Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 27 Jun 1878, p. 4

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if ', " m luv" when m the bush. Th l ‘tmhlu in the Tmnskei Me, 'i'i'il"ii,il'lt __l ___A . .I . _ - _ - Tn! Br.strrT or Lxcr,rrvso.--Dr. Green, in his "Problem of Heolth, says there in not the rcmutrst curnnr or inlet of the minuto blond wands of the human body that does not feel mma wavelet from the convulsion oeeaUoned by good hearty Eight". The life principle, or the t 'rard Inn. is nhnhn to its innermost am. unding now tides of life and strength to the surfaca. thus materially tending to in. Inre good health to the persons who mode. ntely indulge therein. The blood 'tor" not. npidly and conveys a difterenr im. pression to all the arm of the body a. it, visits than on that particular mystic joui-l My when the man is laughing from what it does other than. For this reason every good hearty laugh in which a person in. “..- bndl to 1.11m hi Iitn phvey- tug. u it does, new ml amine: 'sitrtfut to the vital {ore-I. Doubtless the time - can. when physicians, mutating not. importance than they now do to “it "than“ of the mind upon the vital forces a! th- Body. will nuke their preacriptions nor. with nfmnce to the condition of the Hind.“ lot-banal“! thahodg': and in so doing, will find the best and most "ietive method. of plodding tho requir. d “but upon the patient. - The Cnthm "A; ;i>pue;zti3: drawn to n clan, the natives having broken up and 'ee" “id! petition in the bush. Tim. and part of the troofs "dcii,rla'L"irii quarter no to be lent to Nita] in one ofh Manny with tho Zulus. Blown! " Grtatm.--No real life is ever winery. It is An unsatiafnctory thing to n perent when a child does not grow us It should your. his not that the parent in unbitiolu that the child should grow tall, but the apparent stoppage of youth may be I in that something is interfering with the healthy development of the bodily nbrie, nut! that some radical evil in " work. which will weaken the whole constitution, And entail a heritage of illhealth in later life. Just in the same may the gmdrnvr likes to see the little green envelope shoot up end spread. and let forth the bright Odour! of the Bower within. Cessation of growth means mischief it: work-n worm at the roots of the plant, ur a andden frost; for he knows it is the very nature of the plant to grow, and his surprise is, therefore, i not that it should get larger and fairer. but i that it should cause to do so before it has ruched its maturity. No real life is ever "atiomuy. We look for growth as natural. tr u we look for morning, and we are dis- appointed and utoniehed if we do not get it. Why, then, should we wonder that God expects growth from us ' It is it very “use low of our being that we constant- ly Alter our principles for ourselves. What we naturally expect others to give us we no Ionetimes surprised that they should expect from us. We are like the judge who reversed the sentence. and remitted the damages, when ho found that it was his own cow that had broken down the hedge. Circumstances alter cases. The proverb is no doubt true ; but the way we wpply it is often nitrite: We meke our self. love the great interpreter. We are, all of no. in our own estimation, somewhat exe septiouelly eireumstanecd: we are those who have greater needs than the rest of mankind ; we stand in peculiar new] of empathy. or of support, or of servie. or of kindness: end we wonder why people are to unkind, and why they are so slow in (hing us what we have never made an effort, perhaps. to give to them. We ex- pect sympathy, but