Ontario Community Newspapers

Dundalk Guide (1877), 25 Oct 1877, p. 3

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than & selite laFk a‘ts of New Mor st of Dean ng received t five ner nvre per cent ntracts. behalf c recess half of ‘h. y Comuis. out 80 witâ€" ther | sida 10th con. een giving last eight since she be richer were in the _ Metico & een found tion, had e oxtrich" cess will be heard. first prize 16r side, Pos loroye »f North confined phere. H ut 0 w own r Cana 1 men, Wrom t the lves near siCHQ that »ard vere wh ing 13 M ex wrk ; to ty ht in ut Portland one of the suburbs of St. John N. B., was visited on Saturday morning by» a disastrous fire, supposed to be the work of incendries, by which 230 houses were destoryed and 2,200 people deprived of their homes. ‘The whole of the block beâ€" tween Main, Acadia, Chapel, and Portland atreets was destroyed, and many buildings on adjacent streets. . So far only one life is known to have been lost, but several casualties occurred. Active measures, in which the.St. John Fire Relief Committee is coâ€"operating, have been tiken for the reâ€" lief of the sufferers. Barroâ€"Sxarr.â€"On the 10th inst., by the Kev. H. Crozier, Mr. George Baird, to Elizabeth, daughter of the late John Smail, all of Egremont. Aaron Munshaw, and mother of Mr. Munshaw, of the Flesherton Hotel; aged 76 years. 3: . , j Moxtoowzry.â€"At the residence of his uncle, Mr. George Montgomery, in Arran, on the 8Sth inst., Mr. John Montgomery, jr., son of Mr. Montâ€" gomery, of Markdale, aged 23 years. Haxp.â€"On Friday evening last, at Stanâ€" ton Township ci«Mulmyr, after a few hours illness, Mr. William Ihna. senr., in the 35th vear of his age. DUNDALK â€" CHUCKRCH â€" DIRECTORY in tik Preac every Thur minister. Preachi Sehool H Flour, per 10f Oatmenl J Fall Whe Pall W heat. Treadwell W Spring W hbea Barley ... TNR ccurmmc ues W Sheep 8 Lamb S Ambrotypes, or Sprin Barle Outs, Peas, Dross Buite JOHN NICKLE Hid Ha Fall W Begs to inform the inhavitants of Duadalk and surrounding country, that he is prepared â€" to _ take NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, in the new gallery which he has just ere« * ed and fitted up in the best st_vfe. next «door to his WATCH SHOP, opâ€" Bosite the Post Office. wATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, SEWING MACHINES, ctc, Cleaned and Repaired. Dundalk, Oct. 25, 1977. * pif All parties are hereby Cautioned against purc>ssing a note drawn by the undersigned in favor of Robert Gordon,for the sum of five doilirs, being dated on or about 3!\! Oct., 1877, sume. Sabbath hool H Sabbath NEW ADVERTISMENTS. ‘»fT.r as I have received no valus for the Dundalk, Oct. 5, 1877 uL Satisfaction @uaranteed. FROM L(GCKET to LIFE SIZE, MOUNT On DUNDALK â€" MARKETS. â€" DuxvaL«k, October 25, 1877 er108, lbs, at mill $2 25 to §2 7i W Pw TORONTO MARKETS. Toroxto, October eat. per bush ...... $1 24 f Charges PRESBYTERIAN. School every Sabbath in the use, commencing at 10 a.x. ewib Ib CANADA METHODIST. Schoo every Sabbath afternoon se Hall, commencing at 2 . x. ver Sabbath in the same place, « at 6.80 r. x. â€" Prayer meeting dlay evening. Rev. C. Shaw, BAPTIST CHURCH. every Sabbath evening in the e. Mr. Williamson, preacher, at MARRIED NOTICE. DUNDALK ROREST MARKETS â€"Office, October 23, 1 wrel Call early DIED er 100 lbs and moderate, Photographs, Wy. CHITTICK h he has just erectâ€" 16 10 OJ tol0 34 18 to 18 t 60 t 00 t 00 t 10 40 G8 50 to to 25, 1877 o $1 27 66 36 OO 14 20 20 60 00 O0 ALTERATION of TRAINS. BER, 1877, trains will run as follows :â€" Toronto a.m. pm p. Uniou Station, Dep. 