_.. -m. "It. George Boas, unions anthropologist, has sin-tied society with the "ate. mom that the but! in tar superior to ma. Bouts are peaceful 8nd man are warlike. Bouts. he an, no more Manny, mum and unanimous than non. nor u any but Io maul than“ madam. â€will“. and _ h- - - um other concerning bodily Woodstock tuntinoiateviGr, Ar: rump-m United States medical mar, Dr. 1lersdrutuins, has written an intrrestine book on the subject'ot the human Body The doctor claims that It is futile to become over-anxious as to phvsicn: ailments or length ot lite. He has reached the conclusion that there is not much that can be done by the individual to lengthen lilo and that the use span is virtually set at birth. This authority does not pro- tend to say that dmnharda. dope ad- dicts or those who deliberately Mm their health through neglect or do banchory, will it" as long as than who follow a sen-ibis Moran In 't gard to can at their planted â€at... but he cantanke- a unaiblo freedo- from "my I: to this. that and tho - --- _ 'reople can tha ttre ch. M wme- One ot the p ttmes iy "Bear Hlluxr unit In Last week the il NH ic - Man Irrry Cot ttttor makers Present schedule ot operation. Witt some augmentation ot an. anti â€mm mid-summer. Simultaneously the Dominion Radi- nor and Boiler Company issued the sum-men: that Its “outlook tor the Hrantfnrd plant is tor I pretty study run throughout the your 1934." Executive» of several other Brant. root. Industries professed to no. indi- rauimu that they would employ nor. am. during m. )eur than for the lam two guuu. -North Httstitms ROI l€_w "tee church banana W banned its e Parable loss to " The lorries. Manitoba" new-found moss-berry h as real discovery. any the Jam tKeri. Then Nora Seoul cones mg with "Same thing us our tox- rry." The Manitoba name is moral loner Times. The .\la~wy-narrls Company merit manutacturers. revealed Ir that it expected enough I in Brannon] plant to mum: Honor comes it one l enough. The "Deadwood novels of a long you day discovered to be “mantle Americana, and tor that m burn given a pines of ho: i'orutretrsionnt “bury at I 0.1).. as "rare books."--, Man Len. LIN. James Treece of indiana. who has just celebrated hi: 100th birthday, " tributes " long life to smoking, he having taken to the weed when he was nine years of age. Another cen- tenarian recently said that keeping away from the weed was the cause of ttite longevity and than the contradic- tions continue. The plain (act at the matter seem to he that some people attain exceptional longevity without much regard as to what they may or l that tt p1 "I: about --"" .. "Ill tre admitted that the Minister may» put his words together u may that they made sense. _ hit by an automobile travel- tttiles an hour, ills chances of a to mush out the matter in iorubtrNil.v would be better we ot a fellow vho was bowl- try a car doing 35 or 40 miles And after all. it is much " concerned about that Ire being killed by Motor. 1 that a percentage ot drivanl and modern bits and shown In mu nn ot paintings thrc ‘eaner Drunken Driving Lord Kant-lord union 1 public pro- teat min-t what he consider. to be the inndequnte punishment ot people convicted of driving I motor ear while under the iniNenee of drink. He nddn: ‘ "imngine the Juntilnble outcry if n rniiwny engine driver who was even six-sneezed ot drinkin; habits, much less convicted of being under the in- ttuenee ot drink when on tho tootptate, was ever again allowed to drive In 'rrutine."-Nortttent Fax mar. n! the proud places In the . "Bear River." " histor with many ancient 13min CANADA Rm um Searching tho Scripture: In: It. merits. We read of a Suhtchowu man who opened the an": Bible the other evening Ind found a tin-dollar bill that had been more for 20 _ ---Regin. Leader-Post. l Don't Worry, nur tandem traditioni,GiG' mlnd a colonial period Ancil- (h building which had Ion: swc.rl x. A - - - Danger of not do-Brantford Expasiit; Haunt of Artists. 'ooke uncerned about that ing killed by motor a percentage ot drivers mm the inconvenience """rictiotts.