Ontario Community Newspapers

Dundalk Guide (1877), 5 Jul 1877, p. 3

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ltter by Mr Intel * Ma, q In Int" - 'that nahr tt II“! h w _...‘ I”? Me .tt Mr Mr M Mr IIII M we. Al "tl " anmlho GI "mug in. Egypt has agreed with the Suez ' .Inpany that the Kheclivo will one.“ the nquIHw' of the Sn” Fund. A sir "psrtt In Jun-J [0:30. Slinky?!“ y: l'ln- “mm." mlvum‘cdglanllu- I. l-n’ “as Ilrnrn Lurk upon Siam.“ an ' In“. A fr, ‘1) lanth- in rxp.et" I " MIT. have synod l r Bunmin, did! U [ extending (In. the : . ' _ .mtnry. pulled for.“ d z . "r, n. Ono Jetnehm.et l.- F I :1» the “we! 13m It not. _ '-: .Kul with COMB}. in. . . ‘f'hr‘ll' unwrap. -t. m- mung. days are past with.” I N V "s tht. Turk, an emu-new on b ‘n hunk ,4 the mu. In View cl Ob n- " Tnmova " Is Aidan. that h um are nlnkmg " the Shiph F Haiku”. the mad 89.!th u vh mm. m. An attempt was sub mi“ In run-xx nt “mun, oirtbt-r. l.'u,tiuk,mtltvsa,ttth “a“ , 'r. Mn " l-mh' ml two Mk bt ", W, n- [err _ueeeruattnt6i. 11w} mls: t"g ' -l=-ul Luchectin'IW .4 ttrt h-vmiw and in tho M |‘1,\.Y‘, ml} prevails on w *0. th Iinr 1'urk, are retreating. Ill " Bel. ru'fiwl Hm Qumlnhnen‘ In, by I. c,i m the |uunln of the Rmrsinmr. ~lwt'ml (nun Turontngumti up H m “:0!”th not on the Danni. no umlul by h'qmlm-I. " i. M ult'N‘ at lenpulj haYI Men M- 1M Turco-Rnssian War. m. Turkm entertain .5“ .'.u13.'.|fnut “My m‘ unhkml m the 'earwhik b "lsarsee mouth!“ “He dithettlty will tho bo m the, llummns in bringing " q. Mari. they mill luvoIo H won the" hm, .- . *3 lm lLulgunn. TIM-“hid l .Hul (Mum! ditBeultue, Md . Inn-Inna, and their. "in... o- -r,r'r. --tl.e Russian! MI. I m i',' L and no titue to hor, '1 h 1.. to h- eronsul bekee tho my Tzlnl tron Trrhizoml up tho Frulzzy manila-1| and eamUd m mum": at Bah-um. and It“ 'lory. The “IL-Slabs M wwra battle. loin; - lay a grunt Gttle in m bo. t. Troops from Huh“... ~n-ml'un-u the Turin. M I Shun“. and “mm In - march»; b, tho - od hub. tch {rum the Czar mm re Met up " Rm 'r,". t T fret. and m - 1»an red him thou” 'rmhvvm Fm so - C." -"’oru this. Irk~. as no signs oftib h -u mun " two or “I. from , I'm-k on Monday M ', I v\’m‘ of the and“ " at CnmhchiO. I. the ngem-y of tho “ win nvgleded "frog." D.. mnn named T. Joy.“ l Strntfvrd. WI! 9* 11 named I!" F. trd ".r ics,- ulreuly on!!!“ . the Ta.hrr-od. ard ..u|. l firm of M umlrrmken to 01-” crli, A railway "-etkntt I lit-mitt with 08“.. n"! In 't_a1ly heititM. d u-Ovo 'rrit various pin-’Ol'h "xrtiertlr,tm of the m at liusuhnk. The“... d. Jun-yr“ by ‘Iw-h ch by three, andthe Am. W .( "unmai-' In- Turks, Mb , hose been -ttr 2v uf Kan in - l. and a portal: " thr m iuothern WC! inwn from “9” e '1'iityr it,“ " .000 'r' nnw gained..- u. Their poaitirm i i. they hater-OM hr ('uumry. M ard t w'ivure,ta, twenty“ “lava. and at Nil”. th; And then. M ty .mn Mled. 'rumititngr gunner ”in n]: a Inga with the Rum-inns)"- Thu lune-I in ur- mm Emma, bet by of way can!!!” with “Mo. rinlly W“ In». H. midi!!!