Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 14 Feb 1878, p. 3

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may t, ' uttraet a In" u. very yrar. and as mug]. " tho “Le lh-nmuun dc“ - the r. In of the fcrtiie Mb“. bets-ml. I darn-d: Mun tend)? Td the in 'to nada m ctm'nv . i . . n I). h d it " Amunou Why'd" Momma: and . “re through and . he submitted h . 33 ' called to”. (Wham: system _ " 'N Lining at and,” rushing the M l tho Pva " “min a: ttsatual View ty that - I w .. In. to OUS m and and lieu,’b M much-N H, 11101.1"... tr comm...“- |--u of an...“ d law, and h Ltrrpnse in a Canada Pm. mu that w my be and. i. :cnls 01m " the ctr“ tments A El a Very calo- m t 'ilhtg., . L'arn, which bere shag” u “when 1.. “M" liq-n... u "when s, in): before h Pes, “than“ " " unborn, It rut and-vi. I]: a few dios r the Int-0m". Mums tn a... " a to A - 1"an a tls Linn-Io- wing w luembm od. Mr. ml chi. ' investi. the ttth lireetios, lured by lby Mr. ad An]... "I pooch by a. A. have in n A. I. anPhuhi- ruins“. arfUt in m “(a b he: in It r M Mm. mam. I: vpti c. which 1m rypfo. elm: at. 'olnp- All Tho .R. idem, rz-pn-wutml the wealth nnd culture of Eng- land. his breast Hazing with decor-don reeetved from kings and the chiefs of the republic of science. the gallant explorer 'iletttly bowed his "ekttowudg.meutnttU humans hunk-rm] to him. (In fining to deliver bin impromptu I: I-lure Mr. Hunky FIX ke with-dc". tirm mum. and. with " tun-at happy blending of l t n c r. 2: Han tu tti: will nuuagnphie "wrri; tn n 1 f his “nah-r1111 jmrmy new. At.rriru. Fur two In urn be held the “ten- ttott of thc. mzseunldagc without vaginal“! Luann In the Icasl by treientitie or proud. mpg-d '- eagerly Anibal ot Mid the ”,in hall was thmgul. _ the Prince of Wiles, "eomranud by; jnuco Louis Napoleon, u-Prineo Im . x .r Pranre; the sun oftutuwgiv. of ' tl nudzMidlmt Pasha. alsottttemUd unsure!“ mg. testifying by their presence the uplan- ciahm will which Mr. Sunloy's great geo- graplmml name?» is regarded by the Royal Dbl-an: tettrrr0 “Inky rum my Thill’uln" I. (hung nun-l Town Malt " . 0":th ”In: A" Kahuna-Au. DURI’iAII DratE, wild"! Divine Err . m. mum only lem “Why t'$, nmnu 1 put) 3mm:- Brrvierm Fbusth s. Ionic. t m-r three thousand mu won Itre" t, including the lending nobility and no”; every diutinguinhed plumage in L: n m undated with whence. art,nard mm ture. All we tirketa vm week] And r. urljmuuury, mud the invitation so ox- But-“I'M: ot Mr. J nn... Dayna to the N. Y. Hot-u.) On " eveningof tho 8th no", M. Sunk dined with Iris Roy-l High.“ the Prince“ Walea. and after cm the napalm.- ot Fit. Jm’l’dmroeudd to the mating of the Boyd 1lettgrqhieat song: " St. James' Hull, when he " livml A lecture before an i-tae, In Him]: gs. Iran-r Wu mm: Holman. Mr. W Ida-Ila Wnlhoo. pan. at Saw-non! lumi- In Mr. T. A. --------" - --at Guelph. on Hm tst int, "a. m.‘ 'tttrf/ttEI,': In“. turNtt IWIM..W _ _ ”‘r.lntt'lj " C Momtr- Me ARTT 1‘01.ch Cum-nu 0-vaer Th I" n! It. a ht n ia-r-rr--- At an midvurv M the bride’- -. by 1t..e Wu.“ ytr1clr,'uv?tebert Brevire CY lbw-m IrUtuih.tl I. tht of luvvtl and] utarttttt than. w. M. Tm; incur- Human: um. “A117 In Mr lit-0|“ Mh. 0' rum-I'm: et', Fellows! n 1.354th N. " DI' mu u. of yum-ling. wit. ot Mr. ot it.) Fun r. Mr. J all od Human arse-au-a.