Ontario Community Newspapers

Dundalk Guide (1877), 7 Jun 1877, p. 4

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It Iq 19 a... a squad. my. wu iuiveot ”$034.3 all mum obtained In at who 'fotmothtt00 ort0,000 [:0me Th. town-hip of Pickering. by a large “any. rejected the proposition to give a boll- ol Mo,0oo tother Toronto and Ottawa Hny. In the three South polling places bet but vow. Wm mnrded in favour. and in on. d “In. "tidal them. lady'l Mien. storehouse and lumber - " Hull was destroyed by fire only My mailing. Pony-two hot-u. . - of was. carriages. buggies, mull-helm tueontenuofthe - _ and "0,000 feet of lumber) "I de.'rrtrd. The lo. is animated " .- um to ”5.000. '15. p0,]. of Worth. Bnyfulil and 'tthet as 'eu" by the sudden da< WHOM lathe suddende. wot-fiat... Pr * Elliot, graiu to. band inthe woods nou- caitietou. Foul PL,“ mpoctod. Ind two arrests hum-do. county 1nd boon missing Airaonse time p-tood otttpdas her body.ponly hurid. A young lady, daughter of the section III M hire-ton Idiom G. W. R., who had any“! on the nilwny on Saturday. had one of her loss taken " by I passing Iain. Oh. has! I mil-unloa- escape from whieh the ua, of the prinéiptl street, to. gether with I lugs amount of property, VII charmed. At Pakmtiner,hunitotns, the farmers have finished loading. There in said to be a much - grunge sown in that settle- ment thin yur than over before. Tho Quinta Ova ttiiha m wont to new mending: ngninst the Corpor. ation of Bullevilh for thoir day's pay. well otmted “ham. of the Gml Trunk The Broekvillo Monitor claims for that “that the eredit of startingthe first butter factor-ion. a it did the tUst cheese factories in Cannda. Thou-died Council of On" Britain “decided to recognise the medical do. mono! the Canadian had other colonial Since the Canadian exhibits have reach- od Australia a ",000 order for ugriculturnl implement» has been taken by an Onhrio largo invoice. The farmer disclaims the Won. upon which the collector :mes him his signature to a large order for beds. It he still refun- to settle two more Itrnngen visit him, representing themselves to be the hwy-n of the company. They threaten lest] proceedings, but all no willing to compromise " i portion of the Murat. He gets the victim to write down his nun» tend Misha“ andcloparts. Shortly Mulls another stranger informs the tunnel that the spring beds he ordered are It tho depot And pro-ant his bill for a A I" Bwrtmsa.-TU latest fraud on the farming community is the spring bed Iwindlo the modo operamli of which is as known .--TU first of the gang engages “one. in the firaner's bun for spring beds, "presenting himself as agent for the manu- in well known in this neighborhood, hav in; had the contract for building the T, G. t B. R. to Orangeville. her. Tho euiiman of the committee L." manna], after the neeidont announced that the an: were cloned. Mr, "at. it in bat hit to the committee to state that had the spectaton kept outside of the cite]. the neeident would not have Imp- ponod, " the Pour. girl was five or six tect M410 of the rope when the hammerstruck and care. She waa about thirteen years of age, and had lately commenced to work in the cotton mill. She was a great help to her parentl, who are poor. She was taken home by her father and uncle. Her parents have tho sympathy of the public in their; cad bereavement. The tear- poured down poor McLemmn'a cheeks when he wag in. formed that the girl was killed. or course no blame could possibly be attached to him. He had not been in the habit of throwing the hammer " some years, and had very little idea of thedirrtanee or direct- ion it would so. Had it gone