Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Apr 1933, p. 1

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" 6, 1933 of the CPR. Jen Know Him VOL. LVI, N0 15 OATS; l have a .choice Jot of re-' --- charm] Oats for sale. " 50e per has. BAPTIST CHURCH mm“ ttd J. w. Ewen, Durham :Clmrus: "Easter's call to Worship",. __.. ..........c. D. London Phone 114 {9; "-iCr.qA.tLttfAlt' Est M it "m (,r,ili,".iili--iii games f a " "ELL; Photography: f and it prints for each. Mail to P. l Durham, or leave Photography; Any film developed' and S prints for Me ', reprints 3e oach. Mail to F'. W. Kelsey, Box 204, Durham, or have at D. C. Town's. A Play, "Every y Happy" also tther program will given in Varniy Church, Wrdnesday, pm 19, under tlt" auspices cf Va Young Peo. pie's Society. Admissio Me and 15c. Lunch unwed. ‘X The Junlor Institute and Junior hummer will hold their regular mon- thly meeting at the home of Mr and Mrs Mansheld Leewn, Varney. on Thursday, April 20th " 8.15 o'clock. All young people cordially invited. Sold His Farm Mr Angus MeArthur, north of Dur- ham. this week sold hit, fine 100 acre farm to Mr G. Clarence Noble, son of Mr and Mrs Arnold Noble ofwwn. who gets possession immediately. Mr and Mrs. McArthur will reside in the hruge for another month. and wilt mm retire. wobbly to Durham. Thar‘éiocli aid elects are advertis- ed elsewhere In this issue, tor sale next Thursday. Rev. A. P. Marsh. B.D.. MILE. air“ present pastor of the United Church“ A Paisley. has received a unanimous recommendation from the omeiali board ct Wesley United tr.'tureh-1np-; lco, to become their pastor. Dr John', H. McVit-ar. the present Mimieo pas-, 8 tor, is applying to Toronto Confer-11 c-nce tor permission to retire in June. i A Dr Meviear preached in Knox Unit- 7 HI Church. Durham, some years apronA Accepted a Pastorate in Huron Co. l The Huron Presbytery met in the Prvvhyterian Church, Belgrave, last I Thursday to induct Rev. T. W. Mills. ( frrmrrly of Domoch pastorate. into, tho four-point charge of beUrave,l, Auburn, Smith's Hill and Blyth. iiil, Mills has resided in Corbetton ly triet for some months prior to the) call. and best wishes follow Mr and, Mrs Mills to their new charge. i, 1 A Musicale ll der the direction ot 1 Mrs F. w. Th as, under ladies' , Aid auspices. wil be given in Queen I St. l'nited Church Friday. April 21, , at cight o'clock. program will I consist of violin comet solos. vocal solos. pianologu " piano trios piano solos, piano and mu duet. l The artists from outsid. points are Mr W. N. Weston, violi st. Chat- ham: Miss Clark Ind M Emily Graft. soloists, Hanover. Admis- sion, adults 25c: children 1 Rev” Mr. Atmack, Chaim“. i chng life Pam: Mar Chg-lay , There. died last. week at Graven- hurst Samarium. Miss Jessie Made-, Irine midis, after an illness of four; and a halt yesrs.She was the dough-l tar or the late Mr and Mrs George' Phillis and was born on lot " can 12,} Brant. She attended Chesley High} Soho-.1 and spent two you! as none’ ln-training at Toronto Western HospI ital when ill health overtook her.‘ She leaves to mourn her loss four brothers and three sisters: Alfred in Chaney: Herbert of cum; Russel on the homestead in Brant: Gordon. of Detroit; Daisy (Mrs Win McDon- ald. Owen Sound; Eva. (Mrs Edgar Beyce. Crawford); slid Bertha, of Gravenhu: st. Mrs Thos Young ottown is " sum of accessed. is All. I! I w..., v.7 _ The n-gular monthly meeting of the Allan Park U.F'.W.O. was held April 9. at home of Mrs Geo J Turn- bull with twelve members and four meals in attondattee. The opening lxncisPs mm conducted and at the an! of business session, Mrs Fred Torry tendered her resignation as mrrrtary of club. Mrs Geo J Turn- bull was elected