Ontario Community Newspapers

Dundalk Guide (1877), 7 Jun 1877, p. 2

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" ll H a! (Drug. on the 190 Side-road, near Phtttm Station. It ' m. on Snmmhy next, ”tidal-inch. M00130! the sun. day the heparin: of another Bridge, on tho 1th mama. in the 17th eon. Dun ll Jan..-Wm. Sutherland. " all m In! TO, bluntly. roddentof Balk-A. who “been committed to jun “to met In than! an days In. M. M M onlondnylut. An h” D In!“ br law. wholdby oaei..mr-., with; in . verdict of ' hi and -"e-rierrea, d Emu. on 10th of January 1876 pled Not Guilty. haddocud to bended by a hry. n. m "mended to the Omrter B-ions.-..- Sound Advrh'aer. WI but that the Run and councillor My. . commit-ion to In: the when - Wilson dice Hugh McCosh w“ W with stating I hone and buggy hm utatun Lyons out). village NI Hull Howell. publiaher of the Coho“ World, and Ion of Mr. James Rough. d Guelph, ha boon elected seem. hry-Tmc of Victoria University. In. P. Warn“ has just received a fine mm of Toys, Jewelry, ete., which to In (ii-ring for solo at utoniahingly low who. Call Ind soc goods. In. meuuox, a student for the Bap- tint Ministry, has been sent to Proton for summer, nnd pro-choc in the old ochool homo. nenr Meomr's sow-mill. A NI! Post one. ha- been opened on the mail lino Moon Pinkerton and Mea, Ami. his and "Wirmount" otter the park in which ttto Centennill u. held. l Mn Hun! Bowen. publisher of a... A. Mr. Wm. Iron. has removed his WI: Gallery to Hopeville.orden left all-midway. or at the Gun): Otfiee, will he attended to. " but been fully decided to hold I grand “and fur m Owon Sound next fall, open to th. Dominion. The appropriation for prison in 01,600. Pinion in want of the "noedful" will than by advertisement that they have only Mupply to Mr. John McDovnlIto Ki" For good and cheap prunello shoes to to Dnvidwns. In. E. Blown but just opened oat n In. my of Million, ofthe latest styles. So. uduniument. Tl: tank It Rumba: Summit. human Weston sud Woodbridge, wu burned down lent Friday night. Thin week there wu quite a large fire in I know a couple of miles thia side of Shel. bnrno, sad we understand that yesterday a quunity of cm wood, belonging to the rail. way company. was burned. were uved. round in s team to the tank, about two miles and . half south when the up train arrived after seven o‘clnck, and vim veraa. Euly next morning we burnt ties were than oat and the mad made passable will. Some of the fence was burned, and I good deal of it Ind to be pulled down. With stat diliculty a house and some buildings near the burning wood, the mill at each side of the burning wood Io that the rails were not injured. The wood burned furiously nearly all night, and together with the brush along the edge of the huh lighted up the mneunding country " miles. Early in the evening the nilwly company sent up ten men on a train from Shelburno, who succeeded in keeping the tire off 3 large pile of cordwood " Thom-4| & Bryant's switch, and which, if burnt. would have injured the road for quit. I piece. The men watched the fire all night. The tmin from Owen Sound at 'ran. had to stop at the Station here, and the passenger: 3nd baggage were sent containing over 800 cords of wood. The nod and Iwitch-gate were allbumt up, and I number of ties were burnt on the nilway track. The section men loosened In hone-power. and the wood work of a. not at on the switch were burned. This will be A heavy lose to Mr. Taylor. By three o'clock the tim had run through I duh. Ind across n stumpy field to the rail. war " Thom-.5 a Bryant's Iwitch, about a mile from this village, setting fire to about fittoen cords of cordwood at the switch-gate, And an immense pile of two-foot wood, A “no: gum or WOOD nuns-n. On Thursday lest bush fires in this neighborhood commenced naming, one of them in the nu of Mr. R. Taylor's wood end ehautiee manning alarming pmpor- tions, and although the men on the place did all they could to keep it beck, it ed- Meed on the cordwood with such fury on l Friday about noon, thet the men had to) run " their lives, one of them getting hill he. badly scorched. 650 cords of wood. miserable hut near where the dead body wee found, and it appear: hom what has been given in evidence, died while under- mun operation. The investigation has been adjourned till Monday next. her than. was ' by G, “dam to s mteh, named Smith. who lived in I The that dance]: which opp-and in our otsh'mttsitp's but a flint idea of the huh] who which VII committal in the mo. country villus. of Canaan . few (by: Dill”, or of the honor which it has and in the community. It in! pouiblo. . mo [cu-(u! on. tho. the Jeannie Gil. now am: in Toronto. Tho victim. Min Alurtn Wade, In: I dough“: of Mr. John Wade, of Brighton, And was tamed in bathing school in the neighborhood of Cnatuton. She had been loducetl by u young mm nomad Mallory, And which The