Ontario Community Newspapers

Dundalk Guide (1877), 25 Oct 1877, p. 4

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Â¥1 \| +4 Savep sy Grace.â€"When Mr. Hill was, some years ago, in Scotland, he was introâ€" duced to an aged minister, somewhat reâ€" sembling himself in picty and eccentricity. The old man looked at him for some time very earnestly, and at length said : **Weel, I have been looking for some time at the leens of your face." "And what do you think of it?" said Mr. Hill. "Why, I am thinking that if the grace of God hadna changed your heart, you would ha‘ been a most tremendous rogue." Mr. Hill laughed heartily, and said : "Well you have hit the nfl on the head." Tus Dirreaexce:â€"A market gardener had a very fine cow that was milked week after week by hired men. He observed that the amount of butter he carried to market weighed about a pound more on each alterâ€" nate week. He watched the men, and tried the cow after they had finished milking; but always found that there was no milk Kaxsas CrTy, Mo., Oct. 19.â€"A gigantic swindle has been brought to light here toâ€" ay by the arrest of J. R. Ham, Edward L. Stevens, and George W. Miller on the reâ€" quisition of Gov. Hubbard, of Texas. The charge is of forging land titles and issuing deeds for large tracts in Texas. Animmense amount of land has been conveyed under many aliases. About a year ago the attenâ€" tion of Governor Hubbard was called to the matter, and on looking into it a monstrous swindle was detected, involving both Texas and the United States. The authorities at Washington were informed and a special agent sent out. He obtained a clue which has been closely followed resulting in the simultaneous arrest of sixty persons in different parts of the country. Noless than thirteen courtâ€"houses were burned during the past year to destroy evidences against awindlers. The prisoners were taken to Texas toâ€"day. The Times in an account of the Texas land swindle says:â€""One of the largest banking houses in Austin, Texas, two Chicago bankers, two real estate dealers, and others in St. Louis, Indianopolis, Cinâ€" cinnati, Cleveland. and Pittsburg, are to be or have been arrested." It also says that there has been a well organized system of forgery in full practice in the western counâ€" try for eight or nine years. The same orâ€" ganisation which is now forcing Texas scrip on the market has been perpetrating some most terrible forgeries. The mode of working is this:â€"They have agentsin each Cigantic Land Swindle in the United States. yes," she says. *Whon Jim milks he says to the old cow. "So! my pretty muley, so But when Sam wmilks he hits her on the hip with the edge of the pail and says: "Hist you old brute." left in the teats. He finally asked the Seotch girl who took care of the milk if she could account for the® difference. "Why, Tas Rrewt Kixo.â€"There is an old story of a traveller sitting at a western hotel table. He orded beefsteak for his breakâ€" fast, and the waiter presently brought a small piece on a large plate. The traveller turned it over, inspected it carefull, then said to the waiter, "Yes, that‘s the kind: now go and get me some as soon as you district with attorneys in cities. An old woman or man of wealth falls sick and the doctors give her or him up, as likely g)die. The person having been assured to die, and the gang having examined the records of property belonging to the doomed person, heirs are sought for and duly examined. Then deeds are prepared in due form, and the woman or man, each a member of the gang, appear before a Justice, and the dyâ€" ing person‘s property is duly deeded away before his death, his name forged, and that of his wife, and the same placed on record. Two country attorneys overtaking a wagâ€" goner on the road, thinking to