by ballot to fill the vacancy. Written and verbal thanks were received for rammed In time of plexuses. Mrs 000 Turnbull generously donated . (In. met for "raeoetturetuireardtet Asher! pmgnm followed and In loCnlloch gave u tam on tho Wing and are Allan Park U of the iiiiiUi,GiLtrrtte April soda) evening will be " home of Mr Joa. Brown. Light Mmhmu were - wed"; Jian, boom- and he!” The next rmruiar-tintrwitittot iChorus: "Joyful Praise"..J. Johnson lChorus: "Prom Gates of Death Trl. chorus:iiaster Angels Singing"... -.t. .. ....... J. L. Thomas umphant" Duet : “On 11 a. m. Base tsolo and choir: "We shall see Jesus." Soprano and Alto Duet "'Midnightin the Garden. :' Alto solo and Choir: "Death Is swal- towed up in Victory." Soprano Solo: "If I bear not a Scar for mm." ..All numbers trom the musical can- tata ' "Redemption" Bong" by Fred B. Bolton. iili1tt iiiil Iittltittit Realism. Solo 11 a. m. Anthem: "Death has Conquered".... ........ Alfred Bierly Anthem Anth ent Anthem Anthem Anthem: "The Resurrection Morn".. ...... .... ...... Paul Rodney Anthem: "In Joseph's Lovely Garden' ........ Clarence Dickinson Anthem: "Open a, Gates at the Temple" .... ...... Knapp-Dicks Anthem: "The Choir Angelic" .. E, W. Hanscom 11 a. m Anthem Anthem mont. Ree. J. Billingsley. Rector Clarence Elvidge, Organist MAKE DURHAM CLUB Who would turn down such an ap- pm! as the Review received trom Miss May Robson of Toronto, Sacra-1 tary of the Durham Club of that city“ which seeks to perpetuate. Durhaml and its tradltions among the mem-l hers. As is well known, they have c- quipped and endowed a ward in the Durham Hospital, and as furniture doth become shabby in time and lose its lustre. it has constantly to be rp. _-.-' "Win Thu-ham Club desire to uewed. The Durham Club desire to put a comfortable new chair in their want but lack the wherewithal to do so. Now, this is the substance of! the appealing little letter received; from the Secretary and which we are', sum will draw all Durhamites in To-' route P the party; F "It the Durham Club get one bun. dred at their card party, Monday, April 24, in the Dutch mm 106 Yonge St., Just below Adelaide,! they can buy the chair which the) KNOX UNITED CHURCH Mount Forest will chs we Thurs- day as their weekly half holiday this; year, from May I to end ot October-1 Watch out for Bad Money '; Counterfeit coins of three kinds are in circulation in this district at the: present time. and a general warning has been issued to merchanuaudbutri irwss mm to beware of the 'iiiiGiFI u rs. dimes and fifty cent pieces. The: halidollars and quarters emanatei from the same source. They are pure) lead, easy distinguished from the ire-l uine variety in that they are dull in colt-r. and very noticeably lack thel true ring of the mint-coined pieces. or such poor material in their comp- osition that one ma who wu victim- ized with two or three M the fifty-; cent pieces found that when the spurious coin we: placed on a hot stove it melted. The material doe» not seem much harder then solder. The dimes ere mum dllacnt. and might deceive my but close ob servers. They are small omen dim rni tn we meta-bl to represent Illver. 1113 Mt” has ttrtrt ttttEttBYTERIAN CHURCH QUEEN ST. UNITED CHURCH iiiG in. King’- head, " “Goa-gm Del Grub". tttex - tun-u cu. \ln\-- t-.- Inn“ e April 24, in the Dutch Inn, 106‘ The King's Highway, No. 6,-- the Yonge St., 105! below Adelaide,lunpaved strip between Cmmworth they can buy the chair which the! and Rocky Btusgmsn--is in a sorry hospital so much needs. Admission plight at present and could It speak is only Me. Help them to make) for itself, would say “Please air. I their dream possible." (want some concrete for a top dress." e----- EA: it in, the farmers along the line lare being well tipped we don't doubt Mount Forest will ci- ."ve ThurB- for pulling out can and trucks out of 1y as their weekly half holiday this [ bog holes. One partieularty bad spot, ear, from May I to end ot oetotrer-j, in ftont " Wm Bell's at Leanna. 