Ontario Community Newspapers

Grey Review, 14 Feb 1878, p. 2

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if! yr '1: "tip the United Kingdoms must interest ‘HW have) tune-whether in a.rc'ttsre'l was, oeto pace. or Mays “mun! our “union. of shining tho Ind Osiderated and it will be the pupa-cot Tn GREY anuw from time to time to point out this way, not without hope that many of the more en- light-nod Conservatives in this neighbors hood viii Income 'soueinred--tuta not upon the e "tvietioet-titat to be true Con-rea. in. of the public good, they must iimt u. come downright smut liberal Reformen, pulling down And costing away that which mint be built into the building without endangering the whole Itmctnn. The struggle between Toryiun sud IAN-[ism Ar not eonbted to Canada. It is being M in every civilized nation. We chi! club-var to draw lessons from politi- “M u the] - in the older mm ”a” Maintain Cunn- l - “M "anything of inter- j "We men of both parties on public wands. Conservatives we look upon us brethren nnd follow citizens pursuing I m'anilnr obj“ ourselves, but doing so h u but fashion. The Liberal party believe any It". got nf mini-In tho “(I " Government by party is the essentinl oute 1:19 of lr yulsr pulitical freedom. In r'ur day and Nth UHF institutions, any "tue. than g 'ctu'tttuer-t by party is simply i:uposcihle. ‘lhus in political matters we tiud "tttwives divided. One chm trall trainer/cs Reformer.- or Liberals, another style themselves Conservatives or Tories. In balms-pa there in {Mind to he room " ~eonsidenhle latitude in opinion and untiuient. The respective parties how- ever. agree in the main on some lending PrineiPles,and the practical outcome of principle: on the questions of the a» “Mt people find themselves be. Ionging to either of these two classes. The state of mind of that man is not to be enviednrho says he belongs to neither. Any new-paper, especially, who, like our- _ unjust hum-hing on the popular Milo“. might as well not make the at. tempt did we give any uncertain sound on Many“. We mum found advoeat. l in. political liberty, progress and ccono- I my " home or Abroad. We will consider unsure. on their merits as they come be, ' he mend will endeevor with fairness ( and Why to criticise the conduct of l can, yum many \ tion. Accepting! clear Grit, the Go \l‘ienzie mud Mr. catty support )ictagrat, tion of public "i' plasma. " it is on In dam. it will be our canshnt anon mnd aim so to eonduet the Rivnzw that it will he I wrlrmuc visitor in every house. hold in Hm f numy of Grey. An interesting fontnro of the Barium will be the Household and Childrenn' De. portannt. And here we would take the op- Munity of soliciting the encouragement Ind lid of on: fair tenders in making this dopatmont A: perfect u it ought to be. Great attention will he paid to selected mtter. so that of the diiferrnt departments of Edumtion. Commerce, Science. Litem. tare and News, mu readers will be kept, abreast of the use in which we live. i more math] to the "ee-ual prosecu- tion of Igriculture u of all other industrial Mal aatd interesting information upon “a "ti.ets would not only be of direct We“. ht would tend to develop that ad- mttith, “in which is becuming more and dune ns n being "euar Git." Well, whether we may. be deserving of that honornble design-don or no, will much depend upon the way in which the term is understood. If by being a elenr Grit & want being the 'tneompeomitsing opponent of wrong doing in them politic. And being the earnest dram-to of whatever tends to promote the hat interests of the people, then we any safely plead guilty to the Grittiah impute- than of their mutant-ugh. . ?our au y u et th in t . o in we t,' Id d M o pou' a, a b ily TORY UR LlltERAL--wHIcH? ”Believing u we do in the necessity of Party to the healthy government of the annuity, 'e will always maintain the Lib. on! ide in Politics. Our eontempomrvin l this in" in I late issue has dimmed I In eolnmencmg the issue ot a nun- p'aparin the Town of Durham we do no with amicable hesitation. The timea, and Dyed-11y the circumstanm of this turn and the surrounding country at present an not such an to give much en. coungemo-m: still. as the want of a paper m’ a mare progressive and libeml channel than our rcspacted mporary. hubocn hit " many 'c".",,,".') we tUtter our. l, arlic, that \u can apply that want, In thus and our "am; hopeful that the Gnu Maw may commend itself to the intelligence of our people, and enjoy a share lf their _pntmuagc. _ aCour baker, 1htrhaG,iarTiiTir"'i2riiiriE ---dh-. TO OUR FRIENDS. ..-.. , more excellent way REVIEWI Cuuncn orruusa.