8.30 1245 8: New Dress Goods in all shades, Union all wool Tweeds, Groceries, Stock complete. Plain and Checked Winceys, Black and Figured Lustres, Ladies Under Skirts, Grey and Bleached Cottons, Grain Bags, Cotton Warp, Orangeville, . Going Sou Owen Sound, a.m. _ p.m. p.mi. Dep. __ T5 ~ 1280 _ 4:16 Arr. 12:00 noon 3:50 9:45 DRUGS, PATEXT MEDICINES, Parsts and OILS, MACHINE OILS, BRUSHES Go To Bolster‘s, Harriston, Going East, Dep. 5:30 a.m. 8:35 a.m. West, Arr. 8:05 p.m. 9:30 p.m. Teeswater, _ Dep. 7:00ain. Arr.4:35p.m For further particulars, see Time Table EDMUND WRAGGE, Gex®ERraL MaxacEr® FANCY TOYS and TOILET ARTICLES Biscuits and Confectionery to suit every machine, and any article in these lines not in stock, will be ordered specially on applieation, The Proprietor is making these lines a speciality and consequently can do better for his eustomers than those in general merchandise. Came on the premises of the subscriber, in July last, a Ram,. â€" The owneris requestâ€" ed to prove property, pay exponses and take the sameaway. Toronto,30th Oct. 1877 Teas, Tobaceos, and pipes, in large variety Lot 186, 2nd Bs E. T. & 8 Artemesia, Oct. 25, 1878 Came on the premises of the subscriber, Lot 20, Con. 9, Township of Proton, about the last of July, a twoâ€"year old Red and White Heifer. The owner may have her by proving property and paying expenses. Apply to Adam Bryce, Mopeville P. 0. From the premises of the Subscriber, one Grey Steer nearly white, and one Brindled Steerâ€"star on face and turned up horns, both coming four years old. The steers were bought on the 9th Con. Proton, and strayed away on the 2nd inst. Any person returning them to the subscriber, or giving such information as will lead to their reeovery will be suitabty reâ€" Proton, Oct. 18, 1877 Twelve Thousand Dollars of Private Funds to Loan, in sums to suit applicants, at a low rate of interest, on good Mortgage Security. Pay up is a nostrum got up by people to delude their ereditors and to injure Kmdalk. The words "Pay Up," have spread over the country like the Potatoo Bus. If a distance from home and the people know you are from Dundalk, the chi]n{ren will be erying after you "pay up, pPaY up!" I am a citizea of Dundalk and tradesman and have uo trouble with my eustomers. It so hapâ€" pens that when they become customers of mine they soon get wellâ€"toâ€"do. The exâ€" neriment is worth trying. _ Dundalk, July Cure for ‘Pay Up. On and after MONDAY, 5th NOVEM Sewins Machine Needles Sheep Strzayed. Books and Stationery, Dundalk, Oct tiâ€"l5 J ty ues t ~i~ 5 5 pOrpN NORYAL Danla‘k Marei, 9th, 1977. aâ€"6 BOOTS AND SHOES we are selling cheaper than ever oronto, Crey, and Bruce RAILWAY. Apply to NOTICHE. Clouds, Hoods and Gloves, South, North, West, $12,000.00. Came Astray. Flesherton, Plain and faney Wool Shirting, Men‘s Under Shirts & Drawers, STRAYED! of All Kinds, 26, 1877 Dep. ~8:2 a.m. p.m _ p.n. Dep. 8.30 12450 8:45 Arr. 11:00 8:10 9:00 11, 1877 r your THOMAS ~B:20 12:10 5:25 7:00 _ 12:05 5:05 12:20 p.m. 6:55 pam. p.m. p.mi. JAMES LAMON, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"law, ROBT. GORDON AYI OR Artem Uâ€"2 selling cheaper than ever. We have a large and well assorted stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, which will be sold exceedingly low. In Ladies Jackets and Trimmed Hats we are showing something very neat. _ Kâ€"*Farm produce taken in exchange for goods. _ Special inducement held out to cash purchasers. 