and of her crew of six only one was saved. Fourteen children and three teachers were drowned by the eapsizing of a boat on Fridnv, in the River Bluekwnter, non! Baiilitlorough, county Cavan, Ireland. The Russians have occupied the principal positions around Slmmln. The troops about Constantinople will withdraw as soon as Vanna is surrendered. The Duke of Cumberland declines to ahnndon his claim tn tho throne of Hanover, nltlmugh he will for the present nut assume the ruyul title. Herr titrou.dserg, the ex-rnilrond king, has offered his creditors three cents on tho dollar. Their claims amounted to 916,000,. There has been more severe fighting in the Transvenl lately, during which the British troops sustained 'rontpttrtttively heavy losses. Sir High dead. An outrun on a number of Jews, who were shockingly beaten Dry n mob, is report- ed from Bucharest. A tcrrilsle famine is raging in Southern Morocco, musing great sum-ring and uupreeedented mortality among rattle. Areounts have been received of new out. rages by Bulgarians and Russians in the Ihilippopolis district. Mr. W. C. Scott, editcr and publisher of iho Nupunee Eryn" newspaper, who is charged with printing in his offiee In elec- tion Mums with the name of Edmund Hooper signed to it, was committed to gaol on Monday to stand his trial at the next Assizes. M r. Hooper in tho emlidnte who in opposing Hon. il. J. Cartwright for the House of Commons, and is highly indig- nant It the bogus address, which is very simple, and was not looked upun by the in- telligent electors of Lennox and Aduliugton as genuine, but merely “an electionbur as genuine lesque. A melancholy accident took place last week near Wyoming, which In: resulted fatally to both parties. Mrs. Jane Young, relict of the late Mr. Jas. Young, of Sus nin. accompanied My her. daughter on the way home, tho horses started rather sud- denly, and the sent occupied by the ladies, not being properly secured. tilted hack, throwing than violently on the ground. Though friends Were at hand, and medical aid Immediately summoned, Mm. Young died of hdr injurios on Saturday, and MISS Young on Monday. The preliminary investigation in the case of the Montreal Ora 130mm mastod on the 12th hut. unopened on Tuesday, 9nd by consent I 09ml uljoumd until Tues- day. with I view to getting up th test case to be taken before the Privy Council. It is understood that with thin objoct the crimi- nal )mweedingn will be dropped, And a civil suit instituted. . In Ontario Sir Johuwlhcdonald tunes that he is I Protoctionist, hm in the Maritime Prairie. the " hemmed duty means “in he may denies that he is a Preteetknist A ali. Thk peculiar wnv of desliug with questions by Sir John will surely open the eyes of electors who are not blinded by Tory bigotry. A case of some importanee to tailor: was tried at the Embro Division Court the other day. A merchant tailor of that village undo a suit of clothes for a Mr. Hudson, which the latter said did not tit him. Har. risun returned them, uni tho tailor sued for the price. The judge ordered the clothes to he tried on in court, nnd. ll they did not fit, the plaintiff lost the use. MISCELLANEOUS. Rantings! Reginald Yelvertnn.1.unl Admiral of the United Kingdom, in o.