Ontario Community Newspapers

Dundalk Guide (1877), 1 Nov 1877, p. 4

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VI m H " h V, is ai that Ibo acknowledged she was "nut mo than Nutty-two." "One of my when pa- tons" murmured the editor. " he moved on. "but so young when the begun to itor that she had been . regular subscriber to his pop" iorover snore of you-a. “In- tired. how old might pm be at present P' asked he with tender solicitation. Audit m not without considerable of coy ahynul A Youxo t'urttsctttamt.-su was a maid. en lady, and sweetly told tho bachelol ed. liow HE Sunni) BEa.--a whoopbmg sun of a lmy with feet as broad nad Bat u n tie-tin, truttcd through the Central m. at. yesterday an ha mulled . “All kept by a single woman about thirty you: old. IGltimt dam he yelled out: "tur t I’M Y at little boy bu been run om Ind " led. up bv the City Hall" "Ohl oht Hui.- --ohi oh-i" She Mush-d. 1 din under the 'muster, an. up on an other side, Ind started to follow tU boy. After getting “I: M lb. w. 1trethed very foolish All on mad-n new: "Whats mow Inn! Whyldn't "on -iW.'u-Detmit Fm a... ' Closofint and his nonlived together. They were both exceedingly nonunion] in their habits. One day the old man fell (huge:- ously ill, and asked his son to run for . physician. Closetist, junior, with I long face: "But fathom yuu know how the“ doctors} charge." “Never mind, my son,it will be chenper; funerals an nwfnlly ex. pensive just now." They no wniting, _ waiting, Knowing he In» gone baton; Boon they’ll hear the he] muting Of the hunt upon the nhoro. or thn boat that comes to bear them Whether he has gone before. Soon Imr listening henna mill but them Singing on the on" than. Singing songs thu u will tench them, When they tench that sunny realm, Where no wintry wind can reach them, No temptation overwhelm. Now tho wind thnt's gently creeping 5':in unto the heart furlom '. "Those who I.'" are only sleeping! They Wlll wake!) in the morn” --By R. 3forriaon, Student of Trinity College, Toronto. .. Why,“asked Itouherin Sunday school, "did Solomon tell the sluggard togo to the ant:'" Because." said a thirteen-veu-old boy. "he knew his mum would have him out at the wood-pile or in the onion-bed new afternoon as soon In school “I out." m in lying, calmly lyinte- Folding hands upon his brand. Oh! what other int his dying 'lhan a lying down taunt? For the wind that's softly crowing, Whispers to his friend- forlorn: "we. be is not deal but sleeping! And will wnken in the morn." A father who was About to send his son to Oxford University, remarked to a friend that the youth possessed every requisite Htiug him for college except genius Ind application. In the hbel case of the Queen v. Wilkin- son. tried at Column: on Friday trnd Satur- day. the jury nu Saturday night brought in a verdict of “Guilty" on both count, acevmpauied by I recommendation to mercy. Sentence is deferred until nut term. _ "Train up a chill! in the way he should wr," my the proverb; but it is as well, if you want to Jo the thing properly, to travel, in tlse tirst instance, by that train yourssll. They are weeping, null" weeping; Tears In bitter, vet no right; When trey think he in but shoving And will wake when but the night. I" r the wind that'. slowly creeping Says unto their beam brlont ' "hee, he is not deal but duping, And will “when in the morn." "NOT DEAD BUT SLEEPING.” Verse: writ!