'where the Arrow bus bu been stuck Mtch out for tad Money 1'iirii, than once this week. as well“ Counterfeit cams of three kinds are: several cars 0n Rabi: Mort1 'tt hill 1 circulation in this district at the”!!! in front of Chas Jt,'llgi', are resent time, and a 'tel, in? le? lather treacherous holes. In mite of "They Crucifievd Him" Mrs T. M. McFadden m: "He is Risen"-Pred Holton 1m; -...........L. E. Croyle "On that First Easter Morn" ...... ...... C. D. London Holy Communion ' Morning Service ', "He is Risen"-- C. Simper Evening Service : "The Stone is rolled away" oduleue Songs are Swelling' .. C".... ........Ira Wilson “In. in the grave He lies" "rreiives".. Lincoln Hal) J... ......c. Austin Miles Service at St Paul's, Egre- TRINITY CHURCH Durham ihmhes PARTY A HUMMER Knapp-Dicks 'yWiIl Rebuild Sidewalks l if Ratepayers pay Share A special session of Durham Coun- cil was lteld Friday night, the main business being the discussion over IL building new sidewalks southtrom Saddler St, on both sides ot main street as far as Smith’s creek. In spots the old sidewalk was "done", and elsewhere is in fair shape, but all this stretch is now too low, since the roadbed was taised when the pave- ment was laid. The sidewalks here were built some 30 years ago and iatupayors had paid full cost intran- "age taxes. The council contended the Walks had served their time, and when they should be built higher, 1i:'it',it:i:'is,'i coacerned should pay a tair share of cost with the town, my [a 50---50 split. Jas. P. Smith, Jas Mather, W. Almatrong and W. D. Connor, all rate- payers with property fronting these law walks, urged they be rebuilt, to prevent water ticxxliitg over their properties, and as well provide labor -but thought town should pay whole cost this time. The Council couldn’t see this, realizing that if town pay all costs here, they would be saddled wiah requests for new walks else- where throughout the corporation. A motion by Duttteld--Hunter finally ‘carried that sidewalk be laid and ‘chai-zed to ratepayers,suNect to ac- 1y11',1"' of property owners, and that Council agree to rebate 50% ot cost: from Smith's garage to creek on west side. Another motion by Stone- ousse---Campbell with similar terms, carried, providing tor East aide from corner south to Chas MNM11ivrtry's office. AU DITORS’ REPORT RECEIVED Draining off the water which often florxiig over the sidewalks at Row. land's corner near C.P.R. station, was another problem and Conn. B. StcrcNsuse's plan of digging pits near- by and putting in catch-basins to drain on water was deemed least ex- psussive and accepted, The Board ot Works am to get estimate of cost and report at May meeting. Conn. Campbell brought up the ne- cessity of tiling Durham Road near the hospital, now in wretched shape. His motion, see. by Coun. McNally, carried, that it be tiled when weather is tit and Board of Works secure necessarry tile at $50 per M. About 350 foot. will be laid with 3 In.. drain- age tile, men on relief aiding in lab- (or and cost was estimated at $50. Two citizens came to council to re qutst relief supplies,but Council re- fused to hear then, stating that this was entirely in charge of Welfare Com. and they could grant same if they saw tit. Conn. MacdonaJd, a. member of this Commission. said it was being imposed upon, some who shouldn't do so, coming for relief. The discussion and reading of the report of the auditors, Fleming