Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Oct 1933, p. 5

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can: ugrttt Lei. and than. and tter a was View}. , Mrs Molt. when - being I oer [hood Hallie write. issue. m. ”was bale mint. "on. alled Mrs. loin and upon! this. " " hon and mi- t Mr M as {lint watt heir - " Mrs let of of j. m. - on: u mm we us try- Detroit, at]: ine to enjoy mixed summits and coming bane. shadow as we look out on the tel-pu" at the t has of the ehanging colors of the) Mr and Mr bush Just take I. look and decide daughters ttit “Man color I: lacking. I-‘-_ _. l Uur old neighbor, Wm Watson, ll at his home here for a few days. cleaning up the summer'- gathering of rubbish. “so Morning expend parts of his house with paint. Mis , CUSTOM CHOPPINO done every day and we turn it out 1 while you turn around. . OCT. 5, 1933 Ott the Sty! of Odom we Shoes of all Kinds in ladies’ Calf and Kid “as and straps, $2.7S and up. Mum Straps, ttas and up Men's wOrk been, " to 83.2S Trunks. suit cases, club bags at lowest prices. Clearing of Radio! silk Mu at 50e a paIr. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY FACTORY SHOE PRICES ARE ADVANCING Our prices on all “no. in stock are reuomNe u we have not advanced prices on 5")63 now in stock. We bake bread, second to none; we must sell much more to maintain this low price. Come tq our store for bread and groceries. and thus get your supplies at lowest-costs. . Phone No. 6 will be issued next week, in $100, 500 and $1000 denominations. Speak for what you wish early Trade in your Victory Bonds due in 1933 or 1934, in exchange. For full particulars, 6 and 12 years, yielding 4.40 on our prion More ”which; 0|..an " will pay you. J. S. MclLRAlTH Gunn’s Fertilizer in stock SWINTON PARK fun: in limited " Royal Household Flour Bran '0 Canada' " On Pilot " C Keep in Stock tor Sale the following Goods: JOHN MoG-OWAN THE PEOPLE'S MILLS Will those requiring Fertilizer kindly leave their orders as early as possible. HEN DERSON’S BAKERY P. RAMAGE, Bread, h: a loaf ew Dom.of Canada 4 l) Bonds FLOUR if purchased at our Bakeshop 70, off cart rite, phone or can on and _ Visitors at Eddie Perguson's Bun. day were Mr and In Jae McMillan and Strongman of Bethel; also Mr. and Mrs David Bradley tutd two sons Jot Berkeley. Detroit, " the end of ,airiiiiiiri; coming home. Willie enjoyed * few Pars at the big show ln Chicago. , Mr and Mrs Noble Wilton and daughters, also Mlu Campbell. tea, !cher at Boothvllle, motored- to To 'ronto tor the week end. [ Visitors at Eddie Ferguson's Bun. A___ w, -- A do are to be held in the Park, Sunday, Oct. 15, at 2.30 and 7.30. Rev Mr McDonald will preach. Free will bf- fering taken at each service. Then, on Monday, supper trom 7 to 8, fol- towed by a play by Fleaherton young people. Admission to supper and play, adults Me, children 15c. A good congregation were out on Sunday to greet our new pastor and we gathered from remarks they will come again. Anniversary services are to be held in the Park, Sunday, Oct. 15, at 2.30 and 7.30. Rev Mr The fall fairs now being over, the meni--tutso some W0ttMytt-- are purp osing going to the Prov'i Plowing match next week it the gas holds out. This should be an interesting and instructive event. especially for the young plowmen. A goodly number of the Swinton Hark people attended and enjoyed or- dination and induction services in Priceville last week, but as you will have a full account from Priceville, enough said. Mrs Hardy, Br spent a few days int week with her old friend, Mrs. Lizzie McKinnon, on con 14. Oat Chop Crimpled Oats FEED I named n he has to mum: work " Belle [ole club house. Durham Local Dealer Shorts p. ct. ONE DAY TRIPS . SINGLE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP Tickets going any train after 1.00 FARE AND ONE QUARTER FOR ROUND TRIP Going Dates: from Noon Oct. 6 until Noon Oct. 9. Return Limit: To leave destination not later than midnight, Oct 10, '33. Good returning to reach original aiming point up to midnight sme THANKSGIVING DAY