Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 4 Jul 1878, p. 4

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I: I, It is announced that atmugern arriving in Bean will in future require to be furn- ished with 333mm. ' A labourer named Michal Duly was drowned in a brickynd pond no" Tilson- burg, having gone in to bathe when under the 'utttuenee of whkhy. , Twenty-seven persons watstniiua Friday night. by the falling In of a tun um Barman. in Westphdh. cutie. He was . well-grown youth. Bis .30 was 22 yens, his height six {not two and u half inches. his girth around the cheddar: eight feft.an_d his weight 758 rmnb. “titanic“ of u derrick were Maury to lower the e eoatMrtispg "g bisbody into the grave. 0% I William Cmpboll, known II the tkot, tish giant. has just been buried " Now- 1 Va " b'Tttswrwauss. 'o'trormCusrE.--Tae . eof, fee cup of cream or sour milk, beat into it alittle salt and a small teatspoonful of soda, and before it stops foaming stir in enough fUar to enable you to roll it out, but be sure not to get it very stiff. Boll Into three circles, spread butter on top of each, and place one on top of the other. Bake till well done. Then pull the three layers apart, butter one and cover with‘ strawberries, then batter one second and lay (crust downwards) over the first. Pile more strawberries on the second, and cover with the third crust, which need not beheaped with berries unless preterred. Se: in the oven a few minutes and then serve hot with cream. Before making the crust stir into three pints of ripe, rich strawberries a eofiere cup of gianulated sugar. audleavo it named over till the crust is done. It cream or sour milk is notplvn‘y, use sweet milk, and sift into the ttour two teaspoonsful (scant) of baking powder, and as you roll out spread on three tablespoonfuls of ice-cold butter. Pounded ice is excellent eaten on top ot a saucer of sugared berries. Wrap the ice in a clean, coarse towel, and pound with the _ tlat part of a hatchet. , closet and attic corner where they can make themselves at home. Here, " ev- erywhere, prevention is better than cure ; for when once tb house becomes infested with these insecls, they are " deiUnt " any winged and crawling creatures our: well be. At this busy season to the house. wife, carpets must be taken up and shaken, beds well beaten, and bedstends washed with strong brine to destroy all insects,etc. Tea leaves, after using, if saved for . week or so, steep in a bucket or pan of wnter for half an hour, strain through 1 sieve, and 1150 the tea or tea water to wash all urn. shed paint. It requires very little rely ling, its the tea acts as a strong detergent, clcunsing the paint from its impurities ttnd making the varnish shine lguin;it also cleanses window sashes and oil olotu,- indeed, any varnished surface is improved by its application. It washes window Panes and mirrors much better than soup or water, and is excellent for cleaning black walnut picture and looking-glass frames. It will not do to wash unvni'nish- ed paints with it. Whiting is nnequnlled fur cleansing white paint. Take a smell quantity of whiting on a damp tianmrl,mb lightly over the surface, and the effect will be surprising. Wall papers are readily cleansed by tying a soft cloth over nbroom and sweeping down the walls earefullr.- Watchman. Housunrma 1hsrs.--Tht, battle .. gainst those little pests, the moths, will not be successfuly waged tn my household unless in company with spring cleaning there is a thorough overhauling of every roll and bag of pieces in every drawer, closrt and attic cornm- wlu-m thssar mm dissolved ', skim and 'rarstully bottle. You will get more juice from the lemon: by boiling them, and the preparation keep: better. ' , c trorriuiaroL%iFFiiiiiii.C, Uses of the Lemon. uo not encourage in your- f criticising and comment- ichs or faults of any mem- 'sed back and hinderedin Hunk sturdineu ttfreed. against it, mteheekid,U we say all maunerof na- " each other. If you h‘b‘-b‘ D‘-DQ lo b tuiitsd on a mane! sugar is thought of 33th dust., 41d inhil will he said.. ‘I lean to my not Willie, both them Ihup wot w. itmt lllt'ook, ' they “b {can}. An; in Mey'dom't' I have 'dm to my‘mmrpl ir.drUU, fauna.