Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 6 Jun 1878, p. 3

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ondayr pr Bentinck Council i on Protection. (Loud ltughter.) 10 itime, and b“ was strangled by th. and this was 8, Assessmont reduced ‘zier. personal property hn McDougall, Lot 20 nt reduced $50; Chrig. assessment «onfirmea, meil met for the trang. _ business. Minutes of ad and passed, i from ssntent met kader_ of a U p"_"‘ l'“,.’ anxions is (Resewed id of a few and bantiz« uced $50 ; J...- roperty struck ‘; ment reduced .10; issment eonfim; ment reduced #50 : «w, seconded by Mr, ment Roll for the 478, as revised and Revision held thig epted by this Coun. »ssessment roll of ‘k, in the Cm" ssessor be paid hig tel, Allan wWi Â¥i + 1873. ”“’. "=g appeals were iz : Joseph Cop. m, seconded by rt McTavish be n for road and Lot No. 10, Con, :'.saCoun“... b4; under $212, and Teelnon herford, Owen rown, . Herald nd blluou.r’. . sseonded by L* S kok i Commis the s, 81 each the poll. granted. by 4. $814, ton, Durham : ordered to iUIlnLQu w{! ation round ind offering m is grant. 1 10 others, 2d is co the l Sulli~ t $100, nded by Mr, tick be ap~ eil to atbi~ of Cibson, 2 deviation ret‘s duâ€" of Messrs, n be paid. fenis per April lnst, ed by Mr, $ Jamnes ed School lod ‘ampbell issioney rized to â€" cartied w bridge A others, an indiâ€" nded I A'ch:" e Reeve a new Council following i ed v Mr M Mr 440 e haif stre II be In, Mr. the by by ;;lasses beeame absolutely olligatory for the extravagant toilettes which were well disâ€" played at the Palais Royal, and they adorned the visages of the "Incroyables," "Museaâ€" «lins," and dandics. b, By means of tie muieroscope, we can examine chjects too minute to be viewed by the naxed cye, and beho!‘d the wonders of ereative power in a particle of sard, or in » blade of grass, or in a drop of water, all tecming wilh living organisms. 3. Curtous Ormicar Erpror.â€"M. Devie called the aitention of the French Academy, mt a recent mecting, to the following pheonomenon. +Take a draughtboard with black and white squares; put it in a vertical position,jand look dircctly at it, with one eye, or both. Then incline the head gradually so as to make the straight line joining*the éyes parallel to the direction of 'n serics of Jdiagonals or s jusres. You then see the points of the dark or the white wyunros sitarted in this diagonal, not as {ashion for those things became ridieulous under Philip TV. The grandees, high dignitaries, and important personages then wore enormous besicies; and when Elizaâ€" beth, the daughter of Henry IV., and conâ€" sort of the Spanish monarch, made her entr¢ into Madrid, groat was her surprise, and still greater her annoyance, at seeing «. By means of the teleseope, we peneâ€" trate into the depths of spaee, search the vaults of heaven, and diseover its seerets or gaze on its glories. Orbs that ore twinkling so brightly on hish. ud simuce nase Prafeg Autumn,like a funernd, Is jrst bohind them treading. Wintor, like a sexton old, ('l-..".m.a slowly limping after. Os Holiidig aadl magna * 4. ‘The eyes of man are improved in v sive power by means of glasses or spectaâ€" «os. A enrious train of thought is suggestâ€" e to our mind by the mention of speetacles, We are thereby made to thiuk of their «iseovery or inrention and of thoir use«. As in the ease of imost things useful or aprceable _mployed in the world, the origin oi this invention must be sought in China. Bpectacles have beon used by the inhabitants <( the Celestial Empire from time immemoâ€" rial. Any ons may convinee himself of the f.ct by looking at very old porcelain,where n Mandarin is