we than “but! hill side the an! ml Andean A rnnplr applied to '"'Tirmtmsrttiets ey, Ill., In he marlin], got him b“. out 1 fa cuvnmmf-il $2tt bill fork-h.“ then thwarted. and some at)†w who watched them were mini-Ina " - “In" 'llllll H mu In“. 0W0] and W Permian mbel hand ship &ee rommitted on British "rhiset_ vowel then mud-M b . than" TI unio- h " 'dpr of St. Michael all St. George. non town of New 0 y visited by I ha sthnn men In" injured. Tho mi M bu, I mu; It, l wmmandars. II. l "2,13. Shrine-Hy Adjnhl.‘ r mzlwu " (Human; and mu tr, u prm-ntmmmannl rt' (kmzulzq. As main-r, ~rfrrvh‘hw“ companion III ranch, ratcly Linn-Gut†ml-I v: Mr. Alexander III- rum timulnvinll - 1 1 Mr. Saunlfonl Flo". he Canadian Neitie; Me. Mn-ly commander of n - v the (invermnentolCl‘ Mountains; Major M c chietofBrerota. Buni- n or hand»; Cut-i- h- ntely Chuf Aatrm-f mumi: 'ioix:CspuittG- formorly Mi Petti--4uog.eatu. W ." or Mottett Carmel, m". i~itml Ly a ':rytle,,'tteiq net-u men were killed T1yyi' tred. The mini ofthe I“! eauvlt ttrv, and a. h l to runsnme the .1101.“ 5‘.- U" tlo. several Mim~ , ml nu Monday manna. b, Mb 1 the truck. The in. j. try min...†on the Port L- M M M h m an an Insane to" h 't""'rtcutooommitaii. mung her throat “I“. " aha was saving “I,“ the ehip, but (UM he“ utueh harm. uh.- ht-jacket fut security. ' has c been completed “I. cum in Lamina on hm. John A. Maalunm, W. rrh-zulers of the mun pr-uwnL The M n! the Bring]. In: rm wore "with“ 5 - P her dresa in " m I I 1111;; mun. lions on the Port a ic" found art-sap, .0 M, t lanwood ma PM "I Drum ll at am l '.it. Ge " lt ai " age is being a..." gun. The town “0-. {IS been Comm " rrul [temple beirttt m. 'tst has been In. a.-, - - and um, M 1 ‘hip formd . Th , tt 'rL'r'. and unho- ml. Horatio N. ' Court., and“. I duo eonfe-d, that she Inigo.- ~lm "11le if mm: timo A. mving dim"... exit by penul- the prism M. oal Exchange“ rd of I pack“ " "wotooatho+ ‘k on Saturday ' ynnng lad in“ m- enquin'os of tho um! his leaving an the Cushieri - [mules " with the 'stttutol immediate. me. of the thief h. 'ch men, worhirte, n Railway, Mm . struek work. my a day but want" . Thu-y all went H theold rate. Tho Canty, expect- u Maul really for the and the who]. Ii. f has been "G sid. I the may“ Th. II threatenog. inwe. Sir him-u l'ett the new dub In man. h of tucao. "tvrted with reninstitut.d 1 Cox. Mtho minted Chu- rly. M " this “no Th “w he" of “I. Iron mu: new. "mathâ€. u, N. J., De "ml sumo- ml Struck. . 's Birthday sion ofthe “no: --trt 9.... werin of pan- , and “opp-g. and "rnder. able by thaw. w mutiny w. t the mwnol 'xml tho "III.- 1sree of tho In Ax weer. (- to undergo I in England. l the grist). In: to his ndcm-o of Hyman I. a] foam. t â€an... ly rviatioms tries. Tho Iim by m ring to M. "randy“, In 1:10 . Martha , w w...- weed m m in Quin. to N. " a I... N who" ‘ rra lie-II limo Hay. TORONTO MARKETS. Tmm. Juno 6,1877. Pall Wuat.rerbush...... " " to " " Bpeintt Who“ " ...... I u to l " MOUNT FOREST MARKETS. Confederate (hBes, Mar 29. 1877. Flour per barrel..............." 00 to 8 go Oatmeal per barrel............ 6 00 to 6 60 Fall Wheat....................... l M to I 40 “We" Wheat............... 1 " to l 40 Spring wheat.................... 1 20 to l 86 Ikrley............................. o oo to o 00 oats................................ o 45 to 0 60 Prtss................................ o 80 to 0 86 Potatoes per bag............... I oo to l oo Butter.............................. o 18 to 0 20 Eggs.........-................ 