Ontario Community Newspapers

Dundalk Guide (1877), 29 Mar 1877, p. 1

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ce, ODDS. I BEST STYLE " THE ART Prices '. rouwx AND WOt " r, alk! OF m needs] es ATCH ,XCIBCS .OWBI‘S. ALI" illlxn. mg MOST APPROVED KINDS Large Circulation lbuntlnlk Cat Ride 28 COLUMN PA!!! Job Department. ..'. d.“ avatunonnl d.*00 Medium for Advertisers. Possesses Great Facilitiu .. l )nudalk Guido I. DUNDALK GUIDE," saw PREMES, m The Post Office JOB WORK LEADING MA'r'rlt, F A DULY N EWSPAPER Promptitude “comm in mmune vi. LOCAL SEWS. Albwrfnr thou“ subscribe " tho I‘uc: 91.00 p:- Anv- ‘V( '" If. Cr doing nll Had. " makes it In “an.” J. TOWNSEXD * CO. q )pposi t o MARKET [13mm All who wattt . good arm 60min “to vary limb nth- IN ADVANCE, )STAGE PREE 'artUs wishing AND THE wire-.: "tiuud by In“ rirsmkes " TH! the vary but "ru. d Cu.) .111", my ORE EDITORIAII ALE, ITEST B‘IBIBBR THE STAND: onosm THE POST OFFICE, " work mandala-t amnion gun VIOLINS. OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, whobhuucmfnlly selected stock of Watches, Clocks, lmmeron- cinnamon 3nd the public gener- ally for the vary Eben] “Mange Insured “on him sin-, commencing business in Dundalk. with” to intimate to the inhabi- MUSICAL hat- of Dnnddk and surrounding cmmtry that u bu remand from his old stand to hit nov building on Main Street, mums}: AND DRESSMLKER Oppooiu the Ptot om Mam Sm, - - DUNDALK. February 8. 1877. Correct Time! Han mach {domain in informing his friend. Ind the P' die generally, that he in "lured todo all kinda of General 'll'dr,lu'iT, " the above works " his usual low rates. Hormhooing I speciality. Column taken for car ntering and build. ing of all kinds My genus“ for building We net ' do work promptly and in a satis- factory manner. Orders from a distance manly "tended to. Sashes and doom made to order. All kinds of timber for building purposes eonsuntly on hand " “as lowest prices. CW and Primer. Rapdring don. " hit shop. Sash and panel doom made to or. dor. “Remember the Ihnd-two doors below the You We, Builder’s and Contractor's N()'I‘IC E. MAI. Ann-non PAID TO Burma. Good accommodation for the tnvelling pub lie. The bu "tallied with the choice“ u. qunrl and the t cigar; An attentive but!" shiny- on land " the mm“. Junta Comm, proprietor. AND JEWELRY, All of which willbo sold cheap (crush. Pint-duo accommodation foe the public. The bot viandl on hand. Provincial [and Sutvoyor. Civil Engineer. Bran human, Lind Agent, Conveyucer, C.'h'l'l,'l'lht. THE VULCAN WORKS, University Silver Mod-lint. Trinity College, Toronto, nod Hunk: oi tho Colic” of Physical:- and‘Surgoom d Onurio. ("lice Atto "st-lor, Solicitor in , fd'li'r'y'Th',ii't' Convoymccr, to. Sttza maidenee--D-. OWEN 8017 ND Miss Grokey, Dnndalk ,Febrlny 8, 1877. -. -___ - - v. an..- “WI, "In!" he M charge. “MY ANIMALS, a. ulvettind them, who for I]. the advertisement not tou- oood O ' Ninth-uncut, - Ilka mmiod by written instructions to the conmry, are i-ted until forbidden, and chug-d a reg- ' ' LIIIIII "may“ th", 8 cu per lino foe the am amnion, 2 at; pet has foe out: artt-tetesnt i-rtimr--t-u"r lou- T. B. GRADY, pic. w. Imam, Much. 16th 1877. y-7 RATE or ADVERTISING: “Wank-ines- earth r our 0 4 Mr column, par ',"JI.".".'..'r..r.T.'. " HIKeohmn. " - TEBIB ..-ot pct you in Adunee, and“! My.“ 'eithintxrornoettum Mam Sum, which will be got when ordered. Auk-0.