Ontario Community Newspapers

Dundalk Guide (1877), 29 Mar 1877, p. 2

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“'3.“ m discovered who on “dwammmmehom "Mon-mod. Ptrtofthehouae. WM" nvodhndumgodcon- a... U . new.» Mon was w qrtttt Oh Hiding. M in a Guitar-teport-dams. iiAiiiatat'iiutt1tuaoi-id-, -hbtmqr by h tau-0w: and} tt-i-'-tooootn"bqtgetiberaliy. Tn Noah Guy'runponnoo Bond have -i.o-dofonohrtndroddollam "tho “vi-da- at the mit-must who yin-04th stick a! hood loaded with ”mewoodintho yard 'set-g-u-br.. which trick n- MhNWIpdhiluon. rtrm.-ah, Bud-y Moon hat-bout 'mro'e1oeh.tho width. honubelong. mulr.wuowoll.&.. 'itil;,,':,) townhip. Lu sold hi0 but: " 95,000, number of urea not mentioned. Tam Township of Glonolg Agricultural My will hold their annual Spring Show at Bullion and Bull- in Humble. on My. Ann Wth. Tn Spring 3110' of Sire Stock in cou- rotion with South Grey Agricultural Society Wilt 50 hold on the Society's -nds in Durham. on the 17th of April. A man! party hon Enplnnuia visit. ed tho Rev. Mr. 11ili's residence last Mon. k, owning. M '80 worth of one thing and W. Ind 1nd . good time gener- .th.--lfooéttrr. Bovu B-.--ehe mutation for the elation in South Brunt to the ontario As- ian”: will be but to day ('1'humay,). A. tho may. in the Riding “uptown to Bali. ha" been let, and M'illbo macaw” unlinein p M ho. The line bu been nearly all located. and“ ”rooted that them! will In W this your. 61ml. Paag.-at i. Impound to omn- hogan!“ Wir inowon Sound. Tho -itiear bu boon quit. (untidy n. “and, and a -ittess bu bun Anoint- d to “av-u an m " subscription. A number ofthe dim: have manoeM M-.;,. will I " can. m. Ilprin Mo! the St. Vincent Agri- cultlnl My ha been and for 'rmminy, am- April. in lain-d. Mr. Thoma Cur-caldera. of Collingwotd have g-tttrod no. to oppose wanton, Mr. A. I. M will Well be reelected with!” a m M. h N. W. Bagswar.-Th. oonmcu on Monday " m Public School. Dundalk, and Mr Mum'- Sclwul, 1Ulnnethou, will re-opeu wsinienccd in the trial of the case. " fitting upon the Statute books number of natal memos. ..-Hr. Guthrio. the member for South Wm. has introduced . bill to make - of (but. Inbjoct to the Larcency Act. In - any do not pay over money mu to new Thin in "raisewortl1y mea- n"... I. but that it will become law. A -utitaatioe batten done to suitors. in lamina! tin many to which they are on“ It in tr-tstty the use. that “301‘an mm. in t','i"jiiF::ii,'ot,i,i,"a,i) drained. than “’WAWMP. -- . To deeqriU the storm ham“ my efforts w an nah; but we know the now In. into an Gum: Miee " every crack “who. W.ud.drittnii day Wed. - o! In]! I loot not tim feet from [the number at bills or some public importance, bearing his ma, luvs made their appear ”Minot. new to be on ILA Wby, Inn. of than. much n his amendments to the Extradition Act, cannot tail of bearing good knit. Mr. Duke's ofheial visit to Batginml May occupied a good deal o." uh time during the recess. but nothwith- landing M interruption hohaa lucceeded -.The Alum“ Guam Bay. :--rt certain- Iyoum he obi-panama»: the Ministerof Jude. that he has been idle during the my coveted All day with about two We of now. end there in shout six feet orttgid. the door. To hoe we storm out. aid. h In, “an“ would be ixnpoeeible. We tim in hope oftt.tting thawed out in I " weeh' time, and then we my talk " Ind, 5‘0“an we have between tttre. end in! M of now on the level, whim techno“ my depth. We see that me u our exelnngeu hue had the and Ween had for name time, but we an “are our irursds we have no mud to be seen in Wank. nor m we likely to have my " some time to come. 1% ton Dani-1k. on Timothy evening, hunot-ug Onngevme on Thursday m. An engine Indsnow plow, which H It-ds/h at noon, Wednesday, got H In mike this aide of Shelburne in luv-Hal now, and stayed them all “M. The man which left Owen Sound "sWmt-armomingsrotaatu " this it...“ had to stay here until this W and Other Item! Mythowindgotronnd to thoNorth Wat. maid-co then up to the present in. My) 17. have had th. more“ “no!“ In] now that bu taken - " two "t"tr---oompletely blocking up the Hunk this union of country. A knight tmin run oi the truck new loan Bond, blocking the road from Toron- b all by Wetland-y. The {out o'clock onthmKrand Monday Int. min -oeUsathuing bulky-.51“ in THE GUIDE y. Cameron. Chabsworth, on the 8th in“... " the March 29, 1877. Mandy . large snow, n... m M... m mm a; then am domtto Toronto to stand his math-mum pouuon. Lon: monks comma inthe thigh. After .deqerauiight, in which Fo5upres1!otintuamn,tiU, succeeded in bringinghun I phonon-to Woodhridgo. a- -.._- 4.4.: u I .. _ position. Lam shotthi run we obtained * wan-m. And in company l with the mitelmnn, started in pursuit. _ They found Lon: oom- diam». from the town, having cut through the woods to void pursuit, on being communal” stop, he tired his revolver at the lwitchmn twice, misdnghim both times. The switchman than cloned with “a. desporndomnd both of them fell in the mow. and while in thin fell CAnuu or A WOULD " Tum Wane:- Bgt.