Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 Dec 1932, p. 4

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Wharton Government liquor store was .mbbed on Monday. The culprit was bound to have. some Christmas theerHttter try fur means or foul. Rcturn fares between any two points in Canada at regular for Public Utilities "Commissioner for 1933 Canadian Pacific New Year's Information Reduced Fares thum limit, January 3rd, 1933. May we wish you, not only as a matter of custom, but in all sin- cerity, that the light of good cheer will keep burning that you may have a Bright, Happy and Prosperous New Year. SEASONS J. S. llklulhml may [no and a quarter. our Vote and Influence Honesty. courage and modesty are the cardinal virtues that make tor success and they should be the ideal of every Canadian boy, said E. W. Beatty, chairman and president of the Canadian PtMtltie Railway. in addressing the Montreal District Scout Council at their headquarters in that city recently. Mr. Beatty was “in; in his ennuity " pre- sident ot the Candi-n General Council ot the Boy Scouts' Asso- cbuon and It. n function " an: to had boon panama winter 30. 31. 1932. January 1 and t, 1933 Ion: Agent Going dates GREETINGS FOR H. W. WILSON 3313133."! Cf "i/rr-rr/rs SCOUTS , U.S.S. NO 2, BENT. & GLEN’G Jr Iv-Mtrr3orie Vessie 68.4. Br Hr-Bemietr Reay 73.2, Margaret Vessie 73.1, Ralph Miller 69, Mitch- ell Macbean 56.8. Sr li-Alex Miller 68, Jimmie Ves- sie 61, Gordon Vessie 54.7. Jr Iv-lay- Mountain 66. Br 111 --Jestrle Campbell 87, Ralph Mmm- min 77. Jr Ir-ist-l Mountain M, Marjorie Mountain 79. Jr I to Br I Donald Campbell78. Br l-Elizabeth Bolton 65. our thanks for the y actsofkind- ness shown and wo of sympathy spoken. during the at sickness Jr It-Ethel Vemie 60, Maude Reay 50. Sr I-Elsie Miller 71.7. Br. Pruner-Freddie Noble 74.8. Sr IV-Elsie Markie. Jr Iv-Elite Riemann, George Pots ter, Gordon Vickers, Ruth Vickera, Carman Hopkina, Kenneth MacCuuig. Frank Sharpe. Br m-Margaret Atwood. Jr Hr-Maurice Brown, Edna Por- ter, May Hopkins. Jr ll~Duncan MoDougall, Janet Patterson. John Attwood, Vera Mar- kle. James Porter. Br I to " Ir-Arthur Mighton.La.w- rence McOuar'g (absent for exams.) r-Beverley Boyce, Mary! Noble and Marie Hopkins, equal, label Hopkins. Marie Marne, Lloyd Mao. Cuaig, (absent for exams.) Sr li-Bobbie Mighton, Alfred Sharpe. Sr Pr-HRobert Galloway and Inez Noble equal. Jr Pr-A7hartie Sharpe The Review forwards trtttttsertptiot" to a" daily papers at 'a saving to moscnbers. Let us send In youn with a copy of the new Scout son: book. "Songs for Canadian Boys." The appeal ot this book is to all classes ot boys and girls, to adults and to the Eng- lish-speaking world generally. Some ot the finest poems in the language are included. making the book an anthology in itself. The songs include those common to the Empire. songs ot Can- ada, England. Scotland, Ireland. Walel. the United Btates,5'teneh- Condo. Dance. In longl, m ehanttt scouting 1nd mustang low. chorus» ind mucellanol B. B. No. 13, BENTINCK SCHOOL REPORTS S. NO 6, BENTINOK Freda K. Eagles, teacher Mary E. Benton, teacher is resioeetfully Solicited for MalcolmWCPhall Tenn cPhail ous songs. The FrettehAhuittditut Song group have scholarly Eng- lish translations by _ J. Murray Gibbon. It is a book that would adorn the shelves ot any library. Mr. Benny made a complete inspection of the Scouts' Mont- real premises and evinced lively interest in the toy shop where hundreds ot old and damaged toys were being put into shape and renovated for distribution among the poor and destitute children " Christmas. Photo- graph shows him among the bor at work in the shop. years as mayor, I am standing for the Reeve's chair and solicit yowr vote and intiuene on Monday, 2nd January. I clad 1933 is where you need experience. 