-.. - at, Nit-noun, maul-had by Scribner & Co., New York, " " per you. in one at In. mod "Mu And popular monthly magnum. tor young win we know of, and union I Mcululy when“ at! tH<mttie present. “chamber new balm no contain: msarty 100 was. Ind in tuud with Mrik. tng and mum pm. In or“ to moan in eurm1ation in Dram-In we In" I)“. qoein1 Ir- mn- with the width: " ,rttiett " can amply h. Rte-out: and the "any Review" to. PM in â€.15 I nun-nub}. “may in Mum Wu sort-bo-irate'.,- vol] "any of 'us-tion. Srntlmzn'a Mos-mu! deservedly ranks among the very best illustrated magazines published. Its short and cunmnml stories are tue very best writ- ton. During the pa" year several papers have up- poured in Sauna devoted wholly or in put to (autumn subjecta, and during the you 1878 there will nppenr beautifully {Hammad "tieict, on Cul- bouauuting, MoomMsutsting; Botltuning, The Thou-mud Isl-min, ow, halide. n cumin; Nper by John Burroughs. eutiurd "Following an Mal cyan to Oman." In order to announce h- ula In the province of Ohmic '- In“ and. open: an mgomanu with the publlnhm to supply 8cam. tmn'. Hon-n! 'usd."T't" any Review" wanna. tori"r-.bqutetsetu.u-thanttotttt-sr. tion Man Ben-m do... Indium aorta ot this popllll mus-line on be mu " the 'Nico of thin pal-arr. No an. an In on“ until ply man. In necked. . ST. NICHOLAS AND THE Manual»: or A We!†To A Woaus.- The Tuscarora, Nev., Timer-Review says: Marancy Htfghes was married in Septem- her last ton person who was known as Samuel M. Pollard. Her relatives op- posed the marriage, and she. (doped and was married without their knowlede. and a short time after their marriage Pollard centessed to her that she we". woman; that she had trouble with her relatives in the east; had lost her property, and as- sumed the disguise of a man for the reason that avenues for making money would be open to her in that character which would he closed to her as a Woman. Pollard has never given her any particular reason for doing her this great wrong, but it is believed to have been actuated by a fool ish pride in appearing in the character of a married man. The victim was ashamed to acknowledge that she had been imposed upon, and shrank from admitting the truth. Pollard, without actually threat. ening her life, repeatedly intimated that it would be had tor her if she exposed her, and so she kept silent until a tortnight ago. when her aunt got an intimation of the tuet and questioned her closely, and she related to her the whole story. The victim says that the woman’s real name is S mm M. Pollard, and her trunk is filled with feminine apparel. A complaint was pled by J. o. 11owerton, accusing Pollard with perjury in swearing when she took out the marriage license that she was a male. SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY AND THE REVIEW. Harman: Cu: or titmanE.-Ipast May (lmrgo W. Burleigh, in man of fine educa- tion, moved to Cttprou, Ill., from Ohio, misusihly to start a harhcr's establishment. Ho was often m depressed spirits. On Sunday he publishcdn card announcing that he would lecture on Tuesday evening, and at tho close shoot himself thruugh the head. Tho price of admission was tube used for his funeral expenses and to bay seicntifie hooks fur the town library. At the appointed time the hall was erowded. liurlcigh delivered an infidcl lecture of wonderful power, and at the and, despite the efforts of his friends who were present to prevent it, shot himself through the head