if! C, Review is well equipped for all kinds of Job Printing (7713 Bank f Montreal , has Never ghvered 4 in Its Course . . . In times of expansion or depression, in the best and the ivorst of economic conditions, Canadians have learned to rely upon the unwavering safety and helpful service of the Bank of Montreal. Older than the Dominion itself, yet young as the latest 'sound business enterprise of Canada, this bank keeps' 'strong and efficient by pursuing its traditional policy of banking practice consistent with safety for depositors, and by adjustment of its services to the demands of modern' _ known to you by (mummy mum: stranger product should be shunned. JOTAL‘ASSBTS IN EXCESS or:.s7so.000.tto0 It is economy. so lar as you are concerned. (0 nave mum...†urers develop a huge demand tor their product, by the agency ot press advertising. YOU pay tor the advertising, ot course. but you pay a smaller price for the advertised article than would be nec- essary if the manufacturer’s output were smaller! Advertised articles hnv and since they are made sold at least as cheaply Be very friendly, memo, to nationally-advertised produets-- toods, toilet dds, motor can, radio you, and all etse--whieh are loamy advertised-An mil nanny". n your are a thrifty and m am. is manned by he Gun-Alan Weekly New-papers Holstein (Sub-Agency): Open Monday, Established £811 ales have to be better than non-advertised articles, re made in larger quantities, they can be made and cheaply as imitative non-advertised articles. may and wise buyer. you will bug the article made by faithfully maintained pro. advertising. The are concerned. to have manufact- Wednesday and Friday. One reason some concerns are "in the red" is the fact that not enough black In the way ot printers' ink was used in their advertising. A United States inventor has brought out a. silk stocking that won't run. We know some who have an old car that's gone that way too. iiiout AND PERSONAL tl ‘mmmm “can I l - The W.M.S. met in the church.on Tuesday, April 11, when quite anum- her were present. Mrs Bruce, Pres., took charge. Mrs Rev Aitken gavean interesting history of the life at the ‘famous missionary. Rev Jonathan Go forth -Fii, W. 1. will hold their April meeting on Tuesday, April M. Par. ticulars later. _ - iirruira and Miss Isabel will spend the Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs MoHettry, Tomato. Mr Ed. Patton, Durham, vsited in Holstein with his friend, B. Ami]! over the week end. Mr Bert Eccles is in Brantford this week, attending a convention of the Confederation Lite Assurance Co. THE DURHAM REVIEW Messrs Arthur and Lorne Blair of Grand Valley, spent a day with Mr. Bert Eccles the first ot week on In- surance business. Miss Ada Morrison left tor Toron- to Tuesday, where the expects to spend some time. Mr and Mrs Clark, Durham, were guests ot Mr and Mrs Wm Brown the first of week. Miss Clara Amill entertained a number of young friends at her home Friday evening last. _ Mrs John Leith will spend the ‘week end and holiday with her ldanghter Miss Isabel, in Toronto and W\ also other friends The young people ot the v image met at the home'of Mr and Mrs J. Pinkerton, Tuesday, and tendered a shower of useful and pretty articles to Mrs Pickett (nee Alice Pinkerton). They wished Mr and Mrs Picket: happiness and prosperity in their new home, near Durham. A pleasant evening was spent. A sacred cantata entitled "The Eas- ter Message" will be presented in Holstein United Church by the choir next Sunday evening, April 16th, at 7.30. Welcome to all. At a meeting held in the Presby-l terian basement on Thursday evening, March 30, of the women's Minimal-vi Society, and the girls ot the sautreen' Branch of the C.G.r.T., the girls affiliated with the W.M.S. Mrs. (Rem) Aitken, leader of the group, read the ttmliuion, and