Ontario Community Newspapers

Dundalk Guide (1877), 5 Jul 1877, p. 4

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i h g: "sit-tr In. by Nib: from. wagon. 1510'.”de ever getting bet-tdag-tto-ttthint-nd. ,mso'th.in--o-tr,"charur bntrii,tiuehatfmtmer." Unit-John I you: Inner. said. "If yu-llmtuudmtonhomndm “which wouldyoupnfu tout" “The -,terbo-,"rqti" thohwygr. urn“ mdummmquagu, haul “the worm in full of amp," sci; ton add atto could badly bring her to win. it, no um. found it. Ira, into he; Somebody triad to new “in to Dr. Johnson, saying, "You must not believe more than half what he an." "Ay," re- pliod tho doctor; "but which half?" “Murphy "trt"h-omanyiUh ham-u. until youshould an every Bah you could eateh out of it, he doom" hit In. would be can has in it. I Railways m womb; They huh - man to know his own station sud to stop than. A church withom a strawberry festival nowuhysunhudlybo “whom Mr. William Morm, In old Ind respect- ed tumer, 1 maiden! of Berlin. wan on Satan!” week killed on the street by a kick on the hood from . home he m driving. Ilia skull was smashed in, And death 1n: Almost instantaneous. domtion of tho prisoner. to six months imprisonment And I tine of $1,000 each. The prisoners we" I130 ordered to enter into In engagement to behave well for two yam. Tho untenco conveyed warning not only to authors, but also to lecturers who huh I living by pandering to patient Tho trig] of Charles Ending]: And Mrs. Annie Baum, for the publication ofnn im. moral pamphlet, has terminated in the con. Gen. Grant and wife errivepetWindeor on Tuesday one visit to the Queen. The Lien- erel and Mrs. Grant, accompanied by Minister Pierrepont. were conveyed in one of Her Mejesty‘l cerriegee to the castle, where they were received by the Queen " the bottom of the stein.” " the Queen's entrance, and conducted through the State eorridore to the White drawing room. After e short interview Gen. Gnut and hie wife were conducted to their epertmente. In the evening e grand dinner party was given in Grent'e honor. When you are gone away. The cricket's song upon the hearth, Will have I sadder tone; The old familiar spots will be So lonesome when you’re gone, loun- loot-top- My by any. The old house will be lonesome, John, The yew, cone end (a. my boy. The you-my come end go; And nun loch end treeto- blown Grow white a driven new. M litelnaknowniheotmwn,lohn, it. trial- led mm. to"; Yet God with-l heth bland me, John, “In baht end in store.” But one thing let me tell you, John, Before you make you Itut, There's more in being honest, John, Twice o'er then being Inert. Though rogue my seem to flourish, John, And uterling worth to hi1, ohlkeepin view thegoodend true; Twill in the end prenil. Don't think too much of money, John. And dig Ind delve end plan, ' Ae,leuesine.er.rinGvuaro To bond up ell you can. Though tools my count Shel: riches, J ohm In shil ling. , un'e en nee, The best of wag?!) is ,"o'h'1'll'l h'eelth, And good, sound, common name. Be gentle to the aged, John, At poverty ne'er jest, For may e have end noble hurt Beet: heath I logged not; And the Beviom' of the world, my boy, Whoa blood for In wee shed, With ell Hi: gnoe had not I place Whenin to lay his heed. And dont be neon or stingy, John, But By . little by Of what you an; on soon will lean How feet will mnftiply. Bo when old feeble age come. on, You'll have e goodly More y l Of wealth to furnish All your needs-, And maybe something more. The!