Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 14 Feb 1878, p. 4

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& (H & s sented his report of the same. ‘The report i was adopted. i On.motion of Mr. MeRae, seconded y ~.â€" were added to the Education Committoc. â€" ~< !hmtdmlwdsonm toe, H , Sing, an mitteo nsider t the ratepayers of tiis c a repeal of Byâ€"Law Noâ€" the ng session.â€"C mn chairm mittee on the Wardon‘s grosed on the minutes. An amendment to go into Committee of the Whole on the report was lost. Mr. Doyle, chairman of special commitâ€" tee relative to utilizing of prison labor, preâ€" sented his report of the same. ‘The report Mr. Cameron, chairman of Road and Bridge Committee, presented repo:r; No. 1 of the same ; which was received and onâ€" *o give members of the Council an opporâ€" Aunity of thoroughly examining these peâ€" titions with a view of ascertaining if there 4seuch a change of public sentiment on Shig.subject, as to warrant this Council of incurring the expense of submitting the Byâ€"Law asked for. The Reeve of Artomesia presented roâ€" port of Inspector of Schools for South his report of the same. The report of the committee on the Warâ€" den‘s address was received and engrossed on the minutes. Moved in smendment by Mr. MceRae, seconded by Mr. McNichol, That Messrs. Myles, hee, MeEdwards, Rorke, Chrisâ€" , Sing, and the mover, be a ider the petitions from this county, asking for a w Noâ€" 235, and report at from» D, A. Creasor, Esq., relative to damâ€" ages caused by gravel road culvert. Moved by Mr. Sing, seconded by Mr. Doyle, That the petitions from the various municipalities of this county for the subâ€" mission of a Byâ€"Law to the people for the Byâ€"Law enacting the Dunkin Act in this esounty, lay on the table till June session, Mr. Howey spoke in favor of the moâ€" tion; but as it was seen that the discusâ€" sion on it would occupy considerable time, and the ordinary business of the Council ought to be proceeded with, it was Council met at 10 a. m. All the momâ€" bers presont. Act. A deputation was also in attendance in reference to the same. The Reeve of Meaford presented soveral #esolutions from the Presbytery of Owen On motion made and seconded, the Rev. Mr. Morrison and J. W. Frost, Esq., adâ€" dressed the Council relative to the Dun kin Act, requesting the County Council to defer action in reference to repealing the Doyle, and A. M. Stepbehs, spoke in re'f erence to the matter. The Reeve of Glenelg presented a petiâ€" tion from N. Whitmore, and 200 others, praying for the repeal of Byâ€"Law No. 285, (better known as the Dunkin Act Byâ€"Law) ; the Reeve of Sullivan presented a petition ’on Peter Rogers and 37 others, praying for the same thing; and the Beeve of Colâ€" lingwood presentai a petition for the same purpose from A. Boice and 154 others. ducationâ€"N, Read, Stephens, McRae, Knott, Donelly, Myles, and Rorke. The report was adopted. The Reeve of Gienely presented petition Stomâ€" H. Parke and others, relative to bridge in section E. Sing, MeGhee, and Middloton. Roads and Bridgesâ€"Cameron, Gardiner, Page, Doyle, White, Knott, Elliott, Kenig, N. Read, Flarity, Mcelntyre, MeNichol, Lion, Donelly, Hewitt, and MceCormack. County Propertyâ€" Barnhart, Cleland, Follis, Kerr, Doyle, and H. Roid. P‘n'nfingâ€"Bunhm, Kerr, Wenzor, Sing, THURSDAY EVENTNG. The Dep. Reeve of St. Vincent presentâ€" ed a petition from G. M. Butchart and a number of others, relative to the Dunkin Mr. Christoe gave notice of motion to introduce a resolution to change the presâ€" ent Director on T. G. & B. R. for a memâ€" ber of the Council. Council adjourned to 6:30. Moved by Mr. H. Roid, seconded by Mr. IHowey, That a committee be appointed to consider the advisability of petitioning the Ontario Legislature to