Ontario Community Newspapers

Dundalk Guide (1877), 11 Oct 1877, p. 3

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Mia. Makhtae Nurs In: been - to PN RPU.ur" Kimmy!- owing to tho, ' hutch: he sustained in tho Um: I! and lit-l inst. Tho M“- - the am! on Moth, w A {nub shown an d: tity of bovine- in pal 1m: cm”. In perk.” Ibo qmlitr Tho ”It, Ibo- and 11:3an an in aqanmeat. Tho , not. ae., was quit. Mum; of his: tho mot W a what y "imttls " a rreeul naval comm. - nnbe. mu Galatz, how... u U.- ml I Tutti-h strainer. the "-.. and sank with all on but _,w - A‘v'ful‘ 1.~. int on tut "v-ia, 'd.,. quuigy appears “it. “I itrv ahuw is quite .m‘ :2 ts m 'n"ttuys'ietirmi. 'nt The exhibit of m‘ . min Hun" hevund I m n st' uuuc. The J2'dld h. h‘mmmut were will“. ' H! ll d1»! mkmgnmormh .luwn with Inc, I u .rihed the [nub-“h. tlrrre, they hang“ an Indium! of W. m..vrvhn. lemon! . " r. unwinding yaw“, twe have found m“ Lime. say I. lf ti. mlon would only gin rke an shout huh ry would 300- - ll know “I.“ " " raising w u! nanme arrmamnr. .ml. Threshing-l“ :‘nln'; machines, a“ by Arum " 0% Mad. In (timing “1 . {mm-.1 such work - vtrtA.it .r of Horaee "mi. 'l‘erlo-(ln sieves nod Ha. n told by the boys they a asked what not. at. l was, evidently ob. et that there m much u " " in lamb-lb Your truly. a]... splendid. Th4 ys-rhlpa I... M- ll) 's, m. In the 1.“; I dam-r mMM‘I Stun 'ert eloioit t nnd by l l have No m by tho night Ex- " wall luv. it in not my time been ill have much liked I and taken I "In tent of Rev. Mr. tin] Adelina-l ecrt;ner. “Chm-i- turnips n rum has “an!“ find mill may - tsupersede---- rather big av" tho itiu-n Ind they In» mundane? u. “I, . whilst the neon- run-w presrertutt b -n- anion! and [ritua- Inte honse had I. mic-l or" the a” r ufsulkynh. 'm. rum little elm .. heiiution in mi.- t the with" have two than. d " one " m“ a. which will you I“ equally and" ... rlover an]. a .L n can mun. m in: quite 3 VII- im. HIM J mum and just now. Mar 311.3 y dollar: but it - '1 'rth tho W ard here an m irirruUtioo. H t be mad” it but: also It. in a Provincial r paper in Lo.- I In“ nth“ het that on tho Mill can. be. tly mud Fm ' How this in know. but it 1rtive to notieq {PPS naked " L It in “UNI-i ... maul alum " the wood-cut put km. A i. Cousin, Mu.. nn supplying in. ayfarers on m bounty hot m ml "all, tho a. mule in drive . In!“ alteration. r similar "oss I when wind milk he parts u I.“ P in many other ro-nls " . W‘ mariahly to“. 'sal stun-it, d ' "I {omen} and J4 in Micah. il wonder if thi. small chug. wow-k mg“, the an. Ii... is:ht take I H to T'Wllllb h ma” (kw, no "In": my ” 'vlefieieae, h. Landon is "I r tDaily and I and would". K's! of “toms-y 'reaa Appar- ts any“! at.“ tld tempt tho user:- to nad 'rd Ly jay“ I. was that f [vurehm of 't Yul-g, ' only one. dun". M lawn» Alon. tnmwillbo'mm Dumlnlk at 2:», m mm mm at :er, on @3114.” owe B and mommodnion An 'geo,,rug,2',ei.o"w'ef:, hi“ ttpt ville on Mon ya, Q44) Bn ri. days at 6:50 a. m. wdnmndnlk M ":44 a. m. and Owen Sound at 11:50 a. Mt Returning, same day.“ lemme!“ Fum' " 4:45 p. m., Dnndalk tkig . In, arriving a or-ilk " N pm. some not“. Toronto. day-rt ... 3:00 AM. 18:45 [I Dogma. " ... 1:06 p.11; 6:55 " Owen Sound, arrive... 3:25 " 9:65 " Owen flound.depart ... 7215 Am. 1:00 Ll Datum. " ...10:00 " MO " Tomato. arrive... 2:40 P.N. 9:30 " Inning naviguion an Skunk-t Ex- Press w il um on Tum!