Wk: oh “hand: gcveatisa Guelph will eeulsmt. Ibo nary of tho building of h '" The m. h in tcu/di" yot'tdthnm- “P8 Count; of Wellington. l' Nut,†. if .Umyne, “Eh Mint. a. Tht company [iv-u: fraud, no about it I .1 mil In: relented tttie Inuit-fly 't the valu. " Jon. The c aims against ud Iuaemott in In N , uncut-d that tho In. and mum“ NS..- A..-.nl.. au' he“ I“. m mm Enron. with: is “and a... - 'ymthbrrimisa 3 M“ iaa.a. arrow Gauge. " mum-0' " the town, anth. 7“ Hui rrieivedoturi . r, 71¢!le elmmt, h mi.' ':,rur ". .n be ofbeiet and twmn Turkey All r 'tupytelrstitpru, 't unknowing b m three camera. In of the WI. max-m withorat tho , preparation- m: utmost "thdtr ly int "thin nil On bte E " “m. Sum: “a; rams: ofthe BM“ l’urusl, on “w. I “noun-“MD"- rosrrr--Mr. Elma ., k' mun-r of.n quf. he net-lion of. W r, on the Itth I... i u on Saki)“, W. u allaee & McNab, " ,ttuteture will be of L ' ubutm to h nf August. Innalule from W“. 11 Monday in m "self Davis, cw m the Townghip " him in Ehim, m 'li'h. wherehoelovu-ly the animal a... p. three of I“ h†l N killed the do. " nu unable“) u†Gve. than an engin- ‘1 (lumen by.“ “L: of tho no“. d T for Wm'.“ let 4 Pilhinettm, sheep can u l the like. in mall. .nu-m of I town. has tire hotels bar f the Bib]. "ast'ite (a ildittgs who“ 111,9 abotrttmettm. The trtlttert canon. l uplay tIto 2t mp5. cost the Wu " so largo " tlo. pro to P'tr 50.: tho Frriakt ship- on the :rnilway. In destination the saving fl. turned with him â€use had writ- that he in. in the name ofDav'n eaptttred.---lmro " grzntu} “010-, who many“ rim. twelve M. 4:01: shop. In! rt {sch-neat. two hulur sh as, to. r 358,!!!) was ox. f â€Medio- w Tttttt 3 portion an! making tho profitable and to»: 1rutom d that until and; " have "at. n the .. ""19. which the my) In the 6tit ad. In hf milmtr Tate!!! erttKrN â€will: at t! . 't rl mum“!!! to, r: deepfy inter. ft: tsttd the in. wr' thinh Illa. Imiblu mthom. all“ will be "orithstauaime "aaees. would u the sebum, nut. unwilling , harm gum Its way into this ma bud "Immune.- M {run nope-dbl. vtt'ter. Th, ("I "al, 3113 u minced in "Mais: " It! activity principle." :anInIgn- h " M q manning irc, limited Fclintt In. ran ed by it improve- nun a than". annoy- Tomato arukatimt regular " '.. but , tho and m†this the av. 'av. irttuoram,rBa1t,oom_mteiygPtVy. Punching not] noond Sabin“) in tho some place.me it no an. Cot. has pnyor muting - “My oven- ing. 1m. c. Hint. um. r "tthath School - WEI in the School Homo, commanding " 10.80 A. x. DCXDALK CHURCH DIRECTORY. Brvomt---r--an tho Presbyterian Church. Chguwotih, on the Ifth inst., Hai.--." Dundnlk. on the 37th inst., tho wife of June: mana of . daugh- Mvtrrm-let Wsrutt, Eons}. on the 19th minister, in: gone to Itatr' {of V the iGiiii of his health. The Humilton Spam will henceforth he published by Noun Sonthem & Cary, ht. of tho London Fred “on. on by-law 269 nppointing Fencevicwers 0nd Ptttlunntsters. Committee mac and to "ad progra- with luv-to hit again 2r'll','hl',', the 2nd of April, when the By-hw will be read I third time. The Pullman are to make a return or their â€baubles.