Ontario Community Newspapers

Dundalk Guide (1877), 29 Mar 1877, p. 4

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Jo gtmttt-tr"rhostbenmadet'rs Bri-d-tu-dur-ui-t hum,mhmymdtho U.” I-irq bun band “he Pte-on Wednesday evening I are Mouth the Ride“ Club building. “WWI?! Mr. lamb u 3 mt. Then-mu spiced with such "raitrtustheinmuo"td barely time h "a. Ihltre Gm Selby thnith "haematite time, end hnd ”at. 'iMreq* nape that hi- whiskers st-o-uae-hed. Judge w'lhilydloneumw escape. M'Ih'mhmm‘m fully my” ml you Bum: CogamBu.-It is "sItttntthohnrerinl gunshot-Rios hue or- dmd the Mth "rd97th "cinema, Indy mammals mdnow n HAM“. sr. B., bt British Columbia. They will micron-Nob] "tt..nduertemd M tiiiremsimioniaotruin" hom Wuh- WWW! tmnaporution moon the whim of Chic-ca The nai- mhmeoch MO thong. Tne clung. will you”! his 1l.ooaborttttteastdnf Amm.mmnm Bruns- T!f: Mo., recently. when a knowing dog ALLa him, in} a: bi- tail, than seized tthe hog by “In out. And led it shrieking and to its runner! in the nu. The dog than returned to the store. picked up the N1, and earried it out to the pig. Th Windsor Mait bu the following pod story. illustrative ofroadmnnagement in Nov. fkotis---A tumor moss the river, whnepueinge bedpieee ofrond,ttptwthis load of potatoes. m got mad and swore he would “chew up" the road commissioner. However. one! referring to the list, he dis. covered, on he was the Commissioner for that district, he would overlook thUnegUet at the rude. At on Mellon of household uncles the Mount held up a thermometer and - " 3 bid. No one mmedtownnt it, end he turned to I fiumer-looking man god “a: “Toke it, amine it, and give no . - for it." "No-no," replied the non hooking Mt. “Wt! Don't you wont a W?" "No, sir; I had one . your who Mo, and I worked end worked, - fooled Hound, end I could never keep tt regal-ted worth e cent." When Former Budge reed that e bull painted by Ron Bonhenr sold for tive 1 tho-tdoll-her-hed to his wire; ontioas-sowthntthetrallnril1bepairtt. "--gra.ri+ Harald. that he didn't see how . con ofpaint could no - enhance the vnluo ofthe animal, tmtifBoeai1i&t't chug. mom than ten don-Ihewodd getheHo paint his bull in tho lying. And his nonomicd wife "rtiod that the thought he might paint it Emu]! and an his ten dollars. The indi- Janina-grow: on people;itbegins in Iohwehe, end ends in iron cheinr. The mobuineuemenhutodo, the more he in ehle to accomplish, for he learns to economize his time. My dear tir, just look here,' teking the blanket from 3 tine pair of twins with which the master of the house had been presented. -' Oh, yes,’ laid the blushing young hus- band ' I an teke my ehoiee.' The doctor hnd felt J ohnny’e pulse and me. “Mother," said Johnny, "the doctor think: I m dishonest." "Why Bot" said mother. “Become whenever he takes out his wntch he tnkee hold of my hand." ( Baid An old man to a young semester, "Ryan want me to tell you the belt throw you can make with those dire?" “Yes," wee the - reply. “Throw them 'mmy," quietly aid the old man. A New Hemp-hire man, when Asked to give hia eon-out to the marriage of his delight", tuned with u beaming face to the eppliennt, end Answered frankly, ‘Yes; and don’t you know some likely young nun who will take the other t' During cholera times I Glasgow joiner we! ' hr a lady, who was employing Jill et lune household work, whether he would have . glue now or wait till he had Anished the job. wo be takin' the glass too man: told the artitran,'for there's been . power o' sudden death: letely.’ chilly an! Ice if he tint better LLLira " n phool." 10-h Billings up: "n in hiUy important ?utwun.manmnuauphia mind tew In A ruhl, he should enmine hiznalf 'tmetgandhealthrt""lrU fruiiofindnstry‘ A Tuna M-.