“ and i-‘a'hyl, lI-nvin'! T'orsrrto " 3 v- vn.. and arriving at Aaxtor-in Proton, on the T. * S. Gravel Road. on the 9th inst., Ann, beloved wife of Mr. Joseph Agnew, aged 65 years. F 'AorrBgt--In Owen Sound. on the 23th ult.. Percival John. third son of Richard Nutter. IA., used tive yuan tutd ten months. Boira.-lst Euphnnia. on the 30th ult., [than H. infant daughter of Mr. Henry Donnell, jr. 1tcrr.eootr-..-io Euphnsin, on the lat inst... William Albert Edward, oldest son ot Mr. C. W. Rutledge ;’god 6 years And 8 months, Dtr:ara.-0n the 13th September. " the minions. of his song Mr. June: Shut. as, 14th eonemmion, Emmy-ht, Alex. Mud”. in the 91nd you of his "e- In}. of Aberdeemhim, Scotland. Bitr-McArtgmrrr--At the Presto term: Manse, on the 12th "tlt., by the Rev. John A. McAlmun. Mr. It. H. Byers to Miss C. McArtimr, all of Murlulule. McF--Las---on Monday, let October, 1877, at the Presbyterian. Manse, Shelbmno. by the Rev. J. Gilchrist. Mr. James Mcleyen, town- lhip of Amnmnth, to Miss Sarah Ann Langtree, of the suns township. Dmsaroi-Nosuat--In Brooke, on the 4th inat.. by Rev. B. swam. Methodint Minister. Mr. John Francis Dlnsmore. of the Towuship of Annabel. to Ccclliu Nettle, Daughter of Wm. Noble of the Township ot Koppel. NcCaw--atcCatrtatr--At Chesley, an the lat inst" by the Rev. J. Bethune, Mr. l Wm. Mtan. of the Towmdtip of Brant, County of Bruee, to Miss Mary NeC-uley. of Holland, County ot Gray. Coott--At FUsherton a Priceville Station on the Mth Sept, the wife of Mr. Rum. Cook, blackmmth. of n slaughter. FL-rt-tht Monday. Sept. 24th, " Fla-shorten. the mfg of Mr. Thus. Flasher, of I pun. f Wrr.str--tht Friday, 83).. 28th. the wife of Mr. John Welsh, Hilde, of a sun. 3iaour-Ir, Egromnnt, on the 23rd nit, the wit. of 00mg- Machy, of a non. Ihtowx--rrt Koppel. on the 5:11 "lt.,tlse wife of hreuiGld Brown, Reeve of Koppel. of I Magma. John Cope Mallory. one of the patios implicated in the Cuttleion tragedy, has surrendered himael! to the Blwritt, 3nd " now in gear“ Coburg. The trial ofthe priwnen will probably take place " the Amazon. which open on the 16th inst., when it is expected thud“, b'impuoa-Wilk. inwn can will also be taken up. It is nndeistood that the Hon. Mr. Cattehon has retired from the Cabinet end that Mr. Laurier, bu Men his place. Mr. Cnnclmn succeeds Mr. Morrisatuuea.. _ (Journa- of Manitoba, and hm place in the I Government will be tilled by Mr. Laurier who in one of the most advanced Liberals in Quebec. and one of the moat promising and nblc members from that section of the Dominion. Tho "rival of tho Arst locomotive tot the Cnmdian PaeriiU My and "t aensxtion n W‘mipeg on Tuesday. A ca- boom, wd nix platform can arrived " the same time. The {one employe’d on the main line of the road is to be inermrsed I for the winter months from Mo to 900. l The Montreal Wand Jury have again nmmed“No bills" in the Beckett end Khan-booing can They returned . true bill uglind Ghee, "u principal in the Muhwn'u Bunk embezzlement, whose first conviction was crushed by the Court of Review. The Synod Of tho Pnsbyteriu: Church of the Mania” Provincu, lining " Charlottetown, wombat! ol-Baturdny, to meet at Picton next full. It is Inuounced that Ml0,000 of the 0100.000 required for the endowment of the 1G1iiU Theological Hall bu been subscribed. The new Roman Catholic thrun Arr. lum a London, was Minted on Sutur- day with awn] (nudity. The building ism “union of the former building, made " a and of some 