“, PM a”... lurk ' Mutt. My” Pan-rpm", BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Every February I. 1877. Do. hmmWW.Wl5 Cull] admrtuemenue Sch. no lot ttl.Tffu1'll1'lit,,%t1dththr ANGLO AMERICAN HOTEL, DUNDALK. cottcmmr,ps,, ROBERT K. MARSHALL, Owns Sous!) 8mm. Builder, Conunctor, de., " JOHN “I“: ;, Jun. Et, 1877. QUEEN'S HOTEL. MAIN ST, DUNDALK. JAMES huh all karot iiiirluaii2Ta' RICHARD CLARE, ISAAC TRAYNOR, late of 01mph, DR. McWILLIAI, JAMES LAMON, INSTRUMENTS, unload. ACCORDEONS, Sum". MrCuLocu. Prop '. TOWNSEND & co. " GUIDE " BID] " Thursday, Sr. ' DUNDALK. Dtrs mu. F Obi-ll] 8, I?” PHOTOGRAPHS only $1.00 r dom G/ Irons. Budd), Jan. 29, 18W. PRICES to suit the TIMES Note the Prim of you": he reels mmihiant he “naive "tisbetion to All. anu Mail had: kept in stock. and --Copying done " muons“: RATEB-- The Suburiber begsto inform the Public that he has purchased the Photo. graph Business It DUNDALK, Andi-nowpropmdto take Photognpha of .u kind. from LOCKET T0 LIFE SIZE. FRUIT TREES. Allthose indebted, either by Note or Book Account, In requested yo settle up immediately. Goods for Cash as Chap as can be had West of Orangeville. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, CROCKERY, Etc. "iiii'i'/iiiiiiii"i/Titaim DUNDALK. _wss-rasretstorttP1-te3oste Cash Store! MAINSTREET, Having your in. the Byfue. a nmntyr Family Flour Most Fashionable STYLES. An inspection Respectfully noluitod. Prepared to Receive Orders Photography. TAILORING. ESTABLISHMENT. CLOTHING, January, 29, 1877. Miow pica. SEE OUR CATALOGUE before giving adorn. 'llh4'l?ll5oiin HUNTER. - ____Gonenl Atmttn, Ihr.tdatk Mnke Commissioner Queen's Bench, Remember the stand. Mnin Street. DUNDALK. Vol. I. No. ALWAYS ON HAND. A SUPPLY " GOOD .Chittick, S. IIaney. AND IN THE DUNDALK. suns on short notice. that he is ntumadtome; and only bydea‘noa.ul could but maid my mother communicate tome the fo11owtigpartiets1am. The head whichIhldm withdrawn into thead. 'oiningeam_ttuistnertimotrdi-" indeed thud Dr.Ad.-ir;fot, Mag tttetreh,aasdtBudwitttth._nz. 4etraro-tstmdtts hum-idiom moment,ippedintothstmin. Tham- may shriek uttered by mebetinttur tmtnMhsdboetth-dbyhirn.aadhohad 1mmuiatetr-dtttot'rmt,-tmtthemarit1 juetttnrhiebttsetmirsmtd mulling,“ wound it honking vary quickly»- ’90:“ to. In lab-tabla aspen“, u induced a the door of his Wt the inbmul features which were bending out me, them a. black shadow slid between, Ind att VII darknou. When I movored contain-nun, I w lying upon my own littlabod in the com: It Estonian, where for weeks I had hem “gingham dolirium of bum-fawn. It In: but Myth-t recollection ofthe ter. nhie ”one thumb whichl had - cod the recovery of the loci knife l already it wee bmndished in my fees, when, with the energy of deepention, end with both my heads, I grasped the cruel hand which held it. Another moment, and I felt my. self mined up end flung violently down. My head creehed upon the Boorhtg of the carriage; blinding sparks fhsw before my eyee 7 horrible distortion. eeem to peel over whilst tho speed gradually sketched; and This remark, probably because it infor- entinlly taxed him with want of skill, greatly infuriated him, and as he growled out a savage refusal of my request, the cruel hands tightened upon my arm. I neither fainted nor screamed. My eye had fallen upon my tlreiuiimreaius, which had been placed upon the parcel ruck running along at the top of the carriage, and stood close by the opposite window. Professing to be reconciled to his design, T observed that I would merely take from my case a Lclean handkerchief: and I would then be at ihis disposal. My cheerfulness completely disarming suspicion, he allowed me to rise ; 1 sud passing over to the further end of the l carriage, I suddenly lowered the window, stretched out my hand, and groped for the signal-cord. In vain, in vain! Head fol. lowed hand, as I eagerly glanced above and below. There was no cord. I was at the wrong side of the carriage. A ery) of despair sud horror burst from my lips as I felt my husband seize me by the wsist, drag me backwards from the window, and throw me into a seat. He stooped to pick up the knife, which the shock had jerked from his gasp, and--mo it fancy? Or, oh! could it indeed he reality 8-.aa he sought Mon the ground, some little time name. ccssfully, the train appeared to he slacken- ing