- When your new and canon homo {roman tni1or's. What this comb-y madman one of our town Indies. in s religion which will make n m feel that it iathtst u coldforhiswife to M up And build . ties, itUforhimtrW. "What hit do pm at t" ' tho We of n swat friend, "you no so OOY~H “Give me " instance." "A man wheeling n wttoeth-ow." Tho doctor then It do" and mead no not. quoting. “Well, pm would hen lecture. on the "rim. subjects. Did you ever hear one on can. and "bet P' “How my lid-I In. . circle t" "Two," aid tU student. "Whnt in tho, i" Wutnuxtghirttheermrt the student'- m produced when ho aid. "An inside lad All outside." “:3 doctor next inquired: "And you ttte non! philosophy clan Ibo?" Dr. Ritchie, ofEdintmmh,though Ivory diva mm, one. not with his much. Whacxminingnltudututothochuu hehigtemua,umidt"Anarmattend. "th.ei-krnutumntu.t" any”... A Nodal Student. I-C'-"'"""""'""'.' “In“; nur- 'Mmu “I tt aitiG supply without delay," anm or f,Tit."g'tiites,tr, Dr. Thomu' Electric Oil. t signs tmofB.N. Thoma; is on the mpper, and the nun” of Northrop a Lyman no blown in the bottle, and Take no other. Sahib Allmedim‘ne amen. Witxr,2seta. NORTleROP * LYHAN. Toronto] Ont, . "'a"""'e'rio-seueui1 and Elm --", -- y m.-. Ont. writes,“Send me 6 dozen Dr. ifiiiiii'. u' Electric Oil, have sold all I had from you, and want more now; its cures are truly wonderful." Wm. McGuire, of Franklin, writes, q have sold all the agent lett,itaert., like a. eharm-it was slow at timt but takes splendidly now." H. Cole, of Iona, writes, “Please forward six dozen Thomas' Electric oil; I 'tly nearly out, nothing uals it. t is , l recom. mended Slum” who have use! it." J, Mord, Thamesville, writes, "Bend at once a further supply of Electric Oil, I have only one bottle left. I never saw anything sell so well and give such general antista- tion," J. Thompson, Woodford, writes, “Send me some more Electric Oil, I have sold entirely out. Nothing than like it." Miller tacit Ulverton, P. Q. mite, “The Electric . in . e t re don te',',",'.',',]','.,',',),".',':: gr... Emm- - Enamel“! Tuons’ Evcusron Etatr nm thhi-Wotms TEN Tums rrs Wlmm' m Gotat.-Pain cannot stay whore it is used. It is the cheapest medicine ever made. One dose cures common sore throat. One bottle has clued bronchitis. Fifty centa’ worth has, cured an old stand- ing cough. It positively cures eatarrh, ustlunn and eroup. Fifty cent‘s worth has cured erick in the hack. and the suns quantit lune back of eight yem' stead- ing. 'El following are extracts from a few of the many letters that have been received mm different parts of Canaan, which,‘ we think, should be snmcient to satisfy} (the most sceptical i J. Collard, of Spark. part of which has since been paid. In view of tho increased hazard, owing to continued business depression, the Com- pany has wisely determined to pursue meantime a conservative course; that the 1','bfl'lt'lQltl has been judicious during the l past year is shown in the trivial advance In essessments in two of the Branches, and in no increase whatever in the Hamilton Branch from the low rate of 1876. The necessary steps have been taken to secure tb license from the Government in aeeord. ence with the Ontario Act. The remarks made by the President of the Company, in moving the adoption of the report, no worthy of careful perusal, and should be a made mecum for every insurance agent in the eotmtry,embodying, as they do, the policy which has brought the Company to its present status, and tb rule of action which must promote its future success." Messrs. Itutherford & Hunter, of this Village, are agents of the above Co., for this District. Claims are promptly settled by them at their offioe in Dundalk. We copy the following in reference to the Victoria Mutual Fire Insurance Co,, of Hamilton,takcn from the Journal of Com. merce, whose financial editor is Sir Francis Hineks:--" Pearle who have nothing to gay in favor of t no mutual system of Fire Insurance should read the annual report of the Victoria Mutual for 1876, published in our last issue. It will be remembered: that the total number of policies in force on the Slat December was 13,079, insuring the sum of $12,696,588, and that the total amount of assets over liabilities reaches about a. quarter million dollars; claims to the extent of 888.500 were adjusted during the you, to which may be added losses to the extent of ",000 untitled, the greater The Pen-Presbyterian Council which is to meet at Edinburgh in July, will be at. tended by eminent