Ontario Community Newspapers

Dundalk Guide (1877), 5 Jul 1877, p. 1

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IOST APPROVED KINES. EST STYLE or' THE ART h' KW PP. HES) Job Department. P0sscsses Great Paeilitie. T H 8 Large Circulation I)un(lull JOE WORK 28 COLUMN ". I Mil-dull" (luldo u Medium for Advertise]! The STATION, Prom ptitude DUNDALK GUIDE. I: HA DING "arrest. “I u. SEWS ‘V q '" Ii. " I LY NEWSPAPER qr, tfytltityr mtmm rm; Lam 't DST}. " IN ADVANCE hNlt 3) J. TtN RSI-IND "Music" “a Amount " AVID In“ or III. nu nu Aswr. I inking want a gut TH E TYPE. b. att oretuet [it ll n foul by luring I". vrtoi'r uu'rulzuu NHL} " "tata, pr, Trish i. fur the 'WT' R. "an hula, nod PAPER All work untamed, and ntishction I n t o e d. in“ mu can. REMEMBER THE STAND: "PHNITE THE POST OFFICE, and call and seam good nibble time- keepers. VIULLVS. Watches, Clocks, MUSICAL The "mtemi,sttted, while thanking bis numerous custom": and the public gener- ally fur the wry liberal patronage bestowed upon him since commencing luv-linens in Dnmlnll. wishes to intimate to the inhnbi. hints of Dnmlalk and surrounding country that ho hum removed from his old stand to his new building nu Main Street, vo In-rr he has a carefully mrleeted stock of M ILLINER AND DBESSMAKER OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE "an murh plenum in inlnrmnng his friends and the public generally. that be i! reputed todo all kinda M General Black-ant ing, " the show worh at hi. nun) low nun. llurmhoeinz s 'speciality. Correct Time! ROBERT K. MARSHALL, OWEN SIII'SD 'trrtrer, Builder, roan-cum. dw., lo. c outrun Mentor carpentering and build. m: "f all kinds My facilities tor building mum.- met nlu work promptly ml in 1 "tie i.w!-ury manner. Order! frmu a diataasee 'rritly tttended to. Hughes and doom Builder's and Contractor's Pid )'I‘I( 'lu". All kinds of timber for building purposes ruummly on hand at the lowest prices. T. B. GRADY. D. c. W. 'irpenter and Framer. Repairing done " hp. shop. Sash and Fuel doors mulch or. cl". nu. Renew-he: tht, nun} two doors Incl": the Poot "ttice, iuadito'ooUr, First elm accommodation for the anlic Thu bvat vim]. on hand. death., Ga a him. ‘01 iJeiiU/iriiiiir"iG free of trtrartm. NTRAY ANIMALS, to" advertised three week. " 8], the adeerttuauent not u ex- ceed 8 linen. Arlvertsiernentu, except when “comp-aim by written inatmetiom to the tuner-q. an inserted until forbidden, and charged a reg- ular mun, J. T0\\’NSEN D. l'uivenity Silver Medan“. Trinity College, Toronto, And Number of the College of Pity-imam and Surgeons " Out-Ina. (Mice Damian. that. Prot-iuasal ad banne- ends. porn-v.04 Mt ooh-u, poi-yup... .err...... " "Neal-nun. " ..............N Unecolunnn, " ..............lo Oo. nixnonth' oe Lin tor " mach an. Attorne .nt-law. Solicitor in Plume". X: tary r3'i,'l.',' 1'ertveranecr, In. (Mice and runlenu~l~mhlh Dundalk, - - Ont TERMS :--O n. 3L5!) st not I; THE " GUIDE " Provincial Land Surveyor. Civil Engineer, lmiu human. Und Agent, Ctmveramser, Pts', ' f,',',l',','LI". Frhnnry I, DST]. At the "the. Proton Street, may" op- posite tho Railway Passenger Station. Dundalk. Jun. 29 1377. SPIM'IJL ATTENTION Pan, To REPAIHNG. THE VULCAN WORKS, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Marriage Certificates and Licenses, sun-u sum or OWEN SOUND $1.. DUNDALK. Mu: Stunt-r. D-‘rhruary tt, Mm', a ll of which willho sold cheap tor all). Alan. dealer in Ituivialk .rehmuy 8, I877 Miss Gokey, Dun-lulk. Much. 15th 1877. M. Alt Hum. ruutamly on band " the POST OFFICE, DL'NDALK. Price only 32.11). Malina, notices of birth, mud-gen, ._.L_ --, I _ II I . I a n a ' _ Do. iiiiaiiiiiitiii..'