speed. Year-ninety, I strove to realize the truth. o Yes! it was moving more slowly; I we! certain of that. We must u nearing tu-station; I must hove cremated the time it would take. Hope revived; but s yell of satisfaction announ- As it is in Thy purpose, tlo it is in Thy promiaaa, So be it in our prayers, Bo it shall be to Thy praise. I [This mphme iscreditedto M. Pierre I BornnrdH 'But, mrurt,' I cried, linking this fur- ther objection rather faintly, for m'y cour- age had almost vanished at his touch, 'you might possibly make some blunder over it. Let us wait till we get to the hotel in Lon- don, and then we will send for a doctor, and have it done properly and seicntiti. Cally.’ 03mm: ".----myNCLmmnt. 'No, no', I'm not going to wait!‘ he screamed, pulling my hand away. and keepingn firm hold upon it. ' I shall be busy brand-by, looking after my estate: ; it'll ho better to get it done at oneo.' Amen. By asttmuyr our characters, By embezzling our property, By abusing our perBotr-- And lead us not into temptation, but delivor us from 4svil-- Of overwhelming MBietiona, or worldly enthsemonta, Of Satan’s devices, Of emr's seduction. of sinful tdteetionr- For thine is the kingdom, the power And the glory forever-. Thy kingdom governs all, Thy power subdue: all, Thy glory is above all. Ou- Wturr. - By right of motion, lt bountiful provision, gracious adoption-- th at in h-s.-. The throne of Thy glory, The portion of Thy children. The temple of Thy "tgel- Hallowed be Thy name--. T By the thought- of our hon-ti, By the words of our lips. "By the works ot our haads- Thy kingdom come-- Of providence to defend In Of grace to mfine up. Of glory to crown Tub-- ‘Thy will u done on earth as it in in heavarv-. P Towards us without resistmce, By us without compulsion, Universally without exception, Eternally without &sohrmiion- Give us this day our daily bread--. Ot necessity for our bodies, Of eternal life for our turuU- And forgive us our trm-tsts-- Ageinst the commands of Thy law, Against the we of Thy gotqyrr- Aa we forgive Mae that trespass against A Terrible Wedding Trip. THE LOBD’S PRAYER. DUNDALK, MARCH 29,1877. It ' gi - Punt-1m 60mm slum. in making on the Iubjoct of religious equality in Eng- land, took the ground that in the " United States I free church words the Govern» ment all the support that a church cm 1 During that terrible ride in the express train, every atom of love 1 had felt for my husband was extinguished as completly as though it had never existed. Horror took the place of every other sentiment; and when, upon his restoration to health, he bewught me to live with him, I not only refused to do Bo, but declined even to see him again. Too delicate to press the mat, ter., my unhappy husband relinquished his claim, and, settling through his lawyer e liberal annuity on me, he started once more for the continent. Two year: atter. wards, I received the announcement of his death, which had taken place " Borne, and had been occasioned by rheumatic fever; and three years later, I again stood before the taltar, and left it the wife of a sober middle-aged gentleman, whose con- stancy and devotion had won from me a depth of turtsetion never in reelity accorded to my poor Herbert, but fully deserved by Dr. Adair. word, sustaining that basis of morality on which - Government must mat. To support . Government religion must be strong. and to be strong it must be sincere. end to be sincere itmust bettee." In the“ few won-deb. seems to have reached the pith of the matter, because “mayhem- tion my nppeu for a time to thrive on done. of. mm voluno. whigshrmin time but" ttte whole npponed strong struc- inu to hsgrmonta. The present condition ol the world given . canola-7w "idents, that religion liberty Ind oqttattr-1iboety based an conscientious conviction nnd know. lodge-is I nation“ but stronghold. Au earthquake visited the Kingston put