break a joke with him, asked him why his foreâ€"horse was so fat and the rest so lean? The wagâ€" goner, Enowing them to be limbs of the law, replied, "That the fore horse was a lawyer and the rest were his clisnts." He was a tall, carrotâ€"haired youth, and appeared as if he had just emerged from an encounter with some uot altogether wellâ€" disposed person, who had left him minus a hat,coat,and a portion of his nasal appendâ€" age. He came tearing down the road with a stick in his hand which measured threeâ€" quarters of an inch in diameter, at the rate of ten miles per hour, and long before he neared us we could hear him shouting, "See anything of my gal ‘round here?" As he approached his pomposity gave way to shame, and he mounted the fence at the road side, stick in hand. _ His tongue was loose, however, as he had imbibed a little too freely, and he raised his hands, saying, â€"*"I could bite that stick elean in two." We said we had no doubt of it, and perâ€" suaded him to pour his sorrows into wilâ€" ling ears. Hecomplied, and said :â€"*"Stranâ€" "Jane, it is eleven o‘clock: tell that young man to please shut the front door from the outside." ger, you may think I‘m drunk, but ef I ketch Bill Mulligan I‘ll be eternally flabâ€" bergasted ef I don‘t scoop his head into a soup dish for him, and brush the dust offen his back with this ‘ere root of mine! Stranger, I‘m a ruined man!" and here he broke downâ€"not in tears, but because the rail which supported him gave wayâ€" alighting head foremost on a large stone, and the only thing which saved him from fracture of the skull, was his thick crop of earrotâ€"colored hair. After recovering his equilibrium he resumed his narrative :â€" "I‘ve been to a dance up to Jefferson‘s, and had jest the smartest gal in the whole feâ€" male assembly, when Mose Anderson eame along and said to me says he, ‘Joe, don‘t sile that fine shirt I lent ye,‘ and stranger, I couldn‘t stand that, so I ‘vited him down to the bar room to treat, and while we was buntin‘ one another ‘round down there, Bill Mulligan he waltzed off home with my gal, and oh, stranger, T‘ed give all I‘m worth ef I could lay my hand on his povertyâ€"stricken visage ! Wouldn‘t I teach him not to meddle with my personal property! Woulda‘t 1 !" Our Confiding Friend. Sewed Boots &au have on ? W hy, 1 got them AT MORROW‘S SHOESHOP, in Dundalk ! Can‘t see ‘em anywhere else same style. He is making them for $7 a pair (cash)â€"real beauties, the cheapest I ever saw. ‘Those wanting firstâ€"class Boots & Shoes, should call and give me their order, whicmrpm filling with the best material the et can procure, and as all work is got up under my own supervision, I have not the least hesitaâ€" tion in saying that entire satisfaction will be siven. All work warranted. Say, young man, where did you ge) M10°E Sewed goou you have on ? Why, I got them To six days of the Week Hard Labour, IN A SHOE SHOP ! and established papers that have lived through the hard times, we are glad to see the oldâ€"time and favorite Star SPANGLED Baxxzr®. This ever popular paper begins its 16th year with 1878, and deserves to be in‘ every home. It is a large, 8â€"page, 40 column paperâ€"every issue actually crowded with charming Stories, Poems, Sketches, Wit, Humor, Fun, Puzzles, and Rebusesâ€" fine Illustrated Poems and Stories. It is a national favorite, and should be in every family. In its ‘"Rogue‘s Corner" every swindler, quack, humbug and fraud is fully exposed. %‘iono need ever be swindled if they will but read the Baxx®r. Try it one year. Only 75 cents a year, or with six fine chromos, or an elegant dictionary, only $1. Trial trip, 3 months, only 10 ets. We advise every reader to try this great family paper three monthsâ€"only one dime. Address g':n Spaxouzp BaxxEr, Hinsdale, June, August, October