“ been -ttr m: in - I portion of III. hero 1W0! itrttt I). , plums. Em. IN- to the invade ml or destroy“ um r Jeni“... an“: tho ugh the Turin m 1urun has n- VIIIt‘ ‘l the but of 9400.000; and in tho other Clark a Co.'n welbhown thread work: at Pnisley were destruyed. the Ices being estimated at "6,000. There is considerable excitement " ot. tewa and Montreal over the notion of the Pepe] Zuzana. on their return from the tonne! etty, in tmUtituting the Pepe] " for the Union Jack on the bow fusm.9tt of um" Ole:- Vida“. on the ”In hauling down the Pepe] ensign be m new"; will“ hr _the loam-es. The “hit I. “mlorgoiag an investigation. new White "even end gen-sinned John Gnndy miner employed in one of the Lehigh eollierien; end that James MeDermott and Michael O'Brien. witnesses toxin“ the executed Hollies. have myteriounly disap- pemd. Foul play in suspected. Two serious fires occurred on Thursday in Soon-lad. by which . number of oper- atives havo been thrown out of employment. In the one finance Roberta: & Coi- spin- ning-mill was annoyed. mentioning . Ion In ouition to the purehnnea made by the Guelph Lumber Company " the late sale of timber berths. it has bought from the Hon. Wm. B. Dodge Aven4ditiomd berths Containing - of about in square miles in the Townships of Spence, Hagemun. HeKellsr and Ferguson. The sight ou Indian. on trial " Ste. Schohnique on Wednesday were com- mitted for trial n the Court of Queen's Bench on n charge of riot, bail being ac- cepted. Ember pro-condon- nre expected. utu-tAimerthe Indian-u Oh no mama; for wen: of breadistufrs. In tho Court of Queen's Bench on Sdur- all, u npplicnion to quash the Dunkin by-hw in theeonnty of Brant on the ground of imrtttBeient notice of polling and that the polls were in wine plus» closed too soon In» duehnrged with costs. The gold-tind at Gnvouhum has given In impetus to well-digging. Some who never tbmgbt " digging . well for them- Ian . you ago In. neatly boon con- vinced that every citizen should have . well of his own. and not me his neighbour's In the one of the eight ou Indiana on his] " bushing s fence belonging to the tumirtary, the cm for the mution com- ple'ely broke down before the Grand Jury, who returned "No Bill." Proceedings for aa-tr m shout to be taken nguiuu the A riot took place st Chnmbly on Domin- ion Day between a party of Outage Young Britons and seven] young Irish Catholics. ill-Melvin“ were -isterd by the French Cunadians of the neighbourhood. Revolvers were freely med. and one man -. Pie-ch Canadian-wats shot in tho A much Chunk Jerpateh up the Mollie lingual!!- luvo nudged Wm. O'Connor Mr. John McLellnn, of Godsrich Town. Air, In fined by the Mayor of Clinton 3 fow a.” mo Mm. on the complaint of Col- lector Cum. of Gmlerich, for possessing and ming u: when am. The" "tides on the 6th con. of E. " wnuouh. 11: old gentleman by the name of John Hoover. who chins that he in 106 A French man-of-war belonging to the Tudor: squadron of evolution. was on Tues. day midentally run down And sunk " )1me by All iron-clad. Foetuntstely no liven wen lost. y." old, Ind mm that he had I brother who died " the age 011M. Dun-ago to the crop' by the men: nonu- n nportod from the line of the Canada Bombs"), and change to property Ind loss of liIoin Northern And central Ohio and Indians. On the 10th alt, Venerable Archdu- eon Wright wu installed by the Bishop of Columbia in the Anhdeacnnry of Vaneou. vet. and n Monty inChrint Church Cathe- “We: a! the now Custom.) Church. Acton. will take plum on the 21st and 22nd July, by the Rev. Dr. Ives, of Auburn, N. Y.' In View of the recent ship labourers' troublel in Montreal the River Police in that any as to be humanized. and