- (l helm the 20th of July, 1577. That MI mad work is to be done in the Nahum: in which the lot or Intel no 31'th Pm. wag. ordered to Council tor one (by! sessibn. Council limits. Accounts from Cluulcs Douro. (N, for refund; nod Mrs. Warren, " serubb. ing 91.50, were ordered to be paid. Ap r'iralion hom John Stewart. asking: Cunn- ril to be removed from B. S. Nu. a into S. N. No. 8; and npplic-tiou from Trustees of S. S. No. 6, u to the Common School tax- as of lot 1 on the 4th an; petition of (rm-r349 Rutledge and others was laid on the table; Petition of Wsu. Kennedy and t them, asking the appointment of Wm. l Hacking, Pttthmastor,id Flerhmton Station urns granted. The Coaami1im1 not outer- tnin the a “cation of Trusteesuf S. S. No. 6. Mr. 1lt,t'll'1' moved, tseconded bv Mr. Wrinm, that the . plieation of the I’dice Trunk-u of Munro, wanted by Mr. hydiot, be mot entertained by this Council believing tur have no power to pans It, law: commuting statute labor except 1e mun» be mule to apply to “as whole mun- 'teipartty.--C-ud. The Reeve issued his order to indimntn for March. Bylaw 289 'M intmducod Ind rend I first and â€and time. Council went into C mnmittec Spun“: 8911991__ov0ry “bun: Wu ll The Holywoll divans Bill as reported from the Senate was read the first time. The mt of the time till two a. m., was taken up in the datum on the tariff ques- tion, and unendments of Sir John A. Mae. donnld and Dr. Orton. At two o'elock in division was taken upon Dr. Orton‘s am. endment to the, unendnwnt which was lost by, my. 113, yen. 74. Sir Joltn's nun-hunt In: hmt by 119 ,nnys to 70 you. tad the original moticn‘for the Bee. ond lending ofthe resolution im, then car- ried by It!) you to 69 nays. Tim My. DI. PTrtyoy, flt.woelesay Br --H- __,.._._....- my - walla. Mr. Domville followed in a long sperth, liter which Mr. Thomson (Welland) and Mr. anht apoko " some length. but whim; new was elicitul. The debate was uljuumed at twelve. Ottawa, March 2'2. The debate on the, tariff was resumed by Mr. lawn in tlb speech of nearly three hour. long. m was followed by Mr. Lauri". who ridiculed the indetiniteitess of the amendment, of tho Opposition; and de. fended the we!“ tariff as _rittNeiently pro- teetive, even from a protectionist's point of View. He duo exposed the inconsistency of I putty that took credit on the one hand for obtaining the abolition of inordinate Mn, MN] on the other demandcd a retaliatory tttyr ngninst the Americans. Mr. Blah did not think the amend. ment Advil-Mo. tad Mr. Cameron suggest- tP day-lo m for "mounting the ur IThe Bill In. withaia,m and the Home by the Rev. Juno. Cninuon, Mr. G. B; Brown, omens-a. to Miss M. Polt. The . med debate u m Mr. C 's Civil Let: 'mtolution 'dl'2ie,u?",'git miter eon-idenble discunxion the motion In spud to, Ind the Committee struck. Mr. Cool moved his Election Law Amendment Bin, the object of it being to, e'"""'" the working of the bal.i M 'ne-C---" the Presbyterian Climb. glut-10m. on 31:9 18th inst., It. um'n Mill routing to larceny Mid liable to the cases of puhlie oth. Gill-no withold money held in trust, was and a ucond time and referred to . Select Committee. by the; 19v. "ek Cyyron, yr; inst., the wife of Mr. has Murphy, P. L Ir., of . daughter. 7 All" some diminn upon Mr. Ban. Itu'l Bill for the Lotte: prutection of life in coal mine. of Baths]: Columbia, the Bill VII What-awn. --N." --- .v. - mun“ reaming or his bill unending the law relating when}: a! eontgaet. The motion was carried by I mjnfity of 79, and the Bill was read anec- Tho an" nations business of the House v. allowed to tstand over until the return a! “I. Premier. who in attending his broth- efl Atnerat a Sunk. Tho Afternoon wu “union devoted to matters of secondu-y input-knee. Mr. Uthane's resolution was carried through committee. for im ing in license e, ':.f,,P? T importer: 'JIr21'i2dit'ge,e, V _ -"-V --e".'