-Tho new Methodist Church at the Walt Bush appointment. Bentinck. was opened for divine service on Sabbath, Jan. 28th, the Rev, Mr. Green, of Hanover, preaching in the morning and evening, and the Rev. R. Godfrey, of Dar. ham, in the afternoon. The Church was crowded at each service. A ten meeting was he on the Monday following, Dad was n t; summit. Mr. J. Hop. f A Snu. SEIZURE " HANOVER, Alex. ',.' Cavon, of Godorich, collector of inland r revenue. of Walkorton, acting upon infor- _ mation received, last Thursday night visited l Mr. George Campbell's hotel. known as the White Horse. in the township of Bern. . tinck, and about four miles west of Durham, , where they found a worm of a still con- cealed that had evidently lately been used. , Campbell was arrested, brought before H. E P. Adams and A. Z. Gotwnlle. J. Re. and ' found Guilty of u misdemeenour and sent , to Owen Sound to await trial at the next [ Assizes. The still is not yet discovered. Emnrmnn " Acumen. --The annual Sunday School Entertainment of Christ Church, Allanpark, took place last Friday evening, in the Orange Hell. The attendance was good, and the affair passed off pleasantly. The children gave it num- ber of recitation, and dialogues. The Choir, Miss Fenson presiding at the or- gm, contributed gently to the pleaeant. nese of the evening. Mr. Goodeve. tho l waperiutendent, Mr. R. B. ll alker, and I Rev. Mr. Green, gave addresses. A num- , her of prizes were given during the even- g ing to the children. 012 was realised for l the bomstit of the School. I tary, T. Jones; Treasurer, W. A. Anderson; Chaplain, J nmes Brodie ; Director of Core. monies, Thus. Ferguson; Co. Lecturer, Stewart Fleming; The next annual meet- ing will be held in Mount Forest. Ommm: Count! 1.0mm, S. Cort-This lodge methere at annual meeting, on Tues. dny last week, when the following officers were elected: W. Master. James Edge, Esq; D. Master. Samuel Fleming; Secre- A FEW weeks since specinl meetings (v), held in the Baptist Church in this town, conducted by Revs. Messrs. Grant, Wanna. and others. and resulting in about 45 members being added to the Church. Recently special meetings have been held in Pricovillo._nncl a large number war» baptised last week in that village. l l Tser. annual Soiree of tho Lntmm Press bpterian Church will he held on Wednes- (lay evening, Feb. 27th. Tca served at seven o'cloek. Addresses will be delivered hy RM. Mr. Bethune, of Chcsley, Rn-v. Mr. Park, of Durham, and others. A good time may be expected. Tm: Rev Mn. DONALD, of Port Hopo, assisted by other Rev. Gentlemen, has, during the past week conducted a series of Evangelintic Service: in tho Presbyterian Church, with an” acceptance. Tho at- tendance has increased night by nightmnd the interest continued unabated. _ Mr. W. merom) is pr lumber, and make shingles tice and at low rates.nt Mills, Bentinck. Sec adv. J. II. Huang has just received a large ’stock of Clothing, Stone China were, axes, Tweods, Cottons, etc. See advertisement. " the recent special meetings held in the Canada Methodist Church, Durham, and at the Orange Hall, near here, about thirty persons joined the Church. M23333. N. G. h J. McKechnie will be found ready to attend to all who mny call upon them, either at the Bridge, Durham, or at t heir Grist and Saw Mill. _ Rev. Alex. F. McKenzie has accepted the can to Kilsytho and North Derby, in the Presbytery of Owen Sound. Hasmar & Gum are selling tho balance of their Winter Goods at greatly reduced prices. 800 advertisement elsewhere. J. H. Bnowx will commence selling " at greatly reduced prices After the Ist of March- See ndvt. W: direct the attention of our render: to the cheap and good taaa advertised by John Cameron. WI bee to tender our thanks to J. n. Hunter EN., M. P., for sending us Parlia- meutary papers. Rm E. & A. Dnvidson‘s adv. Cara. on Geo. Russell forDry Gooda,etc., Lower Town, Durham. Tn: regular Monthly Fair, It Durham, takes pine on Tuesday next, the 19th inst. Fan tt good, substantial Cutter or Car. riage try the Durham Carriage Works. ooveruia ttntiltoo utito Lia; tho evil, but in future we intend to print on good We beg to apologize to our tenders for being In. this week, owing to our runaw- al. We expect to be on time next wool. The qutlity of the paper on which this edition iaprintod in very poor, nnd will new shad handling. We did not dia. V Thenpecto! emit-in Turkey during the past week hare enacted considerable attention. The latest new; is that the British Net has weed through the Dar. denellee for Comsuntinopu, and that the Rue-hm would occupy the city. Intense excitement he. been caused in Great Brit, 1 THE EASTERN QUESTION TO OUR READERS. and Other Items, prepared to saw [es on short no. Lt tho Rockvillc tis, As anticipated, there was a dxscuseiun mined by tho leaders of the Opposition us to whether or not Mr. Anglia could be elected Speaker, he not having been intro. duced in the customary way, and them. fore, according ta the argument of the right honorable gentleman, not a pat) of the Hausa-81: “In forge“ u he The Home was nvefttrttusllyoptyuod yes- terday on account of the Commons being without a Sponkcr. There was, however, an unusually large number of M. Ps. pres» ent, owing to the general expectation am there would be some discussion, and pro. _ hably a division over the b'voakerrihip. 