Sorry to hear that Elva, baby daughter ot Mr and Mrs John Me. Enchnie. has been very sick with pneumonia. Miss Tenn. Chr.stie is assisting in the home. Seven robm brick use on the west side of Elgin St., to erly occupied by Mary Ann Hopkins. deceased. Appply to J. H. McQ rie, Durham, Solicitor for the Execut ' Robert Whitmore and Wesley A ott. Miss Bessie Wale spent a couple ot days in the city last week. Owing to Anniversary services at lnistoge next Sunday, Oct. 8, the service at. United Church will be cancelled. The regular meeting of Hopeville W. I., will be held that. 11th, at home of Mrs C Wale.. Program: Ad- dress, 'Care ot the Teeth' by Dr Sad. den: music. selected: Paper or read- ing by Mrs J. G. Russell: Communi- ty singing. Mr and Mrs Geo Shand were Tris. itors Sunday at home of her mother, Mrs G. Christie, Turners. The United Church W.M.s.' ”will meet Thursday afternoon at home of Mrs John Plaster. day (Standard Time-. Usual on. day (Sunday) Fare alto In “he! Oet. tr. Congratulations to Miss Lily Campbell and Mr Bill McKenzie who were married Saturday by Rev. T. 0. Miller, Markdale. Mr Clmord Hlncks and sister Beth spent the week end in Toronto. Mrs A. B. MacArthur, Mrs Dan L. MacArthur and Mrs W. Watson, at. tended the funeral of an old neigh. bor of the farmer's, in the person of Miss Grace MoLaren last week, of the Castle, near Caledon. Mr Thos Spence has returned to his studies " Flue O.A.C., Guelph. Canadian Pacific Mr and Mrs Dan L MacArthur spent the week end in London visit lug friends. Mr D. Hlncks visited'Sunday at Wm McLeod's. Dr and Mrs J. E. Milne and tami. ly, Plesherton, visited Sunday at A. L. Hincks'. Information mm are: from your Born: on Tuesday. sell. 27, to Mr. and Mrs Bill Wilson. (nee Mary Car- son), Trenton, a. son. spending four months with- ems, Mr and Mrs Donald and sisters and brothers. Little Barbara McKee has return. ed to her home in Toronto, after spending the summer with her grand- parents, Mr and Mrs Ed Everist. Mrs Wm Godfrey, Duluth, visited last week at Mrs McMeekin's. Mrs John Gray and son Donald, yeturned to the west Friday, after TICKETS GOOD BETWEEN ANY TWO POINTS IN CANADA Mr Ray McLean had the misfor- tune to break his ankle while acting as a sub. in a softball game Friday evening. Mr H. B. McLean had a number of men move his old house-used as a garage and elevated it to the level of his present stables. the winter tnoaths,%G Duncan and left Tues week. UP TO FOUR DAY TRIPS , The services at the Presbyterian Church on Sunday last were well at. tended hy In attentive and apprec- iative congregation. the occasion be- ON ONE OF THESE TRFPS CELEBRATE FOR SALE W TENDER PRtGtiMLiLtCtEii, HOPEVILLE PRICEVILLE months with her par- Mrs Donald McMillan, nths, with their son left Tuesday of last Owen Bound for 8th imy THE DURHAM REVIEW A reception was held later " the home ot bride's sister, Mrs Don Mac. Donald, where a. buffet luncheon was served to about 30 guests. Mrs Ang. us McConnell, mother of bride, wore a. gown ot blue triple crepe, black Lat and a. corsage of roses and lily- of-the-valley. She received with the bridal couple. Mr and Mrs MecDonald left later for Montreal. the bride travelling in a French blue ensemble with matching accessories. Upon their return they will reside in Toronto. Bride. Elect Honored The stat! of the Industrial Refuge. Toronto where the bride has been a matron tor the put six years, pre sented her with a silver tea service. She uso received T my beautiful gifts given to her at showers. he groom wu silo pro-outed with on e. lectric clock electric lump and elec- tric taster, when he in employed? in the um “no an. l The bride looked charming in a. graceful gown or Marachino ehittott velvet with matching hat and car- ried a boquet ot Briar Cline roses and baby's breath. The music was played by Miss Helen Kennedy, To ronto and during the signing of the register. Miss Seurst sang "Below ed it is morn." HYMENEAL MacDONALD - MacCANNEL A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized in Fairlawn Church, To, ronto, on