to be mad with Snider rifles and bsyonou. Mr. Hugh Frau. of the t8th concession of Hulls“. In: till wheat growing on his (In: which meann- tire feet nix inches in length. The Pm-Pnabyterinn Council opened In Edinburgh on Tuesday, the inaugural set- - _"titAe1i"ose1 by Profs-sot Fling of haw been indent“ “$0000anth Dalia, drowned but (all. ThWinnimFmPnu up. the im. port-ac. of having Munch rapes-emu] a " them: in Ont-tin). The nib agaimst Tweed. Connolly, and other members of the New York Ring an to " my prmsoeuted. The dweller- in tents It St. John suffered emlly during the recent mists, um: quat- m- being completely swamped. The St. John Duly 10mph In- re. awe-Md araS0s2tt that It will no dmrhoooneomooutiniuou.iae. Inuuhtiom in m. spam-h Province of lunch have seriously dun-god the rail. wuyl all and nudist-bl. lot. " life.! Two serious "eideats-one Incompauied‘ by titat 'mmtts--eamsed by the fall of stand- ing walla m repented from St. J ulm, N.B. Two mu belonging to the American lids were any. out Hing-n Full- on Sands: can... A further hunk: of 48 Communist eon- vie. h" had their team communal “Gan-Enm-mmuuzm- 't'ee"""u"aumnrasoetsr. . Tho 1"“ WW I)". bondin- P'M “Whmm Ne Ire-u-i-tso-tu British (10'an (or aBritiah PEW- Abigurldmfor which M,000 in Min-boon found a Home River, "oboaeskrmdinuuwinni, Jlf_anted! 5,0CO lbs AGENTS. " A DAY selling the Mmcuwm Pu. Wrin- with cold mbtfr. No mk‘requjnfl; 1eetitt Per: f. Tenders wil be received by the Indmigned. members of the Building Committee of the Preshyterian Church, on or before Meaty"; tueivu P/re-chest',', I' Fail Wheat, per bush ...... Spring Wheat " ...... {in-lay, ff ...... The lowest or my tender not necessarilv Ic- cepeed. unkn- oturwUtt “Wary. Plano ttlr/tter un bone- txtthiatorqod Mr. . Graham, on sud after Pridar, July lk Dnnddk, JIIV 5. 1877. FRIDAY, JULY 13th, 1877, 'iiGrcTaGTG"d -ausu, Mb'nrnm; _ SUVEIJ‘Y CO., Montreal, Que. 2151...”, 1877, §heepskiua__ench............. E sir dos.................. _'ir,'oll, dry, per cord....... ptyei) l"lr tr-el............ Tenders Wanted. DCNDALK MARKETS. Dunn“, July g, l877 Elam-aperAlOO. lbs,“ mill " if to ttl gt} {inlay Hay per ton................., Potatoes per Imam...” for! pay too................. P1ttisr per. lb.................. Wool .........3... Examiner Omee, June M, 1877. Flour not barrel?! 9? _to I ft) Com Ateal "' “V .._ Fall Wheat per bush. 18rring Wheat l .. “an11: or Ia-tts.--" for Dr. Thumas‘ Electric Oil. See that the signa- ture of S. N. Thomas in on the wrapper. and the names at Northrop * Lymun are. blown in the bottle, Ind Take no other. Sold by all medicine dealers. Price, 25cts. NORTHROP k LYMAN, Toronto, Ont. Proprietors for the Dominion. Noi-Releetrie-Nlectml and Electrized. h'tauaam.--rtt Proton, on the Ist,iust., the wife of Mr. John Sinclair of a son. Waruutw-neaatmn-At the residence of Warkworth, writes, "I have gold tome hun- dred: of bottles, of Eclectric Oil, and it in pro- nounced by the public, ‘one of the best medi- cine: they have ever used , it has dune Won- dan in healing and relievin pain, lure throats, etc., and is worthy Pull greatest "ottMence."-Jm"sph Rum. Township Percy writes, "I was persmsded to tr Thoma: Ee.. lectric Oil for a lame knee whicl| troubled me for three or four yearn, and I never found any thing like it for curing lameness. It in A great public benetie Eclectric Oil. Read the following and be con- vinced ..