Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 Dec 1932, p. 5

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11er IHI mud >1}. pro- " toF El, ed fi' if! WINTER FARES TO CANADA 'tig Fl VERGREEN PLAYGROUND Fa " Information from =°=°1 "0:10 VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE DECEMBER 29. Ite3it Township of Etobicoke 6 per ct. bonds, at 100, Good Municipal Bonds " ,6 “to i $1000, $;500 or odd amounts, yield 6 per ct. Town of Wiarton 81000 or odd amount bonds, 5 per cent, to yield 53 per cent. Dominion oi Canada and Provincial Bonds yielding from 4t to 6 per cent. Write, Call or Phone No. 6, to The New National 131112 Flame Burner No more Coal to Carry-- No ashes to fun with No soot to dirty the house- No ash can: around-. No ttree to mahtr- No cold morrtire-- No coal dust to contend with-- Local A gent s r':p|est in operation --. Absolutely odorless - Bake with con- r'itrtr',Ce-. Use your present Stove - Order a Blue Flame today. CUSNW CHOPPINH done every day and we turn it out while you turn around. Return Fare from CANADIAN PACIFIC Duane ' Gum’s Fertilizer in stock UUQJAM MACHINE SHOP tal Agent F. W. Moon Durhan,?nt. Keep In Stock for Sale Roym uI maehold Flour 'ty "anada' " Pilot " THE PEOPLE'S MILLS 00' P- RAMAGE, Durham anl those requiring Fertilizer kindly leave their orders as early as possible. FLOUR T. M. McFadden, Agent, Durham $113.05 one“ before parenting olu what-o. 0:0‘ )E-IN MoG-OWAN Tickets good going until Feb. 28. Re- turn limit April 30. Generous stopov- er privileges at intermediate points. Low Short-Limit Tickets also (mule until Dee. 22 to other PaxMe Coast points. including California. return limit Jan. M. REDUCED BY $50 the following Goods: Bran Shorts Oat Chop Crimpled Oats I" FEED " will pay you. DURHAM. ONT. Shorts I=L=O i PRIGEVILLE mu Tree concert weed otf pleu- antly and manly on Thundu. 22nd Dec.. with a. lengthy and pleu- ing program of the usual variety. To enumeute a one ot I oorrmspouderxt's perplexing problems. so we'll let It S0 at that. as there were " items on the list. All were well given, each one speaking out clearly and not a lapse of memory shown. Mud: cred-n is due and was given the teachers 1 'tNe, Mr Shackleton and Miss-Edna ihlcllugh. for their laboring patience. all. There were on the tire violin," Mrs Garry Whyte, Allie Molnnds. Stewart Muir, Donald Kelley. and J., McKedhnie: on guitars, Misses Mary ‘McKinnon and Mattie MoOomkey and Luise Sadie McKinnon on herrmnica.1 A pleasant surprise in the abundance ot talent. As requested by the donor ot the medal. C. A. Fleming. o. Bound. tor best writing, that it be presented at a public meeting, this was done at the entertainment Thursday evening, to Miss Dorothy Lawrence. of B. S. No 9, Glenelg, by the Beer W. W. Ramage, who conveyed the best wishes and congratulations of the donor and of the Agricultural Socie gty. Mlss Lawrence voiced her thanks I appropriately . , tary Jointly with the chair. Truly a. red-letter day tor Prioevt1le. the at- tendance being increased thereby in anticipation and well appreciated by We were demghted with others in listening in to the Inter Empire Broadcast Sunday morning, may ot The annual Sunday School Christ- Scotland followed by Auld Lang Syne of the Hebrides, with a bag- pipe selection 'Highland Laddie': ot Ireland with the Me and drum. The hailing ot the two liners in mid oc- ean with the swirshing of the waves, as well as the roar of Niagara Falls. was most realistic. Montreal. Toron- to, Winnipeg and vancouver-the lat- ter place coming in as clear as any, with the .roaes still blooming In the titye climate. In Wellington, New Zea- land, temperature 90 degrees in the shade: In Sydney, New South Wales 95 degrees in shade, might help to stem the zeros here: Part Said, South Africa were all equally heard, finish- ing up with His Granious Majesty’s tine addreao. My notes taken at the time is not necessary now, as fuller can be had from the daily press. It tinehed up tine with 'God Save the King' with heartfelt. enthusiasm of all In the owning after Bervice we ”If? TLiL%irsveus, Russell were'again treated to a. grand muslc- Long, John Wesley, George Burnett, a1 tribute to the King of Rings in M aria Morton. Handel's I‘Mes‘slah’ from the f1rtrt pro- Mary F. Morton, teacher elimination that He shall be called I Class A-Donald Dewar (Ronald 'Wonderful', couns"rut'. 