', an bundle or old yum ad! " a wow OMe.. Jun the an. - mm am. mm no" ""+ MAY 13, m1 brutste [ff ttt hue " Minister and PM“ sented Ms M h . LeiriMature, W. , "irnated I“. C ". mums: a renal - d Muhumrml remarttnM. . 3.1;,rru-nled "u ttmt yr: ,n Canada BM m 1%.. rotur,l"te picture. a ‘1- In: 're" of the M.- {ma the acuul "r. a' 411M than Mr. Hop- bt. -..m.r|y $9,313,938: . r ,- 1;: rule ot a POW ' _' l T 'rrtt only, but 01';- ado MLIC HNANCE Hutu," And tgg de. mhirpss in Inch. Tutti our heâ€, not .5. but toward the tCat directio- tt Mr Jay asruah.. he ry Depart-t ment In tho n govern“! cl. is dosing n- (acts " m u the â€I“ hes tho co.- Ly been It... "' mecca!“ 'e tor I you. 'he mum-s “lion in lb. w world. Is relief it " to runny." called, Mr. Fretr mm: at-ent.. â€not.“ - . .n (M to“ ot be a)“ to a"! (oven-03‘ il- humblolt - SURPLU. .n-menl - m surplus in tus 506300-001 turn-d Vb“. HMHK to ber- "xpenditer. plus real“ t budzof " "turtion h wince of ow [ in the pro.- ‘Jll'. it '3‘." “man expond' provide err) zmx In - fumled debt reduced by ' In funded it has M :o- in - wvol‘lm from A 1986 L Manet!" r that in the um, t6.6S 550.cm tor same “to. for a sum“. ring 811.000.- m-l'n noted :o-nomny ac- l sound - pointed tMgt an? reeeob ot revel»). interest - ‘vnls out " ince debt muons if EFDT iief - my to {arm will tax. venue of tto butr us been w addi- “mm.“ ' In the he Inna- P TBe init od M I“!!! tch 'Pape L In- " the an“. ranch midl- com bk by trpo on or nae tor to ‘n 'b " V IL. LX. NO. 20 The motor Aid Knox United rhurch wilt hold Ibo ual Lilac iea, on Tuesday. June Keep this Knox United Ch h, Durham, an- Liwxrary services wl be held Sun- may May '30 at ll a.m.' and 7.00 p. m. Rev. Mr Stokes of ' esley will 5m the prpache{o{ the day. date Zion l'nitod arch Anniversary .mlm-s will be Id on Sunday, May gun; at II a. and 1.30 mm. (ttt the following M y evenIng the .nniwrsury concert I be held, Hum] program. and I served. Ad- r;.x.».~'.inu 250 and 15e. CALDER'S DRUG STORE' iidlti'dlAk3l'l! I.0 y,",,'.',,,. Soda Fountain I n0 Ice Cream Parlor'; Hm Monthu’ Sentence. , r , :u'l'ng guilty to a charge of keep- lssf liquor tor sale, David Thomson 'r' 1mm": was untenced to two , otsthyi in jail when he append be ara. Magistrate E. C. Span-mm In ,'" 'r,, «our! at Owen Bound last Fri- Ai... r, A Hing. Mrs. Aaron Winger Dead. x: hum Philip Wenger, widow he A,r'sort Wenger ot Anon, died at ',it' hum". MN Medium Bt., Toronto, lrt “outlay. A native of Scotland. 1.» v. tr, in her 86th year. Four sons _ ', um daughter survive. Interment _ .- At Ayton on Thursday tmnnwncing Friday, May tist, a] Huh Finlay thereafter, during :mm'x' months, dance will be M at Black's Be h, con, 16. Pro. ,, C..' mil†on! ot winton Park). ',,' Jaw] Me and 15c A I pound Coronation Baby. _ -rrllli'e hospital lagt Wednes- 1'iconatiort Dar- ll 15 pound ,. Jrrhtt Albert--- was born to u-' Ws. J. R. Thompson. wile v T new. J. R. Thompson, rector _ _ Hull‘s Anglican church, Point ax , l mrnwrly ot Durham. Two ',Ir, luluws were born that day in , .- lt' hnspilnl and were named, s",- 'lw King and Queen. '; Presentation in London. l w: 'r', hilly evening of last week the In. m»- 'c of All Saints' Anglican cttirr,ri, London. gathered It the rrtr',rr ...' Mrs. Reginald Bum. to My WI] tribute to Rev. Carmen J. --u ta.", assistant curate at All Salute. V l I»: loaning at the end ot thin 'Lunlh. Canon A. A. Blce, on behalf o-x mp nmm-egatlon, spoke very high- r'. ut ('urmnn and presented him with l lot My silver plated private com- teem A Mean Robbery, I'In_ ,, ittt' various robberies: some ot :m lll :m- hmzen while others are ' ' - mm- of meanness. A robbery ', , _ H .:< and o:her decorative mat- ttrt' up for Coronation 1hty at 3630 H:|l win-u], comes under the latter (Inna Miss Dorothy Ritchie. tat her OA'.! , n v-nm-i. teacher. had decor-ted thc porch of the schoolhouse on Mon- uh). “uh tiarst and ottoman and on CIGARETTE! & TOIACCOS JENNY LIND CHOCOLATE ' 12_,.ur;u mnrninz there was no sign of a ting. lt is felt that it was not m- “(H-1 n" anybody in the locum. but rather of some posing motorlst. who must be proud of ttie lmwe deed. uunio let'er From Queen. 