“ charter cute to fortune, John; 1 We eee them every day; l But thou who one their self-respect, Climb up the good old way. "All in not gold that glitters," John, And union the vulgar stare; And those we deem the richest, John, l Hove oft the least to spare. Don't meddle with your neighbors, John, Their sorrows end their cares, You'll iind enough to do, my boy, To mind your own “hits. The world u full cf idle tongue.-- That t/%aiGiGikGLi' mun-1nd shake? "Cut 100.." Ind pulled hom shore. To no an . You‘vo mm. In only. John, And done the but you could; I tirt'trgtlti'toator' ort,Jahav-- I couldn't if I would Yet something of your feelings, J olut, ..y I'lpou I outryt ty know, “an or (in. Gust Yo Yon‘n going to luv. momma. John, Yon‘n Nasty-on. My. An: tho old nan will be lorry. John, I Inn you can Inn]. " Sunn'n mire, And [we . frowning world." nod-bye! Mny haven guard And blou Your 1oouurusyr by day. _ A mu be " 1siri%tia me, And. Jan tty more, bough my {(13th paid B'"r-- Twe to"! net-no: - - J GEN. m: 1trmntt.- round that ' John, Owen 8ottnd,depart... f..riU. Pnmea, " ...10:00 " you“; " ...10:00 " 4:00 " Toronto, Arrive... 2:40 P... 9:80 " ihamrt Sabbath School every Sabbath afternoon in the Orange Hall, commencing at 2 P. M. Preaching - second Sabbath in the same place, commencing at 6.80 P. M. ot- tage pm muting aver, Thursday even. ing. Rev. C. Shaw, minister. P1tESBYTEtaAtt. Sabbath School every Sabbath in the School House, commencing at 9:30 4.31. Preaching at 11 A.M. every Sabbath, and every mom-m Sabbith at 6:30 mt Mr. Johnston, minister. DCD We Copy the following in reference to the Victoria Mutual Fire Insurance co., of Hamilton, taken from the Journal of Com, meree, whose finaneial editor is Sir Francis Hineksi--"People who have nothing to say in favor of the mutual system of Fire insurance should rcud_the annual report of the Victoria Mutual for 1876, published in our last issue. It will be remembered that the total number of policies in force on the Blst December was 13,079, insuring the mm of 012,896,588, and that the totall amount of assets over liabilities reaches! about a quarter million dollars; claims to the extent of the were adjusted during the your. to whi may be added losses to the extent of 04,000 notified, the greater part of which has since been .paid. In view of the, increased hazard, owing to continued business depression, the Com. puny has wisely determined to pursue meantime a conservative Course; that the management has been judicious during the past year is shown in the trivial advance in assessments in two of the Branches, and in no increase whatever in the Hamilton ‘Branch from the low rate of 1875. The necessary steps have been taken to secure a license from the Government in accord- ance with the Ontario Act. The remarks made by the President of the Company, in moving the adoption of the report, are worthy of careful perusal, and should be " cede wrum for every insurance agent in the country, embody-lug, as they do, the policy which has brought the Company to its present status, and a. rule of action which mast promote its future success." Messrs. Rutherford & Hunter, of this Village, are agents of the above Co., for this District. Claims are promptly settled by them at their attics in Duudalk. The Cohourg World says ..