Mrs. Bruce, president ot the W.M.S., welcomed the girls. Miss J. Christie gave a splendid talk on the bible story "the daughter of Jaime." The meeting closed in the usual way. Saugeen Branch of the C.G.l.T.T met in the basement of the Preeby-l terian Church on Thursday, April ii, when plans were made tor a. banquet to be held in May. The girls decided to go tor a star hike during the arr; tivity period next meeting. The edi- tors of tho Branch newspaper were asked to have their material ready for publication on April 27th. Aileen Brown read from the book "Girls of the bible", how Miriam saved her brother Moses. Margaret Christie led the dlscussion on "what makes a girl well liked." After a. sing-song and Easter egg hunt and games, the meeting closed witlt 'taps'. l Holstein Continuation School Students obtained the following stand In the examinations ot the Winter Term: FORM I . Pred Mather 83, Marjorie Walls 81, Marion Horsburgh 69.8, Robert Hum ter 69.7, Bert Ross 67, Ray Adams 65 Aura McGuire 62, Murray Aitken " Robert Gillies 52, Edgar Patterson 51 Irvin Hiscox 50, Lawson Morrison, Charlie Buller. FORM ll Gordon Dickson 78, Ruth Walls 69.7, Wallace Adams 69.1, David Rahn 65.4, Irene Ellis 64.3, Elmer Love 61, Margaret Elder 59, Findlay Lewis 57 Willard Stevenson " IaurxrHender- son 53.2. David Aitken 53.1, lame McMurdo iii, Irlma Rife, AlmaLeith. FORM lil Jessie Stevenson M, Ivan Christie 74, Morley Hunter 65, Maloolm Walla 63, Margaret Irvin 61, Walter Aitken 58. Lama Ellis 57, Lyall Mercer M, Aileen Brown M, Vincent Ellis 53, lrlma Rife 53, Lorne Henderson 50, Islay Sim, Beverley Gibson, Gordon Henderson. Council met Ipril 10, members all present, minutes adopted. Aidcorn--oveetr. In onter, to_asslst turn to the Dept. ot Highways and thereby earning the may ttutr sidy. That the wave, clerk and road aup't be a committee to ampere s Mewhavemdwotk Meander direction at road ain't. an. Is to allow each mtepoyer to earn a proportionate mount according to his assemqneett, the amount earned to i,eereaiteaoettutaxesottherate- payer and to be included in the re. EGREMONT COUNCIL A. TMen. Principal the pustorruu' sub- "TI we, clerk and mu! undm Mae to new t twee, " work done under gram ', ain't. Our. "W Ip'. That tho clerk “Tl " ia-mos. to ttstritrt In deemed advisab- mending byasw “cum-Io v4 -..'F. -__ . rate of payment tor a. man from 16e to 17%e per hour and man ande 350 per hour-Man and team to count two days’ labor under this new syn. tam ' "uicorn--Phi1p: That the clerk be instructed to procure bonds for the Treasurer. to the amount of $4000. ing accounts be paid: Mun’l Worm." supplies $4.90: Members of council, att'ee at. meeting to date $12.50: Rob Christie, use of room, $2. Car. Council adjourned to meet Monday May 29, at 10 o’clock an); tor gener- al business and as Court ot Revision on Assessment Roll. Court of Revis- ion opens at 2 p. Making maple syrup and buzz-saw ing wood is the order ot the day " round here. Dr Mountain came around on home Dr sialiatn came around on home back last wek to visit some ot his patients- in this vicinity. - . L_) -‘un-‘A PM..- -__ ,, As the roads were in bad shape for a. car last week, Wm H. Wells took the wagon to Jot)? Campbell's dance on 2nd con. Where there'a a. will, there's a way. Mr Thee Duly lost a. horse last week. It dropped dead on the road. We listened in on the radio to Findiay's dairy hour, at 5.30 on Sun- day evening over CFCA, and enjoyed it very much. Patterson-Philo: The; the follow We are still pulling for the Town-1 Purpose to Leafs to down the Rangers. We 2 sage of think the beats can win in the next ", licve th two games, so bring on your Rangers l kind im Before writing another budget, we shall be celebrating the resurrection ct our Saviour, who trod the costly way tor us. Easter tells again the Joyful news to mankind that we wor- shin a Risen Lord. May we all be in way tor us. mater tens joyful news to mankind u ship a. Risen Lord. May , the Spirit on Easter Day Mud of which there has been no, lack, is drying up. Birds are sing-l ing, plants are pushing their way out) ot the earth. We have some daisies in bloom in the garden, so this must, be Spring. 