represented having on his nose plasces, not held by branches, but by weights atizcched to strings which pass beâ€" hind the cars. The real name of the appaâ€" rutus is bisicle, its etymology being signifi cantâ€"bis cculiâ€"double eyes. The more modern neme has been appbed since the instrument was improved. In 1317 & Florence optician called Balvino degh Almati, produced an arrangegentcomposed of two lenses, fixed in the same frame, which could be placed on the nose. ‘Those, glasses were coneave or eonver according in the sights to which they were applicable. hersclf andaciousiy tared at by the great 1 rds and courtiers through a myriad of w‘asses. In the time of the Directory, towards the elose of the last century, when whion had some outrageons caprices,these As in the e apreeable ~m oi this invent Npectacles im <f the Celestiz rial. Any ors f.et by lookit Orbs that are twinkling go brightly on Glowing in beauty, hn,hmuint*‘*! Robing un 13“"‘"" the silenee of evem, Loading with listre the bosom of heavenâ€" What are yoâ€"whenee are yeâ€"spirits of light, Sparkling so radiantly, glad‘ning the night ? goll on in you ptudding wi‘l Open your ami tod in His m Texch mo the Sclemaniy, sil ‘The aflair was a very bungling one, and hnd a grotesque appearance. In Spain, the M PHRTF\ id o‘ things around us. In accord with what wesse, we become scrious, or we weep, or vo lanoh. .owest creatures, compored of a speck of ; igiment and a nerve fibre, and capable vnly of distinguishing light from darkness. Leaving these rudimentary eyes out of view, let us ‘come to eyes that see images. Of these there are three distinct forms of airangements. ‘The simplest and most imperfect are the soâ€"called compound eyes wi insects, crabs, etc. | «. Through our eyes we can view nature in all her qualitiesâ€"We are charmed with her beauty, elevated by her grandeur and entranced or awed by her sublimity. "There is a rleasure in tha nathlmcs aucl. | ereciving light and sending to the brain reâ€" ports from the vast universe around us, why, is this not the most Godâ€"like gift confided to living creatures! .In this great perfeeâ€" ton the eye only exists in the higher avimals. As we descend in the scale it becomes more simple and less complete, 1‘ll we come to the mere evye dots in the 1. Tus Supertonity or tur Ees or Max.â€"Of all animals man enjoys the most perfect and capable eyes. With a large globe preserved in its form by a dense,thick resistant coat or tuni:, to which suitable muscles gre attached tor the most delitate and extensive movementsâ€"with an optical apparatus for collecting the rays of light and furming shll’p, distinet images of »urrounding objects, and last and most important, a nerye membrane of a cup rhape safely lodged within, endowed with the marveMous and exclusive power of ‘ No. 1. * Eight is one of the inlets of }.‘owl.d‘.‘ nud as man, Leing endowed w{thnfion:_lity stands higher in the seale of creation than all other creatures on this terrestrial scene. »> the cyes of man are superior to the eyes of all other creatures thereon. The visual power of man is in fine adaptation to his rational power. Let us, in the sequel, view this fact under a few aspects not so much in the spirit of philesophy as in a strain of pleasantry. & & & P00 2o minglo with the Universe, and feel hat I can no‘er cxpross, yet cannot all conceal." b. Through our eyes, we pass through nditions of mind pepsive, or joyous, rresponding with the variety and change NA SUPERIORITY or THE Eyes or Of all animals man enjoys the most Vision. nvveememems enc ; Ahceentmyrcuce The President of the Venezucian House of Reprosontatives has been killed in an