--h striking instance of the difference in speed with which legislation can be ofreeted under different circumstances was furnished by the Counties Council on Friday night. The Council spent nearly two hours in discussing a matter of printing for the proposed sub. mission of the Dunkin Bill, involving an outlay of $20, and didn't even then come to a decision. That was in the interest of economy. On the same evening, I. mem. ber introduced a hy-law to increase the allowance to Councillors from 82 a day to " involving an additional outlay of .700 a year; and this was read a. first, second, and third time, and resolutions carried to _ suspend a rule of order twice, and the by- law passed, signed, and sealed, all within the space of seven minutes. to I ditto ditto, who,incndeavoringto cross Main street to-day. had suddenly but not unexpectedly sat down in the deep mud. "Doing? why, great Caesar, what do you think I'm doing ?" and continued, picking himself up, covered with genuine Rod River mud: "rm doing what i came up here to do-taking up ltuul,"-Ur in n [peg Free Prue. "Whath thunder are W“ doing there ?" exclaimed I recently "livid Ontutio man A patron of a certain newspaper once said to the publisher: "Mr. Printer, how is it you never call on me for pay for your paper?" "Ohl" said the man of types, we never " n gentleman for money." "In deed," replied the patron. "How do you manage to get along when therdon't pay?" "Why," said the editor, "after a certain time we eonehde he is not a gentlomnn, and we ssh him." . An Illinois clergyman is reported ttshave said the other day at the laying of the corner stone of a new meeting house: "If boys Ind girls do their sparking in churches, I say men to it. I have a daughter whom I cherish some apple of my eye. When she is of suitslhle age I would rather she should be courted in the house of God than in I theatre." V An omcer having lost one of his legs " the battle of Leipsie, his Iervum mu ob- served crying, or pretending, over the sad evant. "None of your hypoeritieal tens, you rascal ;" said his master, "you know you no very glad, for now you will only have one boot to clean." Some people were alibi-with 'drroid about a gentleman an celebnted for the intensity to for the shortness of his friend. ships "Yet," “id Jerrold. "his friend, ship. no no warm that be no sooner takes them up than he puts them down again." pointing to u man with his cane, who was tbout to be tried, said, "Them is a. great rogue at the and of my cane." The man to whom he pointed, looking at him laid, "Whieh and my lord f" . 1 "sr tunic; they might " well try to Agate th tootuehe,imrtend of having the tooth Rev. Canon Wilberforce, in a recent temperance speech in London, pithilyuid, “Peoplotalk about regulating thoJiquor Irishman. “I um not," said the Irishml; "I am digging out the earth and losving the hole." "Why are you digging out that hole in your onion bed t" aid . Yuk» to In Hausa cauncn. 2',',ttg every second Sabbath in the age It , commencing at 8 o'eloek Pat ". Mr. My. of Markdale, minister. NDA‘LK ‘CHL'RCLE 'iFiiiilrririi7, Judge hubris- " notorious memory, The Victoria Mutual. TRAVELERS‘ GUIDE CANADA METHODIST. GOING " 1:00 Par We no at all time- pnpued to insure live BMW Dun from Hymnal: '" 1°32",th "kt... _ h sremmGii, ve Errxazvm happen. if“): has. partieuUm all at our om All parties indebted, either by Nota or immediately. mum. February trtttrr. CUSTOM WORK, CANADA LIVE STOCK INSURANCE COMPANY. BOOTS AND 'i9)liirO1ilti1 RUTHERFORD t bud-1k, April 'th, WW. AN APPllEN'1'lCE WANTED. K%'"Itl0H?BiitEIt THE PLACE-proton Street. near Dundalk. REPAIRING