'Prince of McQueen, Helen Renwick, Ethel At- Peace', and so on. His agony. De. kinsorn) James Scott, Mae Thomson. sartod. Despised, Forsaken. His e. I B-Beatrice McDermid, Norah tumtual triumph finishing up with the KarDry, (Stanley Vickers and Wesley Hallelujah Chorus voeally,-a won. Vickvrs) (,Gili,"vioia McDet-mid, Ma- derfully inspiring portrayal, a fine ry Gagnon. climax to the day. Jean Harding, teacher Misses bar's McLean. Es'her Me- gr Pr A-Eileen Teeter, Robin Inneq. Mrs John Macfarlane and Lowe, Bert Bailey, Hubert Hay, Eil- Messrs Alex and Innes McLean and em sMtGilllvray. Allie Molnnes, Mrs Ramsdell, New Sr Pr B-Jack Randall, Andy Sch- York. Mr and Mrs Huston and Miss onk. Harry Volsin, Harold Voisin. Pat Marion Muir from Peterboro: Misses Smith. Pttslow and Watters. John McKech- Nora H. Stewart, teacher ale and others, are home tor the var. Jr Pr A-John Rowland, Jean lau- catjan. der, Margaret Davls. Norma Herring- Mr and Mrs Stanley Williams and ton (Elna. Morton and Raymond Mc- family, Dromore and Mr and Mrs C. Queen,) equal. Mr and Mrs Stanley Williams and family, Dromore and Mr and Mrs C. McDougall. Holstein, visited on Mon- day at home of Mr and Mrs W. Ram- age, Mr and Mrs Reg We on the Sunday preceding. Joint prayer meeulnga are to be held orlil, .11er Tuesday and Thursday of the New Year. Dr McIvor is improv- ing from his recent lumbago attack. QWINTON PARK (Arrived too late for last week) Allow us of Swinton Park to ex- tend our sincerest wishes to the Edi- tor and staff, also all readers of the Durham Review for a prosperous New Year in 1933. Also to congratulate our grand old lady of the Park, in celebrating her 92nd birthday by attending church on Dec. 11th, namely Mrs Mary A. Kinsman. -a long time rea'dent of Proton and highly respected. Would it not be the most fitting ttag- ‘t'lmony of our respect and reverence Her the birthday of our Lord. if ev- ery one could attend church next Sunday. Christmas Day. We were sorry last Sunday tolearn that Dr Mclvm' was indisposed and could not be out to church. However, under the leadership ot Mr Anthony, president of the Bible class, we en- 'iari%iie service, oeveml taking part in it. We hope Dr Mclvor will be better for the cur-Bums gen-vice. ioyed a. nice service, seven: mung -- part in it. We hope Dr Mclvor will mm Badio Eckha.rdt equal, thy be better for the Chritrtmtta service. Trrri M'm'mon- " Ir--Adtr Both-Mt __" m1 McKlnm, Alex Bmith, John q ' )IcKinnon. Jr Ir-0oe Wt. Four mtmicipaiit%tr ot Gray Co. re- Primer-Amt" mun, Evellne Key. turned their council by mismatch Mt. equal. . days with her pareetta no" may. my. Gladys M is visiting with Durham friends. W. H. Edwards, Hamilton. spent Christmas at the parents] home. Mr and Mrs W R Jack entertained Mr and Mrs Geo Ryan and Harry, Durham. spent Xmas Day with Mr and Mrs W It Jack. Mr and Mrs Ed Cook and baby of Guelph, spent the day at the parental home here. _ dd Jr mretir1e Ball, Nelson Wid- er meyer. Ivan Fidler, Betty Henderson on Irene Ffeffer. A. Ir-Marion Byers, Albert Ball, B. of Sharp, Clayton Fidler. ' I-Shirley Davis. Beatrice Ball, M. sa-l Gerhardt, Florence Gerhardt. ier and Mrs Emerson and Mr and Mrs Geo. Peart spent Christmas' at Mr Henry Benton’s. IV Class, Br and Jr, (Fm names in order of merit) - 'Diniannvt Dorothy Ashley, Grant, Helen Iawrence, Eileen Tuck- er, Emlly Cornwall, Edith Miles, Flor enoe Greenwood, (Boyce Howell and Grace Vollett,) equal, Clyde McCal- " III A-ctrtherioeRowland, Janet Robb, Jean