Us? {he tl M than. babe- I tout the (by use" Mr- - '" him-“Ya, Ar, I M 'em right th, 1rereott t--t)-nt--" Trr, â€in still nary: Munch-.41 mam... canteen in hand, reached his wounded enemy end gave him drink. The Federal under e sense of gratitude for the timely service. took out hi! told with, and oikred it to his benefactor, but it was refused. The oftirer then naked'the name of the man who braved such danger to new: him.TU name wee given, and Home returned '"T hurt to his position behind the embank- ment. They new nothing more of each other. Moore wee subsequently wounded, end lost e limb in one of the engegemente in Virginia, and returned to his home-in Bathe County. A few deye Mo he re- eeived e eommunieetion from the Federel "oP"towhom>hadisvnsh-ot eoldwetet,‘on' the oeeel'on mailed to, email; thet he had Iettled on him the "tmo"10,000,tat. pith he! mane) We a! "goo. 1i"mtieitsss ha. -taMiattod the Mthetthere in no We at deception in the m. ' Tu Tnousun Down ton A Dunn or Warmr-.-In on) of the, hotly-contested fights in Virginia, during the war. a Feder, al oMeer fell in from at tho Confederue breastwopts While lying there Jolndod. um] crying tor water, a Confederate soldier (James Moore, of Burke County. N. C.) de, clared his intention of supplying him of drink. The bullets were flytnsr thick from hath aides. Moore‘s friend: awkward to diasuobhim Inn: and: u harden: enter. pris. Despite nmonstnnce and danger. however, Moore leaped the brxratrtworka,; . v, , x 7-," 7.T5ryrrr" cum-Ming yearn-If fFoni th position of the greatest than without which you would undoubtedly have lost your communion. I admire a man who, when he has got into a scape. can jump out of it at once. You must dine with.“ Mai-:6»? ildUr him a most hearty shake of the hand. "But take run! You must never leave your guard lgain. or by Jove I'll break you." "Sir. I ahdl conceal nothing frog: yonin the private capleity you haw'neled'od. On meeting you I strongly suspected that you knew me, And 'whon you stopped your earrings to, â€by: your 303cm Ii guessed your motives; to, feeling that my eottjoetures were corned. and I had no means of arriving " my gnud at the sune time as yourself. I got up behind your rarriage--the only means left me of secur- ing that object. ( "By Jove, sir,“ exclaimed O'Hara. "I like your candor, and still more the dex. terity and ray-linen you hue in My]... “meal, tathstr, tut you did meet the “South “in I" fatigue t" union, he replied with I smile on his LL ton-nee: “Well, sir. as . private individual, I wish to obtain the information ."' "Well, Hit. that's honest. Now, sir, I want to know how you could get here on foot A. quickly a I did in my Mtge. and that, too without any iiUeoverabie The omen, alter a moment, in no way disconcerned, Andi-having no Iymptona of tunidity, looked the General full in the face, and then, with great politepess said: "Will your excellency have the goodness to state to me whether that question in put to me by Me axe-Honey Omen! O'th, Governor of Gibraltar, or from yourself in the capacity of a private gentleman. The ott.umud mannii, in which this question was putto O'Hara, struck the right chord. and, nfter I few minutes'hesi, “Well, ,rell-r know that; you need not have supplied me with that valuable piece of information. Did I not, srir,--t turk you again-did I not see you going into the town as I ems out by South Pont" his excellency said, raising his voice, andlu's {no reddening with anger at the offender's attempt to 00-09911!“ that trhis and" reply. ' i _ . I “Mo sie t" exclaimed the ofheer,prrrtem1. ing the greatest simplieitr ttad extreme surprise " the question, “I Am guard hero air l" "Pray, ain't impgtipntly ipquired . O'. Hara, 'idid no“ not you but a le,, {aw minutes ago walking very delibentely into the town near soutrPort," "By Jove, it ii, himself!" thought the General. as he ordered him to turn in the guard and beckoned him henna up to the At the “39‘ of .tht ottitsr had hadn't-ha: . -. . Gwen]. u I quick pace from neu the carriuge, drew his sword, then, opening his ranks, presented um: and' saluted in the best manner. On. any n he 'swbgiciah?r' a of South Port in his can". when)» - an oitieser going into the town. in! M, st the instant, he remembered as having paladin