.C..". d'na'ual__mlyemto-¢nu charged 8 u'v c "o" Wh u ruduy. which will be gut when ordered. ASHLO AMERICAN HOTEL DCNDALK. . y8 Co?iCERTIN.h.N, RATES OF ADVERTISING. Uppo-ite the Post Umice, the tint iiaAia,Tiiti cm per fa' “aluminum. iumutioa--breeier mean: AND JEWELRY. JAMES HANNA SAII'EL Mcccuocar, Prop RICHARD CLARE. ISAAC TRAYN( nt, Int. MCWILLIAM, ',--81 per year in Advance. not paid within two months. 'u JAMES LAMUN, Lste of Guelph, six month, INSTRUMENTS, " Pt' ILIHHED and! u ACCURDEUN S. J. J. MIDDLETON, lawn. JOHN NICKLE le. ' it. , le., lll'XDALK Drxmun l 8 eta. P" on: per hm y-7 15 after you "pay up, Kay up!" I m u citizen of Duan In trademnn Ind have no trouble with my clutomers. It so hap- pens that when they become customers of mine they soon get well-to-do. The ex- periment is worth trying. Pay up is a nostmm got up by pie to delude their creditors and In injure mam. The words "Pay Up," have spread over the country like the Potatoe Bug. If I. distance from home and the pen le know you an from Dundalk. the SIE,",,, will be crying Special attention ttiven to making ladies and gent.- aeueilbmta. Terms strictly cub or good mercantile produce My: in exchange fur boota aud shoes. REPAIRISG Mun-u Ant-mom To. Cure for 'Pay Up.’ at greatly reduced prices to suit. the times, and my mum hut tirutilas. workmen no em- ployed, and with his nwn experience in the hush-cu for the past Ii yn-nrs, he feels etuttid- ent in saying that entire aatisLetiou will be given. N. It Ad accounts unpaid by the 15th of March will be placed in your: tor collection “mun: tenet-w. The undersigned, In returning thanks to the Inhabitants of Iruuda!k and surrounding country for the very Imeml patronage given in the past, Wnuhl also all their attention to the fact that he is determine to MM All those indebted. either by Note or' Book Account, are requested to settle up I immediately. l lBools and Shoes DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, CROCKERY, Etc. Goods for Cash as Cheap as can be had West of Oranguville. Save Your Health DUNDALK. Cash Store! Most Fashionable STYLES Prepared to Receive Orders Cosoermmvxen m TAILORING. Family Flour JOHN NORVA L, Dumb“. March, 9th, 1877. " Dundalk. March 2nd CLOTHING, Dundalk, Jan. 29, 1877. Wishes to inform all those who his services. that he is Jurumrv, 29, IM T Make up the Remember the stand, Main Street DUNDALK. KEEPING YOI'B FEET DRY! . G. HUNTER, DUNDALK 'jIiii0jil! Vol. I. No. 23 J. W. MORRO\V, Comer pf Main & Queen " ESTABLISHMENT. A CALL SOLIICITED t . CHITTICK, A Sl'l’PLY OF GOOD ALWAYS ON "AND MAIN STREET. S. IIanu-y. m Trm Ql'm’s BENCH. DUNDALK. AND IN THE AND TO same on short notice require “Wk: "ic'us=:'uu-.aiAk---"iii'Ga Kate, hate. "postalated Mrs. Sydney, Iwish yon would leave off {lining with Doctor Thoma. or, atleast tell him of your engagement. It is dangerous to play with edged tools. One memorable afternoon in winter, when the trees were ladies: and bare, I walked to the post-oth-by this time all the ways of the neighborhood had become hmiliar to me-and took from thence two letters, one from Aunt Judo, the other hom Colonel Vnn Hansen. The days that followed-oh, they were written, one and all, upon my memory in letters of tire. I had never been so fieress. ly and thoroughly alive in my life. I gloricd in my own youth and beauty on never before, h feverish happiness took possession of me. Ihardly knew myself. This visit to Louise promised to become I rare event in my history. So I have heard before, laughed I; And I pursued the tenor of my my. Your trousaenu is reall y superb, wrote my relative. I have spared neither pains nor expense. It is very ungntcful in you to be :bsent yourself just at this time, 3nd -eial1y with . disgraced and discarded That admission represents mo in a new