Northumberland Murder, TIER GUIDE Wk, Juno T, 1877. and Other Items. Bush Fires. _ -- -vW.F Au lull F leaf. In the low ground the gratis is about one foot high, but rather thin as yet. I believe it is better this: year than usual, I suppose on account of the rain, which is an unusual thing. Grain fields are looking nice and green. Schools, churches, stores, grist end snwmilln. are rather scarce. but the schools and churches are to be found) in almost every settlement: but but in mind the pest (Mounts) we have had until last you. It u almost put describ- ing the Morena that one mp bu made. I believe you would not count your monoy lost ifyon enmejnet to tee the country; on formelprefer itbynllmouu toOntu-io ondIhove tried both. ”one" if!” themthatlhon mwondthehov- ‘ledge ofthe erreuttertHrdrtr-t-g Igocdvife. Iwota1uvuhuno,rotst little.ifuy now. but-3%“ Mani in now“... “an intake: hard-I our. , ' The winter sets in about the some time " in Ontario, but when it is here we have it very cold. oeeasionally as low as 45 o be. I low zero, but owing to the dryness of the atmosphere, we do not tn1fter he much " might be expected. The native horses live out all winter and are what you may call “hog fat," in the spring, but if you work them they soon fail us they seem soft. I have seen yenrlingettttle live out till March and look well, but with exceeding long hair, not having received the tint bite to eat or bedding to lay on but finding their own living. There are plenty of moose, elk, caribou end red deer close at hand, and buffalo nbout600 miles off. The country is well watered with lakes, ponds, springs, rivers, creeks and marshes. which no generally good b it some of them are salty. The 2'2'h'l generally small, but there is lots of good timber in some places, plenty for building and fencing. but some here to draw it quite a distance. There is any amount of hay for the cutting and it is ‘much like beaver meadow and you can use a mower and horse-rake anywhere. The cattle generelly pick their living about the l middle of April, and if feed is scarce there I is en sbundence of old grass. for there is l no limit to pasture fields here for hundreds 1 of miles. The posture is good now; the l Bowers Are in bloom, and the trees in full I l “The climate is generally dry in the early part of the spring, the snow leaving on the last of March or first of April, the thaw being caused by a south wind. This year I commenced to plough on the 23rd of April, but I might have begun earlier. last your I commenced on the 17th of April. Some years there is some sown in March but not often. There are frosts st night here something like Ontario. There is generally lots of rain on or about the lat of June, bat only occasions] showers the rest of the year; not very subject to aquslls. We are pleased to receive the following extract from a letter received from Mr. Samuel Pulsons, Winnipeg, Manitoba, dated May 2tst, 1877, to Mr. John Jack- Non, Mehutcthon, and we have no doubt will be of interest to our retulerr.--. Bummer) has been greatly rejoicing. The Brttntfordites have entered on I new era in their existence, so they any. Their town has become a. city. Bo they called all their friends, arranged for exclusion trains, rang the bells, had I procession, set " pyrotechnics. and went in for I high time generally. What the exact advmtnges no in becoming a city Ire not plain. It may mean higher taxes. more corruption amongst the municipal authorities, worse drainage, and a few other little things of _ that sort, which so many, after enjoying) i for a season, are so glad to retire from, if their avocations will only permit of it. We Ire delighted to rejoice with those that do rejoice, but after some experience of city life, are not at all certain that there are any so great advantages in it as to be an exceeding cause for rejoicing. If some of the Brantfordites will be kind enough to explain the additional privileges which they enjoy in consequence at the change from a town to a city, we shall be able to rejoice with more satisfaction, In knowing what there in to rejoice ttbont.--htontreal Wilma. House Bmttan.-on Friday lest about noon, the dwelling house of Mr. Peter Dow, Proton, caught fire and was burned down. The fire spreadOo rspidly that very little of the furniture wss saved. We under- stand there wss s little insurance on the place, but the loss is considerable. We understand that Mr. Dow is going to raise again next week. when, we have no doubt, his neighbors will give a helping hand in" i (tk time of need. I OPIN Mzrrma.--hn Open Meeting we- held in the Orange Hell. here, by the Dun. dalk Division Sons of Temperance, last Tuesday evening. The attendance was very good. Addresses were delivered by Messrs. Johnson and J. W. Morrow. The singing was furnished by Messrs. Cross, Palmer, and Bundle. Miss Bundle pre- sided at the organ. Mr. Miteheliot Guelph gave a good recitation. Messrs. S. and C. Brown gave readings, end Miss C, Philips a song. ' Chittick'l to the Poet 0159.. he: been hid in a. sub-tenth] manner,nnd bu improved the nppemnoe of the villnge very much. Other sidewalks will be laid in a few Joye. Pun: Mmtrmotr.