at the inland olennioaon Monday. um- ing an! alarm, but no Gauge; Five potion. mm m mater: lotion-- lyinjuredbymlccidenttothofutw and] twin aw Morpeth, on Sunday. the religious mind prejudice: of the thlpeople,‘hilvaryfu¢ isofmplransvi. Whilst in Cambridge, he had not, it ap- peared, mentioned that subject to any person; but upon being placed under re- straint, ballad exercised much shrewdnesa in evading his keeper, and had contrived to reach Elstonlee in time. With the cun- ning characteristic of the insane, he had managed to control himself whilst in the compnny of my friends. Little now re- mains to be told. The further infomation elicited tram this lady may be condensed into a few words. In his youth, my unfortunate husband had t been distinguished for great learning and studious habits. m had married, when very young, a beautiful girl, to whom he was ardently attached, and who had almost immediately been accidentally drowned; and following closely upon this disaster had come the tailure of a bank in which the bulk of hislarge property was invested. Insanity was hereditary in the family ;anl although no symptoms of the malady had previously exhitited themselves in him, poor Herbert's mind had been completly, unhinged, by his troubles, and for some months he had been violently mad. His) -recovery, when it took place, appeared to be a most perfect one; but, notwithstand- ing this, he had always retained peculiari- ties upon the two subjects which had orig- ated his derangement. Never, since her death' had he been known to allude to his wife even in the most distant manner; though, as has been soon, he once or twice, in his second fit of insanity, addressed me by the name she had borne, probably mis- taking our identity. The other and more notable singularity, evidenced the remains of disease. was the delusion, under which ‘he constantly labored, that he was the own- or of immense wealth and of numerous ’estates and properties. So entirely sane, however, was he in every other respect, 3 that it was by no means remarkable that 1‘ two simple women like my mother and , myself should have remained in ignorance I of his condition. Still, looking back upon that time with the light thrown upon it by subsequent events, I can see clearly that, daring the latter weeks of our inter- course in Torquay and London, Mr. St. J alien's mind had already begun to waver, although it was not finally thrown off the balance until the excitement attendant upon the thought of immediate marriage. attkir; and uh the moceedingday, a lady called at Woodbine cottage. She intro. duced htumif In the auter.in.hsw of Mr. St. Julien, and informed momma and Dr. Adair, who was present at the interview, that the poor young man had, some time ( previously, gone down to his house at _ Cambridge, in what she considered an un- settled state of mind; the indications of more serious aberration had speedily tol- lowed; and that, in the end, he had been obliged to be placed under the care of a keeper. Managing. however, to elude the attan's vigilance, he had effected his escape so cleverly thathis friends had been unable to trace him, and had only done so event- “min-huthsoould do” ,rithsafetr,hes hadmshodoiitedtry I. grind, tony assist- mce, and had Mod in overpowering my Assailant, in the veryniok of time. On reaching the large town I few miles distant, Mr. Bt. Julian was cmiod to m asylum, whilst I, in I. state of unconsciousness, was brought home by my rescuer. The follow. ing morning, A sensationsl mph, sp- peuad in the nowapupor. describing the means of the newspaper para.