Murdoch, Margaret Arm- ammg, Wee McLean. Sr HI B-Myrtle Hodgson, (Flor- ence Bolger and John Amine) equal, Arthur Allan, Rena Glenholme, mm- er White. THE DURHAM REVIEW Emily Hunt, teacher Jr III A-Archie McDougall, Wil- liam Noble, Geo. Aljoe, Philip Spar- ting. Iva. Shbbald. Jr III B-Vera Pinkerton, Jean Her- rington, Starr Jamieoon, Helen Ger- ber, Stanley Falkinghun. George A. Noble. teacher Sr " A-vera lander. Gladys Gray. Florence Martin, Clara McDonald. Iv- an McEacbnie. Sr II B--Gorxion Armstrong, Ber- tha Glass. Jamleson Watson, Evelyn Becker, Ruth Greenwood. Myrtle Manley, mom Jr II A-Alex McDonnell, Edith Hodgson, John MoEachern, Marie Me, Dougall, Ina McLean. Jr 11 A-Alex McDonnell, Edith' As pmucally .11 the Fired Charg- Hodgson, John MoEachem. Marie Me- ea cover the phat. equipment and Dougall, Ina McLean. installation cost for tire prxrteetion, Jr II IF-Jimmie Wells, Russell and as tim protection requires prac- Long, John Wesley, George Burnett, tically no supervision. the cost tor Marie Morton. 1932 per M gals. under this head a- Mary F. Morton, teacher mounts to, per 1,000 gallons: I Class A-Donald Dewar (Ronald Pumping cost ...... ........ 7.6 McQueen, Helen Renwick, Ethel At- Fixed charges .... .......... 5.9 kinson) James Scott. Mae Thomson. -----. I B--Beatriee MeDermid, Norah Karmy, (Stanley Vickers and Wesley Vickers) equal, Viola McDermid, Ma- ry Gagnon. DURHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL Jean Harding, teacher Sr Pr A-Eileen Teeter, Robin Lowe, Bert Bailey, Hubert Hay, Eil- een McGimvray. Jr Pr B-Ogle Cluchey, Myer Saunders, Gladys Greenwood. Ken- nth McGillivmy (Joy Hutie and Gra- ham Pust) equal. Jr Pr C-Nomna Wyville, Donald Watt, Myrtle Morton, Harry Watson. Elmer Robins. “Jr -A.-.srarie Henderson. Bernard lGurney. _ - _ S. S. NO 8, NORMANBY Br IV-Norman Fulton. Velma Dav- is, Doretta. musing. Jr Iv-Penne" Kraft, Anderson Byers, Clarence Pidler. Sr III-Beth Byers, Gertrude Hart- man. Lloyd Fritz. Nellie Byers, Les- 1je Bull, Jean Henderson, Russell Yandt. wSr md-Lulu Widmeyer, Violet Sch- enk, Howard Kraft. - Sr Iv-Mary Mannheim. Andrea Eckhu'dt. " Iv-ryan-, Smith. R'wme McKinnon. Sr m--irtuPr U.S.S. NO 10, GLEN. & EGRE'T DECEMBER 1932 Br and Jr, Wirth ten ZION Lizzie Sohaefer, teacher A " . VICIIITY Beth Hincks. teacher Jes-le cachet New aroma, to be pretent- Report of Durban Pubic Utilities Commission gsaaemrirttsstownoeDurhnmwho are annoying the ttemedtt. at hnvlng comm tnMnlled to water eer- viee. a in quite evident that nonm- ere do not appreciate the advantage: totrederivedttothtttrtheirowrtam- venlence and to the general econ- omic service to the contention. Astgtesrtstemitstsdireedsargeer- must the Corporation, tt in the duty of every Welder to heve the in- tersrtogthetowaullteartand we!) do to lave the mice Wed where by your project will Ihaw e prodit. ttmarbostatedherotttatttN pro Jeet was Wanted. in 1980 and \1931 for the general welfare of the Mom, " well as I. measure for the [relief ot urtempttrymeryt, and should will induce maattttretttremt to locate in your loamy. There are 301 domestic insulation, with tspoestritrhr42tr, showing the num- ber ot non-takers to be 124, who, if installing service connections only, would increase ales by the sum ot $868.00, with an estimated prottt of at ieaslt $600.00. which would re- "ittee the genemi tax rate by one In the course of a few years the indebtedness will drop, the service became more emclent. and the pro- tits should be large enough to reduce the general rate rm , to 4 mllls. You will note from the following Murtrs that the use of the gas pump is of considerably greater cost than the use of the electric pump: so use ot the gas pump should be curtailed to the minimum. Aoeording to the number of hange- Waterworks statistic. 1982 Gallonage pumped during year: By gas pump Mr be Protec- tion ........ ........... 