“ on the u a! M; Morrison. who fart'.' this life on 0 29tlt Aug», a add-vs of Thom» Rooney, sq., ttth Com, Arthur town-hip. He is sleeping, anti] slurping, L I Slumber poweful, yet no deep, TLn: he knows not of the weeping I Oi the eyes that know no sleep. ( And the wind no :01in duping, _ Sm a unto his friends forlorn ; "See, he is not dead but sleeping! And will waken in the mom." Mr. T. It. Caton. of Brtteebridgs, bu completed the Begum Bridge on the Nip- rising road. It in pronounced n t1rat.eiaaa structure. Josh Billings. writing from instinct says: -To avoid all ttuble ov Inwsuits from heirs and others. i have konklmled toulminister upon mi own estate bi spending it a: i so along. A royal decree has been published in Cuba promising leniency to pertain guilty of treason and rebellion, 1nd the return of eoufiseated property to remnants who who mit within four months. It isbelioved that the capture of the President Ind othor may" of the insurrection will hasten the tormiuation of tho civil war. The prisoners of war will, it is believed, be sent to Spain. G moral Todleben. who, though nominally the ehiet of staff of Prince Charles of Rou. mania, is really the commander of the troops besieging Plevna, is, doubtless, the greatest military engineer of modern times. It was his skill that compelled the allies to sit down before Sebnx-xtopol u whole twelve. month, and m-tunlly dig their why into that great fortress. His coming to the Crimea was mt relished by the Russian command- er, and, as his instructions were of an un- ottieial charaeter-he was desired to inspect and report upon the defences of Sebutopol for the private information of the Czar-it was hinted to him that his departure would give no offence. He remained, however, and so strengthened the fortress that, though it fell eventually, it made . long and memorable resistance to a tieree, W" remitting siege. He is now sixty years of age, having been born at Mituu, in Cour. Show to the depth of six inches, it is re- ported, fell on Thursday a Meehaniera' Settlement, Kings County, N. B. lanl, in 1818. He in a graduate of the Im, pnriul 50110010! Engineers n St. Iuteraburg, and his passed his life in the service. Two sewn shocks of euthquo um felt at Lisbon on Thursday morning, but no damage was done. Thou wanting firislar. Boot" Shmshonld all and give me their order, which I {upon titlittg white but 133.0er [In "ttatt woe-n. ugly-Al! york- ”II-again, Sny, mug man, when did pm get thou Sewed " Poll have on , Why, I got them AT MOBRUW'S SHUESHOP, in Dundalk'. Cnn't no ’em anywhere aha ulna "ru He in making them for $7 I pair (oaihy--mal band“, the cheapo-t I our law. Grn .u'puvh‘onfi GG Eadie 15.33.12; tion in laying ttet. "stir? nil-(mug will In A momm. At1hindott-odumtah ' "rhar- - G"llurlTlTg',lt" Raid Labour, IN A SHOE SHOP! To six days of the Week There never bu been A tim, when the heat. ing of no my dithrrmt duel-en his bun can! by onward application " 'tTTI'; It in in Indian-ted be! that - h at the entire population, of the globe resort to "a. use of ordinary platen. The riueipal ingredients, mod in makmg than Prawn no Gum oIiumterr--or better known n the Fruiklnoenu of the Bible- Rubber. and Burgnmlny Pitch; which, when mrUntitieallt clrniroym.itd, infill] cl electricily, and when combined with the pure medicinal gnnis.-ia found to be on. of the greatest heal. ing medium- ever brnnglu before the human They m Acknowled d by All who have used them to wt (mixer than my other Planters Chev ever before tried. And that one of then Planer: will do more ml service than a hundred ot the onllmry kind. All other Hahn we do. of scion. and require to be worn continually to street I cure; but with than it is entirely diaerem l the imam. one in applied tupttyu will led in arfreet month. Durham-Tuesday before Mount Forest. Fergus-Thursday following) Mount Forest. Hanover-Monday before “Them. . June, August, October and DUemher. Ptimrotse--WedrtetrdV preceding the Orangeville Fair. omngeville-The 2nd Thursday in each month. Martsville--%eond Wednesday in each month. 