Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Apr 1933, p. 4

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h} , I! O C. =z===ao-x===-r====""=or=====""e Te turtle was "in clover" when this picture was taken, and “in the soup" shortly after. The background study in black and yhite is provided by the Misses Mnrion Webster and Helen Mercer, of Montreal. on board the Canadian Pacific liner “Empress ot Britain", in which they cruised around the world. The turtle, like many other rare and exotic delicacies consumed by four hundred passengers during their 30,000 mite cruise, only went part way. CREAM SEPARATORS Local Agent F. W. Moon " you are in need of a Separator, call at the Shop or ring 140, Durham. We will allow you a good "ado-in on your old Separator. 7 CREAM SEPARATORS REPAIRED. General Repair Work done farm 31 Dairy Machinery We bake bread second to none ; we must sell much mom to maintain this low price. Come to our store for bread and groceries. and thus get your supplies at lowest coats. THEN insist on Kellogg’s, the Corn Flakes that are the standard of quality the world over. Kellogg's have a flavor and crispness, a delightful freahneoyno others equal. YOU WANT Every red-aml-green package guaranteed by W. K. Kellogg. When substitutes are offered you, remember it is seldom in a spirit of service. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. DURHAM MACHINE SHOP Bread, 5 HENDERSON'S BAKERY Cockshutt. Frost &Wood. Fleury & Sons, Bissell Machinery. Lacta, Lister, Anker-Holth, DeLaval, Melotte, Viking-Diabolo Separator. Turtle For Two. if purchased at our Bakeskop 70, off cart L02===ol VALUE -""'"""'""+telelr Durham, Ont. PHONE 140 Easier .the anniversary of our Lord's resurrection fmm the dead, is (no of tho three great feudal: ot the Christian yrar--the other two be- ing Christmas and Whitmuttide. From the earlivst -period of Christianity, down to the present day, it haa al- ways been celebrated try believers with great boy and is wanted the queen ot festivals. in primitive times it was usual for Christians to salute each other on the morning of this day by exclaimlng "Christ is risen," to which the person addressed :cplird. "Christ is risen indeed" or else "And appeared untio Stmoeg"-a custom still retained in the Greek church. The common name ot this feast in the East was the Paschal Ftsaat, be- cause kept at the same time as the Pascha or Jewish Passover. and in same measure succeeding to it. Our own name Easter is derived as some surpass; from Eostre, the name of a Saxon diety, whose feast was ceie- brand every year in the Spring about the same time as the Christian tes- tival-the name being retained when the character of the feast was chang- l In reducing the membership of the jOntario Legislature from 112 to 30 seats, the new boundaries of various tidings affected have been quite det. initely decided by the government committee. North and South Grey are now to remain as at present, but Dufferin is to be eliminated and divide} between West Simcoe and North Wellington. South Bruce also is cut out and divided between North iBruce and North mmm. 19 Conser- ivative, 2 Progressive and I Liberal ”number will tte forced to retire or ‘seek new ridings. - . . (rite ttaruum Bruieto DURHAM, ONT. Tolophono O C. RAMAGE 0 SUN. Edllm and Pro cd-. or, as others suppose, trom Oster, which signifies rising. If the latter supposition be correct, Easter is in name as well as reality, the feast of the resurrection. Though there has newer been any difference of opinion in the Christian Church as to why Easter is kept, there has been much as to when it should be observed. Indeed the cow tromsy lanai for many centuries, ) Tobermory, in its isolated position at the very tip of the Bruce peninsu- "tr and with the spring bad road con- dition before it, is again rejoicing in the possession of a resident doctor. ‘Since the new year, Dr Spenceiy of iToronto has been established in the :viiiage ministering to the sick and 'lentortttg into the affairs of the vil. Wage in such a way which has made him already a. very popular addition ‘to community life. Dr Spencely is a successor to a woman physician, Dr. Fisher, who left Tobermory last. May, 'attcr practising in that outlying community tor several