clergyman from all parts of the world. Canada will be repre- sented by a large delegation. This will be the first assembly of the kind in the Pres- hyterisn world, and it is expected that hereafter the Council will meet trienninlly. The following is the programme as publish- ed. The Council will meet on the 2nd of July. On the first day there will be a public reception of delegates; on Tuesday, July 8. reports on statistics, and addresses from representatives of Presbyterianism in various parts of the world; on Wednesday. l July 4, “the Harmony of Reformed Confer sions" and “Presbyterianism in Belationto , the Wants and Tendencies of the Day"will be considered; Thursday, July 6, .will be devoted to the "Homo Work of Presby- terisnism;" in the evening, “the Reform. ed Churches of the Continent" will be the topic; Friday, July 6.. will be devoted to Foreign Missions ; Saturday, to Unbelief, Christian Life, the Training oftho Young;" and Monday, to"Presbyteriisn Literature." After the formal adjournment of the Council public meetings will be held in Edinburgh and other cities. Mount Baker, a volcano 11,000 feet high, situated on the other side the Btnita, is now active, and present: . beautiful night " neon from the city of Victorie. Venom:- ver's Island and vicinity. It: summit and sides are covered with - winter and summer. just like the Olympian range, 80 miles distant. At allaemns the verdure of the plains and the foilage of the lower hills present a beautiful contrast to the snowclnd mountains, of the Washington Cotton growing has mat with marked success in California. The one of land adapted to the cultivation of the article in estimated at 15,000,000 mes, lying in the interior counties of the State. As much u 600 pounds to the acre have been produced in some counties, and lost year 1,000 ms were devoted to cotton growing, both on irrigated and anirrigated lands. In the Reichstag on Wednesdsy the bill fixing Leipzig as the the sect of the Imper. in1 Court of Germany, wes adopted. The Nun's correspondent remuks that the lameness of the mqioritr-r1-whteh favor. ed hipsig " the seat of the Imperisl Lew Court, caused e great surprise. This is the severest blow yet dealt at Prussis and the work of centralization and consolidation. funine in impending, end dope are being taken by the cooperation of the lug.» cities to provide work h the ttmmqAtrds In Shaman. England, they no mum- bctming paper wheels for nilwey ou- nigee. Asortofframeworkootee1ituii. ted with compressed paper, which ls then dried in a heated air-bath. It is said that those paper wheels have In amount: of elasticity which nukes than: mpedor L) those of steel or wrought Iron. The deatitution Among the industrial ell-min turetrit"tposdaabeirtgan The Victoria. Mutual. REPAIRING done with NMTNESS and DESPATCH. The Subscriber, thaw for past fawn, would inform his thurtomem," end habitual of Dundalk and surrounding country generally. that he is prepared to make to order, ind of the best material to be had, WAGGONS. BUGGIES, SINGLE AND DOUBLE. CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, , HABROWS, ROLLERS. . HORSE 1113935,," - - - On very FAVORABLE TERMS and LOW INTEREST. CASH BUYERS May rely on getting CHOICI Bunnms in READY MADE CLOTHING. TWEEDS, BLANKETS, WINCEYS, PRINTS, etc 13’ Sum; MADE To 01mm. His stock of GROCERIES will be found complete. THIS HAS BEEN DONE IN ORDER TO CLEAR OUT THE BALANCE OF FALL AND 1lihrAr..llnilCilT/lplr or DRY GOODS, Must BE SOLD during the coming 30 days. Fearful Excitement in Dundalk! WOOD! WOOD ! An examination of prices and quality wiiiuj. satisfy all that this is the House for Cheap Gonods. -- m E. BROWNE. Groceries, Dry Goods, HardWare, m is now prepn-ed G 8011 goods at a. very small advance on cost, to suit the times. A full assortment in The undersigned would beg to intimate iiU, many" friends and patrons in I and vicinity, that having started B I Purely CASH Business. GRANGE STORE IN DUNDALK. Threshing Machines, Sewing Machines, Reapers &Mowers, The Best in the Market. --'.o."--- Sunples for inspection opposite the AN0L0-hMERICAN HOTEL, DUNDALK. Orders unlicited and promptly filled. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Dundalk, Feb. 8, 1877. Dundalk, Feb. 28, 1877. DONDALE, __ When you can purchuo All kinds of Im laments from the different humming Cornwa- of Ontario, such on Iron Ind 's'll')',','llt fume GANG PLOUGHS. SINGLE PLO OHS. Iron and Wooden balm with steel land side; Cultivators, Drum and Log Land-rollers, Iron and Wooden HABROWS, Revolving And Bulky HOBtukRAEEli, Self-Dumping RAKES. FANNINGuMILLS, WAGGONS, BUGGIES, BAWTNG-MACBrNE8, BOAD. Scrapers. superior Broadcast SEEDERS, md Spout Drills, Dundalk, In. so, 1877. Caused by II. GRAHAM reducing the price of GOODS to wit Gat of CORDWOOD. TINWARE of every description at Bottom Pnces i EAVETROUGHING AND ROOFING A SPECIALITY. FIRST-CLALSS PLOUGHS FOR SALE CHEAP. Mop next door to the Post Oibre, Warn-.1) '.--Any quantity ot WOOL, Woorsurrcxrmus, Slums, Emu. Att, , to" An apprentice wanted to learn the trade. L'ttl ARohetUo ' returningthnnhtoth bli f hub“ tm . M70 'del"dt now 't'lh'h'fgli',l them that they 'lh'ull',12'd 'd 1t,'tWd,"lh'l,l' I? their line " prices never bdrm hand of. Cook, Parlor, And Box Stoves Painting Done on Short Notice, At the Stove '.yPf.rIyre.ree,Xt)t-trtrii'tsts, DUNDALK. STOVES AND TINWA'RE: Dundalk Carriage Works. Dundalk, Feb. 20. 1877. Dundnlk, J an. 29, 1877. . WHEELBABROWS, And Anything also in the wood line required by the community " lugs. 1,000 Volunteers Wanted! MONEY TO LOAN! Prices__ lower than ever, ndebted to H. G. will settle before the first of March, sud save SODIETIIING NEW. TEA, (PEA! m. TEA cannot be surpassed for PRICE or QUALITY First class FAMILY FLOUR_for "u,--0HEAP. . L. MARSHALL; AN APPRENTIGE WANTED, - THE T?LME--ptoton Street, near the “my T. B. GRADY. AND BY A FIRST-CLASS ARTIST. 19AM) csssiasiii'iCiusss " run“. BOOTS AND SHOES, ete., which CHEAPER THAN EVER! IN ENDLESS 17mm, e , EU., Ete., ALWAYS ON HAND. Boqts and Shoes, Patent Medicines, GO TO Gummy. TORONTO LITTLE l ROBERTSON. B? GRAHAM. Moat REASONABLE Terms, All Putin wishing to punks-o I Lot either for . BUSINESS STAND, TAKE NOTICE. REMEMBER THE PLACB--Pmst Ollie. Main Street, Dundalk.' Which he often, for sale for CAME as low " can be got in my plus west of Toronto, LAMPS, COAL OIL, FLOUR, SALT and WINDOW 8A8R CUSTOM WORK, BOOTS AND SHOES, PM "n.., 1'77 Agent for Puuryu oeUbrUed Plough. Pointa and land side: ulnyu on hand. All jag-1.5% indebted, either by Note or Book Account, are rrqucstod to settle up Suitable for Men, Women Ind Children, kept Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Harness, Trunks, Curry Combs, Dundalk, February l, 1877. Building Lots for Sale. t',tll ttll ”a; iiiN.C, ". fi? iid “g Fin: 513% 4sf, si,?, , ' E T. HANBURY & BRO., Should Apply at Once to M W M Q DEALERS IN, AND MANUFACTURERS OP, ALL KINDS or G. R. MIDDLETON, either for harness or in Boots and Shoes. mule of the very best Material and by Bold Cheap for Cash. E g 2 th " . Pr',.', It " ”Fifi???” THE BEST IN nunnm, The Subscriber duo keeps on hand 3 apply of Inspection Invited. Brushes, Whips, Etc. wware, Boots and Shoes. A LARGE STOCK or? DEALERCIN oNTRR Ete., Ete. FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN. McAULAY, tit “Ed 55? nos! APPROVED mus a- ' wand... """t"ttixtt BEST 3m " THE ART in '""'dtqtintuvaeru.ot,u,au or In “Gum " Job Department. Possess” Great Funnies , a Ill Large Circulation Dundnlk Guido. Opposite The Post Office, “DUNDAL E GUIDE,” “locum-Andaman! i M»; FOREIGN no " OOLUIN PAPER I" manna. an. h, JOB WORK “Dundnlk Guido " m wmm GREATEST ' Promptitude FAMILY BIADING lATTIB, I? POSTAG I ran. WORK. ahmrU cub-ails. {of the Asrdesa-usas o! Pttmitomm Am- g. town-nun a on, PRIME-I- makes it u: "salient “who mum DUNDALK, IN ADVANCE. THE IDITOIIAII. “dull-n “work“ OPPO Wat TIOL, N MUSIC KILL]?! Cor law Olly for l upon hm Dundalk hub of J the lbw Ila-ml“ nzunm Swank The Bald THE is. in an “panic N o W Pint-ell The hunt l'rm Ind Dn- a. m, te mus which Au "It Adve I, oet't SW 1 NE _ Ml BO; as. Um WW) PM " " At t) Atit mull mull mu om TR D. In.

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