repeal or amend certain Acts relating to the grouping of townships for the purpose of voting bonusâ€" es in aid of railways a second timeâ€"said committee to consist of the Reoves of Meâ€" lanethon, Proton, Holland, Derby, and Bydenham, and to report as early as conâ€" venient during the present session. â€"Carâ€" The Reeve of Sullivan presented a peâ€" tition from A. Thompson and others relaâ€" tivefto a bridge on the town line of Sulliâ€" van and Eiderslic. _« > Splaaiine ts m”m*.mbyu,, Carried. The report of special commiti amine the bridge at Williamsf adopted, and reforred to comm road and bridge to report thereon. Mr. Rorke, chairman of snee w *SURSDAYT MORNING. The Warden read several communicaâ€" tions which were referred to the proper committees. Moved by Mr. Middleton, seconded by Mr. Page, That the Sheriff, the Reeves of St. Vincent and Owen Sound, be a comâ€" maitee to advertise and let by tender the supplies for the gaol for the your ‘78.â€" Carried. The report of special commitiee to exâ€" amine the bridge at Williamsford was adopted, and reforred to committcoe on Mr. Rorke, chairman of special comâ€" mittee to draft standing committeos for 1878, presented his report as follows :â€" Finance and Assessmentâ€"Mostrs. Mcâ€" Girr, MeEdwards, Brown, Rorke, Myles, H. Reid, Cleland, Christoe, Howey, Mcâ€" Council adjourned till 10 o‘clock on Fri Messrs. 78ing. Christoe, Barnhart, R. J. Moved by Mr. H. Roid From the Owen Sound Times the Council went into Comâ€" » Whole on Byâ€"Law No. 258 penditure on Gravel Roadsâ€" im the chair. Coxmnino.ro.. i Byâ€"Law filled un withans FRIDAY MORNING. ssion.â€"Carried. & as chairman of special comâ€" Warden‘s address presented A. M.fStephens, Penner, & communication i SATURDAY MORNING. _ Council met at 9 a. m. Moved by Mr. H. Reid, seconded by Mr. Gardner, That the amendment to Report No. 1 of Education Committee, purporting to have been moved by Mr. Christoe, and seconded by Mr. Middleton, uking‘fioo, and the yeas and nays thereon, m punged from the minutes of the Degember Session, inasmuch as the amend acâ€" tually moved by them was to e out the $100 grant in the report, and substiâ€" tute therefor certain reasons why the Model School grant should not be d, and which was mndvmflym‘ Council adjourned to 9 o‘clock, Saturday morning. Naysâ€"Laidiaw, Rorke, McCormack, Mcâ€" Rae, Cameron, McGhee, Hewitt, McEdâ€" wards, Kcenig, Wenzer, McGirr, Mclntyre, Stephens, Barnhart, Page, Penner, Follis, Mylesâ€"18. Yeasâ€"Christoe, Elliott, MeNicol, White, Kerr, McKechnie, Linn, Knott, Donnelly, Howey, Brown, Flarity, Cleland, Middleâ€" ton, Doyle, Sing, N. Read, H. Reid, Garâ€" dinerâ€"19. â€"19, The motion was then put, and the yeas and nays boing called for, were :â€" Naysâ€"Christoe, Elliott, MeNicol, White, Kerr, MeKechnio, Linn, Knott, Donelly, Howey, Brown, Flarity,Cleland, Middleton, Doyle, Sing, N. Read, H. Reid, Gardiner Yeasâ€"Laidlaw, Rorks, McCormack, Mcâ€" Race, Cameron, McGhee, Hewitt, MceEdâ€" wards, Koenig, Wenzer, McGirr, Melntyre, Stephens, Barnhart, Page, Ponner, Follis, Mylosâ€"18. Moved in amendment by Dr. Batnbart, seconded by Mr. McRac, That the prayer of the petitioners, in number 2240 rateâ€" payers of this County, do receive the earâ€" nest consideration of this Council, by grantâ€" ing their requost in asking for the repeal of Byâ€"Law No. 235, known as the Dunkin Act Byâ€"Law, and that a Byâ€"Law to carry out such a repeal boe submitted to the peoâ€" ple for their approval or disapproval.