“ I hopes they woa't gel found.” _ What a pity All our conuionoou no not as tender as that of the youthful tnunt who mug “sunken by . uit Moms, and who hurried home in tenor and told his whetthaGod you "7nt mm mm At one of tho In in Cornwdl. Eng- lantho inopoctor Mind tho ohildron if they cauld quote my text of Scripture which forbade 3 man having two wives. Ono of tho ehildre- “no“ go- p1y,tU an. "No an on “Jim been "trowuig A little but-year-old Rhoda blaetit troy, who had seen tb peacock for the first time, ran into the house “claiming to his sister, "0 Lizzie! I‘ve seen I and, great, big.‘ monutihrou nu walking round with shoal tied to it" “Exercise your patience for a while and you will get practice,” I’M tpt old. Mrd,t ian to the young doctor visit} moo-try "put out his shingle." “Yes. but I don't have any patients to exercise," WM tho reply. . nuns any to me Loppermine River. In 182.3 he "gain visited the Arctic regions in Company With Franklin. In 1888 u was selected to command the expedition in search of Sir John Ross, and in 1836 we: appointed to the commend of the Terror an a voyage of discovery on the Arctic shores. From the time of his return he remained at home upon half-pay. In1837 he received both medals of the Geographi- cal Society, and in 1889 had the horGdi'dt knighthood conferred upon him. He at. tained the rank tf ahairat in 1867. . ‘39-“;bi-d In“ ho was. i The death of the distinguished Arctic l navigator.' Admiral Sir George Budgie Ba. nounced. Sir Com-go. who was born In 1706, commenced his career in the Royal Navy ia 1808, and made his first Arctic voyage WLtli Captain Buchnn in 1818. In tho following year he accompanied Frank. lin in his overland expedition from Hud- son’s Bay to the Coppermine River. In eye. m then entered the funds ward and killed three women. The rest fled. Ono among them was paralyzed for several months, but under the iufluenee of terror she was able to jump from her bed and run. The man was secured. A patient in the hospital of Beaufort, in France, rushed, during a moment of insan. ity, upon a 8Uter of Clarity who was bringing him food. He out her hand, but was prevented from stabbing her by a man named Hamard, whom he stabbed in the _ A rising of Comanche, in the Indian Territory is trntieipated in consequence (f an attempt by In Arhnm Deputy-Mar- shall to arrest two of their number. As it was, they attacked the omcial's party, and a lively fight annual. in which two Indians were killed. The Indiana on the Klnmuth reservation in Oregon are also threatening trouble, and a panic exists among the set-l Hers in the neighborhood, I The King of Belgium has oirered to defray the expenses of another trip of discovery through Africa, and Stanley has accepted the proposition. Henry M. Stanley was on Frithy pre- sented with the gold medal of the French Geographical Society. Tm: Owner AIERICAN LAND Ptasr.