885,000, 3nd giv. ing neeommodntion for 800 or 400 chil- dren. At the County Judge’s Criminal Court, 1hunilton, on Monday than“), Charles Snyder Inn indicted " Ruling I number of like}: MW” to Mr. Phin, residing new Hespeler. The winner In lent to Kingston for two you; The Amt-Timer of an thand Trunk MW " In“ in "ported to u I deflsuiter to n considenblo amount. M. the random of Smut Dore, uristortedtouniiuttai-ndto be loud in his pron-stations of innocence. V The Run-inn police have discovered a new Nihilist plot " Moscow 3nd Kiel, And have arrested over six hundred person. in connection therewith. A Nodal School, to out "O,006, a. about to be erected in connection with the Ottawa Normal school. Gen. Grant visited t'outhampton on tut. urdaynndwu waived by the Corpon. tiot A . TRAVE LERS' G CIDE. T. G. & B. Railway, 4M)mq SOUTH. MARRIED. BIItTsIS On all after Monday the lst What secouunodauon train will In" Orange. vdle on Mondays. Wedne‘yl. and Fri- ngu In 6:50 B. In. Calling " all station, and tscriiiPirau.ytdn Egan.) " 11.50 a. m 3&7; Gai have Owen Sound on m day " 4:45 p. m., reaching Orwe- ville at 10 p. an. For further panic-hrs soc posters. 7 EDMUND WRAGG. ADDITIONAL TRAIN, BETWEEN Orangevilla and Owen Sound. Toronto, Grey& Bruce Rail- way. Twelve Thousand Dollar: of Private Funds to Loan, in sums to suit applicants. at a low rate of interest, on good Mortgage Security. Apply to JAMES LAMON. Atto-t-larr. Dundalk, July '26, I877. 26-tf I will be at All times, ready to till all orders in that department entrusted to me, or Intent! Auction Sales of Farm Property in Proton, Artemesia, Osprey, Meluucthun or any Township in the County of Grey, at very moderate rates and on short nutiee. I have now established in connection with the Farmers and 8eeyauies'Agemry, of Duudalk, an J. w. MORR0W, Liceuoed Auctioneer. From the premises nf the Subscriber, one Grey steer nearly Mum. and mm Brimlleal Nteer--star nu face and turned up hurl-n. both coming four Years "M. The steers were bought. nu the on. Con. PIN-n. Ind strayed awny on 'the 2nd inst. Any person returning them to the anhwriber, or giving Inch information u will lead to their recovery will be suitably re, wanlecl. All parties are hereby Cautioned against purchnsmg a note drawn by the undersigned m favor at Robert HordunJut the mm of tive Julian, being dated on or about 3rd tht, "577, u I have received no value for the Same. Auctioneering Department. At ch. Dnmhlk Carriage Works, Mopair Nntuml Cronin for nleigh munem-Elus, Birch, and Maple. ' Apply to T. B. GRADY. Dumlalk. Oat. ll, 1877. tt07 E arsperdoa...... P mines, per bag 'l‘uruipn. per bush Hay, per mum... To learn the printing business. Apply at the Gun»: orrtcs, Duudalk. Outs,". " ...t.. Peas, " ...... Dressed Hogs, per 100 lbs 6 Butter, rolls, yer Ib.......,, Fall Wheat, per bush Spring Wheat " Marley, " Wool per Ib..., Sheep chum..- Immb Skins.... Hides per ewt., Hay .............. MOUNT FOREST MARKETS. Confederate Offiee, Octubcr 9, 1377. Flour per barrel..............." 50 to 6 00 Oatmeal per barrel............ 4 00 to 4 50 Full Wheat....................... 1 05 to l 10 Treadwell Wheat............... l 05 to l 10 Spring Wheat.................... 0 90 to l 00 Barley............................. 0 86 to 0 45 thuts................................ 0 27 to 0 30 runs Potatoes per bag, Butter....-..........-. Dun-Ialk. Oct. 11. 