--.tht Monday even- ing lest n pnyer meeting woe held st Mr. H. Graham's. in connection with the Pne- byterinn Church, no! we: well attended, Meetings will be held every Wedneldny evening in different houses. A prayer meeting in connection with the Canada Mttht 'int Church, in held every Thundny evening. in the Grunge Ball, commencing l, " eight o'clock. _ Hon 1amtommtmm.--Mr. T B. L. Grady and nix-John Nora] Uve aroma nest picket feneu mum! their premium. Mr. Charter: inputting up . house on Main Street. The new sidewalk from Onngcvilla. We notioo that in loan plum hotel. m mining tho prices of bond About Manitoba. 'r, churches, Moms, rather acme, but lure to be found cut: but ' in om) In have had Gum: PttsNrc.-TU (hangers held a pic-hie in Wilcox’e Grove, thangevilhs, on swam-y. The “tend-nee was quite lugs. After dinner I meeting we: organized. and speeches were delivered by the ehairmnn, Alex. MeL-nn, of Cdedon, Mr. Page, Sentry of the Dominion Grunge. Hon. Dr. Tapper, Dr. Orton, M.P., Mr. “animal 31.1312. yd Ar. Byr, HIP. Politico were the latter iGii"Grriritafy%irici' buy insurance. The progeny of the other students wu uninsnre . A fire which for some time threatened the destruction of the principal business part of Orangoville, broke out at six o'clock on Friday evening in n workshop in the rear of Messrs. Beewick & Thomson’s furniture store on Broadway, and spread with alarming rapidity to the waggon-shop of Mr. W. Cruickahanks. the stable and sheds of the American Hotel. and to the Episcopal Methodist Church, all of which were in less than two hours reduced to ashes. The American Hotel was on fire several times, and had to be destroyed to check the flames. The Primitive Methodist I Church was nine badly damaged by fire and water. The fire brigade worked well, yet but for a favorable change in the direction of the wind the fire would no doubt have de. stroyed the principal part of the town. The total loss in about 012,000. The prin- cipal tsufferer, In Menu. Beun'ek & Thom. son, W. Cruickahenh. J. Lindsey, W. J. Morrison, end the Epiecopel and Primitive Methodist congregations.» _The looses of Destructive Fire J. TIM, Eur, principle of Owen Sound Academy. has formed in connection with the Institute a Young Men's Christian As. aocintion, himself being president. They meet at 4 p.m. every Sabbath evening, in the Temperance Hall. Last Sabbath (8rd inst.,) the hall was filled, several ministers of the town were present. Quite a solemn feeling prevailed during the service. No one an tell how much good will be the result of the meetings. Mr. Tate deserves much credit for the interest he takes in the wellfare of the public. (From our own Correspondent.) On the 2nd mat., the (hangers of this County held a pie-nie at the Village of Markdale, and although the weather was all that could be desired (a shower of rain having fallen early in the morning which laid the dust) not more than the quarter of Oranges in the County were represented. The total number at persons present were about 450, about half of that number were villagers and farmers not connected with any grunge. After having done justice to the contents of the baskets, Mr. H. Palmer, Overseer of the Dominion Grange, called tho crowd together to hear some speaking, but as no arrangements had been made to have speakers from among their own ranks, the programme had to be made up by calling on several ottt-sideri; among whom were Dr. Sproul. Mark Armstrong, Esq., Geo. Blythe, Esq., Editor Ezpnailor, ‘and Francis Bell, Esq., all of whom made very good upeeches, although they did not agree with grunge principles. Messrs. Jae. Boog, Wm. Lackey. and II. Irwin, _ members of the grunge were also called on who spoke very sensibly. They regretted l that better arrangements had not been made. The pic-hie then broke up nt3p.m. ' The crops look yell all over the County l of Grey. There is therefore a nrmnent. nf A good harvest. It is rumored in this neighborhood that at n recent sitting of a Court of Revision, not quite a hundred miles from this place that the presiding Magistrate, in putting the oath, with nll due solemnitruuwittingiy used a Methodist hymn book instead of a bible! your towusmen, Mr. Wm. Irons, who was soon ready to take life-like pttures, almost in a twinkling, of either bipeds or quadru- peds, and who has been kept busy since in filling orders.' Quite a lonution was owned one day lately in our iiourishing village, by tho arrival in our midst of B-tb-- well that is it. We could not well make out whether it was 3 cur-vainly or tt circus that had arrived in our midst. So in company with a