Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 4 Jul 1878, p. 1

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"Grey Review” prey. Heisman- and “it Tm b od Family Newspaper at Medium. 9:: Ad'm tiplNG MA“; “may. Imam. Proton APPROVED KINDS [Argo ad 13’ POSTAA ' E FRI! s" mung. a v»! amount cf bin-h. Prtoo .150 ye will ‘cnmr unm- ob Work limp. 1min " on. than” 00':th for tho LOCAL AND " In in (may cl G l'vy llavlaw,‘ “'01:“, as COLUMN Pull I “or "do". tyle of the U1 pd In John... Department HE t and. nu and E _- cs.Ud with m RKRT "PORN, hum- of 'l" p0 of Gin-1', win In” . "nr' - II... M s' 'u "M [Honing ATEST XIION-JETOP. "A A N u antenna TYPE. Ito n foe dung " nvnm “than to on ‘mm ptitude, “b "in. .d of the Buy ' priced gum“, but who, mm rotrstdrr, ton um Ruckudu Nothing LIKE LEATHER! PAIR PRICE AND LIVING FRONT . - _..,. “7““ do atom! to nnno in the no old nos] on hand. but has: nyle, Inn-1n; are“ ml at A , LIA (Alum raw ttno wort. In not» tion. The wvrk is June I: u "cry-1m unm- tin! In. all not! I“ THE subscribe-r hep! on han? priced sprout, .bltt, gee up“ no ch macaw: at (Him In All that [inn :1.» work Beautiful Ambrotypes For Only Ten Cents. Alnrs v.1 MOTTO 0“: than. Repairing A tr, “gonna" of. gold nnd silver Wateh. a. ll kind- of "Denm- Clocks from 81 up. wedding and 'irtangemettt Ring; Silver Putod L'oods. Vlnllnl. Flies. Spectacles, n".,|"n, " In“ fail to can mu] m my mtmtk helm Winning eluwhere. Ream}- iraq " Wm». nut Cluck: . Speciality. lining had “and! of , yer-s expel-Swen with . panics! Gonna: Wate "naker, I fool $31,; 'iiii?f,pi'tri'it'ix"d Jf? Ill wi y execn will Emma"; M. .' At 0000 mud ' Owen bun» riummi. “up.“ “Will: E. D. MACMILLAN, /t,',?.,'f,yAif,,,'.y,UoA'Jr he. omen. op A posit" Crown hum (We. Uppn Turn 1rurtsam,Ont. Manna 01110- a Oid, Wood I cou Stun npen every Mundny. Advertisements, except when aecompanied by written inatraetions to the contrary, are inserted until iortndGn, and charged " reg- ular nus, .- -- ----------- STRAY ANiMAI.s', .00.. ulvertinml Hum Inch for SI, the advertisement nut tc u- nud 8 lines. N PU. Prohuionlndhn-oeudo, winch unoccudnndu,por your, ........ Two "when or 24 lines Aonpu-iel may. Three inchennlo. p-.............. Quarter column, pot yen.............. Halicqumn. " ...'.......... Uneculumn, .. .....'.....t.. Do. lixmonth'... .....'...... Ito. three mouths....... wrt. p, TriltWo':--u.00 per yen inAdnnco, 'su81.'2G If not paid withinuro months. '6. I haw. go" la mm. ”WK. ”Itch ht. M1 Durham, - - Ont. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. LEGAL. Unlinuy notices of births, marriages, emlhs. aad att kin-h at local new, inserted roe of curge. At the (Nice, Garth“: Shoot, Um: rows, " FROST )ARRISTERS Do You Want Money. , My " \l",. 1:1" 'vi. Ilnl‘.\l'i'. AGENT Wateh nah or N nah. nwpertoet, toes a Do. 'Iixmmnh'... _..........'- Ito. three mouths. . . . ... . . .. ltr “mu! advertisement. charged 8 oh. per me tor the tirst iusertion, and 2 cu. p0! hue r nth nubsapuut i-tiorr-brevier mou- FFICR at .ENTIST will visit sh?itnre's 3001's AND SHOES. JAMES LAMOX, WORN KY . AT - LAW, Solicitor _in CASH FOR HIDES. " u' y Ct ry 'lfh "vorty, All It I ST E It, Alumna THE REVIEW” D. MCDONFILL, ARRISTER. ATTORNEY, " Ofhee Macl BI! FROST. onty Crown Attoms' MISCELLANEOUS. ae-ep? .Nhtirs' teft " J. w. Be m will mi RATES OF ADVERTISING. airing done with not? ness and despatch. ot-ut-or-prof .N.tiv-d foreign 19mm]: " my Tune". PW Id (t J. W. Fslt9eiT, LLB., I Town. Durban, Ont, MEDICAL. It lt. li IERNAX will visit Spanre’n new}. rt the ttth 521th of - month. only done. Haul tttticq. "Etora VI io. be "stylised. . -y - taroeu--thttrg new in ttwee pan»: w. Boutden's Kano“ pay. Dur. .lzun I: ad Jew " " 3!.le s. I'oe a..." Public, Conn m [ . Dana-1k. y J. ton (We. My . ORDQBN. " magnum-um "a mi- ho Comfy of Guy, rad have nutdllnynoodl no od an pent-d out n largo nuns?