Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Oct 1933, p. 7

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lid " It Ripe Cucumber Pickle Cut un-umhors in halves lengthwise. ( nu-r with alum water. nllowng two [Alum-0x14 powdered alum to each an m at water. Heat gradually to boil. In: will". then let stand over slow heat [or two hours. Remove from I"!!! Wator and chill in ice water. lake I syrup by boiling two pounds sugar. 1 " vinegar and 2 tablespoons ouch ot Whole cloves and stick cinnamon Ripe Tomato Pickle p, pints tomatoes. peeled and chop- p-t 1 mp chopped celery, 4 table- “...ms wash chopped red pepper and chappvd onion. 4 tablespoons “It. ' Ithln‘puons sugar. 6 tablespoons nua- tart smut Li, teaspoon each ot clove 8H1 I'lllllllmon. 1 teaspoon grated nut- meg. '.' runs vinegar. [In-4. d cups vinegar. Mn mgrediunts in order given. Put In dun» jar and cover. This uncooked mnmro- must stand a week before "mm. but may be kept a rear. Pm-l and slice tomatoes. Put In a pun-.m'I'Vin kettle with rematittinq In- gr-th-nts. Heat gradually to boiling punt and wok slowly two 3nd one- lnlr hours. Tho iwuts are cooked until tender. dunno-II in cold water to slip “in: and uwnurml after chopping. Combine .n iustrruiients, using enough vinegar to c m-r mixture. Bring to the boiling [mm and cook Bre minutes. Seal " mum 'roilinq hot, in sterilized Jars. Chili Sauce I: vn-nlmmesized ripe tomatoes. 1 pep- p--. and one onion. ittteir chopped, 2 Cups vinegar. 3 tablespoons Bill-f. 1 tablespoon salt. 2 Impoons each of ground clove. cinnamon. allapice and ttrusted nutmeg. took slowly from l to 2 hours. until fhrrk Seal in sterilized Jan. Store in I dark, Incl place. Meet and Horseradish Relish F-mr cups (hopped cooked beets. 4 :ups shredded cabbage, % cup gated hurwradiah, 1 cup sugar, 2 teaspoon. sch. l. tr'asitoott pepper, 2 cups vine- Rumuve seeds trom peppers. peel mums and put all through food chop- Ir'r. Put into colander and pour sev- mau quarts ot boiling water through manure Drain well and put Into pre- Hangout Pickle. Many cuts of meat and tttairs, every- aw vogt’labk's that make wholesome "was need just a touch ot a unseat. pp”; relish to add test to the menu. Trs-ry otten a well chosen pickle may 3... v.rved with mentor Batt In place of a ‘pr'I iz'ally prepared sauce. A Inked an}: mu might otherwise demand n ann "lar stwrrmpattiment to add the [In H' tnat it lacks. gains piqunncy {mm pu-klc-s that are ready to serve ',,olv1ut. Gradually beat in on. Pack tel" mi t'ucumhers and onions In a large ' rm " or sterilized jars and cover top mu: horse radish root cut in slices. 1' .ur over the vinegar and oil mixture to vow-r. Seal Jars or cover croek “uh I weighted plate, and keep in I Jud, tntol place. Dresden loll»- Twwlve sweet red peppers. ' sweet kt -»u [mum-r5. 6 medium shod onions, 2 unbleqxxnm mu. Pi, cups light hr mu sugar. 2 teaspoons whlto mus- tard need, 1 tank-spoon celery need. 3 ("we vinegar. wmmut extra ehort. Sn smu- the pickling season II with u, mum. we are giving you the recipes lwlaw in the hope that some at then Will he just the kind of relish you w ml to add spice and pen to your mum. particularly during the long wrutor to come. "rrtrii, velery seed. sugar and pepper mm vnwgar and stir until sugar is Oil Pickle. l'my vucttrttber.q three to four Inches In lunglh. 1 quart small white onion. m, run) white mustard seed. 1/3 cup , " 'ry seed. 1 cup olive oil. 4 able . -rvmg kettle with vinegar, sugar. an um] spices. Bring to boiling Point and The visit to the ironing board will be simplified it you bear in mind that artificial silk should be ironed with a cool iron and should be plactically dry before pressing; silks should be damp- ed slightly more and the iron should he a. little hotter; cottons should be damped fairly well and linens should be quite damp, while a very hot iron should be used for each. Studied goods should be thorough ly damp and pressed quickly with I very hot iron. Linen. because it requires a glossy finish, should be pressed on the right