large number of our citizens, we went to interview the strange arrival, and were greatly delighted to tind that it was one of (From our own Correspondent.) There was nu interment here recently, in which a number of our buliness men took part, in putting away the carcass of I dog, in order to oblige one of our most promi- nent business men, " the stench must have been very Annoying to him, The merchants here universally adopted the half-past scven closing hour, Am! the clerks rejoice, and base ball prospereth. Tho {more in this vicinity no very desirous for I good ehuwer of min which they claim is most essential at the preunt time to walnut I good harvest. pose is not known, but the oper§tiom of the thief or theivel were however brought to a sudden 0103. by the sudden propane. of I lug. hound, kept in the building. With the exception of this depredntion the) village has been very peaceful, of In“. I On Sumhy evening last, unluvful on- tnnce Wu obtained into the cminge man- ufnctory of Mr. J. W. WiUon, and a. por- tion of the Booring romo'ved, for wlurt pur- of thnt village. The - VII wall con- tend. chmghout, but the superiority of the “Vim-n" fUiding and biting told heavily against their opponents 3nd at the ninth innings the Icon stood " to 48 in their favor. The "turn guns will take pm Ihortly, when Iome good play my be oxpected. i game of bu. lull wu rurd between the "viotorina" of thin phoo and the “Our Bor" --F _‘._ - . -vuuw were A land of music was in "tend. .“ ____,1 ‘- _ ' humans; Grange Pic-Nic. OWEN SOUND. Hopeville. yell all over the County is therefore a pronpcct of in Orange- u "WWâ€""m. ups-nut we [ml-treatment and own-don of Clarin- him. He made a speech winch consisted of an attack on the Turkish Government, but oonhined the same ”cautions u on former cautions. A resolution wna un- mimouslv pulsed, amid great enthusiasm, declaring that the wise and hononble pol- icy would be for England to use her in- thtmse in conjunction with the united author- ity of the Great Powers to exact from Tur- key etrtxrttusl gnu-mm; against th. Mr. Gladstone, received a great O' tt Birmingham on Thursday. Bu was suspended for We day, and i; evening 80,000 people assembled to On dry, stony lots in tho neighborhood of Rockton, Beverly, the young hoppers have appeared in millions. This is earlier by thrice wool“ than last year. Advice, has been received at the Govern- ment Home, Manitou, that Lord Dttffor. in will Mart for that Province on the Mth July. ANOTHER INLAND anzxu: 8zrrauur.- On the morning of Friday, the Ist inst, Collector McLean, of Gusslph,tuuscmpanied by oftieers li.ighols and Powell, seized an illicit still on lot 80, 5th com. Township of Erin. It was found near or on the boun- dary line between the farms of James Bell and Edward Duering. There was ucnppex still and boiler combined. I. tin doubler, I tin worm and worm box, and the usual plant found in such places. A small quan- ty of spirits was found, And one mash in process of fermentation. It had been very recently worked, as the water in the boiler was warm. and the fire under it not quite extinguished. No person wee found on the premises at the time of seizure. but the plant is laid to be owned and was worked by Donald Bell and Wm. Docring. The cornerstone of Guthrie Church, Har- riston, will be laid on next Tuesday, 12th inst., with full Masonic honors by D. D. G. M. John Cavern, of Unit, assisted by other brethren. Mr. Joseph West, 1 young man who got injured severely by tho tilting of I plow while going over a culvert in Elan, on the lot ult., died on the 26th ult. Sylvester Lashy, of Pilkington, white engaged in kicking foot-ball broke Isis leg between the knee and ankle. Mr. Lewis Bain, on the 6th con., Gera- fraxa, had two ribs broken and was other. wise injured by e pinto falling on him while raising I burn a few days since. Mr. Joseph West. I mum: mu. .4... no Hmiston village in ambitions of becom ing a town and having a Mayan Fergus wishes to be incorporated as I town. Its population is over 2,000. B On Queen’s Birthday the town was r startled by reports of the death of a Young 1 man named George J. Ellis, mtderpeeuliar I circumstances. The deceased was in the , employ of Mr. James Thompson, and was a at the time of the accident engaged in f raising up a burn on the farm of Mr. ' Ebenezer Clark, preparatory to moving it. l The "jaeks" had been placed under the ' sills and the barn raised somewhat when I from some cause or other one of them gave _ way letting the heavy building come crush. ' ing down to the earth at the very moment I unfortunately when Mr. Ellis stooped down _ under the sill. Sad to relate his head was caught and crushed in a most shocking manner between the sill and the earth, causing instant death. Another youngman named Smith had a narrow escape from serious if not fatal injury. An inquest was held by Coroner Albery on Friduymnd