0 10 to 0 10 Wool per m..................... 0 " to 0 " she. skins...................... l 50 to I 60i Hide: per m"................... a Mt to 4 oo Hay................................10 Mt" 11 oo Butter per th.................. '0 " to Eggs per doa......... ........ o 10 to Wood, dry, per ooed....... l, 00 to Wool.........:................. 0 20 to Pen . " ......_ Buy portal: Potatoe- per te.......... for! per loo................. 1beiaur Winch Com Meal "" W .........2 on G Full Te' per bush........ 1 80 to Bnow.t-1n Egremont, on the 30th May, Mary. youngoat daughter, of the late Muloolm Brown, wed 16 yous. Mckav.--In Ptieeville, on the 8hrt May. Angus oldest soil of Mr. Malcolm Me. Kay, aged 21 years. b'r-.--h, Glenolg. on the/both May, Mr. Neil Stewart. aged 45 yet". â€chanson - Mosts-.---1n Proton. on the 29th ult., " the residence of the hride's father, by the Rev. John Harrison. Mr. Jmcn‘MePher-on. to June. eldest daughter of Mr. James Montgomery, All of Proton. I 11attrrorar--McAtutv.--At St. Augustine's Church. in Glands. by the Rev. Father Wnish, C. S. Il., on the 29th of May, 1877. Christopher Hartford, to Mar. mt. eldoshhughler of John McAuy. til of Glanelg. most. bat tho M.P.'rue worse thtsnblood, hounds when they scent tho track of a smuggler, and they fetch their man - time." A letter from Fort McLeod to the Benton Record, (20 March) says ..---"TUnkts to the vigilence of Major Irvine And the energyuf Capt. Winder, of the N. W. Mounted Police. mother nttempt to smuggle whiskey _ into the Indian country has been frustrated by the arrest of three men who were tried. found guilty, nud sentenced to pav a tim, of Moo .nelt or to be imprisoned for the minor period ofsix months. They preferred the former. Hormm were 'uum'tio.d and human limb- uhunted in making the By In niacin on the Lokigh Valley Railroad on Friday two penal): were in- stantly killed Ind seven! other: litany injured. A Jury wanes- steels upon the air. And clothes all rugged astute in love‘e when. Her work Wu toil no more. The Wigwam seemed A palace; Ind the dusky warriors round The council tu. (fut than VII Way i'th wind) Seemed gods (she had not quite male up her mind) Or devils: for twixt love and hate Run the fine boundary line, that broad. en: out Twin heaven end hell. -""'"'"6"' uau-VI net he! Her penalty: the world is All A joy; her step is lighter on the horn ', She tends the Bowers with 111 a mutlxor'l [nutrient - - I - - w “w“.- Tntho uphyr’l long; while glassy tink. lingo can. ‘ From on rock: and every tree it: harp Chimed 3.11, with it Juanita! tuncful when Bueh--eeh in love t---a mum soon:- to sing: ThrBonrdis smell â€vector, and the dew: mu Whine" with A huppy rustling wand. Tint tells of love, brings thoughts of on. In love l Tho nit is tMghter, and the birds in twit- ter 1 But one voice through all its melody.-- _ Oh, van! 'ti. 1...“-.. L» A ' Oh, you! 'tia betttr""iirCiiv7Ci'"',cL,, n fur better. much. (of being loved: It Imus all her uartatriair"s, makel her I‘_I - quickly would In no" to start I (lowin fire; . amud'C2'lf,"Jli'ha. nun. whim: Ind . r; And ho ,'ldttg,. the W bough- on the min, And for her comfort naval tin, But By " her denim». In. her bright pm _ Eqim.-. And her. the River Innghed right merrily; And silvery Inland. cam. mnrmuring from the mods, That ttmed their pipes, And played accom- mm. "o, no“ 10711331, tm Th. elm tree's My leaf, For one hour hm: A Mali ""'1 HIV-II. I ',A,eeye1ottio.vinssrt-ats To rescue her, he supposed, from the jun of dud}, (Thalia, “no river, meant to uh her DUNDALE MARKETS. Dtmoasar, May 81, 1877. g per 100, lbs, an mill9lr oo to " oo Areal " f' 7......... 