Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Oct 1933, p. 8

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' , m took his thoughts from par- m and the Invite. both protes- II. b be God-tearing men. pound - tho m by the wsyslde whom bu robbed by thieves tad needed Mr help Ind who received unm- Mr and despised by the Jew. The Master mi " I cup of cold wh- tee given in H1. name would hive In round an! mm: the dar of judg- mt (some: and the righteous and tho sinful no sarparated, each to their own pine forever, the condem- was mi not be the evil we have {one but ‘lmsnmch u we have not done it unto the least of there." We no plowed to know that Mr. Idvme Petty, who suddenly was taken m last week. is gradually re- gaining " strength. In Ramon. Extemont. spent Sunday with her nlece. Mrs. Watson and family if It and In Daniels and children, at town. visited 'on Sunday with Mr tad In D. Marshall and with Mount KNOX CORNERS 11.. subject for sermon My. viii:- lustre! Marshall visited ov- or the week end " Donald Wuson's. Noah Woman. A The W. M.B. expect to hold their man dieting. st home of His: T. I. Byers, Wed.. Oct. 11th. Mrs (Rev) Buoyant will give a paper and’ In. Smallnun will take the topic. l Cmttrmtuiattom' to Mr and Mrs H. Watson, who were married on Wed. - int. Our best wishes go with them " they commence homemak-I in; and we welcome them as our nearest neighbors. l His: Y. E. Byers entertained I number of the ladies around the Cor- net: two enormous recently. Among the number were Mrs Porter Sr. and In McNally or Tnverston. Iouqum tor spec}! Edition There were may kindly comments expressed over the special "Better Business" editbn. put out by the Review last week. There were her- alia' on every use ot the tune and the citizens of Durham and locality, no not sittw when it comes to ben- emung their pockets. The ale pri- ces listed In: week. continue for the r mafnder ot this week. "Better Busineu" week: in Durham, mean much to the buyer. ‘lndluneu perfect att'ee tor Sept. I lit Iv-Percy Gordon'. [one Ety clos', Elsie Hooper'. Howard Keith, Alex McMurdo. Carlyle Guides, Dot-I othy MeNaltyo. Jr Iv-Muriel Wat. son 79%. Sr m--Cttttrlett Watson. Ruth McKenzle. Jr li-tOro" Hurlson, Kenneth Leith', Colvin Guides" Ethel o'Karfha. Jr 1-Ahu. vln Non. Douglas Non. Primer-- Annie Dixon', Betty Taylor', Hector 1.t Murdo', John Harrison. L. G. Ries, teacher 13, EGREMONT onirddert” p... s-tlated'- hind“. 100 miles Mr G Burrows and Min Elsie and-l revs, spent Sunny with her porents; In Riverview. l Mr and Mrs B. McCsll spent Burr day with Arthur friends. l, Guests of Mr and Mrs A. HenryI over the week end were Mr D. Hen- ry and caum, Toronto: Mr and Mrs. Thou Brown, Durham. Miss Ade. Morrison left Saturday for 0. Sound hospital where she will train for a nurse. We wish her we cess in her new profession. . Mr and Mrs R J mm attended ‘Grand Valley fair, Saturday. L Mr and Mrs Geo. Smith, Durham, {visited her parents the tlrst of week, Mr and Mrs H. Allingbam and family. visited the Eccles family and other village friends tor a few days last week. i‘ Mrs Geo. Hostetter had her sis- ter and niece of Detroit, visit them for I few days. ', Mr Merton