1877 Sheepskins oaeh.i.... Butter per Ib........... Eggs per dox.rc..... . Wood, dry, per eord, Wool ..................... DUNDALK MARKETS. _ ' . Dunn“, October 11, 1877, Flour, pert00, lbs, at mill " 00 to " M Flour No.g," " 2 M to 2 M Corn Meal " " ......... 2 00 to 2 00 Shorts. " " l 00 to l 00 Brand, " " 0 70 to 0 TO Fall Wheat per bush......,. 1 " to 1 " Spring Wheat " ......... l 00 to l 06 Oats " ........ 0 28 to 0 80 Buley " ........ 0 M to o 60 Penn " ........ 0 50 to 0 60 Hay per ton.................. 8 00 to 10 00 Potatoes per bags.......... 0 50 to 0 60 Pork per lb.................... It 00.to 12 oo Beef " .................... 4 00 to C 00 Hides " ..........---e_____, A m in K l" NEW ADVERTISMENTS. Dunclalk, Oct. 5, 1877. minister. Preaching every Ssbbath evening in the Se.httol Home. Rev. Mr. Williamson, mr v__-__ - - -- rm. cumuencing at 6.80 P. I. Prayer meeting cavity Thundny evening. Rev. C. Shaw. Subbed: Schoo every Sheath tdUrnoon in the 091139 Hall, commencing at , P. M. Preaching we" Sabbath in .9” lune plea. DUNDALK CHURCH DIRECTcRr, Auction Sales. iguana. School every jam-u: in N tub 4afri,... $12,000.00. BOY WANTED TORONTO MARKETS. Tunoxm, October It, 1877, STRAYED! WANTED. _-.V.._..., v.ww- .A, 10‘ I, 00.1%.” mill " 00 to " M ," " 2 25 to 2 M " " ......... 2 00 to 2 oo " " 1 00 to l 00 " " 0 70 to 0 TO per bush....-..,. 1 " to 1 " Int " ......... l 00 to l 06 " ........ 0 28 to 0 80 " ........ 0 M to o 60 " ........ 0 50 to 0 60 L................. 8 00 to 10 00 ‘ bags......... 0 50 to 0 60 ....".............. 11 00.to 12 00 ...............t.... 4 00 to C 00 '"'t".""-r' 4 oo to 5 oo "eh:............ 0 40 to l 00 F.................. 0 15 to " 16 my"... ........ o 15 to 0 15 per curd....... I M to I 50, "B............... 0 23 to 0 27, CANADA IE‘HIODISI. NOTICE, dowel... 41.111131: WM. CHITTK'K A. G. HUNTER. ROBT. “ORB! G', 00 to ri 50 to $1 055m060 05510060 017ml)18 Ollto013 020to02; ft20to060 05010075 400m.500 800to700 20 to 17 to 48 to 85 to 70 to 25 to 25 to 20 to 16 to 0-37 87 10 A. l7 81 150 027 ”(I 00 27 20 It! 25 19 67 87 7o 50 ? Une aniieation to a Cork, or any other you-.11. will eueeutuily keep out we host tt qriutor bud cLe we; in gunner. It cuts out fungus or proud flesh in one wr two applications. It will not take " the hnir “can it it well rubbed in an! - Hind frequently. Pat up In nearly hall-pinbandloldfu“. [his Oil bus: hem use l, for many - .vith tho lost swam“ in the mixtmnnt of the tnuuwmg mew-as“. viz. v--itinghorm, Nrwts, damning in the throat, Wind tall " Swaucy, Fia,'uc'a, Sprung, Sgddle all banner-f galls. Poll Evil, Scratches of he wnrrt F-m, Cnrks and Flesh wounds. 'le'f't upon the system, directly contrary to the Tunica and Stimulants in Condition Powders. Fur these and other reasons we think it tulvisahle to use the Medicines " ~ernati-ly. Tflroth Medicines are required t the same time, give the Home Powders it night, and the Condition Powdersin the m ruling. _ We {IN}, My World to ttrodrtrr hm better) l’uwderafur warm! Immense. l HARDY‘s British Troop Oil. Those Powders are not recommended in coughs or ttolds; although they are needed to and the c, ugh powde 'S when the horse is in p mr cunulitiou. For Hvums and coughs the BRITISH IIEAVE POWDER Should be 11wnl. They contain seven ar- Iirhm expressly adapted to the treatment f throat aml lung disease. We are anti: tied from long expm'ience, that all Condition and [have Powders act better separately, lit-muse their