we have rather made light of other's sorrows; we expect kind, [ no", but we have, perhaps,boen distinguish 1 ed by our hrnsqnenese of manner, or our thoughtlessness of the needv. We forget I what men demands of us. wh lo we keenly t remember all that we demand from men. I -thsiver. This meeting would aleo deeiro to place on record in best thanks to those men in our Dominion Parliament who without reference to party lines, or difTertsnee of political opinions have united their com- bined wisdom to give the temperance peo- ple of this Dominion one of the host pro- hibitory enactments ever placed on the Statute books of the British Empire; and we sincerely hope that allour mini-tors all mmhere will do what they can in every possible manner by precept and ex- ample " well " public agitation to carry out their wise and timely enactments for the further suppression of the legalized liquor mime, never losing sight of the great end and object in view. We must work on, hope on, and pray on until the glorious day arrives when the banner of total prohibition shall wave side by side with the glorious old flag of liberty and1 equal rights that has "braved a thousand years the battle and the breeze." Moved by Rev. J. Scott, and seconded by J. W. Armstrong, Esq., That this District meeting desires to place on record its hearty thank. to Rev. D. c. McDowell for his kind and friendly counsels to ministers and members on the various circuits, and for the able and impartial manner in which hepreeided " Chairman of this District during the past two years. . . 'rta'a""'=='==="""'""=='e== Methodist Church of Canada. right. Moved by the Rev. J. Scott, secondob by Rov.T Hulda: Ind mind, That this District looting, Hiniahn and Laymen now ""mbied,aoiratoespress out think- WbAlmighty God tor the onward much of the principios of temperance and militia: thoughout the land, as mttui:, and in the sweeping onward of the Blue. Ribbon or Gospe! Temperance movement, taking hold of 'u can). of popnldiou mdlifting up from paths of vice and sin handfuls and wounds that a few short month. no won the victim ol strong drink. landing many ot than to Chm, Ind thereby iucnnsing we working power of the Church of God, and making happy may (“was that "tretim. won wretch- ed and miserable. thus lessening the tanks of the enemy and increasing; the number of then: thatnro battling forthe‘ At tho recent meeting of the Owen Sound District, hold n Markdale. the fob, lowing mlutiom we" panel _ . . --.-i- ----H- .tiet- __ a“ - Turki,h bogo'rv.--saturers of the present war in tho Frast--ham, put in unappumnco. Out, of tlwsc meudieants presented himself at the door of an uptown residence a few morningtsinec, with his hat extended in n npplieawry man-or, and muttering "Allah Bislunaliah goloshes rustaehuk," or Mme. thing that way. When a cross dog came 1) ig his rey and sdnd . mouthful ofbis "ii'ii';riiiiri'ii,iiiiiiiii, "Git on: q' l Martel! knock a tld head o' ye l" He knew the dog wouldn't understand the Turkish 1attguage.---Xvrru, town Hiram. A lad in Boston, rather small for his i2t work; in up oftiee as ermni boy for mi: gentlexlaeh Who do business the“. One day the gentlemen were oludting him I little About being so small, and said to him: "You never " amount to much. yon m: can do much business, you am too small." The little fellow lo'oked " thUi .", NHL"; “hp. 