- 'etN THE END. first noticed by the natives at three o'elook on the morning of the 24th, and meted much consternation. The depth of the water here was formerly from thirty to six- ty Isthmus; but if the eruption continues, very likely: reef will be formed, which would render this bay one of the finest harbours on the Paeiiits. " for u known no damage line attended the eruption. The Kenna, " I previously intimated, do not favor the suggestion of their old goddess, Pele, getting up n demonstration in honor of some foreign power or remote event. One venereble native - - the eruption In In omen of the neu- return of the god Lone, end this idea. is generally spreading. When Captain Cook cnme humanly one hundred you: ego. the natives enlled him Inna. ' But when the “navigator wee wounded by one of their number ell cried out the: he wee no god--on1rn ,isar-ugGrson they dew him. Now that this singula- eruption Inppene n hundred yen-I after Captain Cook's dual, and on the very spot where hie ship. by at anchor. the Ken-kn leer any: to his gaping hem “In truth, Cnptein Cook we: Leno, and he in owing beak." The intelligent natives nod their headsirtmrlr,and with one and ex- olaim, “PM" F One of the apemmens Is a light, porous substance, resembling charred sugar. The other is much similar, with the exception thatit sparkles with silvery Beeks. The submarine emptionis Ippsrently from a seamin the bottom of the see. about a mile in length. The seam reaches the shore, and istraoed inhml between two and three miles. The ileum on the Inter were I The eruption commenced between nine b' up! ten o'clock on the evening of Wednes- 'i day, the 14th ofFeheuaey, with great vio- lence,and without a moment's warning. , The pointofaetivitywutheoldm on " the top oftlusmountnin. Whenthe erup- . tion commenced the iurmsa suddenly burst ' from the mountain and formed a maguiti. t cent column otfire to the height of 16,000 a feet above the summit. From the deck of l the steamer Kilauea, lying at anchor at - Kawaihae, tive distinct eolumsof iim could be seen belching forth from the mountain, I apptuxsutly not from the great summit on- . ter of 1iroknawtrowsso, but from a smaller l crater situated some miles distant from it, I called Pehakuhanelei. The sight was a I grand one, as the columns of illuminated , smoke shot up almost instantaneously to F an immense height in the air. The veloc- '! ity with which they ascended was such '1 t that the first 6,000 feet were passed inside ;of a minute. A few days after, intelli- iigence reached here that the fire had dis- 1 appeared, tothe great disappointment of thousands who were preparing to start for C the scene. But soon after news came that K the greatpyrotcehnio exhibition of nature t was still on the boards, or otherwise the water, and that the animation of the spec- I tacle was enhanced by frequent earthquake shocks. It is the generel opinion that the stream of lava is flowing rapidly down the mountain side toward Kahuku in Kan. When last seen it had progressed a num- ber of miles from the place of its first out, break, but did not seem to have reached the woods. The illumination was so brit. liant that all parts of the island were light- ed up, and even on Mauli the reflected glare was so great that in Walkapu it was supposed that the cane tulds and mill buildingsof Makee's plantation were on _ fire. One spectator who had witnessed a I number of eruptions, states that he never ' saw a more mtwMeently illumincd cloud {from any previous one. By some ardent _ lAmerican patriots the theory was stunted _ 'tlint Mme. Pelee had instituted this festi- val in honor of the newly elected Presi- dent, but the Knnakas entertain quite a l different view of the matter. On the 24th the steamer Kilanemi arrived with a par- 1 ty of excusionists at Kenlakeakua Bay, l the place where Captain Cook met his I death. There they found that asubmarine I volcano had broken out near the entrance ' to the harbor the preeeeding night. About l a mile from shore, jets of red, green, and I yellow fire leaped from the waters, inter. 