seasons. From May until January the village was and it was not until the Council of Nice in 325 definitely settled the matter, by decreeing the observance ot Easter on the Sunday following the Jewish passover that there was any harmony on the subject. The date so tar as we are affected thereby, was decided at Whitby, England. in 664, when the contention of Agilbert, Roman Catholic bishop of Domhether, who uphold the custom as it was up- hrld at Rome, prevailed over the plea cf Colman, bishop of LiaditsttuaMywuo represented the native branch ot the church. On Easter day depend all the mov- ply,'ty ecclesiastical feasts and lasts throughout the year. The 9 Sundays before and eight after are all depend- cnt upon it. The nine constitute the six in Lent and Quinqururesima, Sex- ageaima. and Septuageslma; the eight following are the five after Easter. the Sunday after Ascension Day, Whit Sunday and Trinity Sunday. 22 LESS SEATS IN NEW LEGISLATURE A DOCTOR AGAIN RESIDES AT TOBERMORY sgrved by the doctor at Lion's Head and by visiting members of the medi- cal profession during the tourist sea- son. but was fortunate in securing Dr Spencely as a resident doctor be- fore winter locked the village into comparative isolation. Di. Spencely is an (ex-service man. He was a medical student of 'Domn- to University when war broke out-and gave up his prospects of a. medical career for the Mme-being tn order to enlist. Returning from active ser- vice he completed his studies andse. cured his degree. __ Though Dr" Spencely In an indepen- lent practitioner at Tobermory, un- like Dr Fisher who went to Tobey awry under a subsidizing scheme tf the Women’s Institutes of Ontario, both St. Edmunds and Bruce County Councils hare made the newcomer a grant of $100 per year. The Women’s Institute ot Tobermory. which is par- ticularly an Active and public spirit- ed branch, is also endeavoring to aa- sist in making it feasible {or Totten mory to have I. resident doctor. The Women's Inmate of Grey Co. In: foamerly n. eontribtttor to this project but this was discontinued at the int 'iGnrrGmvimtson .--.Meatttrd Mirror. It’s Significance to the Pram. GerteeatMtrt pried)" EASTER THE DURHAM REVIEW In vlow u! when Otttarto In um“ town-d: Mothom' Albumen nu- anry appearing In our up” cod”. In painful mam. It is stated on mod authority that them are not a few rectum“: of Old ARe Pendan- who dams“ their tumor In the bank as noon at the chmut is rescind. " is l was x not needed. Sturgeon Fall: did in a wholeuln way what In being dono possibly m hundreds of other places . If the whole history of mm dia- trXbution couid be written. more would be a small “my who Mould bo in jail. What's to be done in the matter t People ttave,to be taught the tlrttt principles in honesty, that it la jun as grout a. crime to rob from Ontario or the Municipality as it ts to Moat hum their neighbor and mom cum must be taken before anyone is rec- ommended for an Old Age Pension or tor the Mothers' AiiowtuytNy.--- Pom-broke Standard. The Bennett trc'vormnent are popu- larly supposed to have slid into pow- er co butter and from the present outlook will slide out on sugar. BUTTER AND SUGAR CONTROLLING FACTOR? ALL ONTARIO TOWNS NOT 1 GONE OVER TO BRIDGE Are all the towns gone to bridge? This question was put up a few days ago, says the Collingwood Bulletin. Negatively the query can be well answercd. From the mall to our own desk we can find proof that in dit- tercnt. in many, ot the smaller towns, other things occupy the time and attention of the people. There is Prince Edward County, town of Picton, where there has been ear-' lied on since 1902, a Tennyscn Club, intermingles with the social side,, literature, including poetry, history,' science. the drama, music and other kindred subjects, evidently with the approval and assistance of the lead- ing citizens. the membership ot the past winter numbering upwards of one hundred. In Orillia, a. Canadian Club has been in continuous opera- tion tor more than a. score of years, the business men there taking time cft once a week to hear an "other hilcw." In the same town a ladies' CanadiarrClttlt occupies the attention of the many women who, though act- ive in many other organizations, sel- dom let an opportunity pass ot meet- Ing