Ontario Community Newspapers

Dundalk Guide (1877), 2 Aug 1877, p. 2

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THE GUIDE On My Mmoldmn 'snmoiigomrh - got " the noon "sin " this union had in the thermon Vulkod mud the M. [05118 to Mr. J une- Reid'o for um and staying were All night. In the nothing he comphjnod of not hing vary welt, and " " " I doeto. and wont dow- tho Vilbgou if touch doctor, s-itRg but again in n mm time And lay down on the bonch. at dinner time he would not on my dinner. but did not seem very ii. In the damn about tour o'clock In mum! to be doom; very soundly And noting. which continued till ebout eeven o'clock when Mr. Reid noticed that he eee-ed to be dying nud " once {etched Dr. MeWilliun and Mr. H. Urnhun. who " ninietered restoratives. but the unfortunate In: eontinned to sink until about Ulf. peet eleven o'clock when he died. The leaned need to live in the Township of Mono, and we: well known in that Town. ship end in Orugeville. He wee married, bet In: not been living with his wife end My for some yum, end nppem to hnve been wandering about the country, end In: in the habit of indulging nther freely in intoziestirtg liquor. On Saturday he dunk coneidereble wet". lie had very little money on he could not pay for his bed nod breath“. His relatives in Mono end Dr. Newton of Shelhnrne, were notified of hie death on Snbbeth. And on Monday A "ediet that the donned eme to hie death from natural ceases. and the nee of intoxieeting liquor. Be In: about lixty yem of ege. end lenves a wife and II! or seven children. Two daughter: end I Ion “tended the funeral. The non, although only about fifteen yea" of use. paid Ill the funnel expenses. We might add that eke? he came to Dundnlh he did not get my stimulants. except . little brandy ordered by the Dr. on Sunday evening. Mr. and In. Reid did I" they could for the unfor- On Tuesday unemnon . Convention of debt-tn of the Diviaionl of the Son: of "rempertxrtee of South Grey was held in the ”Olin” Hall. Dundnlk. The meeting WM not very hrgoly attended. thou present being needy all from l'riceville wd Dun- bll, but wu 1n interesting meeting, and it in hoped wilt result in I revival of Term. p-Ince societies in Grey. The following also" were elected .- “moon. Dr. Norton, Coroner, held an inquest on the body. The jury bringing in mute man, and were u eonsiderable trouble and expense in notifying his reh- tirea, but when Mr. Reid noticed the " lution of the son. who paid all the funeral "pom... wouer than any change would can. on the County, he very generously only ell-nod 06.00 which thou sequined with the theta of the cue mil ukuowlodgs we" very low charges for his trouble. The Men] took place on Monday uncrnoon. South Grey Convention Sons of Temperance. Treasurer. Geo. Rutherford. Dundalk. l Conductor. M. E. Merriam, Flesherton. Sentinel, c. c. James. Prieeville. ‘ After transacting the usual business, and) appointing Committees. The next place of meeting use appointed to his place at Merton. at the cell of the President, when the Convention will he organised in District Division for East Grey. The visi- tors from a distance were entertained by the members of the Dundalk Division. name sin-rise. In the evening the Hull wee pretty well 'tled. Mr. T. Henbury wes appointed to “new. Some very good singing took piece by s choir. Miss. Graham presiding .At the organ. Mr. Thns Ferguson, gave a humorous reading. Addresses were given uh, the ehairman, Rev. C. Shsw. Messrs. John-ton. Townsend, Conkey, J.. W. Morrow, Geo. Rutherford and A. G. Hunter Me. Conley said the working of the Dun " Act in Pricevillo wss . success. The meeting passed " very satisfactory, sud Another public meeting will be held in about bum, August st, 1877. Union Sabbath School Pie. Nic. Tommy fnnnmm the Sabbath School eiildren ot tho Methodist and Presbyterian Babb-m Schools. Maybume Sabbath 'uhool tad Mr. Fmer'l School from the Tenth Line. Proton. assembled in Mr. Neil MeAuhy‘e bull: in this villege. end enjoyed men-elve- in "winging. ete ' until shout one o'clock when e plentiful supply of den. And tee we: handed round. end alter up]. hence had been done to the enables. and eome more time spent in min] enjoy. ..t. Mr. J. W. Morrow we. celled to “new: on the platform, and me: e brief “I! celled on Mr. H. Graham, Rev. C. .11.. end Mr. Johnston, who on short we...“ euiuble to the messiah. A nun! bud nice pieces were sung. Mr. Morrow _ eh.“ the parents for their liberal eup- ply of pavilions. and the! the benediction bed been pronounced. none of those hom A dinne- departed for their bomee. but In, J th. young people enjoyed them. eelvu until nearly sundown. The “ten- knee we. large. and the Pie-Me -dott may end uni-teeter]. a month. b pending the Dundalk Union Agricul- MM will be held in the Grunge Ball on Fai6a.r musing, Attgust the toth, can- noneinld is o'einek. w. hope to no t ku- mm o! the tum in m. Asorr. "a loan at: aylthb '6rato 'establish .5 MM. mm. w“. “PM” kWh-put!