the jut y returned the following verdict l "That George J. Ellis was at lot lo, con. Ii, St. Vincent, on Thursday, May 24th, accident- ally killed by n. barn which he was engaged in moving at the time falling on his head." The jury add that in their opinion "Mr. Thompson, who had tho conduct of the I work Is exempt from blame." At the same 1 time it will not be amiss for us to caution , those engaged in such dangerous work, i that under all circumstances it would be I wise to block up the building according as t it is raised. The deceased was a very t estimable young man, and belonged to the f Society of Friends. His father is a com- paratively new settler in the township,an t resides on the 9th line. m and his family f have tho sincere sympathy of the cam- 0 munity in their sudden and sad bereavo- s "Mtut.-Neaford Monitor. n _lda!r,tdhrNth. 1877. lumber! All pre- l unt- AMieuhmemberhad “tenth. uncanny momma of cue. the Court opened, when appeal', " received. were ' token ups. follow" _ John White, upped dismiued; hue 8imslair, upped dimmed: Gordon Sam-t. upped] dimmed; A, Footer, easement reduced 0100; John Gnhnn. upped dis- missed; David Cuban, upped dismissed: Sutherland Stayner, Iota 89 end 40 reduc- ed .100 each, and lot M, 11th con. .300; John Hedwell, tenement on P. P. reduc- ed Mo; John Weber, sppenl dismissed; Robert Graham. monument on P. P. re. duced Mo; Thou. Bptmrboskio, personal property reduced 0100; John Weber, v. B. Adam Hiiop,' upped dismissed; Wm. Hogg appeal dismissed; George Sewell, personal property reduced, “00; John Sharp, person-.1 property reduced Mo; Philip and James Swirling. personal pro-' party reduced .100; Josiah Cooper, mess- ed on It. It. for lot M, eon. 18; Henry Lane, appeal dismissed; ll. Ttimbhs, tul. jourucd; Rev. Wm. Irwin, adjourned; 1Peter Holman, appeal dismissed; R. J. ISproule, adjourned; William Burnett, assessment on lots 180 reduced Mo; Thou. ] Nichol, appeal dismissed; B. Ghent, ap- peal dismissed ; Mr. Elliot moved, second- 1 ed by Mr. Wright, that the Court do now I adjourn its sitting until Tuesday, the 5th 1 thy ofJune, 1877, then to meet at 10 t o'clook rum, in the town hall, in the vil- l Iago of Fleshirton. c Attained: Court of Revision: County frf Wellington. TORONTO Fatal Accident. Fqibq------, T.hupdar Basin“; J. W. Hzxnnson, Clerk and in the ovation The Danube is higher than in thirty years previously. The army cannot cross before July. Not a Russian soldierhas yet crossed. The London Times camspondeut with the Turkish Anny sends the following puticuiara of its organization :--TU Turk- ish Army of the Dumbo is slightly desihsient l in Artillery and very detieunt in "avalry. Thom-col thin in excludvoly Inn: of] money. The toUl number of infantry is about 172,500, union-"In 1.“. Anon]- ingly, the Army of tho Danube, including (om-sea can." And “in“. " " upon 200,000 irons. On the Danube the Russians have at last occupied the chief positions, and their 1- lines extend from Gelatz to Kahifnt. But the formidable river bars their was, and . until the stream returns to its normal summer level it will he perilous, if not le physically impossible to take the army g across. It is now hardly possible that the ltussians can execute this great military " operation for the next three weeks. They .. may come to close quarters with the Turk. n ish armies about the beginning of July. Bo that the campaign will probably be prose- t outed under the greatest heats of summer. . The region of the Lower Dnnube is terrihlv e unhealthy for strangers. so it may be presumed that tho Russians will endeavour _ to traverse with all eelerity the more uu- t healthy districts. Those troops will thre . worst which have to sit down before s. fort. , fess or guard a strong place in the chain of communications, as an army in movement - will generally keep health better than I garrison or investing forces. The character l 1 and duration of the struggle in Bulgaria ', are the subject of much speculation, . ptutieuUrly in Germany end Austria. Q where every offieor seems to have made i his own particular study of the campaign. l The general tenor of these criticisms is t adverse to the Turks, not from any doubt that they will make a good tight end even I inmet serious repulses on their enemy, but i from the Prepotrsesution that the superiority a in numbers, eftieieney of organization and r stretcgical ability are on the side of the a Russians. There are 240,000 Russiens in position on the Danube, without counting t1 the Roumeninns or the reserves that are l being brought forward, who amount to t 60,000 men. There ere 80,000 men out a. of Ibraila, and 20,000, with considerable n reserves, st Bolsmd. which is the point of fi support for this pert of the line. The strength and position of the works et‘Beni f. and IbraiIa indicate that they are defensive si and not oitemsive, the precautions token