Ontario Community Newspapers

Dundalk Guide (1877), 1 Nov 1877, p. 3

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chad). and ru Brow-ilu. I short (Dianne. thar. -nw|l. on Thursday night of last I”! Ooh-rod Inn-u named Joiner nnd Fl..- -relled. Freeman " ll.“ In . short tune returned with . V“ to stroek Jame: on tho head h stilling [nun msuullv. no ' bo Grand Trunk Rainy h. u tteliod by the Supan Com " I. mum to pay 018.35 to on Chit. Wortun, the trading nah-.- d . mn- iirtu. Tl.e plaintdr and the 00.- lib. Ar. and lhn " hlhng lam instantly. The I. gun-u. and From-an In M " II I) Woaooee gin]. , on an urn-.1. ol son for “OJ-l”. C nut ul bodily nuptrios wait-9d ‘l ml "train on the hm»; hm V. I. "a'raooeueoooutti-a-s Jan Spa-cud)». bimbred tum-mp In (suing-mu only nu. mm. d . null “Minn-l hou- but”. tho Incl-dip. out in mm of tho no hing ref-sell. it is said. the building In land: would be i""aaug M roller! " rr I. bad Amen It" An by) hi Mr DIR " " Mn A eorreportdent of the N" rare Ne Irmnz~Thanks lath. Ttre-d of two ("at ymrnnln Brtd the m " duct " Mr. H. M. Stanleyeonm" an 1.1mm) nu ostrtireertt in on-aa-L." Ibo-I In "Ann's mac-ovum. nous-n In“ In. I “a “I tho I 310( " m (“I " [Mann an will he " " lull- ‘orthol Tt party were tioiy imAshrd i. tt ltr n ”New: In Ink and America a br- I." I to y-m hm irrmun to the “of!“ ok .gu mg for the new mum-lid peried by the "'terPri-o"wo- " “dunking-n1 all " to, " alum-d the nod “Anti"? "on In “at new bib w. m many 3nd enterpriu; h h At if m anticipating. ha- ' . nund them that mm. In. the - r would try to "do. mun-rem! transactional, M b ‘1 brawn. "churns 011.50- hr It is will we have but m nut " nmph-yment hum-”Inky. u! free trade '" could not than " and nch-nge the product d“ .r the pmdnrts " tho I»... (In 'ee tuna as many Amman: “I It. um Miscellaneous. hm Oak A Cated We. Inch: IL in thr " r tariff, can only hot 3,: 'attyete with Elimillh' way. Amerin aft-o.“ h 'uetm page? 'trua.u-i. tn brine hum. that b“ fr., in "than”. "srirs "f Stanley atRted tho tine "pp"rtunity in“... my)“ e up. have r stand - in April n hare manned II). N in an “pensive and ' he wen- . profane In] .- 'atnra0r tho proud H “In, while the W .- mttor Alum: the W the World how it PM“. I noun uh." that M. bo 'pg Hum! m some III.- yqu-n. nnd tho hood - d marriage is laid lo M . u'.Trd of January. nut "et'utrlieantx, Illi- ntantl an Republic- men. It may sun. I. e Mmulry will "in .-i- II he mammal). B" h Fur by In much u I. It. hints. by In much I. - wing; matron. " N uer and no In“. Eme efim of Stanley's dine"!- rum}- In. mung. h- "um tire from tho .re man or loss a... unitary was memat" niled in line " dear. may will on” to ugh tho town“, of " ht dunk of ,.nM* f Panama on My. Eur auhmitted in PM ml by a majority of MC. the Hamilton - plenum-o ya!» u u the “and River " um» (“not W unjust in tin. to the hands " tho u. "a' s drunken om [\IHIHJ hnve “a“ by manning tho ~"~n ofthe riot. i. cud " a quarter d . Exhibition um at PM)“ homes we" b- African upluni f bathing in. M be“ on h.- F Punch doo- return Mel".- mchnnn. ml. " rope which an, i " Amerie.,, h.. . “dd! om. anndinn "hibi- St. [.1an " have no"- no.” and“. But tho Tu Wu.- " Ara, A Dunn.- Throngh 0‘on Sir Henry Mar. Damm- ortl, bother. Melville Ptrker, EN.. of Coohvilh, rid Warden of the Comstr, hone- . Baron», and u now tlip Solvin- Mot. have» er AN Exmtol.