--." [mud-uh. on the 13th ins-9., a tttr with” of John Mrlk-wen, Em... in ttu, B... C. iii-w. Mr. Richard PM to Miss May “It In of Dumhlk Vin-go. iiaaFio is... Emily M 'i"i'rdiiiG 'oriir."ria. r “I -., g“ no! of Mind-1 Mr. J _ At Rock I qe'tto of tt'rrn'HKN I " an At I lmrh: Ham - In Ben: hn hawk 5.2“... i2i,2e',ftiFi'Fdi','i2,f, . ll _ ‘d ”by. 'y, on "prrttring on the put. "eis ml with immense cheering. uml Inge mum: to greet him. In In tl " nut rcdietre, wind: the Wuulth And culture of Eng- M Key in London. MALERIEl ll. ht .-Br tho Mov. n mun-“Tn In. MeCatmott " Numb; to -, of tho um. vines. M3. lot, on ”ta-5th OII tho m. Ruth M! t hum-n "C,('r,(,__,',rr'/,',_ ', NO ARMISTICE ' tl I'm ok ml R Fwnthh ith inst... by “all ttot Pget'eg to' of Mr. Juno. w- th t " I 7 p. tr. Sands V. huh-r. 0th M . H iiuiukituiio. Ben ' Gnarls. st.. by law. In sum Maw”. ll 't., In Rev. Mr. umhmmwuh- TORY. i Elm uni-n. ind (7 tr.surl HIM nu n. and 6:1) pr turwtirstt , ma “Yr?! I vuugtstcr. ‘1 41:1) pm. Ilmzevury Mu CID-I tor: tter fr Mun-u- 1 Jun tinny} rt, Des I will sr, 2:! do-to-tdest-ttsto-tttttestimates. 3:: mews. um AND LUMBER a! Quad-nun don mph. In J. w. CRAWFORD, ,2, Roman. mm. Durham P. o. " Relaunch. ran. an " (,iii':i'i,iH,ij,.:kr. (Wool per lb.., Shoe}: skim... I Lam , Skins... 1 Hides per ewt I lluy............. '; Flour, per100, IU, at mill l Flour No. g, " " rCortt Med " " ......... i h'horts, " " A good assortment of Ready-Made Clothing hon $10 . suit I 3mm nun. Young nylon Tea, good, ......... 860 pa: lb, or 5 lbs " 01.50. Do. do., fine tUvoumd, 500 per lb, or 61h. for ”.5. Nagasaki Japan, can "tue,...... Me not lb, at 511). for M. Do. do., tine fitwoumd,... Mk per lb, or tr " foe 08.”. Chi-tie Brown'. {mom Bileuitl dug,- on hand. tmah. whtehhe mblmhudfm frmrtdamag-rtmuoturthmrotth. (MM prim- for Cub: upmd. A good in", “and Owned for w. JOHN CW3. Agent for the Western Aunt-awe Company. Fire risks “ken a low " layman“! Com r. Durham, Feb. M, mm pan " The “detained has secured “one choice lot of than is. tiBvored m“ PttRt whuttuuru-dtotimduatrir-rtuestontidiaiiioGiGsiGaiiU. Allan lot MOUNT “WEST MARKETS. Confederate oifioe, Jan. Mr, 1878. Flottr per barrel..............." 00 to 5 50 Oatmeal per barrel............ 4 50 to 5 oo Full Wheat....................... l 05 to l 10 'l‘reulwell Wheat............... 1 05 to 1 10 Spring\Vhont.................... 0 85 to 0 90 Barley............................. 0 40 to 0 40 "tttr............................... o 28 to o 80 pmo................................ 0 go to 0 " "unlice- pot bag............... o 60 to 0 6.5 "utter.............................. 0 10 to 0 13 'Isnt................................. 0 15 to 0 18 Prices greatly reduced, for Cash only, after First March. "run. " " Full Wheat per bush Spring Wheat bb . Oats " , Harley " i'eaa " ' Hay per ton........... Potatoes per bugs.... Pork p0? 100 tb....... Iteef " ............ Hides " ............ Sheepskins 'stuh...... Ilutter per IIs........... E2231”? dos........ . Wood, dry, per cord Wool...................., Chiehins per ptur....., Geese per Ib..........., Turkeys per lb........ Full Wheat, pot bush . Spring Wheat " Pr Barley, " . 