6 tf d39 ‘"Cloth Dressing. ‘! Leads, the onward movement forward in his | motto, and he now flings his banner to the | breeze, notifying the inhabitants of Proton, !mul surrounding Townships, that he has ,purrlumod the Carding rnud Fulling Maâ€" | chinery formerly owned by Mr. 3. J. | Middleton, and has fiited them up in firstâ€" | class style, and is now ready for Roll Cardâ€" \ing and Cloth Dressing, and hopes by strict attention to business and good wortk, to ‘murit a share of public patronage. Havâ€" | ing had an experience of over twentyâ€"five years he has no hesitation in saying that all work shall be warranted according to quality. â€" The following gentlemen can \testify to his ability as a workman in the |past: â€" Mr. H. Grakam, Merchant, Dunâ€" l’ dalk; Mr. J. Agnew, Councillor, New Surâ€" vey ; Mr. W. Hoskinson, New Survey; Mr |J.‘ Nixon, New Survew _ Those from & 'di.\t:ln('(‘ calling early in the morning will |wet their rolls home with them the same Woolen Factory. The subscribers beg to inform the inhabitants of South Grey that they are prepared to exeâ€" cute all orders in Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Dyeing, Cloth Dressing! Fullâ€"Cloths, Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, Stocking Yarn, Filling Yarn, &c., which will be sold at moderate prices. Call and examine. Woor Taxmx Ix Exomaxce ror Goops or in payment for work. _ #»,To parties coming a distance to get Roll Carding done, we will do our best to give them their work home with them, Flesherton, June 20, 1877 Wool Carding NONE BUT EXPERIENCED WORKMEN EMPLOYED. get their rolls 1 day. *Â¥ r JAMES MceM. REID Dundalk, May 23, 1877. 6 Osprey WOOLLEN MILLS MAXWELL. The Subscriber wishes to intimate to th« inhabitants of Osprey, and surroundin; Townships, that he is prepared to manu facture into all kinds of etc., any quantity of Wool left at his Mill: Also that he has in Stock a Large quantit, of Cloths, Satinets, Flannels, Bianket Stocking Yarn, ete., which will be sold ver Low for Cash, or given in exchange fo The highest Market Price in cash paid fo Wool. WILLIAM HERON Maxwell, April 12, 1877. *fimll is not casily earne in thes times, bat 1 ; ; i can be made in thre: months by any on of eithes sex, in any part of the country who is willing to worl steadily at the employment that we fumish 866 per week in your own town. You nee not be away from how.e over night. You ca give your whole time to the work oronty you spare moments. . We have agents who ar making over $20 per day, _ Al who engage a once can make money fart. At the presen time money can not be madeso easily at any other business. â€" It costs nothing to try th business. _ Terms and $5 Outfit free. Addres at once, H, Haruetr & Co., Portland, Maine. At the Dundalk Carriage Works, 200 nair Natural Crooks for sleigh runnersâ€"Elm, Birch, and Maple. Apply to T. B. GRADY, Dundalk. Oct. 11, 1877. tiâ€"37 Cloth, Satinsts, Flannsls, Blankets, Stocking Yarn, PROCLAMATION! KNOW : THYSELE: treets of Exhausted Vitality, Premature Deeline, Neryous and Physicel Debility, and the endless concomitant ills and untold miscries that result therefrom, and contains more than 50 original preâ€" ocri%tions. lng one of which is worth the price of the book. _ This book was written by the most ex» tensive and probably the most skilfal practitioner in America, to whom was awarded a goid and jew» elled medal by the National Medical Association, A Pamphict, illustrated with the very finest Steel Engnvix‘:.lgs-â€"t mar» vel of art and beautyâ€" sent FREE to all. Send . for it at once, _Address PEABODY_ MEDICAL INSTITUTE, No. 4 Bul-T HYSELF finch St.. Boston, Mass. JAMES MceM. REID We have on hand a large stock of d Gloves, Cut Nails, Saws & Axes, R. R. Lanterns, Hats & Caps, Crockery ****$itty una Shovels. Horse Blankets, FLESHERTON in firstâ€"class style BV OCBT .. WANTED. J. & N. CAMPBELL, â€"ANDâ€" By reading and practicing the incstimable truths con« taincd in the best medical book cver issued, entitled Price only $1. Scnt by mail on receipt of price. It SELEâ€"PRESERV ATION HIGHEST PRICE in Cash paid for GRAIN. Is showing some extraordinary cheap Goods, Comprising the following: fmâ€"21 17â€"4f New Fall Goods! Just to hand, a complete assortment of goods, suitable for the fall trade, comprising Prints, Dress Goods, Plain and Fringed Lustres, French Merinos, Coburgs, Crape Cloth, Winâ€" ceys, Plain and Check English, Scotch & Canadian Tweeds Shawls, Scarfs, Clouds, Hoods, &e. &e HARDWABE A complete assortment of Builders‘ + Shelf Goods, Pocket Cutlery, & A stock to suit the most fastidious Boots and Shoes, NLIOONISYX TO 1LOA N. Special attention paid to this Branch. â€" Splendid value in Green, Black and Japan Teas Farmers and others who want to borrow money can have it at from § to 8§ per cent on the Simple Interest principle, the borrower having the right to pay off his Mortgage at any time by giving one or two months‘ notice. _ Business private and confidential, I=%"Good Mortgages and Muanicipal Debentures Bought. Communications promptly ritended to. . Always to be found in the Office, on Mondays and Tuesdays. All kinds of property Insured in Good Companies at low Rates. Farm Property Insured agaiast Fire and Lighining for 3 years at 75 cents on the $100. (LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE) Man and also his Horse Insured against accidents and death from any cause. of the Newest Paterns F*A full stock of Readyâ€"made Clothing from the best makers. In Hats, Caps, Furs, Mitts, Gloves, &e., &c., my stock will be found incomparable Orriceâ€"One door South of the Angloâ€"American Hotel, Dundalk Auguss 30, 1877. LAND3.â€"I beg leave to call the atteution of those wishing to purchase land, as I have a number of good, and cheap, Faria Lots for sale. ##"Send address acd get my catalogue \warded the International Medal and Diploma for beét Wood Sawing Machine at the ‘enteumal Exhibition, Philadelphia; also First Prize at Hamiiton, Guelph, and at all the County Show Fairs wherever shown, â€" Call and get Price List from )rders solicrted. _ $2°All orders promptly sent for all kinds of IMPLEMENTS."&s SA W ud GRIST MILL MACHINERY of all deseriptions, â€" General purpose Ploughs of the best nds to be had. _ GANG PLOUGHS, Wrought Iron or Wooden Frame, sold on next year‘s erms, or at a reduction it Cash be paid this Winter. Harness of all kinds ; Wozgons and ‘leighs, the celebrated Uxbridge Organs, Sewing Machines, Tomb Stones, «c., of all kinds, Dundalk Insurance, Loaning and 10NEYâ€"Firmers wishing to obtain Money cannot do better than to call at the Farmers and Meshanies‘ Agency now established in the town of Dundalk, where you can get MoxEy at a reduced rate of Interest, on ##"Terms to suit yourselves,â€"to pay olf a previous mortgage, build a New House, or Barn, to clear more Land, or to obtain a choice breed of Cattle. #2"Loans will be put through without loss of time, while the strictest privacy will be maintained in all transactions, Dundalk, August 80th, 1877 August 22, 1877 W. Marshall, Agent, Dundalk. Farmers and Mechanics‘ GENERAL AGENCY. Conveyancing dors with nsatress and despatch. " A. G. HUNTER. Loans Advanced on Town or Village Proporty. The Young Champion Wood Sawing Machinc ! and prices. LAND, LOAN and GENERAL AGENCY, D. DAVIDSON GROCERIES. loods, &c. &e. Ladies Trimmed Hats, latest