encounter with the editor of a Caracas journal. Great distress exists among the cotton operatives at Burniey. One mill in that town has reopened, with ‘ts fuil compleâ€" ment #* hands, ai a redustion of fiveper _ A warrent has beon issued from the Monâ€" treal Police Court for the arrest of exâ€" goljeiwr-(ienml Baker on & ebhargeo of perjury in connection with the Goffâ€"Stewart prosecution. The steamship Iia/o went ashoro during a fog on Saturday off the coast of Wexford and foundered shortly after. â€" The passenâ€" gers and crew wore saved, i A great drought prevails in Jamaica, and the cattle are suffsring for wart of grass. Escobedo has met with soveral minor successes on the Rio Grands, carrying the Prosidio and two villages and capturing a small detachment of Gevernment troops. The inquest on the body of MeCarthy, the murdered Moneton tavernâ€"keeper, was terminated on Monday, having lasted three weeks. The jury failed to agree, five of the seven jurymen finding that the murder was committed by the Osbornes, and the remaining two not considering the evidence sufficiently strong to convict. Gortschakoff is better, and his complete restoration to health is anticipated. Violent shoeks of earthquake occurred on the 14th and 15th ult at Guayaquil Ecuador. Fifteen lives have boen lost and a vast amount of property destroyed by acyclone at Richmond, Mo. Sitting Bull is acain ecredited by the United States authorities with meditating a raid durrag the summer. Mrs. RKalph Kilpatrick, of Exeter, adâ€" ministered to a sieck child landanum instead of blackberry oxtract, and the dose proved fatal. It is raperted that Mr. Win. Gordon, cattle dealer, of West Montrose, Co. of Waterloo, met with a heavy loss recoently, owing to 103 fine head of cattle which he had shipped to the British market being swept over board and lost. The cattle were valued at $14,000, on which there was some insurance. 3 Much distress exists in Bolivia owing to the failure of the erops. n ThirtyAve thousand dollars‘ worth of lumber was consumed at Point Levis on Wednesday afternoon, and damage to the extent of $15,000 inflicted on the wharves of the St. Lawrence Dock Comâ€" pany. The Hessian fy is makingits appearance is scme parts of Oxsford, and doing great damage. €in Monday while some men were digging out for a foundation in Toronto, the bank feli in, killing one man named Wm. Spink, and acriously injuring two other men. Business raen in Brusscls are paying from 6e. to 15¢. for rank to ehoige butter. b. Through optical apparatus, the phoâ€" nomena of cclestial bodies may be daâ€" guerreotyped, and conclusions may thence be drawn in furtherance of astronomical science. Mr. Merlin, of the British Consuâ€" late at Athens, asks: "May not the white teleseopic appearance of the moon‘s surfrce, resembling snow in many parts, be explainâ€" ed by the fact that the extinet volcances of our satellite are eovered with crystals of salt? Any person who is aceustomed to view the moon through a telescope must, I think, have been struck with the dazzling snowâ€"like appearance of the mountains. May not an explanation of this be deduced from the experience gained by the last eruption of Vesuvias? The burning lava in that instanee retained an enormors quantity of salt, which did notescape until the mass became cool, when the whole stretch of lava emitted in 1872 was covered with a erust of this substance." ' ‘~a. By means of the kaleidoscopo, we can see objects in an endless variety of beautitul colors and symmetrical forms. Similar causes in the prccesses of n§ture, among which may be instansed how the sky becomes blue. ‘The ethereal blue color of the