â€" Lost. The yeas and nays being called for on the amendment, were:â€" [ Moved by Mr. Sing, seconded by Mr. Doyle, That the petitions from the several municipalities in the County for the subâ€" mission of a Byâ€"Law to the ratepayers, for the repoal of Byâ€"Law enacting the provisâ€" ions of the Temperance Act of 1864, known as the Dunkin Act in the County, be laid over till the June session, to give members an opportunity of ascortaining if there is such a change in public opinions as to warâ€" rant this Councilin submitting the Byâ€" Law asked for, as it would entail a large expenso on this County.â€"Carried. ‘ Josere Rorkz, Chairman. The report was adopted and ordered to be engrossed on the minutes. Your Committce beg leave to report that they have carefully examined the petitions from the ratepayers of the various municiâ€" ‘ palities comprising this County, requesting a repeal otf Byâ€"Law No. 235, and are of opinion the same are geanuine, which we find as follows :â€"Artemesia 161, Bentinck 16, Collingwood 123, Derby 98, Egremont 57, Glenelg 140, Durham 145, Euphrasia 42, Owen Sound 194, Sarawak 30, Hollazd 138, Keppel 144, Melanethon 141, Meaford 5, Normanby 328, Osprey 64, Sydenham 160, Sullivan 217, St, Vincent 8, Proton 134,â€"total 2240. Your Committee are of opinion that a petition so numerously signed by so many influential ratepayers: of this County, should not be lightly treated, | but should receive the earnest consideration ‘ of the Council. All of which is rospectfully submitted. Mr. Rorke, presonted report of special committee to whom were reforred the peâ€" titions relative to Byâ€"Law No. 235, as folâ€" lows:â€" Brown, That the Reeve of Owen Sound be appointed as County Director on the T. G. & B. R. in lieu of Dr. McGregor, who ceasâ€" ed to be a member of this Council.â€"Lost: Moved in amendment by Mr. Myles, seconded by Mr. Cameron, That Dr. Mcâ€" Gregor be continued as County Director in the interests of the municipality on the T. G. & B. R.â€"Carried. ® Council adjourned to 7 p. m. PRIDAY EVEXNING. Council met at 7 p. m. All the members present. The yeas and nays being called for were: Yeasâ€"MeNicol, Laidlaw, White, Kerr, MeKechnie, Linn, Knott, McRac, Howey, Cameron, Cleland, Middleton, Doyle, Sing, N. Read, H. Readâ€"16. Naysâ€"Christoe, Elliott, Rorke, McCorâ€" mack, Myles, Donnelly, Brown, Flarity, McGee, Hewitt, McEdwards, Konig, Wenzer, McGirr, Mclntyre, Stephens, Page, Penneor, Fcllis, Gardinerâ€"20. Byâ€"Law No. 258 was finally passed. Mr. Camoron presoented report No. 2 of Roads and Bridges. The Warden and Reeve of Normanby were appointed to act in unison with Comâ€" mittee of County Council of Wellington, to inspect and ascertain probable cost of bridge across Pike Lake, or road around i, between Wellington and Grey, and report at next meeting of Conneil. Mr. Stephens introduced Byâ€"Law to apâ€" point High Schools Trustee for Town of Owen Sound, which was read a first and second times. Moved by Mr. Sing, seconded by Mr. Knott, That Byâ€"Law No. 256 be amended by insertion of the words two dollars por day, instead of three do‘lars per day, as inâ€" demniiy to members of this Counsil.â€" The Warden read communication from County Council of Wellington, which was laid over till June session. Byâ€"Law No. 259 to appoint County Auâ€" ditors, was read a first and seeond times. ‘ partial judgment of the people for any length oi time. _ One of these is lDr‘ Thomas‘ Eclectric Oil. Read the following and beconâ€" vinced .â€"Thos. Robinson, KFaruham Contre, P. Q., writes, "I have been afflictel with rheumatism for the last ten years and have tried many remedies without any relief, unâ€" til I tried Dr. Thomas‘ Eclectric Oil, and since then have had no attack of it. 1 would recommend it to all." â€"â€"J. H. Earl, Hotel Keeper, West Sheiford, P. Q. writes, .L have been troubled with liver complaint for severâ€" al years, and have tried different medicines with little or no benefit, until I tried Dr. Thomas‘ Eclectric Oil, which gave me immeâ€" diate relief, and I would say tg:t I have used: it since with the besteffect. No one should be without it. I have tried it on my horses in ease of cuts, wounds, etc., and thiuk it eqnally as good for horse as man."