tX being directed against an attack by the W Turkish Beet, and to prevent the mg. of M the river by the Turks. At Hamill. there ere three batteries. " A telegram from Bncbnest says I steam tug n F hlnnndn. British property and flying the British Bag, w“ sunk by order of the Russian commanding officer. Con. sul Matudierld In" addressed a note to the Boumanian Government requesting an ex- planntion. A telegram from Peru says great discour- _ ngcmcm exists in f trieial circles in Con. stantinople because it is not known how a tn1ffieUnt force cm be collected to resist the Bus-sign advance. The hopes that the capture of Bukem Kaleb would lend to an insurrection in the Cnucasus have now dis. eppenred. The Cimuians feared Russia and laid down their arms. Turkey in walk from material causes, which render it _ fiealttt, maintain I long resistances. my. With 300 Women and 5.000 per- sons of all classes in the palace to feed daily, the strain on the Treasury is in- tense. to any that the corruption end bribery which is rife everywhere destroy all ehaue. emf Turkisn success. There in not I. par- ticle of putroitism among the oituiaU to 1 give ground for the slightest hope. Cou. ‘trncta for army stores and equipments are awarded by means of bribery of the otfiei. ala having the matter in charge. The constitution of the country is also a sham l and is disregarded in every possible num- ner. The Parliamentary deputies are re- turning to their homes in disgust, and the laws which have been passed will never be put in force. The Sultan is: 11011911- tity. With 300 women and 5.000 nor- The arrival of the Russian forces u the Soghnnlu and Kizio Kilian brings two strong Russian columns within six hours' march of Erzeroum. The Timer Constantinople correspon- dent says, from interviews he has had with Turkish offieinh, And others, he is can-bled l A Tiflis despatch lays the Russian Gen- eral Kommeroff, eomtuanding " Ardnlun. on the 80th of May retsonnoitred beyond Perek and Olti. The Turkish caulry un- der Momma Push: have boon defeated and dispersed neu- Beehtuehet. The Bussims captured two munntain gum. four unmuui- tion wagons. and two standards. The Ita, - sian loss WIS 7 killed and 30 wounded. The Turks left 33 and on the field, l n is oituitt11y ann' mired It Comstanti. nople that the repoxtod recapture of Ards, hun is erroneous. med wu burned. Kurtis amply pro- visioned, hate: u pnseautiottar.r mounts the garrison bu been put on half rations. The vlng'lnrd ofthe Ruminn right wing bu nppeued below Olti. A detaehmeut oftho Russia: centre bu reached the Soghnnlu. Mukhtar Palm‘s position a %vin is thus rendered untenable, u the ‘Rmsinnl could turn Mullen]: via Geta, chevun. Kn: in completely invested. Telegnphio communication ecu-ed two) days ago. The dataeiunenU of Kizio Kil- ian Ind Topeak Klleh no fklrmg back upon Dolibnb- before the Idvnnce of the Russian left wing. A detachment from Van to reinforce Mukhtar Push: is expect- ed " Hanan Caleb. A detachment from the Russinn centre is marchingto intercept it. night of my with the Rania:- M» ed and routed Home: l‘ulm'n Circa-inns at Beckie Ahmed, nau- Iam. Beckie Ala. "WWW that a; [ on the side of the 240,000 Runinnsin ' without counting 8 reserves that are d, who amount to lame hot and. be and. On Friday morning, while Henry Bell was loading lumber It the G.T.R. nation in thtrronbrook, he lost his footing on the car and luddnnly fell MINI-nil. striking his haul on one of the ties. He died within twenty-four hours. ‘He leave: I wife And Iowan children. Darth. an. day I black- Mi‘h m Aux. Bone. While annual in On the Mth uit., Collector Can-n, of Mrich. Ind omeer Craig, of \Valkcrton. seized two illicit still: in full working order in the township of Calm“. The business was curled on wmowlut extensively. thero being-ix mulle- in prone" of formalin-l tion. On Sunday the body of a newly tant wu found in the water on tl side of Kcmpenfeldt an near Bur 'oomneru jury in the cue have ro verdict of mania: uninst Mu Munro. the mother of the child. _ John Senkpicl, living in Wullwe. lately I lost his life in a peculiar manner He was intoxicated at the time. and was being as- siated to mount his horse when he fell our receiving Inch injuries that he died shortly max-wards. Operations on the Manitoba section of the Northern Pacitie Railway are very brisk, the eotttmetom Using plenty of work ahead, than giving employment to large l numben of men. A daily train now runI‘ titty miles, into the interior. i Anew steam yacht belonging to Mr. Jtynes was hunched It Il-ies on the Queen's Bilthday. Being the iimt boat of the kind 1nunehed at Barrie, it nut-cud eomsiderabu attention. Nearly all the members ofthe legal pro- fusion in Mercer county, WA'., including: prominent justice uni the Mieem of the County Court, are involved in illegal whis- key ring tmnsactioms. Au Alisa-um deal-mush gives notice of the [on of the Immune Emily Smith " Knngnroo Island, with thirty-eight passen- gers Ind crew. 1 The Roman Catholic Church atrdpriestu residence at Pieton were illuminated on Sunday night in honour of the Pspal unzi- vennry. A one of Impound murder in Imported from Wetland, the body of A man, bearing ranks of foul play. hning been found in the tsanal. An Australian den-1b.)