done with -iiiiihtass and DESPATCH‘ AND BY A FIRSTcCLASS ARTIST. None but the host material used, and only good The Subscriber, thankful for past favors, would inform his Customers, and tho lmbituuts of Duudulk and surrounding country generally, that he is prepared to [nuke to order, and of the best material to be had, WAGGONS, DUGGIES, SINGLE AND DOUBLE. CUTTERS. SLEIGHS, HARROWS, ROLLERS. HORSE RAKES. TINWARE of every description at Bottom Prices I EAVETRO UGHIN G AND ROOFING A SPECIALITY. FIRST-CLASS PLOUGIIS Full SALE CHEAP. Shop next door to the Post Oiriee. 1Nutcrrac--Any quantity Ol WOOL, Woor.-mcurmos, SuEmPstNs, Hunts, he., ke., n , v“ r. t “A q LITTLE & ROBERTSON. Little, & Rnbortsnn in returning thanks to iii pita: for the liberal patronngp th.ey huge received, now beg to infurm them that they are prepared to furnish everything In their line at prices never before heard of. Cook, Parlor, And Box Stoves Suitable for STOVES AND TINWARE! As a Single Reaper, Single Mower and as a Combined Machine. Testiryorti.tdt' regarding the machine are being printed and will be furnished on application. Give your orders early to W, L. Marshall, Dundalk, Agent Far Ptotou and Melanethon, or to M ll. JAMES NICKLE, Travelling Agent. 7 A, & A. COCHRANE. ul DURHAM FOUNDRY! this we have succeeded Eyoga ar" ijkiartTGiiiiiitriiiTiiirtt', Wagon?" F" fill orders with promptneus, sell at low prices, and on liberal tenure to women REA‘PERS AND MOWERS. Harness, Trunks Dundulk, Feb. 20, 1877, “DURHAM MEADOW LARK,” Dmulalk, Jan. 29, IMT Painting Done on Short Notice Dundalk Carriage Works Durham, May 3rd. 1877, nun "not, 10mm. ccuatvAroms, WIIEELBARROWS and wytldug ' in the wood line required by the community at large. DEALERS IN The F‘fRoyce Reaper,” the HI ovo and 'l‘ilnvzu'o Enlpcn'ilnn, r. HANBURY & BRO either for urnd,, or in Boots und Bhoers, made of the very best Material and by 1,000 V'oluntoors \Vant 0d t i, to Min out We ve'ry Ben and finest Lin-Mae's which can be made, Ind in Igve suggeeded beyond our highest expectations with our “Royce Reaper." We Sold Cheap for Cash. 35“." v «r......4_.. Prices lower than ever Men, Aronten and Children, kept constantly on hand. mud IN ENDLESS VARIETY, KEt'Asn CHEAP FOR “an on TRADE. , AND MANUFACTURERS OF, ALL Brushes, Whips, Etc CHEAPER THAN EVER! A LARGE STOCK OF Aged“. T. B. GRADY. DUNDALK. 1877! FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN, and m}. for 8.1.. Libeeat a parties buying We quantities. Milk. April 18, 1877, Fresh iiiii, Tiii", Meat, Butcher Shop Book Account, are rnqucstod to settle up mite H. Grimm's _storiGTii'i, keep on hand all kinds of TORONTO NEW the Railway Station. Combs, KINDS OF workmen employed CCaE=CC= n14 in rlN""-"s-tu"o-iththeiv-s.oniot-s,-LL,-.2, '5]th Dnndnlk.ha.. ‘1077 Most REASONABLE Terms All Parties wishing to 1,th TAKE NOTICE. All sorts of Building Hurdfvaiel' Paints! Qilu, eta, em This line will be found COMPLETE. Having imported my Ten from New York I am in A position to offer them " current whuoule prices. Splendid Raisins $1.25 per Box. Boots and Shoes. A Large Stock of Ladies Bats DRESS GOODS FROM 100 SPECIAL LINES " CANADIAN TWEED SUITS got up in first-el- style. The fulluwing few sample quotations will give some idea of the great inducements his recent judicious purchases will wan-um him in offering to thou who will connult their interest by giving him In euly all: and has succeeded in selecting his SPRING STOCK which fur quality, Cheapuess