-Thoa. Rubiumn. Farnhnrm Centre, P.Q., writes, "I have heenntllicted with rhea. muiam for the lat ten yam. Ind have tried many remedies withontny relief, until I tried Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, 3nd Iince then have had no attack of it. I would recommend " tonll." J. H. Earl, Hotel Keeper, Went tGefforr1, P.Q., writer, "I have been troubled with liver complaint for several years. and have tried dilferent medictuea with littleur no benetit, until I tried Dr. Thotnw Electric Oil, which gave me immediate relief, and I would nay that l have used it since with the beat "ect. No one Ihunhl be without it. I have tried It on my harm in cue of cuts, Wonnnls. etc.. and think it is e ually as good for horse is for man."~A. s'la','1"d', Merchant Wn'n'm SAY or n! A m PAM yon nu PEorr.e. --There m but {or prepsratious of medicines which have witlustood the im. rank! judgement of the people for 35* great yyyrut lst tlyne._ "e of the" in Dr. A _lmmu Tho session of the Hungarian Diet has been closed with the understanding that the Parliament may be again summoned on an demand of twenty memben. The Anny of the Empire will shortly be mobi. NEW ADVERTISMENTS. FLOUR. JUB'JJ RECEIVED, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF . GRASS SCYTHES, SNATHS, RAKES, SCYTHE STONES, FORKS, &a, ALSO, For the emcion of a FRAME CHURCH IN DUNDALK. Rev. John Potts, Charles Wan-en. G. T. R. to Melinda, eldest dwghter of P. R. Wanner, of Durham, County of Grey. Mr. B. Towns, 209 University street, Toronto, on»Mondgy, Que 2lrth ult., by MOUNT FOREST MARKETS. TORONTO MARKETS. FLOUR, MEAL, SALT and BACON sold for Cash only. DONALD McAvLAm HENRY GRAHAM, » com. NEIL McAULAY. I MARRIED, BIRTHS Tones-m, July 4,1877. 1,025 Best Cured C. Ch Bacon, JUST RECEIV ..600to6li0 ...140m000 ..140to000 _..l25t0130 ..060to060 ..0Mto060 ...060t0000 ...l$5t0000 ”.014t0016 ...010t00l0 H.020t00‘26 ..t60to160 ”.050t0055 ..400t0500 ..1000to1000 8138?,00164 148to 148 200to goo 160to160 185t0140 0Mto040 000to 000 070to 070 800to1000 090tot10 0001.0 000 400to 600 400to 500 04010100 01590016 015t0015 All of which will be sold at low prices. Call and examine stock. . good clean Wool, for which the highest price will be paid in Cash. D. Davidson. HARVEST TO Eggo taken in ”change for Bread rt Cake I? Order: left at the store promptly a." tended to. Goods deliverod in my part " the village and vicinity Family FLOUR Tn 0mm Flu Immune: and Mont Lou Anna! in the Towns". The subcriben would inform the ink-bitum- of Dundalk and vicinity that they are pro- pared to supply tirat.clutis at their place of business, next McCulloch’l Hotel, Prototrieet. Commissioner in the Queen’I Bench, Conveyancer, are. Thh-tCoupuiaigjhmevineenpn- J OS. MCABDLE, Farm and Village Lou For ado. Inning" don. My private. The subscriber otrers for ado but No. 30, F Con., N.E., New Survey, Melancthon, 100 screg. about? miles from Dundalk. About " when cleared And fenced; the Nance hardwood and cedar. Title-patent from the Crown. Application to be made to w. Nr.Trtratcor, on Lot N o. 32, on the 3rd Com, New Survey. Bread,Cakes, VVodding Cakes t DAVIDSON a KRESS. Dundalk, June 27, I877. cal-22‘ DON DALK 'Fo’nship of Proton Lot M, in the 10th Concession, Lot M, " 4th " Lot 40, " 8th " Lot