'itshintr you a hap. py and Prospe New Year, I re. main, Durham Ladies and Gentle Having been no clllor, I am in the fully solicit your and promise my I town's welfare. To the Electors of; Ladies and Gentlen I am before you Councillor and r your vote and um I wish you one and New Year. To the Electors ot Ladies and Gentlem With one year’s again in the field t Milan I respctfully and it elected, will fully. Wishing all a Ladies and Gentdem . Permit me to off my sincere thanks for honoring me with the Mayoralty during third year in the Council. I will e deavor to ttuth- fully discharge the duties of the of- fine, and be attentive to the town's beat interests, that I mar merit the oonfldenee you have placed in me. To the Electors Wishing one and an a. happy and prosperous New Year, Yours faithfully, '_-.----- CARD OF ROBE: Yo m... 0 a------- N . MURDOCK of the Town of field and respect- ote and inm1eruye, at services in the in; faithfully, JOHN MCNALLY L5 9. candidate for spectfulry solicit Durham xperlence, lam r 1933 for Coun- isollcit your vote, nee next Monday. all, a very happy Durham Happy New Year LIFT RITCHIE T CAM PBELL THE DURHAM REVIEW Mr and. Mrs John umnoe partook Chrmtm dinner with Mr and Mrs. Roy Iawxence, Durham. Mrs Will Clark was taken to Dur- ham hospital Friday, where she un- derweat an operation for appendicitis Mr and Mrs Chas Lawrence enter- tained their friends to Christmas din- ner on Monday evening. The Christmas tree concert in the school was a. decided success. The pupils excelled themselves in a. Trar. ied program ot choruses, recitation. plays and pantomime and showed the splendid training given try the tea- cher, Miss Jessie Nichol. The panto- mime was especially beautiful: three girls in white, in reverent action por- trayed the hymn 'The Old Rugged Cross', which was effectively sung by Mrs J. McCasiin. A play. 'A tel: egram’ was well given by the young) people. The Staples orchestra and Mr J. Teeter supplied splendid mus- ie. The Gazette, a community paper on current events, was prepared and read by Lilian Collinson and was a humorous contribution to the pro- gram. Mr “wanna Chapman was chairman and at a tithing moment in- troduced Santa Claus who unloadeda, beautifully decorated tree. Each child received 3. gift from the teacher and} the teacher from her pupils receivedl a small mahogany clock. There was candy for all. The school was pret-E tily decorated. I Mr Reg McFadden, Wingham went Christmas at the parental home. Mr and Mm Jno Newell entertained on Monday to a huge family dinner. Mr and Mrs Geo Noble, Mrs Mun- ray, Mr Albert Noble and family and Mr R Noble and family, spent Christ- mas with Mr and Mrs Jno McGlrr. Mr and Mrs John Blank and son James, Detroit, spent Sunday with Mrs Hargrave and family. Mr and Mrs W. Bnocklebank and daughters, Mt Forest, spent Christ- mas with Mr and Mrs T. C. McGirr. Misses Jessie and Mary Bell ac- oompanied their uncle. Mr Oaear Green to Toronto Monday. Mr and Mrs L Chapman and child. ren, spent Christmas evening with friends in town. The annual school meeting opened) at he school, at ' a.m., Wednesday, with Geo. Whttmore, chairman. The sec'y, lawmrence Chapman gave a. re- port on money received in grants, the iruspeetom' report and school te) tendaace. The audiwrl' report was; read by Thos. V. Bell who reponedl the year's expenditures and receipts. The balance on hand is $223.00.‘ There is an asset. ot $830 which the lawnsth has not yet paid: general 1rule $600 and school trustees' levy, $230.00. The retiring trustee was J. Newell, who was re-elected. The con- tract for 5 cords wood at $2.70 a cord was given to John Lawrence. The caretaker. Clark Watson had new {duties added to work and an increase lot $20 made in salary. iii-ia Mrs Jas Brawn spent Xmas with Mm Wm Hargmve and family. Misses Dorothy. and Anne Amen. Toronto, were holiday gum ot their Pursuant to adjournment Bentinck council met on Thursday, Dec. 15. Members present: Reeve MacDonald. Dop Reeve Griemson, Councillors Bai- ley and McCaSun. MeCaa'tin---Ba,'ley: That R H Rich- ards-on be paid $10 for wreath for late James Turnbull. Car. Bailey--9recaalirt: That