side. Slice tomatoes and onions, place in colander. sprinkle each layer with salt and let drain overnight. In the morn- ing add remaining ingredients, cover with vinegar and cook until soft. Seal in covered jars. More or less sugar may be used as desired, also onions. idea. About Pruning To bring up the corded ettect on pique dresses, press them on the wrong side Both real and artitieiat silks show lron'marks very easily and should be ironed on the wrong side. Pickled Onions Peel small white onions, cover with brine. allowing one and one-half cups salt to two quarts boiling water and let stand two days. Drain and cover with more brine; let stand 2 days and drain again. Make more brine and heat to boiling point; put in onions and boil three minutes. Put in jars inter- spersing with bits of mace. white pep percorns. cloves. bits of bay leaf and slices of red pepper. Fill Jars to over- Bow with vinegar scolded with sugar, allowing one cup sugar to one gallon vinegar. Cork while hot. Green Tomato Chutney Halt peck green tomatoes. 1 lb. onions, '4 peck ripe tomatoes, cut in pieces. 1A dozen sweet red peppers. chopped, 1% lbs. sugar, 2 tablespoons ground cinnamon, 1 tablespoon red pepper. 2 tablespoons cloves, ground, 1 tablespoon auspice, ground. Lazy Daisy Pickles One gallon vinegar, 1 cup salt. I run sugar. 12 small hot red peppers. 1 cup custard seed, 2 gallons cucumbers 1% to 2 inches long. Wash cucumbers carefully and pack them In clean glass Jars. Mix salt, sugar. mustard and peppers with the vinegar, tut jars to overflowing with it. Cover tightly, More in cool, dry place and plekles will be ready to eat in two weeks. Prepare vegetables and out in small pieces, cover with salt and let stand 21 hours; drain. Heat vinegar and spire-s to boiling point, add vvrzumblv'x and cook until anti. spasm: each mustard, cinnamon, all, spice and cloves, If. cup white mustard seed, 4 green peppers. sliced, 2 chopped onions. 2 quarts vlnmnr Sprinkle alternate layers or toma- toes and onions with salt and let drain and put in a preserving kettle, adding remaining ingredients. using enough vinegar to cover all. Heat gradually to boiling point and boll one-halt hour. Chow-Chow Two quarts small green tomatoes. 12 small cucumbers, 3 red peppers. 1 "uliitower. 2 bunches celery, 1 pint small onions. 2 ate. string beans, '4 lb. mustard seed, 2 oz. tumeric, % OB. each of auspice. pepper and clove, salt, 1 gallon vinegar. (splces tied in a piece of musln) tor Bee minutes. Add cucumbers and cook ten minutes. Remove cucumbers to a stone jar and pour over the syrup. Scam syrup three successive mornings and return to cucumbers. Chopped Pickles 4 quarts chopped green tomatoes. $3 cup salt. 2 teaspoons pepper, 3 tea. onions. 2 quarts vinegar. Add salt to tomatoes. cover, let stand 24 hours and drain. Add spices to vinegar, and heat to boiling-point and cook 15 minutes after boiling point is reached. Store in Jars and keep in a cool place Spanish Pickles 1 peck green tomatoes. thinly sliced. 4 sliced onions, 1 cup salt, % oz. each cloves, auspice berries and pepper- Corns. % cup brown mustard seed, 1 lb. brown sugar. 4 green peppers finely chopped. cider vinegar. "ork, perhaps many partners. "And that the disciples were called Chris- tians first in Antioch." The origin of this strangely compounded mutte-a Greek root "Christ," with a Hebrew meaning, "the Anointed," and a Latin termination, ian-is a matter of wide dispute. 