I, " 16th " Lot 21, " 11th " On any terms. Airply to HEN RY GRAHAM, Dunlllk. or R. . BOWLS, 26, Wellmgton-.t., Wat, Toronto. As OLD PHYSICIAN, retired from active pm- ties, having had placed in his hand. by " East India Missionary the formula of . Vegetable Remedy for the Ipeedy and permanent cure of Containption, Adina, Militia, can"): sud all Throat and Lung Afreetionn; also a Positive and Rulied Cure forNervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having thoroughly tested its wonderful our» tive powers in thousands of cues, feels it his duty to make it known to his "ifering tel- luwa. Actu'tecl by this motive and a con- scientious desire to relieve human suffering, he will lend FREE OF ('HARGE, to all who d, lire it, this recipe, with full directions for preplring and moccasin!” using. Sent by return mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. - , ,__‘ _ ..-., , . Dn. C. STBVENS, T 0.9.1. 23-1 Box 80, Bnocxvuu, OST, I. hum“ down. with ecu-Jun“ dropping in a. “(emu-l 'gat',', the hum. Such '- .y condition In" I w.- Iunr to In- you cmnh Randy. no. homo of qrhie& Quad I vuln- Ill IIV. no " humans! ”will...“ all" dtU quI bom- I In Inland to lac-luau} n to In “a to “I" hum and (ti-“mud but. Iai- " at» and during bud.“ which III-u but: "art In anon ter "co-try I mun-u. sum , a 0m! Pr. "Ute P." f. MI Ntarrh 'll'lte7itiy.illrw7r'.', . -- m. iGiia',P.tt.,tt.pt. mm. In. T. l B. HARDIIO. Dn- tov-Being Mon that other: any luau-mo “lino! nu - of you com-mu-nL Gun-u nu. nu. lulu-h Ut Amor- you III-II It In: dam tor In. tag. u [an old, trad in: out at hum. lov aha-u an I'rtd It "oior..ed. um. 9: Ion: guru-m dado", n4 tre vuwul mum-m, wluolu rue-mu. my arm-mm une- but continual rating!“ "my want IU In! lull Tah Ind hove-lilo Ind " 19 In umbl. In du In hour] wort " I mm. "M nun mien-cu no pun undu tttn mama kinda-ml Ham-ul- Ihn Hamil-Jan. will: my I... haul nu! . loans: In .1 do: MK II though than n- . weal-t [outwit aqua. with can mm dropping An the (Iron and ua, 1.73m - -_ II; -aGiGuiari G, rut ysttuuuod rug-r " gm- world. um -Fik'ot-rFGaé.r --iikiii"itriT1ht ME m i2Tgtaraht)'tul)etmmmotuL was: um: m..- nu no ”In. furnished on short notice and artutieaiir got up. CONSUMPTION CURED. Melancthon, June 28, 1877. d.22. June 27, 1877. CONFECTIONERY, &c., Ivarnn for Sale. FOR SALE. The following Lot- in the kept on hand for ale. EXTRA QUALITY HOPWILLE, Co. of Grey. BAKERY ! "ttMit-ur-imc'" _ Te _ 'dia/a, The auhcrihen beg to inform the inUbitanta of South Grey that they an pupa-pd to axe- cute All order. m Full-Cloth, Tweedy Flannelc, Blanks“, Stocking Yarn, Filling Yarn, do" which will be laid a moderate prices. Call and cnmine. 09,10 parties cominf I diam to get Roll Carding done, we wi 1 do our bert to give them their work home with them. J. & N. CAMPBELL. Flasherton, June 20, 1877. fin-21 Wool Cardjng Imd surrounding Townships, that he has purchased the Carding and Fulling Hts. chinnry formerly owned by Mr. J. J. Middleton, and has fitted them up in titat. class style, and is now ready for Boll Card- class style, and is now ready for Roll Card. ing end Cloth Dressing, am hopes by strict attention to business and good work, to merit a. share of public patronage. Hav- ing had an experience of over twenty-fivo years he has no hesitation in saying that ell work shall be warranted mordingto