-Ayn Friday afternoon nmnn by the name of James Lora was put " the T. G. M B. tmin " Klienburg, and by way of re- venge. placed a mil, Ind other obstructions ncms- the track. The trachea discover- ed them and funeral the man to Wood- bridge, when they tried to arrest him, but he unnamed to shout than. The con- stable obtained a war-rut, amt in oomptny with the switclmnn, Mayted in pursuit.‘ They found Lem lam. dim. (mm 4h- Fun. Accmrtsr,-0a Wednesday even- ing last, while a young man in this town, by the me of John Chenvins was leading a when with a long tether. the brute made a sudden spring on the man and 1 caught him in thebreust with its teeth, bit- I ing him rather severely, and breaking one I of En ribs. The accident, however, was not thought to be very serious. and Mr. Cuavins was able to go about Wednesday anemoon. when he took a turn for the worse, and about 1 o'clock on Friday, death put an end to his sufferings. It is suppm ed that his lungs were injured, and that internal hemorrhage was the cause of his sudden death. The occurcnce in par- ticularly painful, an the young man had only been married a few months, and had just started in business in 'iei'i"v12'-") .idvertieer. Fun. Asxarmm--tht Monday night hat, about ten o'eloek, on accident occurred at the Grand Trunk Railway Station which resulted in the death ofa young man named Thomas Cavnnngh, of Belleville, a brakes. man on a Height train going west. The deceased was running alongside of the tender, in order to uncouple some cars that were intended to be hdt at the station, 'when he fell into a cattle guard. m threw his am over the rail to save himself when the engine passed over it, crushing the bones of the arm at the shoulder and the hand. The poor young man walked with. out aeaistance to the station, holding the shattered limb. Dre. Powera, Clemeehn. and Hartman were called, who amputated the limb; but the ahock to the nervous aystem was too great. The patient could I not rally. and died " 7 o'clock on Tuesday momittg.--Port Hope Guide. ‘to the 2nd day of January, inclusive." This clause applies to rural sections only, orineorporateil villages where there are no High Schools, the new det making no change in the holidays and vacations of Public or High Schools in cities and towns, or in incorporated villages where high Helical! exist. Good Friday is declared a statute" holiday in all schools. Visa-nous m Punuc Scaoos.tu-..The new School Art, now in force, provides that "there shall be two vacations during tho your for public schools. The munmer vu- cation shall be from the 8th day of July to the 17th day of August inclusive; the win-‘ ter vacation from the 24th day of December chunun Actmmrr.--A few days since, between two and three o'o1oek in the after. noon, us Mr. J tunes Whiteside was moving his house across the Canada. Southern Bail. wey. about three miles west of Highgate, No. 19 freight train came speeding along the line. The house stood right on the track It the time, and loomed through the mist before the eyes of the engine driver like some "grant bay stack. There was no time to stop the tmin, which clashed through the obetruetion u if it wen-ea thing of card board. The engine had to return to St. Thomas, however. the pilot and head. light having been broken, and the smoke- stack knocked off. Gum thrautta.---We are informed that on Sunday night or early on Monday morning last, some party stole several bags of wheat from the ban of Mm. Amott, on (the seventh line of Euphrasia. Suspicion ‘rests on certain parties, and the case is being worked up. Should the culprits he caught they should be dealt with in a man. ner that will be a warning; to others simil arly ir-i1.--Markaste limiter. Ixronuuox 'Fasrarzr.--m, learn hom the Owen Sound Time, that an oldman byi the name of James Ritchie who left Orange. ville about September 1876 to visit his relations in Owen Bound, has not been heard of since. m is supposed to be slight- ly out of his mind, and it is thought, may be wandering around the country. Any information of his whereabouts addressed to Rom. Linn, Owen Sound,will be thank. fully reecived. l me, this in plenum!" Dismemsmn Yttrteorta.--our village was honored on Wedneldey evening lest with the presence of Judge Gait. and nev- ml gentlemen of the Legal Profession, who stayed at the Anglo-American Hotel. They were delayed here. owing to the enow blockade. No doubt they passed their time merrily while here, and we be. have each one felt like "yingt--'mitr" Mr. Hutch. e ancient from Knox College, Toronto, will ml: in the School House, Dandelk, nets-lee to cannon” st three o'clock. Mr. Hutch punched here lever- nl time- during the winter, with greet ec- ceptahility to his eudienee. Tu tun during this month hue been all amulet!