3 The members were summoned at 8 :o'clock in the afternoon to the bar of the Senate, when Sir W. B. Richtmla an- nounced that His Excellency would ex. plain the reason for summoning them after they had elected a Speaker. (From our own Correspondent.) I Ottawa, Fob. 8th, '78. Tho weather here during tho past week has been the very antipodes of what was foreshadowed by our Canadian weather prophet, and yesterday a great many M. Ps who had arrived the night before. were seen moving about tho Parliament and Departmental Buildings noting the im- provements made in the grounds and West Extension Iiuihlitig--t largo portion of which is now oeeupied-sinec lust Session, or calling on Ministers and friends. I no. ticed Dr. Lundcrkin, the member for South Grey, among the number. IL, ar- rived from Toronto Wednesday evening. and looks as if he were quite able to stand the fatiguea of any length of a Session A number of the Western members had at- tonded the Reform Convention held in To. ronto on Tuesday, and they all say it was one of the most successful meetings ever held in the Province, in respect to nun- bcrs, intelligence and unanimity. I. Somme AT Burner. CHURCH, thsrisErao.-.- Last Friday evening tt Suiree was held at v the lietliel appointment, Glenelg, about . four miles from Durham. The Church, , whiehlms just been re-sez;ted, was taste- fullydcm;rctvd with evergnens. tmd by the time the tea was. rend); was filled with , an expectant and happy looking audience. , After singing, the well-tilled plates and f ten were passed around, and quickly dis. l pmeduf. A well trained Choir sang a. number of pieces during the vvetting,wliieh added much to the plvasantuess of the affair, Miss; A. Dunks presidingnt the organ. Mr.Johu Ritchie wus appointed to take the chair. The liar. Mr. Baynun gm e an interesting and instructive read. ing. Mr. liinghaiu gave a brief and hum. ornus uddress on mathematics, followed by ‘u short uddxess by J. Townsend. Mr. C'hriUoirltcr Williams kept the nudh uce in laughter for a time, and spoke of the pro- gross made in this section. and was fol- lowed by Mr. James Banks, who gave An excellent address on the glory of Great ', Aritain through Christianity. Mr. Jaboa Banks followed, and succeeded in keeping the audience in good humor for some time. Mr. Edwards spoke briefly, and the Rev. l IL Godfrey made the closing speech. ( Votes of thanks were then passed to the 1 Choir, the Chairman, and to the ladies for , providing tho eatubles, etc. Proceeds $88. i - ---_- --ts-irm---r----- t ROYAL BLACK Ksttmrss.--The Royal Black Knights British North America, on- campod at Orangcville, on the 4th inst. Members present trom the Counties of Wellington and Grey. The following were elected ofliecrs for the current term t Thus. Wilson, Orangovillo, Worshipful Master; Joseph McArdlo, Proton, Deputy Master; ‘Jolm Mason, ()ratogcvillo, Chaplain; John Wittcrs, Orangevillv, Itogistrar; W. J. Morrison, orancrcville, Treasurer; William Vegan, Fleshcrton, and Roht. Burns, Mount Forest, Lecturers; Thomas Reid and Jas. May, Amaranth, and Henry Vurcoe, Mono, Standard Bearers; Blaney McGuire, Pursttirant; Coruuiittec-.Wm. Hand, and F, Carson, Orangeviilv; Joseph May, Amaranth; Chas. Smith, Mono; John Paisley, Arthur; D. C. McKinnon, Mono Mills; Joueph Kilgour, Mount Forest. two o'clock P. M. Sou-u: Gun L. o. L.-TU mun-.1 meet. ing of the South Grey L. o. County Lodge was held at Durham on Tuesday, last week, a largo attondunco being present. The fears for the current yen were cloned " allows :--Janus Edge, Glenelg. County Master; Samuel Fleming, Proton, D. C. M.; Jan. Brodie, Artcmosia. C. Chain; Thomas Jones, Durluun,C. Sec'y.; Wm. A. Anderson, Durham, C. Trout; Thus. Ferguson, Mulnncthon, C. D. of c.; Stew- mt Fleming, Proton, C. Lccmror. The semi-annual meeting will be held at All. andalc, on Tuesday, Mth June, and we next annual meeting will take place at Mount Forcst on the fimt Tuesday in Feb. ruury, 1870. Both meetings will open at Notes from the Capital. J Ame: Brown, Commission”. Dtrrrtmur--commissioner, Thom Juli, William Parsons, Geo. Hellman. Inspec- tor--Thonua Anderson. 