and December. Primroseâ€"Wednesday _ preceding _ the Orangeville Fair. Orangevilleâ€"The 2nd Thursday in each month. Marsvilleâ€"Second Wednesday in each Ladies‘ and Gents‘ Sewed What the milkimman said when they found a fish in the lacteal fluid â€"*"Good Heavens ! the brindle cow has been in swimming again !" month. % Durhamâ€"Tuesday before Mount Forest. Fergusâ€"Thursday following Mount Forest. Hanoverâ€"Monday before Durham. Rosemontâ€"Fifteenth of February, A;_)ril. There never has been a time when the healâ€" ing of so many different diseases has been caused by outward application u',h:rre.ent, It is an undisputed fact that over half otf the entire population of the globe resort to the use of or(#inary pluter_l. a%. 4 The principal ingredients used in makin these PLt.enp.:re (‘}um Olibanumâ€"or betug known as the Frankincense of the Bibleâ€" Rubber, and Burgunday Pitch ; which, when scientifically compounded, isfull of electricity, and wher combined with the pure medicinal gums, is found to be one of the greatest healâ€" ing mediums ever brought before the human day after Guelph. Berlinâ€"First Thursday in each month. Bramptonâ€"First Taursday in each month. Listowelâ€"First Friday in each month. Mount Forestâ€"Third Wednesday in each ‘They are acknowledged by all who have used them to act qnixer than any other Plasters they ever before tried, and that one of these Plasters will do more real service than a hundred of the ordinary kind, All other Plasters are slow of action, and require to be worn continually to effect a cure; but with these it is entirely different ; the instant one is ;i)phed the patient will feel its effect. They possess all the soothing, warming ‘They possess all the soothing, warming, supporting and strengthening qualities of al other Plasters. Many who have been relieved of RuEvymatisy, TricpororEUX, and various other pains in the Kroxeys, Brzast or StDE, and believe it is solely done by the electrical quahties which the Porous Plasters contain, and which is imparted to the system, thus restoring them to a healthy condition, | Guelphâ€"First Wednesday in each month. Harristonâ€"Friday before the Guelph Fair. Draytonâ€"Saturday before Guelph. Eloraâ€"The day before Guelph. Douglasâ€"Monday before Elora Fair. Hamiltonâ€"Cyrstal Palace Grounds, the They are very soft and phable, still very adhesive ; and a sure cure for Weas Backs, Parss rs twe Smpz ax» BrEast; and are inâ€" valuable to those who have a Corn of long standing, and often prevents CoNsSUMPTION, Some even tell us tgey believe they were entirely cured by the use of them of a longâ€" seated Consumption. _ Prepared by Gxores E. MrrcuELL, Lowell, An Infallible Remedy for all Diseases of the Eye (acute or cironic}, Granulation of the Lids, Ulceration of the Lachrymal Glands, Film, and Weakness of the Vision from any cause. Te Axmerrcan Ev®â€"Sauve is presented to the public‘ with the assurance of its efficiency as a curative of most diseases of the eye, acute or chronic inflammation, whether im{uced by scrofulous origin or otherwise, weakness or defect of vision, Ciminished tone of the optic nerve, or a diseased state of the tissues conâ€" stituting that organ. Also, for all persons whose vocation requires an incessant action of the eyes, the Salve will act as a charm in reâ€" storing a uniform healthy action, where weakâ€" ness, pain, and misery may have long threatâ€" ened a fatal termination. It is the most simple, safe, and effectual remedy ever discovered. The materials of which it is made are pure, ‘::)rk-ct, and costly, compounded with elaâ€" rate care and exactness, safe in its appliâ€" cation, being used externally, and, of course,. avoiding the pain and danger which necessarily. attends the introduction of caustic minerals and