in the direct- ion he intended, it might not have reached the crowd. We think, however, that the Committee who had charge ofthe grounds than“ have made the circle larger, as it was evidont tothoso looking on that had McLeanan given the hammer that force it wan in hia power to do ho would have sent it beyond the bounds of the circle. Ilow. A great '" hag oeetued hioh (ha UCL, nf Hun urinn'i At the Ithlotie - at Cornwall onthe Gum’- Birethp, Mr. B. R. Melanin. the dun’ianh-nnertluoveronhewwlll. a. muedieit-tioiu than I number althooe - to give on exhibition ethi- powu Ind skill n n hammer-thrower, de~ “01!me theii requeete. Sword [Artie-wmuntouttownrnthecrowdto heap hock, ttrrpttringuhtrrnme-d h radian-e Mr. Molnnnnn took up the hammer. I twelve-pound" we Ire informed, on! otter winging nomad with it tive or in time lent it winning through the air . diet-nee of about three hundred feet. " .ooe-ttteh-rinfthsuhartd all eyu were turned in the direction in which it woe going. no it wn evident it would {all in the crowd " the south-west corner of tubrid. Thopeoplent that end of the tUld were teen making every "ort to get out of the way, but due! they were not all nhle to _ A shriek of horror went up from the crowd when the hammer woe seen alitrlnintr Among them Ind strikingn young I girl. All rushed to the Ipot renting that it In I daughter, later, or wine friend that I hid been mulled beneath the hammer. It 1 win won mule known that the victim was I o daughter of Michael Knvnnngh. The ball l struck her on the buck of the hem! com- , pletely, ”nailing in her skull. Those who I were near by any the girl never moved a. muscle the: the hammer struck her. The ' Mood poured out of her mouth, nose, eyes, I woman of Nonhumbuland " Titlitr, by IOLIDA' ”om. '. MeLeunan Color-dark brown. The Eula will u It waded. A. G. HUNTER. Dani-It, In] " MOT. W.tt Lott by the, undenigned, . Gentleman's Plaid Shawl. We have tb number of Good FARMS for Sale on my toms. Call " our Oftiee. RUTHERFORD A, HUNTER. some. NORTH. Toronto, depart ... 8:00 Am. 12:45 my. lyrsrurat, " ... 1:05 mt. 6:55 " Owen Sound, arrive... 8:25 " 9:45 " During navigation the Steamboat Ex. press will run on Tuesdays and Fridays. leaving Toronto at 3 p.m., and Arriving " Dumhlk m 7:20. and Owen Sound at 9:80, on which days Owen Sound wommoddion train will be cancelled. r Preaching every second Sabbath in the Grunge Mall, commencing at 8 o'elock Ell. Rcv. Mr. Ram-y. of Markdule, minister. CANADA MKTHODMt Sabbath School every Sabbath afternoon in the Orange Hall, '?omrttettcirt,r.r, at 2 P. I. Preaching every second S'alrbatlt in the same place, comL.cuciug at 6.30 P. M. Cot. tage prayer meeting every Thursday oven- ing. Rev. C. Shaw, minister, PREBBYTERutr. Sabbath School every Sabbath in the School House, commencing at 9:80 Am. Preaching at 11 Am. and 6:30 EL! Mr. Johnston, minister. DUNDALK CHURCH DIRECTORY. Bawmuc. or Isrrrartoss.--Ask for Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. See that the signa- tare uf S. N. Thomas is on tho wrapper and the names of Northrop * Lyman' are blown in the bottle, and Take no when tiold by all medicine dealers. Price, Mcts. NORTHRUP & LYMAN, Toronto, Out., Proprietors for the Dominion. 