quality. The following gentleman cnn testify to his ability as a workmen in the out: Mr. H. Graham, Manhunt. Dun. dnlk; Mr. J. Agnew, Councillor, New Sur- vey; Mr. W. Hoskinson, New Surve ; Mr. J. Nixon, New Survey. Those {on . distance calling early in the morning will get their rolls home with them the some Being compo-ed of Lot No. 198, in the 2nd Range, Township of Proton, containing 56 acres. won: 46 eluted 3nd in good Mate of cultivoticn. There are good comfortable hnild- ing- on tho premium . good orchard, nod con. venient to church, nhool and market. being' only four mile. from Dumlalk, T., G. kit. Payment will be required " tullow- :4200 down, and balance from I to 16 yearn. with intense a 6 per gent Cloth Dressing! infiru.e1am style. NONE BUT EXPERIENCED WORKMEN EMPLOYED. Woos, Tun m Emma: 10: Goon: or in payment for work. Cloth I)rei~ning. JAMES McM. REID Leads, the onward movement forward in his motto, trnd he now flings his banner to the brepze, notifying tle iahtb.itanttof. Elation, eto., my quantity of Wool Utt " his Mills. Ahothnhehuin Stocknlnrge unity of Cloths, Batineta, Flsnneln. 'E'l'llt', Stocking Yam, on" which will be Iold very Low (or Cub. or given in exchange for in mm- to wit borrowera. Apply to l . JOHN McDOWELL, Dundalk, orto Woolen Factory. Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Dyeing, The Subscriber wishes to intimate to“). {Italian of Osgrey. and intending Townships, that a is pnpuod to unnu- hcture into :11 kinds of 1h0igbesth"ktt.1'ttui-hmid " REAL ESTATE SECURITY, THEundenigned hue dissolved partueeahip a. printer: And publishers of the “Oran”. Witness: P. MONRO. J. Quinton. J. TOWNSEND. Dated It Oungeville, My 23, l877. The "Advertiser" will be carried on by P. Monro, and the “Dundalk Guide" by J. Towrund. Money to Loan l, Dissolution of Partneth l " printer: and publishes of in?“ ville Advertise'.," by mutual cannent. any. """ JAMES um. REID. Dundalk, May 28, 1877. 1 Osprey WOOLLEN MILLS, MAXWELL. Menu. Lander a Proctor, Torontoot.. Dundalk. June 6. 1877. cm Toronto. Apply to ALEX. STEWART, Sm, June 19, I877. d-2l' lnistioge P.O. Goth, Satinets, Flannels, Blankets, Stocking Yarn, SEVERAL THOUSAND DOL- LARS TO LOAN Hamil. Areil 12, wrt, than PROCLAMATION! We hive on hand B Inge atoek of FARM FOR SALE. W’OOL. PLE SHERTON ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 17-tt. Reapers, Mowers, Sulky Rakes, '; 1mm. my 31. um. no libel-Eh! in Fau comm-m. vi-t5toawMaaemtoanrm" airing than». 1h',8J,1"dV'i','C"llag',' wry 1,000 FARMERS WANTED “Jim-o! 1rsquanetttottr.donthiaa. LIBERAIJ TERMS OB‘L‘ERED. and extremely low price- “had. Sadnftction tpmmntood. Reapers and Mowers Started in the Field. arr Repairs of all kinds kept on hand. in Ihmdalk, June 27, 187' Encourage Home Manufacture The undmignod beg to inform the minimum of Dundnlk und nun-rounding country, theymuow matatttaou"auauikindaot Cnpboudl, hm, Ae., at the shortcut notice. Furniture remind nth nutmeg- and dial-Mil Estimate! given and Contract. taken for all chuc- of Buildings. STAIRCASE WORK AND HANDRAILING A SPECIALITY. Onion Solicitod. .. Undertaking attended to promptly. ' Dressed Lumber and Flooring Always on Hand Remember the Stand, the Shop 11me opposite the Pout IMiee, Main Street. Dundnlk. CROSS k HICKS. Dunddk, April 12, 1877. yll Ladies' Hats and Bonnets New Goods, New