ingredients belong to chums of Medicines which neces- mrily act in opposition to each other. The Flxpeetorants. Nauseants. Sedutives and Narcotics in Home Powders are, in their After the-above explanations it may be ezwly seen [tow tt Medicine like these PoGlers is able to effect a cure of tuiUi, diseases to which horses and with are suricet. - - These Powdcrs are composed of nine kinds of Medicines, all fulfilling their dif. ferent oificus, viz.; Laxatives, to not on the “munch and huwcls ; Alteratives, touct on the liverand blond; Diuretics, to not on the kidneys uud bladder; Draphoretiwr, to act on the ski-. ; and Tunics, to not on the muscles and general system. They con- tain Detuulevuts, Stimulants. and Cumi- uatires, to prevent gripiug or colic. - British Condition Powders. For the cure of Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholera Marlins, Pain and Cramps in ' the Stoumcli and Bowels, and [ Children Teething. . [ This Cordial is not intended to soothe ohildreuiutoun unnatural and disturbed sleep, locking up disease and its calm; in the system, its most of the Soothing syrups and Uodfrey's Cordial do, It dues hut cou- tain one particle ot opium, or any other unroiitic, which so often produce alarming symptoms, such as dittordered vi..iuu. loss of speceh, stupor, spasms. convulsions, paritgsis, starting in the sleep, twitching of tho mouth, culdueas of the feet, a low pul" and often death. This Cordial will roman all the above symptoms. and their causes. This Cordial gently moves the bowels draws off pnisunuus matter from the child and eases pain the first dose. it acts aell on the Liver and Kidneys. Oct. Ata, 1877. No Pain Killer was ever oitered to the public as gmnl as this pleasant and oll'octual ruzumlywr any pain or crump of the hmnan family. (burns-zed of 12 of the best medicines in the Materia Medica. " This Syrup is a 'qteeifio for Group. It has never failed to cure the disease when given in tune. It is a prompt emetic and will brualt up Iuthuuution of the lungs, Bronchitis. T1uiaesr.a, Group gr colds, iu_u short time. It also relieves whooping 'etutr,rlt when many other medicinus have failed. Keep it in yum homes, it Will mm: your child from death some cold night. Price 25c. COMPOUND SYRUP oy SQUILLS AND II’ECAC. The Worm Medicines in these powders are combined with purgative .tuetlieines. This Maids the necessity of giving cantor oil or other opening agents after the Po w. UEHS; whichis trouhlesomu to the par- ent and dinngremble to the child. “my will positively tuke away the w-mns if the child has thcru. 12 in " box. Price 200. Dominion Worm Powders. -- mm. --" ......., part of the cruntry who is willing to Work steadily " the employment that we furnish. $66 per week in your own town. You need not he away from home over night. You can give your whole time to the work oronly your spam: nmmcntu. We have agents who are making over $20 per day. Ah who engage u once can make money fun. At the prowl". time money can not be made no easily " any other business. It cost: nothing to try the business. Terms and " Outfit free. Address " once, H. HALcrrr & Co., Portland, Maine. ARMMlB0Ni1'i1 Family Medicines $777 A ROMATIC RIIUBARB CORDIAL. All parties against whom I hold Notes and Book accounts will please be kind enough (to study their own, interest,) to come forward and settle at once. There are many for whom I have waited year after year, but forbearance