2.136.150 By alectrik: pump for domestic Number ot Indvidual users 967 Gallons per capital. per year... 55,140 Gallons per capita per day...” ttrl 2,136,150 gals. for tire protection pumping cost per M gals.... 7.6 51,180,750 gals. far Domestic use, pumping cost per M gals.... 1.47 Fixed charges per M gals. ...... Innerem on investment. other Domestic: Pumping cost ........ Supervision...... ... Interest on investment Hydro Department This Department after consulting the engineers of the Ontario Cam- mission, undertook to rehabiltate the local power lines this year, not only as the lines needed renewal on ac. count. of increased load since incep- tion, but also an unemployment re- lief measure tor many " your town, who sorely needed the work. In this work your commission spent $4400.00 ot which the sum ot $2300 was paid for wages. When this work was undemken the vised that the 13th Bill to your town would be less than $400 ot either a. credit. or debt. Shortly after the bulk of rehabilftatioet material was received or in transit we received a 13th Power Bill ot $3513.67 detlelt for the year 1931 which was certainly unexpected. To meet these two accounts your commission was forced to sell $7000. 00 ot Bonds but still‘have enough surplus to doubly cover the bonded indebtedness of the Hydro Depart- 53,316,900 gals. av. pump. cost 1.71 upervisbn per M gait'......... 2.03 The Commission are faced with the f6l1owiagaoemmta: The Durham share of exchange on Ontario Hydro Elec- trio bonds sold in New York and pay- able in New York funds tor cost of Chippewa Development accrued from Jan. 1, 1932 to July 30, 1982, $542.70; Exchange on three power bitlts, Aug- nut, September and October. $221.20: Plus an increase of power cost tmm $33.00 per H. P. to $42.00 per H.P. retroactive from July 31 f to Jan. 1, totalling $1417.02. These accounts which total $2181.10 are in dispute_genem!1y throughout the Georgian Bay district, and when they were received, your commission were very active in formulating the Jarge and now powerful Association. Total now known as the Georgian Bay Mun. Cost. per 1000 grus.......12.70 Total Waterworks ammo. Total gallons 53,316,900 51,180,750 6.90 2.06 14.5 1.71 2.11 2.15 5.97 Mon of n and! amount and. h in storage In ttto-teen In Hydro bulld- knguitmdoemed adrigegttrte to sell at nprloe offered of Mper pound. Durham PublIc uumm Commllolon, Pl DAYS OF YORE - Th cim. hue inn-nod m nd. ding machine in the trttt?'et here. B-ormouoee.16,toMrandMra D. A, Campbell. Md can. Beutlnck, . My last was an "oft day" in High School circles, when the annual presentation of medals, scholarships. and good advice was given. Dr Jamie- son was present and was pleased to give his medal to Miss Christine Mer- chant of Yeovil, for the pupil taking the highest Entrance standing in 8. Grey. Mr J. P. Telford was also present and on behalf ot the School Board, presented Margaret Cox tori the highest standing pupil residing in Durham. Mr Whaley followed with‘ th Middle School Entrance certitietst-l es, though only two of the successful! ones were there to receive them,--" Misses Ursie Matheson and Katie (Kerr. Rev. Mr Mover. in a few well; chosen words, handed the two schol- iarships the H. B. offers to the pupils taking the highest respective standing in 1st and 2nd “runs to Misses Im- bel Marshall and Florence Lawrence. Mr Allan was pleased to present his medal to Miss Ursie Matheson. ot 23iC1tlei tor the pupil taking the ' est Entrance to Normal standing. Orchard: Congratulations to Mr. Chest Lewis and bride, Kiss Jennie Hooper, who were wedded recently. North Egremom '. Mr David Ham- ilton carried oft potato prizes at the Guelph Winter Fair, totalling $12.50 in value. . Holstein: Mrs In Durant in her "tlt year. deserves much credit u she is busily engaged tn knitting socks for our soldiers. From Dec let tome 15ttgtghettadhaitthrxNt put. " YEAR. A00 From Review tyte Dec. M, 1907 W. P. Dunn said the Kenny rum in Gleneig, to Wm A Beam recent- ly, tor a good