1878. - J Can (North Itiding)--C. C. Pearce, In. Spcctor; George Price, Benjamin Allan, Matthew Kennedy, Commissioners. Gnu (East 1liding)-9tums Campbell, Inspector; Thomas Tyson, W. J. Mush. Wm. Brown, Commissioners. GI]! (South 1tiding)--Thomaa A.Hurin. Inspector; Flaky Kaolin. Robert Wacon, "mes Brown, Commissioneu. Imumrrom, AND Ststmsarotasta.-.-. The following are the Inspectors and Commits. signers for Grey and 1huterin, for the your t “'79 _ Mu. J. SPENCE. of the Durban Hotel, killed two very tine hogs on Wednesday, this week, which, when dressed. weighed 1014 pounds. Famer & Coonl, Ben-intern. of Owen Sound, have opened a Law Otfies, at Flesh- erton, which will be a convenience to the people in and near that village. See curd. ather he ui tion I have agnin nominated Dr. Orton to be tserif pupils attending the result of tho a. whivoin the Common. _ Schools. which was gr: It in "id that a. tonpoonful of catholic aid in n tumbler of water, well sprinkled he.“ bedstead, ia m 'sir-al bed-bu“ Wet salt placed around a window will prevent it from freezing down. _ The Rev. gentleman then prnevvdod to _ deal with the special subjcet which he was , appointed to present to tho audience, viz., , --"The Foreign Mission ;" and in doing so he would first refer to the work of the . Church in the North West Territories. Fifteen years ago the Church scutthc Rev. ', Mr. Nisbit to the Saskatchewan, where he ‘ labored with great success in instructing _ the people in the Gospel, and teaching: them Low to cultivate the soil of their prairies. However, now the Church has resolved to tsonfine its operations to in. structing the people. At present we have nine missionaries laboring in that region. and at tho school there are 48 Indian ehil. dren receiving religious and secular in- struction. We he?) also missions in Indis,China,and Formosa. The Rev. gen- tleman graphically and lucidly described the terrible moral degradation in which the natives of those eountrieg are lying. The Meeting an afterwards addressed a by the Rev. Mr. Graig and Mr. “ford, 1 on the duty of Christian liberality. I Centre Wellington Liberal C The next subjoet to which he would " rect the attention of the audience was the Home Mission, whose object was to carry the Gospel to destitute parts of the country and to the French population of Lower Camuls--for this purpose $338,000 is re- quired for this year's work. _ 1y " some of the other schemes of the' Presbyterian Church. One of those was the Colleges, of which there were sixin the Dominion, whose object was to provide an educated ministry for tho wants of the Church, and for this purpose tho Church required 348,000 to enable it to carry on its work in this doparhncnt. Last night (Wednesday) a Missionary Meeting was held in the Presbyterian Church by appointment of the Presbytery Q! Snugcou. Tho Church was well fslled. Tho Rev. Mr. Park occupied the chair. _ After the meeting was opened with sing. ing and prayer, the chairnmn called upon tho Rev. Mr. McDonald, of Elam, to tul. dress the meeting. Tho Rev. gmntlumnn in commencing his address, said that be. I fore dealing; with the special subject which he Ivad on hand, he woaldirefor short l ly to some of the other schemes of thé Presbyterian Church Mission, any Meeting. _ License Inspector vs. John Irving. dc. fvndant--The case was to ho heard at Ay- ton an the 14th inst., but the witnesses not appearing. it was adjourned until Monday, I the 18th inst. The witnesses who failed to appear were arrested and bound over in the sum of8100.00 to appear when called. License Inspector vs. Adam Euler, de. fouant--Chargcii with selling liquor with- out license, on the 7th of January last. Fined 820, and costs amounting to $8.60. License Inspector vs. Samuel Roweâ€"‘ The defendant has left the country. I In the evening their Excellonoicn held tt Drawing Room, where many of those who delight in such outertttinruents had the op- portunity ot mnking their best bow. I thought whilo looking at some of our M. PH. and citizens whose latitude is Hither out of keeping with their longitude, that they would have some di0ieulty in keeping the proper poise while going through tho evo- lution. l The address from the throne is quite in keeping with the anticipated length of the Sessiun, being quite 11 long one, and touch- es upon a number of important topietr--the award of the Fishery Commission; the " facts to be expected from the Sydm-y Ex. hibition in opening up new markets for Canadian products; further securing the Independence of Parliament; the unnot- mont of a. Homestead Law, &e., For Mani. toba and the North West Territories ; n