1 spersed with columns of steam and spray that glowed with innumerable rainbows, l {the spectacle being one of the grandest l lsights conceivable. In this locality the I water is boiling and whining like an im. l mouse esuldron-or one might say. kettle I of fish. Thousands are seen iiotsting on the surface, ready cooked for the repast of i swarms of Kanakas engaged in gathering t the dainty abundance in their canoes. , Large quantities of lava are also thrown t I up and ttoat for some time on the surface. l The matter is either buoyed by the inten- i sely boiling water, or sustained by gases ' that gracefully ooze hem its pores. l. Thabzt-tion on Hindi at which th-rits-st-ities-ttr- in 1789, from the Rim“ out». a which time s ot?rearof-ioreutgthgxmgh Ptmsonthimrto fight Kamehameha, were trmothsrsdtrrtho hot and poisonous mroeaando_lotu1aof Idling and. There Honoww. More]: 1, 1877. I The prime new: of the hour, end " well {he freshest, is the intelligent“ of thogrend eruption on Mama Lon, and I submarine outbreak in Kodak-Jam Bay. LI yet the details received here ere meagre. but tU general accounts agree in pronouncing the recent outbreak of the old "tAy-valve of this hemisphere tho grandest on record. A comm: or man: an: (From San Emu-boo Chronicle, Mar. 19.) TORONTO Eruption of Hanna. Sandwich Island $1 per year in Advance. Io-wilt" covered by inmnnoe. The tireitouppossodtobetheoro-inesen. diuymndnmud In: boon ohm for thewpnheu-‘onowuguntypuuu. 1tii'ditte0nitodt-ovsmntent bu My derived-revenue from the uni-land: of St. Paul and Bt. Gouge that out! to one-third the "JIM!” Fab?!“ Ala-k3. “Blue blund- wan 1,ttdtetee.Nteert_eetr) "e""'umoetrrttrrkzsi/ ‘Wymmmmmudmmo “him on and: nod-kin uh. "I: 'hirr""tautooattmet.totau-t 1h'hunuhhritoett-iana,aasa uto"1immdtomrtt-ttn,tn0ui, Franz L. Doll, jeweler, shot himself through the timrie in his room. a Peter. boro, on Wednesday, with . molm, while hborlng under a temporary fit of in. unity. There is but very little hope of " recovery. He in I young nun whom Hend- live " Port Perry. AiuCraimpuord0ghtueoUoil lamp ottaohairmsarUrbad can "mix Inst week. and, through some cm a pro-mt unknown, the lamp up“. Ind the burning content- nprud over the bed doth”. Luckily, Mr. D. Summon push; that way, arrived in time to ave the old iady's life. The home and contents. however, were compictely destroyed. A Ur of gold weighing shout 60 cum-es is the result of two or three days“ crushing of quartz from Andrew Bum)!!! leads, Tmeier. The premium: of the Caribou gold mine a Mus quodeboit luv-e ”dined "ooo over expenses by their opeeatiom during the past month. On Monday afternoon Harvey and John Docks, sons of William Deeka. North Willinmsburgh, were in the wood: felling tron, when one lodged 5nd slim!) ful, striking Hmey on the side of the head, crushinghimto the earth. m lived for about five hours, but never spoke. Betvoon would two o'clock on Wod- noIdAy momintr,tt" Methodist dutch It Az-aouoov-dtouoorrs. Con- aiNeabU damage wu done to the ow mdbnilding. btstth.it-ehoeud u. The other day A young woman who works in John Fisher & Son‘s Gore PHtcr Hills, Dundas, while engaged picking raga, found no less than Mo in bills in the pocket. of an old pair of pants which formed put of I We of use which she was sorting. A little girl six years of Age. nuned Ids. Storey. of Goderieh, {all from a sleigh on the 16th insthnd was run over by another sleigh that was following, breaking her leg above the knee. A column of vapour steadily rises from the can!