review before hint Whaling, " 00de the south guard. Upon thisthe Gena-l may determined on “tidying my†to‘the ht, and no convict him of the heinonscrirnp of quitting his guard; no he ordered the coachmnn to drive with speed to the south guard. Away they want It the table! ten or eleven miles per hour, along the saluting battery; and in a short time the homes, out of wind and covered with Inther; reached the south guard, in mile or more from the place where l the General hid met the Metal omeer. l At the usual dutanee,%umrining sentinel called the guard to "turn out," which wul obeyed with all an alarm... HMO: and obeyed with all an alumina imir9U', and the one?! atdmheitttt, huttttria'rveit by the thmrdmtomsting panda on the and.“ nix or man o'clock in the morning and u took so much noticed mm me. that he could gonenlly, during the rennin- der of the day, name than all. T . A: had Ben. tht In; 'upWed praeti. QM 1'k'jlhedl'l au When General o'mm m governor of Gibraltar, he In. asidtobe My only on nutter- of mili diri8e . . . m won no tGutaua 'i1'att.i air, Wm: mnlo.onpnrpou thrthemight so night mainland visit the Min the most .ilent my, without his heard until he was close upon the nominal. -iLrinigLFCi'L"i" C, iiTii an: all the aka-mono Vyimttle', and evqry ' ilo.ubt some sown. Owen Son-idem '", Ir" Ll. lawman cannon. Preachin every second Sabbath in the Orange 'llG, commencing at 8 o'eloek Pat. Rev. Mr. Kacey, of MEMeZ minister. CANADA xnrnonlsr. Sabbath School every. Sabbath afternoon in the Orange Hall, commencing at '3 P. I. Preaching every second Sabbath in the same place, commencing at 6.80 P. I. Cot. sage prayer meeting every Thursday oven- iug. Rev. C. Shaw, minister. PBEsnY'I'Eaus. Sabbath School every Sabbath in the School House, Commencing at 9:80 A.l. Preaching M " LI. every Sabbath, and every alternate Sabbifh at 6:80 " Mr. Johnston, minister. DUNDALK CHURCH DIRECTORY. neei' is! able" to walk In AiGrTiirrTrr, Price of the, Remedy in pint Wuil , Pill! P..', cents a box. Rev. JOHN Soon Bart-- "Mr. McKenzie Rotting suffered from an stack of rheumat- ism, arid was unable to move without help t but after taking I few y.ottles of the “Show A. M, Kn, Truro, uN. s., as “he wu very bad with Liver Complaint, {at used the "Shmshonees Remedy," and in I month wu as well as h; hurl ever been in his life. I am now in hummus and with you to loud me three dozen by steamer. A. Wooo, Coliseum, tmys-'qhat he has tried the "llemedy" for Liver Complaint und Dyspepsia with great success. I have Alan used the 'Shotrhoiiees Pilll," and tind that they are as good us any! evttriod. l SAMl‘ll. Osman, Sophiuburg, 'r'";:,',,') was affected mth Dyspepnii for new y four years. mvlungs becoming affected. towards the last. I was induced to try the "Shnaho. no“ Remedy.†After using three or tour bottles: [felt much better, and gamed strength rapidly, my health improved steadily and rapidly, and when I barrtidt-lms.o'rfour buttleir'mort I wni‘quite restored to health end 'tremtth,omt%ms experienced better health than for forty years be fore. I had been under the treatment uf a number of physicians before, but never received any material aid until I used your remml]."_ The 11811de [An‘stnilin hait at'th'e time of the gold dJchveriel in 1851 Apopnhtion of only'mmo. Under-nu great impala (to immigration given by tnose discoveries, l the country now contains 2,000,000 inhabi- tants. an increase of 884 per centum. The population of the United States during the same period inertsamsdagt; per centum, and that of Canada? 660iur centtiiiu, uiirstrai lian trade Riniultaneously rose friun Mo,, 000,000 to t815,000,000 in 1871, or 960 per ceutlun. while the increase in Great Britain was only 400 per eentum, in the United States 385 per centum, and in Canada 650 per centum. . _ Within ten years no less than 12,000,000 'acres of forest have been cut down orburn. ed over in the United States. Much of the timber mused for fuel, twetttyuivo cities being on, record as consuming trom 6,000 acres to 10,000 acres each. Fences use up much timber, and railway sleepers reqnito the product of 150,000 acres per unnum. The amount of pine and Inmber timber yet standing in the forests of the timber States is estimated at 225,000,000 feet. The sum of '144,099,00tris invested in the timber in. l dusky. employing 200,000 men.