“ arming. President. Rev. C. Shaw, Dundalk. vu..President, T. Ferguson. Pricevillo. Sodomy. J. Townsend. Dundalk. A Pcluc Mann of that. intended The Melanoma]: Illicit Still. It will}! recollect“! thati-rmrort of the trial of McDonnell ad May in the Molnar thon Distillery Can. an intonation m hid against John Housework-or- It of W. Owing“ irtkmsntioatro. eendy received by Collecwr McLean. ot Guelph. one” Nichol: wooded from Guelph to Know: but week, an] "rented Rose. who v“ brought to Dundulk, and theceee ween-led here on Frideylelt. before J. J. Middleton end H. Graham Eeqre. J. Fe. The information having heenreed defendant pleeded not guilty. The following evidenee we: then teken I- Devm Dune. lworn. "id-I live et Dundelk, em e eooper by trede. I know John Roee, hove known him e little more than 18 months. I did mine work for him lest winter in his shop It Dundelk. I made some meal: tabs for him in Jennery. February end Mere]: of this year. I made tie. in ell. They were token down to Wm. McDonnell'e. I elkrwerde new them " ‘McDonnell'I on the Mth dey of April. ( Wm. MeDountrll's teem took them. I we: not " tho shop when taken. I wentto McDonnell'e on the 17th of March end new there McDonnell. hie wife end one Bolduc. Did not see Rose there but once. John Rose employed me to go to McDon- nell's place. I considered myself inhis employ. lsaw besides the tube the en- gine and boiler, still and pumps. end after. werde the worm. I new tubs need no fer. menting tune. The rectifier we- there ehm. The whole eppnrntue belonged to May, McDonnell, end Rose. I know this by what Bose told me. About the 18th of April John Role told me he would line nothing more to do with the 'still, ttttd left thou! the 2ist of the nine month. I did not see Rose but until after the seiz- are. He further aid he had been ill-used by tho other partners, Mry Bud McDonnell, Ind would relinquish his intorest and go any. Dam. McDoxxeu, "mm. tsaid-I live in Melanethon on Lot M, New Survey. nm e eon of Wm. McDonnell. There was an illicit still on my father's piece. The pertiee interested in it were fether, Mr. Mey. end John Boee. My tether brought the engine in Jenuery: Was let up in the beginning of Much " father, broiher.John Ruse end Edward Bolduc. Commenced dietilhng about two weeks before the seizure. John Roee wee not 5. our piece Mter we com- menced to distit. There wee the following maehiuerr-ono worm, two etille. one math tub. four fermenting tune. one recti- (er, besides other epperetue et our place, l end remained there until the lit May, when eeizod. At this stage Bore ucknowladga that he Ind nu interest in the business. but said he Ind thrown up the whole thing " he would not remain in it with the other parties no matter how much he mu mak- ing. Mr. A McKinnon. of Guelph, con- ducted the or.“ for the Crown. Rose was then fined 0100 Ind costs, or to go to the County jail until the flno and costs should be paid. Rome saidhe thought he could mine the fine anon: his friends if he had I little time given him. The magistrates had no option in the matter, but the eonstable, Mr. J mes Hanna. kept him . prisoner here until he should find out what his friends would do in the mat. tor. On Saturdny evening, however, Bose took “vantage of clemency showed him, on going up stairs to bed, at Mr. 8. Me. Culhnch'a. n few moments ahead of the constable. he pushed up the window and dropped down on tho ground outside and made a me for the hash, which he suc- ceeded in ranking, and has not been seen since. Mr. Hanna at once commenced the pursuit, but was unsuccessful in recap 'turing his prisoner. up. An Indian Corn Salk that monumd Tfeet with the exception of An inch and I Ulf. Mr. C. bu more very nearly u um which in nmknblo It this lea-on. Exctmtstom--TU excursion up to Owen Sound this morning hnd - mull mm. bar of omnioni-h on bond VINIIM‘ hm. Thu won “paid by a hand. Ono or two day'l node. in not whim. but two or an“ took'l nod“ At but should be given. It in may in“; and “out to pull on. H hot this wnnn “dunno: may push-d our on the thin 01' on EMhIW, ”(1.830“de unending inhuman“, tobeqninuyu Lucio. it in the Gm We won’t say who the tutkgtttnat-. TALL Corut.--.We were shown on Tue- My, by Mr. Charles McConnell of thin vill- A Winn of counterfeit Cnndian 26 cent piece. no in eireulatton in this noiglr borhood. Any penal: trying to put! "no knowing it to be 'spurious, u liable, to im- prisonment. WI direct attention to the letting of the bridge on the Town Lino of Ptoton and Luther on the 7th inst. Aecttrr.tre.-Mr.. Henry Pate fell on a uythe yesterdny and cm his leg so bad that Dr. MeWilliam had to put in seven ntiches. It will be ”no time before the wound hell- up 3 Another lot of those fine large 60c Punch to hand, m D. DM'idsun's, Ftrttrmrtt improvements have been made in Hm village, and a sidewalk subsuntinily lnid to the school houses. MAnUIxI Post.Offiee was closed on the I" inn., and the mail matter transferred to the Dundalk mummy. Cumulus has erecteda handsome new School House of white brick. Bnd when the holidays are over will be prepnrod to open with I new Touch". Tn ul- of lands for man of taxes in the county of Gery, taken place at Owen Sound, on the 81st day of October next. Tu Owen Sound Adverts)" lays that the Toronto, Grey * Bruce Railway Com. pan we erecting I now union " the foot of Russell street. All“. m]. m RICA" " I)“. Local and Other Items. - KB" boot out for Htubury'l “vettin- lnutmt week. Ala- stock of Boots sud Shoo- an hand. - -- “Eh iamroeted hm that 3.1mm t Bro., of Pricevilln no selling out-tttnt will be Igoodpoint fwbuglins, I should Dom! he ' new for the Itl nation of “nodal whool in accordmee with the regulations htely 'uauetl by the Education Department. Acorn“: in A Prtusrr.