“ of a vast swunp in Flax-ids. and nobody has ever been able to get nun: en- ough to the phenomenon to tind out the nature of it. John Lamby, of Fordwich. Orho fell through . bridge on the mihmytma while on his way from Gorrie. has since died fromhis injuries. In the "emokm1 " whiskey cm at Mill, bank, Freebom was fiued .830 and tsorda, and the other parties were discharged, Freeborn bu left for parts unknown. A man named William Hughes end e team of horse: were drowned in the Bay, close to Bdmon Point, nou- Shunouville, one day last week. Mr. Richard Ingram, lot M, 11th con. Oxfordde eight head of cattle poisoned by some persons unknown to him a short time Mo. Nine newspaper proplioloru no member: of the English House of Commons. An unknown epidemic bu broken out among the Indium It WM, N, W. T. Tho new Presbyterinn Church, Tees- wnter. nmowly escaped destruction by fire one day but week. The new Good Templar Hull nt Senior“: wan opened on Friday Int. medhuly following this disturb-nu in animation nu occurred that canned I 1m: destruction of life and property dong the south and coat of Haxmii, On the "tmsasysltsooecurmdth- mud er- uption a lumps]: in Km. As My intimated, the present remaining amp- tions are the eleventh recorded dUturbanees on the islands. record. It commenced from s new - >onthenorthernelopeot’llmm Ian. and lowed for e dint-nee of forty mil... - ing the see. um Kuwaihu Bay. It laat. ed about tour months. Thetenth eruption Araathuotiam, nine you: Mo, end it was remarkable for the number and ex- ‘treme violence of the euthqunke shock: which mompnnied it. Their” symptoms 'of disturbance were on the morning of Much W, when . den-e volume of smoke arose hom Melina Lon to the height of several miles. At ten a. m. the following thy . series of earthquakes begun md con- tinued with varying severity for over a‘ month. The culmimtionm on tlienight of April 8, when - every stone well nnd house on Km we: shaken down. Im. _ In" bun. during the period of eighty. eight yum. ton and eruptions, not in. cluding the plum on. showing m net- - of about one every nine, you. The eruption ole In mu, 'Sarnmetn+ ingin the summit enter 0! Hum. Lou. Mumford! for thirteen months I constant gtgxagn of lam, which Bowed to within six mile: of Kilo. The .mption of 1859 In My the most extensive, on pin. Gilchrist. An old and iniirm My of SAUI' Lain fy2:iiiPtsgs, lie two or citemenu now rqttudthiir Bnft Imam.- "trt, ititsanid that. mile, In)» .ol mm. M11 wealth, osall tt1'i:"v,'i'hl'i5,1.i.ji'! mine: as. his been found wit in three "tme, of the city, and that a stainpmluof vitium to that spawn» “hen rho. "But that burn no general interest when .o-W to the confusing of ue, M Muuqmm Meadow mundane. who w“ mi FrMiy. it the plat'" when MI horrible mime m committed. '1‘th ti!- hj-t. Put-9b to wed.»- watt famed as Us“ tthar di'." mm boWve in theta-Iii. He “a! and! 00 lam-a1. um order-ad by the M unocllumh Ind give aliat of the [mines of many tr, fifty white: inipllcuted in tr, unionist 1mm its BiqtretSatieh. ' Le,' H3 4.95 In” “so Writer“! 'htht', to Bligh”. _ a “at. " . outlaw: mmm." m told LPC, next thy: reretodAfteei-dtNtaai_rbraotr. an at M milk "PM from 'tgivmt dnirr.Nmingtouttii, medical oititsist re. trorethtrintt4tamrounttestmmmeeattibai, cuolhhil than]. 'i"hraiikomth," raid. It in. however, idle ture','. 'qt.otorit.nttiir John A. land" ‘a po- sition might have been if he had lived on this title ofthe Atlantic instead ofthe other. It in enough to know that in Canada he has thrice hold the highest afitse which it in in the mwer of his fe1iow.eitHem, to bestow, IU that, during thirty you! of eon-plann- labor, he has been I. nomadty to every Government fanned b the Can- aervatii'e party. * f,: * Much 0‘5.” Pt ' - ity, no doubt, in in. to “a i“ andtothe length of III Millie ant-vi... but still more of it mayjiutb' be -thed to the genemsit . of his "elmrueter, autl to the. cliivnlrnns li)d,'fit'.) of his pemmul and political friendships. Some parliamentary chief- ane -nthtoutod to stand all-of from too familiar contact with the rank and “a of their party. Even if theygive their cup- fidenm, to n selevt fm. who are Irii'iligml to enter the charmed circle of which they form “(and "urvs, they chill the en- thud-aux of“ fur lama numln-r by "It'll frigidity and rcwvu. There is no man to