-HatniitG not one i ot speed I nmusly the Dominion Radi- Bollor Company issued the that Its "outlook for the who Tribune, a long put day hue been to be authentic records ot '. and tor tttttt reason have its century mark-n3 to a community made by the artist's brush. but! places in the Mari, River." rn historic old my ancient landmarks. demon which destroys Deed limits, it In many a private ngs throughout Can- Record. Dime Novolu. M " one waits long "Deadwood Dick" dime Speed ace of honor in the vary at Washington, books."-trederieton' t treedoai Ind the health.-.. mils, it ,rlll the Minister enough work " to maintain the Operation. With ot mu, until in favor ot aid that keeping d vs: the cause of than the contradic- e plain tact ot the from Bear Scope of Education. One mature common to may speeches Ind letters to the press dear iug with the subject of middle-elm career: is an insistence that sanctum: "hall hencetorth have " its object the ability to can a living. Usuliy‘ the term "roeationat lamina" I: null, I term that is immun- of Decal-in; a utchword. We agree that in a. t An Elected Governor. A Governor or qoferuotasenerau chosen by a party (either directly or through nomination to the King, or i for popular election) could not Doe- slbly have the same feeling ot satin- faction or the same dignity ot char, acter or the some inituenee " the Governor or Gortrrtor-aetuGi directly chesen and appointed by Hie Majesty. Neither could he have the consciou- ness that merit and proper qualities tion had procured the appointment for him. He would not be able to hide from himself the humiliating knowl- edge that he had been paid tor ten- ices not to the people but to a party. Lord Huntingiieid relieves Sir William twine, who has been a dizniiled and capable fdteey.tyttfiGriG,' end one who, incidentally. has publicly Mro. cated the appointment ot the Cover. nor directly-by the Kitt-tso" Ane- tralasian. , imple- recent- cers of the Nelson " tl Whitehall is to the Little self on his pillar in Trat -London Dally Telegram entrance to Port: be as familiar to cers ot the Nelso Whitehall is to the selt On his nlllar , vrry entrance to Portsmouth Harbor while leaving for the spring cruise is an event probably without parallel in the history of the British Navy. The result ot the onciai inquiry will be awaited with intense interest, tor the entrance to Portsmouth Harbor "In“ “a .'.- ,7 ___ H.M.s. Mellon Aground. H.M.S. Nelson's adventures would have been unbelievable it they had not happened. That the titigsship of the Home Fleet should run aground " the very entrance to Portsmouth Harbor while leaving for the spring cruise is an event probably without parallel in the history of the British Navy. The result ot the aim-lat 1......:_ _... _ ter t THE EMPIRE. 2 British Shipping. i British shipping is something more , than "the vital Imperial Interest," it ' was held to be in the striking and eloquent speech ot the Hon. Alexander Shaw recently. As in the late wsr, so in the future, it may be the one strong safeguard ot our people against starvation. Yet British shipping is everywhere declining under the pres- sure ot as competition heavily subsldls. ed try other powers. and even by our own Dominions. Before the war " per cent. ot the world's tonnage sail. ed under the British ttag, today only 29 per cent. does so. Moat ot the ships that are still running are doing 1 so with losses that are eating up the 1 reserves of the owuers.-Lottdou 'l‘ele- l graph. - __.- rv- vcuto It", l number of trucks and buses sold show- ed a gain ot 4.8 per cent., while their value increased 39.3 per cent. The combined result for an automobile. truck and bus sales was a gain of 10.4 per cent. in number, and 21.8 per can] in values-mama Sun. VV, - VII. ‘entally, has publicly adro. appointment ot the Cover.. lrtrr the Kitsg.--mtd Aal- ---e_. "...= yvl Cl the value increased 16.6 per number ot trucks and h...