sky is due to minute particles of matâ€" ter which float in the air. Were these "partiales removed the appearance of the sky would boe dead black. Tt is a fact in optics that exceedingly fine portions of of matter disperse or seatter red rays, still coarser portions seatter all the rays, making white light. The atmosphere is full of aqueous vapor, the particles of which diffuse white light in all directions. When the particles are enlarged, they become visible in the form of clouds, That the diffasion of light in our atmosphere, the blue colâ€" oring of the sky and the colors of the clouds are due to the presence of matter floating in the air, has been conclusively proyen by Tyndall, On passing a beam of sunlight through a glass tube, the beam is rendered brilliantly visible by the reflection of light from the dust particles floating in the air eontained in the tube. But on removing the dust particles, which is done by filterâ€" ing the air by cotton wool, or causing the air to pass over a flame, the beam of light is no longer visible in the tube. 'r. dark line in the case of the black squares, white in the case of the white; the line grows thicker in proportion to the inclinaâ€" tion of the bead, till it reaches a maximum of breadth in the position described. It becomes very perceptible if you pose your head alternately right and left, bringing the line of the eyes alternately parallel to the.two series of diagonals. If the observaâ€" tion is made with an eyeâ€"glass or operaâ€" glass, then the phenomenon is inverseâ€" that is, the lines then appear between the angles situated in diagonals perpendicular to the line of the eyes. Similar phenomena may be observed with black tangent circles on & white sheet; and it appears that best to observe the instant of contact of two discs the situation should be that in which the straight line joining the eyes is inclined 45 deg. to the line of the centres. mt CANADIAN ITEMS. MISCELLANEOUS. +440 Drossed Hogs, per 100 lbs Butter, rolls, per lb......... * SE EY .. s sssisneex Egns,pordoz.................. Potatoos, per bag............ Turnips, per bush............ BHY $88 HHRITC i: cceiiycv ie C CEEC OE MERU Ne ces seene8 Spring Whent.................... Barley ... ... SAludsisSevessrskes PObRLOCS pEr DAG...crersreus BbGE .. +.4« . .. + 06854« 248 14 + . +4e2** WOOL BEF 1N..s.s2isrssrarevevees Oats, 84 l’eas. «4 Barley, * Butter, pet Ib............ Eggs, per doz............ Potatoes, per bush...... Pork, dry per lb......... Fall Wheat per bush........ 1 05 to Spring Wheat, R. Chaff... 0 80 to Glasgow *\ smewss ) 08 to Oats * ..a.an 0 28 to Barley CC .. ssseress ‘ 9 40 to Poas * srcriese 060 to Hay per toOR.................. 10 50 to Potatoes per bags.......... O 45 to Pork per 100 lb.............. 4 50 to DCA ******..::rrrrarscsccrer. â€" $ OO bo Hido# " . ..cccccccrrrccvcsss> 4 60 to Sheepskins each............. 0 50 to Butter per Ib................. _0 12 to Exgs per doz.................. 0 08 to Wood, dry, per cord....... 1 50 to WOOL esc is is cscrrerrvarseseecss O BB %0 Spring Wheat, per bush... Fall +4 «4 Fall Wheat, par bush Spring Wheat * Barley, 66 I'Ag'.;fi-....-n---.-.-.-.....-u Wool per Ib.............. Sheep skins............... TAmb Skins............... Hay AAA.4i... Durnas, June 6, Flour, per 100, lbs, at mill $2 50 to Flowr No. 2, 4 * 2 25 to Corm Mesl " ‘* ......... L "6 to Shorts, €°1** o * 1 00 to Bran, it _ t 0 70 to Fall Wheat per bush........ 1 05 to Spring Wheat, R. Chaff... 