Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 Dec 1932, p. 8

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Z] “a 7,3. . _ " - Mach. Being Mr, bs.. .urmn the put yen, t _ ".. - men] hundred feet bitcr" - N been purchased. Sam l, I' in 1000 to 1800 feet h T " ”but tor ttre protection q .0 III llnco been extended . . “I and town ia no, if: tau. t o. B. Hunter, while you L. _ in mum up as a critic. Fl" "a am only 967 maximum an " 1780 mqntutiort,--it should be - mould hue been oeeuriifir u and distribution of water was not b We with plans ot 1930 a. w. Willon wu m in the 'et' u Utility 00mm 53,316.000 gal h the can. to tho smaller towns. have mm be 5 members instead “'3 (I: Utilities Com. The water. ttrs lbould htve been secured for Id loan in his travels and he be- “ the tune is caning when many P"m9etterhte Nuns will remove - speech. Being the & Light “Inn the wt year, he explained CI, morn hundred feet of new base 'u Egon parched. Some properties - 1000 to 1800 feet from nearest - tor Are protection. but mains a Ilnco been extended into these “than nod town Is now well pro- 0. B. Runner, while possibly having “mun”: critic, was not - to ridicule work of Council. Pmhamuonesorthet,esttairi he BUNS All made with the best ingredients Wading Cakes made and nicely decorated. HENDERSON?» BAKERY itununnednomh‘ol) “. Councilm Wed ot 1"rmttrrtrvotoootoe. He bensr-otmneitidrGr", BAt-ro,ttti-ruseto,GGni -tteirwttmsoemtwtsmt hewaa The Bread with the home-made flavour "Dad will be at test, Ikru's ! New In" by heel: Henderson's HOME MADE BREAD work ot Council. the but town: he rude and he be- :ounng when my ma will remove the smaller towns. the store now" CAKES PASTRIES An incident typical of the value of your telephone in the daily routine or in big or little emerttencies. It smooth: my. or little emergencies.' It smooths life; path at trifling cost. You NEED your telephone. Dad had left for Northampton an hour or so before with quite a list of the family's requirements. When Peg, suddenly recalling the knit- ting party at the Brown's that evening, realized she was short six balls of wool. Quickly she reached for the telephone. "He'll be at the store now and if he isn't, Mr. Coyle will have it ready for L:_’I Dr Grant, Sec'y ot High School Board. was the closing speaker. He quoted tuures to show H. B. teach- er's salaries and costs of education here were lower than other places of What similar site except Mt. Forest. This year the Board received its largest Co. equivalent grant. On Lambton St. East, all newly dec- orated: every modern convenience. Apply at Review Omee. 10-45 ity Commissioner. Council the past you had repaired sidewalks. built a. long-needed retaining wall in upper town and did name work to improve mad to hospital, but it had required more attention. W. A. Macdonald would stand for Council. He explained hit, scheme ot issuing stamp money which would benefit business. B. M. Willis as chairman of Relief Com, had a strenuous Job, which he tried to administer fairly. He ex- pected relief demanls greater than at present. Citizens should thank the ladies tar their aid to the Com. in sewing, securing clothing, etc. R. It. Canon would stand for Util- 1500. 301 households had water in- otalled, but there would be 425. 498 homes were using hydro light, about " per cent ot the population. Unlea more water users, a raise in rates up- pend inevitable. 