'rr'it" midst of multitudinous dut- , 12.: out of the Coronation. , m-v. queen in not forget- '-', Iuyul subjects overseas. The V ol the pastor of Crawford Un. Ii=‘.!<'h_ Rev. T. P. Heeney. may almldened by a line of l who“ from Queen Elizabeth. rer attaining their om wedding Thur is the main reason tor l . ~|.Ht'SH in helping thou v.1v t have never before had In!- Hlacmry v,sion. We not only tsittiitie to m glasses but for VHF“. COMFORT and SATE- TY as well Cttgtsutt-- WIT PATTERSON. no. Ot at C. Suney's Store MIRIAM, Tune“. MAY 26th, 1-5.3. p... and by â€wanna-L Rtteriali.Bt in Eye Examination, Our Service is complete Ky. at their home in West m nahip. ' as a mark of their es-l appreciation . i E1": @112 Barnum Rtiltttt, The annual church "nice for Grey Lodge t.0.0.P. and Lady Grey Re- bekah Lodge was held Sunday even. Ing to Trinity church. Including vis- Iting brethren and sisters from Palm- erston, Mt. Forest and Hanover lodges. there was a large turnout ot over eighty in the parade, which was led by Durham Band. The new rector. Rev. M. H. Farr, in opening his discourse, welcomed the lodges and remarked it was his tirgt opportunity to address the Odd- fellows, or any fraternal organiza- tion. He spoke from Ecol. 11:6: "in the morning sow thy seed and m the evening withhold not thine hand". Before th.e tanner sows his grain it is treated and cleaned; after he har. rows it and covers it up: his work is ttniatted and nature then produces the crop. It is the divine command to sow seed to bring others to Christ. We should sow in the morning of lite, sow bible stories as soon as the child can understand. The sowing must be continued over a long period, using good seeds of love, honor. duty, chastity. ete., to bring good fruit. Parents are the Brst sowers. but day and S. B. teachers who follow have a great influence in moulding the lives of children. " is the duty of church people and the minister to continue sowing; also ot societies like the 1.0.0.F. and Re. beknhs. Our place to sow good seed continues into the middle ot life, when we can do much to inttuence others; if not sown. bad seeds creep in, grow more rapidly and crowd out the good. Our reward in sowing and developing the good seed is a hap- pier and more secure future; salva- tion and eternal life. During the service Mr. Bert Wild er favored with a fine comet solo. SOUTH GREY CONSERVATIVES ENDORSE LEADERS STAND A representative meeting of the. Conservative party members or South East Grey, was held in Durham Pub. lic Library on Friday night last. The meeting felt " wise to have a candl- date in the field at the earliest op portunity and to this end are calling a nominating convention near the close ot June. They also drew up a resolution en- dorsing their party leader, Earl Rowe on the stand he has taken in the re cent Labor agitation. The resolution reads: "Resolved that this executive endorse the stand taken by Hon. Earl Rowe regarding tbe labor situation in Ontario at the present time, and, pat- ticnlarly. in connection with the strike at General Motors at Oshawa". Durham Agricultural Society have decided to hold horse races on Wed. nesday, June 9th. Watch for the add next week. Durham Bowling Clubs. ladies and men will hold a mixed rinks tourna- ment on the local greens on after- noon or the 24th. Dr. H mond's Brain and Nerve pills. " d ressed, melancholy, have that tired f ling. brain tag, Jump at the least not ' pass sleepless nights --rou have a kdown or the ner- vous system. . Hammond', Nerve Treatment feeds e starved nerves and you start to pi up at once. on. lv 50 cents. On an! at McFadden's Iy 50 cents. On sul at McFadde Drug Store. 