2 00 to 2 00 Tint it Q7gR-gvon in bar Iervico his. Or bear her onward joyfully, Tn uh... an L4; .. 191166.351: Tutsmmd.d LCT-.rt in 22" the Mn lilo . w} ‘ ----uiaG=a=a For an 6.54.. A ROMANCE IN m Fonts-n I - sue hold Mn. 9y. Th. maid would up], And Inn-ingl- . ', or one Margit m He'd giro her grid MAR RIED. n continua.) ......... l 60 to " 1000to 040to noon» 070to 800to 090to 000to 400to 806to 040:0 015to 010to 11 Wanted 1 1150 o 70 10 00 I 10 017 010 175 045 Proton. May M, ww. 4th Bulge Proton. - W V --' Prt-.-h"erluis of Lorne WM mlvod on Jan. 14, 1874, in color red 3nd white. â€I“ by My J.A'rte, Yeah“. ly. tort. Will nerve Cows this moon on Marquis of Lorne Warsaw " good u any (Jared in Dundalk, nod Cheaper. Also Bran, Chop, and all kinds of Mill Food. THUS. McCAULEY, 8r. Pint-Clan Hour eonstantly for gale " the DUNDALK GRIST MILL andIlk, May 22, I877. The Public we hereby cautioned against pur. chumg “to!†note: of hand, drawn in favor of George Morrow, by the undersigned. In they have not received my value therefor. The "Advertiser" I)“ he carried on by F. Monro, and the "Dundalk Guide" by J. Towrwnd. THE THOROUGH-BRED DURHAM BULL, J. (Annoy. J. TOW Dated at ortutgeville, May 23. l877. 'l"ettglrgit",',ed have dissolved partytemltip as printers and publi-henof the “Orange- villc Ad rertuet," by mutual consent. “'itneoa Dissolution of Partnership. lhnvo much pleasure in returning think: to the Victoria Mutual Fire lmunmce Com. puny of Canada, ior the prom? And very .yytiufactory mmnerin which t " through Messrs, Rutherford & Huntar, have rattled my claim for damage. done to my dwelling by Dundalk, Apnl s, 1877. Tender: will be received up to Friday, the 22nd inst, addreaaedto the undersigned at I \A, N I 'L The eontract to be éompleted on or More the tint do" of November, 1877. lmudaik. Seventy-tive per cent. will be paid from time to tune a: work program With each tender there must be given the name: of two good and tststticissut person: who are willing to become security for the due performance of the work. Tho plans and tttseemed/rt. may be new " the ottice of the undersigned, " the village at Dundalk. Tender: Ire invited for the furnishing unusual! for erecting and completing I registry (mice at the town of Durhim, in the County ot Urey, according to plans and speci- ticatiuua exactly similar to those and for the erection ot the ottice " the village of Arthur, in Math Wellington. By Order in Council bearing date May 24th, 1877. Registry Office ! JOHN MCDOWELL. Dumhlk, June ti, 1877. cm DUNDALK. and in mm to suit borrower.. Apply to Flour ! Flour ! Dundalk, June I, I877. Money to Loan ! _"atrut of “Thanks! Trimming Ladies' Hats and Bonnets NEW ADVERTISMENTS. (Signed) GEORGE PARSON, " of Osprey. Ten per cent discount for Cash. Newntu-oinhor vecttoboindrut. And hi]. the JllU.T,Stlt a! th. was W MI her chum: dinphyod. ------, _ CAITTION. Dundalk, June 6, 1877. WALL PAPER Real Ilsa" o, This in no of the latest designs on hand is in no .mpcy ASSERTION but 30mm TRUTH, Our am has been, of the best of Goods and marked n axoegdinplv I“, am... r‘nvw Ah' SOUTH GREY TORONTO HOUSE. have a Large Stock on hand, and more coming. Already we have Assorted, and Cheapest Stock of DRY GOODS, Groceries, Boots MILLINERY, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Hardware, (See. in D 5,000 lbs. good â€Clean JAMES PATTON. RON A LD McAUI‘AY. A Urge Stock of J. J. MIDDLETON, Chairman of Committee. (if? done on the premises to suit every taste. - Old Hats and ng Bonnets made to look as good as new. OUR TEAS STILL TAKE TEE LEAD. F. MONRO. J. TOWNSEND. q. --__-- ---., ..., v... - u... mu, Iâ€: - mu In; tom-um mo regulation thi- Hamo In: pine! " Mil Goods and marked at exceedingly low iigrmre. COME AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS'.. TH Y ABE ALL NEW AND STYLISH. in tho latest New York Styles, at the A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CALL AND SEE THEM. top. I W. Irons. 