'And there stood up one of them named Agabus." We shall meet him again on Paul's last journey to Jeru- salem where the apostle encountered him at Caesarea. "And ssignihed by the Spirit that there shorld be a great famine over all the world." THE HELPFUL HAND, Acts 11: 27-30; 12: M. "Now in these days there came down prophets from Jerusalem unto Antioch." Prophets were a class of religious teachers often mentioned in the New Testament. "'u" people." Every Christian Jill seek out a partner in his Christian, "For he was a good man." a plain term, but crowded with honorable meaning. "And full of the Holy Spirit and of faith." So Stephen is deserilr edd (Acts 6:5). "And much people was added unto the Lord." That, in the case of Barnabas, as in the case of Peter at Pentecost, was because of the convicting and convincing might of the Holy Spirit. Barnabas seems t C have been older than Saul, and the vigor of that ardent soul was just what he needed to carry on work in so great a city as Antioch. - A - "And it Fame to pass, that even for a whole year they were gathered to- gether with the_church, and taught "Who, when he was come, and had seen the grace of God, was glad." He rejoiced that the grace of God had been poured out upon Gentile converts as wcll as Jewish. "And he exhorted them all that with purple of heart they would cleave unto the Lord." Barnabas knew that the Christians in the heathen city of Antioch were sur- rounded with many temptations. at .... ...‘.. v- VVSrF& swam. men of Cyprus and Cyrene." Barnabas was .. man of Cyprus. "Who, when they were come to Antioch, spake unto the Greeks also." The noble Greek language was Aroken all over Syria and throughout western Asia, but whore "Greeks" are spoken of as op- , sed to "Jews," the general term "Cer/c.," i., meant. "And the hand of the Lord was with them," A common expression to u'rs tibe the controlling power of Chri,t and God. "And a great num- ber that believed turne'l unto the L rd." These Gicelcs turned to the Lord in believing, carrying out their belief in obedience to the mmmands of Christ. A GLORIOUS PARTNERSHIP, Acts 11: 22-26. "And the report concerning them came to the ears of the church which was in Jerusalem." Travellers brought the news of the extension of Chris. tianity to Gentiles. "And they sent forth Barnabas as far as Antioch." No more suitable delegate could have been found, for Barnabas was a na- tive of Cyprus, brought up amid Gen- tile surroundings similar to those of Antioch. GENTILES IN THE CHURCH, Acts li: 19-2t. "They therefore that were scattered abroad upon the tribulation that arose about Stephen.' The martyrdom of Stephen was only the beginning of an increased persecution of the Chris, tians. Led by raging Saul, the San, nedrin and its myrmidons increased their bitter attacks on the disciples of Jesus, determined to root out the reli- gion whose purity and powar threat, ened their own evil gains and baleful ascendancy. "Travelled a.. far as Phacicitc0 An ancient country along the seacoast north of Palestine.' "And Cyprus." The large island in the northeastern portion of the Mediter- ranean. "And Antioch." The capital of Syria. “Speaking the word to none save only to Jews." "But there were some " them." They were Jews who had lived abroad, among the Gentiles, and so were less bound by Jewish prejudices, and more eager to share their Christian bless, ings with men of other races. "Men Leo-on "te-tttttOtter ".-PAUL m ANrUMrH.-Aet. tt: 1930; 12:25. Golden Text-For I am not "ham. od of the ”opal: for It la the Power ttf God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. --mtm. 1. 16. TrME--Caudiu, becomes Emoeror. January 24, A.D. 41. Church at Anti- och founded, A.D. 38-41. Barnabas goes to Antioch, A.0. 42. Saul goes to Antioch, A.D. 43. Aid sent to Jerusalem by Saul and Barnabas. A.D. tt o:- 45. Return of Saul and Burner has, with Mark, to Antioch, AJ). 15 or 46. PLACE-Antioch. Jerusalem. somes Emoeror. Church at Anti. I-41. Barnabas 42. Saul goes Aid sent to Station W, CKNC. Toronto ........ CECE“, Montreal ....... CFC”. North Hay ..... CTTO, Chatham ....... UFltB. Toronso ........ CKAC, Montreal ...... UKUR. Waterloo ...... CRCT. Toronto ....... CHMU. Hamilton ...... CRCO, Ottawa ........ CKOC. Hamilton ...... CKPC. Preston ........ CKLW. WmdtrtrtsLondon TRY. Toronto ........ tiltKA, Plilsburg ...... KMOX. St. Louis ...... KYW, Chicago ......... WABC. New urk ....t WBMM. Chicago ....... WHEN. Mullalo ........ WEAR New York ..... WENR. Chicano ....... WGR, Bufralo ......... WGY. Schenectady ..... WHAM, Rochester ..... WKHW. Buffalo . ..... WJZ. New York ....... WJR. llt‘lruil .......... WLW, Cincinnatl ...... WMAU. Chit-ago ....... WTAM. Clueland ..... Morton Downey ...........C1v‘r:n 7.45-The Goldberg. ...........WBEN 8.00-Happy Bakers ...........CKLW 8.30--Kate Brnith ...............W(:R '.00-lrvin B. Cobb ...........WABC WOO-Mandy Lou ..............KMC.\' Corn Cob Club ............WGV One Hour With You ......CRCT 10.80-Botrwel1 Sisters ..........cri'UR 10.4ti--Rdwm C. Hill ............WGR tt.0tt--Columtyia Orchestra ......CFRB 1t.l-Prea" Bulletins ..........CRCT ,, "malt {Sm-Lowell Thomas ... .......,CRCT 7.00-Amoit 'n' Andy .._........CRCT T.to--Mi" Brewers ............WGR Press Bulletin., ...........CRCT 8.00-Love Songs ..............CFRB Blackstone ..............WBEN 8.30--Kate Smim ...............‘VGR 8A5--Poet's Gold ..............CFRH 9,00--Ben Bernie ...............WG\' 9.30-Fire Chief Band ..........WLW 1lr00-9'Nety and Romance ..-c.fLrtrr1' Lives'at Stake ..... it.30-l'ress Bulletins .... WID'ISDL! "And Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem when they had ful- filled their ministration, taking with them John whose surname was Mark." This John Mark is the Christian who, probably under the supervision of Peter, wrote the second Gospel. He was the son of Mary, the cousin of r rnabas. He became the assistant of Rumbas and Paul on their first missionary journey. RM. '2ntr-The Plrytroyy . . . . 2.30-hitstthatlan Mood. 3.00-?y'utiopal _opeta ..‘ A. & P. Gypsies ......... $.1i5--Ptyur Aces .......(CRBC ttt.00-Uontentea Hour ......... Andre Kostelanel: ...... 1t.30--iVesi, Bulletins ......... Paul Ash Orchestra ... 'n0-Crurnit and Sanderson 6.30-Chlcazo Knight. . . . . . T.30-Presus Bulletins . . . . . . . 8.00--Bert Lahr ............ 8.1tr-John Henry . ... ... .. .. 8 30-Phll. Concert . . . . . . . . . 10.00-operetta . . . .. . . . . (CR1 1L00-old Folks . . . . . ' . . (CR1 7 Iona: "Which also they did, sending it to the elders." The officers of the Jeru- salem church, would be responsible for its wise distribution. "By the hand of Barnabas and Saul." They did ml send subordinate workers, but digni- fied the errand an honored the recipi- ents of their bounty by sending it by their pastors. _ These programs without notice. That is, chain: all the world. not that the crops should fail aimultarte.. ously in all lads. “Which- can» to pus in the days of Claudius." There were terrible fumines Is history m: lates, in many plaeeb during the reign' of Claudius, and Josephus tells is that the famin_e wtg very severe in Judaea. "And .the disciples, every man ac- c.rding to his ability." Paul antici- pated the wise modern motto, "To each man according to his need, from each man according to his ability." That was the good old principle of the tithe. and no better principle of giving has ever been discovered, pro- vided it is not carried out in a Phari- saic spirit. "Determined to send re- lief unto the brethren that dwelt in Judaea." The organization of the Christian church began with this giv- ing of aid to the poor, the appointment of the first deacons. 6A5-Loweit Thomas ...........CRCT 7.00-Morton Downey ..........CIPRH Amos 'n' Andy '..........CRCT t.to-The mu. Broa. ..........CFRB Press Bulletin. ...........CRCT 8.0ty-Rudy Vallee ...............CRCT 8.30-DrtuttBtitt Guild ...........WGR '_00-Mtgrk Warnow ............CFRB Death Vulley Dayl ........WLW Show Boat ................WGY GAB-Lowell Thomas .. T.00-hmoss 'n'_ Andy .. 6.45-Lowen Thomas ...........cnwr T,00--Arnoa 'n' Andy ...........Cl‘.L:T 8.00-Happy Bakers ...........CKLw 8nli--s'iturin' Sam .....-...wo 8,30-liate Smith ..............CKL\\' loo-Oreptgr )IInalrell .......WHAN '2Hii--Tht, Plgtyboys .............WGlt 2,30-Mtsttttaftart Mood. ........CFHB 8.it0-Natlonal (melt: ...........CRCT Symphonic Hour ..........UeltH t.00-CathedraI Hour ..........CKI.W 5.90--wil1ard Robinson ........Cl“RH Paul Ash Orchestra .......CRL,T 'n0-Crurnit and Sanderson ....WG'R 6.30-Chlcazo Knight. .........CI-‘RB T.30-Presus Bulletins ...........CRCT 8.00-Bert Lahr ......,.........cncT 8.1tr-John Henry ..............WAI:L‘ 830--Phll. Concert ......:,.....ch'R" $63111! (Eastern DaHIgm Savlng Time.) WAVE LEIGTI‘ I ........ nu ul ....... 291 Hay ..... 322 m ....... M? a ........ 135 ml ...... “I oo ...... 465 o ....... 312 [on ...... no on ...... 475 I........ 341 tor-London 555 D ........ 357 us ...... 't06 uls ...... 275 ......... 294 urk ...._ 349 go ....... 389 D ........ 333 fork ..... 454 lo ....... '" ......... 643 lady ..... 379 mar ..... 261 lo . ..... 202 rk ....... 39t .......... 400 if!" ...... 423 Io ....... “7 land ..... 250 TUESDAY ...... 345 870 ...... 643 650 ..... 379 790 ..... 261 1150 ..... 202 I480 ...... 39t IO ...... ‘00 750 ...... 428 700 ...... HT 670 ..... 250 1070 ‘Ire subject to cl: lye Kilo. Metres Cycles . 21.1 1030 . 291 600 . 322 930 . M? 1810 . 136 690 . 4lt 730 . 465 “a . 312 "o . I40 890 . 10t0 . 475 1010 . 341 930 n 555 540 . "r 840 " citiity iittyr (CRBC) WtCT . . W L W . .CRCT . WTAM . .CRCT JVBEN CRUT . . WLW WKBW . .CRCT .Cl.-J1 .CRCT .Cb‘fin WBEN CKLW 1090 1020 "it 770 900 660 870 Mitt 790 1150 [(50 160 750 No 670 1070 They were all squared-tailed speck- led trout, the largest specimen weigh- ing eight pounds one ounce, and were mounted in special cases which Mrs. Abbott had set up in her stateroom on the liner. "They were caught in the Nipigon district," she said. Next year she hopes to come back and do some more fishing in Canada. There is no better fishing country than Canada, believes Mrs. J. D. Ab. bott, well-known English sportswoman who has fished and hunted in many countries. She sailed from Quebec for her home in London with tour fine specimens ot her first tiahing trips to this country. "No Better Fishing Country Than Canada" "PduriiiritialiiurcGa'iiii/ 5:1,}ng from 303 pounds to 150 heme his wife. Margaret Livingston would step to the altar with him. ""Lu'm’EnJ 'it,UeriterriratitrtiaiuieAsiediet gain: times are here again tar the farmer. Times are coming back so that he can sell oft unlWO' ductive fields to city men for golf courses. - _‘_ _ . ..." ' . A K-7 "u-ya-tir/y"." 10 09-Irarteintr Party 1u1r,--Cornhusker. . Post Scripts The “Sisters of the Skillet" walked New York streets for months, try- ing to pick up a sponsor tor their act. They tittally clicked, and now they are featured as the Texaco Reporters. Al and Bob Harvey are back in Toronto after their tour ot the British Mes. Successful . . . . , Yes. They were headlined in some ot the largest theatres on the other side. Phil Harris. NBC's crooning bass and handman. knocked about the country for five years with orchestras before he sang his first song. ' tthoo-Willard Robinson . . . . . . .WKRW Al Jolson ....." ”JO-Pres: Bum-Hm: Amos 'n' Andy ... '.0t)-Cities Service .... Happy Bakers .... '.00-tlttle Forum ..... Fred Allen ........ lrvln S. Cobb ..... 10.00-Hirst nghter ..... I" 3t)-Hogivell smug ... tt.30--Pre," Bulletins .. --- "TTrnDag Tom Mix in New Series-Durant,, Noses Into Radio--New Names For Canadian Programs Hero of New Series Mix's first idea to enter the moving picture business came to him after winning the title ot Champion Steer Thrower of the World at a Seattle round-up. ln Hollywood he became one of the screen's greatest stars, and today is known to motion picture-goers in every nation in the world. Mix came to the microphone tor his new series September 25. The spotlight first tell on Durante when he trod the boards of burlesque theatres as an up-and-coming young comedian. From burlesque he went into vaudeville, and it was there that he became famous throughout the country. From vaudeville he went to New York nightclubs where he became the favorite ot the stay-update customers. Later Jimmie took his schnoule and his capacity for insane comedy to Hollywood. Upon his return to New York he was cast for a leading role in "Strike Me Pink". Now that production has closed after a sucetrssru1 run. Radio is playing no small part in the endeavour, since it is intended to give to radio listeners the tittest in entertainment. The theatre will open around the end ot the