“ A H.M.S. I Outlaw the Revolver. When all Canada Agrees to claw: the revolver with morphine. heroin, cocaine and similar things. u n mp tional problem to be treated as such, there will be a tar btstterruthamm at bringing about its virtuli disappear- ance, except in such circumstances no it has a useful purpose to nerve. Meantime, all we can do is buck up the police and the courts in their un- necessarily dlmcult atsgtt.--htonrra., Star were any more chewing gum, , 'Incouver Sun Inlet The son as the road down he Little Admiral him. r in Trafalgar Square. Telegraph. N, mouth Harbor mhéi the responsible om. -"'" .. " ore than convolution] . would be museum.- non. me- Egg-glues Mpret"rnaion. tt it is I be“; than I an. In Ins In their an. task.--Motttreiu . Gordon med in . An Auspicious Opening The first week of this year, ending January 4, opened 'u1sspieiously. Nine hundred and seventy-four cattle were shipped to Great Britain; 40,732 hogs, were graded in Canada; 10,566 cattle, 3,005 calves, 14,116 hogs and 2,052 sheep were sold at the public Mock yards; and 60,550 barrels and 42,824 boxes of apples were exported to the British market. The seasonal exports of apples to January 4 are 1,629,639 barrels and 1,600,003 boxes, represent- ing increases on last season of IM and 11 per cent. respectively. F Flying in New Inland. It That aviation has come to stay in a New Zealuud is an accepted tact, but 1- it has not yet reached the point of y ftoltilliu,, n (auction as a public utility. e Various attempts to organize services I between i~olated places have been a made, but after n times these pio. . nears have found it impossible to car- ry on owing to insufficient support. In a country of such geographical forma. tion as New Zealand there is Justitica. I tion tor the development of a reliable aerial service the length ot the North and South island. ehietiy on account 1 ot the fact that other means ot trans- l portatiou cannot hope to rival the 1 high average speed ot an aeroplane. t With the news ot Flight-Lieutenant d Ulm'a nonstop ttight between Auck- d land and invercargiii, and the publish. h ed time-table of the firgt air transport 11 company organized on a national bas it is, comes the prospect that next year ty will see the deiinlte inauguration of hi a long-distance service in New Zea- lattd.--The Auckland “'nnhlu mm..- "a... 5mm aoove 'ie,": crying need , in education among he middle classes . of this c'ountry, though it is not neces- ' sarlly synonymous with manual train. I in; tor which workshops complete,, with benches. lathee and cobbler'a last, are a sine qua non. The tasks ot the clerk and the stenographer are as necessary and as "vocational" " those ot the motor mechanic and the Shoemaker. Nor should it be forgot. ten that an education that specializes rioo early is apt to deprive the coun- try adopting it ot that general range ot knowledge necessary it voters are not to be swept all their feet by sur- ges of emotion and appeals to preju- dice. An educational syllabus that is [ entirely utilitarian defeats lts own f oblect--CaIcutta Statesman. l sense given Smash toner-1‘ Hithhnden, tn ' the In. Police, ptainehrthetsmeu New York, at which the S. gunner-in; of the Protectors boxes. Each of the boxes represented about 858.000 ' mum]. cmeny on account t that other means ot trans- caunot hope to rival the as speed ot an aerophne. news ot Flight-Lieutenant "top ttight between Auck-l Inca service in New Zea- Auckland Weekly News. ot the firgt air transport mlzed on a national bar prespect that next year deiinlte inauguration of above it. l, In tummm, In Mommy Mud the Baku-wom- mtnuttr tn Btrrlttt on hat general range any it voters are their feet by guy. appeals to preju. Germany Returns Captured Scottish Drums 358.000. amen and private guards crowded he B. B. Bremen docked. The re tors was the unloading from sthe BI boxes contained two yellow bar- Protection Asked For "Zipper" Makers ottawa.