light, does it not , I fear that few men are t1mwlfish enough by nature to “sum. the part of a hero and play it successfuuy to the end. I dared not say more. Sydney and Louise came back up the walk, and we re- turned to the parlor. Doctor Thoma bade me good night in a constrained voice, and took his, departure He was silent for a moment. Then his voice took an imleserilrably bitter tone. Als indeed! I murmured under my breath. mo t I know not. This is part of the matter I cannot explain. It was a few days after the death of a relative-my wife, in ttut-- and I WAS weary of life. You come too quickly to conclusions. It was my own plans and ambitions for which I mourned-us legion of them, lost and wasted. Doctor Thorns leaned forward and dis- engaged it, but so awkurdly that some of my coils gut loose and rolled upon his hand. I began to fasten than up again, but be restrained me. Stop! he untreated. Stop one momenit, Miss Hctlwrstoue. once, lung "go--in sleep-U saw this very picture-this garden -you, sitting here in the moonlight, with loose hair, and that flower on your breast. My father was a ticotchtuan, and he used to claim that there was m the family the gift of second sight. It assumed, in my case, the modified form of a dream. I looked at him with surprise. You are as mysterious as a sensation novel, I laughed. Not Mall he answered, with earnest- ness. I simply state afact. The vision became indelibly photographed on my memory. Even then I knew thatit was not of the stuff that ordinary dreams are made off. I do not remember that we talked much, he and I-and our conversation was al- together on common things; but-l won- per what Colonel Van Hanson would have said to see us then ' I wore a lace scarf thrown over my hair, and it caught in a thorney Giie.vine, and held me like u. fetter. Am you sure I am the person you saw? Positively. Very odd! Why you should dream of The scent of dying flowers filled the air. linstmu‘d that argentine globe of light rose slowly over the true-tops, and shone into the silent dusk of the garden. Remembering Louise's Mary, of course I regarded lulu with new interest. It was nut strange, I promptly tueided,that a girl like J alia Van Hansen should love him. And he had treated her kindly. That was to his credit. Some husbands might have done otherwise. fC'oneluded from last week.) I had made rather a grand toilet, I re- ml-mber, and pinned on my bunom a few heliotropes. He gave me a discriminating glance and made some civil remarks about tlu song and the incident of the previous dav. Upon the sadness of the not The sunset broods regretfully; From the far, lonely apnea. slow Withdraws the wistful afterglow. So out of life the splendor dies: tio darken all the happy skies; So gathers twilight, cold and stem: flat overhead the planets burn, And up the east another My Slmll chase the bitt . dark away; What thuugh Illu' eyes with tears be wet? The sunrise never failed “3 yet. The Hush of dawn may yet restore Our light and hope and joy once more. Sad soul, take comfurt. "or forget T hat sunrise never failed us yet! "THE SUNRISE NEVER FAILED US YET." EDGED TOOLS. POETRY. -Scribneru Monthly DUNDALK, JULY 5,1877. He is my betrothed husband. Our mar. riage will take place sometime within the can i lg non h. Why did not you tell me t Why did you bring me to this pass t Why did you lure me on to love you t m in my deadly foe. Was it at " instigation ' Well, I bud deserved it, safely. If there in my consolation in knowing that one‘n punishment is just. then I was connoled. I went buck to the villa, and at All night u my window counting the m. In the morning, I peeked up my bank]. 