HIGHWAY Ronnmw. -- On Saturday Patrick Honk, a cattle dealer residing at r'slmkerspeare, attended tho races at Strat. ford when getting somewhat tho worse of liquor, he 'ihowcl a large amount of modcy on the look out for such game. He then started home with his buggy till he came to n lonely spot, where he was pouneedup- nn by his pursuersatul robbed 0112.100 and a watch. He was left in nu inseur,iblo con- dition on the road, when he wns next morning lound by his friends. So my! the Berlin Newa. pieces A terrible storm recently “up: over West Albany, N. Y. Trees were split as if “ruck by lightning and twisted in every eoneeivtble shape, and some having a. diameter of from two to three feet were lifted outot the ground by the roots. Heavy tin and shingled roofs were carried bodily through the air, one of those being carried 150 tect and landed in the middle of (icuenee. and nnpther being carried from Broadway to the river. The inhabitants were tevribly alarmed. Many stories are told of hair-breadth escnpes, and some of them are truly tnirtteulous. At \Vcst Al. bany two frame dwellings and three barns were destroyed, tugcllwr with fetuses: and Elli-(ls at thc cattle yards. It ir believcd the losses will approach .100,-‘ Dr. Tyne}, Bishop of Newcastle. Amr. tralia, is . bachelor of seventy, who went to the untipodca in "" and Lava-ted his. means in property. He owns sixteen ee- tates, which bring him in about '100,000 I year not. At his death their profits are to be put aside till they reach 01,250,000, which sum will then go to his disieesc--- “50,000 for the endowment of the bisho- pric, $55,000 to increase the stipends of canons and nrchhishnps, Moo 000 for pier. ieal stipends, MO,000 for snpernnnuatod, and 625,000 for sick elersrymeu, £125,000 for additional clergy, $125,000 for training candidates for orders, and 0220.000 fur "ltooU. Fluffour convicts of the Mdént M. Bernard Reformntory in uieestershire, taped a couple of nights Nro, and being tttttt by a posso of police I duper-v.0 thrht ensued. Thirty-mu. of the tagitivet were ultimately reeaptared. V Professor Buff, of England, whose ex- plsnntions of his new procens for the per. mane"! protection of iron from rust and atmospheric infhsenees formed the great feature of the recent conference of British architects, but ref used an Otter of81,250,000 for his patent riglt's. The invention, which is likely to revolutionize the iron trade con- sists in coating the metal with its own pro- toxido. aBit REVIEW FOR 92.75 The brain was literally torn to .n-.‘ STHAYED from the premusen of the lub- scribe); Lot 28, Con. a, E. G. K, Glands. on Fruity waning. “1“th Inch Cow, than: at you: old,Ned Ind 'hlw. Tips of Bon" -, JpWrmstiryt I! to her whonubouu till he " ttibdairi,............... Eggs.perduz.................. Potatoes, per bag............ Turnips, per bush............ Hay, per ton.......-- iiraiiiirtyGia Ga. Light Harness, Trimmings, 7 Whips, etc. Confederate Oftiec, July 29, 1878. Flour per barrol...............M 60 to 6 00 oatmeal per barrel............ 4 tio to 5 00 Fall Wheat....................... l Ott to l 10 Tretulwell Wheat............... 0 M to 0 90 Spring Wheat.................... 0 70 to 0 85 Hurley............................. 0 40 to o 45 oats,....,.......................... 