1toseytont-rFittee"nth ofFebrtyyy, April, They [ma all the soothing. war-mm“. supporting and strengthening quditiu ot al other Fla-ten. Many who hue been relieved oi Burma-rm. TICDOwRIl'X, and various ather pain: In the humus. Buns" or Sum, and believe it ll lultly done by the electrical qualities nhich'tha Pawn- Pinter: contain, mm which in imparted to the system, thu- rentnring them to a healthy mtmlition. day after Guelph. Berlin-First Thumlny in each month, Brampton --b'irst Thursday in each month. Listowel--F'irst Friday in each month. Mount Foyetit--Third Wednesday in each A meddle-om old wanna m uncaring u I young 'ethtr'trrkiart8t,t" frighhgl; intuit, "ia"aa,'urr iuairWu"iarin' ought never to hue n huby unless the known how to rhold it." "Nor . ton" They are very wit and pliable, "ill vary ulhenive ', and a nun cure fot Wu: Bums, Puss IN THB SID: All) Bum; Ind In in- valuable to those who have A ("OLD of long suuding, and alum Ewen“ C'ogmourrgoN. Some even tell us t r hallw- they Wore entirely cured by the use of them of . long. Ieatml 1hetmption. - .. _ " Ihtndalk-'1'uesda.y before orangeville, Guelph-First Wednesday in each month. Harriston--FriGy before the Guelph F air. Drsytorr--Suurday before Guelph. Elora-The day before Guelph. Imuglmr--Monday befme Elam Fair. Rtuuilton--cyrstal Palace Grounds, the Sabbath Schnn every Sabbath afternoon in the Orange Hall, commencing at 2 P. M. Preaching everr Sabbath in the same place, cuxx.2..encing at 6.30 P. M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Rev. C. Shaw, minister. , An Infallible Remedy for all Dianna of the Ego (acute or chronic), Granulation of the Lids, Ulceration of the Lachn mat (Hamil. Film, and Weakntu of] the View» from any cause. Tu: AMIRICAN Eva-SAW: is presented to the public with the enunuce of ite otticritrntsy " a curative of most disease- of the e e, mute or chronic indarmntrtion, whether LTI',,',') by ecrnfulous origin or otherwise, weakneu or defect of vision, diminished tone of the optic nerve, or n diseased state of the tissues con- atitutmg that org-n. Also, for I" pereone whose vocation requires an incessant notion of the eyes, the {have willact u e chum m re. storing a uniform healthy action, where weak, nesl, pain, and misery may have long threat. ened I fatal termination. It in the most simple, safe. and effectuel _remedy ever dimmer-ed. The materials of which it " made are pure,, perfect, and custly. eompoum.led with el,Y l BAPTIST CHURCH. Preaching every Sabbath evening in the School House. Mr. Willrunson, preacher. Snbbnth School every Sabbath in the School House, commencing at 10 A, ll. horate care Ind exactness, safe mils appli- catinn, being used externllly, end, of equine. avoiding the pain anddaugtr which necessarily attend. the introduction of caustic minerals and eye-wuhes. Kmawonu 5nd Ow Cunt» NW, Soars. M nernfnlun origin, or reuniting from whatever cause. yeild to the AMERICAN Kvr.niaLvE, ir " mum 8rCCrgpwtrLLY to: FILES. Its soothing effect is immediate, and apermnnent cure requires butafew appli. cations. The proprietors of “DR. J. Pr,vrrT s Anuumx Eva-Sun's." while making new and im mired machinery for making a more perfect hex for the Eye-Salve, have changed the Trade Mark on the cover no u to corres- pond with the Cut on the Wrapper, Circulars, Advertisements, etc. We call attentionto this. as it might otherwise be regarded in counterfeiting. " DU N DALK CHURCH DIRECTORY. NORTHROP d. LYMAN, Toronto, Agents for Canada. . lt . " '. musing-l;- mania Improved India Rubber Porous Plaster. tur, y SENTENCED ! Sold by all Dnmgilu. -eThGiriFiraa E. Mrrculu. Lowell, and Pound Calf Boots, MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR“. PETITT'S EYE-SALE. CANADA METHODIST. -7 err d: PARKER, Proprietors, Freedonia. N. Y, PRES!) YTE RIAX. Ihe4httotmhsr, an . habitants fully solicité'd. REPAIRING done with NEATNESS and DESPATCH. r."re". And other! (ho wont to borrow money on Mu it at (roll ' 9: ttl pr can on the Sup}. Ie'.". principle, the