and hearing notable visitors to Orillia. In Barrie the women carry on a highly successful Canadian Club, ard each season hear speakers With a message. The men tind their please urc in Kiwanis and Llons' Clubs, both of which enjoy a goodly membership. And so the story might go on and tell of the Musical Club which flourished in Own) Sound tor many years, the ;Macaulay Club in Chatham. and the lLiterary and Scientific Club which ‘hns for over thirty years been con- !mual in the rural village of Clarks- burg.And these are but a few. The recital might go on and on. but suf- ficient has been presented and said, to fully answer the question, "Are all the towns gone to bridge?" They have not. i The W. M. B. held their April pleating at home of Mrs Geo Fisher. 'iThe Pres. occupied the chair. During “the business it was decided to m- ;vite Mrs Murray., Pres. of the Grey "'restsyteriat, to speak at the mater rThaukofferitttr, which will be held means in April. Papers on the early Minions of the (“threat chur- ,chea in Canada, were given by sev- lerai of the members. Mrs Kline Me. ‘Caslin read an excellent paper we pued by Mia: Mildred Henderson on the Minions of Canada 50 year: ago. A pleasing solo was sung by In" Nancy Boyd. At the close at Minx s sock! hour was spent, at which Mr: Fisher and “in [me served a dainty lunch. Radio licenses were due on Satur- day last. The Bruce Times says the government ought to hand out alig- saw puzzle with each one. They might get rid of them a. lot faster than they are likely to otherwise. The, ngresslvr-s were damaged por itically by the Drury government's sc-callcrl "hundred dollar c031 scut- tle." And new the ngmsive lea. dor has found that Premier Henry ordered three antique tables instal- led at Parliament Buildings at a. cost ct $650. That's ‘tuming the tables’ sure enough.--Daily Star. Mles Florence McCaslin, Hanover. spent the week end at her home. Mr Jas Stins‘on returned home from Toronto Saturday after a. couple of weeks with his sister, Miss Nelle, who was a. patient in the General Hospital there. We are pleased to attended the funeral of the late Jes- sie Flddls in Cheney on Friday. Miss Fiddle who was a sister of Mrs Ed, gar Boyce, was well known in this neighborhood and during her visits endeared herself to all who came in contact with her by her Winsome manner and lovable disposition. Our hmrttelt sympathy is, at this time, extended to the bereaved brothers and sisters. say that Nellie is at present conva- bscing at the home of her cousin in the city. tgRAFT-ttttAFT--aRAFT tr/eat number from this vlcinity CRAWFORD 3 V The bir.w.o. will meet " home 'ict Mrs Jo." Crutchloy on Friday " lternorn ot this week. Mn H. Dun "mod Int week with turna- In Hamilton. Mm Nlry Mount went the week mm with "In Ruby Sum“. Minn Alma Robin-on ll "nun; hm pawn“. Mr and Mrs D. Robin-on. Mlu ()llvo "all vlnlmd with Mr 3nd Mrs It. Hun!” nvur the woott mu]. ar/ KATIIIoon Noun-n spam the week 0nd with hor couulns, tho Mc, Donut“. m The weather has 'botttt more "print like Intoly and the snow hu about att disappeared. The ladies' aid will meM. at tho home of Mrs Malcolm Mekoehnie on Wednesday afternoon, April 19, All ladies are cordially ittvitod to attend. The annual meeting in totutrwtion with the church will be held Thurs- day evening, April 20. A full attend- ance ls requested. Mr and‘Mrs Jan Miner visited the first of week with Mr and Mm Jack Boyd, Durham. Mr and Mrs Jerry Mord spent a day with her sister Mrs Eliza. Tiffany this week. Mr and Mrs Ed Simpson were the guests reeently ot Mr and Mrs Jim McRonald, Mnlock. MES Goa Scan-195. Guelph, is spend- ing a couple of weeks with her bro ther, Wm. Hill. Rocky Sangeen W.M.s. The W. M. B. of Burns' Church. Rocky Saugeett, met at the home cf Mrs D. C. McKechnie ,on April li, with g members and 3 visitors. One new member joined. During the ab- smceof the President, Mrs McKech- nie, owing to sickness, the vice-pres. Mrs Allan Boyd filled the chair. At- ter opening exercises, Mrs Gillen Boyd read the scripture lesson from Matt. 28. After much business was discussed, a motion was brought an by Miss Ada Banks, re the making of the cake for the anniversary ot the church in June. The Society has been organized for 26 years, the tour ROCKY SAUGEEN