1iui-ds'rlectrio-seteeteil and Eleetri. chm]. Dundalk, April 6th, 1m? ttutiL Itulvinson, of Nanda, N. Y., writes: "One small bottle of your Frcrcrsuc ou. re. stored the voice where the person had not Tttt abovetwlmper in b'we Yum." Rev. _ . Mallory, of Wyoming, N. Y., writes t “Your varnuv ou. cured me of Bronchitis in one week." It is composed of Six or THE Burr Ons THAT ARP, KNOWN. I: as good tor internal as for oxtornnl use, and is believed to be immatur- ably superior to anything ever made. Will save you much tuurering and many dollars of expense. Thomaa' Fhrlcctrie Oil! Worth Tm Times its Weight in Gold. Do you know any- !hinyufit / [fun], it is time you did. Po" cannot stay wht re it is mud. It is the cheapest Medicine" ever nude. One dime cures common Sum: Timon. One bottle has cured Illiitrs'vnl'rxsi. Fifty cents' worth has cured ‘an or." S'nsmxu I'ovuu. One or two bottles cum bed cases of Plum and KIDNEY Timu- BLEN. Six to eight applications cure ANY ("ml or Emmanuel» Sinus on I “mm: Bums-1'. One bottle has cured LAM! Back of eight years' standing. Daniel, Plank of Brooklield, Ting: County, Pa., says t "I went thirty miles for n bottle of your Oil, which effected a Woummrl'l. ('rm: of a 0300mm Luna, by nix "pplicatioua." Anotlwr who had Asthma for yarn, lays: "I have halt of a 50 cent battle left, and 8l00 would nut buy it it I cniild gel nu more." Two barristers, of the names of Doyle and Yelvenon, were constantly lyarrelling before the bench. One day the dispute arose so high that the incensed Doyle knocked down his adversary, “claiming, vehemently," You scoundrcl, I'll make you behave like tt gentleman t" The other, “muting under the blow, as his lay on the ground, energetically replied. "No never! I defy you! you cannot do it, air!" A young Indian girl who had curiously watched the process of making bare] hands in a fiouring mill in Winona, Minn., stole in one day, and hiking possession of the stencils ornamented her blanket with the words "Ellsworth's Choice," Ind paraded the streets in great delight, but to the disgust of Mr. Ellsworth, who is a. bachelor, and had made no such choice. "Papa," said a little boy to his parent, “no sailors very small men t" "No, my dear '. whnt leads you to suppose that they are so small ?" answered the father. “Be- cause I read the other day of a sailor going to sleep on his watch," replied the young idea faintly. Sir Walter Scott, in lending a book one day to . friend, cautioned him to be punctual in returning it. "This in really necessary," said tbs poet in apology, "for though many of my friends are bad arith- meticiam, I observed tdmost all of them to be good book-keepers." 0015mm Philadelphia hall, when meetings have been held for revising English spelling, there wns posted lately: “The Filhlltur Convenahun for revising the spelling of the English laugwidge has udjuurned." on otrering in the three npulohen for the Mme of Islam. The writer calculat- that no lea than ammo a you no thus contributed, um! odds that from one of the seputchen, which was opened in 1829, immense sums were drawn. Another wpnlcher was opened during the Crimean war. Ind now the b'heik.ulUslam has gone to Mecca to draw funds from the third. which has not been opened since 1415. Taking the three scpulchen together, it is computed that they must conuin about $120,000,000. 'nrlns for Sale. missing but without moo-u. Tn Paris Patric gins some particula- nbout the “trauma of "hun." It up that All the pilgrims who visit Mecca out Comm-ad Bank of a.“ on the no- curity of dtqtiieats receipt. " pain. Patios hue been aux-god looking for the TRAVELERS" G UIDE, LOST. ENGLISH CHURCH. coma sou-m. ---_-- ..- » & B. Railway. _-_---- - _. NO RISK, General Again. Bunnies» n HUNTER L I Goon! Agmtt "l Dual-1k. April 5th, 1877. 1 - 'orriiaiiiiGiih ' .- . no mud. for accident.- will In”... Brroe ("the wticuhn all " out om Walnut-uh. pnpuod to insurelivo stock Quin-l: If?