borrower having the right to pay off " Horglgo It my til» by swung one or two month! notice. Blllileil priuh an! on! atial. Loans Advanced on Town ‘or Village Property. E'Good Mom” And Municipal Debentures Bought. Communications promptly “tended to. Always to be found in the Ofhmr, on Mondoys 3nd Tueodlyi. GEORGE RUTHERFORD. Omen, Main Street, Dnnddk. l Dundalk Insurance, Leaning and I All kinds of moped ImndinGoodComponiolltlowRuu. lamb-and .9th F,,,', and Lightning for ' you! n " cent- ou the mo. (LIFE AN D ACCIDENT INSURANCE) Min and Also his Home Insured - maiden!- and death from "r any. PRINTS, COTTONS, TWEEDS, Awarded the International Medal and Diploma for but Wood Saving Mwhlne " the eentetsutal Exhibition, Philadelphia; 31:0 int Prise " Humiltnn. Guelph. and at all the County Show Fairs wherever shown. T Cull and get Price List from Orders Ioliclterl. “All orders Ip:,'p,1t, lent for all kinds of IMPLEMENTS.“ SAW md GRIST MILL MACHINER ' of all descriptions. General purpuce Plough: of the best kinds to be had. GANG PLUUGHS, Wrought Iron or Wooden Frame, lulu! on next year’- Runs. or u I reduction it Out: be paid this Mater. Human of all kinds , 1?s"r,. and Sleigh, the celebrated Uxbridge Organ], Sewing Mullins, Tomb Stuns, to" of kiada, Sold by Wu. MARSHALL Dunddk. Ansrunt22. 1877. 'l MONEY-Farmers wishing to obtain Money cannot do better than to on" It the Fume" and Mechanic.’ Agency now uhblinhed in the town of Dunddk, where pm can get Mossy at a reduced rate at Interest, on “Terms to suit yourselves,-) psy " I previous murtgage, build a New House, or Barn, to claw mire Land, or to obtain I choice breed of Cattle. u‘lmans wrll be put through without lou of time, while the Itricceat privacy will be maintained in Bil transaction. Orrtta-Ahte door South of the Anglo-American Hotel. Dundalk August 30, 1877. New Goods, New Goods! LANDS-I beg leavo to call the attention of those wishing to purchase land. at I have tr number: of good, and cheap, Farm Lot: for 'tu. "Mend “than IL‘d. get my catalogue Painting___])_9n§?q @953 Notice, 'eri.ngPlonir Four Cub, Butter and Eggs. An inspection of our goods respect- Dundalk, May 81, 1877. Wti'0 r' i' 1,000 ' tra't"iisbTuc.saes Wanted! Dnudnlk. August 30th, 1877. Dundalk carriage Works. .. . I 1 ' _ l , ' -r_AV.---- v smut. mum " rl,', tht‘s. would inform his Customers, and the in. habitants of Dumb! Ind sruitrounding country generally, that he in ' 'e .mxed tom-Au "tedtr) Hid of the best material to be had, August 22, 1877. Farmers and Mechanics' i! Fit 'eM.V -- """" 31'"; f . ' ' 7W srii'iiiiriiiijiil mom _ 2 rp/Pl) , f ommam suhtbns. ..J a bs.e ' .' _ mnows. ROLLERS. noun: ma W. Marshall, Agent, Dundalk. Conveyancing done with neatness and despatch. A. a. HUNTER. " PUFF CR BLOW l" and prices: The Young Champion Wood Sawing Machine! Cheaper than the Cheapest. “UL.“ IMHO. CULTIVATOBS; Wr.VEriBA1utowts, Ind anything all. in the wood [he "quired by the commumty " Inga. and Ready-Blade Clothing, Prices lower than ever. , AN APPBBNTIOE WANTED. MBBB m PLACE-Proton Street, nut the LAND, LOAN and GENERAL AGENCY, AND BY A FIRST-CLASS ARTIST. W T. B. GRADY. which we offer At very close priceu. We do not We have now on hand In Large Stock of '; mm GOOD MORTGAGES BOUGHT. MONEY. DUNDALE, ONTARIO. Hung m and Diploma for but Wood Snwing Machine " the _ _u__ Li-L Es-'.... " "unnam- fsmioh, 1nd At " the but we sell goods G. R. MIDDLETON. rn y3l Latest from'the Beat of ’War! But more than by surprise on entering HANBUBY. BROS. Ed iatot-nttusituetundrttoyt lttndvaStockdBooutBhou pubhe burden, consisting of ha we use none but the best mum-id. than leaving their order my in”!!! on getting I genuine artierU, uni . fit to plane the most uguisite, Gent's Sewed Work a Speciality. Bulldog this the SADDLERY DEPARTMENT in replete in .11 its