0 28 to 0 80 1'etur................................ 0 60 to 0 50 Potatoes per hug............... 1 00 to 1 00 Butter..,...,...,..,,,,............. 0 10 to 0 11 F4,rgs..........--...- 0 10 to o 10 Wool per lc................... 0 " to 0 28 Shoe) skins..,,,........,........ 0 20 to 0 50 Lamb Skins...................... 0 60 to 1 00 Hides I'" ttwt.,................. 4 00 to 4 50 Hay................................(Xi 00 to10 00 Fall Wheat, per bush ...... Spring Wheat " ...... Barley, " cr..'. Oats, " ...... Peas, th ...... Dressed Hogs, per 100 lbs Butter, rolls, per lb......... Town Hull~upen ovary Friday owning from T to 9 o'cluck. Himm- " puma] be 50 CHILI. A101."- der Roberrtaors, Iatmsruu. T DURHAM MARKETS. DURHAM. August I, 1878, Flour, per 100, tbs,ut mill " 50 to 2 Flour No.2," " 2 M to 2 Corn Meal " " ......... l BO to 1 Shorts. bh " 0 80 to " “run, " " 0 60 to 0 Full Wheat per bush........ 0 80 to 0 Spring Wheat, it. Clmtt... 0 70 to o Glasgow br ...... o 75 to " Oats " ........ 0 27 to 0 Barley bh ........ " 40 to 0 Pens " ........ 0 45 to 0 Hny per ton,................. oo 00 to 10 l'utntm-s per bags...-.. 0 " to ll Pork per 100 lb.............. 4 ,50 to 5 Beef " .................... 4 00 to 5 Hides be .................... 4 50 to 5 Slwupskins each............. o 50 to 0 Butter per lb.................. 0 10 to 0 Eggs per doz.................. 0 09 to 0 Wood, dry, per cord....... 1 60 to 1 Wool ..........r.......b.'....'. o 18 to 0 a I) m, "; wudar%1rG%imi, "Ma chi-It (in; 'l' ursnluy (waning, regului prayer meeting at p.m. Thomas Laudâ€, Ragnar: John A. Munro, Do. put.rmrgistmr. (mm: on" from 10 B. m. to ' pm. W MI-zrnAmcs' INSTITUTE. ï¬r ' -. Night at meeting, Tuesday on or baton lull mm- of one]: month Visiting brethren wrlcume. A. mum, W. M. H. W. Mouklur,t'roorestarr. mum of meeting every Maud“) at Ttatt o‘clock. in the Odd Fellows' Hull. Whiting mutton Volcano. Shi. Lraiw, N. U. W. n. Vtrthtt, M. Night of meeting. Thundny on, or but." full moon in and: month. T. Jumm, 89c. Divinu tuyrvitto 1'rf Sabbath a " a. In. And one p. m. 5'1“)th Selma at 2:30 I'..: m. Prayer meeting awry Wednesday evening M ".it0. “Able Clan every Thursday owning: at 7:30. Rev. Wm. Pull. [in-nor. Svrvicas Lv1r,i' Sabbath at 10u30 a. m, and 6:00 Pan. Hubbub gem-u In 2:30 , m. Payer moetmgovu'y 'l'huradny evening a. o‘clock, and mu. ('15.: ovary Maud-y evening It 8 o'clock. Put»: In. It. Godfrey. John ll. Bout. pastor. Sunday Mlmaprowh- Ins' " 11 II. In. ', Hublmlh School n 2230 p. m.: Preaching at 7 p. m. Weak evening tbesrvieo.-- Maud-w evening, ynuug peoplwa' ruin-r "muting at 8 p. m, ', Wollnemlny evening. NI: " c MI It a p. m. Omeu hull" human. m. to , p. m. Arch. Mo Kunnu. Pustuusstvr. . DURHAM DIRECTORY. Sabbath sonic-1. an. 11 a. m. Mad , I'i m. Bunch] Henna] at 2tr.trt. “on H. B. me, I. A., pumr. Church Wardens. H. J, Middauxh snIIEliu Edge. Durham-Third Tuesday in each month. Iyieevillo--Nomlay before Durham. "tutover--Monay' before Durham. Mcunt Fe,rost--Tuird Wednesday in ouch ItoGmont-Fitte'enth of February, A til. J une, August, October and 'Edge. Primrose-Wednesday preceding the Orangeville Fair. otanswvi.l!e--'ruo gud Thursday in etch month. Wtslkerton-TU hut Wednesday in each month. Mildmny - Last Wednesday of "eh mouth. mouth. . Ih1ndulk---TumsGy before Orangeville. ' Critelph----Firtit Wednesday in and! month. Harriston--Friday before the Guelph FIJI. Irrsyton-satarday before Quelph. Elora--The day before Guelph. lloas,' Elan Fair. _ Gona. . 