--We regret to lean that the Bee. Father Lauder. of Arthur, hid his leg weidentally broken on Friday Inst. The leg was broken in two phcu. covers. A no“ outrageous abduction of . young luley, named Min Carr, mice of sheriff Bow, took plus hut Tlmrsdny from Guelph. Four person hove been merited charged with the outrage---. man named Sturdy. a son and doughter, and n painter named Lewes. We will give the particulnn u given in the Mercury next week. The Examiner any: ..--The eigth unnmd picnic in aid of St. ery’s (R. C.) Church. Mount Forest, was held in Martin's Grove on Tuesday last, Ind proved 1sighty suc- cessful. There was a Inge Attendance. hailing prineipally from the Townships of Arthur, Minto, Normanbyand Proton, and from the villages of Mount Forest, Arthur and Aytun, and included members oitbo various religious denominations. 86le Itsraovzsrwsrs.--At . recent meeting of the Mount Forest Board of Pub. lie School Trustees Mr. Thor. Swallow wee evaded the contract for pointing the inside end outside wood work oftho main building for .115. lie was also given the contract for whitewashing. fisiug black boards and staining the lower part of the walls in both buildings for Mo. The whiteweshing is well under way.--huam.tner. Tur.rr.--0n the 15th inst., a boy About " years of age, named Robert llullivnnt, stole it watch. belonging to one of Mr, Me. Xen'u employees, from the sash and door factory. The watch was worth about 916, but not knowing its value, the boy took it to Flesherton and there traded it with the watchmuker of that village for an inferior one, which was found on his person when “rested by Constable Noble on Tuesday. He was brought before Wm. Brown, Esq., J. P., on Tuesdtw afternoon and sent to Owen Sound gool to stand trial ut the Quarter Sessions. While on his way from the magistrate" office to Constable Noble's house Bullivnnt attempted to make his escape by dashing " on it run through Mr. George WalkerU field pursued by the con. stable, who gnined on him a little in the chase and called on him to stop or he would shoot him, and, notwithstanding his desire for silver, he appeared to cure wry little for load, and stopped until re.arrested. On Wednesdny he was token to Owen Sound, when he elected to be tried by the Judge, who sat on tho case on Thursday. Bullivant pleaded guilty sud was sentenced to three months imprisonment with hard labor..-.. Markdalc Erpoaitor. A Bat, Bcoo.--The Fergus News Record gives the following account of a scandal just now agitating the minds of some of the fnrmerrrof Eramosa :--A young man named Dugg stopped about Fergus some years ago, and since then hall been working around in town and country wherever he could get a job. He lived with Mr. Alexander, of Err mosa for a time; and it would now appear that while there an illicit attachment nprnng up between him and his employer'. wife. At all events there appear.» little room to doubt but the guilty pair have gone off to. gcthcr. Some time ago Mrs. Alexander left home for the ostensible purpose of of visiting some friends at Port Elgin. Shortly after she had gone various articles _ were missed ; and finally it became apparent that she had collected together whatever she conveniently could and elopcd with Bugg. It is believed the two have gone to Manitoba, and no doubt if they are not already heartily sick of each other and the new country as well, they soon will he, for no permanent happiness or contentment can follow such an alliance. Mrs. Alex. ander is a fairly good looking woman of thirty or under, but not specially attractive. She left a kind and well-tmdo husband and a couple of small children, and if the Bugg she has taken to her bosom does not bite her severely it will be a wonder. The llcnfnnl Monitor "vc-io or three weeks ago a youth named Heman Ford, formerly of Mentord, where his parents still live, hired a horse and rig from a livery in Stayner, and traded them in Euphrasia to Bates Fawcett for a wntch. While travelling about he had various tsliases--in fact he seemed tohaveadifterent name and to appear in a different character every day in the week. Now he was John. son peddling jewellery, acting " insurance agent, taking subscriptions for a paper. ke., and again he was Brown buying lambs and rattle, and oeetssional1y bargaining for a tarm-as he did for one on the ninth line north. Subsequent devolopmente have shown that he was but the cat's paw for a I gang of worse scoundrels than himself-- : regular bend of horse theives, the mem. bers of which are knownto have camped for some time in the valley. In the neighbor. hood of Mentord, and near Owen Sound. Ford buying provisions for them and seek- ing opportunities for the exercise of their peculiar talents. Constable Burritt got intonation that Ford was probably in Euphruie. and though it wee lute st night he set out at once And pursued his qu-rry from piece to pm for five days and nights through the heck lines of Euphmie. Hol- land, end