month, and from then on stars of both the air and vaudeville will be heard frequently broadcasting from the stage Canadians have been clamoring tor a chance to air their talent. and now, they are to be given the opportunity. The feature, is the tact that all the artists are to be Canadian. and Forbes, himself belonging to the Maple Leaf is going to develop talent which he says "Wi" be as good as any ot the American artists. which up to now, have monopolized the ears ot radio fans arrow the Dominion." That's a big statement to make, but Mr. Randolph has been astociated with the New York show business for twenty years and he knows how names are built. Tom Mix's colorful career befom the motion picture camera and as I cow-puncher. soldier and a US. Marshal in real in being dramatized before the microphone. Mix's own adventurous career, fully as animated as any of his screen roles. began when he helped to round up snipers as a scout in the Spanish- American War. He fought in China during the Boxer uprising and was badly injured. Later he was with the British Army in South Africa during the Boer War. Jimmie "scttnozzle" Durante of the "New York Durantea" slld across the studio Mor and bobbed up under the mike, nose and all. to make his tirst sponsored radio appearance. Jimmie is doing the till-in until Cantor returns trom Hollywood. New ideas are always interesting. and one, m the disclosing that Forbes Randolph. who has been operating the “Theatre ot the Air" in Toronto will re-open with a new policy. - _ _ _ _ How Mix, whose motion picture roles and activities In real life have been equally thrilling. was shot by bandits while enforcing the law on the Western plains. wounded by the enemy in three wars. and starred with his famous horse, Tony, before the camera, will form the basis of the broad- casts, each ot which will tell a. complete nary. Promises New Names For Radio Durante Noses Way Into Radio 7.16 -Annle, Judy 'tt' Zeke 2.80-Kindertrarteh, . . . . . . . 8.00-Evttn Evans . . . . . . . . 8.80--t nternatlonal . . . . .. . '-Mr-yyiyttrtd Robinson ... 6.4,5--laoweu Thoma; T.0ir-trorton. _DO_wn_ey l5--Cornhuiker. _ . . . . . . . . . . . .Cl‘RP BULOVA llme anilv over stations CRCT - CKAC. Some Birds Are Jealous-Even Feathered Ones r311“! ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ..WRAL . 'WrthL ...Cl“RB ...CRCT ..WABC ' .WREU . ' . CRCT . ...CRU'! . . JIFRB on .CHCT . ..C'.lCT ‘n . . WGlt . . .CRCT - Wntu'ti . .WABC' . .K DKA . A?titnv . . A'RCT \VTAM .CRCT It the value of the dollar was cut to GO cents by itttiation, gold would almost certainly reach Mt an ounce as compared with $32, the present price, said Professor Gregory. it was not for Canada. however, to attempt radical experiments in the realm of economics. Canada's population was too small, compared to the size of the country. and conditions did not war- rant radical attempts to rectify eco- nomic ills, he said. Professor Greg- ory believed this country should wait tor economic solutions by the United Kingdom and the United States and then take advantage at her excellent position in the world economic scheme. But it is not born with skreosoopic vision, reports Wilbur B. Raytou, "eientifie bureau head of the Bunch & bomb Optical Company. The normal infant is born with the faculty of distinguishing light from darkness and, possibly, with the Den» of color. Montreai.-Canada's gold mines may be her economic salvation, said Pro- fessor T. E. Gregory ot London Uni- versity, who arrived here on his way home. Protessor Gregory in I world. tamed economist who has been attend- ing economic and politcal conferences in Canada tor the past month. Salvation of Canada Seen in Gold Mines Vision at Birth A scorch mark on uilk or delicate wool will disappear it n coating ad French chalk In 1ett on the tspot tee . sever“ dun. A: a medal philosophy, lite laur- nco and annuities m doing a you deal to I“. the “no .1 the Auction We “to All "ctvo.--Ntred I “at. Mysore T'aau.