12.7 cts was cast pump lees. costs would be cut to some extent. Bonds were sold during year to pay 13th power bill of $3600 and for rebuilding “no. " cost of $4479.66. The latter was Juatiiied--there are now no complaints regarding power. THE SLATE m EGREMONT FLATS TO RENT u‘ss spent on roads and bridges. I Taxes collected were 834582.13, I $11,000 being unpaid. The 2 percent penalty only. was extended an Feb. 19th. The wolves or wiUmheetrai11- inn dogs were destroyed and themeep indemnity had dropped from over 81400 paid last year to 8198.25 this year. He was again in the tle1d--he I didn't start in a niche. but give the (wore his very best: mention. I d: Hugh McEacheu-n explained the Drimmie bridge building which cost more than estimated $2447.22, a Bee- and contractor Woods being engaged. Going back to statute labor would pre- sent a serious tlnaneial problem, he stated, for from 1M6---193g over $30, 000 was received in gov't may, $5011 last year. This would be lost un- Dop. Reeve Philp asked for the samo hearty support as the last ilve years. He thought Ca. Councils were being made a collection agency by the Prov’l government. Referring to Co. Enzincer McKnight, he thought him Justified in engaging an assistant and expected either he or someone else, would be hired in Jan. at a lower salary. Reeve Hunter explained in answer to a query. that McKnight was appointed by a by-Iaw at last meeting, rather than by the day, saw. ing $12 or $15. l to prevent a. request tor a vote on the question, but no petition or reqth had been made. Fifteen in Egremout. he said, were receiving the Old Age pens on. a. smaller number than in most municipalities. Touching on County matters, he stated Co. officials salaries had been reduced $3000 and a committee com- ( prising Helm. McDonald and White (appointed toinvestigate the high cost of criminal Justice, whereupon Crown ‘Attorney Henry made a 2% hour speech in his own defence. Mr Hun- ter in Co. Council moved a reduction in general school levy from $600 to $500 and a. copy was sent to each Co. Council and ratepayer‘s Ass'n in the province to get united action. The va'l Plowing Match. likely to be held in Derby next fall, will cost to the county $500 to $750. George Brown. lw. J. Thompson, by Ii R. Matthews l and Val Eurig. ‘Albert Ovens. by Hugh MeEachern and W. J. MW]. Reeve W. H. Hunter, ttrat called upon, denied a story circulated re- garviing his critical tinaaeial status. He quoted figures to show the town- ship's tinaneitu standing and compli- mented the council on theirgood work the past year. He didn't favor going back to statute labor when no subsi- dy was given with it. Replying to a ratepayer, he said there was nothing (w. J. Phtip, present deputy move: and tive candidates for council, prea- ent Cotmciuorg Patterson and Ald- coru and Geo Seaman, W. J. Thamp. son and Albert Ovens, the latter having council experienceln Norman- by. Henry Comm . Hugh McEachem, by Geo. Brown and Wm Aldcom, by R. A. Nicholaonand For Councillor. Sam Patterson, by Art Lee and J. T W. J. Philip. by J. Bunston and J. A. Mather. Hugh MeEachern, by Art Brown and George Brown. tice, Clerk David Allan was not pres- out to preside, owing to Illness. but the electors are pleased to know he In recovering, though slowly. Mr N. Calder took his placeand received the following nominations. For Reeve J. A. Ferguson, by E. Haas, E. Smith W. H. Hunter, by J. T. Brown, Ar- thur Lee Neil Mlachern, by J. A. Ferguson and Hugh McEachem For Deputy Reeve J. A. Ferguson, by E. Smith and E. Contest for all Seats A in Egreloll Monday While the crowd in attendance at Egremont nominations, held at Hob. stein Friday last, was not as large" clam was unabated and it