-rncreesed protection for the manufacturers of slide fasteners, commonly known as "zippers," is sought in two applications for tara,' revision which have been sent to the Tariff Board by Hon. E. N. Rhodes, Minister of Finance. The applications are from the Colonial Fastener Com- pany of Montreal, and the Lightning Fastener Company of St. Catharines, Ont. The applicants claim that the classification under which these ar- ticles are entered was created before "zippets" came into general use. - 7~ -'eT"eV. ' In a book entitled “Rural Refuse and its Disposal," published by the society, exposed dumps are proved to be a. menace to the wealth and health of the rural community. The implied moral ot the seciety's book is that ot mutual eottslderation.' Regular collec- tions may not be possible in scattered districts, and in such districts the in. dividual householder must .recognise his responsibility for the general good. It the untidy sud selfish person would mend his ways. it is pointed out, he could bring untold good to his neigh- bors. . "__-_-e- ""-"'""""r"-r- VII I "HIV "HUI-II . EU - "-""""""'. - i -i"'" New York.--Attar declining tor two It . “l succeuive months, the cost at lit e 1artuioti.--:'ridritur up ot English rib. ing ot “fauna. turned towttrd l laces. Parfietdarfr" in the matter ot min In anunry, worming 0.3 per 9 proper disposal ot refuse, ig the otoset cent over December, ncoording to the 1- of a ccmmisn being carried ottt by regular monthly survey of the Na. ' the Soaps 'oeietr,agrmo whtmernain tionll Industrial Conference Board. . objective Is to protect the "Enll‘nd Living costs were " per cent higher t Beautiful." than In January, 1983, but 22.4 per I A questionnaire. issued with the tUF cent lower than In January, 1929. [ proval of the National Federation ot The purchasing value of the wage- Women's Institutes, Watt sent out to Garner's dollar, compnred with the the institutes In more than 1000 patu bale 1923 equals 100, was 129.0 cents lanes of 29 counties in England and in January, IM4, as compared With Wales, 129.4 In December and 139.9 cents 1 Judging by the all-we" Ettglarut tit last April. .. t still somewhat primitive in regard to Food prices, rose 0.4 per cent in I the manner in which it disposes of itg January over December, to tt level I refuse. No fewer than 37 per cent. ot 10.9 per cent above January, 1933, 0 the villages confessed that no "mm but 31.9 per cent below January. 1929. c lot refuse collection ig employed and Rent: declined slightly, 0.2 per tl that Individuals who do not Wtbttt the cent, which made them " per cent t trouble ot burning or burying it, tsimis lower than in January of last year . ly throw it into the nearest â€Men" and 31.8 per cent lower than In Janu- ent, or Inconveniet, place where " ary ot five years ago. lies, decaying Ind unsightly. T.. - ' _. _ - Mon-Gold _ Jean-Up Society lit Britain Attacks Villagers' Dumps TORONTO g from sthe Bremen ot 224 yellow bars ot go'd cud The reason tor the the drum! of " old regiment. Second Juan, " which the German had cap- the pier in ,7, -"N""l The London Wheat Conference es 'timated world import requirement, tor 1933-34 at 660 million bushels From August 1, 1933, to January " 1934, world shipments amounted to 238 million bushels, or an average at " million bushels per week. This leaves a balance of 322 million bush. els to be shipped during the remain- ing " weeks of the crop year, or a weekly average of 11.5 million bush. els. fl "rr-r-------- Austrian Independence , Heavy Runs-Damage Matter of Course F AM?!“ What Crops s... fu-. nm-:- I Estimated _ -- Vlvw Harvesting is carried on in New South Wale, Australia. tmm the end of November until January, and these months are generally very dry. Due to heavy rains, however, this year's, wheat crop has suifered serious demlge, and there is no doubt that the yields will be 1ppreciablr de- creued‘, and the quality of the grain reduced. On account of the low price of wheat and the higher prices of wool, it is expected that much of the land ttox under wheat will be returned to [nature Pasture. .. "anâ€. 1934, as compared with 129.4 in December and 139.9 cents last April. 