- Relics of tenestial vegetation of extreme antiquity have been found in Ohio by Prof. Clnypcle, of Antioch College. During n geological excursion, one of his students called attention to a slab of fossiliferoue limestone from the Clinton beds, which are of upper Silurian age. This specimen is notable for presenting vegetable impres- sions which no strikingly suggestive of a Lepidodendron stem. In studying the I ‘chumcter of the plant Prof. Clnypole hoe had the benefit of Dr. Dawson‘s Advice. Probably it belongs to a 'lew genus, close- ly related to Lepidodendron, for which the name "Glyptodendron" is Iruggosted--a name which refers to the sculpturina of the stem. The interest of the discovery lies in the fact that indisputable traces of land plants had not previously been found in America on so low th geological horizon. Nor, indeed, had remains of eboreecent vegetation been found in strata of this age, either in the Old or in the how World. the coop, oho tohoo hold of her hoops with o t2tdtth',tratttti,t . We“, end up, "Show. Ilene?" I hon token ono look at tho oMoetto oonvinco r herself that We . women. and then stalks i majestically into the coop in perfoct diognst 1 at the sex. A man dooIn’t do that way. , l He goo: out doors end an: "It is oingn- i let nobody can drive a hen hero but myself," , and picking up o stiek of wood, hurlo it " r the offending bipodfnnd observes: "Get in ' there, you thiot." Tho hen immediately _ loses her reopen. Ind dasheo to the other end of the yord. The men straightwoy dashes otter her. She come- back ogun with her head down And her wings out, and followed by on unortment of stove- wood, fruit cane, and cool clinkers, with o much putting and wry tnad men in the rear. Then she shims up on the stoop, and under the barn, and over e fence or two, and around the home, end hock again to the coop, and all the while talking as only an excited hen can talk, and all the while followed by things convenient for handling, and a man whose coat is on the low-buck, l and when hot is on the ground, and who“ perspiration end profanity nppeer to have no limit. By this time the other hens have come out to take . hand in tho debate and ‘holp dodge the missilos, and then the man , ‘soys every hen on tho place shall he sold i in the morning. and puts on his things and goes down the street, and the Woman dons her hoops, and has every one of those hens 1 housed and counted in two minutes, and the only sound heard on the pronioeo in A the hammering by the oldest boy " u mend: the broken pickets. . When I Irony: bu I hon to (Mn into " him." all E g El : L . " ' n - . . to take when tioof 'tye if on and best 'lltltd'd t Scripture the worl:rl.h Any on: m . Agent. 0 motto. A 1"I gm“ Iryotosuuesribera. , ' ‘ P" "yyyttody "u -'tt _ Ai oval-OHM dress Jim: - ,7“ .0.-- .v-- can no xvuweuu others. Full particulars, directions Ind term: (no. Elegant and executive Outfit free. If you Woman... ' -- ---- - ' . , Great nix-nee to make Go .moizey. We need a person in every town to take "been “on: for the largest, cheap- est and best Haunted family publication in the world. Any one can become I successful Agent. The most ole ant work: of art given free to tubeeribere. K. price in BO low that _ t -ttody unblcribel. One agent re. . overtlwin . week. Ahdy meat 230m tiling over 400 mhnolibet in ten dares. who 'Amr. make money tac You can I ht. dl .--_.-- ___ A - A . _ North. Arrive. um I. m., Lo p. m. _ Donut. mm B. m, 5:05 p m. South. Arrive IMO B. m., 435 p. m., 8:15 p. m. Depart 6:50 3.111., 10:85 lb. m.,6m p. m. West. Arrive moo-.m, 606 p. m. Dunn 10.55 I. m., IMO p. m. t mxiowb. ,. _ Depot. 06' t. m. Mp. tit, Ann. L) n no. my... . Illa-wan. bop": 6.0M. m., 1290 .113. Arrive Mo . m., 10.00: m. to: ttme " mammalian nation- we Time nun Rump “4001. Gwen! Din-cor. a“-.- .A "A, 0.. On at ION-5.1“! wm nu {Xian :-- _ TORONTO, GREY, AND BRUCE RAILWAY. mu vuu “mow: nu]. Visiting broth! Wm. LIMIIW, N. u. W. B. Val ut, but, DURHAI L. O. L. No, Im, Night of meeting; Thursday on or moon in mtctt mont . l. Jones. Soc. STEPHEN LODGE id.G Lo, d If. - - Ni ht of 'll,',",'.',",,":,".'", Mowing at 7:30 o'clock, in the 3nd Fellovu' all. Visiting rcthrun welcome, Wm. Ludhw, N. u. W. B. Vol et. Sue. Toronto, out: my, mu. Night of meeting, Tumday on or More full moon of and: month. firiting hmthnu welcome. A. Davidson, W. M. H. W. “other, tieerotary. Night of meetiné. 