Sydenhem. - running him down shout seven o'clock on Friday mom. ing within heme-mile of the county line neer Che-lei. mvinit dawns him somewhat end luring with him e mash]. residing in that locality the m wee nude without ditreultr--m'thmtt nepidon in but. that pursuit was no eloee. Mr. MR returned here with his We: on Nar night and next morning took him down by tmin to Shynor. whence the cm- bryo used was duly sent to Bud. forbid. We all him In embryo toned; the truth is he has hardly the brains to be anything gore." It will be some time before he re. (Fm our own Comical.) Quite I chin of uccidonh hue muted within the vilitqyt during tho past week. Mr. Wm. Clarke, contractor and builder, whilst engaged upon the "plate" of a burn in course of erection. just outside the viii. use, vu struck upon the, head by n ' 3nd knocked from his position falling I distanee of nearly 20 feet. When picked up he was quite unconscious and remain- ed to for some time, but by the speedy and proper use of rvstoratives,he was resuscita- ted, and immediately removed toms home. Dr. Christos was summuued, and under hi: care. we believe Mr. Clarkeis progress- ing fM'orubly, although very much bruised, I both on his head And body. Mr. Chas. Bellamy, puma: with Mr. Clarke, I. few days atterwarihs,wltilst work- ing " the lame pluce. aeeideutly drove u. broad no which he was using at the time into his foot, causing u very severe and painful wound. Mr. W. A. Campbell, “Ionian in Mr. B. J. Sproule'l establishment forms the timd link in the chain of tudortanates. This young gentleman was engaged in replacing shelf dry-goods, when a heavy web of cloth falling from one of the topmost shelves, and striking him, drove a. huge sized darn. ing needle, which he had sticking in bis vest, to the depth of over 8 inches into his brew-at. Although immediately withdrawn, the wound was very painful. Medical aid was summoned, the needle lurvingbeen suppoaed to have penetrated the lang, but by remaining perfectly quiet, Mr. Camp. bell wn emsbledtobe ltoundin a few days. The annual pienie of the Methodist Sal). hath School, took place at the "Moan-r Meadow" on Friday afternoon last, and as usual was a complete success. The rain which fell in the forcnoon, no doubt pre- vented many who would have attended, from so doing. but notwithstanding sonne- whut over 400 persons, including the School children. were prewar. The afternoon prior and after dinner was spent in the orthodox style, huge bell, and the usual picnic games comprising the programum. in all of which the young folks engaged with becoming zeal. Enjoyment was manifest in every feature. and good nature sparkled from every eye, and the enthoo imam with which the young ladies and gentlemen entered ihto "their" games, told too plainly, of the spirit of pleasure which orevsiled. The proceedings were brought to a clone only by the approaching tlark. aeu. when all departed. well pleased with the days amusement. More rim, and more joy among the the farmers , the harvest now beyond a. doubt will be ahead of any previous season for a long time. The "pagilistie encounter" which took on our main street last week, between two of our enterprising young busineas men, would hear comment. but we withhold on strictly "sudety" grounds, having a speeial desire. to preserve our features complete. "Your little hands were never made" Ie., Boys! One of the most elorurly contested games of limo Ball which has everbeen played in Flerrherton took pure last F riduy fore. noon, between two of our junior clulna. boasting the respcetivo mums of"tiqttirrels" and "Foresters," Not anvuf tho merulrvrt: of either nine, excoodtlw age of 18, the majority being cumidvmhly below that figure, but yet their throwing, eatehiug, and batting, cnmpnmtivoly speaking: on Friday last. was far superior to that alone by any senior elul, in f'leshcrton. At tho cluse of the ninth innings the mum shad as follows: 123456739 SpM'treU............ n " 3 n 1 0 o " 0-- 4 Foresters............ l H l l " 0 " 1 4--11 Mr. Geo. S. Armstrong, of tho “Victorian" ttmpired--impur0lly and tmtisf,uetori1y. The Council met at. Sinmmmpmn on the 20th July, 1877, pursuant to mljourmuent from 22ndJune Inst. Mmuhcrsall preiwut. the Reeve in the clmir. Mimm-n of hm meeting read and eonfirmed. Moved hy Mr. Meintyre, son'vmlcll by Mr. Sing, that the Clerk be. and is lien-Ivy instructed to direct the Co. 'l'rm.~un-r to erase from bin Books all taxes due nguinsl Lot No. 81 in the first R. St. previous to 29th September, 1874, and that tho clerk do ascertain for what years the taxes against said Lot wereoarged.-Carrivd. John Bright trtV' the Amoricm nilwny mike in one of the most depiur nble Ina dimdlhble events that has ever happened in the United States, Moved by Mr, McNt.vrr, seconded Ivy Mr. Winters, that the clerkbe and in here- by directed to communicate with the Tp. clerk of Melnnrtlmn with reference to ex- pending a grant of 6‘20 by the Tp's of Osprey and Melanethon each, for opening out the Town Linebetwmm said Townships opposite Lots 80 to 40 in the Tp. of Osprey. and to call their attention to have the sum expended at an early dar-Carried. {fiver complaint. Indigestion. and Dyspep- ita 3341.19 ..tltlipat Hull. Dominik. Cur $qu at Wtmt.