-T'o child- ren of Mr. Jellies Chambers, proprietor of the Mount Forest lime kiln, met with e painful Accident on Tuesday lest. One is e little girl mad about twelve and the other e buy shout eight. They procured by lame means I up used in exploding 1iyriadluo. end which wee charged with the new puwerful explosive. In the course of their experiments they seem $0 here applied e lighted In“ to Gl- enn. which went " with "I violeue. The boy lost the itmt 306. j“): the-3 .I second thte" end ttte “new edth tho km and New], bended “legirlhedtheneil of. on. than}: unions! aud . fore finger injured. The wounds were promptly dr-d, 3nd w. mulcnhud that the child- nu we doing " well aaeould be oxpoctod. -afouat Fond 8min". Seven treaties here at various times been made with the Indians of the North-west. The“ tuetiee. one end ell, have been {tuned with the object of aiding the Indian --to quote the words of the otheiel report of the Deputy tiuperintendent-General of Indian Afuirs--"to raise himself from the condition ot tutelage end dependence. end of encouraging him to assume the privileges and responsibilities of full citizenship." The iirrrt of these, including the whole of) the Province of Janituba, was made in 187t, between Governor Archibald on the one pert end the Crees and Chippewas on the other The second, made in the fol- lowing you with the Chippewas, embreced e large tract adjoining Manitobe on the north end west. The third wee mode on the 3rd of October, 1878, with the Saulteenx tribe of I ‘pbwevs. end embraced e trect of M,000 equere miles lying eest of Manitoba, end extending to the limits of Ontario The extinction o! the Indian title to this tract we- I most important matter, en the line of the Canada Paeitie Railway, be. tween Lute Superiorend Red River, puma through it, ea does elm e part of the Dew- Imn Route. The fourth treety wee nude on the Mth of September. WN, It qu'Ap. pelle Lake, end embraced e trect of 75.000 eqnere miles, extending from those in the ”and treaty to the South Suketchewen River end Cypress Hills on the north. end tho United States boundary line on the loath. The Indians concerned in the making of this treaty were ttttOy Green end Seulteeux. The hfth, made in the {all of 1875. embreeed the territory a“ of . Luke Winnepcgouin. end on either side of Lake Winnipeg. The sixth wee nude lest you. and cmhmced the territory euljoining l the main seeketchewen. end extending iron: the Rocky Mountains to the lend emhrmd in treaty No. g. The seventh end lent is the one just mode with the Bleehleet. It mhruee the 00an u. I tween Cyprese Hills and the Rocky Moun- teine. extending from the southern limit of the trect included in treety No. " the United State- bounder line. love. Bot only without blood-bed, but with- out oppmhion. acknowledged their “nel- ege totheDominion. Myrna-goth. idea of nqtotintiaq e peeeeeble treaty with the Blsekfeet would have been lsnghed to neon: by the white settlers in the North- west. Berelv smooth he. elapsed aineo n Montana - predicted the utter hilure of Governor Laird'. sttempt st negotiation, end aid that Censu- might " well try to make e treaty with “the ruthless est-e.- mount in its native forest, or with the hinon horde upon their netivs plnius." But the writer of this prediction formed him conclusions from erroneous premises, and) srgued us though the proposal to treat hed ennneted. not from the “Great Mother," but from the President at Washington. It has nothsen the custom of our treaty-meters to beguile the Indium with blue repre- sentetione, and to curry out our burgeine with them through the medium of "ltiut and unprineipled traders. In our denlings with the eborigines we have ever borne in mind that the latter here some