Saturday afternoon, when Mary Isabel, daughter of Mr and Mrs Angus MacCannel, Proton Sttt- tion, became the bride ot Mr Angus MacDonald. son of Mrs MacDonald, and the late James MacDonald of Stomoway, Scotland. Rev. C. C. Washington omeiated. Best wishes go to Wm McKenzie, and Miss Lillie Campbell, who are being married this week. Mrs Itobt Knox, Swinton Park, spent a day with her daughter, Mrs Wm Meads. Miss Sadie Vause left for thecity this week. We wish her success. Mr and Mrs P. R. Oliver visited Durham friends one day last week. Mr Robt Oliver visited friends near Swinton Park one evening recently. Mr and Mrs D. McDougall and daughters, Mrs Baldwin and Mrs J. Mauls. visited the McCannel tam! lies at Swamp College recently. Mr Baldwin and Mrs Gin, Niagara Falls, motored north on Sunday. Mr. Baldwin returned Monday with Mrs. Baldwin and children, after spending two weeks with her parents, Mr and Mrs Donald McDougall and sister, Mrs John Meads. Mrs MoGill will spend a week with her slater, Mrs. McDougall. Mr Jag Oliver, Mr and Mrs Joe. Oliver and grandchildren , visited friends in Hamilton, a week ago, ac- oampanied by John Oliver. Mr and Mrs W. R. Meads took in Dundalk fair. Mrs Robt Turner and Mr: Jim Tur. ner and son Ivan were recent guests with friends on Dun-bun Road and Potato picking is the order ot the day. After a sumptuous supper, short humorous speeches were given from several. There was a large turnout trom the sister congregation at S. Rev. Miller gave the address to the people and strongly urged co-op- eration by upholding the minister's hands and quoted the text "be at peace among yourselves." Rev. Mr. Goodwill was also present. Rev. Mr Miller recounted the steps taken towards the call and the con- sumation of the call by motion made and carried. Mr Norman McDonald, the new incumbent, had more votes than the other two put together and further endorsing the call by Presby- tery. The several questions asked as to his beliefs were satisfactorily an- swered, followed by the laying on of hands by members of Presbytery, during the offering of a tine prayer. Rev. Mr Snider gave the charge to the minister, offered friendly advice, one of which was to have prayer in every house visited and to associate with the young people. He was urg- ed to maintain a dignity becoming the calling by Rev. Graeb, Hillsburg. Rev. Mr Shannon preached the sermon from the text, “We will go by the King's Highway.” The people should recognize they are on the King's Highway in following His will in all holiness and truth. We are often " the highway when re- sorting to questionable methods ot raising money tor the church. This is not holiness, he rightly observed. From yesterday unto Eternity ran the King's highway and he tittiahed with a. title prayer for a. blessing on all. The ordination and induction ser- vice of Rev. Mr McDonald into the pastorate of Priceviile Presbyterian Church was held on Sept, M. The steps taken in moderating a. atll, were read by the interim modera- tor and any 'ableetionw asked for. None were forthcoming. A hymn was sung and scripture was read by Rev. Mr Grant ot Erin. Rev. Mr Sni- der of Dundalk, led in prayer. Ordination and Induction Services at Priceville ONWARD VICIIITY Sr Pr A-Margaret Davis, Elmer ,Robina. Eldoro Cordlck. Graham Punt, Donald Watt. i Br Pr B-Kathleen Stewart. Cecil Wilson, Gerald Pierson} Norman Pumunoor, Jean Teeter. t Nora H. Stewart, teacher i Jr Pr A-Lom Town, Margaret fGreenwood, David Long, Cluyton Mc- !Kechnle, Stewart Newell. llama. Br m---Tom Pirth, Margaret Williams. Tom Babb. Ellison Edge, Margaret Kenny. Jr Mb-Emma Seheurman, Mny Schema, Billy Anderson. Danny Edge. Br M-tHin Vaughan, Eda: Boyce. Jr Ir--Be- trlee Kenny, Vivhn Babb. I--.