wan 6 p.111. before the meeting dispersed for lack of an audience, mther than that the candidates had said all they wished to. The outcome is an all-round election with the same candidates for reeve as last year, Hunter and MoEanhern: J. A. Peron-on again In the Fray, Opposing w. J. Philp for the Dep- uty Reeve'o Chair. [.byAn “u. ,, ,_V_-__._. ....... u, A:u-u.ulWll,l Mrs TI Pavel Mr and Mrs Alex Aberdeein and two, WWI a. truck load ot fowl. (sdiii, ot $2473 children, Alisa Craig: Mr and Mrs.,) The W.M.S. of the Presbyterian fall dom ages. Wm Marshall and boys, Mt Forest, Church held their annual meeting on seven te, 32.13, and Mr and Mr Irwin Ferguson and Wednesday, Dec. 14th, when the ne- badly aha rcent children, Egremom. Glad to be one tiring president; Mrs P. Mulch, pm thinks an Feb. of the number and 'tettoy the good s'ded for the business. Miss Mary being bed unm- things, thls being the second Christ-, Christie conducted the installation of 8.8. M sheep mu goose we have had a share in'the following omeem: President-arm ing this l over this year. 1D. Bruce; let viotsPrets.--Mras Peter turnouto this Mbtstt Dina Thompson came home“ Match; 2nd Vice Pres-Mists Mary Inwtenoe _-tte Min Toronto Thus-nay to spend the Christie; Treasurer-ana. J. Claude Will be 114 tthe Benson Withher menu. (iseemtniv---G Wm. Althea; om. O.E.A. I It In Pick“: M a Mathis txttturst--am, 3mm; Glad Tidings Beer. ochool M to on Scum-J. It was a mine winner "ir,tt' C. new”; Home Helpers does ever, ttnrt a mum:- of the an his. 'lBeer--hrrs B. Ecclea; WM and tho nHtetrul - Order your Job printing from the Review - Letter-MI. envelopes. laments. billheull. Invoices. ano- tion It]. Ma. dodgers and hand. ttttte, Veddln‘ tnvitattom, und " mneemenu. etc. Benson With her menu. Mr In Picket: led. a. valuable colt on Saturday. It was a prize winner " a number of the an tun. Improving as his family and friends: Mr and Mrg WSW? would like. daughter. vhaited at Mr Miss Eleanor Marshall came home last week. from Shelburne Friday tor the non.“ Mr Em Ross was a days. :md'Mrs Geo. Brown th Taking Xmas dinner with Mr and week. Mrs David Marshdl were Mr and Mrsf MESS“ Geo Calder a: Jaa Marshall and family, Walkerton: [made a successful trip I - -e-- “W “M“ 5 ts"'", Messrs Denzil Haas and Robt Chris , '7ieh2'clr,insegoe,soji, . tie, who have been at Slratford Nor. , wrro w ons out 1 and 14 mal, are home for the season. ell represented at the annual , Xmas tree and program Which was Mrs McPhaden and daughter Mar. , held in the school here on the 22nd. garet. Stratford, are guests of Mr. , Mr Jas. Marshall was chairman and and Mrs Jas Horsburg. the lengthy program was much en- Mrs Wm McKenzie, Toronto, vis- Joyed. Much credit ia due both teach- ited Mr and Mr Arthur Irvin and er and pupils for the well prepared other friends In village over the hol- numbers. Santa Claus appeared at iday. close of program looking even fatter Mr and Mrs McGuire and family, and better (new than usual inspite spent Monday with Mr and Mrs Hen- of the depression. He had candles for ry Cowan. the children and also handed outthe Mr and Mrs Geo Brown and family gifts from the tree. Lunch Was then spent Xmas with Mr and Mrs James 3served and all went home having Kerr. memories of g,umt afternoon. l, Mrs Geo Long and tamliy spent Mrs E. Hay and daughter Helene, , Christmas with her mother, Mm. returned to Hamilton Tuesday attmrWhyte. " week with her mother and familv‘ Mr Geo Hostetmr 92mm. Yuan: .o M188 Mary of town, spent Sunday eve-i ning at the Thompson home. Mr T.j is In