- and») Ind lunch Box I? ored am! I Arty compou- p " mrortttnrsn of 'rxttorioue., I. Jon-1' 33mm eul- at COWI'ER. and Attorney ' "mum mutton. o-l; an: m chap VIM]: In new; In: And cum- lib I oittee, Up"! Tori}. ottico " 600. Wood a why. J. TOWNSEND of Frames, Mt s that will be til even less. Hall. Lower Town ' mmuwtly attended it, Odin elk}; (strain', Nor {right lmprnvo u. Adar-us 31mm: ii'. 'r. DOLL. tit,,-: "T/vii-ig. t. Law, T. D. COWT'ER, yl J. C. JOPP I' r yssttt Law, vn Round and ai,' mum 'apher ulett Bt. mm Solicit fut yl Jedi- ot S4 IO 15 RIIIXGLES. TAT“ AND LUMBER ROBERT McrARLANE. Murry pour machine! have ortrsto yen» bean put an Hm l "Indian Ind other marks“. Thoy but been Wild 2“ warming overt mcrst, whllontew rue-Int work have funk-rm] than: tgtuthrsti. "Trm qun'n" is fully wnrmnw-l to do I “an of work Ina-h " no other compest'trttt mneum an attempt, while its durability 'ts unduubtuL Durham, Feb. as 13:8. " With the ('irculu Saw “mm: all Buds tst luv ‘1 load ttttish, and at price! I. mrtablistttaeut in the cummy. Those in need of Such Arucic would do well to Call and Inspect My Stock. Custom Sawing of Lumber AND SUINGLES, Rnckville MUN, Bentineh. Feb. mum Carriages, Buggies, Demo- crat Wagons, etc., The Subscriber is also Agent fur M Kind. of r, uni Tow Property. on the following Liboml Terms, nay tl per (Pill. por mum. [menu py- 1M.- nnJ-nzucnr. NOT IN ADVANCE, 8;th m-ant-r "mum. interest [mystic "my. T renL In" ”mum, lutcrest “Lynne "iMul, nu}. IN .'irh'l-'l'll l‘lpuol nickel-lied by Chan". -. anumsr: Sir Alex: T. out. No NO ARMLSTICE I" ' "IEA " Carriage Works. Ytcrrmscsutr.si. A. H. Grumman. East. ""tg.Tro,Y., alum); J,',Ad't,tt'.rd,1 lint: 'rov, mm; n. r m on . on. c. any, _i,f'iiti,ii'ii “will? Rm- Bon, In 40001130 ' " n- nld Jung. 121..“ com My;Q.L_ - on. Banzai: The Bin): at Mon“: Tttq Candi- link of Cummcm. SOLICXTOHS: Megan. Blah. Km 3 Bore Manon: J. Tuvalu“. mm," w... v, urn,“ _ the 'tvtamto («up . " prtn cipll G, such mum only: nth times we) please. 'W the momma be "my“. in on mm or try mul- manta. have“ can: " once on mount- so uni Family Sewing Machines the Inn-r. Selling ttrite 'RP. HHTISJI CANADIAN Loan and Investment Co., () ( 1' Caskrrtn and Collins, with an I011. of trtm, wings, runny: on hind. Ham furnished true to punte- buying comm trom Ill. Remember the, plant. WATSO‘? a ','fd,'lc W b, 'ugon u: and-go or " Weevil)». Ont. flu-1 Agent " I u Hun Onxu T " mum sum Int. Tonno‘ WM. WATSON an SON, Undertakers, Remember nu plum.-- Bhort (um-m north of Nu You om. ly ILDER, Durham, keeps on band I large Btock of Sub Doors Ind All kind- of Btulrlingrnateritua,aino a stock of s',,','.",',,",'),',',', In Walnut. Ronnwmul. 3nd Gilt. Plum. 'meeiftea ion. nnd mm ot Lumber mulu out on min notice. A full stock of (owns, Cuba. Shanda and Trim. wings ulwnyl on hand. t FIRST-(lull! HEARS]; To ”IRE- ot Bil Hum, done to order on short noun. C abinet Maker, am "Y'. @3109: IJ'IIome- and other Deal In." Se- Durham .‘UNEHALS furnished Im short nntiee, UPmuusrEtta:tt, and UNDERTAKEB, (int-fru- sore". I"'g"IA.N. FFERS to Lend Kong H'. Fyrrryfit.r, Vol. I. No. 21 War, War ! ("A ttta it! \‘I-IRI' JIODIIRATE. Alexander Robertson, l)('1:IIAM. me " once. and chenp. to "it the “not on hand And sold " down hill mica: THF, mm :2! Geo. J. Matthews, A, McLELLAN, ‘0 cw. Thm erhlnrn have A polished tuhle and cow-r. with mum. "iiiiji2l..it itihtttt (ilitttriitttt. PltlC'EvILLyl, ON T. Wood Turning, ROBT. hum lNl'LEMI-ZNTS. ROBERT McFARLANE. Manufacturer of For ttu'.' "uh: has: dw m; 167th (nanny) J. W. CRAWFORD, 3mm MATERIAL Jaw as any other Durham P. 0 Low. In" yt "‘3 tU After some discussion Mr. Christa, pro. posed to withdraw his motion. Moved by Mr. N. Reid, seconded by Mr. Mecleland, That tho sum of 9100 be granted to each of the Agricultural Sociticn of the County of Grey, and that in future duly eertified ntatementu of their affairs he demanded from each of the Riding Societies. The Yen; and Nays (Icing demanded wore as follows: Yeas-Christos, Mexico], Laidlaw, Linn, Myles, Melina. Donnelly, Howey, Cameron, Brown, Flnrity. Met-her, Hewett, McEdwntds. Stephens, Bunhnrt, Pcnner, F nllis, 0ardner-.ith Moved by Mr. Howey. seconded by Mr. Elliott, That the Report of the Committee on the South Grey Registry Offiee be re- ceived, adopted and engrossed in tho Minutes. Mr. Mcuhoo gave notice of application for a grant of money for road purposes. Moved by Mr. Chrirtoc, seconded by Mr. Flarity, That the sum of 8200 each be granted to the three Agricultural ticeietius of the County for the year 1878. Moved in amendment by Mr. McGirr, seconded by Mr. McIntyre. That no grants be given to tho Agricultural Societies of Grtry.--Lrst. Moved in Amendment by Mr, Christos, seconded by Mr. Mcthe, That the sum of $200 be granted to ouch of the Aeriettltaral Societies. Moved by Mr. MeRae, seconded by Mr. McEdwnrds, That this Council do grant tho petition of 2,240 ratepayers of this County, by granting their request for the repeal of By-law, No. 286, known as the Dunkin Act By-Law, and that a Brraw to carry out “Db repeal be submitted to the people for their approvcl or disapproval, and that the County Solicitor ic, requested to i1mit such Briarr. Nays-Elliott, Roth, McCorka. Knott, Cleland, Easnig, Wenger, HeGirr, McIntyre, Middleton, Page, Sing, Read, Lang, Doyle, Kerr-to. Dr. Burnhnrt objected to the motion in? cause it was illegal to act upon petitions presented at a former session of the Coun. cil. It won” be necessary to have the opinion of the County Solicitor on thin point. m thought that it was premature to agitate this question before we could act on these petitions as they were not before the Council. m also objected to rushing on this question to-night. Besides it we: involving the County in a large additional expense, and " a matter of economy he objected to the motion. Mr. Rorko introduced By-an No. 261 for levying a rate to meet the current ex- penses and linbilitics of the County of Grey for the you 1878. regarding which communication was had from J. Bennie, Esq., County Clerk of Wellington. Mr. lieEdwards presented a Report on County Line between Grey and Wellington, Mr. Men”, presented Report regavding Bridge at. Durham. Dr. Christos also thought it was pushing the matter too fast. But according to the new Act the Bylaw might be repealed either by its own madman" or by the New Act. If it v.5 repelled by the machinery of the new Act the expense would beborne by the Government. He read a motion of the new het whirl, u held bore him out. He would at the opinion of the Solicibr on this point also. m thought that the feeling of the County would be for the re- pnl of the Act. but he wished the opinion Mr. Middleton presented Report cf Committee on South Grey Registry Ofhee. Mr. McEdward presented report of Com. mittee appointed to inspect and report on the Bridge at Pike Lake, which was order. ed to be adopted and engrossed in the Mmutes. ' of the Solicitor. Mr. Men“, did not wish to withdraw his motion, but would allow it to lie on the table till the opinion ot the Solicitor um asked. Ymrs-MeNiehol, Laidlaw, Burke, Kerr, Mecormaek, Myles, Knott, Meitae, Don. nelly, Cameron. McGhee, Hewitt, Me. Edwards kasnig, Wenger, McGirr, Me. Intyre, Stephens, Middleton, Pcnner,Follis, Lang, Page-M, Nays-Elliott, Lynn, Howey, Brown, Flarity, Read, Gardner, Doyle, thng--0. Council adjourned till 9 o'eloek on Wi. day morning. - .. " Moved by Mr.' MncRuo, seconded by Mr. Donnelly, That the Report of the Special Committee on the Warden's Address be received, adopted and engrossed in the Minutes. The Yeas and Nays being demanded were as follows: Mr. McEdward presented Report of the Special Committee on Warden‘a Address. The Clerk read requisition of the License Commissioners of East Grey for payment. of the expenses of carrying out the Leense The Warden read a communication from Mr. J. C. Sprngge, Auditor, tasking for in. crease of salary; also ersmmuuieationfrom John Beanie, Esq., County Clerk of Wel. hngton, regarding County Line; also