- m'v-n hath-- " The newly appointed Secretary of {In Northern Runway. Mr. W. M. Townsend Brrivedia Toronto from Eughud on Pri, dny. The Syund of the Presbyterian Church in Canada in connection with the chusuwf Scotland met It Lundnu on Tuesday. Same French Canadians and Irish Calm. lies attempted to break up 3 religious meeting in Montreal the other night. A mail-bag containing a large nmount bonds Bud bunk note: has been staleu tranritse from London to Pubs. Bony freshen no reported in Minnesota ttottsiderabU damage but been done to rail, wnyl and buildings. The Sicilinn brigand Leone has been killed in tn encounter with thcairessau'armra nou- Pnlermo Sicily. Prosecutions have been e against four more French Ileput null. Bsrrie Connoil bu tempted a plan for a 06.000 town hull, with murket buildings. The carpenters and juiners refuse to work in Toronto for less than 81.75 pet day. Lady evangelists tre conducting a erusade in the Winnipeg saloons. The range: of fumine in the northern provinces of China In unnhnted. The population of Stratfurd is now 8442. In increne of 718 over last year. Immense bush firm, are raging on the nortliorn shores 1nd Mnniwnlin Island. The Qnun of Holhnd died on Sunday Aged 59. Pelee bu been concluded between Egypt and Abysxiuin. Anthony Gnrdner has been ducted Presi. dont of Liberia. _ 'theyhen taken bothDaism"aand , Gehchm. According tomother recount 7theeepluesmbeingettechdhy detach- ; menh.while the main form, in fotlowitag l the northern mad on.“ the Snail-Mu I Ra-.afth. We Vidal: Ute decide the feted Emil!“ tonight until the Brim: column In: {and the Turkish poem-“Top“ Idol: and is within happening distance of the other columns. prom in likely to be u heretofore very slow. It in not impoeeihle. however, tlmt the right end centre. with the “or. forro hom Betomn operating on the Choruk Rivenmey “tack Xukhter Pub. from the dimetion ofOltieml Bogunhupeodad Milkhter vein to be attacked. The lute“ news of him, via Constantinople, rrpl’ou-nts that he won felling beck from the JInrdvr. I end Eneronm positions. It is to be. remarked, however, thet new! from Con. etentinople, whether favourable or un- fevournhle to the Turks, in peculiarly un- I trustworthy. Thin we had last week the announcements that the Russians Ci) occupied VII] and Olti. both of whirl: were I fills Ind probnbly the result ofa punk-.f just on the reiterated story of thr, reeaptur" of Ardnhnn was prulmhly the result ' blundering design on the pint of the] Government to appease the populaee /fl, Constantinople. On the other hand, tho var news made public by tho Russinuj' Government is generally of no important-(- I whatsoever or several days hvhiml time. I , will; u. danced from Anklnn via Onion! to Pollack. fifteen miles north of Met. Of the cent" we have no teliahie infatuation; but it bu been reported that Ttie Mid: my an the; Axum uidé In" to Inn Inna detemttlr neglected. ”.0001. no Ville diuplitMsd, - WHIMVNM “was on the Danube; W the nature of the undue in hi- to some degree Innke- defieieneim, of “uninha- vital. The Russia: right ittditrteu in taetieal unity and t.vstem. n. In" -.' iathougtrtthe nghtwill own ties. He died within SB. ‘He Invo- . wit. “a Odd» um day . black. ". Bose, While engaged in M in the bit eye by Miscellaneous. y of I. newly-born in. water on the south " near Barrie. The returned a my Anne commenced Miean jour. the t The Anniversary of the Quorn‘a 1anli ", bu been simulized by the omymun “112' I Order of tit. Miclmol and tit. ”(mutt . n I. ' dared "wry by the growth of tht 1 tlt , Bios. Bishop Leldielel, Count-('1- " u I I New Zenlund. formerly, has been ln~l:!'.l' l “clue. News“. Herbert and CIS. u: I'w ' Colonial (Mice. have been ummixm .H Ir, I cellar sud ts'eesetary, retipeetivel.v. Ann-m: ' an um appointments to this .im l, , wished Order an ordinary momlu n of tro Ileeoml than. or Knights Cotnman,rrs, an Gallon] Metedotwntt, formerly Adjutunr ' General of the militia of (Hindu: and tmkt42mteeat Smyux.u prom-m m-nnnnlnl ing the militia of Canada. As urdilnn) mambo" 1sfthe child-dun cnmlnnit-s Mr Hon. 1“” Trutch. tuely Lioutuioxvruor 'stBritish animus; Mr. Alexander Mur. my. Md“ 00010150.! Sun't-y of NW; Mr. Sundfnnl Flt-ruins. Em d h Minn Pneifir; Mr. John Mht. my commander of an n- ”. IOI‘ by hGovannIofC mud: to th. My Man; W Donald Can-u, Hammad: Bound- aquCn-ndn; Capt-m Sun- " Amd-a, w M Aa6oom- of 'tB-a-vc-wi-pus,, 6mm - M my Mum of of The Order of St. Michael and St. George. combat-34th, "N. Bite poisoned snow-v lively her “M hmnd. Edwin] Sum-k. tt New York What-Imam]. Martha Etina, “M. and George, nml mlw _ quendy her third husband. llnnmn N. “hum-n, of Madman. Couu.. And Lu 'ur, Inn: to In of which she mmf, H: II. nad it u. be“: Inmmm-d that Him p thL ed her almond husband. John HIIHHH'L uf Hum. Conn. " mm? tuna 51w u “Mimic“. and having disiarttol “on “(I prepared an exit lay pursuml has: moo leave open the prison door, in camped may. Kn. Sherman. the Comseetirut [hummer hll W from [OIL This remarkalo woman to. ban in Wm, N. J., 1m eember Nth. ICM. m... n..;..n.m.: ...