0. Food prices, rose 0.4 per cent in January over December, to I level 10.9 per cent above January, 1933, but 31.9 per cent below Jnnuary. 1929. Rents declined slightly, 0.2 per cent, which made them " per cent lower than in January of last year and 31.8 per cent lower than in Janu- ary or ttve yeors ago. Food Prices rose Petuary over Dace 10.9 per cent abov but 31-9 per cent bet Rents declhmd . ___.. an will The purchasing value Garner's dollar, comm! bale 1923 equals 100, Wt in January, 1934, as Ct 129.4 in Decemh-r “A Living tad md 0.3 Per Cent. For Month of January - 77"... â€wt weir motor trip into Arizona that gave rile to seven! reports of their marina or impending marriage. Bu. from 1 Garbo friend it is learned that Greta and Mnmoulim remain friends, purely platonic, became they have similnr in. terests in picture makim, at and music. " Cuba's closest friends do not bo. heve she will wen- marry. trnd ras/ia in tioUtemd seam Hollywood. Feb. ".--Prom one of the few intimate. of the enigmatic Greta Garbo ttlen folk have learned the Swedish actress will not marry Roul- ben Mnmouh‘m and that he probably} will not direct another pietum and ring her. ! After several Muriel of eomirss? “A _:- -- - - Relations .. Not Likely $0 Many .. Garbo Will Not _ . Micah-ed mm {The Dominion Wed Her Director! To Banish Slums, Coast-to-Cozzs: Wheat Conference es- lmport requirements 560 million bushels. F33, to January 15, [etttg amounted to 'r or an average ot ' per week, This , Mt million bush. Anirofre Import “are. """"roee--rout In im your or 811,115 VII report city Council try "to Chief D, This In slightly than la M."..- - -__- "I. an. 1.1 per the company's newspaper Idvertisin; Ontario tyr cent Appropriation for 1934 and been Calium,4 at year greamy increased. of the m n Janu- ------w----- culture, I . en in m Austrian Independence had been Matter of Course any“: h . "or" Say German ofilieiaIa mum. t l Now Berlin, Feb. 18,--rhe maintenance M head of Aunt-inn Independence, which Bum [tlusse Great Britain. Italy and France in n Dominion Due joint manifesto aid mun be mnin- Head, the yenâ€; mined, was repreuented in onion! nptrortiortit 9110118 circles today as being "a matter ot in the am ', that course." ling. 1nd c ‘ de- "Who is threatening Austrin'u in. pod 'sarlst grain dependence?" demanded one apokec- ot new a. price man. tho-e elm wool, ----t----, in the m land . oeedlin I I ed to Relief Workers . A - , Waterloo 1tetetrot Rm Up Waterloo. - The Watertoo public 5011001 rate was not It 12% um. by the board recomly. Thu In an “to craze ot 1% mull over the 11.50 m. that hu held for seven yum was lor the week ended Feb. 15, 1933, were $427,000,000. -----i---.- The Spring M Requirement. Farmers who desire to assure their need supply u. minimum cost are " ready taking Rock ot their opriu requirements. Thou Who have need at their own will be min. mg. ml have it properly cleaned end and“. before the spring mesh. omen, lea fortunate, will I). welt “riled thte rear articular". to secure what they require no noon " pouible, menu sure that they are gown; and!†which or. most highly recommended for condMon. mm- -- AR__. Bran ttore, 1iutrlsimrton.--iamm, to brain [dealers held by weekly reporth York City member bunks Imou $853,000,000 during the wee! Feb. 14, the Federal Reserve reports representing . deer: "3.000.000 tor the week. Loam, for the week ended F 1933, were t"7.0othoon w r-wll\l" C Loan?) to Brokers I 11:11:; i own $43 000 000 ing. TI Washing-Inn -1 ,.....- C' . - , wiUt old I Winnipeg, ?un.--winnirrers lation, exclusive or the lubur 1938 was the hitthest In " h The "urea compiled by the assessment commissioner won 242. There bur been a stem crease In the city's Inhabitants 192.6. common. ilge- Advertising in Papers 33:: Steadily Increasing Winnipeg Has Highest . , Population Gains ‘0', -""'"""H m the Prince Albert National Park relief camps, where it is served nix mesh per week, 26,000 pounds of buffalo meet is in refrigeration here. The meat, obtained when the animus Were slaughtered at Wainwright, Alt... has become popular with relief workers. I hing Albert, Bask, .'