Goods! PRINTS, COTTONS, TWEEDS, mhtsvetsrntsrhe of Good FABXS for Salomon-yuan. G.11atmtrofhee. summon!) _ HUNTER. Sash, Doors, Frames, Lounges, Couches, Sideboards, 14%).er for Sale DIM It, 8, 1877. @991»; your Cash, Bum: and up. An inspection at a. good. raped- 1.htrtdnlk, April gth, Mm. Dundalk, Juno 6, 1877. AUrge8toekof WALL PAPER Notice to the Public. " PUFF OR BLOW !" . BERRY sum CmdMndViotoI-hm of the latest designs on land Cheaper than the Cheapest. he ”55w TORONTO HOUSE. and Ready-Elude Clot hing, done on the premises to suit every am. Is" Old Hall and ng w' Boanets made to look " good " new. OUR TEAS STILL TAKE THE LEAD. which we otter It very close prices. We do not We have now on hand I Luge Stock of in tho blast New York Styles. at the w. L. MARSHALL, Agent, bum. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TO PURCHASE THE BFST CALL AND SEE THEM. Threshing Machines, Gang Plough, but we sell goods D. DAVIDSON. Tho tyst1erignod would respectful] inform 2"dl'dri;lSlk'll'l'arTr'lllh'l'll'i','ll “any that be bu ttttod up his uhopin 2regrc;itdl".'uTg ttSept, - ' I I uni. ti2htN1g",ttt, and» hunk-.1 M v - "new m' 'd'l"fnTUd't 1'"h'GT,'rdfhttlt {mm-M10: 'edeli-tofortrdol- Inn, mmdmanMoc ,-rD-dnteutimdotiags “no“, tiiiiii"tii?ltlAi's: 2tl't I tm Call-Ibo.“ uni-.0: 2Nttltttttt h, G. R. HIDDETON. NOTICE the best paint in the world. Rubber E. BROWN E AND FAMILY WIPE. pundit, In”. MT. wmwwmm an: WA In“ t._iM1esrAihis bind. 'dtltrtgtTatp,', Uh.“- 're-md Physicisns' Pritusrirtioo trd.rlthimkdea-ulB-tthisa a huh-uh ‘hudb' run. TERMS LIBERAL. Medical Hall ! n'mtou"udeir..-ato-r Mulch. Conveyancer, etc. A few choice Farms for Sale. MONEY TO [DAN at Rid“ pot can” The only Min“. potato mum" in the woe. no when to mix?“ money --4krrineaaa.nte-huBlBB-- “do“ an! 2iriee-c?uq the Maj-h cloud to o0i-ei-otteqrt5omtt, Benet, new“. "ATIUN. . . . Dunddk. Good Emily Hour tor sale. Dunn-k. Feb. " 1877. Knights-inhibit..- a number dynamism “Math-mug“. MEI”. """"dl2tft,tt.t not. and we: a manhununrmns. Deiitutee to Potato Bugs! After . useful and thorough lave-ti “ion on the man of the he. and . pact-03 denun- Itntion ot it elect " . peorarntitove, the subscriber um: defu. the world to produce I mm simple or perfect path-bug prevent.» tire Hun he now "trem to potato gmwengnd kindly plan- it with. the much of .ll The “out and Punt-tin will he sent to dl who Iain it by sending nuns and addicts in P', Jtith one dollar and pom“ stamp on- ”will“ the iasubitantaot hind.“ ndvidnioymcluhuouhud Mint-d: .8.- “a! IU Sub-ail”? beg-to iMoemthePtthtie “impugn-I'd” the Phottqtraphn Mitt “in non Hut-Cla- Hour oo-tly tor Ede " the DUNDALK CRIS? MILL Wan-mud " good_ng_uy "eeod in W, AuoBmr0Nqxnndetlktutont “HIM THUS. “NTAULEY. Sr. Dim April 5, 1877. '7'. PHOTOGRAPHS only $1.00 Ari-io-oe/tisrael. --o---- Nobh his. m WAN WORKS. BAND, SAND ! A BOON T0 POTATO GROWERS. OWEN 1NNrttD In. Dundalk, April IS. Mot. Mr. P. WHITTLE! May Mk 1877. and mm Article- otth.eerhnie-tqteatitr.atio-trea_ TOYS. FANCY GOODS. CONFECTIONERY. BUNKER DRINKS. SYRUPS. GRANGER, GINGER BEER. CIDER. Gounod Fruit. he Photography. Mr. N 15] A.“ 'PC. W. Iron... Milk. In. I. an. Flour ! Flour! LANDS BOUGHT AN D SOLD. KEN. HcAULAY, Jr. All) that he {brain any on drug}. AMI-"pivot DUKDALK, T. B. L GRADY, N45 ht2

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