3nd returned, as fut u “can could My me, to Aunt Jude. She thought my sudden nppoannoo nu the result of her letter. I did not un. deoeive her. You must, for it is true. I nusweretL See, this is his ring! And I took tho diamond tram my pocketbook and slipped it back upon my finger. Do you mean to say, he exclaimed in B strangely altered voice. full of stem accus- ation. that your were engaged to that man when you came to thin place , Then to your woman‘s vanity done I owe thin moment. You have tttusrifitsed me to In idle pastime, Misc Hetherstone. I have told you that I love you. Now I can only add, I dupiu you! Farewell. And "without another word, he turned from me there, in the gathering night, and walked “my. Come md see your tram-u, Ibo said, ungrateful girl'. I could got In" done I did not, could not look at him, but I knew that his face was like ashes. You are surely jesting! he cried. I cm- not believe it ' You know better! I cried out, indig- nnntly. From out the gathering shadow Doctor Thorue's gray eyes glenmed on me, in a. strange fixed way. I wished he would not sit there and hrk at me in tlatt n'nnner. Darker the place grew Ind darker. A spell seemed to have EAL-non us both. Presently, two gray birds fiitted low through an opening, and alighted on a branch over my head, piercing the air with a short. keen cry. The solid earth seemed reeling under my feet. I struggled to make a stand against the whirl and riot of m y own heart. Yes, I answered; and no tyirort of mine could keep my voice from trembling; it was sent to me by her father. The inevitable moment had come. I was best to be brief as possible. I gave an involuntary start, and stretch- ed up my hands towards Doctor Thorne and then-I do not know how it happened --hits arms were around me, his face to usine--his lips to mine-lie kissed me once. quickly and wildly. I tore myself free. How dare you? I cried. Leave me thin moment? I thought you were tt gentle- man. He stopped and picked them up. I saw him start back at the sight of the picture. Indeed! I was not nwure that you knew Colonel Van Hansen. Forbcar to mention them. It in im. possible for me to go onvnow, ho answer- ed, pointedly. The sun sank lower in the west, I knew that I ought to rise and pursue my homewnrd walk, but I could not stir. A soft dusk crept over the scene. The blood rushed into his face. Forgive me he panned. I love you Kate. To me, an to other men, the hour has come at last, and the woman. Doctor Thorne, I Am surprised at rout Yes, I actually said that. Let go my hand! You must be beside yourself'. Colonel Van Hansen's letter slipped from my lap into the path, and the colored photograph with it. Miss Hetherstone, he cried this in the portrait of my wife! He ant down beside me, and tossed off his hat with the careless air of I boy. From Colonel Van Hawusa's envelope tt colund photograph dropped into my lap. It represented a plain, sickly gill in rich attire, her eyes hollow and sad, at conven- tional smile on her dubious mouth. And this was Doctor Thorue'swife. l'oortllingl In truth, she had been no beauty. I sat quite still thinking. All was as solemn and silent as the grave. The Mter. noon was fast waning, and the light fell low and red and level among the trees. Suddenly I looked up, and saw tt mm advancing toward me Along me little foot. path-Doctor Thoma. What! are you lost Ignin?. ho said, lightly, stopping beside my mossy Beat. Yes, I answered, thinking of my increas- ing troubles. that is, no, certainly not. He smiled. Lost in doubt then, or something as misty--- I see it in your face. Allow Don't let me keep you from your patients I stmumercd. My darling, I enclose you I portrait of my daughter. Perhaps it nay interest you. fot she was very dear to me. She died young. and the man she married--. poor infatuated Julial--fhmg Ur large fortune quite Bway- ingrete as he was! his very name is detestableto me. I had strolled out, the day being patie- ularly fine for the time of the year. and was resting myself, when I mad these letters. member of the Emily. Bear in mind I have made gran tstteriiiems to seem I good match for you. and that I expect you to compenuto In. fully for tho um when once you no established in life. From my lover‘s letter, full of painfully sweet things, I select the following pas. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Through its open door I. bridal party was just coming out. Touched by n momen- tary curiosity, I flung back my shabby veil. In I. secluded and somewhat decayed part of Lunbeth I found . situation " companion to an old widowed gentle. womau. Mrs. Morrison by name. She lived in amusty house, shut in I lunleu street, with one cross servant. u decrepit in herself. She received no visitors. She seemed to have no relatives, though ottee I hand her allude melon who we: abroad. The place WIS no aiuecuu. Mrs. Mor. rison was very deafand very testy. Never- theless she was not unkind to me ', and I suppose there was really no good reason why life at this time should have teamed as dreary as death. Yet no it was. Two yours paused. Time makes no delays, I notice, for joy or sorrow. One incident alone broke the monowny of my dull existence. I was hurrying Along the thoroughfare one day, bent on an errand for NH. Mor. rison, when I found the way Iuddeulv im. peded by a crowd. gathered around the on- tmnce of I fashionable church. In the third yeu of my bondage, I In; pinning on Mrs. Morrison', false from on. morning when she made tho following un- ttotmeemenb- Could I believe my own eyes , Who was that {at bridegroom. with his bald head And pompous sir? Who that thin, elderly brisU,srith pinched nose, sud yards upon yard: of glittering nimont? Colonel Van Hansen. tUtd-yes, Aunt Jude. The world has All changed to ma since I laat saw you, I went on. I now per- ceive that such 3 mminge as we contem- plated u simply monstrous I Good night, Colonel Van Hansen, "ul-good-bye, m was s nun, elderly and philosophic. He pocketed his ring and departed. Aunt J ude was a. woman. furious nnd pitiloss. who had spent her money 3nd wasted her hopes on a vain cause. She opened her doors and turned me into the streets. Louise wrote at once. urging ms to re- turn to the villa. She mentioned, inei. dentally that Doctor Thorns had left We plaess-- gone, whither no one knew. Did I accept the refuge thus offered? No. That which I had sown I meant to "up. The my best wishes with you, I mat, tered, and then lowered my veil, and went on, 1uufhughing,ha1f-erying behind it. My sole pastime was the reading feli- gious books to Mrs. Morrison end such papers as her son sent from abroad. My poor throU used to burn and ache in my charts to pierce her deaf ears. Ind my voice to sound " cracked end wheezy u I eentenarittn'tt. And then the house} How I hated its sunleu silence. upon which no~ thing ever intruded more cheerfully than the pit-pet of the emu serum u she stole, like a ghost, in and out of the mil. dewed rooms t I shall break a. blood vessel sometime. I mid to myself, and die hero, and that will be the end of it all. My son is coming home from lbmld, Miss Hethentone. m writes that I my expect him at my time. Very well, said I; and In made the whole homo ready, but the wonder-er won in no haste, it seemed. m did not come. l In the mum“: of the your my twenty- bat birthday crept on me mth and And sober count-mm. Nobody know of in "rival but myself. Who In Him in the wide world whom itoonld concern? Nonr- thelus, I donned my bed ."rn--. shabby shit ommgh--nnd coiled up my block braids with mun-l an. Dubious u life seemed, the lemma ot youth nil-uni in it My dear, aid Mu. Morrison, you look pdo to-d-ity 3110031311: la. J, hope Motionles: with nmazement. I stood and saw them enter their carriage. 