rights which we. a {ellow hnmsn beings, m morally bound to respect. In our eyes s treety with I barb-runs savage, when once completed and mtitied, but ever been an saered en obligation no though it had been made with the hdtiest crowned head in Christendom. Such has been our policy, end we here consistently acted up to it. Renee our ability te trest even with so fUree end warlike n race as the Blackfeet of the western plains. The history of our various treaties with the Indians is known to every chief in the North-west. end it has come to he I reagnizcd fact that our promises-ere always carried out tothe letter. When Colonel McLeod told the assembled BlockIeet the other day that every promise mode on behalf of the Great Mother Would he solemnly fultilUd “Ill certainly an the sun now shines down upon us from the , heavens," there was not one but felt that 1 the Colonel had spoken in simple truth. 1 - .. m um" or use Poliee Pom. " the Council Home. no" "8ng under the Water," or "BUektoot Crouing" of the Brent Bow River, on the 22nd September lat. By the signing of this treaty the powdery right: of the Indian. exeept within the limit. of their reserves, Me for ever extinguished in the North-west. and the Butt.» country, oontnining on Am of ”.00 eqnm mile... Ind n population of nhtmt 4.970 Indium. ha been formally: and Nb (national to the Dominion _ of Cumin. There enn be no ntmnger "- gnlnont in favour of the just and Unefieent policy ofthe Canadian Government tow-rd: the nhoriginnl population than the com. pletion of thin treaty. whereby the moat unlike end intrnetnhle of the Plain Indians Prom the Glob. Th My m th. DWI-Souk.- been ”new "tu'utoritr,and,ra. lin- d by the chief. a! the Elation, Blood, Hogan. and line. when. in the presence of the Commissioner: '.--Govemor Laird Ind cu. Unload. C.I.0.. and of Major Irvine. Anni-uni Commissioner, N. W. M. P.. And clean of the Police Force. st the} Cock“ Hon-o. no" "Ride. land-v thm Tue Blackfeet he“: 4-- a: Gl If 311R; GAVE BiJ'Ed'R-E I W q " "L. White Heifer. he owner my " Ur! . . . , . by proving property and paying expenses. The his“ ""td?t" m M paid for Apply to Adam Bryce, tttt . Hupoville P. o..' WILLIAM HERON. Proton. Oet. 18, 1877. ' Nar l Moll. April IS, ttrw. “I, 1.0236; ce. ' Township of mag}. ,boui THOMAS TAYI OR, 1.01186. an”; mammm Came on the wanin- of the unburibu. in July last, “has. The owneria we“. ed to prove property, pay "poms and uh the same “my. on hi: premises Owen Sun-u! Street, new tho STATION. . - . Dundalk. Good Family Flour for do. Dundhk. Feh " 1877. Apples by the Peck. Also that he bu opened not Refreshment Rooms, Bag: to inform the inhatritattU of Dundalk Ind vicinity that he hat on hand 'd for ale 1 tine tstock of Great chance to make GOLD.1r,'i'l,'/. . We need tb person in every town to take "ttmersptiomt for the largest, cheap- est and but Illustrated family publication In the world. Any one mm heroine a success- ful agent. The most elegant Works of art given free to subscribers. The price is so low that almost everybody sulmcribes. One “not reports making over .150 in I week. A lady agent reports taking over 400 sub- scribers in ten days. All who engage make money fast. You can devote all your time to the business. or only your spare time. 1 You need not be away from home over night. You can do it as well as others. Full particulars, directions and toms free. Elegant and expensive onttit free. If you want protitOle work teetul us your address at once. It costs nothing to try the busi- ness. No one who summers fails to make