_"" out: mumncmren of stills. Ind worms. and adopting a fresh 0W0]! of Inwar- houses " relieve dunner have". A resolution mending the term: of the m relating to the adultery ntion of drug: and food was agreed to. Quite a Main took place upon Mi. fihe.it motion ICI",' second reading of in n ........::_._.,-. ,7 ' .. . . - Artemesia Council. '. fPtteit's Pill raining ovary "and B.trtnth Vin the M616“ 1.x. _of_Aontieh., a Miss Ottawa, March 28, Ottawa, March 21. Ottawa, Much go. {I M Family M 'eu. '. Dundhk. Fob. a 1377. . “imam Owen Sound _ an: tht I'? STATION, . . " Dunddk. Begs to inform the ink-Hm bl Din-din uni sicinitr that he has on hand and foe ad. a line “wk ot Dont lose this opportunity of securing first clue corn meal at the above quoted te- markable low prices. Only one our to tt't,tf ettn't be ro- placed at the me . _ ground and bolted in the but mills on the Continent, in which . speciglity il made of grinding cam only, and which is well worth MOW pelorrt.lyswm thtn may k common .grist mill ean' produce. - Net-i Price, at Fhsherton and PrieevilU Stations Residence and oflie.e--Next the Photograph Gallery, Dundalk. it A few choice Farms for Sale. CORN MEAL MONEY T0 LOAN at Eight per cent! Oyster is-, Conveyancer, etc. Mr. P. WHITTLE! .. tub auii,... Eggs, per doz......, Potatoes, per bag. Tumips, per bush, Hay, per ton......, Pens, " ...... Dressed Hugs, per 100 lbs Btrtttr,.royty per Ib......... Fall Wheat, per bush Spring Wheat " Barley, " Oats, " TOYS, FANCY GOODS, CONFECTLONEBY, ' -' QANNED FRUIT. . CANNED FISH. 'e SABDINES, FRESH OYSTERB. Ito. Also that he In: quad luv 'Full Wheat per bush......., a 'sz'ing Wheat " ......... ‘Outs " ........ ‘Barley " ........ Pena " ........ I Hay per ton.............,.... I Potatoes per bags...,...... l Pork per loo................. l Beef " b................... ' Hides " ................t... I Sheepskins each............. 4 Butter pct Ib.................. 1 Eggs per dom........ ........ I Wood, dry, per cord....... 1 NICHOL * ROBERTSON. Priesrvitle, 9th March, 1877. *h-‘I Discount allowed if taken in quantities. NEW ADVERTISMENTS. ten years, and is to day more popular than over. As a summer rostorntive it stands ctrnrivalcd; it enables the system to bar up against the constant drain to which it is subjected by a high temperature. Persons who are subject to biliow, Colic, Dysontery, Indigestion. ta. should take the br Shosho- new: Remedy." Price of the Remedy in pint bottles M; Pills M cents a box. Supp-ion: yy tlr.ied. yc_Llow can: mel, ,. "WV ---P'"""""ir majority of diseases arising from its impuri- ties. It stands " ahead and unequalled among the hundreds of Com mating medi. cines of the day. It has ll',',',,'] the test of Is an Indiunve etablecom nnd,com d of the juices CE variety Tl',',',',',',',.':"),'?,'",,:'. dieineé and plant: And herbs; the vnrioun properties of those different ingredients, when combined, in no constituted as to act simultaneously upon the Blood, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Digestive Organs, Nervous ‘System, an, restoring their functions to healthy action, and. being purely vegetable, is as harmless u Nature’s own beverage. This medicine is I decided benefit in all, and a permanent cure in a large majority 1 or diseases of the blood, such as b'eorfula, [ Erysipclas, Salt Rheum, Canker, Pimples, etc. In prescribing this medicine we do not claim that it always performs cures! but this wr do say, that it ttrifles and en- richos the Mood, 'ia'rlld'ntQ. curing a large I Only $3.50 per barrel. TFC Ptiitii4C9Pi, Each Department is oohbiété' and'we Fiii" 'iiriiiiiUi of gitdng satisfaction to all our customers and others who may favor us with a, call. Come and examine goods and be convinced that all we have stated is correct. Immense Bargains LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. The Great Shoshoneea Remedy. TORONTO MARKETS. Tonox'ro, March 21 The EASE ...... 10 00 to 16 00 $1 32 to 1 87 to M to 21 to 14 to l " to 73to 600to now " 1877. , 1877. 91 48 0 20 o l5 1 60 62 74 75 14 PHOTOGRAPHS dill! $1.00 of you“: he tech troudidant he 1tantriGr gaunt-won to all. Prune: of MI kinds has: in stoek, and supplind to n pawns to suit the mass. An inspection Rum solicited. Note the Price --Copying done " reasonable RATES-. g'ati, Buxinesa at 7 UNDALK, Andi: now pregnant) to the Mega _ of .n kind: bum phs LOCKET T0 LIFE SIZE The Suburiber begato inform the Public that he hatrmtylesd the Photo. .. . - ~u~- --_-_ "no-““5 more than seventy pounds, yet is ca. able of carrying any two grown poo M, ','l'it be given to the Ingest pun-clues: gram us. in our line, during the present year. TTT ERR 000 GOG ERR AAA ppp H1111 A beautiful one wheeled thuriage made of the very best material, with steel axles, round cumered boy, ya, gills. pump! Isluxiu--eompleu without (ping; "reach, hood-b105,! or. shaft ogupling}, fhtisue) garter now-bloc! or shut! Tlegit flttished after the latest design, and ough got: weighi_n_g A PRIZE !--Who will win it? PPP EEE n naugan [manammoo [gnaw â€Hymn THE sPECTROGRAPH 'oan 'sart.asst Walrus,“ 'aog pm "wing Toql pmmqaloa at†8u.vtlatq 'tsaptra8 giaq am P SHHJMXM J" Too" WNW" Roas pm, oNiq v punt; uo wq pu- ‘paqanmao ftilfhtoaotii my! " sq gulp ammouuu Kunnaodw: loom o1f'ering - on} pregent Stgock of Goods at COST W. Irons. W. Jam. 29, 1877. Tuving been in_ the Btrtine . number no†"up Mug V tii.uioirsax oiit 16 Iaqauuq airmanâ€) on†IN u} oouapadxa put; Sagan 'RI'IK’HIIJ HSVO 1101.109 " PI“ "l P..us Tr."P* lo 11V . Imago“: Tt strata imp TOAS put Imoma8tn8ug '91:; "on 's8tt.siI wink; 'imioroag 'itur.trava Jo Ma.usrs “91pm uu 'vugJ Pau'IIaJppo pm _ "."mi"rN 'iru,tettD P+rid 1"" “MS MoD) 'mmdyosap new Jo sxodto 1p: 01 “09091031" 9.1;an [{1th upon oqnaoxn mm sq â€95mm nanny eq ‘mul 41w.“ [unnamd ' Sugaq put 'o.rusgootrs mm m 8 'LLSl 'a WNW ‘novoqwu 'dogs Home}; [3901.“ P quot: aoop auo 'tuta qdtra8owqa-dogg T. B. GRADY, D. C. W. Dundalk, limb, 9, 1877. y-O Photography. Constantly on lull at the POST OFFICE, DUN DALK. Price only 82.00. DR. MCWILLIAM Wishes to notify atl parties indebkd to him, that they muat all and nettle More the first day of April next, as after that date all ac- cuuutu unpaid will be given into the Division Court for collection, " he in removing from this village. Dundalk, March 22nd, 1877. 118 Marriage thsrtitieattyts and Licenses, “01 'ttaT1astar YEMYNHJLV.