0 80 to Glasgow *\ smwss A) 00 $o Oats 150. wvarmem: W 8 to Barley 4C .. sssisese 9 40 to Poas s aecrres Y BW to As the German ironclad fleet were comâ€" ing down the English Channel on Thursday, bound for the Mediterranean, a collision ceâ€" curred between the Koenig Witheim and Grosser Kurfurst, the latter of which alâ€" most immediately wont down with some three hundred hands, Her crew numbered, it is said, five hundred, and only 213 are known to have been saved. The Grosser Kurfurst, in point of importance, ranked as third of the German iwonelad fleet. She was a doubleâ€"turreted vessel of 4,118 tons with an armament of four 26 ton guns in the turrets and two 21 ton gnus fore and aft. The Koeniq Wilhelm was built at Blackâ€" wall ia 1868. _ Sho is an ironclad of 5,938 tons, with 8 inch armourâ€"plate, and carries 28 rified 96 pounders aud four 800 pounders. WaXrâ€"WINELERâ€"In Neustadt, on the 22nd ult., Mr. Carl Wahn to Miss Louisa Winklor, both of that place. HurtBUrTâ€"Gatoryâ€"On Tucsday, thoe 4th inst, Mr. Horace Hurlburt to Miss Clara Gaudin, both of the Queen‘s Valicy, Euphrasin. Annâ€"McCmesnEyâ€"On the 2nd ult., by the Rev. D. Wardrope, Mr. Alexander Ard, of Normanby, to Miss Mary Agness McChesney, daughter of Robert McChesney, Esq., of Calross. Hastteâ€"McKz1vicâ€"On June 6th, at the residence of the bride‘s father, by the Rov. H. Crozier, Holstein, James Hasties, jr.,to Mary Ann, eldest Castenoxâ€"In Glenelg, on the 8rd inst., Mary, infant daughter of Mr. John Cameron. The Emperor William was fired at on Sunday while driving in the Unter den Linden, Berlin, and wounded with buckshot in the face, back, and arm. His assailant is one Nobeling, a doctor of Philolog, of Socialâ€"Democrat tendencies, who, in purâ€" suance of a proviously concocted plan, hired rooms on the avenue named and deâ€" liberately fired at the Emperor with a doubledâ€"barrelled gun from the window of his lodging. This second attempt on the life of the Enaperor has created intense exâ€" citement in Prussia. The would be assasin attempted to commit suicide, and he is in m critical condition. The Royal Geographical Society is about t> send an expedition into Central Africaâ€" in the first place to the northern end of Lake Nyassa, and thence, if the funds admit thercof, to the southern end of Lake Tanganyika, the object being to make accurate maps of the lake region. The Bannock Indians in Idao, to the number of about two hun Ired,are encampâ€" ced in the lava beds, and have ordered the whites to leave. Troops have been desâ€" patched to the beds, but not in sufficient number to do much good. Petersburg and cannot be found. She is wanted to stand her second trial at Novâ€" gorod, the verdict of the jury in the first trial having been quashed by the Court of Cassation. on hand, for which no reasonable offer will be refused, We also offer & really good Tem 35jcts., which!for quality and pri¢e cannot be beat, #s U M M EER DR ESS G OODS In order to reduce their stock, will sell a large lot of the aboyo mentioned Goods at cost, for cash. , A lot of Hastie & Grant, Bargains! Bargains! BARGAINS! IN DRY GOODS. Vera Sassulitch has disappoared from St. (’l:xrgil';l: BGFJFE& McKelvie, all of Egremont READY MADE CLOTHING, May, Oth, 1878, MOUNT FOREST MARKETS. PUNDALK MARKETS. Dundalk, June 5, 1878. DURHAM MARKETS. TORONTO MARKETS. K We respectiully invite the public th call and judge for themselves"@s MARRIED rserssscsessess«s208 OO $010â€" 00 PEATHS Toroxto, June 6, 1878. $1 00 to $1 02 0 $0 to 0 95 45 to _ 51 11 $0 95 to $1 00 to 5 50 to 0 80 to 0 12 to 0 08 to 0 40 to 0 07 to 0 29 to 0 55 to 09 to 60 to 20 to 15 to HASTIE & GRANT. 