are»! pay. Address “The People's J ourual," Portland. Maine. Friday, the 9th of November, 1877. At the hour of 2 o'eloek, P. M., which the Reeves and Deputy Reeves of this said Provisional County, an: hereby requested and required to attend. Game Astra]. Cum out an genius of the subscribor. " Ar. Con. tr, uwnslu'p of Patton. about A MEETING of the Provisional Council of the County of Dufferin will be held in the Council Chamber, Orangeville, on Atkins-it, Oct. M, 1878. m " tub (Minn... Ee,perdoz...... Potatoes, per bag Tnruips per bush Hay, per ton......, Fall Wheat. per bush ...... Spring Whm " ...... Hurley, " ...... Oats, " ...... Peas, " ...... Dressed Hogs, per 100 lbs Mutter. rolls, per lb......... Mr. P. WHITTLE! Sheep Strayed. Pean................. Potatoes per bag Butter............... Wool per lb...... She-e nkinu....... Lama bhitm......, Hides per ttwt...., Hay................., NUTS, FANCY GOODS, CONFECTIONERY. LE MOSS, l’LU MS. 0 YSTERS. NEW ADVERTISMENTS. rum No"," " 2 25 to a Mt, Corn Meal " " ......... 2 00 to 2 00 Shorts. " " l 00 to l oo Bun. " " 0 60 to 0 60 Pm Wheat per bush.,...... 1 lg to 1 iil Spring Wheat " ......... l 00 to l IBI Data " ........ 0 28 to 0 80l Hurley " ........ 0 80 to 0 50/ Penn " ........ 0 60 to o 60', Hay per tom................. 8 00 to 10 00l Poutas per buxom..." o go to 0 ml Ihrk per 100 lbw... 6 00 to ' M Beef " .................... 4 00 to 6 00 Hides " .".................. 4 oo to 6 oo Sheepskins onch............. 0 40 to l 00 Butter per Ib.................. 0 " to 0 16 Eggs per doa......... ........ 0 " to 0 " Wood, dry, per eord....... l 26 to l 50 Wool .....'...: Reeve of Orangeviile. Orangeville, Oct M, 1877. Flt")!- io. i, "Y Com Meal " Shorts. " Toronto, depart ... 8:80 12:45 Urangevilie, " ... 7:00 12:06 Damn. " ... 9:05 P.80 Owen Sound. "river..." noon 3:50 A... Owen Bound, depart ... T.46 Damn. " ...10:80 Onugeville, Brrive...1r.g0 Toronto, " ...ll:00 Eben - Human --At Christ Church. Mukdde. on the Nth ult., b the Rev. (no. W. My, Mr. Alena!" Edgu. of th' Ont., to Annie E., dung ter of the m Wm. Hmbury. an., of Maria-1e. 3nd sister of the Mean. Hunhury of Dnndulk. Laaer-p0rGriiira wife of Mr. Thos. u over. Tho apt-3n Muihmony that of other, In to the slimy of , river for n harbour. On "My lust-be It." Gino/DI. is“, the Ingest use] on Luke Superior. went up the Kuninistiqnni to 3 point I quiet of . mile Above Gourmet“ dork, and returned without any Many what. County of Dufferin. TORONTO MARKETS. Town-o, November I, 1877. DUNDALK MARKETS. Dvxmu, November 1, 1877, re: 100, 1leyu mill " 26 to " " TRAVELERip GUIDE. cl "_............ st.....,................. Wheat...,........... mat.................... iii.".'.".'.'.'.'."."..'.'.'.".'..'.".'.'.' tB.................,.... " " '" " " " ......... " " per bush........ mt " ......... " " :r.r.r.: " .r.rr.r.' 00180 IOITI. GOING BIRTHS JOHN FOLEY, i. hum of 'Ga.' Railway. tl 21 to " M l 08 to l 11 48 to 66 M to 68 to 6 60 to 2l to 18 to 18 to 60 to (I) to 16 oo to tu 21m ait.,% 12:80 8.10 6 00 22 112 110 l 00 045 ofthe 9:45 20 8:12 etts., my thee of Wool left at his Mills. Also titat e has in Stock n Urge uantity of Cloths, Batinits, Flnnncln, Harman. Stocking Tarn, etc... which will be sold very Low for Cub. or given in exc'mnge for The Subscriber wishes to immune to the inhabitants of On my. 3nd surrounding Townships, that to is prepared to mm:- hcture into All kinda of Osprey W1ltlkkriN MILLS The, undersigned would respectfully inform the inhabitants of Duulnlk and su'ruunxling country that he haa titted