'ble.,' Dundalk, In. so. Wttt 'rio l9-4in. ' it Immense ( 17.3t. PHOTOGRAPHS only $1.00 Note the Prion PRICES to suit the TIMES. Having been in the Business . number of yam, he teak ttonfidant he can give imtiafturtion to all. Fumes dull kinds k tin stock, and supplied mogu- It --Copying done at reasonable BATES- LOCKET T0 LIFE SIZE. The Subscriber begun inform the Public that he bu purchased the Photo, graph Business It DUNDALK, And u now prepared to take Photogn ha of all kind; from p on tis premises Owen Sound Street, neu the STATION. . . - Dundalk. Good Funny Flour for n10. Dundlak, Feb. 28, 1877, Begs to inform the inhabitant. of Dundulk and vicinity that he has on Und and for Bale a flm, "ock of The highest Market Priee in can]: paid for Wool. ete., any quantity of Wool left at his Mills. Also that he has in Stock 3 Large quantity of Cloths, Sntinets, Flannela, Blankets, Stocking Yarn, etc.. which will be sold very Low for Cash, or given in exchange for The Subscriber wishes to intimate to the inhabitants of Osprey, and surrounding Townships, that he is prepared to manu- facture into all kinds of Osprey WOQL_I_.EN MILLS, An inspection My solicited. - JAMES MCM. REID, Dundalk, May M, 1877. l all work shall be warranted accordingto quality. The following gentlemen can testify to his ability as a. workman in the past: Mr. II. Graham, Merchant, Dun- dalk; Mr. J. Agnew, Councillor, New Sur- vey; Mr. W. Houtimron,New Survey; Mr. J. Nixon, New Survey. Those from a distance culling early in the morning will get their rolls home with them the same day. l Mr. P. WHITTLE! Photography. i Leads, the onward movement forward in his motto, and he now flings his banner to the _ breeze, notifying the inhabitants of Proton, and surruunding Townships, that he has purchased the Carding and Pulling Ma, chim-ry formerly owned by Mr. J. J. Middleton, and has fitted them up in first, clams style, and is now read for Roll Card. , ing and Cloth Dressing, andy hopes by strict attention to business and good work, to merit a share of public patronage. Hav. ing had an experience of over twentydive years he has no hesitation in saying that Cloth, Satinets, Flannels, Blankets, Stocking Yarn, TOYS, FANCY GOODS, coFFEc'1'ioNERY, SUMMER DRINKS. SYRUPS. ORANGES, GINGER BEER. CIDER, Canned Fruit, to Alla that he In: opened new Refreshment Rooms, WILLIAM HERON. Maxwell, April 12, 1877. *fmll Wool Carding American Rubber Paint, --AND-- 310th Dressing. JAMES McM. REID PROCLAMATION! the best paint in the world. W()OIJ. SPRING HAS tltillllilll!, MAXWELL. E. BROWSE 17-tf. for an! dw- will be to main tho . [D 'dll'A"s'rhrll nn'n nnmm- mngvlu." CUSTOM WORK, uantities of New and Stylish‘ Goods 6 for D. >AVIDSON’S Store. BOOTS AND SHOES, 'tThing Along your Cash. Butter and Eggs. fully solicited. 