."t“rd " - -__.__ “gun will 06 Mroquced in th, Montreal.---mreurine that the any Sewer“! Not to the 'rpecMtatton, yummy. m the backbone of may of and under the supervision a: the Matthias can“, Mr. G. P. Ban. Parent ©otnttaetr. nennun, Inle- manager In dam of Now “on. Mark“ “vermin: for I "Fl-hon milko Brandon, Manitoba.--, new mum ot automobiles told 150 dealem “a tor Canadian homo. Wat, found dur comm! rettNsotttatirms" here that“..- 1190 ' -ia-, - A The government; wotr'd hold a {new me until the complete payment of the loan. Landlord: would In compensated wool-din; to a not scale. The house. 'torn down would be rebuilt by al "new; the wuu necessary to the owners, and ucbltect'a plans And ammonia“ would bo carom!!! con-Mona to name that con-Inle- “on would be carried on month: to “wanna. unitary Wu. ief Workers - $MM00.000 Bums... Project, mu m»- .. Discus“ by lmpmve- l Hatttu, Non Scoulr At the m mall-WC 'cont “out! meeting ot the Nova Booth. 'Ntasataton Service at Tuna, tt Hum..hn.‘h to b. - Mr. J. P. Landry, Professor ot Pout Meiâ€... the run to construct M,000 try " the Nova Scon- Agrinuturul tte,%Grit oretltnq in loaned tn PM" College, said that turkey rut. m: m ttl- _ “unit"! “Wm now tn "u. the province in both feasible and pru- uritenee, with had- " 9m betg nub‘o, and urged that mo 0 ttttrn If-l'ulod for direct relief, were (“crib m... h. M†.- .L. . The plan would also help to ear I Mill-h the city, widen the Ttarmw t street: 1nd proMe playgrounde at . duo-t no em. It would pro . vlde " msonbl. maria. work for , 10,000 men " the banding arc) tor the period of three yen-I Mr. Dupuie sud thet.the project 'rntatUd the passing ot the necer my legislation on the part of the three sovommente, a icon of .50,- 000.000 with . nmntee of the three gout-union“, federal, provincial, end municipal, redeemable by annuitie- i at the rote ot 7 per cent, or which 4 l per cent would be applied to inter. I out And I per cent to sinking fund. , pt low cont withcut adding to the oversupply ot dwelling, â€do: the null landlord now in distress, and stabilize red eatauy nines. I“ " Mr. A. Dumb, addressing a â€nesting ot the City Improvement We. The project, which would cost 850,000,000, woufd eliminate novels, provid. alum-ion- midwee- Inch ad mane!!! in " history. omplled by the city'- trtntttimsiomrr were 221.- hu' been a study In- city'l inhabitants sine. Loan- to brokers and F ed Butralo Ekly reporting New banks amounted to theirs, Reserve Board I decrease ot In! was: m we apring. 1 Mala MOI Henna or carnana need . um out now to farmers Ol :trgm 'ue m- la one or the hardie . tor prairie hedges, growing , served "x m unreal conditions, It u Iert' of buffalo to be extremefy any to our ation 1.tert. The from teed and growth is can th.e nnimnla m ly rapid. With proper cult '"It.tt, Alt... ho good hedge tour to on feet relief workers. be grown in tour years. N. that" Growth Perla aHitrheat Edmonton, Alberta. - D . . Aunodt reports that die LEIGH Sith" period tor aprina when in l “unmet ' popu- approximately four days ttttm the auburba, ttt the average, oats all days '. ttt " history. and barley ten days shorter by the citr's cereal valiety tests at Alba: 9tMbr Were 221,- verMtr In "" The usual It . 'rteadr tet. teata or apt-in; when, om, 1 [habitanta tsince barley were carried on. A t .. production, such as Red Wi Carma aprin: wheat and I an barn" ...n.-- ._ . - - ,,_-- .nvullu. wruen, - “tamer. is unmet-ted. Vt tttei, TIM “M,†In I policy ct never to “all" “be ureamefmm the lurk. mg: no .339 .. __- week ended ’Mr'. Britt-h Column! “In. fore being .ttiptr, 'e their the Dominion C ‘N " " Cowichan u: atrrittg At the Could)... e and mom loin“ "a ‘9" to BertttiA “Mon mod I Pear. Film-r t, - u... " Wales himu, 733.5; which the Imam clearance plum £0.11 in; II..