com. mtutiention from J. W. Langlon. regarding extra mama] lubdur by prisoners. Thursday, 7 p. m. The Council resumed-the Wardenin the Chair. (Concluded from qf - - Friday, 9 B. m. The Council resumed. Wudenintho County Council. DURHAM, Co. Grey, JULY A 1878 last week”: Advertiser.) Mr. Christos stated that Hon. Mr. Scott stated that it was the design of his Act to rcmovo the matter tram the control of County Councils and transfer it directly to the Government, and at the expense of the Government. The provisions of the Act were that petitions signed by 25 per cent of voters were to be presented to the " vernment for the repeal of the Dunkin Act. He went on to show thutit would be more economivnl to let the people repeal the Dnukiu Act according to the Temper. ance Act of 1878. Mr. Doyle stated that in the opinion of tha Sulicitor the expense was provided to he paid by the Dominion. The people can take the mutter into their own hands and repoal the Dunkin het by the machin- ery ot the new Act. We should not het on that petition now but leave it to the people to repeal it themselves. Mr, Baruliart was prepared to support the motion, but not at this Council. He did not see that this Council should rush into the expenditure of so much money to submit the repeal of the Act. Tho Crooks Art could not cumo into force till March or May next. Moved in amendment by Mr. Bing. wounded by Mr, Twyla, That this Council think it unwise to submit n Dyan forthe repeal of the Dnnkin Act liy-an, when n more economical mode is provided tor its rcpmtl by the Temperance Act of 1878 at the expense of the Dominion. Mr. Meltae thought the amendment was out of place. He would prefer to have an amendment :6 leave the matter overto the December Sesnion. Mr. Sing also advocated the passing of the amendment. Mr. Road was rather more puzzled than usual for he found those who were in favor of the Dunkin Act before wanted it repeal- ed now, and those who were opposed to it were in favor of its eontinuanes. Be knew in his own locality that the Dunkin Act was observed and that less whiskey was sold. He would vote for the repeal. Mr. McIntyre said that the Duukin Act was a failure in East Grey. He could get " much whiskey as he pleased. but he could not get food for his horse nor tor himself. It would be better to repeal it and co back to the Crooks Act. Mr. mau;.,gon moved in amendment to the tunemirmrnuuseocFl by Mr. thuneron, That this Council instruct tics Solicitor to take the proper steps to repeal the 3:1an het By-an by the provisions of the Temperance het of 1878. Mr. Middleton mud: 1 strong speech in favor of the repeal of the Dunkin Act. He thought the Dunkin Act was I failure on account of the malicious opposition offered to it, pot on account of the evils of the Act itself. Mr. Middleton thought it would be better to take the vote without any further dis. cussion as nothing further could be said to enlighten the Council on the matter. Mr. MUtae maintained that the nmond- ment and the amendment to the amend- ment were both out of order according to the 8olieitor's opinion. That opinion was that the matter you opt of the Jtuisdietion of this Couneil. m therefore could not vote for either. but he no prepared to vote in “0011181100 with the We: at his constituents who were not tdmid to meet All necessary expenses. Mr. Melina urged the passage of his mo- tion tor granting the petition of the rate. payers and introducing a Bylaw for tho repeal of the Dunkin Act. Mr. Crosser said when the Dunkin By- law was passed and was to be repealed, there were three ways of doing so: Ist-- The Dunkin Act might be repealed by the County Council on its own motion. 2nd- It might be repealed on petitions of M per cent of the ratepayers forsulnnission to the County. 8rd-lt might be repealed by in. troducing the Scott Act and enacting it in its place. Mr. Doyle spake Against the amendment to the amendment, and read a. all“. of the Act to show that it was not away to employ the County Solicitor to get up petitions. The people can not of dum- Mr. Christoe presented a. report from Mr. W. Ferguson regarding the examination of Candidates for Teachers. And provid- ing proper accummodntion for them. also regarding allowance for travelling expenses, with accompanying documents. He also read a. communication trom Messrs. Thos. Gordon and Andrew Grier in reference to allowance for travelling expenses to In- spectors. . when without regard to the Cow, Mr. Howey nut! Mr. Singboth upload their views. A number of other members wok. on The County Solicitor being present gave his opinion on tho question submitted to him regarding the legality of the petitions presented on the Dunkin Bill; also on the question regarding the meaning of the Scott Act with reference to the repealing of the Dunkiu Act. Some of the Council objected and the matter lay over till the routine business was disposed of. Mr, Burnhm-t presented a petition from certain farmers in Keppel regarding bad condition of leading roadin that Town. ship. The Clerk read petition ttont Archibald McClcau asking compensation for he loss of his wife and damage done his buggy in consequence of the def-Min state of I. bridge over Rocky Summon. C Gin 'r 3'94 ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Moved by Mr. Menu, sceondel by Mr. Donnelly, That the Report of the Educa- tion Committee be adopted and engrossed in the Minutes. Lost. Maud by Mr. Middleton, seconded by Mr. Page in amendment. That the Report of the Committee on Education be re- ferred back to the Committee with in. structions to refer the matter in dispute in certain School Sections of the Township of Proton to It committee to onmine and "port.--t'arried. The Yum and Nays being demanded were an followtrt--Yoatr, McNicol, hidlnw. MeCormaek, Myles, Melt”. Donnelly, Cameron, McGhee, Hewitt, MeEdward, Kuwig, Wenger, McIntyre, Middleton, Page, Pcuncw, Fuilis, Lang, Gardner-19. NBys--cltriiitoe, Elliott, Berke, White. Kerr, Linn, Knott, Howey, Brown, Flarity, Cleland, M cGirr, Stephens, Damian, Sing, Ihad, Doylo-17. Mr. Stephen: presented Report of Edu. cational Committee. Mr. Stephens introduced By-an No. 202 to appoint . Board of County Ex- aminers, which was read a first and second time. Moved by Mr. Page, D. Reeve of Proton. seconded by Mr. F. Machine. Reeve of Gienelg, That n". Father Walsh he ml- ded to Board of Examiners for this Conniy. The mover and seconder were urged to withdraw their motion. They did so on condition that Father Walsh be ree6m. mended as one of the Examiners in Report No, 2, of same Com. On presenting Be. port No, A Fnthor Wnlsh wu reeommend. ed " above. The Council adjourned to 4 o'clock. Fridny, 4 p. m. The Council resumed, Warden in the chair. The Yeas and Nays being called for were as follows ' Yeas - Christoe, Elliott, Burke, White, Kerr, Linn, Knot, Howry, Brown, Flaritv. Cleland, McGirr, Middle, ton, Sing, Road, Doyle-ith Nays-r-Mes"', Laidlnw, McCormack. Myles, Mellae, Donnelly, Cameron, Me. Ghee, Hewitt, Melidwtrrd, Kwnig, Weneer, McIntyre, Stephens, Barnhart, Page, 1'ennor, I'ullis, Lang, Grtrdner.--20. Mr. Doyle introduced By-Law No, 26300 permit the Council of Sarawak and Brooke to lay out a mud, which was read . iirst and seccnd time. Moved by Mr. Dayle, seconded by Mr. Euatt, Thu the Printing Committee be in. straeted ic purchase stationery for tho an of this County by under. Mr. Mch was willing to Amend his motion so as to make the time of the voting more suitable for the com. munity. The amendment to the mendment wt" lost. The amendment was also lost. Mr. Stephens argued that we hld a. strong reason for the repeal of the Dunkin Act, that the Crooks Act would come in force in April or May. But notwithstand- ing what had been said, he believed that the Crooks Act could not come in force till next April or May. Ho held them were two ways in which the Act could be re. pealed; one was by its own maehinery,tho other was by the machinery of the Tem. perance het of 1878. lie quoted from the Dankin Act to show that the repeal could not come into force til next May. That section could not ho set aside. Ho would support the motion provided the time for voting was made much more suitable than the time pronosed in tho motion. 