more thorough system of auditing the Public Accounts. ao., &e.,--muking up a bill of fare which will no doubt ontail a good deal of discussion and laboert when perfected will be of immense bcuciit to the " country. There "a I grant crowd of people out this afternoon to witneu the formal open- ing of Psrlitunent. This ceremony has been tn Ittrnctive feature of each Session, since the advent of the present Governor General. A: the hour nt which tho Gov, ernor General was to arrive drew near, a continuum stream of carriages w:th fair and gaily attired occupants was seen weud. ing their Iuy to the entrance to the Senate Chamber. Soon the booming of the gur- risun guns on Nepean Point announced the coming of His Excellency. who in n few minutes made his appearance with his aides-dc-cump in a carriage drawn by tour fine and beautifully matched horses, ttsairrtifitrol, harnessed. On arriving under the arch of the tower at the main entrance, the Guard of Honor presented ruins, and the Guards' Band, perhaps the iiuost in tho Dominion, struck up the Na. tional anthem. The" in oomidenble discussion is to the probabilities of . long Session, and the general impression is that it will be I long one, Ind inf-Hing from what transpired during last Session and " 4he urioul pie- nic gatherings during tlo post murmur. I think I - nto in saying that more than one stormy some will be witnessed before its close. taste, " Mr. Anglin,who is In Irishman. and one of the moat intelligent memben of the Home, and . Roman Catholic in religion, in wknowledgod by both parties to pone-o high qtmlitieistiomr for that hon. arable position. The vote on Mr. Mac- kenzie's motion that Mr. Anglin be Speak- er stood you 116, nnys " m. qrhieh toa7GTmm_thavrT,ia' mything but gratifying to the Opposition indeed. I uiu 35m; prominent. 'coniU. ndveu muck that the come pursued by Sir John in the matter was in very bad Liquor Cases. om'NtTt5 "NtRl5rRN TORONTO .<,u _ as opened wuh sing- rlminnuu called upon old, of Elam, to tul. The Rev. gentleman varsity. The Bill, however, page]. Mr. no“ moved for a. return of the number of ' fourth eluss, up to $1,400 for " first class " Clerk. Tho “solutions worn Elohim-d la- n majority of 43 to 28. On Friday Mr. o Mills moved for a rn-tm'n in the 1mttirt of vs expenditure in connection with the “on! ., and Dumb Institute at iii-llnillo, which n was agreed to. A motion nnull- by Mr 8 Bell for certain inl'nnuution in refcrvuec to L. the free grunt Lands, was modified in the '. motion of the Hon. Mr. Frazer. who (x- e pressed his willingness to ln'ing down all g the information at his disposal. Mr. Scott I then moved a resolution in rcfu'cncu to tho I r property acquired by Railway Companies 3 aftcr the issue of their bonds; the object of . the resolution being to enable persons sel. -' ling supplies to Railway Companion to re- l cover the amounts due them. Mr. Mowut quite concurred in the spirit ol'tho resolu. tion, but deprecated such export faeto leg. islution. and after some discussion the further sonsidemtion of the subject was de. ferred. On Monday, the 11th inch. after routine, the Hon, Mr. Frazer moved the i 6mt reading of the Voters Lists, “Finnlity 1 Bill,"the object of the measure being to , make tuoertitietN of the County Judge 1 final and conclusive evidence of the cor. I rectum of any voter: list. Vulcan Bills i were advanced u Inge. On the second ( reading of the Bill to incorponte the Wes. l tern University of London, loverul gentle. a men opposed the manure n being ininr. ious to the interact: of our National] [Tr-L .‘ I berg of Her Majesty's Opposition. After routine on Wednesday, the 6th inst, Mr. Mowat announced that the a. mount of licensen paid by the Brewom,and which had been declared by the Supreme Court to have been illegnly colhcted would be refunded. A long discussion took phase on a motion of Mr. Creighton for the production of correspondence between the Government and the Queen's Printer in relation to the rate at which Government printingis to he paid for. The motion was ogrmd to. On Thursday the House went into Committee to Consider certain reso- lations affecting the civil service. Lit, That the Deputy of tho Attorney General, the Deputy of the Minister of Education, the Assistant Commissioner of Crown Lands, the Assistant Provincial Secretary, the Assistant Comtuistiioner cf Public Works, the Assiatunt trensurer and the Clerk of the Executive Council shall 'Le the Deputy heads of the Depiutnienh to which they are attached, m.d 2nd. That I the clerks in the. different Departments he divided into form classes, with a range 1fo salaries from 5400 for n Clerk mum-inn Hu- Parliamentary Summary. ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. The business of tho, Assembly is p grossing rapidly, notwithstanding the I structivo tendencies of some of the me bers of not Majestv's Onnmzitinn l. "Patrons;" consequently I found myself .0 among the invited at the Supper, and such r- insight and [cast as gladtlcned the eyes d and stomach: of our opienrean solves, a would have modifed the heart of the must b hardened old hygenio Tprobate that trav- I l' chi. There were almost every description I l, of food placed upon the large tables, which ' the ladies had prepared with unusual care ; --evc'n to oysters-and that latter, Mr. I Editor, I feel hko dwelling npun " a lit. P tie time,lmt space will not admit of it. . Some expressed themselves a: nut alto. getlmr sat:Micd, for the remmn that they I did nut get any. but I imagine I can ex- , plain that. You mmt understand they . were obliged to spread two tuhles, as the . nutulrerprcscnt was so great: and I am , uequaintel with three or four Wonderful . oystereaters wliu were at the first falule . ieotdidcntitdly, Mr. 'hlitor,1 am exceed- ' inglyfund of the bivalves myself) but I shall not my that I was among this num- ber. Well,aftcr rogaling ourselves "1qu the daintics provided, we were treated to some fine music, Dialogues, Readings, Jteeituions, and an interesting: and in. _ struetive speech on "Tho Art of Making Bread." delivered by Mr. T. White, which washstcned tohy the ladies with wrapt 1 attention, and if appropriated and properly 1 applied, will profit them much. Iffor uo- 1 thing but social intercourse and the get- I ting of wisdom, the Grange is as deserving i of a place ammug the many ttssreiatirrns of I tho hind, as the Orange or the Temperance 1 Society, andI am not certain but such l wisdom main gained by the tnembcrs of this Society is of much more benefit to the ' {armor than that gained in either of the , two former. One gets his senses livened t ‘undhis wits 'sharpened, an it were, and tl profits by hearing discussed all the im. i proved modes of "tarming profitably," etc. C I would say, by what I saw, that if such e excellent fued, such "ability, cnjcyment, c and happy faces as were presented to my e sight that evening, are any proof of pros- perity, then the Queens Valley Grange is th' in the highway to such. _f I Dun But :--at is my desire to contribute to your piper I short description of I plenum evening's 'rtttartainrneut “fouled to myself in the form of u Grunge Supper, which took place on the evening of the 7th of the present month, in the Queen's Val. ley, township of Euphmsin. Only those to whom invitations are tendon-d are sup- posed to he present at such gatherings,turd being the recipient of such an invitation on this occasiuu, I ounchidcd toaetwyt,and get somewhat better acquainted with the _ EUGENE. The Tel-meeting which was held here on Thursday evening, the 8th, we: a. de. cided mccees. There were a, goodly num- berpmeent, and tb very pleasant evening we: spent. Seven! excellent piece- of music by the Fleehcrton Choir, and I180 Ipeechee by the Revs. Mr. Irwin, of Mark- dede, end Mr. Johnston, of Flesherwn. contributed mostly to the enjoyment of the evening. l To the Editor of the Review. COMMUNICATIONS. Queens Valley Grange. Clerk entering: Vtsarou, is pro. the ob- , mem. the _ I am happy to be able to congr..tu!ute ya!“ the abundant harvest reaped in all quarts" of the Dominion, asl I rejoice that, his: this 1nd other iuihteueea, them In. ho- Ioum improvement in the mvunuu tutu-n, thas itutieating, I trust, that the The surveys of the Paeiiie Railway have lbw“ pressed to completion during the past season. A complete instrumental sluvoyof the route by the North Thompson and Lower Fraser has been made, with a view tousccr- I taming 'uiiniuly whether that route pres- l ants more favourable features than the routes already surveyed to Dean Inlet and Bum Inlet. It is bolieved that the odditi- onal information now .obtained will eunblc my Government to determine which route is the most advantageous from Tote hone Cuba to the m. Fun information will be laid before you at an early day of the sec-l sonU work. , is extinguished over a territury of 51.0.» I square miles west of Treaty Nu. 4and hunt} ' of Treaty No. 6. The treaty has bun i made on terms nearly the num- us than i under Treaty No. Cr, thnugh semewhut Ivs, i microns. The entire tenitnrv Wort of Luke , Superior to the Mucky Mountains, and from the boundary nearly to the 55th degree n! . north latitude, emhrm-ing alumt 451),“: L square miles, hus nun ha " acquired by peaceful negotiation with the nuliw trili.s, who place implicit faith in the honour and justice of the British