Reid, Seatorth. visited his mother over the week end. Mr and Mrs C. Fenton, his moth. er and cousin Reta. met with a. ser- ious car accident Sunday near Chat. isworth. They no under care ot or. ‘Brown and nurse Mrs A. Mm [W a wish them a speedy recovery; Mr and Mrs Rife and family. Mt. Forest, paid the village a short visit on Friday. Mr Arthur Brown, who ha been visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs A. Brown, has returned to his duties tn the city. Mrs Robinson and daughter (Jes- sie Allingham) took 'n the fair. and spent a few days among her friends. Mr Jas Reid and friend, Cedar- ville, paid relatives and friends a. short visit. - “bdn't forget the shooting match Oct. , an Athletic Field. Mr and Mrs Habermehl visited with Guelph friends the first of week. The football boys are' holding a ban- quet Friday evening, Oct. 20, in the Agricultural Hall. Please keep the date open week. HOLSTEIN LEADER LOCAL AN D PERSONAL More particulars next sited . SAUGEEN can. ‘ELECT . OFFICERS FOR YEAR l Swgeen C.G.l.T. met In the hue- iment ot church on Tueurlayrat 1.30 irir.hie meeting opened with Bing- ing hymn TTI, followed by pnyerby Mrs Anken. The scripture lemon was read by Miss label nestle, sf-l ter which Mrs Aitken read a stout} about Jezebel, the wicked queen. E. lectlon of ottieers were as touowtcl Hon. Pres., Mrs (Rem) Aitken I President, Isabel Hastie Vice President, Nora Shortt I Treasurer, Aileen Brown . I Press Reporter, Nora Shortt -‘I Group Leaders, Sr. group '. Mrs J.) Brown, Mrs W. Aitken : Group) Pres., Marie Aitken; Vice Pres.,) Myrta Alias: Bee'y, Laura. Ellis. 1 Group Leaders. Jr. Group '. lsabel Hastie, Margaret Christie: Group I Pres., Margaret Elder: Vice Fires" Elizabeth Aitken : Sec’y, Helen _ Buller. Plans were made tor the meetings until the close of year. A few games were played, after which a presen- tation was made to Mrs (Rev.) Ait hen, who is leaving us. The meeting closed with taps. HOLSTEIN SCHOOL REPORT (Junior Room) Sr r-Islay Seaman. Bert Long. J " Eccles. Alex Aitken and Russel Ellis,) (equal) Jean McGuire, Francis Ellis, (equal.) Jr I-Minerva Mercer, Jim Steven- son. (equal) Daisy Dyer, Audrey Esk- ett, Arthur Butler, Harold Long,Phy- 1113 Johnston (equal). Harold Gibson. Pr A-Carlma Reid Betty McMillan. (equal) Doreen Eccles, Harry Altken Shirley Long. Dorothy Long. (equal) A, J. Morrison, Clifford Troup, Ruby Moore. ”Pr B-Delbert Long, Fern Long. Elmer Ellis, Royden Haas. Nora. Shortt, teacher Iv-Beth Byers', Gertrude Hart- man, Bemeda. Kraft, Leslie Ball, Re. ta. Beim, Lloyd PritM, Clarence Fid- ler, Anderson Byers, Nellie Byers, J. Henderson. Br m-Georgina Ball', Betty Hen. derson. Ivan F'idterf Nelson Wid- meyer', Irene Heifer. Jr III-Marion Byera'. Albert Ball II-games O'Brien, Clayton Fidler, Beatrice Ball', Billy Sharp, Shirley Davie, Mildred Gerhardt, Florence Gerhardt'. I-Violet Schenk', Lulu Widmeyer' Howard Kraft. Br Pr-Marie Henderson. Bernard Garvey'. - Jr Pr-Willard Rahn, Edward Fid- let", Reta Garvey", Lloyd Allenson'. 