---hrmugs. 'msttt-+singtetupr " DOWN“. tram-tings') bulk 09 was“. and. between the 2nd Ind 4tlt @9991an to continue tor ubout two weeks." Moved by Mr. McIntyre, secunded by Mr. Spec", that a. reward of thirty dollars be granted by this Council to any perm" or persons, who will give information that will lend to the detection, and conviction of the offertdor or “Headers, who set fire to Ind burned the bridge on the Snugeen River, on the South Lino, opposite Lots 9 nud 10 on said Line.-cturud, Moved by Mr. McIntyre. seconded by Mr. Sing, that the Reeve do issue his order in fervor of John b'ponhouav, for the mun of five dollars on account of I. destitute child being left with him.-hrried. T Olyny, 21st July, 1877. Council Ldjonrned until Friday, the 10th of August next, to meat It Maxwell. Jun Gmox, Clerk. Fer Nopenthe Bitters, a. real cute Osprey Council. P1esherton. ._--- .V - ONTARIO TORONTO Within the trea' - no UM Ml bu pencil through III ode-l unknown in itsprevioue history. Ithuheeu til-bout ottlnteountrvtlutnll manure hound equelJmt the "out: at the put few by. hue My ahomt that mob luv u- too much for the constituted "thoritie-- that for I time the bullets crowds which gathered together " the great railway centres were masters of the situation; that they not at ilefhtttee till the reeutstion made for preserving law and order, and instituted a system ot sttssreh.vwhielt spread ( from one State .to the other. And the worst phase of the trouble is that it won not eonfittesl to the men who struek on the mil. wuye. They seem to have been guided by some restraint. I: -r the preservation of pence and of property, but their action was ( seized hold of by thousands who were in3 no way interested in the striker. but who embraced the opportunity of the crisis in committing all sorts of lawless nets which disgrace oareommou humanity. and show that there exists an element in the com- munity cf the most dangerous character. We haw: only to "nd the reports of the post feg days to substantiate our state. ment. We tind thnt at Columbus. Ohio, the mob was not composed ofrailway men, but of tramps, miners. and idle ruughs. At Bid .nlo most of the riotore were. not railway strikers at all, and the mob visited severe 1 manufacturing estahlislnuvuts, try- ing to get the men to quit work, meeting. huwover. with but iudifterent sum-es». At Cumberland. in Maryland, seventy-five roux: LN took possession ofa train bound for Pitts'ourg. to add the curse of their pros- onco to n city alrrndy in the pmw‘r ofits own moh. At vnr"ous points in Ponnxyl- mini It miners left their homes in thousands to fl ork into town: whore disturhnnm-s had nlre My eommeneed. The mum thing: has occurer at St. Louis and Sun brain-ism. and res'lertiu7, lltl'll urn now asking them- selv es where nll this is to 0nd. It is quite evident that those strtkes will he , o1lv,spread in their Jesuits. It is eal. eult ted that the day laborers in those nine States most aileeted in 1871 mnmmted to 568.414 men. If we add to the day-Inher- eriz the canalmen. the draymen. and the lulu .rern emplnyt-d in various tracing, we fitu' this number swelled to 65vt,896. If. tharefore, all the railway cmployoes in the ans States mentioned were have out on the'trtrike" every single man of them wmlld he inflicting troubles and losses upnn net rly eight other working men as respect- nlf e as himself in order to acenmplish a plu'pm‘c of his own. And this without tul ing into account skilled artisans and nu :eluunics. men employed in abattoir: and by express and Itt‘anllmnt eompauies,stevv- dc res. and otlwrs (‘nllm eted with the ship. ping interests, all of when) are necessarily l and unfavorahly affected by the prntraet-s ec' hloekade of the great arteries of internal Ct nununicntion. Upon a moderate estim. 3 Me. given to each man of these varinns l d‘usseu on average of four irerruttm depend- [ ent upon him, we have a grand total of nt least 8,000,0th persons in the nine Staten mentioned whose bread isinterferred with every day that this strike lasts, in order to uemmplish the purposes not even of RR.- Mt railway omploytses--for the "strike" in the nine States mentioned is by no means even general. unless perhaps in West Virzimtt--httt of really less than hnlf that nnmlwr. To sum the ease up plainly, then. the interest of tho lulmring classes of the nine States new invaded by tho mail. way strike in seeing it ended in to the in. terest of the railway men who are aetually engaged in the strike in keeping it up as are '3,000,000 perm": to “.262. or giving four dependents to ”wit "striker." tn 221,. MO persnns. If this is not saerifiein,r,r the anlnnumitr to n elass. what can deserve tn he so described? How to KILL Tttr; Canon Won.- Mr. Felix Beriehon, of Perth, has found an eifetrtua1 cure for the nvsges of the cabbage worm, which he wishes us to give 'tthe world. Itin simply to mix equal pnruofgood black pepper and mustard. 