and Fleming of Owen Sound,, took con- sfslerable time. The report was adopt. ed and 50 copies ordered primed. A number of recommendations tor the treasurcr's dept. were accept- cd and others tor Hydro and Water- works depts left to Public Utilities Com. for consideration The King’s Highway in Muddy Condition rain Tuesday, Chas Mommy, foreman of the road, and hitr men, worked all day filling in bad spots with gravel, and have considerably improved the rough spots. The (mat is yet in the ground and it will take all this week with good weather conditions, before one can travel on than dry shod. Ithe auspices ot Indie! Aid of the ‘Presbyteriu: church. On Tuesday of um week, Mrs W. R. Alden home Hus open no a similar 'reqltt under dam United amnion. $2.00 fare from Durham to Ton-om to, Friday, April 21st, return Monday. Tickets may be moaned from the C. P. R. Ticket Agent, T. M. McFadden. Ladiod Aid Teas -- Mrs Robert Renwick's home was open to the ladies on Friday last, the who .bging s__tea. under DURHAM, THURSDAY APEIL 13, 1933 With which is Incorporated the Holstein Leader Sofiball Reorganization Here next Tuesday $23.40 Given to Tcwn Relief Fund: At an executive meeting of Durham Softball League Tuesday evening, it was daciird to hold a. reorganization meeting tor 1933 next Tuesday, April 18th, in the Town Hall, to elect om- cers and plan for the coming seas- on's spurt. Last year was one of the must auccestrful yet In scuba“, and rumor has it that competition will be even kecuer this year with a couple new teams. At Tuesday's meeting, the sum or, $23.40, which was halt of the net proceeds of the field-tlay of sports) held by the League last August, wasi voretl to the town relief fund. $100 was also placed in a. Trust Fund to be used for no other purpose than' towards purchasing grounds suitable tor softball and other athletic sports. Financial Statement, 1932 l RECEIPTS l Balance, lst January, 1932 $91.28 Bank interest ...... .... .... 3.56 Collections at games ......... 62.00 Field day, net pmceeds........46.77 Work and repairs at mounds. " 3.25 Printing, telephone and postage. 8.15' Balls, bats and crests ........ 33.30 Expenses to tournaments ...... 3.60 Umpires' fees .... .......... 10.00 Plate and engraving ....r...... 1.40 Contribution to town whet... 23.40 Placed in Trust fund ....... 100.00 Balance, cash on hand........ 20.51 Copper Contest and Supper in Presbyterian Church Thc Ladies' Aid of the Presbyter’ tan church, were hostesses of a 'sup-l, per last Tuesday evening, as a eul-i mlnatlon of a copper contest they', were conducting as an aid to funds.I This year there was no losing side to: prepare the supper. but rather all helped in putting over a successful e-i vent. $35.00 was realized from the copper contest and supper. 1 Following the "eats", a program was contribued by the members to the enjoyment of all. Rev. B. D.' Armstrong was chairman and gave an excellent address on the Presby- terian Church: Miss Elizabeth Hard. ing opened with a plano solo; Mrs. Grant contributed a reading, Pauline Johnston's “Impressions of London"; Soto, by Mrs T. M. McFadden, 'Bon- nie Banks of Loch Lomond': Vocal duet, Mlsses Jean and Elizabeth Har- ding The Mission Circle and Ladies' A.df Mr Edgar Bmwn has returned no ms. at the Baptist Church, held their; work at Alexandria Bay, after a vis- monthly meeting at home ot Mrs n.) it with his parents. Mr and Mrs T. E. McLean. on April 5. The President:' Brown. Mr C. McArthur of con g. conducted the opening exercises and. Egremont, accompanied him. Edgar', scripture raiding by Mrs Geo. A has been working with tho same Thompson. Isaiah 6. After singing the , company for the past ten years. l hymn "Standing on the Premises of; 1 God", business was conducted and --_------ _ roll call responded to bearing ii) BORN tvg,'ilt't',,1eyir. t1rt,tut2,i'l/',,"C/, mm mm. on may. a» Splendor" was rendered by Mrs Giles.’ ril 4, to Mr and Mrs Clarence Nob. Mrs w. Thompson and was Eval le, a daughter. Redtoid. Mrs Priest sue a shoal . sketch of seven] of thehooks in the . IN EMORIAM reading cause. "Blast be the tie that! In loving me ot my brother, binds" with prayer tiv Mrs Prieshi Donald Graham, w died of pneu- closed the Circle. lmouia. in St Jotrep Hospital, " - A. rnn'n an Anril 16. 19 L383: -Aid "meeting with the _hymn. “have lifted me' 'and prayer by Mrs; Knisiey. Considerable business was‘ transacted. After the repetition ofthe lord's Prayer,, a. dainty Iunch was served by the hostess and assistants. BAPTIST B.Y.P.U. This organization met Monday eve- ning. Miss Edith Erwin in charge. Glenna Lawrence read the scripture lesson, Matt. v: 13-17. Misses Eliza- beth and Margret Bias tutored with {A}; LBmGitu1 Garden ofPra.ver." Wilkie, the Owen Sound mu: now on trial In thkermn on the curse ot murdering his wife, has been " tudged tntttieimttly me to sand trial MISSION CIRCLE BAPTIST CH. PAYMENTS $203 . 61 Ramage, Sec'y-Treasurer ONTARIO ARCHIVES _ TORONTO $203.61 I Misses when. and Edith Grant, tea- :chers of Toronto school sun, are lh-ulldaylng in Bermuda the Easter va- cation. 1 Mr Bmck Grant, Welland, is spend» ing over Easter with his brother, Dr. IT. F... of town. Accompanying him Ito Durham are Mr and Mrs R. B. ‘Burns. also ot Welland. who will be Twith Mrs B's parents, Mr and Mrs E. 'Kmss for Easter. the I Mr and Mrs C. F. Graft, Hanover. irenewed acquaintances in town war ithe week and and were guests otMr and Mrs Bryson Morlock. "MYand Hrs A. Baldwin and daugh- ter Anne ,am holidaying in Toronto. tor the Eastertide. Miss Alma Hughesis in Toronto tor the Easter period. Misses Jessie Priest, of Belleviile; Joy Priest ot MeMaater University, Hamiltun and Joan Priest, teacherat Credit Forks, are spending the Eas- bar recess with their parents at the Baptist Parsonage. ly of Boothville, are guests of her sister. Mrs Jno. Moody. On Wed- nesday they motor to Stmtford where they plck up their daughter Hazel, who is attending Normal School and from here Journey on to Napanee to ivlslt their other daughter Thelma. 1 Miss Dorothy Allan. Toronto, is vis- tlting her grandmother, Mrs Thomas Allan this week. I Miss H. Carrie. B. A. and Miss M. Rev. B. D. Armstrong and Mr T. M. McFadden attended Presbytery meeting in Barrister) Tuesday. Mrs W. Scarf, ot Toronto. visited aver the week end with her sister. Mrs. W. Ritchie. staff leave Thursday to spend the (Easter vacation " their respective homes in Ingersoll and om. I Mr and Mrs John Murdock and gamma Jean, were in Toronto, In: tThursday, witnessing the final ttoe- may match, Newmarket " Regina _ 'Pats.' Miss Mary Brown, R.N., wu a. visitor from Hamilton over the week end with her parents, Mr and Mrs. T. E. Brown. ( Mrs Smith and Miss K. M. Firth, ‘00:}: and housekeeper respectively mt lDurhnm hospital, had their tonsils removed Monday morning. l Mr and Mrs Thos. Tucker and family. who have been town residents .fcr several years past. are moving tthis week hack to his farm. on the .2ud con Egremont, lately occupied by l John Burns. Mr Wm Slack. formerly C. P. R. Station assistant here, recently of Brampton, was in town laat week card. He is now an agent for the North American Life Assurance Co. , Mr a.nd Mm W. J. Wilson, {ecent- Mr Arthur Connolly had his tonsils removed at, Durham hospital on Mott. day. Mr Edgar Brown has returned to his work at Alexandria Bay, after a vis- it with his parents, Mr and Mrs T.E. l Sealed tender! ll be received up to Friday, April 14, 933, for the po- ‘sition ot Secretary- urer ofSouth iGrey Agricultural iety, stating ham expected. All under: to be. 