1938 Marker. Royal Btu Scarlet. Ontario's 1938 license plates will reach a new high in brilliance, it was learned when Hon. Harry Nixon, provincial secretary. received a sample of the markers. The back- ground color is royal blue with scar- let letters. A royal crown in scarlet divides the Bgure 1938. set above the license number. C. A. Fleming an Honored Citizen. A citizen of whom Owen Sound has reason to be proud, is C. A. Fleming, who has attained his 80th birthday in fair health Ind exrellent spirits. Mr. Fleming’s business career is inter- woven with the growth and expan- sion of the city and the tribute: tem dered him on his recent birthday, by his Meade in public, iodge and priv- hte We, on my end Ilncere. The ‘Rotary Club. ot which he in a mem. [her. presented him with a 400-61! at Trinily Church ‘9 and priv- this was gratefully accepted. The ncere. Thelcloslng words were given " Mrs. is a mem. Greenlaw ot Palmerston and pnyer I 400d†by In. Everett of Hurlston dosed the meeting. Rev. Dr. Campbell, Moderator at Sangeen heslrrterial The twenty-second annual meeting of Swgeen Presbyterial was hem in St. Andrews' Church, Durham, on May 19th, with sessions at 10 B.m. and 2 pun. The church was filled, there being 140 delegates alone in am ndance. After a short devotional period, a short address was given by Rev. W. N. Ferguson ot Mount Forest, who also brought greetings trom Presby- tery, and a brief report of his work as Bible Society worker abroad. A splendid report ot the Provincial con- vention which was held in London, was given by Mrs Gordon Coutts. In the report, many encouraging items were presented, one being the 22 new mission bands and 14 new girls' organizations. It urged more consecrated leaders for junior groups. A summary of all departments was included in the report. Greetngs trom Mrs Hilts, the Prov. president, were read. The closing exercises were' t-ondttetrrl to Mrs AiTz-n Boyd of Roe. ky Saugeen. The afternoon session opened at 1.30 p.xn. Owing to the absence or t! e president, Mrs. Marshall, the meetings were conducted by Mrs. R. Honeymn of Dromore, lat Vice. The devotional period was conducted try Miss Widdes of Mount Forest. and Mrs Patterson ot Dromore. Greetings were conveyed to the meeting trom Orangevilie Presbyterial and given by Mrs. Fraser. Departmental reports were brought by the various secreta- ries. Y.W.A. reports showed inere. ases in membership and givings. also increases in all Mission Band activ- ities. The Mission Band rally wau i-itressetl and an invitation was ex- tended to all Auxiliaries to attend the coming Rally. Exchange department revealed how important the exchange papers are to Auxiliaries and to Young People's work. Much valuable reading mat- erial wa' shipped to Western Canada and ap'reciative repl'es have been received from 1one'y women In the Wesurn provinces. Supply reports were encouraging. and 10 Senior Lire Memberships and 1 'in Memoriam' were presented, also Junior eertifi- cates. Welcome and Welfare work was stressed as very needy for stran- gers and those who are unable to attend meetings. A pleasing duet was rendered by members of the Drayton YN'.A. The Presbyterial was honored by a visit trom Rev. Dr. Mal. Campbell, Moderator of the General Assembly, who delivered a most inspiring ad- dress on "The Chureh", taking the words of St. Paul as his text: Tho Presbyterial Joined with the Presbytery for this part of the ser- vice. The ottering was dedicated by Mrs. Rev. Court of Holstein. Mrs. Anderson. a missionary who has spent some years in Japan, gave a very interesting address on her work among the Koreans. Working conrlitions among the poorer classes were pictured. and especially the sad condition of the poorer women. Many churches have been built and some are str', supporting and evangelistic work is carried on extensively. Public Health work has also begun under the W.M.S. in conclusion the speaker asked for the prayers of the people at home. The Mission Band of Durham presented a pleasing pag- cant entitled "Roaperas." The election and installation of o'licers was conducted by Mrs Fraser of Orangeville Presbyterial, as fol- lows: Hon. Preic-Mrit Richardson. Harriston; President-Mrs. John Mar. shall, Knox Normanby; lst Vice-Pres. --Mrs Rev. Honeyman. Dromore; 2nd Vice Pre-Mrs, Johnston, Drayton; Cor, see'r--Mrs W. C. Pickering, Dur- ham; Treaty.