up his shop in tihellrume with Steam power and latest mn- chiuery, and that . general stuck of Furni. tun: will be kept In stock Ind at law rates. Undertaking will n-ceive special attention. and " low rates. A nicely txinmewl Coifin. full mounted. tor ten dollars up tn forty dol, Inn, The cost of the Hearse to lhimlalk or he» Dumlllk in tiveOllars. Burial Ruben, gluves, sonic. Inn! hat bands, knpt in Stock. Orders by telegrlpll promptly attended to. Cullin- can he sent be the Hut train, or they can be lent in the hem. From the premises of the Subscriber. mte Grey Steer nearly white, Ind mm Brindled Steer -atar on face and turned up horns. both cunning four yearn old. The steers were bought on the 9th ('on. Proton. lull strayed away on the 2nd inst. Any perm": returning them to the tsubscriber, or giving Inch information " will lead to their rccuvery will be suitably re» warded. Goth, Satinets, Flannels, Blankets, Stocking Yarn, Twelve Thousand Dullar: of Prints Funds to Loan, in sums to Iuit Ipplicautn. " a low rate of inure“, on good Mortgage Security. Dundalk. July M, 1877. All parties are hereby Ihtationed N,nsimst purebuingn unto drawn by the un‘leuigned m favor of Robert U0rduu_fur the hum of tive dollars, being dated on or about 3rd Oct... 1877, u I hue recrived no value for the The Proprietor is making this lines I speciality and consequently can do better for his customers than those in general merchandise. to suit every machine. and any article in these lines not in stock, will be ordered specially on application. FANCY TOYS and TOILET ARTICLES, Biscuits and Confectionery. Teas, Tolmccoa, and pipes, in large variety. tf-l5 DRUGS. PATENT MEDICINES, runs and OILS, MACHINE 041.3. BRUSHES Dundalk, Oct. 11. 1877, Toronto,80th Oct. 1877. Go To Bolster's, Harriston, Going East, Dep. 5:30 am. 8:85 am. West, Arr. 8:05 p.m. 9:30 pun. Teenwater. Dep. 7:00 Ban. Arr.4:35p.m. For further particulars. see Time Table. EDMUND \YRAGGE, Omngeville. Going South, Dep. 8:20 12210 North, " 7:00 12:06 West, " 12:20 pau. 6:55: Owen Sound, am. p.ru. pan. Dep. 1:45 12:30 4:45 Arr. 12:00 noon 8:50 9:45 Dundalk, Oct. lk 1877. WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, SEWING MACHINES, etc ' FROM LOCKET to LIFE SIZE. in the new gallery which he Ina juntetoet- 0d and fitted u in the bent style. next door to hit 1r'l'r's',lli SE93. op- Sewing Machine Needles Ambrotypes, or JOHN NICKLE'M to I Best to inform the inhuman!- of Dundalk and announcing. cguntrytthat he in l Appl: to PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Books and stationery, Cloned and Repaired. Dundalk, Oct. M, 1877. Satisfaction Guaranteed. NOTICE. $12,000.00. K HUMPHR'IES. U'mlerttber, posits the Post Ohio's. Charges -modente. STRAYED! MAXWELL. 1i'1etsherton, NOTICE. of All Kinds, for your Call only. DUNDALK. JAMES LAMON, , 8:20 12:10 6:26 7:00 12:05 5:05 12:20 pau. 6:55 pan. Wu. CHITTICK, ROBT. GORIN LN, c-37 GENERAL Mum“. AttoruetPt:law. Photographs, Shellm me. c-37 yl no trouble with my winners. It Io tum. penl that when they become Miner: of mine they soon sec well-£0410. The ex- periment in worth trriee.