0m, " . l'eM. .. ...... Dressed Hogs, per 100 lbs 1'tttter,Iolts, per lb......... bb tub dniry,... Esr,rt,pordoz...... Potatoes, per bag 'l'urnips, per bush Hay. per ton...... TAILOR AND ta,0THIER Itcsidenre--oppordto the Canada Pushy Custom Sawing of Lumber Spring and Summer Fashions regularly With the Circular Bor-h-tMt m o! a“ Imam-am Durham, Hub. li, 1878. Cutting done to Order. Durham, Feb. M, 1878. VICTOIA TEA STORE. a OHN ROBERTSON. D U BIL“! Sr., DURHAM. DURHAM MARKETS. humus, February 14, 1878 NagtEiiiiEiTrtiiitirr'?Nsiiiin TORONTO MARKETS. YOUNG HYSON AND SHINGLES, Tonox'ro, tcrian Church. SELLING OFF. received. ', War! February H, 1878. .... " 18 to M 20 .... 0 98 to l 02 10.5 20 to 18 00 to . 020 to060 .040to00 .500to500 .800t01000 '2 50 to t'2 50 '2 M to 2 M l 30 to I 30 l (I) to l 25 0 70 to 0 70 " H7 to 0 29 to " 30 to 0 53 to l Wi to 33 to GI to tr 00 to 18 to 15 to 025t0080 Accounts collected slurp. '23 to 50 to 0 40 o 53 ll 50 0 " 4 50 1800 0 H7 65 5 50 yl 64 25 18 25 65 Dress Goods in great variety. As Ittrttal we have the beat "ook of HASTIE Whwies at 8 cts., superior to anything ever offered u the same pncc. WINTER SHAWLS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS -psrhite, gray, “Grey Review,” scarlet and fancy. ‘Vinl (‘1' C-4-oetar,. in Coats, Pex Jackets, Overcoat» Pub and Vests. Great bargains in Ladies, Furs. of every description. OUR TEA at M cent. and 50 cent: on I trial recommend: mm. Mens' Felt Irata in ttrest uric”. GREAT bugnim in Fur CAPS. HASTIE 4: GRANT. Durham, Feb. 1878. y-l A great choice of every serviceable kind. Cutters ! Cutters I Carriage works) of the best material, good fitiiah and " prices as low as any other establishment in the cuuuty. Those in need of Inch articles woulddo wrll to on]! and inspect my stoc. CUTTERS AND SLEIGHS, MARKDALE. Would all the attention of the public Ot Duudalk, And tsurrounding eountry, to the fact that ho yee1sonytaetly on hand I -eee _ Inge Stock of - WATCHEtr, Oman, and J EWELLEBY, which he yells st Toronto prices. Eam- ment sud Wedding Rings I am. Goods to select hom sent on tsppluation. y80 E. D. Wprx. E. D. WILCOX, in quality an] price to suit everyone Durham, Feb. Hill, 1573. GROCERIES & IIARDVVARE Are selling the balance of their & GRANT 1)[Il{IIA1\1 at groatiy reduced prices. CANADIAN TWEEDS A LARGE STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES- It. McFARLANE. CLOTHING AT THE J. H. BROWN. Tho Iago and npidly manning Circu- in the Toulhipl of Glenelg, Bentinok. Normandy, Egremont, Proton, Artemelia. Osprey, Melunothon and other Town. ships make. it one of the MW.“ “at binding Job Department, Is now fitted up in the very best style, and Possesses great Fucilitiu for doing all Having lately made an addition to our And with the Greatest Promptitude. Can depend upon being satisfied byleoving NEW P1138838, TYPE, Etc Good Family Newspaper MOST APPROVED KINDS. Best Mediums for Advertisers, “Grey Review” Best Style of the Art, (“GREY REVIEW" Price $1.50 per Arman. Job Work tse" POSTAGE FREE” KOCH. AND mums ms. would subscribe for the In the County of Grey. The onion is furmurhed with I OOLUXN PAPER, It not paid in ndnneo. type, parties wishing OT? THE LATEST All who nut I , TOWNSEND done in tho very us their orders. htiou of the E;’:¥?