1nd roll away from the church. After that the weeks tsnd months dragged by in dull,anvarying routine. Indeed! I unrated. Iistlouly. tor what did I me about her Ion ' I want you to no tUt Mirth; put: the dumber to rights. She'l growing old-- sixty hat Enter. You must look me: I have made a great mistake Colonel Van Hansen, I said, Icauuot may Pu-- take your ring: She stopped, with her hand on the door. knob. I gave one look at. hex-Jun! mower at my lover, and than drew the ring slowly on my finger. Hi stared, in if he thought I had gone mad. So. also, did Aunt J ado. A fortnight from this day you will be married, procldmod Aunt J min. Aa In as! togothar in the shabby genteel drawing room that night, tho front door bell mg. and Colonel Van Hansen came in. I shook hands with him, dofUy evading An embraces. I saw, us I had never seen before, that my betrothed husband van to old man, bald, obese, with n Mien-hum! taco And I pompous manner. How pal. you are! he said to me. I fear your visit was not- On the contrary, I interrupted quickly. I found it 'sverythiagiwuieu I could desire. And than, n Aunt Jude wn shank) leave us together, I cried out, Don't. go, Aunt Jude; I have something tony to Colonel Van Hansen, which I wish you to hear. better by . daughter of my own. . I inspected all the purpln and in. linon with becoming Nation. in!” to Bill. I will give $1 per year in Advance. Egypt. Martin had not yd lighted the jet. As I moped toward the door of In. Morrison', parlor, it manned quickly from within, Ind- nun came out, run- ning-adult me. and dashing my precious pok from my hunch. I uttered u despairing cry " they {all to the floor, and tun-in-in tho light which “reamed. through the open door upon us both, I law that In: {use to face with DoetorThorne. By the natural luv of birth; I 5m the child of her tirrrt name. But you-how is it that I find you under her roof? I have been for three your: your moth "'it paid compnnion. From the Owen Sound Timon. Tern County Council met on Monday evenmg Inat a the Court Home. The Warden not being mount. Mr. White, Deputy neon of Collingwood, VII culled tothe chair, Ind the Council adjourned without transacting any bulimia till Tues. dny morning. runnn Ionmm. The Council met, the Warden in the chair. The Warden dds-cud the Coun- cil " follows c-- -.emrtt.--tt will not be neceuery for me to drew the attention of the Council epscinlly to the ordinel y bulinoee trem- ected It the June Seuione. In addition however to this hmineu the Council will have laid before them the report of Spociel Committee eppointed It the Speciel Meet. ing held on the Mth day of March for the purpoee of purchuing eite for B Registry omce in South Grey in the Town of Dar. hun, end to edvertiee for tenders to build said Mies. Should my of the tenders be accepted, it will no doubt be considered neceuuy by the Council " this See-ion to provide the ways end menu for the pey- ment of this debt, " elm the Hrpointrmsut of e Building Committoe to Ice that the work he carried on to . main] issue. I would further beg to draw the ettcntion of the Council to e eorntmmiestion and circular received from the President of the Ontario School of Agriculture, Guelph. You will observe by the communication received. that the Government hen decided to vest the right in each County Council of the Province of nominating one candid“: u e student of the Institution. Should the Council “all “amine of the opportunity worded them in nursing e