7 'o'iselbttrms-Wedneaday before Orangevillr, Marrwillerb'eeond Wednesda y in each Joxarr--In MEI, on the 13th utt., Them. C. f.trve,ti,ftti: a. can. you ot hi. nge. 1!. luvs. . w o sud nun chum-en to mom his dammit-c. B---rn Baum-k on th- Mth mu Solomon 'tTrlut,tdhUdt,r,i Door-t wu I II» t not Tymno. In one of th- ecu-Hen “we" in tbs township of Bentince, and vs: a con-intent member of the Kathl- 'tist Church. Re pan-0d "N “mummy Ilmnnt min "ampton-rcuvrrtisr JUhtee Grounds, the day after Guelph. ..- Berlin-First Thursdny in etch month Brampton -Firrt Thursday in each month. Listowel--Firrt Friday in ua month. _ I1srgtttr-'Nursdarto11owiptr Moitnt Faust. Iutserttont-..Fiftehith of February, April, at 1th caridG7Ga.- -__ “F" - Waaaa--an Nomunbz. on m. m In. to wit-oueroogh Will 1101:â€; __ -- “@mfln 3M“, on the am. an. In. Ltoyze Flashing 2-22- m mm w- I u lit-1.11:1! 4.1311 . W. Boulden's DURHAM LODGE Nu. 806 or A. r, k A. M. {@032 iid T... New Advertisements. MONTHLY CATTLE PAIR‘L STEPHEN LODGE No. 169 I. 0.0. P, MOUNT FOREST MARKETS. CALL AND SEE TORONTO MARKETS. mtr'.sHYT'F.iHAN CHURCH, STRAY COW. C. METHODIST CHURCH, B. G'. REGISTRY OFFICE, mum/m L. o, L. No. m. " ...... " " ........ " r bags.......... q lb.............. each............. b.................. per cord....... BAPTIST CHU “CH. TRINITY CHURCH. Pt ttiT' OFFICE DEATHS. Mock of TORONTO, June 80, " ()3 to 0 98 to 45 to 82 to 01 h) 0 00 to " to l400tol750 0 50 to 0 10 to 0 09 to 1 50 to 0 18 to BTBUTHERB, 10 to 1878. tt 06 hr“ 10 00 o " l " 0 Im 5 00 " 75 0 10 0 10 l 50 2 50 " 12 ll " 61 " ONTARIO AREHIVES TORONTO "will. Qualities than " an. . ttll.'"' Raul-in: Mum-u Oil 60*. a 3.1 ' equal to tho but Saul Ott. Machine Oils, they work, v iii" for: Um. Portland Mal-o. Aniline " 1’ E S, Oils, Psmts and Varnishes at very low prices. IN trtutrunittod at deiivored to the person: mon- Monad in the third and (earth Been-mu ot the Voter, Lista Act. The copim required by Ilid suction»! to be so mmmlmsd or delivarod of tho “It made gurus“: to the mid Act, ot all gene!!! tg,Tt,rN y the lul. reviled Asses-mom, all of a “in ttitldpalitr, to be added to mm m the mid MurtieiittuCty at Elections for Mamba“ of the In-xilnlnive Aunumbly and M Municipd Elocthmn, my thtst amt-l lint vs.- ttmt posted up u my otBee at Hanover, in the, “it! il'Ji'o"it'fri.ty, of Brmunck, on Monday, tho eiqhth any ot uly. A. D. 1878. and rcyyurp were for. imrpoetlort. . L '* voters' List, 1878. .u......... -.._... .N.. .....,.W-....V. Rheum-n called upon to eumhu tho MM List, mud it my omission" or any other error- as found chunky!†an lmmsdlm premium to {unto the “M armr- corrocwd â€coming to aw. DUNCAN CAMPBELL, Clark of aid Munieiptuity. i WOOL CARDING, gSPINNING and WEAVING, 1)an st “no"! this am: My of July. 1878. " DYE STUFFS Dye Stuffs, ALI. IIIAIIS‘I AN]. COLOUR“. Also B large stock of Canadian TWeeds, Fine Tweeds, Fulclotha, Flannels and Shirtingl. which wo will diupme of very chip for cash or trade. w. [my the higheut pnco in (‘uh orGoodn for good Wool. Municipality of the Township of Bentinck, in the County of Grey. Which will he sold " under-‘3 prices. Sntiuhctiou Owned in every bunch of bulimia. Call and Exclaim. Wool than in oxchAngo ior stood. or in plyment for work. " it in m mimicked