a. seriou: condition and is not improving as Ma family and friends,I would like. I Miss Margaret Watson is spending‘ M" the holidays at the parental home. Fhraton, Mr and Mrs Chas Saunders and family Miss Mary of town, spent Sunday eve-i Mrs Ja ere THE DURHAM REVIEW Mr and Mrsvwgbe; ,Mt ited on Sunday with the ter, Mrs Wm 'nmmmnn Mr and Mrs D. McLean, Mrs Norman Marshall with and Miss Myrtle, of Town! Xmas with relatives here an mom. Miss Florencé McIlvride Is in: the holidays at her home l Xmas Day, our pastor gave a good message from the text, "Phone was no room for them in the inn." Special preparations are made for the birthof earthly Princess, but none tor the Prince of Peace and King ot Kings. Is there any room for Him to-day or have we let material things and the fleeting pleasures of this world so tul our hearts and lives that there is no room for Jesus, who it we would let in, would fill our hearts and souls with the peace that passeth under- standing, whielr the world can neith- er give or take away. Christmas hy- nuts were sung and the choir had suitable music. Glad to have the as- sistance of several who are not tu.. ways with us. ily, and otherd." Mrs the Village semi v“- Place from A sad death took place in Holstein on Thursday, Dee. 22, when Mm Hoy died from the effects ot {paralytic stroke which she took on Tuesday night and never regained conscious- ness. Mrs Hoy was a daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Henry Vollett of Bentlnck and was married to Mr B. Neil, and lived all her married lite on No. 6 Highway until he died nineteen years ago. Some years afterwards, she married Mr E. Hey, who died a. few years ago. She leaves to mourn two daughters, Mrs Geo. Schism of Goderioh and Mrs Peter Oornlah of Orchard. She leaves several grand- would trpendnothingoetmadtrtt it would put tumors out a business. He objectedtothe Itsxftyoftlteooun- PI'omhun, to too high mad mpt’s sal- Nell McEachern and the north in mus Ionization: kept him at home last January. His address was main- ly a lengthy attack on Reeve Hun. ter's record, both in present year and for years back, to which Mr Hunter replied. drown in mad machinery. and the hall was about empty. In brief he advocated abolishing the Co. Council, restoring Statute labor and having taxes paid in 3 instahnenta. quent against the Tp. road system and how unfairly he was treated. Albert Ovens was not present and when the last speker, W J. Thomp- son stated his platform, it was 6 Iran. Death of " E. Hay KNOX CORNERS Seaman again waxed elo- “WING-y to Image; terw. Mn, Hoy lived In several years and will be D. McLean, Mr t Gibson. Beautiful gent by the daughters, Mr and Mrs N. Hom,. Mrs Drlmmje and. tam. ' of Toronto, oiii mother and lamilyi_ Pr.' Geo _Hoestetter spent Xmas at t home here. ,Mt Forest, vis- the latter’s sis- me home Jig of Ifingtcl Visitors with Mr and Mrs Alex. lim to-day or Brown over holiday were Mrs Petrie, tings and the Miss Gordon. Toronto, and mo sons sworldso till ot Mr and Mrs Btxrwa--oeorare and ht there is no Arthur, both ot Toronto. we would let; Mr and Mrs Jas Smith had forthe , and taoultCho1iday Mr and Mrs Burrows Smith, sseth under-' and family, Mrxrref1eld:: Miss Helen 'ld (an neith- Smith, Guelph : Mr Burrows Spar- Jhrlstmas hy- ling, Walkerville. It was to have I choir had been a family gathering but Mr and have the as- Mrs Murray Henderson and Mr and are not al- Mrs R. Heaaiedion were absent ow- ing to illness. and in Egre- children. spend- ----'-Hi_V -w..Miv vim. nu ?PP.iyt Bets-arm (bristle; _M] f Messrs Geo