“ "I'IOCE 'WAA LEAVING DUNDALK. . y8 _ Toe er ei “$3ng ‘uonoqs‘OIcI "GHLNVHHVM 330M 'l’IV 500 Agents Wanted lh swing, copvinitrom Photographs Chromos, Engraving, ma, Inrde my. Send 'ttrt for circular. to FENW CK d. THOMPSON, P. o. Box IM, Winghnm. :l'o energetic‘ag n2 gammy“ J. J. MIDDLETON, Issuer. \Vueek '. Special “tuition given to linking Mic- and Nunavut; .bootc. Tern!- spied} on]: Jr - mule tpitgttTtll,Q . h tty Ist,,,'),,'??,',? KW,“ I Eloy“, and G'tirtruGra ',jEiiii] ii, Til, wire. for the put 15 yearn, a feel- tsordid- epc in laying that entire "tutatstion will he " greatly reduced price: to unit tho times, Ipd - none? but firat.ssta" workman no cm. Boots and Shoes the mummy?“ Dundalk and "Including country for the very 1ti'fg,tttgg given in the put, would the call air attention to the not that he in determine to sell This Companv having fuliiiled all the con- ditions required by the statute in now pre. pared to receive npplicatiom for inaunnce on Fun, Village and Mercantile property. The Connpnny divides its business into three branishei, viz. ' Farm, vaeutead and Mer- cantile Rich, each of which branch“ [ny- it. own lone- and no more. Geo. Jackson, Esq., Ex-M. P.., Durham. Jun. McMullen, Esq, Mount Forest. G. A. Drew, Eur, It. I)., Elora. G. T. Orton, EA., M. P., Fergnl. ROM. Stevenson, Esq, Arthur Township. Sidney Smith, Em ., Arthur 'l‘owuahip. Calvin C. Green, (ism. Arthur Village. A. Mtsiklejohn, Esq, Harristun. Thomas Sh“, Ea ., Mount Forest. P. W. 't'dv'l'llid','%".', Mount Forest. W. W. WiMeld, Elan Mount Ewe-t. W. H. Kym, Eaq., . omlanhy. Thou. Smith, b"yiid'.1.1'g'r"g1g,; Y.rmm MIrrfloch, , 1., Egremont. Save Your Health Wm. cauidtioi, Esq; Eigremout. Dam 7 1airii%i.' FIRE INSURANCE CO’Y Pay up is a nostrum gut up by people to delude their creditors and to injure Dundalk. The words "Pay Up," have spread over the country like the Potatoe Bug. If a. distance from home and the pen 1e know you are from Dundulk, the chilgren will be crying after you “pay up. fay up I" I am a citizen of Dundalk 3n tradeiman and have no trouble with my customers. It so Imp. pens that when they become customers of mine they soon get well-to-do. Tho ex. periment is worth trying. The_ u,n.turtigntd,_in .rttaruittg thaake fo Rama rum: Annual: TO. Cure for 'Pay Op.' Mr. Joshua. Modeland, offers for sale on his remixes, About one mile from Dundalk, in the Township of Proton, a superior im. ported Durham Bull, " Abergeldie," which took tho prize at the County Show held at Floaherton. Also “Dumlulk Barron," a. very iirus Bull, two years old, and a cow named " Memento." with a tim, heifer calf by her side, sired by "Abergeldie." Pedigrees furuinhcd to all the above ani- mals from the Canada Herd Book. Per. sons desirous of securing well bred cattle are requested to correspond with the pro- rietor, or inspect the stock, as they will he sold cheap for cash. or reasonable time given if required. Address H. STEVENSON, Agent. ISAAC TBAYNOR. March 2nd, Local Agent, Dundalk. GEO. JACKSON, ESQ. EX-M. P. Thoroughbred Durham cattle I FOR SALE. i, KEEPING YOUR FEET DRY! Proton, March 15, 1877. OF BEouart L‘orost. misdiwuee khan in "xrungrs vwn-rusmnm '. JAMES McMULLEN,ESQ. IANAGER AND SECRETARY: GEORGE RENNIE. BOARD OF DIRECTORS THE SAUGEEN MUTUAL ACALL SOLIICITED t ran-â€â€™7. PRESIDENT I offered JOSHUA MODELAND, DUNDALK P. o, JOHN NORVAL. ' 9th, 1877. 