'No. present every day. No. on roll 33 Average attendance 32.19%. The Mission Band will meet at the Manse Saturday of this week. Mr and Mrs Bert Watson of Knox Normanby, attended service at Am- os last Sunday and spent the day with James and Miss May Ferguson. Messrs Alex Ecclea and GeoPletr ter. are winding up the threshing a. round our burg this week. Nearly everybody mom these parts are preparing to spend' 1 day at the Prov'l plowing match next week. Two of our men folks are go- ing to try their hand at plowing-- James Bunston and Harry Scales. We wish them luck. . Amos congregation are voting on Sunday, Oct lst and Mh, to ap- point three elders and it is to be hoped that all members will bring or send in the three names next Sunday. Mr and Mrs Wm Wallace, Durham were visltnrs with Mr and Mrs D. Davis, Sunday. Miss Sadie Davis spent last week at home ot her uncle. Mr Robt Mc- Gillivray, Bineuan. Some from this community were in attendance at the reception at the home of Mr and Mrs Palmer Patter- son, in honor of Mr and Mrs Harold Watson on Tuesday. Miss Pearl Brown is engaged for a tew days with Mrs (Dr.) Brown, of Holsteiin. Mr and Mrs Adrian Noble and children, Durham, were recent visi- tors at the home of J. C. .Queen. Mr Mervyn Reuber, teacher. spent the week end at his home near Clif- ford. The friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs Chas. Rahn met at their home and presented them with a. purse of money and spent an enjoy- able time. Sorry to lose them as they were good neighbors. AlJAN'S GORNERS S. NO 8, NORMANBY DROMORE Beth Hineks, teacher v0! I mrqN,' AKUHIVES TORONTO Holstein Fair Excels iii Exhibits aouneement or most ot the' urge crowd, who attended the annual Eg- remont exhibition in Holstein last Friday. The weather was ideal, the attendance as large as in previous years, possibly slightly larger, while the exhibits' ,especlally in the stock classes. were a. record breaker. No other attractions are necessary} to draw the populace to Holstein. It! is a. purely agricultural fair, localit‘ ed to the township" _and as such, ex- hibitors have no opposition from urb- an citizens or professionals from oth- er townships. Egremont farmers and their families accordingly take a greater interest in displaying in competition among themselves, the products of the farm and household, and the fair attracts many former residents and visitors from other lcentres. THE DURHAM REVIEW The Hall was filled to capacity, the baking and tlowers overflowing their bounds into the south side ot lower hall, where fruit ,though ot good quality, was not so plentiful as formerly. An interesting exhibit was the floral novelty, where two tine miniature models ot grounds, trees. flowers ,etc., were displayed. Alex Henderson's was awarded lat and N. E. McGuire‘s, second. The ladies' work classes upstairs were better tilled than usual, and the display was ‘well above the average. FINE DAY AND FINE CROWD "The beth tair ln years" is the pro- In the Park the stock classes sawl keen competition and a bumper ent- ry list. Bo many horses were shown that it was almost six p.m. before Judging was completed. In agricul- tural team there were eight entries. Cattle broke all records, there being 175 head entered, while sheep. swine and poultry classes all had crowded pens. Egremont must be golng more strongly lnto