“ cattle selling very quick- ly. The following prices were paid " the "GrehFair in Haunt Foreet: Dumper yoke. .15 to .110; can, $18 to $86; heifers. '18 to 925. Fat cattle brought from four to tive cent: per pound, live Wei ht. Snrouu Aocrn-.--0ne do: In: week. A has. tmmpUd on a. Arot of w. Neil McAnhy. of this Ville, 3nd maxed the lune too, n we second Joint, to no]: an extent. that line. then Mr. “all, ha been unable to walk. Ar Owen Sound,on Wednesday last week, the court house was densely crowded during the hearing of a seduction case,when about noon there was a sudden and strange re- port as if {run the discharge of n musket under that part of the floor where the audience was most closely packed. There was instantly a rush for the door, almost a panic, but the oitieers subdued the alarm and no accident occurred. On examining below it was found the Boorluut yielded. In the afternoon about two o'clock l the carpenters were below propping up the Boar when the pounding by them created another alarm and the Judge suggested that those of the audience who had no business in Court, instead of crowding over the dangerous part, had better leave for a time. All present, however, chose to brave the danger rather than miss the minntest details of the case. N" thumm.--A new urange was or- ganized on the 19th inst., on Lot 30, Con. 16, Proton. The name of the Grange in “Silver Mar," and the meetings will be held at the residence of Mr. John Me. Cullough. The following emu-bearers were Tn: Du! Doce.--Work has commen- ced at the Dry Dock. The Company are filling up the breech so as to construct the apron in front. The apron is to be com- posed of timber jointed and rivetted. and the intervening space filled im It is toe:- tend out from the level of the gate sill for the space ot twelve feet, which it is expect- ed will thoroughly prevent the lateral press- ure of the water from penetrating, And thus reder the Dock watortight.--ouren Sound Advertiser. 133393-90- to drum v _ -""'""re" luv-Ill"; Thoma Buteluluon, Chaplain; C. Johnson, Salami; J. Rutherford, Assistantmewu’d; William Watson. Gatekeeper; In. McCullough, COMI; Mm. Robinson, Pomona; Mia. Bonborough, Plan: Mm. Goa, Indy Aaaistant.trtmrarg. To dehmdant-r swear that you struck Francis Winters' cow maliciously and in an abusive manner. Thomas Potts, ttworm-On Monday evening I went over with my cattle to a lace I have rented from Francis Winters ; {put the fence up at the road to keep the cattle from coming back home again, and I saw J,'?,t,t.e.e,yyyii the fence down again. 'm,a, -r... -... ----, " , h - - - ----. .~ -___. Ivll“) uIIWLl " 'mll- The defendant was finod " and 534.85 Imtsts--making in all 86.85. John Winters, tswortt.--1 was aware that a dispute had occurred between Thos. Potts and F, Winters, on Monday evening last; On Tuesday morning I saw Than. Putts drive Wiuters' cows from the barn yard across to a field where Francis Winters' house stands; they remained there without anything to eat till about six o'clock in the I afternoon ; Francis Winters was away from hum: and just returned about six o'eloek; the cattle were in the field at the time he came home, and he attempted to drive them to the barn or to the water; Mr. Potts was nt this time watering B horse; when he saw Winters driving the cattle he run straight to the barn and came to meet the cows with a fork handle or a hand spike, I Jo not know which; he beat tho cow in the most inhuman manner I ever saw; he struck her seven or eighttimes as hard as he could, and she fell; I could not say whether it was the blows knocked her down or whe. ther she sank in the snow. John J. McCullough. Mater; s, J. htrtplusory 079m"; Isabella Winters, trworn.-On the 20th I inst. I saw Thea. Potts push a sheep of ours off the road into the snow, and we had to lift her up again ; she could not got up after it till she was lifted; the sheep was quite well before this took place, but Watt not well since, and is now dead, I believe from the abuse she received from Mr Potts; I saw him beat a. cow of ours the same day, most tuuuereifully, with the handle of a. fork ; the fork broke off the handle while he was beating her. I burn ', I saw Mr Potts have a, stick in his hand; do not know whether it was a fork handle or not; I saw him strike Winters' cow on the head with the stick; he struck her a smart blow. To defendant-You struck the cow, it seemed, as if to keep her from going into the barn yard. David Benny; ttworst.