â€"A Maybee, Merchant, Warkworth, writes, "I Wrart tuey say or Ir! A rew Faors ror THE Prorus®.â€"There are but few preparations of medicines which have withstood the imâ€" "My wite was very low with lung disease and given up by her physician. . I tought a bottic of the “ghoshouce's Remedy," and at the end of two days she was much better. By continuing the Remedy she was perfectly restored" Price of the Remedy in pint botâ€" tles‘ $1 ; Fills 25 cents a box. I us Rev. Geo. W. Grout, Stirling, Ont., says â€"*"*Mrs George Francis was severely afflicted with kidney disease. and had been under ithe eare of three physicians without any benetfiâ€" cial result. â€" She has since taken four Lottles of the "Shoshonees Remedy," and enjoys the best of health." Rev. T. C Brown, Brooklyn, Ont. saysâ€" "My wife was very low with lung disease Rev. R. H. Craig, Princeton, N. J. says â€" ‘Last Summer when I was in Canada I caughta bad cold in my throat, It became se bad that often in the middle of my sermon my throat and tongue would become so dry I could hardly speak. My tongue was covâ€" ered with a white parched crust, and my throat was much inflamed. An old lady of my congregation advised me to use the ‘"Shoâ€" shonee‘s Remedy," whichshe was then using The first dose relieved me, and in a few days my throat was nearly well. I discontinued the use of it, but my throat not being enâ€" tirely well, became worse again. 1 procured anutKer supply. and am happy to say that my throat is entirely well, and the white erust has disappeared. I wich that every minister who suffered from sore throat would try the "Great Shoshonees Remedy." A little boy, after watching the burning of the schoolâ€"house, until the novelty of the thing had ceased, started down the street saying : "I,m glad the old thing‘s burned down ; I did‘t have my jogiry lesâ€" son no how" The Council then adjourned to the third Monday in June noxt. Moveda by Mr. Read, seconded by Mr. Cleland, That this Council grant the prayer of the petition of the ratepayers of Owen Sound, requesting this Council to petition the Dominion Government. to make cortain amendments to the Dunkin Act, and that the Co. Solicitor be ordered to prepare such petition, and hand it to. the member for North Grey for presenta~ tion.â€"Carried. \ The name of the Reeve of Durham was added to procure supplies for Court House, etc., with a view of obtaining supplies for South Grey Registry Office, at lowest curâ€" rent prices. # Moved by Mz. Wenzer, seconded by Mr. Donnelly, That all matters referrable to Printing be entrusted to chairman of same committee.â€"Carried. The reports of Co. Property, Finance and Education Committoes were reccived and adopted. Act. Dr. Christoe also agreed that the clause should be knocked out of the Pharmacy Act. In moving the mabove resolution, Mr. Sing said the twelve ounce clause in the Pharmacy Act did a great deal more harm than the five gallon clause of the Dunkin mitte was adopted. Connty Solicitor be instructed to prepare the memorial, and that it be given to the member for North Grey for presentation. â€"Carried. Yeasâ€"Christoc,. Elliott, White, Kert, Linn, MceKechnie. Myles, Knott, Donnglly, Howey, Cameron,Brown, Flarity,McGhee, Hewitt, McGirr, Mclntyre, Page, Follis, Doyle, Sing, N. Reid, H. Roid, Gardinerâ€" 24. Naysâ€"Laidlaw, MceEdwards, Keenig, Woenzer, Stephens, Barnbart, Pernerâ€"7 Mr. Cameron expressed himself in favor of the abore motion, but said he eould not swallew the Dunkin Act. Mr. Myles also eaid he would vote for & Prohibitory Law, though opposed to the Dunkin Act. Messrs. Stephens and Barnhart expressed themselves averse to