'marked “tender" and t to John mania. in St Jomm route. on April 1r1' mam. President, R. my, Purctosl Drugs and Toiletries Dr. Carr's Ginseng Kidney Pills Wallpaper toe and up. P.'...".? TENDERR WANTED in me of my brotl Glam, w died of ml in St Jam Hospital, in April 16, 19 - John Al Graham Carrie. B. A. and Miss M. A. of the High School liidihl)l)lili's DRUG STORE Best for Kidney Disorders and Lame back “Everything in Medicine tor Man or Beast MRS JOHN BURGESS ENTER- TAINS THE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The regular monthly meeting of the Durham Branch of Women's institute was held at the home ot Mr. John Burgess on Thursday, April 6, with: large tsttettdatres. The we... Mrs. Mather opened the meeting in the us- ual way. Considerable business wad discussed and committzves appointtd. The autograph quilt made by the In- stitute. was on display and was do. nated to the Red Cross Hospital. The afghan made try Mrs John Grahnm. for the Institute. is tor sale and may be seen at P. hwre'nce's store. Ten- NOW is the time to take ders for this J. F. Giles. After no“ call the second part of meeting was taken by Gmup No. 9, with Mrs W. Erwin u leader. The numbers were as follows: Plano I010. Mrs Sumner CMurmurirut Zephyrs'): Paper by Mrs C. Kinnee on story of tile-making: Mrs A. McDonald gavel reading about mnple sugar; In W. Erwin, a. humorous reading. showing how a child’s gossip can came an embarrassing situation. Mrs Stunner again favored with I. piano solo (Him net). Mr F. Irwin gave an “dress on 'Home ludustries'. A paper read by Mrs Nichol and prepared by Hm I. McGirr van on "The Industries ct Grey." Each person did exceptionally well and the number: were well re- ceived. God Save the King brought: pleasant afternoon to a clooe. The hostess and group served a dainty lunch prises _ o'clock Citizens Town of Durham having garden lots ad would like to give the use d th to the Welfare Com. for gardens t the unemployed. are asked to get id touch with the Wel- tare omce at on . LAND WANTED ran RELIEF \ GARDENS Stock, ll unt 'tttwrt, ont., to De by nu le auction, absolutely out . Every wide goe- he highest bidder. I am not so out of bus! ecu. but owing to tent condm , I have decided to r to the we . The stock oom- es Chesterdie1 tee. dining-mom ea, Badman: es. Beds and Bed- t, K.tchen Fu ture, Draperies, wins. floor cove , lamps and ens of other utlc too numerous mention. Sale In use of Bert Inge. (unlined Trade Auctioneer. are will be two sales ily. First e starts Wednesday, A l 19, " 3 look. Punished Woeuy a 31.00 a you tn “on. To can: an qqsn . nu n: mu. 0. “In": a SON. Pub!” vii be received by Mrs H. brzara Chairman Do your Easter Shopping Now M LEVINE’S Only 2 more Shopping I). " Coats and Sits, 8.95 up This Season. one can buy (an or Sun only and have (out or Sun any and have it for Enter. beau-e prices are unusually low ma they are ex- ception-11y good "me. All are the we“ materull and shades m for trimmed and others mgttrtmmed. Just Bee toryour amongst these Mr your Easter outtit. ONLY '---ii.8li Fail-fulfil Hosiery, Ek A urge tre1eetiaet of Mlssea’ and Wane!“ Drones on sale. You should be I.le to and one ' DAY SPECIAL - Thunday, Friday and Saturday Then are pure silk. tull-tas- Muted. ttrat quality hose which ordinarily sell tor $1.00. Specially priced .....r... (Be LEVIN ES LADIES’ WEAR the Pretty Designs at .....tte, tte, lie. in /'.rir.1'........8.% up Dresses, $6.95 . Luge boss, 50c one an buy a C. P. R. Tickets--- Rail and Boat

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