-, clam in England In more owing to hi. union during the In. - than calm was Pro-Mun. bind. dame time they mun. he oquaur Min; to his countrymen. a they": in ovidcnm " hinpupuhrity Humour countrymen at homo. I General Gnu”: quite I lion in England The attention shown him Lyme grub any cud Ina-inc" man u hull"? n u plot-pt lam of intern-timid mun») and cannot tnil to have. Mud “NIL-m elect in perpetuating the friendly rah-twp that an"! Moon the teo coward». The “tuition: now being shown him by all The crew of the imnwlul Alrtmulrh the E tsrshitt of the "and: Meditermm-u squadron. Mendy tuatinied twire-in o m legume of over-work and severity of pm inlunent in the tine instance. 5nd “opp";- of shun lave in the 'trest-and ram!” «1 the vouch gum numviconble by than“ in; the nights overboard. The mutiny um quell“! with a. We. of the cram. other "uast. ofthe Him. and the tnut insert comma Thee of m tingle-don - hank-neon! to ail week' imprisonment. and sent home to under," their sentence. The New York Nathan! Huh-nan “a New York. was rubbed of I package tummy containing from two tub" (hum: dollm about two o'clock on Sutuniuy ttf! m. At that hm . young lad cute the bunk and made some enquiries of _ Calder which noes-aim his loving I gm open. and while the Chhhier's In Wu turned the boy made oft with I money. Pursuit VII imrtituted inunmlm ly, but thus thr no trace of the thief 1 been fund. _ On Friday one hundred men. wurkin the Word and Huron Railway. lu-tu Btmtttted and 1Eilverton,strurk mal. 'l were getting one dollar a day but mum dollu and I quarter. They all won! I to work on Saturday at the old raw. ‘ contractor, Mr. J. H. Cauty, "P rm, have five mum: of the mud Nady for luck only next week, lull the Wllulr completed this full. mom. Gabriel: not. 'sttcat1ptodtoesomt, on My by 'mttingUr throat m' Who dinovond the WIN sawing , her chm with the chip. but L. had not done her-elf much hum. put into I Might-jurist for scour Arrangements have been can” l, Count-wave picnic in Landau "th, when Sir lulu) A. MumL-n Tapper, Ind otherieaders of the In consented to be present. The pr. will be held in hiltcrs Grove. Fist the me time will nlmn on. .. Cmsaidemhte dun-gr u bah (and figess in Mid-inn. Thu on lake 8w. has been a my“. seven hundred pow-l. dated homoleu. A tug has lu. Marquette with food for the m vilUge of 050011. is than thevnt A mph lppliml to nrlcrm'nmn cr, W., to be mild. got him In out Of- counterfeit "tt hill for hi, than M, and some of the In who would them ware Winn-hm the We remove her dreams in an a come fueth B young man. m blin- on the seven! I much dehyed on Monday nu drill-II on the truck. The and. and it In: found nMsmn Jew can at Ghuwood Ind [m half the train. £VInning in millions (an, injured. The rui,J, destroyed caught tlro, In manned to consume the , The town of Mount Carmel Hand-y visited by a tcrrilrle F which silken men were kille Two ml: of the British Ptuntie In. know and Mly pun MW mhd trmet I'll]! tornet,, of with»! on British 'uslrjerts. Tin "use! then Inland-mod to the 1'. llage M05001]. is alta, threat, Mrs. M. “Elton, In insane he held in Sellers Grove. name time will open the Iow mung shown him by I“ England are more owing to " In“. “to imwru lion on the Port M (and loamy u. d by I With Mum." d a wet. kilUd null: Th. "in! of the hum We In. working:- hmy, III-two". ' They but wunu'd . I" went huh Id lite. Tho r. arms to My for the I 'llnln n... nu! an il, 'luJe plug. ”can! " rlcmc qu- 'dlr with“ . Form " ttis we" Mttt fro. HIM. ra " qritl, hr lull-aha Med to .- 18 and V own ut0was ml'letely de. “way 'ttttttt I Ill fr rt IL, r. N n..d..-.‘ axmdrsith new; .51 M g by on Fem in he in Quin. We .3 We Fill m; met ....., “at if 'as ltr, ra III "I. ll Full Wheat, tter h Spring Whrat .. Barley ' '. OMS, " M In Dun-d Hogs. pm M. mm. per " (uh dairy.... "r.peedor-v..., PM. I" ha; Tin-p. par huh “. SI Ian H "i, May " Flo "" "In! It ll Miro" It “av “It "at It" Mrhu, Suva-t H r. Juno. Mont lint-mu .nvd ht tl" human Mt of. ll by u “In! Built rl, Or J A [lulu The I been» u "at til" And The Bow Sue]. “11m Chin Tl And I Tl And a; And I It ' I H77. (In! sll ' d Mar M And. I The ol‘ (That ind Min-nigh (the-rhu- Tatiana Thrmaid Lilla! M MM *ortarth, A ROI Mt If H k (In ft dd! w nul her nun mm m, tee tl

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