'bs inninuil' a. I cant: JAoaiitlrrni' ir'hiiit, Juli" orroit {din men can do." "Ah, whut is that P' said My. ”1’er " I‘oughm an you,“ he mm sm.0ttsy wen taxiogur toknow, and wd‘him to tell what he can]; do, that none of than were :ble to do. ' can be] from new}; (f “Qua (U, Aiow. There were Pttme,,ttlivt"rs on four mun], fun. Aid and would,“ be You [at]; "may by furturintormtrtion on the point. -?iorrtistg Star. "Don't I know that ?" said Mike; "but there are bilin' springs in the ottld comi- thry, and they .shwim through form, and come on all “My fut yo to crack ‘open and Me 'em." “But look here, my fine fellow," "said the musk, thinking hahnd eortfared Mike at Iasb, "tobsters are hot red 1mm they are boiled." "Sure. I did 5111‘: we're, powerful Uppers in Ireland. An for the sea, Bur, I've seen it red with lun." tumble Mike. __ "Bat," asked the guest, "you said yuu had seen them when you were leaping over tho streams, and lobuen here live in tho sea." ereo', “Well," said Mike, thoughtfully. "to spake widin bounds, sur I'd say a matter of 'dtve or six feet." "What! Fire or six feet? How do they get around in those “Is it lobsters? Begum. the creek is full of 'cm. Many a tonne Pvo song. 'em when I Iepped over the sthtames." q "How long do lobsters grow in Ire land?" "Faix,rdo believe they do be onllin' them lobsters here, sur. Wo call 'om crabs It home." "ol, y' skid the diner, "youUve lobsters in Inland t" _ ' A guest who has been served with a small lobster t--"Do you call that a. lub. ster, Mike F' Au Itiutprr1eltatvtcr) has turned up at a Boston mtanmxc in the humble ottpttei. ty nfa. waiter. . A correspondent of the New York lurk. (pin)i,rt" gives his experience in mining "omatoes. Ho says '-"ruving a little 'border, three feet by twelve feet, on the east side of a board fence eight feet high, Iplanted therein seven tomatoe plant, and trained them till they reached the top and fell down three or {our feet on the other side. The ftrst week in "August In began to gather fruit from them, and con. tinued t ' do so nearly every day till No, vember 2nd. when the lest ripe ones were picked. As they were gnlhered in small quantities, it is impossible to be perfectly exact; but, from the best mi'ttsttromout and artinmto possible, we gathered over four bu>hels of ripe hammers, and about one bushel of green one: for pickles at the l end. We suppliml our family of five (some ofus very fond of them), and gave away to others about a. peak. ll anyone can do better I shall be glad." -- v4-hcr --e -"" _- ble. Renew the water often, until the whole carpet is cleansed. Then open the doors and windows to dry it, This re. moves the grease stains and brightens tho carpet. Another and less troublesome way to clean a carpet is, to III-ink]. In" over the surface, after it is tucked down, and thoroughly sweep. Bat the grease spots are not removed by this pron“. Tho carpet, however, is made to look very clean and bright. To Cums A CaRrEr.--This must be an excellent way to clean a carpet. Try it. First, have it thoroughly dusted and the floor well creamed. Then tack down the carpet as ycu want it; take a. half-pail of water. hot as can be borne; put in a table. spoouful ot mania. Knot tstitt "male hing brush and born soap, and scrub n small pincc;hnvea second pail of water and ammonia. ; rinse off with this, and, with n woolen cloth, wipe as dry as possi- Calms: Oanznir-Lbirtlbr ti; lilies of k' deep dish and cover with thin slices of rich cheese. Lay over the cheese thin slices of wall-buttered bread, first covering the cheese with a. little red perper and mustard ; than another layer of cheese. Beat the yolk of an egg in A cup of eream--milk will do-- Urut titr To")? tber dish, “(I put at once into th7, own. Bake ml nicely brown. Sane hot, or it will be mush, hard and worthless, MINT Ssccz.