Calder and J. Duke unade a successful trip to Hamilton, :wi'h a truck load ot fowl. The W.M.S. ot the Presbyterian Church held their annual meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 14th, when the re- tiring president; Mrs P. Hutch, Pty." sliced for the business. like Mary Christie conducted the inatauatioet of the following oMeem: President,--) 1 his and-Mrs Geo. Brown ui; ttrat of "tiii, week. Fenton. spent Xmas with the Corbett ttmuy at Arkwright. Mrs Wm McKenzie, Toronto, vis- ited Mr and Mr Arthur Irvin and other friends in village over the hol- iday. 1 Mrs Wm Finder entertained sever- ‘al members of her family on Christ- mas Day: Mr and Mrs Rathwel-l, Mr and Mrs Redvers Finder and family, Messrs Raymond and Howard Finder. Messrs Denzil Haas and Robt Chris- tie, who have been at Stmtford Nor- mal, are home tor the season. Mrs MePhaden and daughter Mar- garet, Stanford, are guests of Mr. and Mrs Jag Homburg. Mr and Mrs Alex McMillan spent the holiday wth Mr and Mrs Colin McMillan. ‘and Wm., Omngeville: Mr and Mrs .McPhaden and children, Mt Forest : :Mr and Mrs Donald and daughter of 3Pr1cevllle: Mm Seaman and children, 'Holstein. This has been an annual 'iattair for my years. All of the jtamily were home on this occasion. but John, of Saak. I Miss Jean Ema visited with her parents, Dr and Mrs Ellis over the lweek end and holiday. _ Miss Isabel Leith and friend, Miss lMyrue Morley, spent the week end [with the farmer's mats. ersW. Rite1ettTumsasrtotsperut Ia. few days at Detroit with her our Mr and Mrs Beley, London, 8.11er and Mrs McIAughun. Hamilton, spent the holiday with Mrs Drumm. Petenboro, are visiting Mr and Mrs. John Manny. Visitors with Mr and Mm E. Smith over the holiday were Mr. Puma. Allen Park: Mr and Mm Sam Smith braced Christmas at tiGrGariii, the 26th, w.hen members of the fam- ily present were Farauhu and wife, ttrat of the week. We wish them success and hope that Mr McMullen wll shortly regain his health.- Mr Jack Irvin, Gut, vitrited his par- ents over the holiday. Congratulations to Alex Sim who was elected Premier of Boys' Parm- ment. The election took place at Me- Master University, Hamilton, Tues- day night. Mr Ted Poole, Toronto. came second. has“. no PERSDIAL; .- o-..--.-" Wishing the editor, nut and res.- ders a. happy and prosperous New Year. The choir of the United Church. will put on the sacred cantata, 'The Carpenter of Nmreth’ on Sunday evening, Jan 8th. Rev. and Mrs Aitken are moving mm the Presbyterian manse this week and Mr Aitken will take the servic- es Sunday. Week end guests with the Allan family were Walter Lamina, Edmon- ton: Wm Grant and son Roy, Mount Forest: Mr and Mrs Arch Baird and Miss Evelyn, Durham, and Miss Elia Rev and Mrs McMullen and son Andrew, moved to Mt Forest the Mr HOLE‘I'EIN . LEADER here TORONTO Sam-rock and funny. .Mrand mud here -. _...,..v.... umuuon, Nelly, Betty Hill. Orvat Reggie Wilson being eluurmna. At! I--Mary McDonald close of program. Santa Clam dur) Sr Pr-Ltr. Blitz, C [ penned Christmas cheer to all the mr man. 