1 7 - - . --- Bth_. .LA..-‘ The sap is dripping steadily these days, and some are engaged in the sweet, sticky work ot syrup making. People feel the need of making syrup this year, with a. two cents tr lb tax -cn sugar, especially as the advance information did not come to the com- man people, who perhaps would not be able to buy even two sacks in advance. We are glad to report Florence Ec- cles back to school again after her recent illness. Mrs. Wilcox, Meaford, spent several days last week with her daughter, Mrs. John Alles. Mrs Reid Sr., who has made her home lately with her daughter, Mrs. J. Lane, Swinton Park, has been ill, but was improving at last reports. All of an Easter morning. JMk-in-thepulpit cried, "Gather, oh gather and listen. me all ot the countryside! Hither, my congregation! Hither, ye fiowerets gay'. Hither, ye bouncing bunnies'. Listen to what I say'." Over the hills they hurried, Out of the Held and wood, Bunnies: and blossoms ot April, Whither the preacher stood. There were the yellow jonquils, There were the pansies blue; There were the stately Milieu, There were the tulips too. Then to his congregation, Jack-ln-thepuipit said, “.Lo it is Easter morning, Lift up every head! Tell to the world your giadness! Show it while ye sing. Songs of the vanquished winter, Victory songs at Spring! NORTH EGRE-MONT “no. it is Easter Go to the world, I pray, Bearing the glorious mesa Born of our Easter Day! Tell how ye lay imprisoned Deep in the mould and the night'. Tell how ye burst in beauty Into the warmth and the tight'." So on an Easter morning, Over the hills and afar, All of the flowers of April Carry wherever they are Messages fair and trqurraat--. Do you not get them, may? Telling the world the meaning 1nooditur our Easter my. Whispers the yellow jonquil, Whispers the pansy blue, . Whispers the stately lily, Whispers the tulip, too; “Long did we lio imprisoned Deep in the mould and the night; Then we bunt Into beauty Into the warmth and the light!" To Get Real Enjoyment |P°|llwnulry woman-med " I "There lit one au I wet mud.tooter. What was the trouble! understand," said Mrs Gum be- mu: had u-rived at the bor" tween "ti%Gniemoe-xsrtttett...Ptff..eS.nt'.'.: the†gram. WOW mm. Ithtmol "whatirthatt"aid herhmbud “M VII Mt d! h. MM "That-tgr-tttroles..?.'.'.'?',.,.., bee't,tntttheMrhaR, .7. __-_--- ----.- =.r-u-----i--- JACK-IN-THE-PULPIT'S SERMON YEOVIL David Allan, clerk . . Elna": IS not! \mwh the m to the new: mam-ne- nlons with hint. The boy “corned the hmlst It (htmra I mu: moron the Bay to t summnr i _-.------ imp And something was stolen from I '9 /i".7.ioi'irltiiLtyUnttd't1/d'25 'iMiss Macptsai1 ' Wt ekly Lette ‘old boy wu pent to Portamouut Petr 'itentiary for two or three years, Ottawa In . and] way ts expert- When he arrived at the Institution. lv.,emtirtgr with barter “mm“: Pet in those knee breaches, he bum Into tw-, ---e' l nm a. Ottawa in n and! wuy u cap-- _ wanting with barter emanate. Perl pie without money. or short of mom, ey, are exchanging goods (or services, or services tor services: for inunce a. Rideau street merchant wants painting and paper-hanging done and in exchange be will give groceries. " chatteur registers It the exchange in) say he will drive part time for his ‘meais and a mechanic will work one farm in exchange for farm produce. _ -" ....... of... A farmer will exchange a hardwood Booring and so on: carpenters. painter', nurses ers have registered. The otl telephone service