'f he motion was then put to the meeting. It was declared carried. Moved by Mr. Howey, seconded by Mr. Laidlav, That tho (allowing sum: be Mr. Cleland was surprised at the tttti. tude of the different members now and in January lust. His observation led him to the opinion that the Dunkin Act had done good in Meafurd. It prevented drink- ing over the bar, a. custom which both parties agree was a very bad one. It was true you could get liquor, but you must ask for it, and then you had to go tonbnck room. He was not a total ubstniner, but he thought the Dunkin Act had done good. He would support the amendment of Mr. Sing. Moved by Mr, McGhee, seconded by Mr. McIntyre, That Banw No. 256 be unaud- ed by striking out the sum of " per day to Committees for examining And impala ing County Bonds and that " per day be granted. Moved by Mr. Stephens, ucondod by Mr, Rae. Tint Report No. l of Committee on Eduction be "opted. Mr. Middleton patented I. petition from tsartain nhpnym for the erection of I look. up in the Villas: of Dundalk. Mr. Menu read I letter from the Secre- tary of State 0f1iets stating that licenses may be granted on the repeal ofthe Dunkin Act. Maud by Mr. Middleton. mud“ by Mr. Yugo. that the Reeves of Holland, Mr. Rome was in favor of roped last salinity as he be'.itmsd tlys, Crooks het would come in force next March or May. He was opposed to it now because he be. lievod that the Crooks Act would not come in force until March or May next. the question. o. McKeohnu "r...,........ J. J. Middleton 2 day: and mileage "r"...."-" Joseph Berke , "r.........." 00 " miles mileage....-.... 4 40 $1 per year in Advance. 022 00 Mr. Howey presented Report of Speck} Committee appointed to consider petition of ratepayers of Dundalk declining to te- oommcml the erection of n Locknp. Moved in nmmdment by Mr. MeGhee, ucondcd by Mr, Middleton, That the Ile. port be not now adopted, but that it be re. ferred back to the Committee with itstrnc- tion to amend tho same by granting tl e sum of 6200 on County Line Lrtween the townships of Meluncthnu und Amununh. also .200 between Proton trud Luther being the amount granted by Wellington on said town1iae--lot. The Council adjourned to 8 p. m. Friday, 8 p. In. The Council resumed, the, Warden in the chair. Mr. Roth pretreated Report No. l of Commitweon Finnnce. regarding change of mnngemcnt with the Banks, the Esti- mntes for the year. and various other mat. tera. Moved by Mr. Howey, seconded by Mr. Bead, That the County Treasurer be in. structed to hand over to the diifesreut License Inspectors the money: received by him on account of fines, imposed under the Temperance Act of 1864. Moved by Mr. Hewitt, seconded by Mr. McGheo. That. the County Soliuwr be in. structed to nuke u demand on the License Fund of Dufferin for all the tines imposed in the County of Grey under the Dunkin Act. Mr. Cumeron as Chairman of the Road Ind Bridge Committee presented Report No. l of the same. Moved by Mr. Elhatt. seconded by Mr. Wenger, that the Report be received and adopted. Moved by Mr. Sing. seconded by Mr. Darle, That the repon of the Special Com. mittee on the matter of tho Dundnlk Lock. up be received sud adopted. Moved by Mr. Hewitt, seconded by Mr. McGhec. That I grant of .100 ha paid {to tho Agricultural Society of Melanethon, being " equivalent to the amount laid by the Mid township to the connty sitttte the detachment of that Township to form put of the County of Duf. (aria. Mr. Sing introduced By-an No 266 to amend By-an No. M6 to ply member: of County Council " instead of " per day. Tho By-an was reads first and second time. Mr. MICE“ introduced By-an No. Mt to repeal By-Law No. 