- _----- . . was NOBVAL. ' mum mam, um " Pay up is a nostrum got up by people to deludethoir Medium ond to injure Dundulk. The wards “Pay Up," have spread Martha country like the Pout“ Bug. It. dist-ace from home Ind the, u know you In tram Dundalk, the Jac,, will bt crying after you “pay up, y apt" I nix ii citizen of r2huut,u'l','L,, and have attention to business and good work, to merit a share of public patronage. Haw ing Inul an experience of over twentydive years he has no hesitation In saying that all work shall be warranted according to quality. The following gentlemen can testify to his ability as n workman in thc out: Mr. H. Graham, Merchant, Dun. dalk; Mr. J. Agnew, Councillor. New Sur- vey; Mr. W. Hoakinnon. New Sun ', Mr. J. Nixon, New Survey. Those gen . distance culling only In the morning will get their toll. home with them the lune day. _____ . JAMES MOM. REID. Dundalk, M" 28, 1877. 1 Cure for 'Pay Up.’ Leads, the onward movement fonurd in his motto, and he now flings his banner to tho breeze, notifying the inhabitants of Proton. and surrounding Townships, that In bu purchased the Carding and Fulling My ehinery formerly owned by Mr. J. J. Middleton, and has fitted them up in first. class style. and is now ready for Itoll Cud- ing and Cloth Dressing,und hoses by .ssteiet ---MID- Cloth I) "eriqsfntepp. PROCLAMATION! Wool Carding Full-Cloths, Twreds, Flanncla, Blank“. Stocking Yarn, Filling Y urn, to" which willbe sold at moderate prices. Call and examine. Woor, Tum: m Excuma: r03 Goons or in payment for work. m'l'o parties coming I distance to get Roll CUrding done, we will do our boat waive them their work home with them. Flesherton, June 20, 1877, NONE BUT EXPERIENCED WORKMEN EMPLOYED. Cloth Dressing! in t'trist.ehas Ityle. Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Dyeing, The subscriber: beg to inform the inhabitants of South Grey that they are prepared to exe- cute :11 orders In Woolen Factory larsie Stock of . _ 77 -- WATCHES, CLOCKS. and JEWELLERY, which he sells at Toronto prices. Engage. ment and Wedding Rings B specialny. Goods to select from sent on application. y80 E, D. WILCOX. MARKDALE, Would call the attention of the public or Dundulk, and surrounding country. to the fact that he yseps.,eon.stHtuy on hand 3 "(New Fall Goods! Prints, Dress Goods, Plain and l Jhingedt11stresa'rena Merinos, Coburgs, Grape Cloth, Win- . ceys, Plain and Check; HARDWARE. "'o'att'a',t?a','2tRtl,t',", Boots and Shoes A stock to suit the most ftustidious. ' DIONI‘IY To IJOAN-o GROCERIES. Special attention paid to this Bunch. Elem!“ vnluo in Gmn,thk and Input Tm. English, Scotch & Canadian Tweeds WWII. Surfs, Clouds, Hoods, EA full stoek of Baldy-undo Clothing from the but Indus. In Hats, Cnpa, Fun, Mitts, Gloves, le., he., my that will b. found hiccup-nib. JAMES MOM. REID We hue on land A large Mock of . D, WILCOX, FLESHERTON J. & N. CAMPBELL, -ANO-- "omiruhaastmmentotrsoa,mtit.suatu hum. d... to. to. Lydia Ttimmed Eat, uteat Ityhl; tho. splendid ”monument of the but of the Newest Plum. Ibtf. Tin-21 A complete Assortment of Buildm' Bud's", Shelf Goods, Pocket Cutlery, to. is not (wily earned in the: times, but It i' i' i an bemade in three month- by my one of either art, in any mrraftueramuy who in willing to Work steamy " the ampl'nyment that we furuitrh. 86tt her weak in your own mun Yul need nut. be nvuy from home over night You can give your whole time to we work ("only your Ipare momenu. We have agent- who at. making over W per thy. AL who 'meg. at him: can make money fut. At the - time money can no“: Idem easily " my other busing-i. It coca nothing to tr the Maine... Team and '5 (httftt (we. IUd1 " once. H. HALL." & Co., Fenland, lino. At the bud-1k Cum . Watts, Natal-l Crumb toe srdgtt rum Birch, sud Maple). Aprlr Ms J. B. an All than indebted, either by Note or Book Account. are requested to settle up immediately. Goods for tltf _tus1'sltettrt Y, on be had DRY GOODS, Gnocmnms, BOOTS * snags. CROCKERY, Etc. DUNDALK. Cash Store! Most Fashionable STYLES Family Flour Prepared to Receive Orders lynndhguulm Know baht-Mutual- mutt-haw be: ereetrqted,e.tttkd, ant-manor! imttu,'r,',?ditt.'i',r,',li'!, “by”. on map: ot "be. It W,'g,%tht',tuittlt, PremDedho. Tdt',it'rl'Gt,h"lr'lWg.' sud dreadlo- -tmytiuatt I!!