-.. ul Kenny, Jon Williams. Bobby Br Iv-ard" Bell, Arlene Bebb. Jr Iv-Cecil Anderson, Jack Wil. Jr Pr B-Manley Punt. Mldford Long, Irene Connolly, Gertrude Thompson, Marie MaAuiitte. Jr Pr C-Elmer Lake, James Levi. Kenneth Whitmore, Billy Alljoe, lat. I B--iLlord Caswell and John Levi) ea., Edna Morton, Audrey Her- rington, (Ray McQueen and Bernice Randall) eq., Arch Dewar. Jean Harding, teacher Jr II B-Norman Noble, Margaret MoGlleray, Norah Kearney, 'ilme Collier, Viola. McDennid. Mary E. Morton, teacher I A-Eileen MeGillivray, Robin Lowe, Eileen Teeter, Hubert Hay, W Dunsmoor. Jr ii A--Mary MeGillivray, Ronald McQueen, James Scott. (Helen Ren. wick and Mae Thomson) equal, Rug sell Long. Br II A--John McEachern, Gordon Gray, Wilmer Vollett. Stella. Connol- ly, (Doris Robins and Edith Body son) equal. Sr ll B--Alex McDonnell, Eugene Lake, Foster Lowe, Ina. McLean, H. Becker. Br m B-Ahitheriue MeMeekin, Mona Robinson, Dorothy Xenon. Iva Slbbald. Vera Pinkerton. Geo. A. Noble, teacher Jr til (First ten In order ot merit) -4Nadys Gray, Florence Martin. H. Schenk. Vera Lauder, Bertha Glue. Ivan MeEtusturie, Margaret Derby, Jean Town, lshbel MCormaek, Mary Noble. Br IV and Jr Iv-tre" tea in or- der ot merit. Margaret Armstrong. Catherine Rowland, Janet Robb, Ada Becker, Ross Kearney, Jean McDon- ald, Dori: Tonkin, Jean Murdock. L. McLean. Myrtle Hodgson. J. A. Graham, Isrincipal Br In A--4wynneth McGowan, Ev- elyn Alice. Emily Pinkerton, Doria Kerton, Archie McDougaJl. Another horseshoe pitching cormTest was held Saturday, .here being eight entries. H. Richards of Tara and L King of Owen Bound captured t1rst place with 204 points out ot a pos- s‘ble 221. J. W. Boyd and D. MeLay of Markdale, were second with 198 points and Stanley and Crawford Sharpe, Durham, whom Boyd and MoLay defeated 30-29 in the last game of the tournament, were third with a. score of 197. The boys' public speaking contest had eight entries. Ed. Shouldice was placed Brat and the others follow in order ot merit: Walter King, Colin Sutherland, Frank Saunders, Bll Arrowsmith and Matthew Leuck. Speaking Content: There were 13 entries in the girls' public speaking contest. Ver- let Hockridge placed ttrat, but as she won the competition last year, she was awarded a special prize, en- ual in value to let prize. First prize was awarded to Margaret Stark: Ed. na Cruikshank, 2nd: Helen Badjero and Ethel Boyd, tied tor 3rd: Doro- thy Waite, 4th:: Anna McVicar. 5th and Vivian Cctoper, 6th. The Grey County Championship: School Fair on Saturday lut In ?cl Sound. was an outstanding success. A large crowd of people gatheredto watch the parade of the schools. and exercises and quite a few re mained throughout the afternoon to: hear the public speaklng and gins-l ing contests. USS. No 15, Artemesu la, Proton Station school. won the) ttrist prize tor matching, Mr G. Liv: tlejohns, teacher. No. It, Holland.‘ in charge ot Mrs Mel. Howey, aut-) tured second place : Sydenham No.' 15 South, Woodford, in charge ot Miss Henderson,, third; Collingwood No. 4, Heathcote, fourth. Mr Colin‘ Lawrence and Miss Alice Chalk are the teachers tor the latter school.; Proton Station also captured first; place for school drill: Heathcote sec, ond: Woodford ,thlrd: No 12, Hol- land, fourth. The prize tor school singing was won by Woodford: 2ad, Heathcote: 3rd, No 12, Holland: 4th, Proton Station. i, Grey County Champion- ship School Fair HONOUR ROLL, September 1933 DURHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL Dorothy I. mum. Mu- Horaeshoe Tourney Myrtle Mortley, teacher Lizzie Sclueter, teacher Emily Hunt, tanner ONTARIO ARCHIVES ___ TORONTO and about but mam, AKG Gr" for - we. Apply on "has. of tho me B. T. Mescioaiin. Wilt Aii FOR SALE Ford truck, one and otte.halt ton ca- Mty. with stock rackeompiete. In Upland“! Tndition. 