telephone servwe .cw. -w --W' __ nated. Such plans have been tried on a. rather large scale in California and Minneapolis and It surely emphulzes our shortage ot the exchange medium -Hmmey. teresti: sage of confidence and hope. We be- lieve that our Lord’s otter to man-' kind included tnerlom, health. and happiness which are part ot the tV rbundsnt life and that this involves not only the spiritual but also the mater- ial. In this age of plenty there is no 1necessity for the scarcity which is everywhere alliteting mmklnd. . . Clearly tho present state ot stairs ,cannot go on. The Christian Church has a vital concern in these prob- llems. In the name ot Christian love. ___ --e--6 h..- “a...“ " thas with. we must take mm ot the wide spread human suffering . . . The de-, ‘velopment of technology has out- ‘stripped the development in the soc- ial and mail sciences, including that ‘of finance . . We believe that a iprior condition of the machine find- ;ing its true place is that industry be lreleascd from the domination of the present monetary system. i "We indict the monetary system as '9. whole, on the ground that it is cot doing what we are justified in ex- pecting it to do, namely, to arrange for the proper distribution and ex- ‘change of goods and services... We tare told that one nstion itself unnot " reform its monetary system owing to ill dependence uponinternational fac- ,tors. To wait for universal consent _ on the matter is I. policy of drift and , despair; and we believe that it our .lnation were to give a lead, other na- tticns wculd be prepared to cooper- 'late with us." 'i England is to be eongmtuUted on (her ministers and their wisdom. A conference ot During the week, Mr P. G. Davies, Apr†B, w“ Conservative member for Athabasca; ---_---- Alia. made a strong speech against; Got . big bundle of old paper; " the gold standard. He argued that the Review tMice. Only tie. Two burr gold was too scarce to be a safe base dies or more at the same rate. Suit. for currency and that it was not equi-I able for several puma-ea. tablydlstributed. He suggested uuuitu----,-_._--,, currency cannot be increased with- --- __-__' -------__-' out an increase in the gold base, the logical thing would be to put the un- (mployed to mining gold. I have of- We have MM tom ten said the same thing, so am oom- iorted to hear Mr Davies agreed with " IMS sf NEW me. The solution really lies in a- . , bandaning gold as a basis ot eurren. d ill ttt tW. lt is noteworthy too a.†the la us on car Hon. Chas. Stewart in his speech on the budget came out in support ot Thou are now ready for your controlled itttUtiott. inspection in Usually the budget debate once he Ti , d St gun is carried on without interrup , tion until it has been disposed ot, le, “In†" "N but this year estimates, government " very moderate pricoo resolutions, etc.. have broken the budget debate into many puts which Also MISSES' & CHILDREN'S I think makes it less interesting. The debate on penitentiarles was one such Cll1'lrh'd't'i'oll. The recent riots. the ' appointment of many new omeitthr Ilia/s 1llthllk Mimi and the government resciution seek- ing to take the chief penitentiary ap- fret $2.00 I. pointmenti. away from the jurisdic- tion of the Civil Service Commission " -- have amused a mud-needed interest on the part of the public in the pen- REPAIRING as UBUAL l . al system. ( l 5 boy 15 year- ol we and wearing knee breaches was brought into the penitentiary accompanied by . six~ jtooter. Win: wu the trouble? This 'man had arrived nun boy. home on the 8.1 of Quinta: the to! how inc aims. mm. It in "would. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Many 3mm ago when C. J. Dohrr. ty was Minister of Justice, 3 Royal Commission WIS nppolnted whieh studied carefully penal systems in English speaking centuries and on the baslmot their study made “mm mutations. Had these recommenda- tiomttteeqttFdouttheriotatbe. lleve, would not MW occurred 1nd certainly the two movinr, “one. told In the House Ulla week by General Rose, the member tor Km ma the Hon. Hugh Guthrie, mum ot Justice, would never hue had foun- dation in tact. Genet-u Boll dd: “There is something at the bottom Mull tttiqtgqtuttleattd I Manoeu- edlypolntedwtvrhntlualnku u. tf English ctertrymetr and this year. bu L The omce space. gas, are beintrdo- e-tr-O' Mttt ow for Twit", --- day to and the m Tttl left.,,',' .3...“ ttttt (no - w“ ---- V hitch the M to the sleigh andoomeb along with him. The boy amaahed the mu: mule Bly mu "m" --.. um math“ W†Btoleqt from 'aiiiriiriaettetfte'C",'e,t," tmid' he and. um My will feed my dog.' That boy - no crime until he got into panama? ', now - _ --" Mir-mums)!" unlll "r gun. - ,, he is were on his fourth commitment M__, -- ...., a tho and he .tandts My no one u ring-lenders of mu Hot, Who sponslble for such 1 mm: In the first place I boy ofMi; _ ~1A--.t-.... I III we Inn y.-." __ _ not be. sent to the penlwmhry and in the some! place I pennemiuy should be nu: In a way to develop dawns. not ‘repenteruf " .s and that every conviction can the Mate 81200; lf tturt is no. the tour commit menu of this boy hue cost the. suite much more than his education and iriTiioirlneat would ttave. In August ot 1931 n plot In August of 1931 . plot was un- mrveted In Kinsman Peetitasetuar.vanri u a. consequence seven or eight pris- oners were seized and placed In La- med com. This mean. solitary cu. .. -“--- m Only! {moment and usually verypoor food. They were unwed to remain in (new cells until Genemt Omani arrived twelve months later. Can we wonder that men aet u Imam It they are mam! u brute“ The (Jo-oversaw Commonwealth moved an amendment to the budget which in I. nther My pramhlo, outlined oondltbns And " remedies - .-e-- " chi: Wllluw -P--'-" moved; :"Thmt In the amnion Mthis limo: the gov't emu give Immed- iate aonatdaseutMet to the introduction of such measure! an my ta) lake tunnble the MI creelit ot the nation through the taut-union» may at 1 nation-l calm] bunk and render poulble the nullution and contact of this credit for the legiti- mte need: of the peopled thts cum ante try 3 u l ' ttr) Bring about such a degree of controlled inflation u would stabilise the price level of our chief mod- iueI nt . point where it would hear reasonable relation to the canto! pro- duction and to incurred otrtigntions: te) Provide employment and pur- chulng power at our people through above mentioned was and where neceuu'y, by the direct me qte our national credit in the noun-um of public work: ot uric!!! kinds and in other way: which might be .15ng including the continuation of hon ' ENC. . ' ld) [um more otttsitahle distribu- uon at the autumn! tum damn] well considered mettattde at taaaMott, and the leghuuve control ot laur- est, Proms and 1mm; ' (e) manua- our Woe sys- leml. including the establishment of such system of troeinl Insurance as may be “can.†(or the protectlou and well-being of our people" I am sorry to luvs mined writing hat week, but the " kept me a prisoner lo I Toronto hotel and there wu just not anything I could do a- bout it. Home of Commons, Guam, April 8, 1933 _ APRIL 13, 1933 l S. lhlulhl'l'fll Mom. mummy MAS any: an mm mm woman: mu 0: as an: 'tooMs-tAsty lent." soon AM) mm M m I NY Ottt MINUV! WAKE. AWIWAN" tAct (M3 '0 m A. m “I“ “(I RE. - my a an Fm 'PACE. ' um Rates tt'gip:'dft Hom. Woeatgy “huh“ MOTORING TO TORONTO OHEWO ll - " mm I; VOL. L VI. (W hm bu "ttty nr M OATS: I has humus receipt: mum". Station 'fbr over 6t paying union burg C.P.R cloned on AIM n bag On Sand: unwind. M Light Snowfall manor: “caudal D one " k no anon tttttttttt lk Sun Hor Us of than e. will H tl uffc \\ h no out IN M