--] aiaw a dispute between Thos. Potts and Francis Winters, on the 20th instant, at the and of Winters' To defendant-t was at home when}; turned the sheep off the barn yard. 1 French Winters, ttworm-On Tuesday lust Thos. Potts cum on my place and beat s cow of mine with e fork handle; I forbid him to do it; I wanted to put the cow into the barn yard to feed, sud he swore by his God that if I put her there either him or I we 11d he in dead man; he also best a sheep of mine on the head with a whip stock, end after he put her off the road he kicked her and threatened to stick myself with tt knife ; the cow seemed un- well for two or three days after he heather and was bloated on account of the beating. [ dAlk, on A eharge of cruelty to animals. It nppeara Mr. Winters has rented his farm to Mr. Potts, but has reserved to him- self keep for two cows. The followingis the evidence in the above case _ On Monday use Mr. F. Winters, of oa. prey, brought Thou. Potts, of the lame Township, before Mr. H. Graham, at Dun, prey, who lost it the evening previous, And who thought the robe had been stolen. The hoetler " once secured it and gave it into the custody of Mr. McIntyre to keep bl Mr. Little. Mr. Coleen came to Dun- daik Ind procured a search warrant and brought the robe and Mr. McIntyre before B. Graham Indjohn McDowell, Eupu, J. Pu., on Fnday last. It is almost need. less to say that the case was dismissed,, Mr. Colgan having to pay the costs; the robe having been proved to be the property l of Mr. Little. Iran found [sleigh robe m Osprey about Go mum an. on MuxwelL m. Colpn'l brother-in-hw wont to church " unwell, on Hubbub, inking the robe with him, and driving into‘the died of Mr Neil McIntyre. The hustler recognised the robe u belonging to Mr. Gilbert Little, of the on, Saturday night week Mr. J ohn Cob Puma J. - _-- -- --" ununwmm C Co Court; 'elf8tmoeepsiui. Agmfinglghisduthhowumhhflth Bamtm.--About twelvo o'clock on Satur- day night, the 17th inst., Mr. J. C. Morrow was found lying on his back at thes main entrance to the Mannie]: Home Hotel, Barrie. It is believed that he fell out of the door on the t'ust flat immediately above the entranee--a height of about fourteen feet. m was removed indoors and Dr. McConkey sent for, when it Ina discovered that he had sustained eevere injury to the brain. um his collar bone was fractured. and that l1iawatelt.ehain wuhenging loose, _ his gold wetch. valued " 0120, being‘ mining. He lingered on till four o’clock on l Monday morning, when death put In end to his suffering. Owing to e suspicion of the accident having been caused by foul pray, it womemed advisable to 131d en '"et, w . wee opened on nude. mama. end wee ”Mung. 'uill'fl,% till Tuesday. After Lenin/5' Willem, the jury returned . verdict that deoeeeed cum to hie death from inemal imuriee Why» fail. The downed wee veil known in the luv eourta, having held for may you: the position of Deputy Clerk of the wau an; Fleas. Clerk ofttuAasia. “a IN-x, n r . . - l A Committee composed of the Wardcu1 Messrs. tr. Reid. Middleton, Burke, ue. Keclmie, Clsriatoe, Bennett and MeEd. wards, were appointed to purchase site for Registery Office at Durham, 'tqperiutend the erection of a. suitable building. ete, J. J. Middleton was chosen Chairman of Committee, and no doubt but our Reeve will nah the building through with his usual vigor. The meeting was brought to a. close on Tuesday. On a motion being brought up to defend the Dunkin By-lnw, it was carried by a large majority, only nine voting against it _ Your deputation therefore deeply deplore ithnt in the face of our boaatetHekpotisibie Government, that the interests of so im- portant a community as the County of Grey should be ignored from motives at the some time 'telfish and indefensible, and believe it to be the duty of the ntepeyers of this: County in future to select represen- tatives whose interests are identical with their own, and who can not with a. heartineim so necessary to the accomplish- ment of needed reforms, which was want. ing in this case. we regret to my, save in so far as the member for North Grey was con. cemed. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. J. Mmrrtarotr, Chairman. The report, was udoped with only six dissenticnts. tions to declare the preamble of the Bill proven, but on a division the motion was defeated by 52 to 22-the leaders, of both political parties voting and evidently in. teresting themselves against it. But ymu- deputation regret to have to re- port thatthc Private Bills Committee voted the preamble of the Bill with which they were charged not proven by th vote of 14 to 9, which from the faet that several of those voting against the introduction of the bill admitting the impropriety of the Legislation affecting the division, and the‘ justice of the remedy sought convinces your deputation that the merits of the matter were not considered. and tut adverse majority secured by partisian inthusnee from both sides of the Chamber. When at A subsequent stage, the Chair- man of the Private Bills Committee read his report in the House, at the request of the deputation, the honorable member for North Grey moved, supported