reprossive legé)lufion. The Reeves ‘of Collingwood and Arteâ€" mesia were appointed a Board of Audit, for auditing and approving accounts and demands referred against the County. The County Treasurer was instructed to place to the credit of the Treasurer of Owen Sound the sum ot $100, for and en account of county rate for current year, levied on proporty not liable to be assessed, included in the valuator‘s report. Moved by Mr. Sing, seconded by N. Reid, That the Warden and Clerk be diâ€" rected to sign a memorial to the Legislatâ€" ive Assembly of Ontario, praying them. to amend the Pharmacy Act, so that no liquor shall bedisposed of by druggists in counties where the Dunkin Act is in force, without a certificate from a physician that such is required for medical purposes, and that the County Solicitor, the Warden and the mover, be a ccmmittce to prepare the same and hand it to the member for North Grey for presentation.â€"Carried. was added to the ‘Printing and County Property Committees. Report No. 2 of Road and Bridge Comâ€" Moved by #&. J. Doyle, seconded by H. Reid, that the Warden and Clerk be inâ€" structed to memorialize the House of Comâ€" mons on behalf of the County, for a genâ€" éral Prohibitory Liquor Law, and that the See what the Clergy Say: NEW PRESSES, TYPSE, Ete Canâ€"dopend upon being satisfied by leaving And with the Gréatest Promptitude, Having lately made an addition Possessos great Facilities for doing Is now fitted up in the very best style, and Job Department, w ny 4 and contains a vist emount of interesting READIzG MAPBSMSRâ€" The Largo and rapidly increasing Cirouâ€" im the Townships of Hlenelg, Bentinck, Normandy, Egremont, Proton, Artcmesia, Osprey, Melancthon and other Tewnâ€" ships makes it one of the Best Style of the Art, GCGre). R(‘,Vic‘“’,” Good Family Newspaper Bost Mediums for Advertisers "Grey : Review" waivaff,, YOTP" | Job Work w conouk Paren, > The office is furnished with Prico $1.50 per I="POSTAGE FREE "GREY REVIEW" BOOAL £20 L102_.s3 LIW2, type, partios wishing should subseribe for the If not paid in advanco. OF THE LATEST In the County ef Groy. W ORIK. done in the very All who want a WNARKEBT REPORTS 18 A lation of the o# th 4 AND HEDITORIALS. TORONTO Farmers and others who want to borrow money can have it at from 8 t> 8} per cent on the Simple Interest principle, the borrower having the right to pay off his Mortzage at any time by giving one or two months‘ notice. â€"_ Business private and confidential, _ _CLOTHING ! All kinds of prop-rt;, Insured in Good Companies at low Rates. Farm Property Insured against Fire and Ligh:ning for 3 years at 75 cents on the $100. o o t (LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE.) Man and also his Horse Insured against accidents and death from any cause. Flour, Oatmeal and Ch:opped Stuff Bill Stuff cut to order at short notice. All kinds of Seasoned Lumber kept constantly on hand. Tâ€"iimber, Has just received a large Stock AXE8, AXES,* AXES, Arother Stock, best make; Tweds, Cottons, Winceys, Lustres, &o. &o.: 4A good Black Lustre for 12} nst. Dundalk Insurance, Loaning ar GENERAL AGENCY. HATS and CAPS; a few more of those splendid BUFFALO ROBES, at prices which cannot be undersold. N., G. & J. McKECHNIE, Boots and Shoes, Millinery, and Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Stone China Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, &c, Groceries, Durham, February 14th, 1878. Chopping and Gristing attended to at shortest notice, Durham, February 14, 1878. Durham, Feb, 14, 1878. GEORGE RUSSELL, tA Suitable for the Season. w m .. G. & J. McKECHNIE, 6. & A. DAVIDSON, Special Discount for Ore Month. UE 6 C s o Wns es and Municipal Debentures Bought. Communications promp Always to be found in the Office, on Mondays and Tuesdays. ,,_GEORGE