- qd. wold Mrmm -. aGTiaaYGiiiaTti'i"ii'iia'iTi 'f'dtetya',tu',2't2p,'titttht'22'. - “(I wok-Hy the .00! mm plumb-er 'ah"attlyatcirgrtgt2egtdtgt led. [altrt.Pt9ttea"ftdiryiA-iafit S. IIaney. Dundalk. Jan. 29. 1877; TAILORING. CLOTHING, Imam. 29, 1877. Wilhu to inform all those who require his services, that ho is Remember the stand. Main Stud. DUNDALK. Ra.iii)it', Eiiff T. iiiGieaaGiiEiF7iii7Gii ll, GRAHAM. FM" '57.")? ‘85)“an ESTABLISHMENT. up the was on short notice. Wmrt of Onn'geville. WANTED. ALWAYS ON IUD. A SUPPLY or GOOD . CHITTICK, MAIN STREET, u, “DUI I" AND YO a not “-in arm-ed in than times, but " can humid: “use month- by my one of on!" on, In In, T. B. cum. “WE in l MOST APrtumm KINDS. u. rowan» that depend upon being "tidUd by Ind” BEST STYLE OF THE AM I now itittod up in the very but style. ad Job Department. Possum Great Facilities T! E E Large Circulation "tdaoattai-tnmorutt of 1tttemetia. The STATION, 28 COLUMN PAPER “DUNDALK GUIDE," NEW Medium for Advertisers. Danni-11k Guide JOB WORK FOREIGN AN D Promptitude mum“ ism thin READING KATTBB. no wnl I'll GREATEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER} - POSTAGE FREE. Putin wishing WOICK. should subscribe for the for doing Bil kinds ot Pun 01.00 In Anal Opposite done in the very admiration. Intuit an on Alum All who tun! I good MARKET REPORTS. DUNDALK, IN ADVANCE. THE nononum Guido” Ate MD PNYIINAI', retirtd from vtiw- Pee. doom-dun hot plural in in. hand,, My nu Eur Elli. Minimurv the tot,rtuia of I Vega-Hat Romedy for the “new and pennant! can " Comwtion. An” M. Bram-hf: 7., fhrterrh ad MI Threat and 1mm: Aft-M1: Dr; Ibo I Have and Radical ("no for New N“ Doha“, and I" Kern-I- “with”. Alt-r having ttutroet'ihty tented in mmdmlnl JO tV tire m in “I'm-MM- of an". In in n t in fetr to III! it hum tat H. nah-tiny fel. lout. “trad by thin nan-tin uni . aun- 'tesientie desire to rt'X‘rw- hum-n "tfuritu. h. nrit1 mm1 "BF "PU"; Prt tn Mt sho thin“. this, mint. with " dIMi-m for "will. and moonwalk» ”in; Nut My ram-I -ail by “timing win]. "amp, luau] A ovum. " A “Av mum?» ill-mun"- Pun. “him with on“ hie. (Eula-e06». Add-m. HOLT!!!“ L )WEL'IY oh.. Ruched. Qua a , == Mama-m- mi, Write. wittiead Um... ko ml "Netirmd. lb" lune ym. A ttcTtectgt, te-ttde "rer"te fluff fr " . . De. C. “an“. DJJ. '" Box 80. Ina-Inn”. Oter, Thu Oil bu been urn-d. for many you". with the best woven in the ”autumn! of the t'ollowimt disc-mam. via.:--ltincl-. Tumors. Swelling in the throat. Wmd gulls. Stem-y, Finluln. Spl'nim. Suddla and lumen Rina. Poll Evil. Hawaiian of the worst form. Cork" Ind Flesh wounds. One Implication to I oA," ,“.'. il/f/IL, wound, will ofectuully hep out the frost in Jrinter Ind the tlie, in autumn. It on“ out fungus or proud tlou, in "t"t or two Indications. it will nut take off the hair except it is well rubbed in and N" plied frequently. Put up In manly hut-pints and mid for Me Otrt. 4ttt, 1377. flu-36 HARDY'S British Troop Oil. Powders. For them- uud other rrumnn we think it advisabil- to use the Medicines ul- Iern‘tely. IflroUt Medicines are mgllin‘d at the name time, tsive the Hum- po. dem It night. Ind the Condition l'uwdcmiu the naming. We defy the World In product: hm hue? Pawdcnfar yrurml [mam-u. CONSUMPTION CUREI‘. We Ire “tidied from lung: "sporierteet, that all Condition and Home Powder,, not better npmtely. hoe-mm tlwirirwrediont. belong to chain; of Medieiney which Int-cen- nrily Act in opposition to one]: other. Tim Emsetorauu, Name-anti. Mdutiwu and Narcotics in Halve Powders are, in their effect upon the “mu-m. directly contrary to the Tonicu and Stimulants in Condition BRITISH HEAVE POWDER Should be used. They mum" Ion-u ur- ticles expmsuly alarm! to the imminent of 1l!ront Ind lung ' inc-use. M"'-'-"-"'--.. -.VeeW.e.e.. -.... 