--- Mrs D. Gowdy, Dur- ham; Y.W. mse'r--Mrs Chas. Me. Alister, Knox Normanby; Girls' Or- ganization--Mrs J R.Waldie, Arthur; Mission Band '3eey-Mrts Hastie,Hol- stein; Home Helpers' See'y--Miss A, Renwick, Durham; Exchange Bec'y-- The appreciation or the meeting was voiced by Mrs. Hutie to the ’r' rein] speakers and to all who had "supplied the programme. also to the ‘Fuaham minister, session and Indies ltor their hospitality. An invitation ,wrs extended to the Presttrterhtl to meet in Mount Forest in 1938 sud Mrs A. E. Riddell, Palmerston; Lib. Iary and Llterary See'y---Mrs D. Me Leary, Hartman; Welcome and Wel- tarow Mrs R. A. Greenlaw. Palmer. stcn; Students' Bec'y--Mrts. Robert Taylor, Dromore; Supply Bee'y--Mra A. Wilkie, Palmertsttytt: Life Mem- bership Seto-- Mrs. Eckenaweiller, ( Word; Glad Tidings-Mrs. Court, Holstein; Press tgee1y--Mrs R. Mer ton, Paltttergtott. DURHAM, THURSDAY. MAY 20, 1937 Senior Aunt"! Wlh which " acorn utultr- " The Presbytery celebrated the re- cent honor brought within its bounds when the Rev. Samuel Lawrence ot Rothsay “as elected Moderator of the synod of Toronto and Kingston. All members joined in hearty congratula- tions. Among the business or today, the Presbytery took action against nSundny radio advertisement. Protest was lodged formally to the general manager of the Canadian Broadcast. ing CorTroration. chuxch. assisted by ladle: or Rocky congregation, served dinner to the gathering, and the Young Women's Auxiliary served the tea. The May meeting of Presbytery of Saugeen of the Presbyterian church, was held today in Durham church, at which a full sederunt represented the charges within the bounds. Be- sides the usual routine work and re. ports ot standing committees, the Presbytery received the Moderator of the General Assembly. the Right Rev. Malcolm Campbell, D.D. The mod. erator brought a stirring message or encouragement and itttsptration. Tri-County League Wonk! Expand Bounds The annual meeting of the Tri- (Joumy Women's Softball League was held in the council chamber at Han- over, Thursday evening, with Messrs Peter Ramage and R. L. Saunders of Durham, E. C. Croft and J. C. Dale ot Harriston and J. R. Hamilton and E. C. Taylor of Hanover present. The election of otBeerg resulted as follows: President, J. R. Hamilton Hanover; vice president, R. L. Saun- ders. Dan-ham: sec’y-treas., E. B. Croft, Hurriston. '. The League will atNiate with tie Provincial Women's ttte League and will use home and 7 me umpirea, with the visiting umpire having the choice of omcitttirttt at "the plate Or on the bases. Owing to complaints and squabbles over the scoring last year, the league decided that both scorers should sit together during a game and check up at the. end of each innings. Where possible, a score board must be erected and used. The relieving resolution was passe] retarding protests: "Any club wish- inu to protest must deposit " with the so 'y-tteast., along with a writ. ten statement of their complaint. signed by the President and secretary of the protesting club. This must be sent by registered mail within 48 hours after the game in question. Al. so, the protesting club must send a notice of such protest to the club prr'estef: against at the same time, and the club protested against must likewise send a deposit of 85 along with their version of the story by registered mail, signed by the presi- dent and secretary of the club, with. in 48 hours alter receiving notice of the protest." Any team wishing to enter the league must notify the secretary be. fore 31st of May, as the schedule will be dtawn up at Hanover on Tues. day, June let. The entrance fee of " must accompany each application. Each team entering is entitled to one voting delegate. To date only Harrlston, Durham, Hanover. Chesley and, possibly, Mt. Forest have shown my indications of entering teams this year. The league