by an able and logical address, that the report be sent bark to the Committee, with instruc- That according to instructions, your deputation composed of the Warden and the Reeves of Sydenhnm, Normsn' y, Collingwood and Proton, proceeded to Toronto, during the late sitting of the Legislature, and u the instance of the honorable member for North Grey, two members of your deputation were afforded an opportunity of addressing the Private Bills Committee, touching the inconveni- ence and loss the then registery arrange- ments would entail on the tate-payers of this County if perpetuated, and were to- plied to by two gentlemen-the Reeve of Uleuelg and J.H. Hunter. Ibur, M. P. P., in support. of existing divisions. The deputation up winted at last session of this Council: to aid in fur. theringabill through tho Ontario Legis- lature, for the re-uniting of the County for registration purposes, beg leave to re- pod, T Greg _ thosrtarsas,-- tryto get the Registery of the County united, in accordance with the motion passed by the County Council, was read as follows _ To y Warden and County Council of The following report from the special Committee appointed to go to Toronto and The Grey County Council met at Owen Sound, on Monday last. There was a large attendance. The maiishr Stayner are La, up the evening before the mail leaves. Mr. Wilcox has thoroughly relitUd hi: hotel, and made it capable of tureommodat. ing the traveling public in the best style. Steps are sad, taken to have 'In I. Knight Temple in this: village. The new gtiyt mill, neurLBlnck Bank, has been started, and will aceomodate a large number Who have had to travel long distances to mill. " (From our own Comcpondent.) Mr. John Montgomery, of Bradford, has opened I eam'age shop in this village. The third Socinl of the seriee in connec- tion with the Methodist Church, here, we. given by the Ladies Aid Society. on Tues- day evening but. Mr. Thee. Bolster yr.- aided, and introduced In excellent pro- gramme, in which the following ladies end gentlemen took pai.-hrtttritr-Miw A Wright, L, Amen-one, B. Lev, B. Chris- toe, E. Itiehardson, E. Demude, A. Bark. erville, M. Trimbie, end Mr. W. A.Cunp- ‘bell. Reading- by Miss C. Davis, and Messrs. B. Davis. M. Biehanuost.and A. G. Campbell. Address by Rev. w. Johnson, the pastor. We feel that the Ladies' Aid Society is greatly encouraged from the manner the Socials tsrrsptstrotliaad, and the pleasure realized " them by old and young. . tooo-ttnext Honky - in the Town Ball, in celebntbn of thyfourth An- nivormyd the Son: of Temperance at this place. To all thou who my (somo1 tromyourviiugtr,wo promise s planar evening's entertainment. l County Council Meeting. TORONTO Bands Items. Moved by Mr. Agmv.uoondodby Mi. ’FleminthM Andrew 8Urrartrmsrir. the "umotu0.00,beintruuuoe of Ill-(y u Colleetorforthoyur 1818.. and that the Mohammhr the "me.-Ahr. dad. Hovedbyllr. Agnew, seconded by Mr. Bttrd,th"tucunuinateuautouea. _i.tlhymoenttte-utr-inar, 1or"Ahm"tioo1,ooto,auactit'irr ofiot10,thm.1.-4umud. loudly, Mr. Planing. would by MLBodehMtheCh'kho inatmoto1 h order on the Township Treasurer for Gur dollar- and my cents. (a: hsving perform- ed statute hbor for Mr. Bowen. Toronto, and that the Reeve issue an order for the "mec--iied. Moved by Mr. Agnew. Ieoonded by Mr. Fleming, that Report of the Auditor'. " 1870 he received. and that the Clerk be inrtruetod to get 100 copies printedinpunq mummdthnttheneevehexqu-t- "toi-Ord-int-ttts. (,iiiiiiiii,j for the mount of their "gt-tion-. Mr. Boyd, that the motion panned st last meeting of the Council, requiring the Col- lector to deliver up his Boll, on the m inst., be amended by extending the time be delivery and! tho ht moz.-Airiod. Moved by Mr. Flemingwooondod by Mr. Con. 18, across the Saugeen River. " Boon as the weather will permit.-Ctuzied. Moved by Mr. Agnew, seconded by Mr. Railing, that the Reeve he Appointed to kt and inspect the erecting of I bridge on the 190 Side line, out of Proton Station, between the townships of Proton and Arte. ta'sia--c.uaial. Moved by Mr. Planing. wounded l." Moved by Mr. Agnew, seconded by Mr. Modohnd, that Mr. Fleming be appointed to let and inspect the repaidng or erection of Bridges on the 7th and 12th Side Lines, I‘__ 1" _. __ Moved by Mr. Boyd, seconded by Mr. Modeland. that the accounts of John Vert. for messages. Returning oilieer's Ber. vices, Legal expense: and accounts of sta. tionery, amounting to 811.00. be paid, and that the Reeve issue an order for the same. -Carricd. h Moved by Mr. Agnew, seconded by Mr. Boyd, that James Menzies receive the sum of M0.00, being part of his suluy as asses- sor for the year 1877, and that the Reeve issue an order for the satms.