ceasing to be a virtue, Ihave decided to wait no longer, and all accounts not settled before the let November will be placed in Court without reserve. TO ALL WHOM I Sold in Dundalk by D, DAVIDSON BRITISH AN ODYNE. Dandnlk, October 11, 1877. Ana: having . bountiful bur-vest most people In able to pay if only willing. . Sipublish this so that nil my hue duo notice Ind an uncanny expense " I do not pun-pow sending my on. and to collect, and if any one has to be “at it Will be in ofihusr of the Com; 'mho damn nppliel only to than who on Bock Amount. Bad Noto- put due. i, not easily earned in then times. but " can bemade in three months by any one of either sex, In any PM? i " Amman“ Pu. Writ I with cold water. N» ml: required. Eastman”. A "bet rm. Sump]. Mt no bst---tltrm, for 25 mp. unleash”. Addr II, LUNI'BEAL JUYELI'Y co., Manual, or, 28-y. AGENTS. " A my selling the ..:n.Acuucs Pu. Writ I with cold Pay up is a nostrnm got up by People to dvlude theirereditorp, and to injure Jandatk. The words "Pay Up," have spread over the country like the Pumtoe Bug. If n dintanco from home and the people know you are from Dundulk. the children will be crying after you "pay up, 'ay up!" I am a citizen of Dundalk ungtrpdesman and lave no trouble with my customers. It so hap. pens that when they become cushrmori of mine they soon get woll-tu-do. The ex- periment is worth trying. _‘_ ______ The highest Market Price in has]: paid f, Wool. a Cure for 'Pay Op.' ete., any quantity of Wool left M " Mills. Also that he has in Stock A Large quantity of Cloths, Sutiuets, Manuela, ankeu. Stocking Yarn, ete., which will be sold very Low for Cash, or given in exchange fur Osprey WQQLLEN MILLS, The Subscriber wishes to intimate to the inhabitants of Osprey, and surrounding Townships, that he in prepared to manu- tucture into all kinds of Leads, the onward movement forward in his motto, and he now ftimm his banner to the breeze. notifying the inhabitants of Proton, land surrounding Townships, that hehaa 'pui‘clmsed the Ctsrding and Falling Me. lchinery formerly owned ly Mr. J. J. Middleton. and has fitted them up in first, clans style, .aml is now ready for Roll Card. ing and Cloth Dressing, and hopes by strict (attention to busincsn and good work, to (iiii" a share of public patronage. Hing ing had an experience of over twerttrfive) year; he has no hesitation in saying that all work shall he warranted according to quality. The following gentlemen can testify to his ability as a workman inthe past: Mr. ll. Graham, Merchant, Dun. dalk; Mr. J. Agnew, Councillor. New Sur. vey; Mr. W. Hoskinson, New Sun-93': Mr. J. Nixon, New Survey. Those rom a distance calling early in the morning will get their rolls home with them the some _ JAMES Moll. REID Dundalk, May 28, 1877. l for it " "ttce. Adam . PEABODY MEDIC INSTITUTE. Bo, d But. imtrll.F Inch Bt., Bonus. In f2yii,iiji,itct,5jiiiii,iiiya iiG7Triiii7i ce II ' w- vol of 1,T2lFietl",ei. "EAL gall“)!!! to all, Aétrd . Cloth, Satinets, Flannels, Blankets, Stocking Yarn, ’ JOHN NOBVAL. Dundulk 1Greh,9th, 1877. a-6 --AND-- (310111 I) Passing. JAMES MGM. REID Wool Carding J. & N. CAMPBELL, FIeshortnn, June 20, l877. fm.gl WILLIAM HERON. Maxwell, April 12, PTT. *fmll WOOL TAKEN m Excmxal‘ FOR Goons or in payment for work. IL'l‘n parties coming a distance to get Roll Cabling done, we will do our best to give them their work home with them. Full-Clothe, Tweak, Flanm'la, Blunketa, Stocking Yam, Filling Yarn, 'fe., which willbo Iold at moderate prices. Call and examine. Carding, Spinning, Weaving Dyeing, --AND-- Clo ch Dressingl in tirstusla" style. NONE BUT EXPERIENCED WORKMEN EMPLOYED. The subscribe" beg to inform the inhabitant, of South Grey that they are prepared to exe out: all order: In Woolen Factory. PROCLAMATION! We have on hand I large stock of VV()()IJ. MASWE LL. FLESHERTON B mm y?dpmgttette 'd'. 