feels that there is room for many ladies teams throughout Grey and Bruce among the larger sporting towns with Durham, Hanov- er, Chesley and Walkerton forming a Central group: Wiarton. Hepworth, Tara. Southampton and Port Elgin a Northern group; Kincardine. Lucknow, Ripley. Teeswater And Winng a Western group; Harrlston. Mt. Forest Palmerston and Llstowel a Southern PRESBYTERY OF SAUGEEN group; and Flesherton. Markdaln In ndlnk and Shelbume an Eastern group. =e Ttie omeers of the league are go- ing to do some missionary work in many ot these towns to try Ind build up the Trf County League- Owing to my tinned illness and being unable Is s nd to my notes- slonsl duties. I luv secured the Ber. vice: of Dr. A. G. our of Outst- lo Veterinary Comte. alph. who will attend to all canâ€. ls. Tole- phom M as nus]. Mr. George Har spent the coma» tion holiday visiting in Toronto. Miss Nettie Daniel and Miss Re- gan. nurses of Jefferson Clinic. De. tmit, are holidaying a week at the home of the farmer's sister, Mrs. J. N. Murdock. Rev and Mrs. Wm. Moore of Brus gels were guests on Tuesday of Mr. and Mm. T. M. McFadden. Mrs. J. H. Harding spent the weekend with her daughter Jean in Toronto. Mrs.' W. Heughan at Milvertou spent the past week with Mr and Mrs J. A. Aldred. Mrs W. Calder and Marion left for Tomato on Friday to viait triendg. Miss Helen Genie visited friends in St. Catharines over the weekend. She was accompanied by Mrs. W. H. Slnlth who visited friends In Tltoro'd. Mr and Mrs E. J. McGlrr. Norman and Isabel of Niagara Falls were weekend guests with the farmer's mother, Mrs. Thoe. McGirr. Dr. Malcolm McCulloch of Peter- horo, attended the funeral of his nep- hew, the late W. E. McCulloch. Mr. Chas. P. Lawrence, principal of Azincourt High School spent last weekend with his sister and brother at Vickers. China. has a tour-teacher school, with 120 pupils enrolled. Mrs Robt. Nectarine has returned to her home here, after spending the wnter months in Toronto. Col. Fraser Hunter ELF. and Mrs Hunter, of Toronto, arrived last week to reside at their summer home, the 'Hedges', for a few months. Mrs. E. W. Limin, Mr and Mrs.; H. S. Jackson, and Mrs N. T. Hard- ing motored to Stratford to day and with Major and Mrs l. G. Savage. proceeded to London to attend the! graduation exercises of Miss Mariam Green, granddaughter of Mrs Limin, in St. Joseph's hospital. to Maui Mrs. Limin will remain to visit. with Mrs. Harding and Mrs. Alex Mc-| Louzhlin. in London. I Mrs. Blanche Somerville, Toronto) visited this week with her cousin Miw M. l.. Hunter. Mrs. Alex Hay has been contirtedi to her bed the past week, resulting from being thrown to the pavement, by a bicylist. 1 Mrs David Morrison. Toronto, ac- eomnanied by Mrs. Colquette. (nee Ina Emmott) were Coronation day via- itors with the farmer's parents. Mr. and Mrs J. A. Graham Mr. Frank Goodehild was operated upon at Durham Hospital Tuesday. Mrs. John Bryon has returned home after spending the winter with her daughters in Toronto. No wonder Durham's population ma growing'. On Satuzday last Mr. Map. shall Hyatt, wife and family of tetti children. arrived at the abode of his‘ brother, who also recently landed inl Durham. Both brothers are now occu- pying the former Gun homestead, iii) ross from John A. Graham's resi- dence. The two Mrs. Hyatt’s are sisters and daughters of Flank Lee- son, now of Alberta, but a native of Normanby township near Varney. Conditions in Rainy River are not so good, and the Hyatt family felt that surely older Ontario would have something better in store for them, so on short notice they staged a sale and came east. We might incidentally mention that tor the car that brought the funny with 10 children to Dur. ham In tour days traveiiing, this trip was an excellent advertisement. BYERs--NNPBRLL ---May Rth, 1937 by the Rev. J. D. Parks. 