'LIS- MCCtnnel. pilg. a Jr Pr-ra- Heel 1 Mrs Thom Duly Sn, who is over go Hun. Wear: ot age, had the misfortune to M. Gum fall down cellar. a. distance ct some! --- seven feet, am Tuesday. Althoughl te. B. N0 IO, man badly shaken up, the doctor an he Christina Tent I mm thinks there are no bones broken, she Mertt. being beam " present. ' 4th foua---riatuu an 8.8. No. 12 held their annual meet- My newborn 75.87, Vi ing this Wednesday naming. Aha-go " “It!” Rule 65.87, turnout.ot Men-Jen weaned. M 60.62. Br 'rt-Peter Me Lawrence m elected m. Then 25. Hanna Btrw N, a will be no damn thin yen: to the 13.87. Lloyd [m “.33. O.E.A. The section will cuppa-tune Evelyn in, w, Ber. 3 school Mr for 1988. The agNtahar Bitt am‘u we _ a... -ra--_. u “I _. v. m. Mr McKenzie, came up from Tomato, 8. te. NO 14, mallow this week forthehoudnys- 'rh1itamn.At-tttetr Iteteete. more Mrs. Davis. Zion, is visiting thia enmlmtions Mind with .. week at Hamid uwrence's. I Br nr--gotm Ritchie, wax-on cm. Mr Walter Lothian from the West's“. Hun-on, Ev. Ell-rhea, Annie also Miss Jessie Gemini“. Ayr, nm. lac-nae], Gretta. will“. “Wilma the vtuttion it Mr aa, ’11- nr-os", Wilma. louse Falconer .t 'tr. cut cannon. mama, Mr and Mrs Jno lanes, Toronto. Sr mix-y “mam Wil. visited at W. G. Wilson's Sunhy. Jr m---vem W“ V” HM. 8.8. No 12 held their Christmas Angus MeDouentt. Mn, lulu. concert last Thundgy, the Ichcol be. rr-ua HIM-- m" . ine wall 9mm 3... _____A, - ' so visiting at Wm 1m 'a. ---. - December Misses Irene Hooper and Bout)! McKenzie, came up from Toronto B. E this week tar the holidays. Fall term Mrs. Davis. Zion, ta Visiting thin eliminate week at Hamid uwrence'c. I - - Miss Hazel Wilson who ia attend- .ng 'Strattord Normal School, In spen- ding the vaaudon with her parents. Mr and Mrs w J Wilson. Miss Beth Hindu took in Wig. No 13's excellent concert at Dromore, d- 50 visiting at Wm Loam. Mr Clarence Damm attended. the wedding of his brother Clayton on Monday last. Congratulations. Mrs J. Ball entemmed her Sunday School class on Christina: eve. _ Our CW concert was very" successful. It consisted of songs. ee-l citations, dialogues, and several mus? ical numbers by the Balm boys. San- ta then arrived and distributed the gifts from the well-laden tree, The children were served lunch at close.‘ Mr and Mrs J. McKenzle and tamily) of Mount m1, spent Christmas, at her parental home, Mr and Mrs Thos.} Kirby's. ' '..eP.BPRr... on. Luv awn- -, VVUI - the holiday were Mr ma Mrs J. Fi-dt', let',',',',',.',',', at“ m "at wart and family and Miss Erna. John! of Turonto,and lqurma. and mean Form t--NANorte Walls. PM In- of Burma. when Robert Hunter, linden Hou- The sympathy of this oommunttyitrurrrh, Am McGuire. Bert Ron. Hur. goes to Mrs P. Cornish, in the dum'my when. m Iii-cox. 14mm ot her mother, Mrs Hay, who died on Motritsort, Ray Adam, Chill!!! Butter Thursday last. The funeral was held Robert Gillies. Saturday from the United Chm-cw Form Ir-oo' Dick-on. Ruth Holstein. [Walla Wallace AMI, Elmer lave. Mr and Mrs W. J. Nelson and mar Ihwid Rum, Hm Elder. Willard ily spent Christmas " the home of Stevenson, Alma Uith, My 1“- Mr John Dickson. Ila, trima Rife " mucus), David Air. Mrs J. Ball entertained her Sundayjkcn. Lorne Helium). laura Hender- School class on Christmas eve. ;son. Edith Drimmie (absent for ex- Our Christmas concert was verv 'tuttinatiomr). Mr and Mrs R Finder and family, spent Christina: at the home of Mr: Wha. Finder, Bantam. Vishnu at the Johns' home over the holiday were Mr and Mrs J. Ste- wart and family and Miss Emu Johns ot Tomntp, and Miss Erma. and friend ot Buffalo, Wewishtheeditorandstatr- py and Prosperous New Year. with Mr and Mrs J. lane, Swinmn Park. and were glad to and Mr: Reid Br. able to take put in their Christ- mas festivals. Mrs Mills and Margaret; were Christmas guests of Mrs Webster, Dundalk. Mesa-rs Elmer Rose and Harold Aug- er, Elam. visited friends here one day last week. Mrs Elmer Ross. Alexander and Eleanor were holiday guests“ Mrmd Mrs D. Boole: and other relative. Wishing the Editor, Matt and