91 ouch month. l POST OFFICE}: m“ thBeo loan magnum. m. Kenra, Postman". Mncmxu-s' INSTITUTE Town Mull-open awry Friday nveuix 9 o'clock. Shams " annual foe M) cenl dar Roberuon, Librarian. Thoma. Lauder. Registrar; John A. Munro, D.. putrltogutrar. miles out: tmm 10.41). to 4 pm. 3mm cmntcri/ -- Banke- - Sabbath “10:21) a. m. Ind 7 p. m, Sabbath School It 2 p. m. A. Warren, pastor. S. G: REGISTRY OFFICE. __ ___ V... -. .... mum...“ Sabbath Schooi M. gay r In. Pnyar meeting ovary “and” awning at o'clock, and Bible Claus every Thursday vvcuing at 8 o'cluvk. Pastors Rev. R. Godfrey nun T. It. Damon. gang“; Dotof.krv,iee new Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 8..'N p. m. mum“; :‘hnul at 2:30 g. m, Prnvcr meeting every Wednesday owning at :30. mom can. SWOT," Thursday evening " 7:30. Rev. Wm. Park. pastor. c. METHODTST cannon. CHANGE OE' TIME. DURHAM DIRECTORY} Barnum has found . man with two heads on his trhrntliUm,ttnd the fact ap- pears in large capitals on his handbills, and it is supposed, wnll prove a great at- l traction. But it is no luau: nature at all. Every young man can bear testimony that at somo period of his life, generally on a moonlight night or in some convenient alcove in somebody's homestead, he has himself luul two heads on his shoulders.‘ Unless tt man has had that experience he is greatly to be piticd. I DURHAM LODGE No. 806 OF A. F. Agent for the Superior Broadcast Seeder and Drill. Also tin best Sulky rake in the Dominion thu rho Particular attention paid to Eaveatronghing. Cash for Sheepskins and Hides Thelubacriber begs to inform the public that he has u large Stock of {STOVE and TIN WARE, which will humid OFFICE t At Kiernan As Hgglfagg‘s Store, Lower Town, STOVES AND TINWARE I 1110 Subscriber in agent tor3he Mlle of the celebrated MOWER mamrfaetrtred IrgttU TORONTO REAPER. * Mower. COMPANY. ALSO Agent for A. Cochrnnc‘a Threshing Machine. Note and Book Account: collected on mason-Able terms. HOUSES TO RENT. The Subscriber u agt.tt.t, fax: 51119 ttlt? of Mowers, Reapers, Sulky Bay Rakes, Laidlaw d; Stewart's Improved Gang Ploughs,. da AGRICULTURAL - t?tirrtty, - " . to 'hitiiiiitukUritiii; Also a large stock of Canadian Tweeds, Fine Tweeds, Fulcloths. Funnels and Shirtings, which we will diapole of very cheap for cub or trader. We psy the hinted price in Cal: or Goods for good Wool. u u M _ “n ADAMS & MESSENGER. Custom Garding, Spinning and Manufacturing done in the best possible manner, as usual. A. it i. u: admitted hurt me they do d. WOOL trade, of the Con-mu of Grey and Bum l ION " 13th LIA! 'ftaf,'..rPr . I TORONTO (mum: annex.) 1:09. , 19.. 3:}? p. m., ';'?lf p. Durham, Feb, 26th, 1878. M',,',',.',':,',',,',',.',,".',',?,,!!,'.:,?., . Ed: , Giii'rjii'k"ii,'To"ri'illrJltt Durham, April 4, 1878. Hanover, May 28rd, 1878, new Sabbath at wa) a m. and 6:3) pan, ch00] at 2:30 p. m. vam- lnmllnn own?" rmwmmum cuviiFii. England Declares War I TRINITY CHURCH, (You noedaot tsiGUr" iriii; ..Atrt, e" ltr Tll,",:"'.') ADAMS & MESSENGER, may on or before full Jones, Soc. P L‘OR ClxxSII 0R 'FIiADE Cook, Parlor and Box Stoves. . JOHNSTON, Jr., , But “It does not street the bulinou of evening from 7 to K) cenu. Mam. Agent for the hale of all kinds of Liiii l mm hte, IMPLEMEN TS, in may. 23-, __ -- -- -- nun-cull IN- loIn. Acturtod by this motive and axon- sciatic“ desire to relieve hum: “Bering, he will and FREE or CHARGE, to I" who duh-e it; thu recipe, with full directions for prepuing and successfullv using. Sent by return mail by Adda-ling with stamp. Ila-in. thin Inner. AN ow inuoux, rem-ad ham active Ne. tice, having had pinned in In: hands by than: India Minimal-y the formula ot l Veg-(Able ‘Remodv for tU upeodv and ment can of Comumption, Asthma, Bram-huh, Calm r and all Throat and Lung ”actions; ulna a Positive and Rudiul Cure forNervoua Debihty ml tUI Nervous Comphiub, after lining thoroughly tested it. wwdqrfnl our» give power- in 'ttze,', of 1:... fall it hi. t to a it o to is . t . “a: “a”; M :2 -. THistor .. CONSUMPTION CURED. SUCH AS. ... “mu an. ulln l part of the country who is willing to wari steadily at the employment that we furnish. 