--Beat 3 mm. blame In onion and add to the eggs; then a“ nu Ind pepper. Cut 4 slices ot bred Ind sank in milk tor I few minutes Then dip the bread in the beaten an and try In a uucepnn containing 5-6 tor. Bette hot u soon In browned. Cucumber will not disagree. and will tune more delicate, it tsretstsred the Swedish way. Peel and slice I Cucutrh- her thinly. Cover with all and place between two pinion under I weigh (10 lb. weight). Leave for an hour. then pour " all the juice and 51,-th- in vinegar and sugar solution " behalf of the American News paper Publishers’ Association, Elisha Hanson as counsel ttresented (In! or gnnllalinn's code. "ring it t'epivrietttpd over 1,000 Immune”. "This code mm not unwanted " behllf ot any group of newsitistrerti,' be “sorted. and thereupon dwetl I length on the section guaruuepinp freedom of the pro". Lancaster, Eng.~~So great in thr dangu‘ of a big outbreak of typhoid and paratphoid at Consett, Durham. that notices signed by the local medi- cal otllce of health advising people, especially children, not to bathe or paddle in the Derweyt River hag; been posted on its banks. The bank- aro patrolled daily by police and no person is allowed to dip toot or hand in the water. There are many tr placid cases reported in [he Lnncltesiter Hospital. Shred the beeswax into a jam in. just cover with turpentine. and place in In . pan of boiling water over I gentle llune. Stir till melted, remove from the stove. Ind beat to I thick paste. Add more Iurps if too thick. Ott no account add turn: when the pun is on the gas "ttte. Rub the been,“ into the wood and have for I ten hours. then rub with another rust Ruh- hing gives the tittitstt. Before polishing tiles, sprinkle a [PI drops ot turnpentine on your dut,ter, Furniture Polish Use beeswax and turpentine, made into I piste like butter. __ -..., To Feel or to Pm "4 D? ymt 1'T'itWh'i?i"ii'i {ONION peeling ma p. n . no! a M In: or an orange, but you we a no tato, an npplo, or a cucumber. A llttlo whlto of e“ painted on I worn patch on lather lumlturo with l null, dry brush wilt prevent turtle! wen n that not. a“ will more" the Immune. ot the wor- part. Great Danger of Typhoid Felt At Consett, Durham Before linking "ttt, rub the button ot tho preserving pan with I Mule but tor, and there will}: " "tsettle, “I :92 2222:; Inside the main entrance in a uolid mahogany carved staircase. There are numerous hand-carved matings” pillars. The oak bookcases have leaded glass in the windows and doors. the most striking booticaties in Winnipeg. it in aid. The tlttoritte, oi the home in the most unique feature ot the construction. The top layer oi orttritteh-Utick oak was laid Is your» ago, but underneath everything is an it was in 1882. Beneath the new ttoar ing are seven-inch oak planks. than there in shiplan laid two may; lie neath are white pine joints which out not be bought today and liner.- in nhiplnp under the Jaists, and InMIIa tlon under the shiplap, There are wine cellars and mum ot commodious appearance. 1 he "um reception hail is " by 40 feet. The livirtrrootn in 20 by Mt let-t. The beautiful wainscoting is nun-had in the designed ceiling of the same ma terial. There are many curved glam windows and two tower» on the out side. The dimensiom are of the nilc Impossible to be bought today, The red brick on the outside ww- imported from England more lluu so yen“ use and com ".00 a lurk-k Freedom of Press Washington ~Emphnaizing their be lief they could not be forced l0 yummy with a recovery code, United Ktater newnpaper publiuhors have Ilkf‘ll theit proposed agreemvut waure the N " A tor hearing. "No press that was huhjt't't to in junctions or revocation or license: could be considered a free proud." the counsel testltiett. "We had no tear that the Pres! dent or anyone else would try to in woke a power to impure“ nonmagnet- but a great majority ot publisher: could not have seen their way clean to join this movement as whoietteart odly as they have without 5mm guarantee ot the constitution! right.’ Provided In Code ... ...; W high“

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