--Carried. By-law for appointing Pound Keepers. Pnthmastcrs, Vuluntors and Fence View. ers, for the current year. after going through the usual course, were passed. sealed, sign- ed Ind numbered each in order 151, 162 and IM, Ind engrossed in the By-hw Book of the municipality. Moved by Mr. Aguaw, seconded by Mr. Flemng, that By-law for the aplminlumnt of Pound Keepers. Patlunaswrs. Valuutors and Fence Viewers, for the current your. he read a. second and third time in Committee of the whole with Mr. Boyd in the chain --Carrist. Drums of By-laws for appointing Pound Keepers, Valuatoru, Fence Viewers, and Pathumsters for the current yen- were with leave of Council read a first time. Moved by Mr. Agnew, seconded by Mr. Boyd, that the taxes on the Collector's Roll against one Wm. Bay, for Lot 19, Con. 4, who In: left the township, be not collected from Widow Stephen, she being in destitute circumstances, but that efforts be made to obtain the same from the par ty ttssetrsod.-Ca:uiea. Moved byMr. Fleming. seconded by Mr. Boyd, that Walter Dean receive the sum of $2.60 for the use of 1138 house for holdTng nomination for Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Councilors for the year 1877, and that the Reeve issue an order for the trtuae.--Cav. rind. l be dradud.-Ahstxisrd, By-law drafted, de. fisting the boundaries of ti. to. No 9, 11 and 8, and after going through the usual com-so of three readings, was passed, seal. ed, signed. and numbered 168, with Deputy Reeve in the Chair. Moved by Mr. Fleming, seconded by Mr.Agaew, than. By-law defiuiug the boundaries of fy S. No. 9, II, 8, and 10 At this stage of budneu the Council " journal for one hour. Council met and resumed business, Reeve presiding. payers of S. S. No 8 be approved to the ex- tent of dividing sehoottatior, No. a into two School Sections, and 22nd Side line be the dividing line throtvgu.-thuriod. Moved by Yir. Fleming. -tonded by Mr. Boyd, that the petition of the Rite- and [my to the Treasurer of the Munici- pality, on or before the lot -ot September next, the sum of "0.00.-4hirriod, Bond taken, also Note for 820.00 taken. Moved by Mr. Haydn. “can“ " Mr. Meaning, that the Application of It. Bel- hnv " ndditiel nun-nee " perform- t'iioboohtdtk'deBoubenot grant- ed.-A)-iesd. Moved by Mr. Agnew, seconded by Mr. Boyd, that the mm of 025.00 be granted to improve the hill known as "Bog Back," on the 6th line. provided thou interested in the neighborhood perform " any: work: gratin under the PM of the locality. I end that the aid grunt be expended under i the Comm-sinner of the Division.-.; ried. MOM by Mr. Agnew, seconded by Mr. Fleming, thnt the men of tuxe- Against lot No. 19, Con. 8, mounting to 081.82, be erased from the Roll on condition of Ga. Bolger, the present occupant, giving . bond satisfactory to this Council to per- form, when required by the Commissioner of the Division, work to the value of 011.32, Fob. u, med our Ind dophd. Th Trustees of Schools (notilUd) min - inteeioe,auUrmnueai-d of LiL,'." Tttiimatitsitetrootiwaasover. _ On 'l‘uendnylut nonofMIn W. Thurston, ‘of when”... About. four ycars of we, delowod . tin whistle, which stuck in hi, thmst and could not be extracted. Bi, In: tauetrtttrrtudl.vtonr.Boaaiaoaund the whistle to firmly tisml that. extraction was impraetie.Mo.Tho only resource was to pd: it down. 'rlih-mtion the duck): Wished. Tho WM tannins in the Mlulcnou Aaamtrr.--on Monday week while I five, you old son of Mr. Alex. Scott, of Smith. was touching bin little sister how to walk by walking backwards wt,tiuuuh1 herb-lull. he fell into n tub of baiting _ which Inppened to botandingontU f1ooeat the time, trnd was no Mlyoollded that notwithstanding ly "ottmd, the Hula follow died Thundny morning “MI-put Ameo'eiou.-gre-i. ton Ben. than a Khalil: risk. till a prion I“ fir. ed, whie had not been done when the tire took plum. Verdict for defendant. Cream t Morrison for plaintiff; Geo. Moc. borb " diam“. b Watmnt m. MCKINLEY,~This use was similar to the hat, and it um agreed should (Add: thr: malt 2! the ttUr. Inna on. Asamtmc---Plaintitr left a quantity of who“ " defendnm‘u mill. The mill with in do“ wan bummed. and this union was to recover tho price of the who“. It In Ill-got! that the wheat was legal points before T- ar "eoiikr'"iir. til; Pollud.nnd Inge: Manson for plaintiff ; Cram! Morrison " defendant. C301!!!” tm. Mc1maas.--This was an action for malicious prosecution. It was urged that the pliuititf had vitiatod his right of Betion by making an arrangement with defendant.' It was contended by 1nintitN counsel that thin settlement had Len made undu mm... The Court on- tered I "on-tmit, with have to argue the I-‘.I -- _ , n I I! - .. -- _ Quux m. Camus ntnatmott.--Ptison. er was indicted for stealing I fur cap from Mr. Rixon It the Coulson Home. in which he was a porter. His trauk was searched at the time, but no cap found. About I month afterward hit: tamk was searched again, and the cap found in it. Verdict-. Guilty. Btsuteneis--one month in gun! " hard labor. A. PM for Isroaeetttioa i In. Manson WM the prisoner. "no Grand Jury brought in a {me hill against Ihubam Earls for shooting with intcnt. (2rnaw u. War. Mcnator.