stock-raising. _ The potato races by boys on horse» back in athletic field, were the last Levents of the day and winners were: Boys under 16--Ray Adams, Wal- lace Matthews, Bert Ross. Open Raee--ken Ross, Murray Rosa, _ George Calder. Mount Forest band rendered good muslc during the afternoon and Flesherton Dramatic Club presented their play "In Apple Blossom Time" to a full house In the evening. HORSES Heavy Drtutght-Brood Mare, C. Me- Gillivray, W. Lamont, Calder & Son. Spring Foal, Calder a; Son, Monl- vray, Lamont. , yr. Filly or Gelding, P. Rattle, J. Wilkinson, J. Lewis. 1 yr. Filly or Gelding, Mayer & Sons. E. Hunt, T. Brown. 2 yr. Filly or Gelding, Hattie, Lamont, Brown. Team, Hors- burgh & Son, Battle, Meoi11ivrtty. Agricultural-Brood Mare( C. mur-l balm, Lamont, W. Aldcorn. Spring Foal. Fairbairn, Wilkinson, Mayer & Sons. 3 yr. Filly or Gelding, Horsburgh, & Son. Aldcom, N. McDougali. 1 yr. Filly or Gelding. Wilkinson, R. Finder. H. Pinder. 2 yr. Filly or Gelding, J. Stevenson. Mayer & Sons. A. Ross. Team, Battle, Ross, M. Ellis. General Purpose-Brood Mare, Cal- der & Son. V. Eurig, E. Gardiner. Spring Colt, Eurig. Ross, v. Adams. 1 yr: Filly or Gelding, J. Eurig, R. Alt- ken, V. Earle. 2 yr. Filly or Gelding, E. Hunt, o. Aitken, J. Earls. Team, E. McRobb, P. Halliday. N. McDougall. Rotuuter-Brtmd Mare, Lynch Bros., Spring Colt, v. Eurig, Lynch Bros. lyr. Filly or Gelding, P. Halliday. Pair Drivers, R. Irvin. single Roadster, V. ,Adams, J. Brown. ‘ Coach and Carriage-ing Colt, V. l Eurig. 1 yr. Filly or Gelding, J. Brown, Ar. Eurig. 2 yr. Filly or Gelding, J. Brown, Mayer & Sons. Pr. Carriage E. Reid, J. Burk. Carriage Home, P. Halliday. T. Brown, A. Henderson. Lady Driver, V. Adams, P. Hallway. CATTLE tmorthorna-Bull, 2 yrs., J. Eurig. R. Dodds. Bull calf, C. Ptsirbairn,. Bull Calf, under 6 mos., E. McRobb. Cow, J. Bung. 1 and 3, E. McRobb 2. Heifer, 2 yrs., J. Ends. Heifer, 1 yr., C. Fair- balrn, 1 and 2. Heifer Calf, under 1 yr., J. Ems. E. McRobb. Heifer out, un- der 6 mos., E. McRobb. Hereford-Bull, Mayer & Sons, E. Gardiner. Bull Calf, under 1 yr., W. Rae, J. Bowling. Bull Calf, under 6 11105., E. Gardiner, J. Bowling 2 and 3. Cow, W. Rae, 1, 2 and 3. Heifer, 2 yrs., o. Aitken. miter, 1 yr., C. Watson, W. Rae, o. Aitken. Heifer. under 1 yr.. E. Gardiner 1 and 2, J. Bowling. miter, under , mos.. bowling 1 and 2, Gu- PRIZE LIST 2 and 3. ' oxtord--Aged Ram, M. Ems, H. Comm. R. Aitken. tghearling Ram, C. Watson. Ram Lamb, Cownn, W. Smith. o. Ankara. Ewe, R. Dodds, Cowan, R. Dodds. Shem-ling Ewe, Comm, E. Me- Robb 2 and 3. Ewe Lamb, Comm 1 and 2, W. Smith. Bhropshirt--Atred Ram, J. Shand, W. Hottmtut. Shsarling Ram, Shand. Ram Lamb. Shana. Hottman, w. Smith. Ewe, Hoffman, Smith. Shand. Shearllng Ewe, Shana 1 and 2, Hoitrtttut 3. Ewe Lamb, _ POULTRY Toulouse Geese, aged, W. Hoftmln, Mayer & Sons. J. Smith. Toulouse Geese, sprung, Meyer & Son. Hartman. E. Reid. Turkeys, aged. J. Fairbalm. Bowling, Alex. Aitken. Sprmg Turkeys, Fair- balm 1 and 2, J. Lewis. Aged Ducks, G. Schenk, Mrs. H. Mc- Dougall, M. Rice. Spring Ducks, Lewis. Hoffman. Rice. Barred Rocks fowl, v. Adams, J. Shmd, Chicks, W.J. McDougall 1 and 3, Adams 2. White