undidste u A student of the Institution. allow me tohope they will eclect one who will be shle to improve the opportunity mauled in the Institution. BO en to be beaaiUint to himself and crediteble to the County. It in with extrema "gust that I hue re. mired the appalling nowl of the you on- hmity which has helium the chief city of our litter province. t% John, though the visitation of the futy fiend, and I have viewed with planar. tho ruponoe to the cry for " from the various contention: of our Dominion. snow chamber. nev- arol ofonr Ontario Comm“. It in for you. g,'1tttt tony 'hhtd,rd,tn1,t, alum cry 0 datu- Wall to» your mm" "itieient tools-ow upon your clarity " Io loadable a pup... I but tho honor to be, Gnu-non. Your obedient mt. Ron. Momma. I wont. Wind» only birthday (in which I w likely to min. I mdend shout the and. till dark, and then "turned to Lb. homo. bearing in my "an . pot of ten-rout, Ind “other of flower-atom, And. in who of my slender purse. could not you by. I think his moment In.- quite equal to mine. Neither of IM spoke. He seemed struggling vainly for his voice. Miss Hetherstone. aid Mrs. Montana. from the doom-y. this my in Ion. Miss Hethorltone? ho cried. She calls you that! line you nut nun-ind him, than t I have married no one. Doctor Thane, I mural-0d. Handing over the ruin. of my shattarrsd pots. Bow came you to be Mrs. Morrison's loll , I luv. the honor to lubmit to the Coats. eil the Preuntmant of the Grand Jury It the Spring Anim- to his Honor Justice Gait; tho o eommuaieatiort nccivod for oornpensation for land taken of lot No. 86, can. li, townnhip of Collingwood, for road purposes; n communication received from Newcutle. Ont., in reference to the sale for tuc- of lot 10, con. IT, township of ligament. "rtsorupanUd with receipt. youth. memo“. Go out and Uhrthe He drew new. Ho looked mdhstly a me. And for three you-I I hue wandand over the arm. trying to forget Colonel Van Hansen's wife. Beam» I could not help ie---beeamse forgetfnlnen does not come " omshrbid. iag--uesu" I loved you momma I love you new. ou, Kate, he crowed. why did you not all ma you loved me t-rou In" satrered, I know. in these years? After which, I suppose. it in quite need. loss for me to Mid that I married him. But you told mo that you despised me. Why, them, luv. you kept me in remem- branee. Then I told him what Thad done, and it was good to see his face flush Bud change. He took me in his Irma. there in the presence of his "tarnished mother, Ind this time I did not repuhe him. Yes, quuted; but Idoa't mind it now. I found the In]! " dark u the plague of A-int-ith-ut-M-re. County Council. Specinl Committee on auction of South Grey Bogintry 0mm upon-d that thar had mun-u. for "on, Ind having WM in inducing th. Governing“ to permit tho auction of n on” shall-r to that in North Wellington, which would nuke n oomsiderabU suing. they land M. "etisod tor undo"; but nut having plum till a any or two ago. they veto unbl- to report on tendon. nnd naked lave to u- tend tU time for tender- till 9th J air, nnd power to go on with the erection of the building. A qreeinl committee um appointed to uh into ootvtideration tho communion- tion of the License Cellini-donor: u to mmponutinn to the Inspecoor, and to con. fer with the County Solicitot u to liability of county. Mr. Stephens introduced By-L\w to Ip- point Board of Examine", which In: and first and second times. A Br.uw undue introduced to con- firm Bruw of tho township of Art-minis. After considnnbh inclusion. and I"- oral illuminant: had been moved sud lost. the report of Ipecinl commit!» on South Grey Registry 015cc was murted, uni tin committee reappointed to go on with tho work. An old nun nursed Thoma Andean on Timothy Int. vu- chopping in Hardwood Ridge, but not returning a the usual dinner hour, the people with whom u bonded felt lame nulls” for his m]. It. being . wry tabla mu. Night on... batnrithitmstidi-6tt" about Inn. The following day eh. and...