~E§ AND EDITORIALS. [1:3 le, ONTARIO Omar. Has just received a large Stock of HATS and CAPS ;""a few more of those splendid BUFFALO ROBES, 3. prices which cannot be undersold. Groceries, Inunber, Stone China Tea Sets, Toilet Sets,&c, Bill SHE out to order " short notice. - All kinds of S'caaoucd'Lumlrer kept corstantly on hand. Flour, Oatmeal and Chopped Stuff, WILL SELL CHEAP. Dry Goods, 800., All kind. of proper? Inland in Good Comp-nie- Au. Rates. Farm Property Insured against in and Lightning tor 3 you: " " cent! on the 8100. (LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE} In and Alto his Home Inland against accident: and death from uny can-e. HI6'AREHWES TORONTO Dundalk Insurance, Leaning Durham, Feb. 14, 1878. Chopping and (hitting “tended to at lbw-teat notice, Durham. Februnry M, 1878. Durham, February 14th, 1878. CLOTHING ! GENERAL AGE NCY. GEORGE RUSSELL, N., G. & J. MCKECHNIE, Boots and Shoes, Millinery, Staple and Fancy Dry/Goods, AXES, AXES, Another Suitable for the Season. A call from all old friends solicited. NEWEST STYLES, AND LOWEST RXCES. Special Discount for One Month. Selling Goods Cheap For Cash. Call and See for yourselves Durham, Feb. 14, 1878. . & A. DAVIDSON, F URS AT COST. N., a. a J. MCKECHNIE, Beautiful Funeral, Sloudid Value. Whom Lush-es. to. dat.: A goodBUek Lustre for P21 cents. Manufacturers and Dealers in Has on hand a Large Stock of Lower Town, DURHAM. MANUFACTURERS Of? MONEY. Shingles. J. MCKECHNIE, DEALERS IN Stock, and I uttt h. GEORGE RUSSELL yl '. II. HUNTER. yt yl yt Ton. Tobma, and piper; int-oi-r. tutd OILS, MACHINE 0113. “an: of All Kinds. " N . to suit may machine, and a, It“. " these lines not in stock. wilt In. M specially on nrplieatiort. The Proprietor is making than - . speciality and eons-tt.v can doUthe fur his te'""'" “In those in M merchandise. General Managers, 38 King 8m H Toronto. Books and stationary, f', FANCY TOYS and TOILET ARTICLE” Biscuits and Confection. North of Scotland Canadian Mortgage Co. $1,500,000 to lend in Canal: at 8 per cent Interest. Expenses reduced to the Iowa. [0* figure, and _the Iotyt. put urn-[ugh in it. - i on Visible; space of UG." Farmers it you want Money Apply to Note the following advantage t You can fir your mm u% for my.“ You can repay the law by ill-Mu h one payment. You can [my off the whole or In, pot“ d the loan at my time by shun. node. n! Intel-eat n (“Ice venue-on the panic- F“. If you have nmngml to [my b tu-ttr-t you will not be lulrjoct to nienvy I. if you are not l"":,',',',',';', to husk-them- ment and vi I umply be obliged the Interest on the uncut. An nvomgzn ymuly payment of .147 for (on warn pays off a low of ONT. THOUSAND DOLLARS. GEO. RUTHERFORD. put of the m untry who in willing to math ntemlily at the empl nyumut that we “will. $66 her week in yum own town. “an nod lint be away from hon a “ver night. You on. give your whole time to the work orally your warm moments. We lune agent: who IN making over 8‘20 per day. Ah who cum " once can mike mum-y fat t. At the pm: time Ian-y can ttot he made um “any n - other busimws. It cqu nothing to " tho Luninwn. Tern, run! 95 outfit (we. Alb. " mice, H, “ALI r.'IN' & Co,, Para-ad; MM... $777 Great chum to nth I t . llumry. . We ml . pen-m m rvrry town to taka. sulssruiptiotrs Ina" the lurge-u'. cheap- hit an i host illustrstlf:'tttily "Amado. II lhc wool. Any um- l‘ZIII Immune n ruoeMIkl arm“. The "Ind clcrrtttit works of an givm {we to sulN-I ilrvrs. 