-Piek over and muh clam 1,51,, ttt t,iitlt,ii':rt in. be " to tia ta , es con Ts tyraNr'thint "We Wider spoonfuls of granulated sugar and s teacup and a. half (scant messnrc) of cold vinogur. Let it stand for half an hour or more in a cool plus. to have the vinegar well flavor. ed with the mint. It injures the thwor to make it with but liquid.' _ . 'o" w" "Jr2dad,sur, the trucks in Ireland are xy or sixtyfeot wide," said the unper- ruhlo Mike. aSSt"Ltr, ,",',i,'aNlte't a baking pow an quart of flour; add one cup of sugar ; rub into the flour a pieeo of batter the size of an ogg, then s'ir in one pint of milk. Beat free from lumps to a smooth batter. Bake in muffin rings on the top of the stove or in gem irons in the oven. HOUSEHOLD AFFAIRS. Irish Wit. vyvu, reporuUkirj know, Minimum ld do devote any ' ' your spare t l I “a home over A Mow. ttrid Full ' no. q glut 'enlr “at p_rttt'ottt1 “We once. It cost once. Rt cosh one who M,'ea,' one who engage: failito mitriririTiiirii' dress “The Pcnplu‘aJournal, "Pol thud, Maine. . "mt Tho mast do ant works, of art girea {fee to subscribers. glue price is In low that almost everybody unhoribou. om, agent re- portis.mtgtf.tw,eirtL6y, in . week. A_lady agent report: faking over'loo IquériFer in ten days. Mirna mpge nuke money fut. You can devote all your time to the business, or onlv your Ipare time. You need not be an Iy from home over night You can do it " well as others. Full particulars, directions and terms free. Eugfut-ytcsxpemiivshitiirii. If you “at Tlet, work load an ymr unim- if once. $, t costs nothing to try the bushes-41% nu. w n -n--..-_ Ln, A, - I _ - _ mboi in mick to take lubecrlptionn far the iy_sie,is,t,"y.Giirr out And best IIlustmted family publication m the Tare, Any on? em become nituccsasful Niaht of moatin - Manda " 7:310 o'clovk. in the add Fesl1owty inn. gsiliui; Ulhli,'h welcomo. Wm, I.nidlnw.N. G. W. . Val at, Bee. C Great chancn to make P"""t. We need a. tiig1tM.saettpg," lid 7 “7 i,aiuii of with mung _itt, l'k welcOI lmvidsuh, W. Arw.' . STEPHEN s.orarsT,a) I. o. o. F, 0ch hour: homemm. to 7 p. m. Arch. Ma. Kouzie, Postmaster. _ MerLAMyS' v.omiiifr.. ' --------, Town 'tttgr-open Hrt' Lida] wining from 7 to 9 o'clock. shuns er, annual fee so mu. Alexan- dor Bulwrtsnn, Librarian. Timu- uuder. Raglan; John A. Munro, De, puty-Rugistmr. omen ours from 10 B. m. to 4 p.m, Service; every Sabbath at wk L m. and 7 p. In Sabbath Schnol at 2 p. m. A. Warren. pastor. mu: new " 2.30 J' we: mmmng ci'ery 'rl'lth'rt evening at *gt-im-i, And Bible Clans ovary “1“”le owning at H o'elock, Paxton R". R. (imlfruy an T. It Beynom TRINITY CHURCH. human urn-u " u B. m. and l p. m. Sundnv School at 10 u. m. Rev. T, Mummy, guitar. Church Wardens, II. J. Midduugh and Elias Educ. P1tE'3BYTEtuaN CHURCH. - _ Divine Sou-viva everv Sabbath at It IL. m. and 0:30 p. m. Sabbath Selma! at 2:210 p. m. Prayer mouth]: Mary Weduusdm‘ evening at 7:30. Bible (flags awry Thursday owning at 7:44). Rev. Wm. Punk. thur. 'tifjti/iviicilivii,o,i, u. iiviitii'i1ii,i. “1;; may?!“ bvfutntt at u‘clocl DURHAM DIRECTORY. A gentleman, who was a good shot, lent a favorite pointer to a Mend, who had not much to accuse himselfofin the sluughtvr of birds, however vnmh he might have frightened mom. After firing u sew-m1 partridge, which the old pointerhail flush. ed for him, without bringing them down, the dog turned nwny in apparent disgust. went home, and never could be persuaded to nccompany the “mo person after- wards. Night ot SETTING Hess.