“ VII The no." of Anemia. ”and n- portrolnivoto Registry (on. which In. Anditon. complaining“ thud-dinni- their-Fai-ti-tttt tho 1argelyi-dduti" tur but) por- |ivu.vupmontho Finn-u Con-i... inrl-ofthnttsfMr.Dunaagtms. Dr.Chriuoopn-ental "pond Public Schoollnnpcwbrmony. cmtnoiln4iotsmutiit7pat. mu mum. The Dep. Reeve of Owen Sound meant- ed the report of Printing Committee. which 1m Bdoptod. The Council unburned till 7 gun. wanna" IVIIIIG. Dr. Christos, " claim» of Ipeeiel committee on the Warden! eddnu. pn- Iented his "port. The report noon:- mended . great of Moo in dd of the mt feron by the st, John'u bs. The report we: adopted. On motion of Mr. Roth, "eomkd by Mr. Custom. the Werden end Clerk we" instructed to memorialize the Government in {not of furnishing Old! municipdity with two copier of revieed mm. Both. Claim. XeNind. a MA. “I Howey, In twain“ to - on in Wad-If. ' A oammanitution no med hon thr Ptmidmstof tho Em they Arimiittsmt Society. “king " . grant. Mr. Stephen- ‘IV. notice that u would no" for tho repeal of an Dunkin Br. Tho Council adjourned till , p.as.Ahar.. ar. poeiteto thetongue MiaadrrhiehEngUad hu recently patch-ed " Port Enid. the mud" iron-dell "Kotepur." of Whore.- power. 'nreytnq tour heevy gum. At the bows. which ere elebuntely decanted with the urine of the Earl of Northumberland. could be seen the commencement of the curve of e Win run. which project- " ft. below weter, end which might be depended on to dispute the penny of my ship that “tempted tot'oree its wey through the Censl. The "Hotrpor' in tow " her mooring: oppoeite the British corner of lend et Port Seid, on which . negate! end the Juk flying en the only uticlee of British property In yet installed. The "Rupers," e sister ship to the "Hotepnr." ternpumeily detained et Melt: on account other origin“, in to peel throughtheCenel end “he up e position It the Suez cube-d the "Botepur" end “Rum" en likely to prove "ieient lean-ion to guard British interests in this pert of Egnrt.--rim-. The tit, John's N. B., Freeman any: "- A shocking Itory of devouring by u but come-to u from Freda-Mon 1m. r-ling/evil/tsitu-n hadumsderouredbrir. Bur'lfoo‘ prinhm (and on tho around which wabupcumodwith (on. and nut In footoftboh'oevufoundthoboou dong tlt.ait-aHrmaorittt Moth leg-indium. Ndhtontl'uvulil. m:por¢ion othh “We“, mum Fromhbotpdnh phi- in mmmmmmmmm. tuhttmhumbriroehitshtum-uirt. poetitta-tottamts-mshmrtthoir tmrte,th-iartodottutratttt_et- mam-pray ”than. Lulu-o. msaonoMtltooWoettkesintHrt-, Adm-am“. Mr. Cemeron muted the "trttetotttt. Bond end Bridge Committee. The report recommended thee the epplieetion for grants of 0100 cub on county line bo- tween Collingwood end Notawneege. be. tween Osprey end Kahuna-(e, between Helene-thou end Amer-nth. end between Derby end Arren. " equinlenu to [nab by ather- counties. be not stunted. Men-re. Rorke end McGirr moved to amend the report by meking the” grotsta. After A lengthy discussion the annulment we: carried. r.tso--Ctuirstoo, Rourke. White, Burt. Myles, Erskine, Brown. Furitr, Jelly, " true, McIntyre. Stephens. Barnhart, Mid. dUton, Kahlua. Penner. Fume. Doyle. --t8. Bum- Sum:- n I'll Bun CatraL.- Wo found moored within tho Cull, op- Ner-Elliott, McNiool. Laidlaw, Ile- Keohnie, Mudock. McKenzie. Kebab-Id. Howey. Cameron, Thompmn. mum. Ketenig, Burnett, N. tUnd, u. Reid, Our- The Boon of Proton, " duh-nun of Thomof Mr.P-,turv r-.-i& WEDNESDAY IOBHIIG It

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