styles; also, A splendid assortment of the best GOOD MORTGAGES BOUGHT. I O> NY IS Y . DUNDALK, ONTARIO A complete assortment of Builders‘ Hardware, Shelf Goods, Pocket Cutlery, &c. Sold by H GRAHAM. GEORGE RUTHERFORD, Orrice, Main Street, Dundalk. War MARSHALL, Dundalk. y y3l y31 E. D. WILCOX, Would call the attention of the public or Dundalk, and surrounding country, to the fact that he keeps constantly on hand a large Stock of WATCHES, Crocks, and JEWELLERY which he sells at Toronto prices ment and Wedding Rings a Goods to select from sent on ap TATILORING. Prepared to Receive Orders Wm. CHITTICK, Most Fashionable STYLES. y30 Cash Store! D U N D A L K. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BO0TS & SHOES, CROCKXKERY, Etc. CLOTHING, Goods for Cash as Cheap as can be hbad West of Orangeville. Begs to inform the inhabitants of Dandalk and vicinity that he has on hanc _ *4 for saie a fine stock of All those indebted, either by Note or Book Account, are requested to settle up imiediately. Wishes to inform all those who require his services, that he is Apples by the Peck. on his premises Owen Sound Street, near the STATION, â€" â€" â€" Dundalk. Good Family Flour for sale, Dundlak, Feb. 23, 1877. Make up the same on short notice January, 29, 1877 Mr. P. WHITTLE! Remember the stand, Main Stroet, DUNDALK. Dundalk. Jan NUTS, FaANCY GOODS, CONFECTIONERY, LEMONS, PLUMS, «~TEMPERANCE DRIXES, ESTAELISHMENT. amily Flour Refreshment Rooms, Also that he has opened new MAIN STREET, MARKDALE, A SUPPLY OF GOOD ALWAYS ON HAXD AND IN THE $s. IIaney. AND TO FOR 20. 1877 E. D Salt, es. â€" Engage a speciality application. WILCOX. ARMSTRONG‘S Family Medicines Dominion Worm Powders. The Worm Medicines in these powders are combined with purgative medicines. This avoids the necessity of giving eastor oil or other opening agents after the POWâ€" DEBS;vhiclnistmulnlemuu(- to the parâ€" ent and disagreeable to the child. . They will positively take away the worms if the child‘hu them. 12 in a box. Price 20e. COMPOUXD sYRUP OF SQUILLS AND IPECAC. This S is a epecific for Croup. It has no\'omfied to cure the disease when given in time. _ It is a prompt emetic and will break up Inflamation of the lungs, Bronclutis, Infliuenza, Croup or colds, in a short time. _ It aiso relieves whooping cough when many other medicines have failed. â€" Keep it in your homes, it will save your child from death some «old night. Price 25¢. No Pain Killer was ever offered to the public as good as this pleasant and effoctual remedy for any pain or cramp of the human family. Composed of 12 of the best medicines in the Materia Medica. For the cure of Diarrhoa, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Pain and Cramps in the Stomach and Bowels, and Children ‘Teething. This Cordial is not intended to sooths children into an unnatural and disturbed sleep, locking up discase and its cause in the system, as most of the Soothing syrups and Godfrey‘s Cordial do. 1t does not conâ€" tain one particle of opium, or any other nareot‘c, which so often produce alarming symptoms, such as disordered vicion. loss of speech, stupor, spasins, convulsions, paralysis, starting in the sleep, twitching of the mouth, coldness of the feet, a low pulse and often death. This Cordial will remove all the above symptoms, and tLeir eauses. | This Cordial gently moves the bowels draws off poisonous matter from the child and eases pain the first dose. 1t asts well on the Liver and Kidneys. British Condition Powders. These Powder kinds of Medicin ferent offices, viz storaach and bow the liver and blo: the kidueys and wet on the skin ; muscles and gen: tain Demuleents natives, to preve After the above explanations it may easily seen hbow a Medicine like t Powders is able to effect a cure of all diseases to which hborses and cattle subject. 