who'uithis description is loss a ipllcnlilo than lo sir John A. Mmhmnld. in) than who sit on the mum bout-hm with him he exhibits a “annuity of tamper which involuntary sugars” in roruparGon with Lon! PMmerston. And we!) . mm- parison holds good in nan-l Him (or the dead equally with thv Using ntnhmmnn will laugh- remembered “M'Hmdter of parliamentary kturtr--aa, “my thnt readiness which in (idea more MW)» the liticnl le er lluui rilhcr an, ' cut or 1,.1'l,'e,?d, as?" ortttdr. Mr ”if: Har- donald ooeupina a high panties BmeMHr the notabilitics a" the Douaniun. " speak with mac intimation, in uiten humpruul and even witty, is always ready and shot- ive in reply and oceanimMy ittegs to thte dignityot' eta-nan. : '1‘th but been. and are, greater mutan' et 1ht'dd8 there have rarely ' more an I will: speak-um We “Hm pm tnutq.m", (may Jar um» “villains und him-ht“ “Main [deny '4'irti','.py.tt x'dle rlturril, 'd "Not I drop of iuttotemt'lMo8 In: Iw-7-u shod. . I {we gone to God in payer; God bu shown me it was Dian“: uni-node “{5ng but were otilv t little hasty. I 'ltt"ir'l' and your chthcm in all you did. I loci. mm. Keep all no- ore! " than“. Write - than: by” aittubl-tturuautos I willrepun to the Government it wu In India: una- m.” The doctrine of doi 'evil that good my sound an ttd no diam in mine-II. Ind nun-Indu- hm. ed inn it. Eyen the WW could wand. and: aims " thu. ’ an untold]. d.isteutert9q.tss4irade. 2Ut,hi,d, . nauldiitlHUmitk WA. in one ih't"a'ld,1hT'2'l,1llei, um tmmydinone"smttanttetonwett,intu water o0rhirhfttrPiVrird nun-in m In. t tz,gtgd",tttt the coincideioe at uncouWw tho milk Indy. no Ptei"'uiqeu,eiieaaia. arias my?“ hm o-rid a u. . -/isiaG7, 'i7ll1uil,'"Cl,uu1'fltrdahti"a: FEW?! Wt"? epieilk,_it ’muhmdmm 1.st I?!" Dy"nyttdt,yrho-ipb, a...“ by Prince Lonia. Alice ot Ettglaad, Ihtumen who e ioy I reputation [at be- yond the limits 0%... drpcudoucy in which their Iotin east, the Rich! Humble tKY John A. Mutation-1d occupies perhnpn the (memos: plum. The wry “aunt of thin fact implies the pommzu'nu on hi0 part of qualities which hive lifted him out of the 'tnhow sphere of colonial politics. and musbledhimiotaUha plan. In... tho statesmen ofthe empire. Envy on. fun- ilinr with re,'?,',,',',',"),'":), of fund. will will. ' y Icknow edge t at e is a rah-m ont- te “New of- high rank, In thu,tthor. tum had given him In qvmnity of tah. tun in the political life of “(but In we d robably have made his mark in In 2l'l.'/hrr' which, besides its other ng', metity, u oertsinly the most critical in o “up!” 'tequi" no”. no quid nyl’nwhioh ob NAI- the hay mud othrrati- won he - this. Immune... of an was hard mnGIQHCQiMJJndKuw MMMMnnlmr Index-d minty m a! a..-r-ett Hallo. “natal-dinn- in Mio- ment, they seem to ftmmtttraea6ianto- th.del-sdthardaitttrar-n- "suve1udoroottHérnigttbo-rt" the spa-ha below. All hail will. Vin-dour premium men In aims. "n-sri-tUD-tio-om-im, when privste climb“ been no ”My and Io pitiU-l, new; and “not. Viol. upright. live- luv. won for “In. bir aitMionasodmato a viii. Inn been openly "seutredofeverr.vb-imo hov- tom Biraehuturi-ms,aesd mms""suidtltirnrivo.too,-iliiae to luv the (landing halal: ovou mud-cl, -rorottto Tokyram. brre-et6oenmsaourat-s, 11rteel"e".e.Bryi-r. th0i-hres6htu_rik,-oarenritr- kahuna-chihu'ingtohcuh maumumub h. In. In- h-n‘nianhllvo-n. of good Moe. "sdt5ertsehinemsr.vhatar. “(I in - wold. Melina and: In“! he... of 'a-t,'adrtn.utu.. “power! behind tuth-,'uoteq-h. "swam- HmiMyM-E‘IIM. dammit“ beets " the and “whose name uh. has. Unlu- Sir TerhssabmHhst1o--irrtiaraati and John sum Milt, In! (in to than!“ tloo-ttatc-et-err-ru 'rtmttiooMudrtaesde-U,Mis.thtr. mmmmww Kalil-Manly. w uy3woal. on Sir John A. Amman "ortrtuivHr tow colonial iet, Pt,, . if 7iiriiiiiiriii A-tumaii"iiau “I of mummiiomot My rirtao I "iiiiikJii WW3“... the 5'3

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