3nd sprinkle on the Unit of the cabin” via; ' pepper-box: Mr. Eel-Mum has WW9“: of Pet on which he pried the It seems to us that the ccntrnl nnthnrity in the States is defective. The regular army is limit" ,nnd is scattered all over the Union. and the force is ridiculously small for such a country. It is altogether un- equal to the tark ot quelling such riots us have occurred within the past few days. Besides, the elements concerned in these. riots are of the most dangerous character. The men that have taken part in them have manifested all the ferocious character of the worst elements which came to the surface in the various French revolutions, and it will require notonly the strong arm of law, hut the stronger power of military to put down, The recent events have put the Americnn liepuhlic inure on its trial than it ever was before. numeracy to u cer- tain extent in to he blamed for this, and to. Jay the thinking eonservUice portion at the people in the States know the danger that lies at their Mom, while they are tut. able to cope with it. The nutocmcy at wealth ha! become a victim to a ileree democracy. and the problem of this social revrtution must be worked out before the gn'rerning party in the States mums to the conclusion that they must I :sert their punter, and that all the rerolntiou. ary elements in their midst must be controlled. And it needs be put down by the strong arm of the 1aw.-4urlgrh Mercury. i'ipik'iau in the owning. and a iii; nest morning Mame worm could be seeu.--huelurstge. A woman named Lena Rona: living in Guelph, wan out for a drive Sunday week, in company with I man named Jacob Martin, and when no“ Lehman's Hotel, about eight miles from Guelph, they com. menced smoking cigm. A short time after the women's clothing burst oat in fltutum, end before the flames could be ex- tinguished her clothe: were tall burnt and she had to be taken to the Guelph General Hospital. her burns being so serious that very little hope Wu entertained of her re- covery. ' , The Strikes in the States. Pall-pl " of our mum .ue not IWII'O that. Communism in rumpant in name parts of, the United States. In C ltietwo Why ma their mama Ito-MW than this M were itmthttshd and carried out Indie their direction. The same spirit that ehnmoterized the Communists in Paris was inundated by thou tlense and bloodthirsty bluis- guards. Their doctrines m plnin enough. and to ell order loving citizen's no cruel. one-sided Ind stsuttuittar.v. Communism begins by denying the right of capital to *employ lny labor, unless it employs them let their own terms. This involves viola. tion of the rights of other men whnmuit to work " the wages proposed. It involves muftae upon all those interests in meiety l which depend upon promvtneu Ind! regularity in exchange of goods. It end!“ in wild rapine; in the murder of those who' defend public order ; in the destruction by fire of property worth may millions. This is the Couuuunir,t. His work in Paris is known. It is the bUckest [age in the history of the nineteenth century. His work in the United State. We ttre beginning to know. In France, the struggle left only the form of a republic. In the United States self-government mast quickly demonstrate its power to trample out ‘Cmunuunistic resistance to law, or. an in France, those who have property to line. those who have the desire to treeumulute property for children, those who had the intelligence to lawn that security and order are lu'sl for all classes and uecesmnry to the very existence of L'i\lli7.ed society. will soon he found denmnding utgovetatuwnt stroug enongh to protect life Ind property. This is whut the people in the l'nitml Stilton; have to fave tu-lluy, and the serious, thinking portion of the wmmunity um nusiously delusting how this evil spirit can he put clown. They are :11 ngmetl that it mun he put down at whatever mitt. Menn- time the people, as I. whole, im- the sulfur- em. and thv N. Y. Trillium well puts it win-n it says that I "if we Gilt" maintain the conditions which mnke much society possible, we mun all share the iettilde cost "f failure. For years We have been culti- vating the tspirit of Communism in these United States. The ittt1imirits have tried to rah ereditora; the Grimm-rs have tried to rob trausporting minimums ; the Trades Unimm have tried to rob men Vining to Work in lower rates. We have united the seed. and rultivatol it to maturity, And now we un- lsueing u lime-st. No mun can tell how runny millions it will eorit when-m that spirit which is m w" withdl civilized society can he stsbdutN1.-4Nrlph Emu-y. About seven o'clock on Hominy evening the residents of Woodstock were ututled by the report that it man living on the corner of Kiddo! nnd Canterbury titreete hm! com- mitted suicide. Such new: travel very first, and in I few minutes n considerable crowd had Assemblcd to without a must “lastly sight. chr the door lay a respectable looking man with life parody extinct. ul- thongh his head was almost ssevered from his body. Hill hands were red dyed in his yet worm life blood, and red streams had traced the course of his movements during his last monies. New him lily a broken whiskey battle, which told more loudly tluut words could the close of the nwfnl deeds The sight was hickening in the “tn-inc. nod sent it thrill of horror through all who witncssad it. The Home of the duel-use was Wm. 1htets%rrrougta. He was titty. cight years of age. was a carpenter by ”rude, and had formerly lived in I',lvulwim, but had moved toWoodstork lost fall. Dur- ing: the snmnn'r he lmd been Working at Dnnnbo. He was hubituully nddirtcd to drink. but when sober was an iuotfemrive and hard-Working: nun. Who" the Worm- ofliquor he mu noisy and harsh to him fa. mily, and woe wry eatsily irritated. and had at Mich (inn-n often woken ofkiliitw him. self. Such thrvats lnul boon [undo so often that his family. which c unaish ofa wife and four children, paid very little attention to them. On Saturday ho had returned from Dnnnbo on the spree. Ind land continued drinking until Monday. About tteven o'clock that n-vrning his mm, tt young mun. wishing to stop his drinking, took I bottle ofuhiskey and broke it in hir, sight. This so enraged the futhcrtlmt he Monee drawn razor. which he had evidently Men carrying in his pocket for such ttpttnromotu1 cut his throat in the prewnce of 1sishurroroitrirke a wife and son. lie suiggorcd from the. kitchen into the yard. butlnul gone only in few paces when he fell. In It few moments lite was extinct. So wellhnd he used the nzortluit his head was more than half severed from his body. Shortly ttfterwar6 a jury was ampu- ellcd by Coroner Field. The inquest on the body wns uljoumcd until Tum by evening, whenn verdict in ttrts.1- with the above facts were rctttrtted.--w tinet. (From the ChrotirO.t Durham, July "rd. Mm.. bittt,--Ir'or some. weeks Mtrr the l'unhiu let came into "l mutton tha edbets wete evident, Men whose wont it was to go house reeling drunk were “in". and am- taveru were "taught" an .oet.'tregttter and which an mblie gatherings w» a notorious nuisance l'lll mutual tube mundane as the centre of rowdymu. The place re- ferred to hm become the Muhluuru-rn " diupeuciug Morley Bitten, and (mint Pair Buy and on Friar-y hurt dnxnlwuesa of: Iyer1iarlr ding-vain: kind peeeaihrd and the tuvemkeeper had theiuapudouee to say he would nuke omrtvandrxd dollars Mn] Uithat he maul-o fined in twenty. Now, Mr. Editor lenient " the public sentiment toward: "anagram" nan-ll . (it the publie in path-m try nut 'ii'l'i'eJhl", allow my body who chow.- to defy the law Indto offend against public decency with impmmy. Purple look to the In- sqtoetortodo his duty. Others think the with that In opporttmity nhuuld be given at a pttblie meeting to discus: the matter and appoim n Vigilunca Committee to ,eg,'h"/,i,tt the hands of the authorities who, prop-nu] to do their duty, should he mural that they have the munhununcr m” xwpectublo law Minding people. Communism in the States 'etortodo his dntv. Other: think the vy.or.U derelict in is, duty an? other; A Terrible Tragedy. Morley Bitters. --- --t - -- ---e 7k I um yours, CIVIL Aeher Turkish reverse i: mum-d an Sunday morning. the (new under Bahi- mu: Pull: having been defeated " 'iam. lmuu uni retreated to Adrienople. leaving um gum in the wmy'u lands. The ttte.. niem we now in -toiisrrt of the nu'lmul between l'hilipgxqmlia sud Admiuople. tiilistria In: been invaded by the Steam] Army Corps. Rodi! Pub: and Abdul Ker-inn PM!“ are to be mn-nnu‘hllnl " their failure to defend the line of the Bul- knlls. llocent oremtiomr in Bani-into! Rumo- lin nppcu to have been dinutnvu to the Turks. Suieimm l'uln iluid toll-we been defeated at Knrnlmnl. on the mad from Yoni Zuni-tr. to Him-Mi. though mum Janus “iv: an to tho er-etateua at the report. It Intent: cumin, however, that Alana] Eyoul: Pain In “em by tho (‘urevitch on Smithy W Butt-link. with I loss of thirty guns. ton AM. Mid eight than-Ind pritrtmeete-4he w “In: being, however. plainly es-tmi. Fighting mm going on: new “emu luring "iaturtU.v and Sunni-y. in which the Illu- sign: are believe" Io luv-Ind an Int of it. To (“marina-m these "tree-ive disasters the Turks an aid to have map. tun-d Inftcun. between Pievun and Gab. rum, utter ix law'- tialting. The In!" reports my the Turks have defeated the [twin-nu. A nun in huh]; 'l'cr pipes hid do”; its str-u. There in mine talk of suinnitting I Dun- kin Act by-Inw at Bulk-villa Coal has advanced titty cent-n per tot: in NH. Kori. Four tutu] cum-n of mantra“ new“ in New York on Friday. The Diocese at Huron u, niml 92,!” for the BL John tsutfetvrs. Proreedinsm an Mug ' " Killpituu to quad; the Dunkin bylaw. The Murphy tuot't'tmNtt is making great strides at Unhuwn and Himcoe. General Grunt laid the In! unn- of In Amerimu church at (Sam: ttRh Fri. "y. Strutford now humus " I [mpnlntinn at 8.422. The average inert-no in about *0 per your. The nmmmt of “Man's subscription! in mid of the sum-re" by the St. John See is 046.9%. Mr. McMaster has now three reliable without-u who nut Shoulum lin- " Huh-u. The Rt. Hun. Georye Ward Hunt. Fin Lord of the Athuirnlty, died at “an“: on Sunday. The Waterworks tr..Nw oturtittrd to tho ntepu‘eu of ki-line, Indy. was votod down by a mum, of no. Glusidmhle dun-g! In! done to the umps in the vieirtity of London by tho stoma on Thtsmay night. Sir Funds "inch has pqrtdished . bmt letter mndvmning than: [mansion h Montreal. A revolution hu- Imam, oet M Port an Prince. Hnyti. and Gr um a.» I esrut1agra. tion has been [wing in the city. Fifty rhino! rut-roman Ira New Yuri an Tuesdny for England under etrrttrtsrt to work It the nu- of I] " per day. It is expected (In! themujmity in favour of the Dnnkin Dry-luv in lie"t will he unnu- where in tho neighhmrlmul M Hill. The Back.