“ f.e.tn my ttBNC, at the REPAIRING done with EEKTNEss and DESPATCH‘ Painting Done on Short N otice, AND BY A FIRST-CLASS ARTIST. Noni but the best material, used, and only good “ . - CANADA LIVE STOCK The Subscriber, thankful for ant favors, w habitants of 'illd7all, and Burrow prepared to make to order, nut WAGGONS, BUGGIES. SINGLE AND DOUBLE. CUTTERS, SLEIG v - - " --_. EAVETROUGHING AND R001" FIRST-CLALSS I'LOUGIIS FOR SALE CHEAP. Warns-Any quantity ot WOOL, WooL-mcxm TINWARE of -- . " a------ Little * Roberta-an in returning thanks to the public for the liberal patronage they have received, now beg to inform them that they are prepared to furnish everything in their line at prices never before heard of. 3§EMEMBEB THE ' the SI ova u "(I UPI STOVES AND TINWARE! The only Ten of the kind in the Village, cannot be in1rptwsed-Priee only 400 per pound, and only half the usual quantity required. The undersigned intends to give (1 00d Ilarg'n ins. Another lot of those 5 cent Raisins to hand! Good Currants Cupboards, ae,, in, at the shortest notice. Furniture repaired with nontneu sud di putch, Estimates given and Contracts taken for all classes of Buildings. STAIRCASE WORK AND HANDRAILING A SPECIALITY. Orders Solicited. 'irUndertaking attended to promptly. Remember the Stand, the F urniture Shop It.stety oceul ied hy E. J. Marian, next door to the (3mm: Printing Otiiee, Duudalk. The undersigned beg to inform the inhabitnrntl of Dundnlk and an they are now manufacturing all kinds of Encourage Home Manufacture Dundalk Carriage Works. Give your orders early to W. 1uJ!iarshall, Dundalk, Agent As a Single Reaper, Single Mower and as a Combined Machine. Testimonials regarding the machine are being printed and will be furnished on application. Is the Cheapest, Lightest, Simplest. and the American continent. The “elusive of Grey and Bruce is held by us. 3nd we rigU shall be permitted. We also coutix At 6 Cents a. pound! Our TEAS have Oar sim is to turn oat the very Best and Finest Machines which can be made, Ind in this we have succeeded beyond our highest expectations with our “Royce Reaper." We fill orders with prumptnesa, sell at low prices, mud on liberal terms to good men. Sash, Doors, Frames, Lounges, Couches, Sideboards, REAPERS AND MOWERS DURHAM FOUNDRY! INSURANCE COMPANY. Dundalk, April 12, 1877, ccun'ivs'rons, WWs'EriBArutmrs, tad unything else in the wood lino required by the community It large. “DURHAM MEADOW LARK.” Cook, Parlpr, And Box Stoves Dundalk, April 12, 1877. For Proton and Mclauctlzon, or to MR. JAMES N ICKLE, Travelling Agent. A. t A. COCHRANE. Durham, May 8rd, 1877. 1:14 1,000 NT , Feb. 20, 1877. " Jan. 29, 1877. Prices lower than ever TORONTO HOUSE. The " Royce Reaper," Real JAPAN DOST, SAND CHEAP FOR CASH on AN APPRENTICE WANTED, E PLACE-proton Street, the For past favors, would :1 every description at Bottom Prices ! ll\'l: llvr‘ 'B-s-sw.--, IN ENDLESS VARIETY. CHEAPER THAN EVER! 01 u]: tool's NV" n ted t i, Simplest. and without doubt, the best working whine on a Pt "elutive ritrht tp manufacture and sell in the Counties st favors, would :iuform his Customers," and the and surrounding country generally, that he is o order, and of the best material to be had, T. B. GRADY. AA1uajiirti,' ROLLERS, HORSE MAKES r us, and we are determined in}? Tnrtiiua%T iF Gi: Is also continue to make the well known and now thorough- ly tested DUNDALK. ms. Fresh Meat, Cured Meat, d Fi h k SC] . Libel-d hm. Gena ;me3,m;gm}. quantities. Tmnzeuh. Dumhlk, April 12, 1877. cm11 1 ROBERT GORDON, g Bog. to notify the inhabitant, of Dnndllk. 