'vly - .-u - tent -y "(In um. - WM. 4.... on . to... 10-1. mu. mud-n: d w In In an; - r null-n. " h In an mumm- who. t an. a an "-1)er my - Imam-=3 - I - .-l -u my " unw-n~ on." 18ffda%'t'l'=tdh'u'uu'i'iT,'iC'pg mun-u - to lum- hum In! qrqirugr8-t uh: “A a - 5' can. md u Inn ”no bu. - do - Iy nun-n l annual. was! all 0-... math manual-Him "nu-l " - he“. tlGltl bl] “I M. an“ 'i?i7iC'i'i2'ka'iiiiih “I u. ua a can After the Above explinulinm i'. may he sully seen how . Medicine like there Powders in able to 95111 I cure of all the Muentowhich hum-s and cattle the 'tts!2'eet. -- _ These Powder: no not momnmndu-d in column or cold"; “though tho-y are medal to lid the cough powder-n when the hum is in poor condition. For Haves uni mnuhr. tho Thou Powdem are composed of nin- kinds of Medicines. all fulfilling their dif. ferent "Ewen. vie.; Laxatives, to no! on the, swmlch and bowels ; Alwmu'um. tum-t on the liver Ind Mood; Diutvties, to [(1 nu the kidneys Ind budder; 1rusphorvtus, to net on the thi-.; and Tomes. to an an the tunnel“ and general syhu-ln. Tles mn- tain Ihsmuleenu, h'titnuhuiU, and (funni- 'tativea, to prevent wiping m colic. glut. “and; -r.o.G'a,i,; " Leter2eyeyyetet. I'"? 'rr - "a For the cum of Dina-linen. Dssutery, Cholera "urban, Pain and (Trumps in the mound: and Bowels, and Children Teething. This Cordial is not launched to tsoothe ehiidmuiutoan unmtunl Ind disturbed ‘Ileop, locking up ditwmus mind its eaurqt III the Iystem. " mort of the making I) m.- Ind Godfrey's Cordial do. It does not con- tain one puticla of opium, or Inf other lunatic. which so often roduee I Inning symptoms, such as 1l1'lll,"eel which. Inn of 1ttgly minor. sauna. convulsions. pinysil, stating in a sleep, twitching of an mouth, whine-u of the feet, n low pulse und often death. This Cordial nil nmovo all the my» symptomu. mu] their ennui. This Cordial gently moved the bowel: (inn " poisonous matter from the child and cues [min the tirst done. It "u well on the Liver uni Kidneys. British Condition Powders. No Pain Kills: m cm Mend to tho public " good u this plenum Ind ofteetual handy for my pain or trump of tho human fumily. Com ward of " of the “medicines in the {hum Itqdiea. short time. It aiiiGiiaiii, EELS-Q gong!) 'len mnpy other medicines luv. tua. Keep -iiiif sGiriGriii w." gm from death some Tbs-Syn in a 'peeitie forCtxmp. n In: news {arid to cure the dim when given in tune. It is n prompt mimetic and will buck up [ulna-(ion of the lung-s. Wain. Indigent}. Group or onus, in I COMPOUND SYRUP 0F SQCILLS AND IPECAC. no Worn Medicine: in that powdem In combined with pun-game mediritses. This avoids the necessity of giving cash-r oil or other niua agents m the POW- DERS ', 'tWI', trouble-mine to the ur- cm and diugmuhle to the child. Al',','; will 'rtively take any tke wanna if d.- 'Sllf'll' them. " in I box. Price We. Dominion Worm “Harman's Family Medicines AROMATIC Itil UBARB (‘OIKDIAL son in own: by B. DAVIDSON. BRITISH ANODYNE. it will av. f, d h

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