'l'hv price in no hm that alum“ cwauuly suUwrihes Ime agent"- P" tunnkingmcn $11.31) In I wcek Algal} - reruns talong 'rvt't' 4m rsulvsctatwr in (a " dam. All who Mirage nmko- mum-y but. Yul: on tlvvote nil yum" mm- to the business. at an" yunr symc limo. You need nut Inc (may (M huum mw-r night You can do it " well In others. Full tuiriiotlrtrrs, ulna-[inns Ind tn free. tilt-gnu! and rxpenuvekhmit {nan "you want prulitulnlr “mu pend u: your add"!- " once. It eortst nothing to try the huninm. No one who engages fail" b, maln- great POV- Ad. drcu "The Peopie'rJourmrk" PM“. Al on) human ties, Uvittg [and place Indil Mink-luv tho Bondy to: the qua Cmmplimx. Anllu and "ll Throat ond Lung Mg: n1m|ul’n~!l|\r vil!'ctdicatr'ttrxt6 m Debility and all Nun-on Go. having Churn-ughfy Distal in . the pave" in thousand! of C... duty to make " known " hi “Curing“- Irma. Aettr-ted by thin motive “d . - ninth-m 'leaire to miie hum-II "urarisur. Sewing Machine Nasal“ Dundalk, Sept. 18, 1877 " T.' n. lumuxa WJMJi-A' ii... " of hum. In! .umada h. mums-I. Warm-3 “PM 'ee, -aiua%ai "Tu-1; JU/L 1;“le LT, W" -. in maul-nod ulnar to mm won, a; a“. ng but ""." tmd " m I. "hank: when} FEW-3!", don - mun-u. 5nd: - .1“ why. pay Catarrh “.9",- any MliSSltS. PELLMT & CELEB. rm You" 'iairi. an"; LEAF-23 iaiuti Tiq mind-through m. ttsr"udeIt, "tl.h TL“: com-umuud 1111111! mail-H n tltrrctjrrru,ajouti; . I :1:1’(‘(L: Ivri rtioux, WW “II "r wl erl W HIV-Sh '.. 1%sz YUtts written 11:4" unnh :nl..dl\'l!|vmmlSL1“ in Ann ti; m xwlwm wn- "wan: 'ur/cr-rl-tlily-harm-rt-l-Isla' A l'aunpfhl, Mann! " with th .‘wzv-rl L: prahit--s um. “I " an rtrl 1svuury-- wm Ht. L. fn "I' sod fir it It! I n "', Adam H 11:.“th 1HuHCh 'ITJS'H’H"! r, .'s M. 41mi- HstlF Ind) M., lymnm. Fin-I. CONSUMPTION CURED. 351: GGiiiG." mm wit {mun-.4 In. In: (“In Inn-d.“ WM 1 In" ”I". My "may, I until-h Ei'iii an JR of - ""'"""I 51 par Inna. F “I m tiar.ur.r.t.t/MatmN In»: “I. TAKE hi “all. KNOW 'i,ii: 1mm??? try MONEY! "WWW; Elf-"1.11? ELIJJ...JF. GU FFa . Irina t 'trr-ttu wunllmlul mm..- - "m my»: mg mun. ”nu-1. ya: I] ”an; A! iitiiirtiiii'; ai,, ofExhnum‘J Van :n'aus Ind Pttrtcri I) GEO. RIVTHERFORD, AM Main Street, Dundhk. Ex QQTABEE E ”mu-1 I. mun“ mm.- “at... I I, n Amu-nIlI-nl I'm‘ ', t" - tt u I...“ "an and... I, Lrtee 'set .n-p.u...yawm- [m tr 'wt , nraotFl8 III-vol Pat-h , vx"lis'rIr"s'trtm Win-Juliu- .4 Trt ortnrrt,G, Lr!j'r)ei $1 on FUCr N t l In] V 1:1“ny n J 1.: £1111”.le '.n.l untold t amumu Marc IL. u-us', mum! from active [Inc- plpu-ud in his lunch? In M y Hm funuuln of I W”. nyw-ly and pennant an d (sUltttta, erhaigm 11.! WW an!!!” hunk I St r Sum-d, otittrd >I.I.1‘-I'1W6Eu . TIN ls, rmlt u. " . 1 I H L' in I a tnu'y,lrc P, Ll/‘K'il‘j A , if” ~, xx will LI , - ~|.‘H|1.t‘- - - awn w I u we “tutu-u , , . a ' mm! rkllf ‘ pm < n'p'nwnrril- . .4 J "lonLlFiIdI ru , ' 't " with 1h. ' “Kl." 'IH-- S: rd We ruaTaiue- Gadokf. twin-d In me but mad "M urrjztygésm mg in tto". ruily and In the. times, but It can Int-made in time mouths bv my on. of either In, In any y88 P M U ll

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