1 and vicinity, that he has opened I Butcher‘- Shop on the corner of Proton sud Holland Streets, opposite H. Graham', I9tore, when he will keep on hand All kinds of Fresh Meat, Cured Meat, ', mqrigh tire 8.10. mm: a... --A _l 1877! ‘inxvzu‘o lu" :UUFING A SPECIAL ITY. HEAR Shop next door to the Post Offiee, momma, Summary“, Hams, to. ' Ae.. become noted fur quality and Cheupuess. Butcher Shop E. BROWSE. TORONTO nouns ‘w near the Railway TORONTO LITTLE * ROBERTSON; TRADE. NEW, workmen employed 'Trrounding country, that lnlpori Inn, CROSS & HICKS. n1 Most REASONABLE Terms All Parties wishing to TAKE NOTICE All sorts of Building Hardware. Paints, fh'U, This line will be found COMPLETE. Having imported my Tau from New York I Inn in a position to offer them at current wholenle prices. Splendid Raisins $1.25 per - ---_-. - v L--A11r-tauin-vithtui, "".'n"e"s*-r-to-,o.a,.s . will boil-cm Duudaik,3an., 1877 Boots and Shoes. A Large Stock of Ladies Hats DRESS GOODS FROM 100 SPECIAL LINES " CANADIAN. TWEED SUITS The following few sample quotations will give some idea of the great iudueeruenU his recent judicious purchases will warmut him in offering to those who will consult their interest by giving him an early call: The undersigned takes more than usual pleasure in nppriuhia his many esteemed patrons and the public gem-rally, that being whom": of his own and their interim“. he deemed it necessary to locate in Toronto for the past sow-ml weeks to enable him to Purchase " the IMMENSE TRADE SALES. which have just transpired. when Millions of Dollus' worth of First-Class Goods have boon and has succeeded in selecting his SPRING STOCK which for Qlulity, Vu-icty and ,Chelpness have never been equalled in this Locality. 4,000 RUSSIANS SLAIN! Dundalk, May 16th, 1877. WAR. Be sure and examine my stock before purcbuing elsewhere ACTUALLY SLAUGHTERED ! - buildings n 'taiiiGi"uiii'ii'ii', We highest market price paid for nil kinda of ti Building Lots for Should Apply at Once to Hardware ! Groceries ! THE BEST IN DUNDALK, READY-MADE SHIRTS for 60 cent». Splendid assortment at lowest mines. on land and constantly arriving. no a Lot either for p BUSINESS STAND, NEIL nIeAULAy, got up in fir,siteltuus style. " Goods ! ON "£8. . 5! f 3L i “ii gag? 353a? . ai', a a iTIU 'l 'f,Ht'l :1. ili'rtA.t: < -':t'y'i':."p's.,',i ' a ',ltsl.i,"i'it,)iiii' BEE». o.tsr.i.d iL.li tte' .is, "iii-s,'), a _,',,liitii.i.is,-i,i: il:i'i'ii"iii' £323 23:3 a» 1.30mi Bill l. ote., etc. all kinda of farm produce in “chug- for ‘. GRAHAM. 'i'. constantly on land. Nail- for Dwelling Home or a itil/ri'")),-,'," st 'i'4ylil' 35.3555?! =- tt,ir we“! i', __.", i Bale. "AGi'tia. g 'ir'iit/iiti!ii" "hi'i't.,iili"t:ii' EUIE‘jg a (',t,44'ii'lil "d c, ifii'ic,i.ii 'tgd g T gig-~38 a Box. I081! APPROVED KINDS. cum-WWW by uarsre In“: ad... JOB WORK, done in the you 3381' STYLE " THE ART ia now 'iittuvirtti-ru-u,.o or "I “va1" run-um omen, nun Job Department. Poittsesssets Great Facilities The STATION, "DONDALE GUIDE,’ T ll E Large Circulation Unndulk Ci, u i " o, Promptitude OFBEIGN AND Medium for Advertisers. uni cont-in- . “at Amount of " GEOLZUMN PAPER m mu n: GREATEST “1)undnlk (i uido " EPOSTAG E FREE FAMILY NEWSPAPER READING MATTE“ W()RI{. 'l'rdviitikindsat q )pposi! e LOCAL NEWS, should subscribe for the Pramt 01.00 tn Amw- DUNDALI. All who “alumna nuke: it In "ttsilent IN ADVANCE. mum REPORTS, J. NWN SEND THE THE non-om h " inking”. Mg , "ml lurk Tio Builder's at OPI " _ 'onIUI the a) Watch nude "I. I Corre wl MUSICAL Curpmte " III-w in l' kl"! tl Pt by I ritte imam-I t thr “in Att death. In} If. " (M Isak- for 6| 'oeqo Quinn “All One TENN!“ II. FIJI! If THE Inn Dunda BUSINESSI At the (Ice [uncle the Marriage ttWI Dundalk "TRAY AKIN u"veiy- " ‘l-ZuliM "Ell ummsl'n: " AT] " h ITIJTI an al

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