RUTHERFORD, f OFFICE, Main Stret, Dundalk, Call and See for yourselves. Durham, Feb. 14, 1878. Selling Goods Cheap For Cash. SELL CHEAP. NEWEST STYLES, AND LOWEST â€" RICES. FURS AT COST. N., G. & J. McKECHNIE, Beautiful Pattoras, Sleadid Value Groods, &c., Has on hand a Large Stock of M OGON EY . Manufacturers and Dealers in MANUFACTURERS OF Lower Town, DURHAM. on Town or Village Property. shingles. DEALERS IN A call from all old friends solicited. GEORGE RUSSELL mand Tath. yl J. H. _ UNTER yl y31 yl yl Ofl DRUGS, PATEXNT MEDICINT:, amd ATTS MAAWram mAzel 2 water, _ No ink required. hlhc;ne\-:arvA perfect gem. Sample 10 contsâ€"three for 25 cents, Cataloguetree. Address, MONTREA L to take subscriptions for the largest, cheapâ€" est and best Illustrated family publication in the world. Any one can become a suce~ss‘ul agent. . The most elegant works of art given free to subscribers. â€" The price is so low that almost everybody subscribes, One agent reâ€" portsmaking over8] 50 in a week. Alady agent reports taking over 400 subscriber in ten daye. AII who engage make money fast. _ You can devote all your time to the business, or only Kour spare time. You need not be away from ome over night. You can do it as well as others, Full particulars, directions and terms free. Elegant and expensive Outiitfree, 1f you want profitable work send us your address at onee. It costs nothing to try the business, Ne one who engages fails to make great pay, Adâ€" dress ‘"‘The People‘sJournal, " Portland, Maine is not eaÂ¥iMly earned in thes times, but it can bemade in three months by any one of either sex, in any part of the country who is willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish, 866 per week in your own town. You need not be away from how e over night. â€" You cun give your whole time to the work oronly your spare moments, . We have agents who are making over $20 per day. Ali who engage at once can make money. fart, At the preseit time money can vot be madeso easily at any other businers. 1t costs nothing to try the business. _ Terms and $5 Outfit free. Addreas at once, H, Hariztr & Co., Portland, Maine. GOLD. and OLLS, MACHINTE OILs, : of All Kinds, Go To to suit every machine, and any ; thesoe lines not in stock, will be Note the following advantages : You can fix your own time for repayment, You can repay the loan by instalwent or by one pryment, You can pay off the whole or any portion of the loan at any time by giving notice and interest at once ceaseson the portion paid. If you have arranged to pay by instalment you will not be subject to a heavy fine if you are not Enpu-ed to make the pay» ment and will simply be charged the mterest on the arrears. An average yemly payment of $147 for ten years pays off a loan of OXE THOUSAXD DoLLARs. GEO. RUTHERFORD. Biscuits and Confectionery Teas, Tobaccos, and Pil"(‘l. The Proprictor is muking these limes a speciality and consequently can do Dbotter for his customers than those im rensa amerchandiso FANCY TOYS and TOILET aArtIC LEs General Managers, 38 King Stroot Toronto. North of Scotland Canadian Mortgage Co. $1,500,000 to lond in Canada at 8 per cont Interest. Expenses reduced to the lowest p figure, and the loan put through in the est possible space of time. Farmers if you want Money apply to sviducthses ue auss e n i e 'crivlious. any one of which is worth the price of the book. â€" This book was written by the most ex» tensive and probably the most skilful practitioner in America, to whom was awarded a roid wnd jow» clied imedal by the National Medical Association. A Pamplict, iMustrated with the very finess Btecl Engravingsâ€"a marâ€" vel of art and beautyâ€" ront PREE to all. Send MEapoby"treblen® ) ‘Al insinui®. }> in TFUVOPFPI P By reading anc practicing the incstimable truths conâ€" taincd in the best medical book ever issued, entitled RELEFâ€"PRESERV ATION THVSEthm ouly $1. Sent by mail on reccipt of price. It treats of Exhausted V â€"tality, Promature Docline, Nervous and Phy:terl Debility, and the endlcss concomitant ills ond untold ruscries that reeult lh:rcf:vm, and rontui’ns- more than 50 orizinal preâ€" evdlfiifinns t oc ce anaia CR K T »A SE C evE AArerretect Acaadiccdcls 11 and Droprings is Throst Dirappoor, Br. Aumaxb, P. Q., Sopt. 18, 187¢, Na. T. J. D. HARDING. Dran 8im.