- ubrially hinder“. ' - “w 8.10 of u m in Kenningum. IP11“ M' New" to the of w“. Duchy of Cornwml was. in "mmmeod in London, the Inc: ld' be devoted to slum clear. on]. In borders the fame " I†WWW“. which, 'erk h More“! -_- - wmcnu; Hatchery the ship- ment “not "other lot of 100.000 ['llii'ii; Canon can received In! .70". Mel- Iota ot 100,000 wit! be added at: you and In 1980, makinx the total a! Imported Scotti-h gums llh an“ 4- ., ' “he. Sal. " 'ttaf - fat Slam -. """-'"'.9, Ul but, IM8ttatt Coinmbh Game Branch be, tore bola; shipped on vi. Nummo to the Dominion Government Hatchery " Couch“ lake. Vancouver Island. At the Cowman Hatchery the amp- llm “It. Slower lot of mnmm .“ML . - --e_ .\.vv It‘ll! preview to distribution. I 1% Salmon Eu. Vancouver, British Columbia. -- A Sit-pound box eontainitt. 100,000 At- hallo when one from rivers in the Scottish mutilati- reached Vancouver recently by Cut-din Pacino Expreu. and won illpoct b lie of the Mrattng, M__Ued_r o m. with Marga; for 'treriom, to dun-I a no we summery any to "All I beds! a from seed and tt8owttt Ia comparative Ir rapid. With proper cultlvwion l ' (00d hedge tour to the feet high cal be grown In tour years. Mao-tar Growth Parlou- Edmonton, Alberta. - Dr. o. s Aamodt report- that the growl! Period for â€ring wheat in 1933 war approxlmauly four dare shorter that the average, oala alx day. shorle' and barley ten days shorter, in the cereal variety tests at Alberta Uni wet-any In "88. The uaual varlev) (out: at apt-II; when, oats, ttatt and barley were curled on. A few no: productions. such an Red Wing ttttt Cam" "ring wheat and Pent‘and barter, â€Dell- to be specially Promis, tne. Their â€dormant- 0.--...†butod Bahama, â€Whevan. - At the ’Domlnlon Nursery Station It India, Head, the In]! in nt present bus: apportioning to thou-ands ot farmer: in the thro. Prune Provinces, need ling- tnd cutting: which will be ship M only next spring for the mum. at - n-k _. -* , Tomato, Oatt.--hte Toronto luau. , trill Commission Announce. that the mm at the Galen! Tire Ind Rubber Council] ot Akron, Ohio U.8.A, an no. to be mnuhclured In Toronto. Negotlnuou which Lava been In m for some time In" resulted In " arrangement conclud ed between the United saves cor ponuon AM the Beitrertitur Rubber Company ot Ccnndn, whereby "Gen en!" tire. wilt be produced In the Bs4treritne plant to the Bpeciticatfom ot and under the Butrervlsion o: the parent company. to "not drawn , I, NM New Brumrwiae-rtu, 1.;m M ot the KYMum board mi- "mot'ted Into Sweden in 1982 was yup- d 'pued " Canada, according to advices (iii? Scandinavia. Them are exten- i"l,aévo 0mm deposit: In New Bruns- ' “Cl and Nova Beotta which am t “on; the urea! known, and up ‘aa-boauiaoaeot theproducu . Ina-Mud from then depoaita. , 186 New Ham _ mutual, otartree.--New industrial plan. opened in Canada during "" totalled I“. Ot thla number any war. either direct aubeidiariea ot United Stats concern, or were a- tabllahad to manufacture a product at a United State. company former- ly law into Canada. six plant, mam, - in the tetrtile trade, were directly connected with Brltlah Irma, and tour with cumming in other mauled, Seventy-am plant: were annulled solely in Canada. ctr Perfornnuce, “admin. win tt ttt four "iii, Mr. J. P. Wu, Professor of Pour a, qt the Nova tteotU Agricultural College, and that turkey ruin; in the tteoetnee In both rumble and pro- llhhfo. and "'04 that mo P anon- tbh be tmid to all. branch or farm. ing. At man, turkeys in the pn- vlnoc number about 4.000. Randal the next ie. he}! More lush... It Albert. Uni tre and "Hen, K, can, flu and on. A few neu I Red Wing "t t Ind Peatind IMMIy prom“. â€tether watched well undo: I upon-tot to u) t there m ovorthele "are dealt I won t In: with you. b any: "it In all an! ad to wave . Int, ten-u! {men wa AMingta " " lh M 'm On lan- there I 'ttere' Ike y hey to the m on w the, l non. hare Sn tt to u In tr Ruth line e the the (acts. tar I low , -eritnetu It Pre " ho VI-ltor Mb thu The m be or one Goiter- how you Partner- Pmner Golter ( (In girl 1 in her [II t think It I Ott.tr tt only It'- Insplq 31mm: I can mo In Pe It In welll hot to l l- tenet In ritual; the lies 1 “I But you " only Ie-i d a" I!