285. agninst the we of intoxicating liquors, which was read a. first sud second time. Moved by Mr. Barnum, seconded by Mr. Stephens, That the County Solicitor be instructed to take the neceseu'y “opt to prepare Ind publish the Dndt By-an for the taped of By-Low No. 286, for the ftrst issue of one of the lending newspapers in each riding of this County in the Month of November next, being the most suitable xenon of the year for the tuseonunoauion 1nd convenience of the reteplyen of tho Courttr-loat. _ Nar--MeNichol, Iniduor, McCormwk. MneRue, Donnelly, Brown, “any. cu. land, McEdwnr'J. Remix. Wenger, Mun. tyre, Middleton, Page, Fania, Lang, Oar. diuer.--17. The yen: tard nayl Being demanded were as follows: ymu--Christoe, Elliott, Berke, Kerr. Linn, Myles, Howey. McGhee, Hewitt, McGirr, Stephens, Bunhm, l’enncr. Sing. Read, Doyle, 16. . Mr. Bumlnrt presented Report of the Printing Committee, regarding County Printing. Moved by Mr. Berke. seconded by Mr. McGirr.Tlmt the Report No. l of the Committee of Fianna be Lhrpted--- lent. Mr. MncRne moved in amendment. we ended by Mr. M:Cormuk, That the Com. mittee go ink) Committee of tho Whole on the IUport--Carried. Moved by Mr. Myles, seconded by Mr. Brown, That tl", sun of MO be mud to J. c. 8pm " "mamrration {at spacial union for the you 1877-8. Council went into Committee of Whole, Mr, Itorke in the eGir. Mr, Stephen. presented Report Ito, 2 of the Committee on Education. retommend. ing that each of the County Inspectors be paid $100 u travelling expenses and 036 each for stationery, Ind that u the Exam- iners require Addition-1 nuisance. recom- mend that Bee. Fuller Wash to the favor- Iblo tsoruideration of the Authority Appoint. ed for such assistance. Moved by Mr. Barb. wounded br Mr. McGin, Tint 13,-an for levying nu for the current expenses for the you be nul- Ieeond than Ind numbetod No. Mt. Sydonhun. Mehncton Ind the Deputy Reeve of Osprey Ind the mover be I Corn. mittee to consider the petition from certain ratepayers of Proton Ind roped a the ev- ening session. Moved by Mr. Mun-e, seconded by Mi. McCormick, That Report No. t of Edm- tion Commas be adopted-lost. Moved in amenlmcut by Mr. Mchr. "eortdod by Mr. McIntyre, That the Council go into Committee of tho Whole on Raped No. 2 of Education Commit. The Committee rose and reported port " amended In Committee of Wyole. which was adopted. Whole. Mr. MaeRae in an thair. The committee rose and "ported Roped may! without tmandmant. Council not into Committee of Moved by Mr. MaeRstr,tteronded by Mr the the Saturdav. 9 n. m. The Council resumed, th. Wudcu in the chin Mr. Bnruhart presented qurt of Com, mithae on County mum-Hy. wuich was re~ caived otd adapted. B Law No. 265, to amend By-Luw No. AT) inserting " per day in lieu of " per day to members of Committees for ex- amining Ronda, Bridges and Township maul Cantu-y boumituies. By-Luw No. 966 to nzscss the several municipalities for Educational purposes. The Committee rose and reported the B "Laws puma! " filled up in Committee tithe whole. Moved by Mr. Siam tseeondcd by Mr. Doyle. That By-Laws Mm. 261, 262. 263. W and $35 In titled up in Committee of the whole do now puss. Nag-Elliott, MeNieoi,LaidUw,White, McCorumck. Menu. Cum-ran, Cleland; Wager. Maiirr, Page. sing. Read. Lung. Gardner, DoyU--i6. Council Adjourned to ' w-momw morn ing. Bruw No. 161 for levying a rate to most "no current expenses of the County. The amount. to be levied is “5,589.58 dis. uibutedu but ,aurraur8lmillsort the d Mar. The mm: were tillod up name u but By-an No. S68, to permit the Cmme of Strum“: Ind Town plot of Brook. b establish u road. By-Law No. 264, to repeal Ity-nor o the Council No. '28.5 to prohibit the sale n liquors under tbs 'l‘ampermc- Act of IBM loved by Mr. Howey. seconded by ptr. Glrduer. that tho sum of '200 he gunk-d Kr the purpose of aiding in building n bridge between Holland and tiydcnluun-- tort. The you and my: being demanded wad It follows: Ymsa-Chritstoe, Itorkt, Kerr, Linn, “yin. Irnot't; Howey; Brown, Flurity! Me. Gheo, Hewitt. Kmuig, McIntyre. Stephens, Bunlmrt, Middleton, Ponner. 