'e: Cheaper than the Cheapest. g Suitnblo for Man, Women and Children, kept PRINTS, COTTONS, TWEEDS New Goods, New Goods! -- ---0- The undom'gnod in thanking: the farmers for their liberal patronage are second to none " the Murket. These are the Noxon Reapers a: The Subscriber is also agent for Oshawa. Sulky Horse Rakes. Oshaw other Agricultural Implements Call early and give your orders at Dundalk, May 81, 1877. ugtt indebted, (“but by Note or BmaAemm-eeudtonettuus, Dttndn1ksWhemrri,trfre _ Harness, H,‘ NOXON’S TRON :vruL'kiii"ii"ii'f"'S"'i"i'iouiiiD" Combined which the highest price will be paid in Cash. -2 " PUFF DEALERS IN, AND MANUFACTURERS OP, ALL KINDS OF eitUr for human or in Book 5nd Shoes. and. of tho vary but um sud by . HANBURY & BRO., Bold Cheap for Cash. and which we oftor at very close prices. We do not Iteudy-Dladc Clothing, We have now on Und a. Large Stock of Brushes, Whips, Etc. A LARGE STOCK OF but we sell goods Call early Gikiviyarirriiiiii"it"t"hi ion this Home In: knitted " “night-w DEALING. INF. AY r win“ Av“ um- .r.-- _-- _ _ FIRST-CLASS WOBKMEN‘ TORONTO G. R. MID DETON. $225 “9/" p 5:131? WWW“ war» b?1f, as: 4, v (Wie, " 1tEalt I' An inspection of our goods respect. BLOW I " oonshngly on hand, sud ' L. DIARSIIALL. Again: atronage would now call their attention to the Reapers and M I Lenpers and Mowers, Champion Reapers and Mowers, and Ito: a, Oshawa; Throwing Machines. First-class Waggonn of a] Combs, we _hav_e the Largest, Best MKS Anglo-Kmarican Hitei, bdiiiiii. 5!?me Defiance to Potato Bugs ! A BOON TO POTATO GBOWERS] The only reliable potato bug preventltive in tho world, no poioon to handle, no money thrown on] on drop. After I careful Ind 3.7mm. tgg,'.?, lien on the nature of the bug and n prnctlc- demon. "ration of in aloe: u n -titwe, the subscriber now dea.. the world to prod!“ a no" maple or rfset Who vomi- tive than In normal to ';Ti'l'fd11t"el lkudlrNrritGaGitUTaiiTiiiT. The secret and Preventive will I). sent to All who nit: it by lending mo "hi Addâ€. in at“. lwith one dollar aaxdPtt.t-taarsrsrt. tun Git be "uiEinaF'Tii"i'rti'iA1'rlt' Undertaking will retain um Actuation. tee MARE. ' A Ayr bins-9d that The under-i ed would My inform the inhnbiung: of Dunddk and surrounding emu, that he In: fitted up his utopia 8|:de with Stan punt and ' M chinarydnd that a mantel?“- t-ilitittaotase and at Ina-uh- A few choice Farms for Sale Radiance And packs“: the Howgnph ll- I-... n____1_-L .. lALING. Our whole Stock is g 3 Pot-foot and Pork told for an]; MONEY T0 LOAN . may ttN mum nun-u... Conveyancer, etc May 10, l877. TERMS LIBERAL. Apply to First elm and delivend to my part ofthe Villngo. _ The "Ueriber in prepared to offer bin ner- vicesuStono Mum to my one uiring the lune. All Work done in a “glam . DAVIDSON. Dundnlk, April 18, [877. hte SAND, SAND ! Ihmdalk, May i, 1877. '21: mommmm Thehwholormlvutou-yhil in. Aodaroomm-ttrmiid. and Shoes, LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. NOTICE. Notice to the Public. HENRY SCHENK. Corner of Queen And Victoria Strut... ' NELSON, '. McAULAY, Jr. papers tutANowem wnieh Inwers, and Ito ce Renpers. Waggons of f, kinds, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. T. a L. 034nm Eight per cent! Whitman. tt.ilr I08! APPROVED KINDS. "aaren"rt1tyimt-utudbrus thirdâ€; JOB WORK done in the very BEST SWOF THE ART is nr"riiiuuteinth-otruoaa Job Department. Possesses Great Facilitiu r n I Large Circulation Dundnlk Guido “DUNDALK GUIDE.’ ()pposi'te The STATION, READING HATTII, OPIEIONLND “am-mum ofitahr-in. " WINK! PAPII Medium for Advertisers. Promptitude 'htodh..iomsasu,titt, m m m GREATEST FAMILY nzwspnna‘ E POSTAGE FREE, “Gum" Puma own. my WORK. krdoinealikinda ol 'htmidsutnaeiutsrgu Pnum OLN Pl. my. “ml-AM nukes it an “uncut A11 who tratgt a good DUNDALK,~ IN ADVANCE. THE 1.: EDITOIIAH: