Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Oct 1933, p. 4

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M m a. ' McLaughlin's Garage, Durham ITHIN a few days the Dominion of Canada will offer for public subscrip- tion the 1933 Refunding Loan, the pur- poses and terms of which will be announced in detail by the Minister of Finance on Tuesday, October 10. In this national undertaking an opportunity will be afforded both for sound investment and for public service, and I have no doubts as to the readiness with which Canadian investors will respond. I feel. however. that the 1933 Loan marks a point in Canadian affairs to which it is only proper that public attention should be drawn as a means of extendingiustifiable encouragement to many thousands of men and women who have en- dured adversity with such admirable fortitude. With due precaution against unwarranted op- timism I think I may say that in Canada we are now on the road to recovery. The road may be long and progress may be slow, but the events of the past six months appear to demonstrate with increasing clarity that the downward trend has come to a definite stop and that an upward trend is now in progress. The evidence of improvement is written in the statistical facts of our industry and trade. These records show that our general economic condi- tion reached its lowest point during the month of February last and that today we are definitely above that level following a recovery which has been gradual but persistent and unmistakable. The most significant of these figures are probably those dealing with the physical volume of busi- ness, wholesale prices and employment, and I give here briefly the record of recovery in each case as shown by the reports of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. The index of our physical volume of business, which represents virtually the economic pulse of the nation, stood last February at 67.1. Foe August, the most recent month for which the index is available, the figure was 89.9, an im- povement of approximately 34%. TELEPHONE 101 A Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada DOMINION OF CANADA 1933 REFUNDING LOAN The Road to RECOVERY The world series ball ot the his American leagues between the New York (ham: and the Washington Senators, started on Tuesday. Who- ever gets tour same: Brttt wins the world pennant. The radio now takes the game to your own ttreside and woe betide the person who rings in for you per telephone, during the broadcast of one ot these games. At least these are the sentiments of some Durham fans. James Dunn, deceased, and a for- mer vice president ot the Toronto Baseball Club, left an estate valued at nearly "00,00ih--mtuie up chiefly of mining stocks, of Lakeshore, Mc- Intyre, Noranda, Nickel. etc. The mirmg market acted more kindly tor the late Mr Dunn, than tor many other Ontario citizens. Marvin Nelson, the winner ot pel Toronto Exhibition swim, is again toi D the tore in_that sport. winning an- on: other $5000 in a 15 mile contest put nim on in Chicago, by the Wrigley Co. this Blagden, who won titat prize money l age at Toronto's waterfront last year, mus came second in the Lake Michigan the swim, so it Is no trick that these as. men copped the big money. I in Again a Winner SOUTHAMPTON ENTERS THE . FINALS IN THE o. B. A. The congratulations of the sport- loving community of Durham, are extended to Southampton, on win- ning cut the round from that nitty. playing team, Hagersville, thus en- tering the finals. They now meet the winners of another round, either Pic- ton or Ftncorltrrititre. 5mm of All. soarsI Wholesale prices. in which even minor changes are highly significant, have risen over 9%, or from an index of 63.6 last February to one of 69.4 in August. Employment, although still at a regrettably low level, has, nevertheless, been gaining steadily for the past five months. On the basis of partial reports from industrial employers some 116,000 persons have been added to pay-rolls since last April. An estimate by the Bureau on a more comprehensive basis places the total increase in employment at 246,000 during the same period. Our external trade figures are equally encourag- ing. Both exports and imports have risen, with the former showing the more rapid increase. As a result, Canada had a favourable trade balance of over $114,000,000 in the twelve months ended August Mst this year. For the corresponding period last year the favourable balance was only $38,000,000, and in the two previous twelve months' periods instead of favourable figures we had unfavourable balances of $45,000,000 and of $103,000,000 respectively. All these facts and figures I think we may quite safely take as sign-posts on the road to recovery. In our further progress, no single factor will have more significance than the success of our national loan operations. The recent 4% loan in London was a notable tribute to Canada's credit stand- ing. It was immediately oversubscribed many times and now commands a substantial premium. I feel satisfied that our own people will be quick to perceive that the 1933 Refunding Loan in Canada is at once a challenge and an opportunity --tt challenge to aid in the restoration of business recovery and an opportunity to serve thereby their own and their country's best interests. Bouthampton's condition was pre- THE DURHAM REVIEW PRIME MINISTER or CANADA wloul for B time. At tht ttrat play- WWII. Iva - _...-- w, - on in Ht-ale, they lost out by two runs. At the, return some in Southampton. there was no more until the ninth innings, when South; tunpton's wonder pitcher, Hector Goldsmith hit a. home run himself, which saved the day tor his team. At the play-oft game in Guelph on Saturday last, Goldsmith again star- red, in that he shut the Hagersville team out without a hit or run, turn- ing the score for Southampton, 3 to 0. Hector Goldsmith and the other members ot the team, have put Southampton on the baseball map of Ontario. What the team would be without Hector would be dimcult to say. Certainly such stellar playing and pitching never had their equal in the lakeside town till last season, when Southampton won highest hon- ors. Ten years ago Goldsmith was pit- cher for Durlyun ball team, and at that date, brought the team to vic- tory. During a severe electrical storm. on Sunday last at Jordan, Ont., light- ning struck the Anglican church at this point, doing considerable dam- May the Bruce town again win the Intermediate o. B. A. age to building and contents. It must. have been the handwriting on the wall, tor some ot the parishion- ers, seeing it was the second time in its history the church was damag- ed by lightning. The Christian church is having alwere forty members tor 3110.qu WW difficult time these days to finance ple the number of electoral divis- they program; or in other words ions were reduced to thirty, which tV make ends meet. But a. hearteningllone is a substantial saving to the note comes trom Orangeville, where province. Again. Nova Scotia. abol- on request tor $100.0 as an offering ished its upper house altogether um towards repairing the church, the der the late administration. This was members of First United Church ot drastic, but it was done so long ago this town came across with $1500. {that the electors forgot. TORONTO GIVING UNTIL IT HURTS GP Durham 3.11in C. WAGE t SON. “not and Pro- I One lesscn in economy stands out in the Nova Scotla elections which the other eight provinces might well take into consideration, comments Sherbrooke Record. Where there were forty members tor 500,000 peo- ple the number of electoral divis- ions were reduced to thirty, which a.- Grey List: I. High cut - Sod. . 2. Jointer Plow: - sod-im to all 3. Jolnter Piowtr--- Bod - Open to those never having won a tirtrt prize in Men's classes. 4. Jolnter mows-Sod-Bors under 20 years. 5. Jointer Piows--atubble--Boys un- NOVA SCOTIA SHOWS WAY IN GOVERNMENT ECONOMY der 17 years. It. Two Farrow mowsr--Wtuking or Ridintp-45tubNe. l 7. Plain or Joiner mow-stubble-. Boys under 14 yesrs. 8. Tractor Piowg-f5od. l 9. Single Piow--Ridirtg All shove classes, prizes are either Trophy or 1st. $16; 2nd, 314; 8rd, $12; 4th, $10; iith, 88; 6th, 86; Tth, 84: 8th, 83. Bruce List: 1. High eut--god. 2. min or Jointer moms-Sod, open 3. Plain or Jointer piowtr-Open to those never having won a first prize in Men's clssses. 4. Plain or Jointer plowir--Sod--Boytt under M years. 5. Plain or Minter Plow -atabttle-- open to boys under 17 years. 6, Plain or Jointer Plow_tubbie-- Open to boys under 14 years. 7. Twodurrow Flows. 8. Tractors in Sod. All prizes tor above are Trophy or cash: Ist, 810: 2nd, $8: 3rd, ttp. 4th, $4: 4th, $2. A. Y. P. A. Activmu The A.Y.P.A. met on Monday eve- ning at the home of Miss Mary Firth. Committees were formed nor the bridge. to be held in the Rectory on Thursday evening, instead of Friday as intended. Emily Hunt moved a hearty vote ot thanks to Mary Firth, for the use ot her home. Held Corporate Communion Corporate Communion was admin- lstered on Sunday morning at 8 tran., to some 15 members of theA .Y.P.A. by the Rev. J. Billingsley, following which breakfast was served in the Rectory. on Sunday and 0.130 visited friends at Pricevme. Mr Neil New made . trip to Chrksburg Monday and broughtbuk a. load of fruit. , Misses Reta McIntosh, Toronto, and Miss Florence Robertson. Dor. noch, were visitors with Miss Muriel Hem. int week, the latter remain- ing a few days. 4 Mr and Mrs P. Ledinsham tutd family spent Sunday with Durham friends. wand Mrs P. Kent and daughter accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John Hem, Durham, and [mu Flannel: 0. Sound hu- T lean Stanley and in the horn shoe mum mm Alt 1Mtrtrt the hit as being very Robertson. spent . My Int week Chester friends. o. Bound fur Mr and Mrs McDougall tad tami- ly, Mr and Mrs Cummings, Paisley, spent a day with the Campbell ttun. My. Mr and Mrs P. Mountain and tam ily, attended the 'Pilgrim Holineu' convention, held at Proton Station. (Diiiiiiiiiisuis TUES., OCT. 10th, GREY AND BRUCE COUNTY DAYS WELBECK £1915th utended Min nor-once Are not! y taxed Gl, a, the boys1 do better,! own-- The faith, the love, the happiness; But tor the sorrow and the smart, The failure and the striving vain, The song we caroiled in our heart When our poor lips were dumb with We thank Thee, Lord, and not alone For gold of gladness. full success, For wealth that we have called our Not tor accomplishment complete. Not tor the care-tree guarded le. Not tor the path: of peace our (cot Have found, we thank thee, Iarrd, to. day: But tor the highways dust and din, For perilous plums Batety passed. For every brler of doubt and sin Which clutched, but dare not hold us fut. For all Thy patience through the Thy patience with our hum sud (an, Mr Alex Luv-on is spending I couple or weeks with his sisters in Toronto. Mr 1nd Mrs Addie Symon and daughter Irene, Arthur, were visitorl the ttrat of week with rehtlves here. Mr he. Miller spent a day this week in Guelph. Mr and Mrs Joe Crutchley 1nd children, were guests thin week ot Mr and Mn [sue Hooper, in North Egremont. Mt Allan and daughter. Dundalk, were recent guests with his dingh- ter, Mrs Stanley Rear. Mr and Mrs Ame Hopkins visitedon Sunday with Mr md Mrs Funk Hopkins. Mr Harold McKechnie Is in Tor- onto this week, attending the wed- ding of his comm. Mr Cecil Cargill, Mn N. Helen and Mrs L. Me.. Lean. spent Tawny with Mrs Artie McIntosh, Domocn. The B.Y.P.U. of Mulock Baptist Church, re-organided their mung people's meeting tor the {all and w.nter months with the following of- ncere: Hon. President, Rev. J. Gallo. way '. President, Lolita. Mighton : Vice Prem, Hugh McLem: Sec'y. Gordon McLean: Treaa., P2td Adina. Group Leaders No l, Elt n Adlun, Earl Anderson : No 2, Erma Mighton. Florence Meow: Organ- ist, Ulva McDonald. The tirttt meet- ;ng of Tuesday. Sept. 27, we: ot n Iocinl nature. No 1 Group in charge. A good program we: heard, the tot. lowing taking pert titer prelimin- uriel were conducted by the Presi- dent, Min L