“ enquiry " Montreal WM nut when.“ with on thmluy, owing to the unuunuumbh Mmmoe of the runner. At the tit, Jan fire itwestimstiott cm fiat- urtlny evideure wax given thawing that the dirw4trotts extant ofthe tire lulu! have Iron due to iurcturusristu. On Smith; moruine In! the tine grin mill "f Mr. Cillhuu 1-"an ta'weluir, " A Irroeunation has been issued mom; the village municipality of Simeon in. . town, the change to an nun elforl on Maul In" tlse 7th day of January. I“ The toutliers' Redwntor ud m~ sumo. which eadlided and nut “It Mammal: fvw Weeks .30. but. beets raised And towed to Quebec " "pairs. The [my crop in the I'M Tatum-hiri- nearly nil in. And turn: an on the wind. maker than was expeetmL Grain cvuemlly [maniacs (silly. and in an: any. Lark we . John Bright hut'dlt, cxl-w-snl Lin opinion “In tho m. the tum Sink-IL railroads in 'tttrib-tsi. manna-6ft .ystettt. which. he "bu. In; tun-uni ita dull: blow, Mr. Noel, ot Iticlm"md. Quin In fun J .150 Ind mm for illfrmiuu of the Dunkin law. Two other cum-u " I limit" ofteure were down for Monday. Between Sunthy night and Maud-y Kunming home thief miter-ad the ntahla- of Mr. Weir. farmer, in Dorrheriter, and bank any n eoaple of good human. The mew. I. tarors. Eimrar. dine, Wu entoed by burglars while th. kindly “we " aurrh I»! Sunday. MM. 065mb" frous tlw (whim-1 in an up- Mum». Alnwick. Wu completely AIL-Angeli Ly'tird. Thietsud" “in"! Mreutooiter. lately flu. “than. stark-1 (mm l-vanvn on the. morning of the Add. " their home. “our flu Wsutrimn Mom-him. nfu-r pruviding ‘thomu-lw- with oxen, on“ m, wugguu‘. Mad _ general supplies. (kn In an " by!» n 3 "alth Ind pencil fuck-q and: on Tueulny henna. the 1mm won was"; " over the tummy. 1hev um whinml and mum has to ,sork by and! plum. Ott “(ruby Mann-n hm "an nun-M Chariot D. “mum. and Fraulein “fldblluh- lin We” killed. no] nun-ml “than. "gum! by a... eaviue in " 'lw hunk“ at a drum on Que» Sum. Toronto. There has Icon nun fining " "mural. On Friday uiatrte erowd of now-lumuuvk- a! the Mun. new the Wellington trifge. The Human. gain from pmmiw b. nu-hcvmnhighn avenge than um " ' ml. thick “a wry unpfucwrv; “in who ioralitirs, the [mum empi- slight. wing to mun [any nsius. tidy on Mood-y morning a fsre hole. oqtt at Hull. opp-aim (Klara. own-ping “the - of "mum! and Instr-"yin; bru- l erty to the Value of “MU. Ina-ulna- ies are believed to haw hom It work. Max the. Hunk on. chm-n - fuvly used. but "" damage in Jun- In . youd tho Leaking .411..- wilnluu n. (M. the 'N't'"P"cc "f thc pain-c ll“: mm» di-. The (inronn.r- normal an» n Huh din- ner“ lath-nu “all ou My. on tho (Winn of his dominant. In Manitoba. Chief Juwtive itielutrdri will act n ibeputy Governor during His khtm4leur.vu ulna-urn. on fl'" tttto the water. FTcteisor will: 3:21). tml the other H Inching tue bank of the river. A um " Mr. Flt-telnet. of Putty tin-01nd. was dmwlu-d while trymq to mum the hi, glin Rim-run some a" "ts. He and a eunu- pnion fell iuto the water. Fletcher min-g: Tuna-Russian War. - - -qir.---- Miscellaneous. Without “(an rytidti m. I'Mlgl on] tannin-r " _ "any. at I “a lumbar! nu d Malta-uh. m war I'v-udrd u hilt-Ind Ill th. lily-ff} ol the. k ennui} mar-um wbo cm. hurry] "N"' from dung-1 Tu. Chimwo f .eueuttarimam bvll Clu- Cumin" um .tiovertttuent. .. mum at... hum-uni n. w Villagv. making: In th, d, thru- ya" gm] " ha“ uh that; w paint"; of t Inn-m - an ekiid land "d lh. “Du-r hem: ralhd mwksi our to " In in.“ 'Meqnt'e. 0. Tho I'D "tur -tee' In» ml! " . " his“! the rhdd , would“. an! mm m .iro-. It run» that I “- in“ Mather _ 'r I .1 than (an. n druc;it m “an! huh-ad " bring pan-luv "rorly "A. " J stciitr anIpnu ruin of point. dint-u Ths “MILL. ' - Girl ”In-Ill " any]!!! "If" may»; and u- alas . " the l, $6.1m”: The ro wituout “than (I In de qotttit hi”.- t Author . lupin. the [an ttoust '1 . “MI ing Momma J (and m. u. Joteph Mum ”full-m I nu who Judah-d " Miami-mull - Saturday null I In. Inn-upland du- al heath 'rw law an an - Chair (“on and the“. the eargiars Mucu- It,','.":',,".],' n. "e 'ke .11.)“: YN hr]!- IIIKIII with I hath with. their tether nu an 0i u 0h cam-r - and tl drowned. M r. .Nuelsct dun alive. of his can-India (mum-n. ’4‘“ my on tu. l “3!". ll the tiriou"ul lmd " awtisr urn In- I and that I‘annnult II“ ls, and Mic-put for blunt o. Friday 4201!;- u it uh]. Sun-Jun. u FIR ”usLnLn. urn- Cult. tiittuuotsds, of the l m Our“ Victoria. w» on.“ on “not!” With In . “I. and I puru- " 08“". r The Niki ".' in a an work on t, only»! llwir Pam-w . ‘h T'tsemdn.v Idiom-mu um. San-n. and Ctaiv. " “'th .unnny of dimming N'pat ”in: ofprh \‘ngc-L In Wt oi thr cunu-m elm ii-ly lid-Q. A almilljcm pupa in “chill. the Mum-n. I gunman oteotitt (In " [any (III will hum: list! i. that Punt 1 “I“ “'1 the IN In: A du'nodn punk-m HO. B. C., ria Portlat til Full Wlteat lifting: " out" ........ Null-3' ..... " Hull ll M' Itat Trunk-ell "but ”using Wlwat..... Wo, Hm Fl Wool per Show . Ai 'CCI', tiki Hide/per Ma Fatt “1le “will: Wh, Mark}. (has. Nas. “and "up. For [on Mr. folk, pr “1.... Far. y Piast " it 0n " “It Ul Cat ' " Mat . rusmu tttlt Girl. ”1'le d u ' militia IM. II ll wt a m Imih~ e u 1:514 tit

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