1 $66 per week in your own town. You need not be away from home over night. You can give your whole time to the work oronly your spare momenta. We have Agent: who are making over 820per day. Ali who (mung. at once can make motley in: t. At the present time money can not he made-o easily at any other imaineu. It 0am nothing to try the busiuetus. Terms and " Outlitfree. Address at once, H. Harar:rr & Co., Portland, Maine. min Yiiiriii%Tk"iii"i" iihaTaiiiaGi'2"Gi"tr. vcl of 'lft"'lllriiUlr"-; lent nu to nu. Brod " It " one. Add“ 's'A1?/z'?ga, fd.%fd? ' .. Manhattan.“ I wanna In ll min Inn u though Win In. I MIMI“ dong, with J,1'lh,% drown In mm ‘mtll um: um lam and: w:- I] It. no! I .uu‘d In In. yam Call". Randy. an law-u m5 “M 'lat',',',',' an“ "" "" tt,/m'oTdtttt'gt3ia. an". out "nun-nu an. “I. In olldun bud up] ("nun-Ind In". an In the. ow' “out"; mm. n which I NV. bun out”! It anon. My "(awry l UIMM not}? '93! 00‘ .m the :Iu cl )w “Miami on“: "i1t'/ s"kti"ifi ' te NI! III “a! ilh,1, any. m. man-I “ulna!“ By reading and pnctlclnn tlie iaestirhable null" con- tained in the best mulled book cur luued, entitled f 'i;LP-PREtnrMrAIItytt T HYSEL Fr,t,'sai' only " Sun by mil an receipt of price. It Ire-ll “Exhausted Vitality Prom-(m Decline, Nervous and Physlnl iiiifili"ts", Ind the endleu concomitant ill: Ind uniold whale: that res-ll thcrettortuand connin- more that, New” admin, Ill one at which in word: the price of the k. Rd book In: wrimn by the we» laxative Ind [mob-Hy the not: IlilM [anemia-or in America. to when m guarded u [old And terr. cllcd medal by the NM Medic-l Aired-um £4. lygphlcln illustrated Inhillieivery m “"91: not easily our“?! I in the: times, but It f can hemmloin three months by any one of either sex. In my m”; " AI.- --- . . . ___, --e". .V -. _ .......;..m, Dun tite.--iuritte damn“ that all“: I” In“. thine of thn mum ottrtur Col-uterus". can-u In In. him to [mom you um . In don. tor no. ll- tg", old. had been out of hunk to! limit In M M C11'l'.G'd mm gr (our lent dorm kttd "no“: mud cMtchwi1 oat to“ "In; In, rum-I but ruIILluuml mum: to new tam. u bu In". a} bad boron-no _ In unable In don- bun-an . Ihu. Had our. more.“ W "ttt undo: A). than. Hula-ml through u" ”maiden vim way ha. ha. “I I tunn- In - rum 1...“. .... mu“ ...... _.7 7 _ a . June 21, 1877. .B-Buairum, done atrictly private. Residence and addres- HOPEVILLE, Co. oft Grey, 1...... In "3-- mam Equal; his t an}: Md hm.“ Tim:t up”... Unify} manna. _ _ rSaGGG7C= 5 N V K ' I (if ci/ , '.r. t', " _'>,7?'?L¥:,.x, I - n.“ . ' , c'/ru'de - 7.4 B Farm and Village Lots Fox Tu: Ormrsr Fm: Ixnrmsm and J LOAN AGENCY in the TOWNSHIP. The best Companies in the Province muted. I Iry tii Convoyunver, acc. JOB. MoARDLE, " cum cm: " "I: m a! team“ 'iiaiiiy,i'i?il m a: swan, no: at up. 1nd human . MW. N-.. Commissioner in the Queen’s Bench. tht. C. STEVENS. ' Box 80, Bttoctoaua,ovr, I 1.1.1.“; iuririirur' a . H A " o I ty_th "mu-sud with the very m Pr-. m. _ l?eaqtr-, "EAL nu: yihrd - the Galloway Sulky' Italo-the (mum-me M tortr your! 'totd1tte. Mu Men entirely and Mon-mm “mom. nun" lnnu-v. Ion-In My " 1r,Y,5?hy, Ind an. " rm.. '-- ... .'-.... - m rum-r he mm! whim, In»... on hm] Any-1mg... Thou-I9- ol f1ATarriFi" “(LEI-T. P. q, ”1. IA It". an? Inmimblc truth. an; mined in the but medlul book cur ,N'agr,tlt,t IfELF-PREBEB ATION Price only " Sun by mil p.e,,1tC,o,rtt of price.