Rocks, fowl, J. Robertson. Chicks. M. Bowling. White Leghorn fowl, E. Reid 1 and 2. Chicks, H. Cowan, E. Reid, o. McCall. Brown Leghorn fowl, Alex. Aitken. Chicks, Aitken. Wyandotte fowl, J. Nicholson, G. Aitken, J. Robertson. Chicks, Nichol- son, Robertson, Aitken. Rhode Island Red fowl, Meyer & Sons. Chicks, Mayer & Sons. B.C. Mottled Anconas fowl, Robert- son. Chicks, Robertson. Goose Wheat, J. Stevenson, Mrs. P. Reid. White Fall Wheat, J. Lewis, C. Schenk. Red Fall Wheat, Alex. Aliken. Spring Wheat, E. Sharp. R. Dodds. Wh. Barley, J. Lewis, W. Ferguson. Long White Oats, S. Patterson, J. Lewis. Sht. White Oats, Alex. Aitken, J. Lewis Sml. White Peas, W. Ferguson, J. lewis. nan-w. ". "CM" vw. r",r,l""ciLGtri". Honeyman, W. J. Philp. Mtutaroontr, J. White Oats, s. Puterson, 3.TP . . Pturbairn, R. Aitken. anon Bread, White Oats, Alex. Aitken, J. Lewis SW1. J. Falrbaim, R. Taylor. Meat but, E. White Peas, w. Fergus“ J. Tatwis. Lindsay. Butter Tans, w. Aldcorn. R. Large White Peas, P‘emp' R. Dodds. Taylor. Jelly Tarts. H. Comm. R. ny- Ensiltqre Corn, Dodds, Ire"""'. Buck” lor. Pumpkin Pte, J. A. Ferguson. J. wheat, J. lewis, Mrs. Reid. Lewis, Mrs. Hosteuer. Apple Pte, Alvi. SEEDS 'Aiaen, Mayer & Sons. tr. Patterson. Timothy. R. Dodds, J. w"inson-rumon Pie, w. when, w. J. Luncnt, Buntiower, J. Lewis. Large White Betuu A. Henderson. Raisin Pie, H. 00m. w. Ellis, A. Henderson. Btntul White w. Aitken, Alex. lumen. Cheese Dish, Beans, W. rlerguson. E. Matthews. C. Wnton, Robb a: Son. J. Robb. Four- ROOTS AND VEGETABLES lplme School Lunch, A. Henderson, E. White Potatoes, M. Rice, o. Macon. Lindsay, B. Hunter. Individual sued, Red Potatoes, J. Nicholson. Swede Tur- W. J. Pttilp, B. Hunter, A. Henderson. nips, W.J. Mcmugall, H. McDousall. Working Man's Tee, R. Dodds, A. Hen- Turnips aok, J. Lewis, J. Ferguson Red demon, Robb a Son. Apple Jelly, J. Mangels, E. Lindsay, J. Ferguson. Yel- Robb, M. mus. Respberry Jelly, J. low Mtuige1s,T.E1l1s,E.Mtstthews. Bu- Nicholson, Mrs. Hostetter. Curmnt gar Mangelts, t Ellis, J. perguson. Wh. . Jelly, J. Lewis, Mrs. w. H. Rogers. Carrots, J. Lewis. Red Carrots. E. Mat- i Grape Jelly, J. Niehoiaon, R. Christie. thews, M. Ellis. Red Carrots, short, Mrs I orange Mm‘me' mu Ohmic. R. Hostetter, R. Dodds. Dons Beets, t comm. Mustard Planes. W. J. Mc- Ellis, J. Ferguson. Short Beets, w. JVooulmll, R. Taylor. Chili asuoe. R. Philp, B. Patterson. Picklins "uflelrhtoior, J. Nicholson. mm Comp, hers, Mrs. Hostetter, J. Lewis. La"NJ. Robb, R. nylon Beet Pickles, w. J. ble Pumpkin, Mrs. Reid, W. Ellis. Par- Philp, o. McCall. Onion Pickles, J. amps, M. mus. J. Ferguson. Seed on- Robb, Mrs. W. H. Rogers. Sweet Cu- ons. Allan Aitken, P. Battle. Dutch cumber Pickles, J. Robb, J. Lewis. Beta, Allan Aitken/W. MeDougal1. Po- Canned Peaches. Rev. Mr. Harlem, tato onions. Allan when M. EIN. W. J. Philp. t9trawtterrietr, J. Robb, R. Cttulitiower, J. Ramon- E. Reid. om- Christie. Cherries, J. Robb, J. mu. base. Mrs. EMMY» J. Wrguaon. Mlplums, t runs. a. Macon. Peon. R. Cucumbers. w. Ellis. J. Fem- 'P-hwor,st.Dodds. mummy Cabbage, R.-DoddB. Pumpkin, w. Mi1is, R. nylon mock Curnnh, Mrs. w. n. B. Pattergtrn. sweet. Com, o. “$.11"an J an”. n..