-Put a tubiospoonful of sulphur in the nest as soon as hens or tnrkcys are set. The hcut 'cf the fuwls causes thc {tunes of the sulphur to penetrate (-vcry part ottheir bodies, every louse is killed, and, as all nits are hatched within ten days, when the mother leaves the nest with her brood she is perfectly free from nits or lice. It is eonvenicnt to have two [ hens hatching at thv sumo time, since, ir) I accident» huppon, the two broods may be i 1 united. Again, on the hatching day it l ‘frcqnently occurs that, to prevent the newlyborn chicks. being crushed, by eggs that are behind time. it is I desirable to give all that are hatched to one l hen,whilo the other takes charge at the eggs Alone. Netonly docs thisgiro socurit; to tho chicks, who run some hazard of being crushed, if they are kept for any prolonged time under the mother; but the unlmtchod “a “so stand . fur better chance. For when ahrm findu chickens under her she sits higher from the eggs, and less warmth is tstrorilai1 them at the time they reqiremost. l --N. Y. Independent. c. METHODIST CHURCH. V Survives tyyttrv Sabbath nt 10:30 a. m. and 6:30 pm |l\lx-Oh m.|.....\ no "Pr"-. M ..__, 77 7 - _ Agent for the Superior “ramps? 5e.ur aryl Drill. Particular Attention paid to Eavestronghing. Cash for Sheepskins and Hides. The subscriber begs to inform tho public that he has a large Stock of {STOVE}? and TIN WAR Fl, which will he sold (T‘III‘L\] ' "EDI-t (H‘SII OR "I?IeAT9IL" Cook, Parlor and Box Stoves. DURHAM Dong}: No. we bi, it}. a In; AGRICULTURAL Tho Sabacriberia Agent for .the sale of the celebrated MOWER manufactured byl the ’l‘UllUN'I'U “RAPE“ & NUW'ER COMPANY. OFFICE I At Kiornan a Hughson’s Store. Lower Town, w, . _ .. . -r--- DURHAM. ALSO Agent for A. ('oehrane'c Threshing Machine. Nah and Book Accountl collechd on reasonable terms. HOUSES 'l'O RENT. Mowers, Reapers, Sulky Hay Rakes, Laidlaw d; Stewart's Improved Gang Ploughs,. dx STOVES AND TINWARE ! Also Marge stock of Canadian Tweeds, Fine Tweeds, Fulcloths. Flannels and Shirtings, which we will (ii-pone of very cheap for cash or trade, _ We pay the highest pnco in Cull or Goods for good Wool. Custom Carding, Spinning and Manufacturing done in the best possible manner, as usual. ' England. Declares War! A: it is m Admitted he: that they do the WOOL trade of the Counties of Grey and Bluco. Durham, Feb. 26th, 1878, Durham, April 4, 1878, muom, May‘23ra, 1878. J'ltifairTpgW,'ilk" s. G. REGISTRY OFFICE, laud". Raglan; John A mu. (mica mm: {mm m " DURHAM L. 0. L. Nn. 602, WM. JOHNSTON, Jr., BAPTI " CH URL)“. ADAMS & MESSENGER. POST OFFICE person in every town alrbnth at It IL. m. and 0:30 2:210 p. m. Prayer mouth]: a' at 7:30. Bible Class Mary I. Rev. Wm. Punk, thur. 1ici “it ddesiht affect the business of 11mm: moon -n welt-0mm A. [can Seeder and Drill. Also the Galloway Sulky' Rake-thc best tiulky rake in the Domain", Agent tor the lale of all kind: of ”I... bolero full IMPLEMEN TS, SUCH AS l AN our, PHYSICIAN, retired from active pne- _ tice, having had placed in his hand: by w East India Missionary the formula of a Vegetthle Remedy for the tspeedy and perrmnent cure of C'onattmpfion, Asthma, Bronchith, Hutu" and all Throat and Lung Mttotirastr; also a Positive and Rulicnl Cure for Nervous Debmty and ull N ervoua Uornpltdntr, liter having thoroughly tested its wonderful cun- l tive power' in thnnnndl of men, feel: it his duty to make it known to his suffering fel. lows. Acturted by this motive and n con- scientious desire to relieve human Julia-inn, he will lend FREE OF CHARGE, to all “ho d: lire it, thin recipe, with full direction: for prepiring and tmeeetertullr using. Sent by return “nil by Midi-suing with stamp, naming this paper. DR. C, STEVENS, 23-y 11.3.1. ,V -e_me'. -w., "...", part of the crunhy who is wining to work steadily at the employmeut that we furnish. 