rea- end visitor in his panama! home. Jack Long. Orangeville, is spend- inghiavaastitm withhlspnmulnd other friends. Mr and Mrs Witt Reid and was Jessie Merchant. Mr and Mrs Flam Ing Reid and family; Mrs Urquhart. Owen Sound, visited last Btrturx1ay unen- vacuum a. -â€"--- .M--' The name sunny snpred ther Christmas gathering " tmme of Mr. Arthur Eccles. ' ' Mrs Win. Keith. Mr and Mrs Fred Macaw Eminen- ise and Mttdmsd, Arthur: Mr and In J. McLean, Banana]: '. Mu Wm Mrs Sweet and Anita, Toronto: were wank and guests with Mr and Mrs. Dougw family, South Bend. Miss Ruby WM. Toronto, I. a holiday guest in her mum home. Miss Doris Troup manned to her home last week after spending nev- mal months at Arthur. ' Sympathy goes out " thin time to Mrs last. Henderson, owing to the death of her brother, Mr A. Mne- Phail Proton. Some Gun this local- ity attended the funeral Inst may. mg]: Eamon " ll"" Teachers and NORTH EE 5 Hkppy New Year. - ’fi" "whim a. a. 2,ftg,ttgeeii.Pfririiire'tlllTt/ weteelmwiumsthe School In In. “I V BUVLWI ' Annie Keith. Tomato, ig at with her mother and Mr and ORCHARD _ So Iv-Harvey Iastth Mm. Jr IV-- ;Im-ne Eecleu, Reuse loom-nanom- ard Keith', Elsie Hooper. Carlyle Geddes. Dorothy Imam. Alex Mc. Mundo‘. Jr ur-mo McKenzie " Jr Ir-But Mitchell, Ethel O'MI. Sr I-Dorothy Hurt-our. Kenna}: Leah. Calvin Geddu'. Br Primer-.. Calvin Non, Hector Helium. Doug- las Nott. Jr Primer-gem Inn-hon. . macaw: perfect mm. for December. Hendermet, Lulu Elm, [any Ban. Vincent Ellis, Elsie Pinkerton. Mar- jorie Nelsen, Beverley Gittsoes, Edna Bowling. Christie, Mug-mt Irvin, Morley Hun- ter, Malcolm Walls, Ah'lemt Bmwn, Waler Althea, [rim Rite " “Mm. Lyal Mervyn, Gordon Hendernou. L. Henderson, my. Elm ' em Holstein Contin’lion School Mr and Mr The. Wilton on Tuesday evming,tuhmsorotMtam1 In. R. Wilson. who have may cow-ed wedlock. A miscellaneous. Mtower ot gm. was tendered to the hide end groan and a plenum evening we: spent in m. A law welcome 1- extended to bride and we will: the young couple much bovine- and WILL HOLD PUBLIC NEIT- --v -- “All- a WILL - ."%F-""" ,7, mo " .00” W A public may will be I.“ h anTdel. -rttpirm.t. a. 8 - B~- .1... " _ culture. “I give an in Everybody 1rtttnanthmneetfMrBeetWitet. MrtutdMmrmorrNHn, Tomato. arearmttavSitomwttttMrnatdMm. vicinity. Fiiss"xmnaoonoertott". Nolan. “my. waa quite . m' " m . Mir m-ttNat" non the sect“ sad the m b, the child- lvemity, London. is qreoanq we '3' cation with " puma. Mn nd In Ju Johnson and may spent Sandy at home of Mr John Nelson. Mr sud In Ed Lindssy sad My: visited on Xmss at It Wm Eccles'. Mr.tutdMmottomtt6eiraaudHr. Paw “other, CUM "taretdetf the concert in school “and”. Our tmetter companion than home to spend his Won. rem under them or unu- meter. Mr Rem ms m being " ttmt attempt. Mr Mind wummnmandnhowudualn- uCInus, byunkndlnz the mm 0303an Mr, I!” Mr served lunch . ,; L't"Gi'iiiintiGue the c. c. r. Irt--ge-te Steven“, Ivan ‘W'ww N, Robert. W. " Ir-au-k Mes Vein M! tt, Car. l, Bot, Blur; TO. Jr 1. Mt 3.. hot Brown N, 70. " In. an. A. L. _ m.- perfect “on“ tor L. G. Rica, Met NOE-(WM About M a. W m I Mind m .. “In W. Wu... cm, son, WHEN-men. Annie welcome . L Geddu’. Br Primer-.. Hm Helm. mug. q We... Hut-non. pence: .ttasadamte for “9 Hooper, Carlyle “Willy. Alex Me. "tttth Melanie 69. Iell, Ethel o'rumm, Mm‘. Kenneth ddee. Br Primer.-.. tor Melinda. In..- 13, EGRNONT Men. Principal L 'temm siGr, I m. uGG.' tt, libel [ave "cl-chem 75. Amado-em. Jr "r-- Weotern Un- 71.87. spent an. Il

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