Het that they do the WOOL trade ut the Countieu of Grey ind Blues. Custom Carding, Spinning and Manufacturing done in the best possible manner, as usual. The mtueritm" beg to inform the inhabitants of South and East (in, "an thy In â€and to excel“ all order: in Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Dyeing and Cloth-Dressing, Full Cloths, ' Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, Stocking Yarn, are, " Flo-henna, July 4th, l878. {NIGER hertt.ry xii"). tletllye Best Dutch Mulder 124 eta. per lb. Hanover. May 28rd, 1878. England Declares War ! -.-AT THB- E‘lesherton \Voollen 311113. ADAMS & MESSENGER, FNone but Experionced Workman Employed. In "cry branch of our work, m In" than on hand A full stock a! In" "iii-f 1m -- ii.irroiGuG Mao. n which CIT'., of eithn â€you may.†I'll tl.1 on. lm? Cloth Dressing, 850., Hardware Store, Lower Town, Durham. The Largest, Best and Cheap- est lot of Hay, Straw and Bar- ley Forks, Scythcs, Snathcs, Scythe Stones, &c., &c., chr brought into Durham, at Harvest Tools, But that does not “feet the hu-ineu of Harvest Tools, MOWATS "a, III the mm t. E HALLI." t Harvest Tools. IN FIRM-CLASS STYLE. em.2t. A Hartman! of gold-Id ail Wagah. tttrat' " 1i,k'id'7iii'l'a'.f.'rT, u w- tth nod Englgemcnt Ric: 7 TiifrG thus! ooyu. "fl'o1fi'lrikut.'."ttru'd', Revolve". to. Don't an m can Gd u. my ml: before purchasing eluwhm. Repair. 'IT of T,:,,"',',',',::,',") JA'") I thmeutitr. Vin ad I I yam expel-m with 'l1l'Sea'rl',CUlJ, Watch-Aka, I {all ttoeribUat that ul work cum-tad with me will he may ysf neatly gunned. All Thou in need of Such Article- would do well to Gall and Inspect My Stock. 2hr [number In Ibo Aâ€. for Allâ€: at FARM III'LEIENTI. ROBERT McFABLANE. mm...» and amour. mafia mu. may... huh. ca "2. Thane ill-china- luv. . pow pd Cable and eon-r, with outtN. “yam" muhlnu lure of later you" boon put on the nan-diam and "thor match. They In.“ been said u po-ing evcrv merit, ,rhito I few vooh' work In." rendered them unit-u. " Tn Plenum" in fully warranted to do I rings ot I'url such I: no other competing cone-n: an attempt. while in durability in unduuhuxl. Durham, Feb. 23 1578. d) THAT well known House, the British Hotel, Upper Town, Carriages, Buggies, Demo. crat Wagons, etc., OF THE VERY BEST MATERIAL, _ 'i',',',", hnfrlt, Ind at primal " low I my other on“): meutmmo county. III-AH. Foam-ion immadhu-ly. For torm. Ipply to J. ll. HUNTER. ()rl',li5?, the humus MAsUracrouNa _ "mum“: Family Sewing Machines ROBERT JrVrJrexEA. " Carriage Works. Alexander Robertson, DU “HAM, To Rent ! ADAMS * MESSENGER. Manufacturer of For 6‘15 rn" I " 'rot J. ' N. CAMPBELL "rau"lltut',ulu"hdrflo'ld'.s. 0- .04.1." HOS-IA w, I“ Ill} mun- vmruu hum? Me, PATTON hung been "quite! by new traetiem All "an†and mum In It.“ a but†In an nix; " [unnatu- hn “I the mine- at I linden-u Ilium!!! and lim- - In“. like: hum Tun-um. and (all. an“ that an) wart eutrustvd to tter wut he duh- I“ mm and til-park, We styled in [Mist Hm, Dun. tusd Could. Great t,Gtiee to make s""'"".' . We ted . prim-n in may tum: to take ullmcrlptinnk for the larg'ut. chug» out but! but Illustrated {unruly [mun-nth." m the world. Any um: cm Owe-um: I rum-.ulul Agent. The "I'II', clegunt workr of art gun-u free to "tlmcrihern. The price in no " tt at slum-t prorylmdy III'mrriln-I. llm- Agent n- porutnnhitwoverttlitsi" u week, Alul; - rerun. “lung over “It uni-ocular in on" dawn. ‘A I who ellglge make mum‘y fut. Yon can ‘devuh I“ your tune to the luminous or cut-Iv T,',',',',', up.