866 per week in your own town. Yon need not be away from homo over night. You can give your whole time to the work oronlyyour spare moments. We have agent: who are nudging twer $20 per day. Ali who engage at once can make money fat t. At the present time muncy can not be made an easily At any other business. It com nothing to try the Lusinoss. Terms and K, outtitrree. Address at once, H. HAi.crnn. & Co., Portland, Maine. CONSUMPTION CURED. June 2l, 1877, Farm and Village Lots Fox Sale lTBusincn tlone strictly private. Residence and auhire" HON-WILLIE, Co. off (in! $777 Auk E61 "criiiii.iwr, 'xsmrtfiiiiiii m: u. m: an) own. Convoyzulvol'. 3&0. J OS. MCARDLE, 1,, - _._.._ ' .-_ = .-......., - - 5w, an: inning: {a moat minnow. It Mam-n. P. q., It". ll "if. ll. T. J, n. HARDING, nun Fus.--ireutq animus tut och-n any EMU-0.0 Wins ml the menu ul yum Counts-nun“. Gnu-II Ill. am, I rl-h to huh-rm tou what " kn done tor no. in. ‘0“!th Md been am of huh; " want In ”on. V run-hurl threq or [our Miurestg doctor; Ind t unw- nmltuu. I, without "ohm. My Inl'lt'lh'r' bone! bus rrtttuurt.sttttrLetr to - an‘ null hum-u who: - hq‘omo no Ind us In he mum. to do In hour. truth l mu. Mot «Von mum-n um pull: and" a. "will. Mum-mu Inn-lull tha .VmuMm, with my hm but. III I (nun: In my rum lung u “maul: when I" I with. hum“: duh". mm mnmm-l dropplnl mm annual In") “pull momma. in. h vu- my mnmunn who. I 9- .um-l In (like ymlr (‘nunh It'll-(11.0!" mm. ot PM and hw Ilum um] L'mre ma In improved ”will nmu- um... {um mum l mu "mud to hunk.” " In h. w]: w Lud'nt’ 1mm Ill“ rnnumwd In”. such In tho, m In' “an": Land It wind: Hun bun out-gm a. k: I’lmh. My nun-vary I aurllmu tet my God! tt u. an .‘M " yuul ca""'"""";,'; out mu ...t ce tt par hunk” - __-. titf?f9 Armu The boat Companies in the Province "pro Hunted. h I: (ll.,, Ttte 01.an Fun: lxm-uasrn and Mann LOAN Auescr m the Towssnrr, kndgtiom, any one n! which i! worth the price of thn ook. This book mu written by the most up (cullvo and probably the most Ikilful practitioner In Amorica. to whom was uwudod a gold Ind for. riled medal by the Nulloual Medical Agweiafioa. A Pamphlet. illotrated with the very an“. b'tect Frras'ings--s mur- Tel of an and beauty-, um run to all. Send for it " once. Address . PEABODY MEDICAL lxsmrum, m. 4 mmT HYSELF much an. Bolton. Mm. in Em: Run“: Cum: " Kr, We: at gum-mu 2mg: Rfmi]. “hi? .e, Shanon, he! and hip. (not! of Exhausted Vitality, Prcmanarc Decline, Nervous and Flu-hi"! chility. Ind the endlese concomitant "In and untold mimic: that malt therefrom,and contain! more_tlnn ”origin-l pre, Ilcrivtioyl, wxoge o,t which E, ITr,tlt (line price of KNOW tt't,i,i, THYSELFE’? Commissioner in the Queen's Bench, ADAMS & MESSENGER. FA h 501' " turn! by Bnttttt I .I’lu. or tornt Apy-livlllonl. Thnnnmh of riViJt m um ot can; you: "orttttrm v...” mm mum; mm In emu-m» n unnm'nnun “IIIDI. Int-uh u, " drunk“. Send “any tor Tut u”.- I n ('Mnnh m . H A RDIDLQ. Bloc-WILL!!!) CATA REE liox 80, Brtoctwrtaz,thrr. If t:CFCtfu9fttWi?ri0N Price only " Sent hymn" _.ett.,letst,rttt of pr.ise... " By wading Ind pmtlclng the lneulmublc lrulhl com mined in the best medial book net issued. entitled l' In n hnucnbu' . mm“ Ill! not easily earned in thea timea, but n can be made in three months by any one of either sex, In any T. A. HARRIS. pit " Agent for the Wanton Assam“ Com; l Durham, Feb. lg, 1878. A good assortment of Ready- [which he wunnu fresh and free from damage, and would offer them It tho in price. for Cuh l Young Hymn Tees, good, ......... Me, per lb, or 6 lbs for 01.50. Do. do., fiue "voured, ak per Ib, or 51b- for $2.25. Nhgmki Japan, extra "hte,...... Oe per lb, or 6 lbs for $2.00. Do. do., fine flavoured,... 