5-6 1d Min£QuouSU FOUR r... 4‘; my km- At Ethel to Cash Purchasers. I Drum, Ga. Tho undersigned would bog to intimate tz'his many friends and patrons in 1 And vicinity, that having started a __ 7 Purely CASH Business. mu Groceries, Dy Goals, tiksari, GRANGE STORE IN DUNDALK. DUNDALK, Where you lean punk-no ull kinda of Iqt',tgt hom the different Mtuvtftieturing Companion omeario. such " lion and l oodeu frame GANG PLoUGipo', SINGLE I’LOUGHS, Iron and Wooden beam with steel land side; Cultivuurs. Drum and Iâ€: Land-rollers. Iron and W9oden HABROWS. Revolving and Sulky HolPsE-1tAliEts, . Self-Dumping RAKES. FANNINGnMILLS. WAGGONS. BUGGIES, tihWLNG-Mhcms'Es, ROAD- Scnpen. superior Broadcast SEEDERS, and Spout Drills, Threshing Machines, Sewing Machines, Reapers &Mowers, The Best in the Market. ---NK--- Sunplel for inspection opposite the ANGLo-AMErtIcAN HOTEL, DIYNIMLK. Order: Iolieitod and promptly tilimi. SATISFACTION G' UhlthliOiEV Dundalk, Feb. 8, 1877. TORONTO TINWARE of every description at Bottom Prices ! EAVETBOUGHING AND ROOFING A SPECIAL l'l'Y. FIRST-CLALSS PLOUGHS FOR SALE CHEAP. Shop next dunr to the I’nxt 0mm. Worrtrot--Any quantity ot WOOL, Wooss-ercratuss, Sunammxu, muss, Nc., &e., An apprentice wanted to learn the trade. Little & Robertson in returning thanks to the public for the liberal patrouoTe tlv-y 111w received, now beg to inform them that they are prepared to furnish cvcryihitvg in unn- line at prices never before heard of. Cook, Parlor, And Box Stoves At the Stove and 'l‘invva r0 linlpori um. DUNDALK. STOVES AND TINWARE! On very FAVORABLE TERMS and LOW INTEREST, Bis stock of GROCERIES will be found complete. iwoonz WOOD! CASH BUYERS May rely on getting CHOICE BAHHUNS in READY MADE CLOTHINEL TWEEDS. BLANKETS‘, liTNCErs', l’lilfl'l‘h', do Dundalk, Feb. 20, 1877. THIS HAS BEEN DONE IN ORDER TO CLEAR OUT THE BALANCE or Must BE SOLD during the coming 30 days. Fearful Excitement. in Dundalk! Dundalk, Feb. 28, Cuuod by H. GRAHAM reducing the price of GOODS to suit that of (‘URDWOOM now pruned to ""oott,t'tggtttttro-oo-uttatim" Still Ahead! Ee., Es... _ _ “may; ON 1LLND. I --taN-.-, 'af.iov"'i-1stutuitvatiti1,raituruith- . W. L. MARSHALL, MONEY TO LOAN! SOMETHING NE‘V. AND WINTER STOQK tl?', DRY GOODS, ndcbtod to B. G. will settle before the first of March, and "save costs EAR!) CHEAP FOR can on tunâ€. First class FAMILY FLOUeror sale,--CuEAi', IN ENDLESS VARIETY, CHEAPER THAN EVER! BOOTS AND SHOES. etc., which "Iii, "dt" I DA , D. DAVIDSON. His TEA cannot. be surpassed for PRICE or QK'ALITY! Kr.esusrs MADE To ORDER. Botts Init Shoes, Patent Medicines, UROWN EC. LITTLE & ROBERTSON B) GRAHAM. III S Cw Mondmboinsm lulu-wing MM calm. BEST STYLE " THE ART is now MOST APPROVED KINDS or rm: “Gum" Puma om. lulu Job Department. Possesses Great Facilities T n til Large Circulation l)undnlk ‘G ui a o. "DONDALE GUIDE." The Post Office, FOBEIG N AN D and contain- 3 not amount af Mating 28 COLUMN PAPER NEW Medium for Advertisers. JOB WORK “Dundalk Guido " Promptitude Atttt mun: GREATEST FWY NEWSPAPER READING MATTER If POSTAGE FREE Wed upu1turevu.otsu,md LOCAL N EWS. Tef ble TE, should “1)me (a: in. furdoiitikindastt mace Il.00 I'll. Axum: q )ppuuiue done in the nukes it In eucllont Ali who want I good rmmmumg MARKET tttpours, DUNDALK. IN ADVANCE TOWNSEND & co THE DITORIAlB.