branches. A full Stock aluyu on hand. Onion promptly “tended. nad Mutation gnu-um. 3' All kinds of fun produce, oodwood. to" le., taken in nah-nae for goods HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOB RIDES AND SKINS. . mos. EANBUBY & BRO. Ladies' Hats and Bonnets Most REASONABLE Terms, Encourage Home Manufacture The undersigned beg to igfom the inhuman}. f Per.". Ind "rroum1ing country, that James Robemon in returning dunks to the public for the libeeat [Alumnae he he received, new begs to inform them that he is prepared to furnish everything in his line at prices never before bend of. Cook, Parlor, And Box Stoves TINWARE of every description at Bottom l! EAVETROUGHING AND BdOFING A SPECIALITY. FIRST-CLASS P100088 FOR SALE CHEAP. Shop next door to the Post Offuse. Watmuc--httr quantity ox WOOL, Won-moi. Swamp. Hunts. he. ' to, Apprentice Waited. JAMES ROBERTSON. Dundalk, Aug. 2, ww. " Cupbouds, ta. in, It the mom notice. Furniture remind With name-a an} dietetr E-timnteo given and Contmtl than for d] clum- of Building.. STAIRCASE WORK AND HANDRAILING A SPECIALITY. Orderl Soiclited. AT Undertaking attended to promptly. Dressed Lumber and Flooring Always on Band. At the. Stove and Tinware Emporium DUNDALK. STOVES AND TINWARE! TAKE NOTICE. Dundalk, August Ist, 1877. Remember the Sand. the Shop non-1y opposite the Poet IMioe, Main Street, Dundalk. CROSS t HICKS. Dundalk, April 12, 1877. yll Preserve Jars, All Sizes. Dundalk, Jan., Dundalk, Jane 6, 1877. 10,000 Slain ! Building Lots for Sale. i"muhintrusmmues.rettittertot.Datiine Kan-o'er- BUEINESS STAND; , Doors, Frames, Lounges, Couches, TORONTO HOUSE. Made BOOTS and SHOES of every pattern! done on the premises to suit every tutu. rs" Old um um ng Bonnets made to look In good In new. otm TEAS STILL TAKE THE LEAD. CUSTOM WORK. IN ENDLESS VARIETY. EA“) can! to: can on tnol. THE BEST IN DUNDALK, _ in the has. New York Styles. It the they Ire now mwuhcwring I“ kmdl of CHE APEB THAN EVEN A LARGE ASSOBTMENT " CALL AND SEE THEM. ON THE Superior Family Flour. W E. BROWNE 'iarilas ittod to ”- " COLUMN PAPER. aloud-0M”: at ink-rem I a lil Large Circulation HOST APPROVE]! KINDS. Job Department. BEST STYLEOF THE ART Can depend wanking MW by Xenia: I not Aittod up inthe very best style, Luci Duudnlk G uido “DUNDALK GUIDE," Possesses Great Facilities FOREIGN AND The STATION, BIADIUG MATTER, JOB WORK NEW PRESS“. FAMILY NEWSPAPER Promptitude IDCAL NEWS, ta" POSTAGE FREE. T110050. than“ with no 'rm"," GREATEST My in: for Advertisers. should "tueeihe for the Fuel “.00 I'll Arm W011. EK. Ink» it an nudism Opposil " fordoingcllkindnol MARKET REPORTS, “who-3132004 “MM IN ADVANCE. DUNDALE, THE EDITORIAILEL THE Guido,” ' "nu Cupid" in do”. du. in, I m’ thr At the Met. Proton - the Kuhn) Every 'rn u TERM.» , ‘.I.M " ma Met-Julia 939m ..... a.“ culumn, (be column, Ou. no. (and III “I [or ti" (at “at ml. Onliury ”In, In h of chat CTR.” I' Ml for El and tt Inn-u Adm-mum M tram-n m Dundalk, - Con-mun Mm" l scary ina; laid-men In WI, S 'taary mu. oesttteetllc, "Md-u a The _ ' lam Fin "It! tot comm!) unre- tt t'lor' null"); " “liver-it) “yIII‘IIII --Dod alk Builder's and C Nib'l‘u The D" - turvituvr, China-13'. , Oven tiortud rum-rill La '.lrt,etat 0%., bumhlk The otUrriher - u H‘uhr the - All m. KILLINL] DH’Ls'h .8 ”ch ple mad un- pululu MI. All ' Inn! the Arrse . “min-MIN ”Ryan! Medical m ChQInlCaJS fun". Dyes Patent Mur and Pr “Md Flour run DCXMLK u Physicians'Pre AS-Com M, BUSINESS DI Image comm Licensgs. 'oroot THE VULCAN (and A Mars in” OWEN lit , Pehmaey l. IR Ml k t'orgtrr Digit“. M Nora Dull-II, ll Miss G LNG“! d itch 'N M mura Flour '. Notice to the RAT} DIS N DAM A!) ttAiTI “It All, FAIHLV I . Jun so. "677. d.th “I JAM ISAA cw- I DR 0M that " g DUNDA " I " lull” ll M m. " St

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