FIRST CHOICE OF ALL CANADA EDGE HILL McLAUGHLIN’S GARAGE DURHAM oldest mombom has In D. C. Me. Ichochnle, Mn Valle. In Me. Quurlc and Mr. Gm“! Boyd. Them, lulle- wlll nuke the cake u the Int- tor'tt home. ()nomcmbm' on mob “no wu up- pointed to get thes Ingredient: mum ukv. For nanUnck,_gn IoQulrrie: Hlxhwny. Mr. Mat. KcKechnIe: [or (Nanak. Mm Ball. All the mated-l tor the cake has to be in the next macaw. The quIM block! for quilt hula were hmuxhl in. The collection manual to we. "tterrt' were given by In "all on 'R-atstioes.' Another paper mun glvm by Mm A. Boyd on "The mm mm” morn." Payer wu or. tttrod by Mm G. Boyd Ind In John lmzhlnu At do» tho homo“ carved um re- ttumhtttottttt, nan-Mud by hem lllson and Mm Ium McKnchnln. The not! momma the, rotl cull will be unwar- ml try a van." Marin: 'teother.' ("mum ymmu mom'- Bible stu- dy vaInxl urn being held every Tuvaday owning. under the leader- uhlp of [m J.Gnllaway. lacuna ue umwhm In Intern“ and I “new In- vlmmm In ”tended to " young pmplu at the community. Bunch] Euler music will be held in tho Iuistlsst Church here My morning. The Crawford United Church choir will be prxmeast and give two good numbers. We extend our deep and heartfelt sympathy to Mrs Edgu' Boyce. mule loss by death ct her dear slam Mitra Joule Flddls. Deceased was the pos- s'rssor ot a lovable and cheerful dil- position and wu dependlhlo and true as her friendship: were hating. “ligand Mrs Andrew Fulton. at Hampden. visited with friends here. Sunday. Mrs Derby Br. returned home the end ot the week trtter spending . few days with her daughter. Mn Sun. Vickeu at Lamluh. Mrs McLean left tor Corrie on Wed. nesday to be with her oouain. who is quite ill. - Mulock . Our back roads are tn 3 sad candl- tion, and those who will insist in us- ing their autos are forced to get out Mr and Mrs And. Fulton spent n day recently with Mrs Wm. Fulton ot Born on Amman. to Mr and Mn Garfivld Manger. a. daughter. - Miss Evelyn Henderson In spending this week in Hanover with her grand- Mr and Mrs Wm. Mums visited with Eiora. friends early in the week. Sorry to report Mr Hudson Byers is at present under Dr. Man's care with pieurisy. - ONTARIO MULOCK TORONTO Goodyear quality is famous. More people ride on Goodyear Tires than on any other kind. You could not have a safer guide. Come in and price your size. You’ll be surprised how little they cost. 1hmiar/, April N, 1933 Credit AUCTION SALE Mr Reuben Ohm ll alumna If Wm. “Me with the season's worn while Mr M. Petty II doing ukerar MFARM CTOCK, IMPLEMENTSanu HOUS£HOLD FURNITURE The igned Auctioneer “:1! tell by c Auction at Lots 2 and of N. Con l, E.G. R., Glenda (T mile. north "Durham, Mouton In: 66,661.83 outstamr In: In unpaid am. on which 5% . bang caused. m May Ist, thic rue will be ruined to 10% and Mo, while other: we helped out of their Indictment by the old mtthrttV Wu mun. ATTLE 8 Can, t ened. calves at foot. , Keller: In f, due April 25. ' Gown. milking due date. when at 2 Heifers, can! ' years. (salo , Heifer Calves. coming 1 you old mercu- other articles. A t 3 ton d any. 1 mod M Stove and How. hold Immune. A sue at One o'clock No Reserve as the tam I: sold. TERMS or' SALE: Hay, l ans! " i sums ot $10 and under, i?'i't1i'si's', 1Mrr that amount, any lime up to mm credit given on furnishing apprutml blnkable joint notes, bearing my”. . at 5 per cent. ANGUS lhek21'lllllt, Prop. Telephone l0l The blindlk: Mr GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctiorteer APRIL IS, 3933 limbs God "Ill "out (iroc A-ttive Ccrrt Syrup Com Nukes. 3 pkgs Vanilla, tt 01. been Railing, 2 tbs tor Cram Cheese, 1 " bars Laundry So - Oil, 8 01 bct Good brand Manutoq Irocm Over-m [rum " 0:. home Lem Don Ami, cake i One» Cieamer. H09". ttrod Work-r mm . _ _ , Ahtt ccovt Mum, Mlmmoth, "r, all NC. I, at tht STEWART to Mr a In. BLM day Bin g you , l of th SPEC JV Brooms. all APRIL 13, We Folder. Blotter. Printed (om Fin. Cation: Factory Form Cheque. Gunmen! Fo lumen: Rule Interlel' Fo Aachen Sat. Envelopes Let us Forms Pamphlets Faetorr F orn- task. Report. GUSTO“ c Booklet. Fananclal an PRICEVILLE " and but“ and Dunn “My .. I Mrril "on. O M 0|" P" Gun m Lam Ete., Etc R Keep i TH leave {VI Will Flo Boo BOR M

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