Crown, Early in the past summon u huge b, dy of Indians, under. Sitting Bull, from the United States crossed into Ihiti h t'trihwy to escape from the l'nited Mute.» trans, and have since remained on the Canadian aide. The United States (ion mutant mode it proper but unwecessful attempt to induce, these Indium to return to their reservations. It is to be hoped that such tttaattgetucno,, may yet be tmule as may lead to their trust. ing their own Government. and returning to their own country, and thus relieve Canada of a source of uneasiness and ai bury expenditure. During last summer my couuuitisioturs made another treaty with the Blackfeet and Megan Indians, by which the Indian tith: is extinguished over u trrn’tury (f 51,000 square miles west of Treaty No. 4and south of Treaty No. 6. The treaty has bum made on terms nearly the HullO as thun- under Treaty No. 6, though suucuhut Ivsd NIL-mus. The entire u-ni'wrv Wm! of Luke l A very disastrous fire occurr 'Inst in tho city of St. John, wh, tho destruction of a. large portion including all the public bum Government deemed it ncccssu: tribute 820,000 t ' rclievc the wants of the people who wen destitute by an appalling a calm: sanctioned the tt',ritovriution uh the great Exhibition to be lull at Paris during the current your. A further enti- mnto will be required to meet the expendi- ture. llis Royal Highness the Prince of Wales has assigned amost prominent place to Canada in one of the mud!) towers, where a. Canadian trophy is now being erected. The cxllibitiun of Canadian manufactur- es and products at Sydney, New South Wales, was successfully carried out. I trust that the result will be the opening up of a new market for Canadian goods, even in so remote I; region in the Autnlisn Colonies. The expenditure will slightly exceed the estimate, but I don” not the cost to Canada, will be amply repaid by the extension of Canadian trade. Preparations have been uninteruptedly carried on during the last six months for securing an ample but select exhibition of [ Canada's products and manufactures " i I am happy to be able to say that the 'nrhitmtnm on the Fishery Chin”, uudcr the terms of the Washington Treaty, has been concluded. An award lmslmcnmndc by the Cotutuistiioners of $6,500,000 in; com- pensation to Canada for the use of her fishcries. This amount is much less than that chimed by my Government; but hav. ing assume! to the creation of the tribunal for the determination of their wine. we are bound 1oyally to assent to tho decision given. _ It afforded me great pleasure to have had an opportunity, before my dvpumu'r from this Government, ohisiting the Pro. vinec. of Manitoba and u poition of the out. sido territories, which visit I accomplished lust autumn. I have now had the advan- tage of visiting every Province in the Do- miniun during my tum of service in Cu:- ada. Hon. Gentlemen of the Senate f Gentlemen of the Home of Commorta In again summoning you for the d pntch of business I am glad to any that]! thing beyond the ordinary business the country require; your attendance. The fifth Session of the third Parliament of the Dominion met 1:13 o'elvek on Tham. day Afternoon, the 7th inst. Nearly all the members were present. A somewhat lively discussion on the re.eleetion of M r. Anglia as Speaker. Sir John Macdonald opposed the motion on a point of order,but the House sustained the eorrcctuess of the view taken by the Hon. Mr. Mackenzie by a majority of64. On Friday Parliament was formally opened by the usual time. hononred ceremonies. mu Excellency, Lord I) siturin, proeretlcd to the Senate at 3 o'clock, and liming taken his seat upon the throne. the faithful Commons were summoned, when he delivered the fullnw-‘ mg course mu rendered necessary that future complications might be "aided, and that the powers of the Local Legislature might be definitely sewed. Bills respecting the orertirtrtstiort of the revised statutes, sn- other preservation of forest. from tins, were Mud . uoond time. The Attorney Geneul dated Glut it we: the Intention of the Government to carry the Brewers' License case before the Ju- licial Committee of the Privy Council, M. though in tre meantime the Amounts of license fund would be refunded. This iaGa uw, the mm In. tivorotu Birds' Bill was re: time, on homily- DOMINION PARLIAMENT. BPEICXI FROM riHI TKBONE or tit. John, which caused of a. large portion ofthe city, the public buildings. My I' occurred in Juno The wife of John Johnston was“; in Con-rick towuulu'pmhilo vim,“ her brother- in-luw in Toronto, recentlymmd Iui _ cldu by lunging. She 1' of “k mind, brought about by disew The extensive woollen will: in No owned by Mr. It. Noble, and oceupi Mr. Samuel Beaumont. were on - day entirely consumed by tire, an" to have migimlod frond» Maputo. hing to the intl-tsk *0 of tho ilk-rill tho ttames spread with such :1me that nothing was saved. tlm About two wooks nun the hum of Mr. George Builvy. 