price. He was also In- strumental in the purchase of the Walpole house by Hamilton Allen. Married on Tuesday, 24th Dec. by Rev. Dr. W. Ptrquharaon, at the Manse, Durham, Campbell Sm'th Dun- smoor ot Bentlnck, to Elizabeth Vau- ghan of Gienelg. Miss Bessie Atkinson arrived home from the West, After a three months' visit with her brother John in Bask. and sister. Mrs Jesse McClure in Ttr romo. and sister. -iii,%rauErarJiihw To remove the CtlUBe ot about. romo. try Chiropractic adjustmom, In Mr Keith Newton of the School of no. and Ultra Violet Rlyo Science, Toronto, is home for Chrut_ See your load Chiropractors mas holtdays. Followlnz are the ottieertt elected in C. ti. AND Following are the ottieertt elected in Durham L.O.L. No. 632 tor 1908 '. W. M., Wm Leggette ; D. M., Geo. Moore; Chaplain, Thou Shinson; Rec. Sec'y, W. J. Ritchie; Fin. Sec'y. Ed. Kress; Treat, Rom Adlam; D. of c., John McDonald ; beetuner. Wm Rit- chie; Com., Thos Davie, Wm Watt, H. Williams, Wes Stormy, Harry Bur- nett Pricevllle: Mr John Burnett of the South Line, is very low with pneu- monia, but latest reports state he Ana taken c turn and hopes are now en- tertained for his recovery. Brick store, a x 100, main tioor and basement : central ' good bus!- ness location ; vault and shelving. Apply B. Stoneouse, Sec'ry I.0.0.F., Will you kindly return all milk bottles promptly. Under present con- dtlons we cannot anon! to replace them. Also we ask that all accounts he kept paid up as closely as pos- sible. Durham Dali-y. Cameron Inu- der, Proprietor. ------- Aw ,_,,__I M member of than! no HOUSE T0 RENT ‘Unlvenlty gradtmte and In one Six roamed brick house in Upper lenoed teacher. Town. Emu-1c light, town water, gar-1 The School In (humid!!! and.“ age and woodahed. Apply at Review to take up the following 't_.'--. Otfiee for particulars. El. Junior Int-common ------'--'-TT'" TTT" __ 2. Entrance h the NONI-I m At a great tuuMtiee price for cub. not 27 Con T, Bentinek, Co. Grey, 100 acres. About " lens of bush: barn " x " I good driving house and a hiriy good residence. No en- etuttbrattcetr. '4 mile from about tttt. mediate museum: given, clenr title. Apply 'to A, chILLIVRAY. NOTICE TO PATRONS " TO RENT i0“ R'ALI'. t9tbt.aItaasoatd-tq: Conca- taenandusntrtmttbtmet.,DF Otttetttmmt9tattto.. LID. umthlnmmm HAROLD E MOUNTAIN. M. B. Ollie. Noun: 1.” to t.” p... I.” tq no . a. EDWARD LAUDER M.D.,O.M.,F.m J. L. SMITH, M.B., M.C.. P.S. Dino-m di En. "iGiiak'" and tttting of Telephom at...“ 17. w. c. PlCKERltitkuhn. LOS Honor Grimace Toronto University Gnduuto Rorat Coll. Dental Sum ot Ontario. Dona-try In all It. Branch. X RAY 0A8 EXTRACTION. once: mu Street, DURHAM, Ont. HOURI: 2 - Ontario & Dominion tand Surveyor Registered Profs-aloud Eamon- Surven, Repom, Plus. Emma;- Damage work will recelve speck] “tendon and the benettta at I wide Experience. omee Ind Residence on hulkner 8t. Telephone M, Omevlue, Ont. LIoonooi Auction”! hr Ge. of In; Tum. reachable. an. we. - ROYDEN BURNETT. M. B. Liqqetqq* “can." tor any 000m; Duo- u'nngod at Ber-1d one... but "m, also through Duh-m lone. an ”ethanol: Advuno». 000.8. bum Dnndnll P. o, Pttoue " r " ”MAME. ONT. one. Hours: " to , 9.111. C to 8 p... J. F. GRANT. 0.0.8.. L.D.S. I P. F. MacARTHUR DURHAM BIMhBl SCH©©L '" SECOND AVENUE EAST OWEN BOUND, ONTARIO J. n. McQUARRIE. B. A. tom. Information a a, nouns. I” be obtained from the Pttnestrnt TheBettoolttaaaeeodttnuer- mthowl'hlch ”mu-.- Mammalian. my town and (not! muo- can be obtained at W. m. John “when, Chum-u J. A. I. no... ”In.“ T. h. SNEATII. M. B. A Bad fin-dd lulu TM All Ion] documents emu. cud awfully prom. Your patronage ”new on»: , door north 0! I. Laugh!!!“ Oar-.0 GEORGE E. DUNCAN Intending pupil- Ihould ppm_lt Durham II In tuned" “a hul- ". Over Notary Public, Convoy-M Router. Insurance. at: JOHN tylllEll. CHIROPRACTIC F. M. EAGLESON BESS!E McGILLIvm Ott brunt-n "

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