1r'o1lir-t8. Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Menu. That Report No. 2of “and Ind Bridge Commit!" be received and Idopkvd. T Moved by br. Curator, seconded by Mr. Myles.Tlut the Reeve and Deputy Reeve of Melnucthou be a Committee w build bridge have“) Mb'luhcthou and Hul- mar. By-an No. 262, nplmj of ExHnitusrs,--t'uunty Rat. Dew" and Rev. A. land appointed Examiner loved by Mr. McIntyre. seconded by Mr. Hewitt, That the sum of "" be grum- ed towards repairing bridge " Siughump- ton on the boundary line between Notte. - sud Melancthon. Yee-Howes, Cuneron, Brown. “any. sGpums, Bmllm. Bend, Log, Gtuduer, Doru--10. loved by Mr. McGhoe, smudedhy Mr. Baum. That . grunt of I "ibtient sum not to exceed 0300 be granted to build . bridgo on the Counfy Line between Ma. lmcthon uni Multan! crowing on Lot No. 6, provided tho County of Simcoc grant . Iimilu "rtottnt--lorf. The motion was card-d on tho You and tar. The You "til Nays being demanded were It follows : 3laga--Elliott, Mexico], Lttidlaw, White, Linn, Mecortauek, Myles, Kuou. Home. Donnelly, Hewitt, Cleund, Mt-lidwurd. Kmnig. Wenger, Mclulyrn, Middletuu. Page, l’enncr, Follix. Sing-21. Moved by Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Purity, That the Canned grant the sum of “in so be expended on the County Line between Koppel and Amulml on conduit": that ttto County of Bruce or the Tuwutsitop of Anabel grant n binnilar amount. The You and Nays were as humus: Ymu-Wisite, Linn, Howey, Brown. mt}. Cleland, McIntyre, mayhem. B-mlwrt, Middleton, Page, l'cum-r, mm. Gardner. Doyle-" Ni-Elliott, MeNienl, Laidlaw, “who. Mr. Stephen. intmduood I By-uw NM 506 ta levy m assessment " In equivalent In: the Parlinausutae, grant to the Public Schools foe the current you. The Br. 141ku road 3 Amt an! locum] than: Moved by Mr. Page. seconded by Mr. Middleton; That the sum 1412'” be grum- odto improve the Cuumy Lino human Pm!) Ind Wellingtam the Council of Wellington having ground a similar sum -4ou. ThoYmmdNoylMufouowu: Yea-Brown, “any. Kevin. Clehnd. Ichtyro. Stephan, Mm. lacuna. Patt.-9. F It. Cannon pron-Med Roped No. , of ttoad 1nd Bridge Commitw. Mi, Km.'Mecormmk. mm; mum mum-J 12',,t,'elti, Cameron, hum. ML-Edwnrdn, ktettig, 'engcr, Sing. Poul, lout-Its. Moved I] Mr, Cleltutd,eocouded by M r. Enutt, That the sum of 1100 be granted to improve the gravel road on the cut. ude of Meatbrd--toet. The Yen and Nsyl were " follows l "ara-Knott, Howry, Brown, Flu ity, Cleluul. McEdwu‘dl, Stephan. Barulmrt, Palmer. boil-~10- Nar-MeNieol, Lulu“. Roth, White, Kerr, Linn, MoCormuck. Myles, linen. IyttellrclTower, Csmeron. McEdwud. "tsig, Wang". Palmer. Pom... Sing. Bead; Lung, (induct, Dosl.--ee. Mr. Roth preuuled Report No. 8 of PM (Jo-mime. what. In remind “Adopted. nry stop to compel the Council of Arte. muin to spend " equluleut to the mount My expended by the Council of Euphnnin. by uppaintin'g a Committee consisting of Deputy Reeve of Hullnnd with. Ravel at Glenda nad Melaue. NirrEllioit, Mexico]. LaidlnwJtra%. White, Kerr, Linn, Mdiurmnck, Uonurlls, Cameron, Hewitt, Kumig, Wenger, Moln- Iyn. Middleton. Page, Fania. Sing, Read. Moved by Mr. Middleton ”ended by Mr. White, Thu! the Deputy [have of Osprey be "maimed to expend the can! of Mo on bridge at Singlmupton. Moved by Mr. Bing, than“ by Mr. Myles. That Bv-ch No. to: u bur1ly Wt': u report“ from (Maniac. or the bob. the mount being the I... u but year. (or who! pix-pong. incomes. Tint Mr. menu I. allowed te build I (once on the bridge our tho Rocky Samoan. Lang. Gudner4-2l Moved by Mr. Mthoo. humidity Mr; Irmrtt,that this Cotmetl take the neces- um 'rottuskiiadai"'"ii" i p. m. ' mend M.vlaw No. day in lieu of " Committees for ex- us and Township to. meet _eist 4., riuunonl of Board Inspectors, new. . H. It. Mullml- fake] of m

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