“ It EETHYSELF mowh ttuh-Ji. Siiiti 1'it%t/tt, no “you 151%., fltfqt FPO-J!!!- ONTARIO ARCHIVES T. A. HARRIS. Province reprc and Mont Sale. " y-2I Agent for the Weston. Am”. Durham, Fob. u, 1870. A good assortment of Rudy - .v v - M -ul-luw, which he war-uh {nah Ind in. item damage, and would otter that: n the followiu low prio- for Cull: __ "_----------- Ty. undmignod in mud moth» ohoioe lot of than fine Quoted tmeotooed , which u in pleased to ttnd In. given Io much satisfaction to the public. Alto I WILL SELL CHEAP Dry Goods, "-5., .vwvu """"'b", ulnu‘nulc) Luuum, Machine Needles Bll Makes. Dresses and Mantle: made to Order. Ludiu' A. Cochrane. WILLIAM LAW§9N, General Agent. Great Bargains in Threshing Machines and all other Agricultural Implements. I also aontirm. to nuke the well known MEADOW LARK Jingle mower, and u I Duh-m. February 14th 1373. As they have jun: 'trotted out I we“ snorted and fresh Itock of the very latest "ru. in STRICTLY PROSECUTED! For which I hold the patent for the Counties of Grey 3nd Bruce. Thil' well known whim can only be sold Reaper & Mower, Formerly owned by the Old Fix1n,:will be Iold at COST PRICES FOR CASH DURHAM FOUNDRY, in’ Rata and Hannah, Flown-I, Feathers, Ornaments, mmmm, Laces, Silks, Gnu Braids, Fringel. Dru. lintuuu. Um- nml Mantis Trimmings, Par-coll, Gloves, Embroidery, Corsets, Berlin Woolts, (Milan. Hum. Frilliugu, Snuw Flake Dru- Goods, Elubuuad Wiutr, Fancy Priuu, unuw Hal" mm;- Cloths, Mum}. Cloths. White “was Mullins. Man‘- White Shirts, Mea'. Fang}; Shiru, Oxfurd Hurt. jugs. Tweed Sunday, ll he “he; Custom, Durham, 14th March, 1878. NagaaalCirapan Teas ! Mil1inery & Fancy Dry Goods, COST PRICES FOR CASH t GEORGE RUSSELL, Young Bron YOUNG HYSON TEXSW I would any eail on no for prim: and unis, and m the only good lulu). in Ontario, Suihblo for tho Beuon. BY ME OR MY AUTHORIZED AGENTS In than Counties, and my infringes-M on my rights will be FOR SALE ! The “Royce Reaper,” MILLINERY! Stoves of All Kinds! I quantity of HAND ROLLERS jut Elli-bod u Now in the time to nuke your yin-hu- " A M h"! quilted 0mm! for W. .DAVIDSON’S, Eu on hand . Luge Stock of THE FARMER --IN WANT OP A-. --d QUANTITY OP-. A all from All old friend.- solioitod, JOHN CAMERON. '. Pin mh' ' be low u my "atsonaitrte an. -AT GEORGE BUS SELL " E, h A, DAVIDSON. " a. and: ”up", “I v-..~uv-ruu AW, AIM . tine hrt of yl HOST APPROVED KIND? I Best Style of the Art, And with tho Grate-t Prompmudo, Cin demsd Iron hing Why loving luring lately mndr An Poi-um mu Fuih‘tiu for or II now and up in tho my but "yin. and Job Department, “Grey flex-low,” Normandy, Good Family Newspaper The um. nrsd npidly hem gm Job Work and contain- n vat uncut of READING lhs 0.00 in finished with Best Medium for Advoru'un Osprey. Ichabo- and other Town. “Grey Review" 13’ POSTAGE FBEE Prim. .150 p0! mun. or THE LATEST Vpe, “our IUNTEW" It an! paid in “an. NYY ble K. would "uarilm for the 10G“. AND 1‘0“wa hidi't0, Towndlipc of Chuck. haunt done inthe very In the County a! Grey. so Gowns PAPER MI who want a lunar “your; utiaa, ofthe "ttmuh-Tori. nun-nu “canola" LI Ptoton, Emma“ doing .11 my: itch-tin. Pmt-i-l an Two inch. or an “a. inch. do. I unmet mall-n. I “all ooh-m. One cola-I. At a. once, 1tartftaa. Durham. “THE RE I" 4"“ " , . I' ' 'Minary leaks. out Mn Intern-l Iltr rum we“ a “a tNI: ls . "y/l", 1 W At.Fr Nothing MK Bl“ BEST BUSINESS I I) FM TERM "" a (mun new l tbo. "o. mad " Betor use Admmn MN!“ 01.2.3 pr Do You A turge M u. all MIMI _ .'wblstag l"' PI and G no srolver; amt W "a at Wan-hm m1 lung in apwmr" " . WI Ge" on.“ an all ll pm be -rtl.r “4 tau W ”In! RATES or AD“ BOOTS A? ll' ('ASH FOI MISCELI " AKIN.“ amp“. tiful Am only Tet IR no“ and h ti-ily Hill. M on mutt MED” 'l (I " 'l'CL Mun-Ill non I ll [ RV. MIC Doc

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