E. S. Erm- el, funeral director, be paid $50 for burial expenses ot Scottie Wilfrid Behumeeht, the death of which oc- curred Oct. 12, BO. Car. Bailey - McCasun: That council grant relief to Dan Cook, the amount not to exceed $1.25 a. week. Car. GNergon-MeCaalia: That an ac- counts as presented. including supt’s voucher No IO, be passed and cheq- ues issued by treasurer. Car. MahusMn-Bai3tsy l That w'e air. point Mark Mervyn and W. Krau- ter, as auditor of tretuR1rer'a accounts fcr1932. Car. The following accounts were paid: Alex C. Me Donald, school tor GREEN GROVE Bentinck Council 3).; LG-, W. G. iiiitie,prxsparintrrhsanel Statement o..........."..." 10.1 J. H. Chiuick. preparing Wnan- cial Statement .... ........'. 6.l D J McDonald, preparing Financial The fur trade in tttill one of Canada's big assets In ICO? furs to the value tf 550.000 francs were exported to France Last vear their value was placed at $17,- 187,399, mostly to Great Britain and the United States. t. ' " is the pioneer in fish cult-m- on this cnntinent. The first in hatched from artificially fnrtiiizod t"t.','A.': iv Canada were pruduu'd in 1858 and fish culture was established as a Dominion Government service in 1867. Britishers are eating Canadian eggs this year with their break- fast bacon. Estimates tor 1901 place a figure of 20,000 cases. each of 30 dozen eggs. for export to Great Britain. my year it was only 6.500 cases. Grain trattle bundled by the Canadian Pncitlc for October last new: a considerable increase over that curled for _ October. 1930. A total ot' 17,921 cars was loaded lad month from the Prui- rie Provinces as compared with a. total of 13,573 can in October, 1930. Idle since the first. week of oe.. tober, the mill of the British Empire Steel plant at Sydney. N.S., " again in operation. giving full time employment ot six days a week to upwards of 200 men. They are rolling soft steel for a. num- ber of orders recently placed with the company. With I trail mileage ot 7.162 miles to his credit and having to date seen 424 moose, 69 cariboo and 494 deer in New Brunswick. E. L. Pope, ot Boston, Mass” is back in the New Brunswick tor- eaia on his 27th hunting trip in " moons. He will spend nev- ornl tF2titta on thin trip. Nat. Corntoot. colorful golf pro It the Canadian Pacific Lang“: course, Vancouver. for the put the and a halt yours. nailed try the Empress of Russia recently for Toklo when he will act u golf instructor " the Fuji Show Club course. This ornnlutlon opening a huge indoor layout In addition to m outdoon link; TORONTO . 2.10 10.00 for Public Th annual Xmu entertainment of Crawford tr. 8., m held My. Dee 20. The weather mad and! were Med and the church was well ttlied. A splendid (3th 9mm m nreslded over ia his mull unable q -.--- "up R ALPH R CATTON We can supply you with all of them Prlntod form on. than and nlmpllfy may othwlu 1 (10kt. Call In and amnion. You know the mun." - Factory Form: Blanca Let us help you with Printed Forms Flu summery Shannon: Form. Intricate Rule Form. Inter-loaf Form. _ Cheques Auction Silo BIN. Envolopu, all kind. Falr Printing Factory Form Folder- Pamphlets Financial Statement. If elected, I " endeavor to serve you to the beet of my ability. Phone No 6 TE AND INFLUENCE btfully solicited for ilities Commissioner DECEMBER M, I932 “at! over by D , 'NetDottsud. (3mm rm of the me were 10'0wa mm by w. Boom-1. Louise, and B m, "rad-hw Betty", which and and: Mt. At the claw anon on»: mound and distribute! was to the am. The pupils pr"- MM the t-ettter V1111 I lovely Mn 'own of Durham : amino“ Rocorc Form: Manifold Form. Sal. Bulls Window Card. Roccipu Hora Bill. Prlu List. Color Printing Shipping Tao. Wedding Outlaw-y Funeral summery an; Tickctt, all kind. WINT FARE: EVERUR PLAYuR Full "Wot-mat .on (r =O=O 3ao==:' DECEMBE VANCOU V E R VICTORIA 3EATTLE 000d Township t Town of lit Dominion of The Now Local A Return Fare Cl" "on CAN Get Gum l,R.10( per t Writt TH $1

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