1017. Con. T, (Ema-3n. w" destroyed by fire. 11 hold of rattle, one home, a quantity of [my sud grain. imple- menu, can, Wt'tm burned. The building was irorured for 6800, And content- for 09(1). The origin at the fire in a mystery. Mr. Bailey was may from hom- It the time o the tire. A Ill I tr, prcviot [uh-l Pic-mo Bmsoot..-.ah. piemie t ("‘hm delivered during the [lit mm lg: the leading members of the Goverttment, hc, " becn counted into n neat pamphlet. “Lu-h has just been published under the direct-m of the Ontario Realm Association. The able secretary of the toaoeiatiort, Mr. G. ll. Patullo. Ina carefully edited the spam-hen. mtmducing the uric:- topim by tbPltropr" Me headings, and In: added . very em- }fully propucd index, which is invaluable for reference. The rut-ion: political qua»- tious of the day wane discussed at length in those speeches. andtho pamphlet will he found a. most valuable cmnpniw llnlldlnmk- Ttr, mice is iised at the Very lowlium ot “0 por hundred copies. at which vclue any number can be ohuiued by addressing: Mr. Patallo, secretary of the Ila-form Association, No. " King 'suvet, East, Mr. Chisholm insurance agent, ‘15 ml; od Lately (1920. at Kurdistan. l Mn. A. G. Hum of Dundulk. hm we. headed in muting " the family of Mrs. Jacob Sipes, formerly of that HUM... . legacy of moral hundred dollars. “mm has been duo-to the family for the part 29 years. from relative: in England. Mr. Humor expects to BNtttm I further claim for the same family. And in also investi. gnting two other claims for parties in Dun- dulk. We hope he will he successful in these claims. chu two feot nine inch loss tlum four minute; The Hume met on Monday, the Ilth, at 8 p. n. The "dreaa w“ mun-d by Mr. De St. Gem-gel. um! muudul ly Mr. Charlton. in speeches of I very nth our. acter, and the debate upon the whims is proceeding. kl I "is cxcrlloncy than withdrew After the memberr had nuns the Commons the {allowing nm were inlrnduccd and (wk thri Mr. “Hula Orisdrp, by Sir J. Alnlmld. and Dr. Tapper. Methut {Nicola}, by Mom” and Tuppcr. Mr. Bum-Imam (Drummond I baskn), by Maximum-mun. and p, ton). rotAo, ti It is very dedeahU that there should be uniform Won in ll] the I'roviuees N. spotting tlm tmthe, in spiritual»: 11mm". Hitlusto that hula has been regulurd by Provincial laws. or luvs existing before the Confederation of the Provirecs, Illlhuug]. there In: been lately n eonflirt of uuthortt.s. ns to the jurisdiction of the Ivt‘nl ttutltr,rs. ties, the Supn‘me Court having n frm dun. ago given u deeisionuffirm'" tr the 11mm} tonne ofthe Provirteid Lsrislaturo, to deal with it. A Bill making; the urn-my) yr“. vision wiil be rulwuum-d f, r5rttrt'vu. ids m. Exporieneo Lu shown that comm, change- my “\qugeounly be mudv m the 4.”..an Moment: unsung ttt [venom without honking the I'lll'ndllun or the number of the departments. A um will be submitted to you " "eotuplirshiue this purpose. 1'oarettention will beinvitod to n a...” for better new. the iudeptauicnre Pnrh'unent. Tho med dobhiningat manly“ m man " teaching the Ma! 1"“ Tatum-in and an promo. il Ila-MI in Inn to“ I In!" number about“ may you. um! I: much or the My dun Dominion depends an a. "spid adamant dth"etiieutaaitui, mum. it a desimtrU and nmwo' MM one}: New: " much... Pt , bu. In order to ' thin, manure. 'l?; I). submitted for your 2i'i'ir',"d? concerning the mgistntinn of title, 'd' enactment of a homestead law. Li' tl promotion of nilwny ontorprm‘ m a: tricta not loucbod by the, Ctsnada “Hf lewny. . w Gbunemat drttesaiuet tut I... " lone W cm, in cannon with au. can“ in pulling away. I" nth-mica In: Mnmhmjh_ Peg-Mom in tho existing system of a“ in; the Public Announce; sud a we...“ providing {an more Hannah and statin law will be submitted for you, MISCELLANEOUS mug man died at Dalton, England. of h.vstrotthobia, from the bite of tt eeived two your: wad six months 'elliug mnhine worked by stmnn y n mull vertical 1soiler, whirl: N111 from tree to than by thrvo "eventl.veshihitod " lloupol Park lunntily of rtraw watt recently pr tt twhool-rootn no“ Newest-410. y some wicked penal" during: tum-Int. and set on tire. The m-unwtely escaped unhun. F England. It ruuUe than ground, and went “mind: . nine inches um“ the cut. --_.. ml Ar t menu“ M M of N Ml willg ”a; td "to" r: St Af (LC o, Tl ml TrrF. spt lint iiiheta"T “A: I will!“ "r,"y " istto Rum day in London " r. In

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