0 30 0 45 0 55 11 50 0 50 17 1876 0 75 0 12 0 08 0 47 1 08 0 85 1 12 0 30 2 T5 2 25 1 75 1 25 0 70 0 15 65 17 11 ) SN CANADIAN TWEEDS, &c. A FIRSTâ€"CLASS HEARSE TO BIRE. Rememiber the place,â€"a short distance north of British Hotel, Upper Town, A LL PARTIES are herel:{ cautioned against purchu&n;ior negotiating a Note of Hand, arawn in favor of James Mercer, by James Sullivan, of Flesherton, and falling due on the 1st of January, 1876. 2000 t . CHAS. McARTHUR, BURHAM. Possession immediately. For torms apply to Trunks, Valiscs, Brashes, Combs, Whips, and in fact ovarythtnsoontfimdhhhuuot business. and see his BUILDER. Durham, keeps on hand a large stock of Sash Doors and all kinds of Building materinls, also a stock of Monldlng in Wunlm.l(oocwood. and Gilt, Ph-nl.lzect&cn ons and Bills of Lumber made out on & notice, . A full stock of Coffina, Caskets, Shrouds and Trimâ€" mings always on hand. The line will extend from Station O of Jocation of 1877, on the western side of South River, noar Nipissingan Post Office, to the head of navigation of French River, about 5 milos east of Cantin‘s Bay, and will be in length about 50 miles. No Tender will be entortained unless on the printed form and unless the printed condition# are complied with, & 4 Department of Public Works, Ottaws, 280th May, 1878. THAT well known House, the of all kinds, done to erder on short notice. y18 SEAT‘ED TENDERS, addressed to the undersigned and ondorsed "Tender for Georgian Bay Hranch," will be received up to noom of Saturday the 20th day of June next. as set forth in a memoranddts of Conditions of Contract, which with spocifications and other information may be had or scen on application at the Depurtment of Public Works, Cabinet Maker, Good News to the Public. Harness, Saddles, Money Loaned on furm socurity at 8 per cent, A e e e Ee t eP with an Exposure of the B'ylusmsfic Policy oÂ¥ Bapâ€" tist Church Publications of Misquotation from Inâ€" fant baptist writers and of mhnsrmnhnon in renomlâ€"â€"Provon from Baptist and other sources, y the Rev. John Beth(l l:x:;. Presbyterian Minister, 0 ey. Bold by Mr. J, Cameron, Storekeeper, Durham. GEORGIAN BAY BRANCH. Geo. Rutherford, Real Estate, Loan, INSURANCE, AND General Agent, Simple Interest, for ifi'y;g»efirid’c}i’ time between 3 and 20 years, District Agent for the Victoria, The Western and Canada Fire & Marine Insurance Co‘s. Insurance effected at Low Rates, Farm Property insured for three years against Fire and Lightning at 75c on each $100.00, All Communications pmmJnly attended to. Busiâ€" ness private and confidential. Officeâ€"Main Str‘t, DUNDALK, Ont Baptist Misrépresentations on Baptism. THE Early Church Histery, Scripture Aâ€"Doctrine and Examples of Infant Baptism, T PATEXNT BACKBAXDS. COLLARS all warranted. Don‘t forget the place, Ipposite V. A. Anderson‘s Horseshoeing Establishment, Upper Town, Durbham. Priceville, April 18th, 1878 Ducham, Mar 16, 1878 Proposals will be received int swo forms (A and B) i set forth in a memoranduts of Conditions of Canada Pacific Railway. Comissioner in B. R., Conveyancer &e, (MPROVED and Unimgroved Farms . for sale, cheap, Bend for Land List. Village lots for sale in Dundalk. UpnorstERERr, and UNDERTAKER, Garafraza Sirect, DURHANM. Harness Shop, and, as before, is prepared to * o. it i Soke 4 New Advertisements. W. BOULDEN, has reâ€"opened his Geo. J. Matthews, IG‘ut chance to make money ever offered. Honest, pleasant, profita~ AU offered. Honest, pleasant, profitaâ€" ble. Costs nothugmtflit. Fo\xmicu- lars address MONTREAL NOVEL~ TY CQMPANI', 543 Bt. James St., Montreal. To Rent! Wood Turning, ROBT BULL, NOTICE. the Post Office Price 75 cents. By. ordor, fanâ€"14 elf ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO A. Cochrane. WILLIAM LAWSON, General Agent. Great Bargains in Threshing Machines and all