60e per lb, or 6 ttm for 82.25. Christie Brown’s humus Rheum duty: on hand, fresh. . ",“°""‘ - mum. mower onoice lot ot than tine Gum-oil uno which in u pinned to find bu given to much satisfaction to the public. "-----------==c. The undersigned has located another choice lot of than tine devorxrd unoolound Japan Tmo, which he in pleued to find In: givenw much “tinfmtinn m n.- ..nmz- Al..- - nu . . ' WILL SELL CHEAP, Dry Goods, dec., Machine Needles all Makes. Dresses and Mantle, made to Order. ladies' mu and Bonnatu. Flowers, Pcathen, Ornaments. Rihlmnl, Laem, Silks. (bloom, Braids. Fringes, Dress Hutmm, “real and Mutt]: Trrmrntrw, Pnruoln. (Eloy... Embroidery, Corsets, Berlin Worrlss, Collars, 1'uffte, Frillinp. Snow Huh. Dress Goods, Embossed Print,, Fancy Prints, Nuuw Flake Ulltor ('Iutha, Mantle Cloths, White Dru! Mullins. Men'. White Shirts, Mani Fancv Shiru. Uxfurd Shirt. ings. Tweed Suiting. U'hiteatiey Canons, ---t8Te.- --- A. Cochrane. WILLIAMV LAWSON, General Agent. COMBINED MACHINE. Great Bargains in Threshing Machines, and all other Agricultural Implements. I also continue to main the wall known MEADOW LARK single mower, And as a For which I hold the patent for the'Countiu or Grey nnd Bruce. This' well known muhiuc cm only be sold STRICTLY PROSECUTED! Reaper & Mower, Formerly owned by the Old Firmeill be sold at COST PRICES FOR CASH AI they In" jun opatted out I well aatorted and fresh “not of the very latest it)!» in DURHAM FOUNDRY, Durham, February 14th 1878. Durham. 14th March. 1878. COS'l‘ PRICES li'CD3re CASII! Millinery & Fancy Dry Goods, .85 A. DAVIDSON’S, Nagasaki Japan Teas ! I would my call on ma fur prion and terms. Brut no tho only good Multan in Outario, GEORGE RUSSELL, YOUNG HYSON TEAS FOR SALE ! BY ME OR MY AUTHORIZED AGENTS The "Royce Reaper," Suitable for the Season. TO THE FARMER In those Countiu, and um' infringement on my rights will be MILLINERY! Stoves of All Kinds! I quantity of HAND ROLLERS just fiuiahod u Now in the time to make your purchuel " Bu on blind . Largo Stock of f Ready-Made Clothing from $10 a. suit A good In“, quilted Garcon for '7. --h QUANTITY OF- --IN WANT OF A-- a lay. Fire risk: ' a low " my unponn'blo tea, y. --AT A call from all old friends solieitod, JOHN CAMERON, E. t A. DAVIDSON. GEORGE RUSSELL " no I single reaper. “a XII: r'liii'.' lot oi following " yl MOST APPROVED KINDS. NEW PRESSEB. TYPE, Can depend upon hing anti-6.4 by Inna: And with the Gm Promptimde lining In“; and. n addition or I’ll “nun!" In now titted " in tU wry but "yin. and Job Department, in the Townships of Glonol‘, Bonn-0L Normandy, Eeanont, I'NMI, Arumma, Osprey, Mel-nutc- uni other Tow.- Ilu'pa nub- it on. of the and connin- a nu amount of um... Tho um. And rapidly it“ Q... READING "C4 r0." lCovlnw." Good Family Newspaper Bolt Modinmn for Job Work “Grey Review” Ths omen in furnish“ 'Idl Prion 01.50 per Amman. 33' POSTAGE FRI! “our Rim" U3CAt, AND “I” "w" or THE LATEST typo, aha-Id sub-nib. (or the It an! pad m .q1roe. In the County a! Grey. gnu "eilitim for ""f " e ri. as counts PAPER domiuthnry Ar. who VIII. I mum an”: km- of tho of the Art. AND macaw; lROI‘IilETOR. Lava-Hun, Beam! BES’I Notnin () I) J Ill Repairin g H w A lw BUSINESS DIREC Mr. Tmo Thu Quu um “up Proteir TIER): “OI-'25 Ania (Mi Durham. - - Is"vroo- 'I‘hur “THE REV FA " It BOOTS AND " h BIISCEI new and RX] " MEDICAI LEGAL. s. not " I'l'lll

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