Mighton Reading by Hugh Medan and Ulu McDonald '. two splendid reci- muons by Gordon Kramer: musical number by Rev J. Galloway : com teltl by Earl Anderson. Candieaand fruit were served during come-u. Brute-nor John Long and In. long, Toronto, accompanied by In Long and mu Jenn. Wnlkerton. were we»: " home ot In Wm. Fulton last week and. Wllumutord W.I(.8. cent " Invi- tatkm to the Domoch Ioclety to at- tend their Ihnnt onerlng on the 19th Sept. 80 they My accepted and were placed with the “are“ In. loClenm .79 than on Indie. when she bu been tor t low you! as none, Ind doing good to on Va -A-. -i, -- - “on; - she mmanr, THANKSGIVING PRAYER (Jean Blewett) ROCKY SAUGEEN You need only We Kellogg's to know why they are the World’s most popular Corn Flake. Belicia!!! - and crispneaa that no others equal. Every rcd-and-green package guaranteed by W. K. Kellogg. When substitutes are atered you, remember, it is seldom in a spirit of service. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. ' . FLAVOR a: DORNOCB “if that come, the In In column. J. Love at tum, at and not alone Hm Falls spent the week end with Mr and Mn B. Darpvel Mr and In C. Buschlen. Durham, Sunhyed with her pnrents, Mr and Mn Wm Smith. Mr And In W. Kinsey, Detroit, “a In Baum. Durham, called Jiru, E. Dargavel, Monday. Mrs. K's mother wt" 1 close friend ot in Dumvel in their young days Mr W. H. mmvel, Toronto, let' Bunny to return to the city utern couple Weeks with his mother. Miss Madeline Klein and her boy friem. We! him back. Mr and Mr, Hurl- and Ion Kenneth, Detroit. were alto sum of In H'tt mother, for n week. mum Meta McIntosh and Bassist Campbell left for Tom!» after a couple of month. or their home hen Mr and In Artie McIntosh an moving into their new home and wilt noon be settled to receive vim tom. We wllh them all success in the rough Jamey through life and hop. them will be as smooth an poulble. Domoch church we having thei: waiver-try on Oct .15. Fowl sup- per on the Tue-d” following. Sacrament of the Lord’s Supprr was dispensed Sunny. there bemu three new members and one by Ct". alone added to church roll. The Women‘s locum.- will meet on wednesday Oct. 11, at home of Mr, C. McIntyre. Mr Chu Amen. Elmira, trptt' over the week end with his parmw Mr and In We: Arnott. Mr and In Joe McCulin and v Ind In Chas. uwmnce and M .w Andrey Hammord. took in Con-m wood an, Thursday Int. Mr John chlrr "u at DuudatL mt Int Wednesday, 1nd broumu home quite n few prizes on his I., enter sheep. Mr and Mrs wm" Patterson a: ', children and In" "net Mela-hm Bpettt I My Ill! week with Mr m.‘ Mr and In Jog. Patterson w Emily Chester, spent Sunday M.?' Mn Albert Kelhr. Mr and In Ogle Cluclm u' “My, have moved into town. The Imp-Ally ot the tteitrhborhm, goes out to line: Lily ind Mum. Andi-awn. In the sudden mum; v the“ brother. Wllutm. Aa a ltr:'. " two-n elsewhere In this bray we will retrain from uylng nun Ir Samuel Sherwood is spt'ltilf» Iona um. with his cousin, Miss i, tr AMI-awn. WEEK . END BARGAIN Friday, Oct. 13th I) 00 return "(to TORONTO $2.80 return to HAMILTON Eettaaur low lam from lnNrmedIate MING OCTOBER " 'tETURttttttt OCTOBER 16 Frt, “NW ai,, any Canadian Pqerttt. A" or THAT CA! CANADIAN PACIFIC OCT'. 6, 1933 FROM DURHAM T. M. McFADDEN COPIED o. the an of Oetotrer In: to enjoy mixed m u we took out , “to of the “tummy: m! “It Jill! take a look Wilda 00hr ls lurking. Our old tteighty at his home hm. qshrantmr up the of HINDI“), also - of his hour OCT. s, 1933 CUSTOM CHOPPING Shoes of all Clem-Aug of lad, 6tte I pair. REPAIRING A Our prk luck are have not. the: now up. _ Strap _ wcrk do! our - before We bake hm much morot our store for yoursupphe Trunks. at low -tieg Phone No. 6 will be issuer. 1 denominations Trade in you 1934, in excham FACTORY SHOE ARE ADVANCH J. 5. WM Gunn's F Boy-l Hounehol '0 Canada' Pilot SWINTON PA: ladies' Calf a Keep in Sum JOHN and l? ve Will those rt leave their o THE P HENDE P. RA Brea u ewD FLOU It rite whit If

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