-Journat of the Society ofArh. _ The new Baptist church at Collingwood will be formally opened on Sabbath. the 12th August. Tho chuiclx has purchased a very expensive organ and secured the services of Miss Henderson as organist. All Saints Church is to be re-opened on the following Subbath (Aug. 19th), and on that day a common will u hem. ,' , The. story of that mkel which the Colljhgwood township boy wait Said to have vomited a few weeks ago. turns out, so we are assured. to have been after all nothing more than another “snake story." No matter-if it did the boy and, lethimhnld fast in the faith.--u1feaftm' Mohitor. ' ' ‘ On Saturday his? n lititg ith abod't three years of age. daughter ofMr, Lorett, living at the sand hill, Meaford, was severely burned by her dress taking fire from some almvilga whighwhe hm! her silo ' wem‘ playing an. in the iGi'nm, a; their, mother. The arms, throat, face and ab dqnen are terribly scorched, but the bums would have been much more severe had not the sister with a presence of mind above her yeirs (about 7) damped a nighS gown and envelop}? the burhing child in it, thas smothering the Janine. Dr. Muc- _ lean has been in attendance on the un- fortunate girl, who though still alive is hardlyexpected to recover. or if she should recover will be terribly maimed and dis- figurcd.-.Uvnitor. 'i' Shaun: Ec4m-r.---0pon the en- nouncement of the "rival of Prince ma. nn, Ion of the Khedive, with the Egyptian contingent of 6,500 infantry and l,000 util- lery, the Sultan ordered them (a hundred sheep et the gates (SUM, in token of his thinks to God. The Prince conformed to old-fashioned etiquette in pretr-6tlrt'ultaq. He touched both hands-blip Minna cirrieithem to his head. and crooeed his Arms upon his stomach while reclining his body, but to the high officers of the palace and other dignitaries he simply gave a military salute in the European style; . Jr 3‘ F _ A Custom Waam.-ahamuy two gon- tlemen belonging to Hamilton. one . met- ehnnt and the other o amulet, made . was†upon I nth: novel question. A. [ 9a. B. that than will never be another Centennial oelobntion on tho other lid. of the line; that on Another century - any the Government will!» monamhitsnt. A. wept: the wager, and the ?"trrf10 .-it, deposited in one of our banh‘ to be git" the heirs or usigneel of the betting Read Carefully .._ r.00 par wT " CANADA ----_-- LIVE STOCK INSURANCE ' comm E’Bring along your Cash, Butter and Eggs. An inspection of fully solicited. _ PRINTS, COTTONS, TWEEDS New Goods, New Goods! ‘REPAIRING done wiiiiiiihtass and DESPATCH. Dundalk. 'fri."; Cheaper than the Cheapest. :,i,ct7, C r . AND BY A FIRST-CLASS ARTISTI None but the host. material used. and only good The Subscriber. thankful forpast favors, would inform his Customers, n halritants of Dundnlk uud sutaot1nding country generally, that he prepared to make to order, and of the best material to be had, WAGGOXS, BUUGIES. SINGLE AND DOUBLE. CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, HARROWS, ROLLERS, - . , l HORSE RAKES. TINWARE of every description at Bottom Prices ! I'IAVETRO C' (i MING AND ROOFING A SPECIAL I'I'Y. FIRST-CLASS I’LOUGHS FOR SALE CHEAP. Shop next door to the Post Offiee. 11usrsrc--Auy quantity ot WOOL, Woovrucxnms, Snawmxms, Bums. he., Ma, Tittle * Barbenmu in returning dunks to the public for the liberal patronage they have received, new beg to inform them that they are prepared to furnish everything in their line at prices never befurc heard of. Cook, Parlor, And Box Stoves For Proton and Melancthon, or to ME. JAMES NICKLE, Travelling Agent. N ,5 .. V ,, ' . A. & A. COCHB$NE. ; Durham, May aka, 1817. n14 At the Stove and 'I‘ilnvnro. Emporiuln. DUNDALK. Give your orders early to W, L. Marshall, Dundalk, Agent As a Single Reaper. Single Mower and as a. Combined Machine. Testimongnln regarding the machine are being printed and will be furnished on application. T: the thaw“, tightest. Simplest, and without doubt, the best working machine on the American continent. The exclusive right to manufacture and sell in the Counties of Grey and Bruce is held by m, and we are determined that no infringement of our right shall he germinal. We the continue-to In!» tho well known and now 'ltonmgh- y tend 7 1"?" "I" r" 7'5 "r'y 'TC"" " ir. " him: it be try J dull?" at In . which can!» nude and in ftr,e,1t'd, itieiedoirheriui?t ottutt'i,iPetti1lratt,ir,'gt our “Royce Reagan" We fill orders with promptnesn. geil It low prices. and on liberal terms to mood men. , Painting Done on Short Notice @BEMEMBER THE REAPERS 'AND MOWERS. J:itni.,,i.,it.'uar(' Ji' at NDRY r, Apprentice Wanted. Durulalk, #13. 