eyeâ€"washes. _ Rrxoworyt and Orp CHROâ€" xic Sores, of serofulous origin, or resulting from whateyer cause, yeild to the AmERICAN Eveâ€"Sanve. IT s usep SuceessrCLLY FoR PrLEs. â€" Its soothing effect is immediate, and a permanent cure requires but a few appliâ€" cations. _ The proprietors of "Dr. J. Pertirs Amertcan Eveâ€"Sacve," while making new and imv:m'ml machinery for making a more perfect box for the Eycâ€"Nalve, have ehanged the Trade Mark on the cover so as to corresâ€" pond with the Cut on the Wrapper, Circulars, Advertisements, e%c. We call attention to this, as it might otherwise be regarded as counterfeiting. x NORTHROP «& LYMAN, Toronto, Agents for Canada. Mitchell‘s Belladonna Improved* India Rubber Porous Plaster. Say, 1 "It Srmup Wayves. SENTENCED! J. W. MORROW. Dundalk, Aug. 30, 1877. 1 Sold by all Drucgists. month. MONTHLY CATTLE FAIRS. PETITT‘S EÂ¥Eâ€"SALVE. 4 Berrit & PARKER, Proprietors, Freedonia, N. Y. "â€"Among the solid ers thunguve lived TRADE SALE! REPAIRING done with NEATNESS and DESPATCH. REMARKING ALL HIS GOODS The Subscriber, thankfull for Eut favors, would inform his Customers, and the inâ€" habitants of Dundalk and surrounding country generally, that he is prepared to make to order, and of the best material to be had, WAGGONS, BUGGIES, SINGLE AND DOUBLE. CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, HARKROWS, ROLLERS, HORSE RAKES, _ __ Â¥"Bring along your Cash, Butter and Eggs. An inspection of our goods respectâ€" fully solicited. G. R. MIDDLETON. Lovweer = Cheaper than the Cheapest. PRINTS, COTTONS, TWEEDS, iI11VS ICHT U Summer Goods "}}* next 30 days THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR BUTTER, EGGS, CORDWOOD, TIES, &e., IN TRADE. New Goods, New Goods! CALL and SEE his PRICES. A choice lot of Bacon and Hams for Sale cheap for cash. Dundalk, May 81, 1877. AN APPRENTICE WANTED. Kâ€""REMEMBER THE PLACEâ€"Proton Street, near the Dundalk Carriage Works. Painting Done on Short Notice, Dundalk, Jan. 29, 1877. " PUFF OR BLOW !" CLILEARING O U T Faca! "éiii.'riv%g)éis. 1 X ELBARRO and anything else in the wood line required by the community at large. we» but 1,000 Volunteers Wanted! and Readyâ€"Made Clothing, Prices lower than ever. Would inform his friends that he has just commenced To make room for FALL STOCK. than Ever Before Seen in D U N D A L K. which we o ffer at very close prices. We do not . G ra h a m We have now on hand a Large Stock of AND BY A FIRSTâ€"CLASS ARTIST. THE BALANCE OF HIS T. B. GRADY. which will be found‘ He is anxious of but we sell goods Latest from the Seat of War! But more taken by surprise on entering HANBURY, is to be seen the largest and most attractive Stock of | i. e V maaphe /o. 9 0 As we use none but the best material, those leaving their order may depend on getting a genuine article, and a fit to please the most exquisite, N. B.â€"All parties in srrears with their payments on lots must pry up at once, or eosts will be incurred. nsM Dundealk, Jan., â€" 1877 Gent‘s Sewed Work a Speciality. Most REASONABLE Terms, Besides this the SADDLERY DEPARTMENT is replete in all its branches. A full Stock always on hand. â€" Orders promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. I=> All kinds of farm produce, cordwood, &e., &¢., taken in exchange for goods. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR HIDES AND SKINS. THOS. HANBURY & BRO. Ladies‘ Hats and Bonnets James Robertson in returning thanks to the public for the liberal patronage he has received, now begs to inform them that he is prepared to furnish everything in his line at prices never before heard of, Cook, Parlor, And Box Stoves TINWARE of every description at Bottom Prices EAVETROUGHING AND ROOFING A SPECIALITY. FIRSTâ€"CLASS PLOUGHS FOR SALE CHEAP. Shop next door to the Post Office. WaxteE»:â€"Any quantity or Woor, Woorâ€"rickincs, Suzersctys, Hines, &c., &c., Apprentice Wanted. JAMES ROBERTSON. Dundalk, Aug. 2, 1877. Preserve Jars, All Sizes. Tl’imming done on fl"i;f:,' The undersigned beg to inform the inhabitants of Dundlak and surrounding country, that they are now manufacturing all kinds of Encourage Home Manufacture TAKE NOTICE. Cupboards, At the Stove and Tinware Emporium DUNDALK. f Dressed> Lumber and Flooring Always STOVES AND TINWARE! Dundalk, August 1st, 1877. Sash, Doors, Framss, Lounges, Couches, Sideboards, Parties wishing to purchase a Lot either for a Dwelli BUSINESS STAND, Remember Dundalk, April 12, 1877. OI?R TEAS STILL TAKE THE LEAD. Dundalk, June 6, 1877. y 1 10,000 Slain‘ Building Lots for Sale. rds, &c., &c., at the shortest notice. Furniture repaired with neatness and dispatch Estimates given and Contracts taken for all classes of Buildings. STAIRCASE WORK AXND HANDRAILING A sPECIALITY. Orders Soiclited. ##"Undertaking attended to promptly, TORONTO HOUSE. the Stand, the Shop nearly opposite the Post Office, Main Stroet, Dundalk. CROsS & HICKS. Aoril 12. 1877. yli Should Apply at Once to CUSTOM WORK. IN ENDLESS VARIETY, K<"Axp CcHEAP FOR CASH OR TRADE. BOOTS and SHOES of every pattern! in the latest New York Styles, at the done on the premises to suit every taste, . K==" Old Hats and Bonnets made to look as good as new. CHEAPER THAN EVER! A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF on entering HANDUR L DA Pun TCO Caittad 4n most attractive Stock of Boots & Shoes ever submitted to publhc inspection, consisting of CALL AND SEE THEM. BEST IN DUNDALK, NEIL McAULLAY, ON THE Superior Family ‘ Flour. E. BROWNE on 28 COLUMN PAPER and contains a vast amount of interesting T HE Large Circulation MOST APPROVED KINDS. BEST STYLEOF THE ART Can depend upon being satisfied by leaving us their orders. is now fiitted up in the very best style, and Job Department. Dundalk Guide "DUNDALK GUIDE," FOREIGN AND Possesses Great Facilities Medium for Advertisers. The STATION, READING M ATTER, NEW JOB WORK Promptitude FAMILY NEWSPAPER The office is turnished with K=POSTAGE FREE. axo wir® tu® GREATEST should subscribe for the Prrce $1.00 per Axxvx W OR EK. Opposite for doing all kinds ot makes it an excellent All who waut a good Iallr IN ADVANCE. DUNXDALE, THE THE J. TOWNXSEND EDITORIALA Guida" Cary ©Constantly T below the Pos Mary Sriao H the smnue manner Has mu and the Builder‘s and C * «¥IDTIC The subscriber the Firstâ€"class The MILLINER AND DR DIVISION Provincial Draughtsn etc., Dund €»,Special Physicians Pre All Grades of klour constan DUNDALK GRIS Aleo Corn Meal, Shorts, 1 Medical Drugs, Chemical Paints, Dyes Patent M and J Protessional and business « g::‘fl’ columm, per year eolumn, «* One column, a» Dundalk, June 20 Barrister, Sol Notary Pubi Orangeville, N""L TERMS:â€"41 por veg ®», $1.50 if not paid withi Ordinary notic deaths, and all k free of charge, STRAY ANIM weeks for &1, th eeed 8 lines. Advertisements by written instru inserted until for wlar rates, Chaneor Owen 8 Do. â€"aix month® . , Do. three months Casaal advertisements . Aine tor the first insertion, for eath subsequent insert Physic â€"Dur Attorney at Jaw Notary Public, residenc« At the Office, Proto: posite the Railway Dundalk, â€" €4 <"a> la‘ l‘l'.\' 'l‘l| THE VULCAN Marriage Cortif Licenses BUSINESS DI Da OWEX ire and . Ceneral anl Miss G mvers Dm All k ebruary 8, 18 of th A NGI s as Mt Mary Srmet Flour! Notice to the l DUNDALJ RATES OFP apy1 lalk AY ANIMAL®, «o for &1, the advert lines. MATITLAND BOl AND FAMILY J lalk D 0 _ AMEI DUNI W J A MF , August 22 attent M 18A A( DJ Ont M §( W JAMES 1.A N DUNDA M At puces M W pueut insert Sur P Proton 8t M a PUBLIN of ali OoPF 410 i M pt 187

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