†time. You an! nut be "my from one overnight. You can do it A. It“ " others. Full lanthanum. direction. Ind term. tree. Elegant and etymnsivrmnm free. "you that profitaues wont and Ill your "ldoor.t not. It on“. nothing to try the Imminent. 5-. on. who enme- an. to nuke great pay. Ad. (In-u "The Poopwuttrsrmal, "Pm-dual. Muir. THE Early Church History , Serum". Dockin- Ind Ian-mun ol Int-u In,“ with an Expmum- of the S}.h‘nllur Pom) o Bag-- an Church Pubtiestiotts of lit-quotab- Inn ll- tant humid writers uul of ','/",gt'rgi'Jlte,',"g ll [amt-1v I‘mwn trom Baptist u: other mum. by tttq Bow. John 1k'tAttnr. PM)“ I“ quhvd; we“: nun-tum. Hip-ulna“ U houn- Imuln by tite induIduun h warm-n, My. unl .un. tun“ oun- umrw u, van (at nu No! " an um. Coot]! outttt and term. mo. Adam- Tttrn 0 Co.. ANN-In. Mama. Tn Our-er Fm. lxmvuuru um loll" Lou Anna in the 'L‘uwnulr. The ban Coup-Me- in the vaincc repu- outta.) TORONTO. GREY. AND MILW’A'. PATTERNS FOR BALM, Mun mendnlk, nan (I. Buthedurd‘o 0-. “Agency. TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, Spring and Summer Fabiano mainly if OS. McARDLE, Commissioner in the Queen's Bench, Convq -yn In "ur, due., “'Buaineu done strictly private, Residence and uldmu June 2]. 1877 In“ Mn a. caiia Giiiiyi--, . 0..., h, PHeo 'll man. 1utsidetMus-0pposiU the Canal: Pushy- Farm and Village Lou Pot Sale ouuu-a autumn-Mu no“. "I II not I "tly (mun-d III Hum lunru, but " run Lermole, ttt three months by uny on. “I pull: r Bra, III "try part of the ccuntry VIII†In sw0urp, to vork "mMily at We cmployuto tluat var iurnsh. 966' per week In your own mun. You "red not be urn) from hotru over mum. You cum “we your II hula tum tothe work Moldy your Ipare montetttm Mr, lune â€was wh'» are waking over $20 pvr day. Alt whn vIIgum) at once can make mom-y fast. At the present time mum-y can not bc made so owily at any other huninmu, It can“ nothing to try tho bussini. Terms and $5 outtitfore. Addroxl n "nee, ll. “ALLETT & In... Portland, Mun-o. Cabinet Maker, 'qertqtto,0th In. use. Durham, Feb. It, 1878. KNOW "is'i, Tammi: - -- - - ---___ .... .__r_ "" . __"-- -- "his otr.uuu1sted Tityli1y, Prcruaturv Dodln. I‘d-vou- md Ptttrtert â€chum. Ind the "Idle-I manhunt ill. nul untold "unne- Ilml null 'heretrom, Ind My page tun b?trr.uisttt we; CHANGE OE' m -._.. Gc,' GG aaTkTiiurriiirr0rii/ij,"iViWur ttttet'. .115- bee 1'" "we'dâ€. lite Ter Pr and" ad mummy thr non ukmul yrm-mlmu-r tn America, tuwhom mu uwnrdnl I gold Ind jut. riled maul by the Kuhn-l Mutual Allocation. A [WI-Id. illurtrutrd mm tbe very m Bled Sigrrnvirttts-a mar- nl of an Ind bonny- Irm I'll! to Bll. SIM tor it nt "OCC. Addru-u r I'EAWIDY NEUH'AI INSTITUTE. No. I Unquvsilr Inch tit., Boston. Mun. Cutting done to Order. JOHN ROBERTSON. DU “HAM Fle., DU “MAI. mm (umr cum... te s Pe H! I P" 5% P a Wood Turning, an Inu- money but: “It tue I dun " um than: "tsr. 0anth mm m- an“: l".P't I'P"tmy sander-t on Baptism. MoPFAUL1.E, Co. ofiGrry tcrian Church received. eiGiiif, tad UNDERTAXEB. By vending and peaytleetq an hum-nub]:- "who eon- tnlncd in tue but â€dual boot our Sunni. "MIN "stbut'ittgSERvAT10N Pricc an!) " Sun! by nail PP. rectum of pry-e.h It y] y"2t