2, 18.77. â€DURHAM MEADOW LARK.†“PUFF OR BLOW!" Dundalk Carriage Works. an orders with MERLE Sci 'Tis,' CULTIVATORS. WHEELHARRUWS, and anything also in the wood line required by the eommunity at large. w May 31,1877. 1,000 Tronotcse,vs6 ‘Vnnl 0d t and Roady-DIade CI )VES AND TINWARE! Prices lower than ever Jan. 29, 1877. which we offer at very close prices. _ IN ENDLESS VARIETY, SAND CHEAP FOR CASH on TRADE. We have now on hand a AN APPRENTICE WANTED. E PLACE-proton Street, near the Railway Station, CHEAPER THAN EVER! "Royce Reaper," but we sell goods . B. GRADY. 187.7! Butcher Shop. G. R. MIDDLETON. Large Stock of inform his Customers, and the in only good workmen employed We do not 'lothing‘, NEW JAMES ROBERTSON. ONTARIO at; our goods reaps n14 Reapers, Mowers, Sulky Rakes, 1,000 FARMERS WANTED Trimming Ladies' Hats and Bonnets i ENS (litlllirliiili, THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR BUTTER, mas. CORDWOOI), TIEtl, " . IN TRADE. CALL and SEE his PRICES. Summer Goods "rl/i"' next 30 days L0\ver than Ever Before Seen in l)U1N])AIJK. ' A choice lot of Bacon and Hams for Sale cheap for cash. REMARKIN Gr ALL HIS GOODS 'rllt,0lll "lull,!, H. Graham Dundalk, June 6, 1877. W A L L P A P E R of the latest designs on hand CLEARING OUT TORONTO HOUSE. A Large Stock of allo' i,ioii'i ttt Eli? done on the premises to suit every taste. Ki" I ng Bonnets made to look as good u now. OUR TEAS STILL TAKE THE LEAD. Would inform his [Honda that he Ina just. commend To make room for FALL STOCK. in the latest New York Styles, It the A LARGE ASSORTMENT TO PURCHASE THE BFST CALL AND SEE THEM, THE BALANCE OF HIS which will be found He is anxious at American Rubber P: the best paint in the world. P." OF E. BROWNE Old Elia Ind MOST APPROVED KINDS. Cu “and upon hing named by having l II their ode". BEST STYLE OF THE ART in now mud up in an very but style. um! or nu “Guam“ HINT!!!" "."c'E, nun Job Department. Possesses Great Facilities ' H a Large Circulation The STATION, " COLUMN PAPER “DUNDALK GUIDE,’ numbin- I M amount of interesting FOREIGN AN D l)undulk Guid " NEW Medium for Advertisers. JOB WORK Promptitude 1.1100500 is tarnished with BEADINGKATTER no mun; GREATEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER If POSTAGE FREE. Mes winking LOCAL NEWS. Mr " It " . almlcl mum-dine for the for doing all kinds cl C )pposil " PRICE 61.00 In Arm's: Win the very Indus it no autumn All who want I good mum Rama-rs, DUNDALK. IN ADVANCE. TH P, J. NWNBEN " THE EDITOIHA LS " Hide " Mr ll "AI and plan-w " u the gmldw WIN ted" nil had- "I “an: m Ms"ve "an. at “min-dug . "moi (W and In. uh»... Kath In. " “rue HR "to In»; Mats Hum (soundly "' land DENIM“. Tho libs-til" II p. n.- .. "to- In". the - All Wat “out. -OPPOSI'I'E TH (Juli Idiom d'll'l,'"% all kin-1% (no " chap. MAY AKIN!†Id: for " the .4 and I ' Altman-nu, an by written inn-India in“ I.“ In†ah: Ida. Builder's and N (YD I“ that I (H alum..- IV-Elof “r tint in! h " “have“ i All kind! a! link My on hand i “LINER AN RATES OF 1 MI and In. TEBII!‘ :-m p u 0L. tf am pm] VIOLIXS Correc MUSICA L, At Oh “lice. Prob M the [kiln “I: beat vial Univenity N'lu-r Ila Tun-um, an! Mod “1-in-9! .4 Nam- ASGut AME “(I Md.- aneu- The under-i mama-m1. rum gay tor Ibr “-7, upon him mm Duluth“. I'th my; "I llundn that he hm WI: his new buildis Watche Attomev 5- tart F [duh-um chub-buns" Militia! ' N Ihnplmmun. God in. â€ambit. l‘h'I-ry ‘1]va BEHFJHSER (WHNITH T' my! all “I BUSINESS THE " Lil Miss OWEN SOY y D In: Stun FWV ti, I57 Dada-ll. Mun-h. ll Ihnddk AND J d‘whidawilll Nmua Palm-A11 I. m uncut. Arum II; " I " Notice to which will be . h “In; I." “an. .4 'ixtgnEttrvs', Ad (‘uroc at Quo- 0w .att.Uqr nude. JAKEB tlit hand-1k ml! . [SAM May l "it. “.1 um "ite JAN} Ida-f Ill Ind ts" ' OUT. Aha. lace} HAIR]; all ulnar 1 'eu, I’m ltr, In Sum lit, and th-