have never been equalled in this Locality. The undersigned takes more than “an: pleasure in apprising his many esteemed putmm and the public generally, that be g bolicitous of his uwn and their interests. he deemed it necesaa to locat- in Torontu for the past several weeks to enable him to Purchase at the 'lilhll'dG'l' TRADE SALES, which have just transpired, where _ Millions of Dollsru' worth of First-Class Goods have been 4,000 RUSSIANS SLAIN! WAR. WAR. ACTUALLY SLAUGHTE RED I Dundalk. May 16th, 1877, Be sure and examine, my stock before pumhuing elsewhere. V . . 7 r_ ' ""'T -" "C""""""" uu mull. X‘Illl Bor buildings at 08.50 per hundred. who highest market price paid for all kinds of {am produce in “clung. for t. Building l, Dry - Goods ! .. ai) f ty .25; f, " lie; like: Eggs {3:158 5357}: £238 iii""i'i,'i':.i'ii,'j_ l Itil 5:53.; 'i/ii.",':,":,:)',:),','....,.!,:': i'; 4.5-8 < Should Apply at Once to .,ss"1',Si 291% r-, - Tij. tee' :5 “3-3 tD _._tit 55:3 FREE i452: ', w. Q .1llli3, .. .. " i ' , g . -352: t.,,,t., 1llriiit. a "ii',".if'r.lsHUill', gangs ' a 4: 2'lvsiissstdH"ii' “5.3% H g ','t,!,'si""ii"]lfi,"i'j"j,t" d. h'djitiii' E .. a _ vat-"E. " a =" - s. gt a Tr tiijiji',i)ii'i'riiih'rl ii'iiii'.t'ii',.i'iirii', a w.. b"ili',t-ii'i,!,iiii'/,ii' 'f,h,z,6'ii;irii., a 4 5-: '.i'iilh.l/i'i.,,rg rriril. Et‘E a“ g 'rrrli"Fiiri'i'c, .ir,iiiP.t'5r,'i'?,.' a " E iyiiii:',triiz'si'll, '1fo'i,et,ji.isC'iri'i' Hardware ! Groceries ! ar6, P E 15' ”:5; . F 233' 553% iiiiit!,,la,j hi lie; treh'if: 1't/i'i' “.33.; < g _ 1‘“; 23,3 $tr'i'ss'ih?, ..i, M H . aha, Sgéa aha-5" s a ) mg jfi'/t:)] Egg jgégéi 5“ Id). i'riiil,.:tiiis'li'.hrl'iiii,. " ea- l, 4 a 'i.',sh'i'ti/ltirit. itfl'i.r,i,/s-,/iiijt', l, g l 'i"'syiiii.')'/'iyiiiis'/,i',., o',s"ii1l?ljii's,', , 1-2,; "i"ici:it)iy'i'ii'tlii"iiy,i' I/iii",', "..irilli.i'l a l .. alisfgiiné "'lu'tf:t'if', trt THE BEST IN DUNDALK, READY-MADE SHIRTS for 60 cents. Splendid assortment at lowest prices. on hand 1nd constantly Arriving. m I Lot either for . BUSINESS STAND. .NEIL McAU LAY. (iire,,tayin5 ".I a-,tre'r. a '.il,ti'..'ii/'liiii,.,t. f/i, i'iitis c110 '39”. . ‘E t, k'i,r,li.t3ir,a,i. 'rti,'RL.r,E, L: 'lrk"y'tii'ii',e.ii,i'.,/'i' 'iitjh'hii't: 3.1, si,.,i",l'c'r?y'jiai. £39; ' 5:! i'rt/:,i,'.ii mEG'E'ms q 1"i6.ii,f.ilirrrii1'tr'.r'tiarj," o' 8 ’DM-Q" stir/Iii..?,'"',,.'?,?-',', ir:e.'.',isij,,.',..4,,ifl __ qpq.rqr- E ij'riitii'iriit'i's,', =E¢EP ggésa ot/ii"ij.,tW'l,gr,iiij'e"t,i,i:.?,: JHy'i"s'?h'eTreu1'e'i"h,'jsv"aesrsi. a, ete., cgnltantly on hand. Nsill for i. GRAHAM. .adi Variety m1 MOST APPROVED KINDS. “WNW-why 1min: admiration. BEST STYLE " THE ART in no. lined " ind» vary butnylo. .u Job Department. Poms»: Grest Facilities It! a E Large Circulation The STATION, 28 “out“: I not mum: of inter-smug o-IDuudulk Cf, aide " “DUNDALK GUIDE,’ FOREIGN AND ”1111(1qu G “id " NEW Medium for Advertisers. JOB WORK Promptitude mmumm READING MATTER, an wm I'll GREATEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER l3. POSTAGE FREE. MAL NEWS. ‘V()R IE. COLUMN PAPER for doing all kind. of chunk! lubwn'ho " the ()pposll e hue: own In Ann: nabs it an excellent All who mm! A good Putin: winking MARK ET 1tE1'0itTa, DUNDALI. IN ADVANCE. "Nr-e-Te"-." ““54“- THE J. TOWNSEND THE EDITORIALS. in; " Bail Correc OPE Ylt MUSICA L " dam. fr The l " M1 At .. At “In I.“ Dundalk] BUSINESS Herring Miss T't Ll tu 'daUULlUbJ nhr INS "

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