other Agricultural Implements. I also continue to make the well known MEADOW LARK as m single reaper, asa single mower, and as a WILL SELL CHEAP, Formerly owned by the Old Firm,$will be sold at COST PRICES FOR CASH Reaper & Mower, For which I hold the patent for the‘Counties of Grey and Bruce. This‘ well known machine can only be sold STRICTLY PROSECUTED ! DURHAM FOUNDRY, White Cotton, 20 yards for $1 ; Grey Cotton, 20 yardef or $1 ; Prints, 20 yards for $1 ; Grey and Black Lustres l%e. per yard, Linen for Dresses only 12%¢ per yard B Muslins, fancy, only 106. rr yard ; Grenadines fancy, only 12%¢c per yvard ; Lacies‘ good White Stockings, 10c pergu r ; Mon‘s good Cotton Soz. 8 pairs for 25¢; ladies‘ Parasols, from 25¢ up ; Ladies‘ Corsets, from 25¢ tl? ; Ladies‘ White Handkerchiefs, 7 for 25¢ ; Ladies Collars, 2 for 10c ; Towels. 2 for 10 c; Hollands, 12’; per yard. A lot of Silks at cost. A lot of Kid Gloves less than cost. ‘Try our Japan Tea at 25¢ perIb. Get one caddy of our extra qualâ€" ity Japan Tea, put tip in a nice tin ; it is warranted to please, Has now received a Large Stock of Goods, purchased at the GREAT TRA DE SAL ES ! Many lines of goods will be sold at LESS THAN CO8ST OF PRODUCTION, Jn Dry Goods he is giving "# Ar# w Great Bargains : CcCoOST PRICES POR CASH : Durham, 14th March, 1878. Purhsin, Pebruary 14th 1878, I would say call on me for prices and terms, and see the only good Mathine in Ontario, FOR SALE ! GEORGE RUSSELL, BY ME OR MY AUTHORIZED AGENTS The "Royce Reaper," TO THE FARMER J. â€"H. ~HUNTER Suitable for the Season. â€" A call from all old friends solicited. 2 0i N8R L sA Gh it © In these Counties, and any infringement on my rights will be Stoves of All Kinds! At Very Low Prices. a quantity of HAND ROLLERS just finished at HA RDW A RE:â€" which he intends offering to cash buyers Goods, &c., Has on hand a Large Stock of â€"A QUANTITY OFâ€" â€"â€"IXK WANT OF Aâ€" AT (EORGE RUSSELL. vi Township of Bentinck. BEI.\'G Lot Number Thirtyâ€"two in the Tenth Comcession, about 40 mcres clearâ€" ed. Title good. For particulars apply to .. _ _ . DRUGGIST ANB SEEDSM AN DURHAM. y8 At Prices to defy Competion. JOHN McDONXALD, J.®t 81, 10th Concession. Or to J, K. EUXTER, Dusham, Arpil 2, 1678. Stt EDGE MILLS, TJHE Subseriber . wishes io inform his Tas 1661008 4o heap poisoviles o hn whilte A+ Clover, Timothy and other Harvest Tools, Builders‘ MRS. PATTON baving been requested by sevéral parties in Dundalk and vieinity to start a business it the above branches, has secured the services of a firstâ€"class Milliner and Dress and Mantle Maker from ‘Toronto, and feels satisfied that any work entrusted to her will be done with neatness and dispatch, Latest Styles in Ladies‘ Hats, Dresses Carpenters‘ Tools, Blacksmiths‘ in Melntyre‘s Block, Durbam, near _ _____ Motel, where he is prépared to do _ _ _ Sbaving, #himpooing, Mnirdressing, &c., In the bost style. Bei well expericnced in the profession. Gentlemen ou:fi,-die- favoring him with their custom will receive his best nttention. Manuâ€" facturer of the most mpproved Hair Restoratives. Garden SEEDS| PROF. 2. 1 of Toronto, PATTERNS FOR SALE. mlsubites Address at Late "Guide Office," Seeds, Seeds! IMPORTED Opposite Middaugh‘s Hotel, Carding and Fulling promptâ€" ly attended ‘to. Mowat‘s From Growers of known Reputation. Dundalk, April, 1878. Durhrm. Peb. 2 1878 New Hardware Valuable Farm for Sale ROF. J. LEWIS recently of the City of Toronto, (Windsor Hotel,) has opened a shop A«e Lowest Market Prices. DURHAM, Hardware, SEE CATALOGUE FEIRELD STORE, +â€"FORâ€"â€" IJOSEPH T. MOWAT. Supplies, A2 #4

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