- l v..d. B“_- a.o.k., M. Bowling, W. Hoffman, Lamb, J. Smith, J. Stevenson I. __ ,7 _ (.l Cut tlowerB, Rev. Robt. Honey- r.iman, Miss Christie. Trand Bouquet, s'ttev. Mr. Honeymm. Miss Christie. .- Table Bouquet, Miss tmristie. Cosmos. n.T. Ellis, Miss Christie. Stocks. T. El- "is, Miss Christie. Dublin, W. Alina. E. Miss Christie. Aaters, Miss Christie. _., “4., a plain, Rev. Mr. Honeymnn. J. hir- baim. Buns, fancy. Mrs. W. H. Rogers. Robb a Son, Mrs. W. H. Rogers. m Biscuits, E. MeRobts, B. Human B. Pit- terson. Bran Biscuits. 8. Patterson. R. Taylor, Mrs. Hostetter. Plum Scones. Mrs. Hostetter, R. Taylor, R. Christie. Fruit Cake, dark, Mrs. W. H. Rogers, N. McGuire. R. Taylor. Fruit Cake, light, Mrs. W, H. Rogers, A. Brown, R. Taylor. Layer Cake, light, R. Taylor, Rev. Mr. Honeyman, J. Lewis. Choco- late Layer Cake. W. J. Lamont, B. Hunter, H. Cowan. Angel Cake, Rev. Mr. Honeyman. W. Allan. Johnny mont. Oatmeal Date Cake, W. Ald- corn, W. J. Lamont. Jam-Jams, R. Taylor. W. J. Philp. Demon Cookies, J. Nicholson, J. Robb. Bran Gems, C. Fttnton, w. J. Philp. Doughnuts, R. Nicholson, Mrs. Hostetter. Cumnt Jelly, J. Lewis, Mrs. w. R. Rogers. Grape Jelly, J. Nicholson. R. Christie. Orange Mormolnde, Miss Christie, R. Christie. Mustard Pickles. w. J. Mc- Dougall, R. Taylor. Chili Bones. R. Taylor, J. Nicholson. Tomto Cotsup. J. Robb, R. nylon Beet Pickles, W. J. Philp, o. McCall. Onion Pickles, J. Geranium. J. Best Plant in --" W. Nader. Bullet so: - W. J. - m. E. Alien. oentre Piece. " In., o. Head]. Centre Piece, so In. colored, c. ' --- ninth, T. mm. mm cm. erocttet., a, Me- ___ ------- “a E Crochet in cotton, um amaze. w. M mus. Tatum. R. mum. M. Rice. 413mm mm Work. 'r. mu. Cut 'tttitch, emb., a. menu. a Bay's Jacket and Bonnet. I Reid. Child's Rompers, In. P. Sweater Ind Cap, MN. P. Reid. Lazy Daisy French Knots. B. Hunter, o. mom. Pom Beat Novelties for out, C. mm. Mrs. W. Finder. But- ton Holes. was Christie. R. Tnyior. Mending, J. Nicholson, R. Taylor. Dun- ing, J. Lewis. R. nylon Gott. 4 Articles made from f1ttur sacks, Mm. P. Reid, Miss Christie. Reed Work. o. Meow. J. A. Smith. My Work, not listed. E. Allen Kit w. 3. Rogers. Rug, hook- ed as. Rev. Mt. anaemia. R. Dodds. Rug, E. Hume's. W. Alma. N. locum. Apple Pte, H. Conn. M. Bowling Specimen in Inter color. J. non. Beets. J. Stevenson. w. McDougall, Dressed Doll, B. Hunter, M. Bowling. Plain Hamming. J. Steven-on. E. Me- Rnbb. Wood Carving. M. Ems. Pencll Peck of Potatoes, W. J, Nlchokon. Carrots. M. mus. J. Nichol- B. B. NO t, MBEIONT V--qeowarrt Wm, Bert Marsh- tll. nr-r-Helen may. Doris Pin- Eer._lmge Dull, Inn Johnson. C. CIIIIDIIN'S wo" m Rheum. M. Darling. N. Me- Children's Wm a, m: Hunter, VOL. LU. ovt An Enjoyablc Dance Durham Trnnis Cl d tmeltttt Tin. Stolen Wink- viCU imam M 3:14 CONFERENCE OF AUXlUARIES A" Re ‘II noo mammal lower.“ uti.s that of its an churches - rm“ of ct Mrs. Knvchlvl n 1 word In new: ttte huh-"hip Q “Rule Emmi: Arr-tte-ta Wt we! work and " u Ill- Se, u mush progrnm Manned by In G Mtark M .er Inna Mr INSTITUTE Jon in to“ 151mg tripods ‘ Sundny. Mr :1 " Ha n In ALMAC H Honda tstmtitt ot 't M M " O Rt

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