'dr,'t"ill,'a'll) (rum pan- Hie itw.tiriiabie than can: talncd in the best may“; Edi] and Family mu. m m. 231. ' Dana. Feb. 23. W'.". 17.tf. " Apples by the Peck. Box! to inform the inhabitants of Dumhlk M vicinity that}: he at: harm and " ale 112mm " hi- pteln'n- Owen Sound titmct, nut the _ . SI'AI‘IJN. . . . 1huuul'... Goods for Cad] an Cheap as can be 111147 West of Omngeville. All moss idlebted, eiiher by ‘3"... o' Book Accnput, are requested to settle u; DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS d; SHOES, . 1JB0tlE1ilBy, Etc. DUNDALK, CashStore! Most Fashionable STYLES Mr. P, WHITTLE! Family Flour Prepared to Receive Orders NUTS, FANCY GOODS. CONFECTIONERY, DEMONS. _ PLUXS. _ . TEMPEBANCE DRINKS, '. S. IIaney. Dundalk. Jan. 29. 1877. TAILORING. vhieh he sells nt Toronto prices. Engnge ment and Wedding Rings 5 speriahty lands to select from sent on. application. y80 ' . E. D. WILCOX. I MARKDALE. _ Would call the attenuon of the public or Dundalk, and surrounding country, to the in that he .keepen.statply on hand a large Stock of v W -----v ' WATCHES. CLOCKS, and JEWELLERY January. 29, 1877. E. D. WILCOX, CLOTHING, a an TO - Muke.up.the same on short tudiee, Wishes to inform all those who require his services, that he is Remember the stand, Main Street, DUNDALK. Refreshment Rooms, sli.su4y. Aka that he ESTABLISHMENT. ALWAYS or mun. A SUPPLY " GOOD . CHITTICK, M MN STREET, I tink "mrk of AND IN THE FOB new __ """ on. C. "we“. any. - In”. Batu-snug. Ost huvinu “Email-1y hotel in wmularful ours- tive pave" in Woman!» of tun-ea, {sell it Mn duty to nip it known to hh "Karin; 0.]. Iowa. Aetn-trd by this motive um! I eon- neientious denire to We hnmm aiming, he will uni FREE orCRtruw., to MI sh» d, tire it, thin "trim. with full directional!» gunning and uncrmfullv unit-g. .80: by "Mm mail by mm»; with stamp, Ill-mg As our Pmm"'rs'r, retired from native prac- tice. Inning had plmvl in kn hand: bv u: I'll"! btdia Minummrv the formula of I Vegetable- Re'uody for the speedy and pen-mum! cure of Conaumptimt, Adhma, Bmchilia, Catarrh and A“ Throat and Lung Mec‘inna; who I Ponitire Ind Rwliet1 (‘nn IorNemug Dewy “4.1" Fm: WNW?! mar orrttt-One door South of the Anglo-American Hotel. Dundalk, Angus: so, 1877. LANDS. --r beg leave to all the attention of tho-e wishing to patch“: Ind. u l have a 'art; of good, and chap, Fun: Lot: for sale. “'Seud “are" ard get my analogu- in price]. MONEY-inner, wilhlng to obtain Money cannnt do [wetter than to an" at the Man uni Mechanicu' Agency now establiuhod in the town of 1AoiuUlk, when you ','v"',,tt Mole It I mduced rate of Inherent, on M'Tennn to nun ynumlvm,~ to pay . previuu- mort we, build I New Hume, or Barn, to clear m we land. or to owl: I choice breed of Cattle. "140."