'llhese Powders are not recommend« eoughs or colds; although they are ne to aid the cough powders when the h is in poor condition. For Heaves and coug‘.s the BRITISH HEAVE POWDER Should be used. ticles expressly a of throat and lun We are satisfic that all Condition better separately, belong to classes sarily act in oppc Expectorants, N effect upon the system, dir to the '}‘uuicfi and Stimulant Powders. _ For these and ot think it advisable to use the ternately. If both Medicin at the same time, give the I at night, and the Condition morning. We d’{y the World to prod owders for qeneral Sold in Dundalk by D. DAVIDSON. This Oil lhas been nse with the best success the following disen Tumors, Swelling | it galls, Sweney, Fist and harness galls, P« the worst form, Cork HARDY‘S British Troop Oil. AROMATIC One appleatio wound, will effe« in winter and th Jt cuts out fur or two applicatic the hair except i plied frequently. Put up in near| Oct. 4th, 1877 Ax oup Puystctas, retired from act ve prac tice, having had placed in ts hands by an Kast India Misssonary the formn!a of a Vegetable Remedy for the speciy and permanent oure of Consumption, Asthina, Bronchivie, €atarrle and all Throat and Lung Adbections ; also a Positive and Radical Cure for N ervon s Debility and all Nervous Comptaints, aftar having thoroughly tested its woudlerful anraâ€" tive powers in thousands of cares, feels 1+ hi« duty to make it known to his saffering folâ€" lows, Acturted by this motive and a conâ€" scientious desire to refieve hnman suffering, he will send PREL GFCHARGE, to all who d sire it, this recipe, with full direction« for preparing and successfully using. Rent by return mail by addressing with stam», naming TCO m se BRITISH ANODYNE. D.8.F. 23â€"v 44 Miractuous Pux, _ Writes with col water, â€" No imk required, â€" Lasts one year, A verfect gem. Sample 10 contsâ€" Phree for 2° cent«, Cataloruetree. Add ess, MOMNTREAT NOVELTY CO., Montrea‘, 1. ae. 2y @ | T.V. 6 CONsSUMPTION CURED. Five Years S.orsons Cu o4 oy gour Bowues c. Cussitutictal Catammh Eemesy _ Trin in Sboulsers, Dask and Lepgn, s1 Dreprings in Threst Dimappest. | _ _ _ || _ GENTS. $§ A DAY selling « quently, § in nearly halfâ€"pints and ; up discase and its cause in s most of the Soothing syrups s Cordial do. 1t does not conâ€" icle of opium, or auy other ch so often produce alarming ich as disordered vision. loss tupor, | spasings, . convulsions, rting in the sleep, twitching , coldness of the feet, a low en death,. This Cordial will ie above symptoms, and their is Cordial gently moves the s off poisonous matter from | eases pain the first dose. 1t the Liver and Kidneys. RHUBARB CORDIAT CANNC CATARRH Dz C. STEVENXS, Box 80, Brocxvnaur. Os 4A ROITNG . Buonermtad, Ont NNOT be cured by Snufis Wasl Leox) Applications. . Thonsands weoomee s, retured from active prac »ed in tus hands by an Kast re formnla of a Vegetable cdy and permanent oure of hma, Bronchitie, Gatarrl ind Lung Aiiections Radical Care for Nervon« Nervous Comphaints, aftar tosted its wouderful anraâ€" isands of cases, feels 1+ his known to his «nffering felâ€" y this motive and a conâ€" n relieve haman sufferinu, [ OGFCHARGE, to all who pe, with full direction« for seessfully nsing. Sent by Br, Ammanp, P. Q., Sept in the ral purp« Send stamp tor Trem fm â€"36 19. 10e ning difâ€" i the N

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