--Tue prisoner was indicted for mailing a buffalo robe at Sinuiumphm in Janunry Inst. After Inu- iug (ma of the witnoam. the J Inigo dis. missed the case became the butrtuo robe was not produced in court. A. Frost for prasccutzon; Jas. Masson for defence. The Grand Jury found ntrue Bill against Cluus. Ferguson for thelnroeny of 1: cap. Joseph Karlie, Foreman; G. nickna- ’sou, Wm. Miller, Geo. Allen, Thomm Feud, Donald Fleming. Jame: Kerr, Jun. l Dunn, Henry Robinson. Geo. Atkoy. It. A. Stark, Thou. Kenn, Rom. Walker. Wm. 1 Douglass, I no, Person. Alex. Erskine, J no. 'Sutherland, Geo. Smith, Wm. Totten, Jus. Telfer. T. B. White. The follewing cases were disposed oc.-- mnxcsnn. Burn: m. Moore.-.Thu was an action for seduction. Verdict for plaintiff 0250 (Ir-ma. Geo. Muberly for plrmtiit; C. [ Mchden for defendant. _ [ (me the Owen Sound Times.) Tn: Bpeing Amino: for this Countyeom- meneod on Tueudny last before His Loni. ship Justice Gait. The criminal calendar contained ten canes, none of them being of I serious Master. The civil doc-lad comprised thirteen cases. A. Frost, Esq., conducted the criminal business on bch.ulf of the Crown. The following is I list of tho Grand Jury:- 8.-The mum Act so far in working well. the number of licenses being largely reduced and the respectability of the parties holding the other: increased. The Dunkin Act has now been paused in this county. which will prevent the pmsem Act from being thoroughly tested. t.--iNo Irete. have boon laid before the Bond of mmirurioners 8.CNone as known to sell rhtitjrivith, out being licensed but those who have beg-n ”Few“, - 2.--The efteest has been the reducing of intfmmnuee to} ooturiderable extent. Air-Win L-Whenever the could be proved to have been violated, (be provisions of the Act hive been enforced. Citation ir.-wut suggestions occur to you Mavens-ism a many ig'ra,'ii ttt n; provisions of the law, an what no ecu Ovation d.-What, if nny,persom luve compldnod‘of not being yanked licennes, and what was the nature oftheir comphiuh. and your replies Emma)? of Chen provisions ' _ . Quentin» 1r.--whu, ity Question 1.-Hbw In: have the provis- ions ofthe law been enforced? oenae Commusionatm throughout Ontario. with W to In working aim License Act. were mutated by the Board of Em any " hslloqrB:- The 1% “than“ by the Ptovitr sin! Savoury to the various Boards of Li. uni] the 2nd day of April, it the hour ol 10mm. to meet at the Hotel of Jno, Scarlets Bop.hiu.-irud. mailing-he- and he d um!- uum. on My "tistutoe, proof that thetitletotheleid lotwu veeted in the Crew: when has -d.-mmud. Moved hr Ill. Homing, seconded by l It. Agnew. that Mr. Boyd. tk eppointed e Commissioner to let nndinspect the e- rection of one approach to A Bridge, end two culverts ndiwent. on the 6th Con. line opposite lot No. M, as soon " a suitable season "rieotu--Cnrriesd. Moved by Mr. Fleming. seconded by Mr. Agnew. that ttsisCouneil do new 'd'Jlt) Quatian B.--WImt, if any, number of amnsm known to Dell liquor without ring ligansed, nnd under what eireum. Quentin. 9::th been the efteet Jon! Var. Tr. Clerk. Ptoton, Mth lunch. 1877. Spring Assizes. THE LICENSE ACT. mvnsnu. QUISl‘lOlI. The how Yolk Bin mud: no than! to Magma)“ Tweed will be relocated Una . 1troeirte mtytoduvdue of tasa'. . 1'lllll2! The clums' mun»! I". m. and [Wane an mmd ll "8tisrd. in!“ in expected that the “we coun- "ill he “mung-i 'oswor, my. will. saw u‘w Mug nude koi9mnitrGiila Ohm Europe with A Se.retfut. ll_ fy believed that Oukev 'umieiGGipa iiidiii' iiii'i"d,'i' 3?". mm by his obl mil...” it; of trd/L '7 IETYIHEJ-T My! oa.mud on with the The laced-Hon. hat-eon Turkey “In! ‘ouunogm hue been complW-Iyslnlvai. Idtsatu4t it i. mid, in tmdesavouritidr to nviwdn “In.“ the three culll‘luln Ind to who It I otthttion of the pram m 'ettthtir My Que-don without tin- no aou1,touta. Mly into the Min-um, whilst the Local Govammeut. unwilling "unwanted-my aid coma-um rei1wa.sm, wouhl Irroitauy grunt I portion ofthe rail-my sub-71y town! muting a. Toronto, Grey & I??? I pro6taUe and permanent artery to him of Oman. We 'is7,d'UthTd tttstil _ changes In those to which We have refer. rod dull lam Whale "narrow -" the WWW“ the road passes cannot - to “like the full ad, nut-go- of . who: um of railway communication with tho 'eeqteat norm-re. dildo at! 'tomm-.-or-igg. Hun. Another this: of 111t';l"'etT/ i. ' Her-eguvixn. After . hard manh- to obtain aeisarter I the Torouto, Gmy l Bruce lhilwuy war built on the "muvow plunge principl. .' and though it humnwdhiahly whamm- nun to the districts Muel- which it pawn yet, owing to the dild‘iuhavn re lull)“: from its exceptional gauge, und in hr.: t " carrying glint-1w. I Mung forliur, ! mm: up In the aluminum; saw! l, .: in (“or of changing in gauge, w :.