! wdl be put through without [an of than, rink “I. strident privacy will be mlinuiued in all trausactiotu. CONSUMPTION CURED. Order: loliclted. KrAll orders prompt1.vtrettt for all kinds of IMI'LEMr20's's SAW Ind GRIST MILL MACHINER Y of all dcscriptioto. General purlum- Plough. of the In. kind: to be had. GANG' PLUUUHS. Wrought. iron or Wooden Flame, mild on next, you] terms, or at I reduction it Cash he paid this Wsnter. Hume-Ia of all kinda ', Waxy-m- and Sleigh, the 0918th Uxbridge Org-nu, Sewing Mwhinen, Tomb Hum-m. In, of all kinda, Sold by War, MARSHALL, DI‘utlnlk. August 22, 1877. yl Awarded the Intero.tional Medal Ind Diploma for heat Wood Suwiug Machine It the Cenmuuul Exhibition, Philwlelpt0; ulna Finn. Prim at Huniltun. Guelph, nu! it all the County Show Fuin Wherever Ihuwu. CAI! And get Price Lint. from ____... V”... ".__. ...._.._. - v"... - - m--_ tatt lulu-n. 9.1. in. 'qrmmd1tbm than I m.- u: uh your Gaunt My nu- Manual.” and " nirv- ml nu It " "nun-d - 11Thl'aTk'h%fh"=dlUlR'o"=rf,'l'h,"d uh to - hull Ind rummage hi1. out a on. ID‘ (Annual-n41: within “an In.» or II. - " Inunry l aunt-D r.rr, I. III-i s"'fatrl.r'""""-"tt mung Pr “pull-(uh. H KEV ou, “(Oahu-Lu {IIIWM‘ My! ALMA) arm clit an Inc-out ot Lulu Int-bout In 'frhd T"dflued an. or tour #thrmst lulu- ml Mon m-m- a. without It‘lmu 1'lu"Wf.tl ',."tttt In: mammal nun-run now want u in I.“ II- bott-o Ind-nah In... to bog, boon-mu I dun. nu nun an". an my not It. man- t'trii'i' "W“: 2t 1'a't'rtat TLW, 'ntat l t. u l n m u in. Pee t 1'e.'r5i, mu, nix-Jun! howl-q l? In. Pray ad Itil _-'--- _ __ bi.UGaia.r.q..-rx. II. T. J. B. HABDIIO. bun thtn,-Blq Mo- that inborn my know-‘0 “In! a. not“: of yum don-wrunonl. Cnnu nu- n". PeeAer yu- ytyt t In- e" lov_-o. In. q - . - - V. V GGood Mortgages and Municipd Debentures Bought. Communication. prompt attended to. Always to be found in the Other, on Monduyn Ind TueMarsr. ' GEORGE RUTHRRPVDRD. Orrrcr, Main tttesst, [Judah All kindl ot property Insured in Good Companion " low Rub. Fun Pho- I-d “pin-t Fire and Lightning for a yuan " " cent.- on the MN. (LIFE AND ACXTIDENT INSURAM‘E) Man and also his Hone Inland - maid“. Ind and: (to. In} a. "armors 1nd others who nut to borrow monev can have it " farm g h 8} put out “an iimple Interest principle, the borrower having the right to pay " his Mortgage " my time by giving one or two montW notice. Busines- private and mtufidmnal. Conveyancing done with neatness and despatch. A. U. HL'XTER. Farmers and Mechanics' Dundalk Insurance,' Loaning an GENERAL AGENCY. W. Marshall, Agent, Dundalk. Dundalk, August Mth, 1877, The Young Champion Wood Sawing Machine! Loans Advanced totanown pr Village Property. LAND, LOAN and GENERAL AGENCY, GOOD MORTGAGES BOUGHT. D. DAVIDSON. DUNDALK, ONTARIO. BE co N " TL' BEXEMBER TRE STAXD: OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICI, and all and "t"P good "Elihu time- which will be gut when (Mend. 8mm. Amrlox Puma Baum. All '" mud. and m. gnu- . I n I ood. ' “mu we": 0-. MUSICAL VIOIJNS. his new building on ma. sum: "_-___. - OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE ,rl-uuanearxattr-eted stack oi Watches, Clocks The undemgned. while than“ M, numerous cusIomurs and the puHie puer- nlly for the very liberal pl WMu-vod upon him since 'io"."ur.trirat Mine-u in Dundalk, wishes to irtaunte bs the inhibi- tuutu MIDundnlk Ind tsurrounding mum-y the he Inn removed from his all stand to his new building on Main and. Correct Time! JOHN W. "ts. 29 ttrw." AND JEWELRY, " ofwhich will» mlddnup and, All». dealer in coxcnmnms. INSTRUMENTS, , such " AKLkUL'DEmfs: VII ya!

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