â€"Being desirons that others -ylu.: mu(ol the meriis of your Coatiroriomi. Ocn..' , Iwish to inform you what i: has done for me. . lam 3 old; had been out of heult, for wbout five m"n-plmod three or four di/ferent doetors, nr Farious medicines, withont receiving any râ€".-g but contiined rather to grow worse, un mu. when bad become so bad as to be unabie to do an % work & time. Madsevere soreness mnd piin tider the shoulke Dundalk, Sept. 13, 1877 Sewing Machine Needles MESSRS. PELLATT & osLrRr M O N EY | GEO. RUTHERFORD, Agent, Main Street, Dundalk specially on “l‘[;he:‘lo-l; J. B.HARD CANNOT be cured by Snufte, Washes. or Locs .'.,»z:f.'m., w omes, some of forty yerrs . have heen entirely eured by Camerire romprmat Ctanee Reaneny, '1= hy -fi druwpists. Send stamp for tke on Oatarh to CATARRH and Stationary, Cuies ty wE9H CJ PCCC DCC.IO: O! Ventt Pais in ShoulSore, Back and Great chance to make money, _ We need a person in every town or the ltu‘g_afl. cheapâ€" ING the lowest possible Que RRH hy un,'v_m- '=.’ n Lo:? \-)nn Mh: ured by Camerire lixwrnr, For mile d stamp for Prem Pacorvic®, Ont ter of 2, Back and Lupg», in large varioty Article in v38 short 32 Protessional and business cards, space and undor, ear, Two inches or 24 linu";'ozwfi Throe inches do. per year. . . . . Quarter column, per year Malf column, ** sw k UOue columa, se se +% Do, aix months . . . Do. three months . . . cCasual advertisements charg Aring for the first insertion, and : for cach snbsequent insertion â€" AEGAMD.â€"$1,00 poer yoar i ®3.$1.25 if not paid within tw Ordinary notices of births, deaths, and all kinde of local m free of charge. Barrister, Att Chaneery, Con Owen Sound. At the Oflice, Garafrax» Street, Durham, â€" â€" BTRAY ANIMALS, «e., ady weeks for $1, the advertisome seed 8 lines. Advertisements, except when | by written instructions to the « inserted until forbndden, and ch ailar rates, I8~ ra» a* .‘, + l‘ 1 a un ©Censtantly on hand at the DUNDALK, Price "THE RE Barrister, Nolicitor Notary Public. Orangevilie, opj» Nhop. Ami' mt law Now-y ublic, residenceâ€"Dun Provincial 1 Draughtsman, etc., Dundalk 1 Fire and 1ife General Ag Lsts 82, 33, and 34, in Srd Osprey, 80 wores each ; also I €em. Proton. Toerms easy. HECTOR ! hn 1 Al PROST I{\l"il.\"l‘l-'.lih‘ Solicitors in C Farms For Seveal good lots of land for «al and unimprovedâ€" At from #5 to ©20 p In Proton, Melancthon, Ospr lingwood. Terms « J. 3. MID Nmundalk Dec. 21. 1877. BUSINESS DIRE TERMS:â€"$1.00 y Marriage Certific Licenses, JOS. McA Convevihnt February 1, 18 The best Compani Tas. Ouo®sr Pnd Do You Want a 42 Farm and Villag ##"Business done strictly priv Residence and address HOPEVIHAAE, June 21, 1877 Pundalk Dec. 2 Eul Oper RED D. McPONEIA ARRISTER, ATTORNXE â€"Uppor Town, Durham, Ont Mr. P. WHI RATES OF ADVERTI MacRAl als Regs to inform the inhabi i vicinity that he has on 1 a fime stock POY®, FANCY GOODS, COrPECTIONERY LEMON®, \ ORANGES, FRESH OYS PURE API Commissior MAITLAND MoCAI GEBORGI €)y=te h”'“fl'el STATION, + > > Good Family Pusdiak, Feb. 23, 1877 For Sale Ch r B Also that ne F1 Dundalk ISAAC TRAY JAMES 1.A MON W. FROST uD Insurance, M ut, Main Ste 16 PUBLISYED «th posit RJ Ad J. TOW PHERT th PWIP] A+t MIDI th Onex TAT nly

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