~ I F we it uniform with that of the tro' f -,r . Why will ofthe country. 1:; C, " We. the “was. delays. and :r, w , ','r"'gq',',eiii,i1,cS/iy,r3..telta'?i, in T r "r, or It trroiutsot “won with other rand» ?pm.1.d be 'i't'ltl'l'2 the carrying "aparliy ml the hue would be largely iuercasvd, “mi V (he J,tl'le,ygggngj would he mlm-v l fr) palpation. var rates would alum fur the “fringe of freight than are possilulu: under the existing synlmn. To ell-Inge the gauge, struiqlxtnn Curves, Induce high gradients. and rc-luy the lute artth steel mill. would. perhaps. Cost alum! one million dull-n; bet oven at m lurgn an expenditure. we believe tIso prawn-ll Illa-dam would he found to my hoth ths. company and the country. b'm,iaut blllp- pod from or to any point on the :miluuy. could then be carried to its (lust-Imhn-n without “imam. and the sawing the: "isetod m we believe. mum than ooamteeuuao. the col! of the 1'1“pr- ment. The municipditiou on, and adj want t v. the nub etch. any” In deeply mm: ate-[in the We! - uml the im. provement. mqttmed, end we think that if they united upon lone fusible schema in m then dink. their elm!- wilt In nose-Jul. The 'saenttatt.vttotwithstaudine tbe cub-M 'itnte otita futauaeests,wouid It in now generally admitted thrt graft in; the mm": amaze on the milwuy “an I of Can-d: in an error which requires b, 2.. speedily com. Thinking men luv. Um from the tint, and nhungly olgl cted t u , “new departure" in railway can. fr ti. 2. ' but their Iguana“: were overruled by that “hm am "In ”helium. 14ml the grant anxiety ofthe pooplg 'to Num- “cheap nilnys" in than Ieioors of thr. country when the me,asotooimnuisicauon During tU you um over “3,000 h. u pended in buildings l A-vru,a-trrrtser.str-Itur, ‘ing the put you the will.“ in been ‘pmgmuing rapidly. cud them is numb lye-Iain; the p-tions, of a 1mm '1“!th timett has tlve hotels, 1'qu temperance houses, nine c0111.} tstores, two Mm stores, twelve grocery und "(Widen stout. twoukmirs,twelve ldaek. smith maps, “an wuggxm chaps. four shoe shops. two cabinet Mm (Wu pump factories. three taitor pl: tts, h. _ Job. mm.ubnmb1e (mm Ira/i. ‘m. xiaitod Elan. on loudly in Mun-h JIM“ ml! Davis, PIA-Algal with Ming grain in tire Towunlnp .1 Blunt. Not Andimt him in Elam. tht. We [on " Guelph.whm hrrlt'u My “Muted hi: mums! rctumod wnh L Ut “My. The poor game had "init-u home to . III!!!) to any tut he Win m Btdthio, nu! wrote under the name ol In: D by which m he W“ 'sqtttred.--hioru 05m. 1 TI. omttragt " the 'treetiott ofa l-rnige ‘m the Quad River, on an nu. Luu- at ”Quinn. VII. on “inlay up“. SUI!“ h “OI-i- Wuha- & MI Nu: , of Wills. The structure um In " wood. the m from one lbutmcnt b, G. othorlning 86 foot. The bridge is to In: completed by the In of August. w in - can: Maxim. Will-loud. sign of:“mm-m.\. Harm Mm. ' [Ann-e Cellini-inner- " Wost li, ielt ;," tou Mi. E. I. O‘Cnllnghnn wan "Pl" 21.1.4 chairman“ It Wm. Bturtrulpr. m“, kn. 'h-str-ting ofthe 1mm mu balsam in Haunt Foam, on 'rirtrsda.r, Mth Apeil nut. A Nanny or-r-i.. Jinan; at)", d Minto, is the owner of tt cu!." a " (hy- olll, that found its way m” ttu, were qrithorst I tail. The calf '" mu osua6 begaaat before the suing] had unl- “mo!“ phanthroe of whic1 hm bandied. W. Bode- Iqud [In J pm; the MM! be In- “cannula.- G, mu “m thew-amt“. ' At a. recent [Joanne Comm It. Fare. nod-I. otPiikimrton, .1. t, M ed a to. varying his sheep 01101.1;ng 1.” a.“ ti ll of the Bible Chrxntluu . toeeeqt-hmetslr,, HM. 2'glrlt'.' building will be of luuk mu] s',',',',',',',',; li Ptotmetiaeu. The Tn/ruur - an unha- of buildings to lw "n "W . 3a.. "ttst" will be mm trr/t . th-datum. I ' Omtyof Wellington. huh- My“ MoiMothc-nnjm:u _,", In. a but thing on him. u [will Nest Council hau- dq. r. in! to [and]. an engine and hm r W a I In... otpeoteetion ti'rruiust cAtmtrb uni when» Mmmi. _ mun-unnu- Inning ol'h town, on um "I. P. W. d Aboymr, had hi. " The N arrow h‘dwmull Sun” pupa-gum. an- tatartmit mum,- “manhunt-u qtoetad from the! mailed ll“ am lut M In M "" The "uni be public-tum Ill. If the IA ”an " “LAI- thr weft tl "'7,iaf,?,i/ I) l who 1 Cu- d. 0M” Ir av. bus. 1 tua Hun-Iv BUrUtit “I the 01 Mug 1 none Plat - ruse“ WIN DCSDAL SM School Ho Jato, Fit t an Wr Gr o4Uttd; - 'Ido, Pieetimt I 2w H Nut-lulu». , “we ION lulu. " ' h Tn Mu run" I“ by I m yum d Thu: Mr. " CM wh: Mr. Wm nothing: huh I Ink-r the III“ WI I Minn tiew. of I In" " ohm ”my huh-u. 71 "II The“ Woun- Mr. E hull! " d a in triad “new It. ( AM "new I mil - 'ii in all t V.- will hen-mi n M, A 2't'?'d It. _ $hrortet In of .1 and!" the (em cum; d Null ind...“ Ila-in Henry l and“ (hr Mr. (8 “I Br Tho Mun-l Tl Mr. GI " Atta " 1haite ml M51 at: Id Ma’s In time That be tttd [In " Mr "

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