31mm for quick FOR SALE OR RENT Good comfortable dwelling home ttll conveniences: will sell on at!) ttustory terms. or will rent. Apply to J. W. Crawford, Phone 132W, Dur- The property of the has Edwin Johnson. situated In the VIII-go ot Holstein. S-storey brick houn. light: fume. frame stable, good woman- Two good dxweums houses, umbton St. and another on St., Durham. Electric lights, etc. For particulars toofy omce 1 year old ram, ' year old ram, both Oxfords, Apply to Phone 605,r3 WANTED Reliable womm wanted to uke charge of farm home. Reference re- quired. Apply to Box 118, Holstein. The flying Molllsons were unable. to get: proper take-on from Wang: Beach this week and in all likelihood their proposed 1otttretitstanee flight to Bagdad may be abandoned this tall. Since Wasngn Beach was se- lected " a startling point, it has at- tracted to lts shores a large colony of curious onlookers., and the plan of the Molllaon’s was good for busi- ness, it nothing else. Bagdnd is a long way off and we think the Mor. lison's are well advised to stay on this side ot the Atlantic this fall. Women Teachers' Federation. Miss M. B. Hill, B.B. l, Benunck "School Discipline", W. F. Shzckle- ton. Prieevine. “Buy Mtnuzl Tmining Work tor . Rural BChoot"--Mitu, Ruth Ding. wall B. S. T, Egremont “Public Speaking at School "irq".--. Mlls Clara. Campbell. 8.8. 7, Bent- luck. “Phonics Teaching in Rural School". Mitts Vesta. Hibbert, 8.8 .8, Proton: Miss Beulah Kisses, BS. 6, No. 6, Normanby. Men Teachers' F'Mertstiott.-Mr J. A. PROGRAM President's Address: "Trend of mod- ern Edueatiort"-Mr A, C. Collins. Ayton. Report of delegates to the O.E.A.- Miss C. M. Weinert, Neusudt uni Mr C. R. Chnpple. Flesherton "The New Agricultural Require- mcrtttf'-Mr W. J. Messenger, ot Msrkdale. Discussion. Mr W. F. Shackleton, Pricevilie. "The Correlation of Art in Public and High Behoo1tr"--Nr Gordon L. Clubine, Dundnlk H. S. “The New Primer and how to Teach ""--Mrg E. Frost Ind Miss M. Miner. Hanover P. S. Discussion by Miss M. Brown, Dundllk P. S. “Twining the Verbals"- - Mr J. A. Magee, Hanover. "Backward. Brilliant and Htutdkap. pad Children." -. E. A. Rattle, of Dundalk. Selected Topic ' J. A, Graham. Dur- Teachers Convene at Aylon this Week Apply to JOB. Lemmx or June. PROPERTY FOR SALE Can you depend on your watch to give you the cor- rect time? " not, it I: & reminder that it needs cleaning. FOR 3 small sum youw have this work done. Bring your watch in today. that you always have It is Essential HOUSES FOR SALE TIE RIGHT TIME D. C. TOWN FOR SALE HENRY ECKHARDT , R.R. 1, Prleeviiie, " FOR SALE DURHAM at Review try (:th w u a... and Ultra "on! Ray- 800 your mu Chm Data mod at Dunno-cad. duh. alto through mum-u “sanctum Adm“. Goo. I. M Dnndslk P. o. Pinon. a r " Ontario & Dominion und Surveyor Registered Hate-loud m Surveys, Enhances, Rm PM! DRAINAGE WORK A ”MALT! Telephone 81, 02mm Ont. Llano“ MM In any 60m. Llano“ Avalon.» in no. X RAY Honor Graduate Toronto (Juneau, Gndunte Ron! Coll. Bantu Burn. of Ontario. T. It. SNEATH, M. B. Laminar. at. Durham, Ont. OfBtte Noun: 1.” to 4.” “I. 7.30 to no . In. C. a. AND J. L. SMITH. M.B., M.C.. PS. HAROLD E. MOUNTAIN. M. B. anemone, ONT. ue hereby required to deliver' or to null, post paid, to the undersigned Emte Agent tor the Executors, up ticuluru of their claim duly proved end Teritied on or More the 14th day of October, A. D. 1933. as after such date the Estate will be distribut- ed, having regard only to the chin. ot which notice shall then have been received. Dated at the Town of Durham, thin 14th day ot September, A. D. 1088. P. P. “THUR. Durham, Ontario Estate Agent for the Executor; In the matter of the Emu of CATH. ERINE McDOUGALL, In. M the Town of Durham, In the County " Grey, Spinner, de-d, Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the Estate of CATHERINE MCDOUGALL late of the Town of Durham, In the County of Grey, Spinner, who died on or about the Twenty-seventh day ot June, A. D. 1933. at the and Town ot Durham, in the County of Grey. L F. GRANT. 0.0.8.. the Durham Review To new Subscribers to close of I934 $2.00 -ee'V - awn-unnam- w- an and Rattan am, by. netball": Dublin... Lu”. MIL. , a nut. Sunday-M Ollie. our Royal Dank, HOURS: 2 - 4 p. m. , - I p. m. GEORGE E. DUNCAN Rowen gunman, Dentistry In all It. Branches J. n. McQUARRIE. one. Hours.. 12to2p.m. Chap... All Progressive people read and need the f an sxrnc‘rlouo : mu Street. DURHAM, on, CHIROPRACTIC BESSIE MILLWRAI NOTICE TO CREDITORS JOHN O’IEIL PICKERING. MS. L08

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