24 Wei. lesley st. Toronto. Ruby Gaming "huntttren, daughter ol Mr and Mn Alex Campbell. Durham, to June: Britton, son ot Mr. Somuel Byers and the mo In. Byers of Chou- Met2UEBN--on swanky. my 15th, inmu-ttstmrttat,toHridMrts Alexander New of Mm, I mtsoiuas-an num- annual. Bun. "r,tartqttutoHrauMrsC. POPULATION CLIMBING FAST'. MARRIED threw a Guy I'reslrrteriil A [use representation from many \V.M.S. branches ot Grey County. met in Division Street United church. Owen Sound on Tuesday lust. for an- nual stock-taking and inspirational uplift. The afternoon session was brightened by the xixesenee of the President of the Dominion Bond. Mrs G. E. Forbes. Weston. With her husband, she has necenty returned from melting the mission tieyU of Ithe United church in the Orient. Ot jttsese experiences. Mrs Forbes told a wonderful tale of the Bacrittee. loyal 'ty and work the church's missionaries have accomplished. At the evening session. Mina Gertrude Rutherford, .princnpnl ot the United Church Tram- ‘ing House was the principal speaker. 'Arso at the close of sessions. she in- Iducted the newly elected ottieertt. Mrs J. H. Rutherford, Owen Sound, honored with Pmdency for third tom. Durham ladies in omcial lint. er. c. Mont-en Died Monday. Mr. Gilbert Neural. prominent Port Elgin citizen, mused away at the G. a M. Hewitt] on Monday, May 10th, after " Illness of about Itttree wee-ks. Mr McLaren Wu Reeve of Port Eltdn for several years and served " warden of the County of Bruce in 1027. This list is a. long one and among I Ham attr',resses,- a" taNrarUt'rtt runny the names. several from Durham My ing for future work. Dancing follow- pear. Mrs J. s. Hellmlth is " hon. ed the was! Hill. I loo-l orchestra orary president: Bee'y Baby Bands, providing music. Mrs. Humid McKechnie; one of an- ---- _------'- - __ --_---- - --e-- V Inca com., Mm. W. H. Smith; mem- For e-- Siam) double resident-e. her Without portfolio, In tttev.) on Ga rum St. For mnlier inior- Hubert; Mrs J. H. Rutherford ot muion. pply to Miss Sadie Krems, Owen Sound was reelected president upper tot ' Durham. ot the Presbyterian for the third term l BORN HAMMtL---At Durham hospital on May It, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hammll, a daughter. we wish to announce the purchase of the McFarlane Cleaning and Pressing busi. ness and solicit a continuance of your patron- age. Having secured the services of an expert in this line, it will enable us to give entire satisfaction. Durham Cleaners tl hers Phone 5t Publllhod Weekly :1 82.00 I var m nth-1mm To mum "at 32.50 a yen In Mm. Mr Ram-ac. Publisher Our motto is Has Good Year "Service at all Times" J. E uilRiiinti, Proprietor ANNOUNCEMENT ON I ARIU Mum" - lCALDER’S DRUG STORE Cher . hundred student: were host: It the annual High School ttan. ttcet in the Town Hull My mail}. to the mm and H. B. Baud. and “he event went oft very enjoyably. The hall was nicely decorated in blue and white, and a tasty supper “an i"",:'?.", For the after part, Miss Betty Mc- ilntyre. president of the Literary Bo. !riety. was tmtsttttarter. To the toast tin 'The King'. the tranquetcis nationa- led with the National Anthem. "rho iHitrtt sumo! Board' tug proposed by l'l‘helmn Priest nod Mr. G. C. Wele Fter responded; to 'Tlua staff, Georgo PHW. West J. M. Weir; The Girls' Athletic Boeiety,' Ben Whitmoro. K. Renwieh; 'The Boys" Athletic Society" (e,",',',',"; McArthur, Clyde Id‘allum: :i‘i‘lmt Form' David Seymour, Keith ' t Benton; "The Graduation Ciom', Lu- ,‘cllle Trattord, Robert Milne. High School Sinful: Gm Annual Bang-cl I'm-pole? Cod Um Oil ....u.oo Koo-Chaim M ..O.N a 245 Mazda ....r........ tte. 80e, A.3.A. 101003 .............. Tum. rennin " for ...... mule AND WEBB“: Tho students Colin-prod some bril. liant addresrnes,--an excellent tram- in: for future work. Dancing follow. ed the (out list. I local orchestr- pmldlux mtmie. Get your Mower gmund on a ma» dune that Is built to grind it proper Iy Ind give the proper ell-uranm- lur any clean culling. We haw the only mechanic“ lawn mower grinder m town. Mowers called for and (Min-r- ed free In town. DURHAM. ONT Lawn Mowers DURHAM MACHINE SHOP F. W. MOON, Prop. Durham PHONE H. (k