Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 8 Aug 1929, p. 4

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' Lite is stapler now that everybody has n thermometer. Think of the poor old-um" who had to an: down to the drug no" to ihtd out how mid they were.----- no minion. m and Mn. Hopkins. Durham. aw fr Lowrance Whitman. Toronto " _ Sunday lost with Mr ml Mrs Jc Porter. .. l "new heartlest congratulations to Miss mu. Borer. one of our tair. est up most popular maidens, and Mr Clarence chirr of Durham, who thin Wound”. are entering hymen's bonds. “air my friends wish them awry hyphen. Mr and Ira Fred Torry. In." G. Hum-H Sim-art and Thomas Adina spent Sunday " Motion! and Owen Mr Clifford Ritchie and I!” Stale Lawrenee, Durham. were mus on Sunday " ulna home. Mr and Mrs C McDonald and their uuughm- Hazel, spent Sunday nun home ot Mr Philip McDoMld. Mr and Mrs Geo. Smith. Fort Erie. and family. wen recent guests of It and In Geo Brown Ind family. Mr and Mrs R. Parson And fam- ily, Toronto. were guests ot Mr and Mrs Finlay McClain last week. Mr I'm-var Mntxmnld In mum; friends on the "had this week. The monthly meeting of Allan Park u, F' w. Club. In held " the bane of Mr. Wm Fulton. the president. Mrs Fulton in (than. Singing and the owning creed commenced proceed- ings and minute. of Int -tintt worn road and adopted. After gener- at business mutter: were settled. a numbo-r of 'tntereastirttt pipe" were read. The next meeting VIII be held at the home of Mrs Ben Coma. Sep. am The commltlee and hostess ser- wd lunch which was enjoyed by all. Rev. (Iridium have. m. Moat- day for . man holmy with the Rood family of I“. No service or S A. Ame ll. Aug It, It Ger-Id "cl-m will lake the services Aug. 25. and Mr Sinchlr, CttetMy, will take the services than following Sunday, "W‘t’, ”in Marjorie. Milton. were Congratulations to J. " Brown for recent I'm-sis of A C. McDonald and winning a gold medal in the relay "T";'), t I l race in Hanover Civic Holiday. . mm mnmma mnununit s ir- " of good will and ,"/'j',,"G',','d, 'l'2 Bride Tenderqd Show" the krwnoto at the delightful My, A miscellaneous shower was given held at the home of Edward Borer. Ills- Ellle Boyce by her neighbors in honor of the bride ot this week. on Wednesday evening of laat mtetr Miss Elsie- Boyer. About " friends at her home. At an opportune mom- and neighbors were the no". and cut. the bride elect was seated on s presented Miss Boyce with many chair in the living room underneath beautiful gnu, , a white hell. from which fell white Mrs Geo Brown. Mr John and Miss streamers to which were attached Nu. Brown. visited with Chesley the gifts. She wore a long veil of friends Sunthy. cheesecloth and her little nephew, Rev. Crickinm ieevea this Mon- Beverly Boyce med as veil bearer. day for . month's holiday with the In a few well chosen words Mrs And- Reed runny of 1m. No service z-ew Hastie made known the pur- or s H. Aug it. Any; is. Mr Gerald we of the anthems. The tritta ”will will an the services Aug. 25, were may and tteatttifultesstityintr to and Mr Sinclair, Chesley, will an the esteem in which um Isle Boyce the services the following Sunday. itt held in the neighborhood. Among The monthly meeting ot Allan Park the gifts were aluminum ware, cut 1' r w, Club, was held at the hane elm. electric goods. linen, china. of Mrs Wm Fulton. the president. money and many useful household Mrs Fulton in chair. Singing and the "Hole-- She "Inked the neighbors opening erred commenced proceed. for their tttttss and extended . wer m” and minute. of Iaat meeting come to vlslt her in her home at war» read and likened, After Innat- Durham. Mr and In Wm Fulton visited with Mr Ind Mrs Walter Heal-ego! and manly, hunday. Mr Hnaniltmt Planks-u, Port Arthui and Min Bee. sie Anderson, (Ihesloy, were also mum's at the some home. Miss Anmr McKenzie Torato and nieee, Miss Marjorie, Milton. we” reeent guests of A C. MeDonaht Ind family. Welcome ”at: at the home of Mr Duncan Livinttstetrte Int week were Mrs Annie Gn-ss, Mr Ind In H Bold and family, Grand lupus, lien. and Mr and In Albert Taylor and but 1y, Walkerton, also Mm Cntharlne McPhail. Walkerton. Mr and Mrs Herb Fisher, 'rormsto.' Min Okay- Pom. 0 Bound. via. mth Mr Hugh McPherson and Mrs. nod a week " Mr And. Haatie's and Duncan Muir. Ceylon, visited with her mother in at present 5 sun! In the McDonald amnion. the name home. Border Cities Co. 6t per cent bonds, due 1934 to l939. at $99 per $100, yielding 6 65 per cent Victory Building 6% percent guaranteed bonds due 1949. at par, yielding 6.50 per cent. P. RAM Mifi, Durham, Local Dealer Also Simpson‘thd bonds and preferred stock, Federal Grain Ltd. bonds and preferred stock, and many others. and Mr: Ron. Whitman and Sifoty first-we handle nothing speculative The Cash Shoe Store Write, call. or phone No. 6 for particulars. Excellent Bonds for Investment For your nexe.pait1.of SHOES or OXFORDS. Helms an largest stock in town ito iehoose from. Also Suitcases, Club Bags. Trunks, Etc. Shoe Repairing as usual Abomi bond- ln 81000. 8600 or 8100 gem-in“, with interest coupons .tuohod. "rabte twice yearly. to . McIlraiilr'ir, |0=°=0=°= 0=0= . Mcllraith Ot the an our hearts wero crushed When God took you. oh so quickly And we all in gloom were thrust. No one known the silent heartaehets, Only those who've loot can tell: or the grief that is home In silence Por the one we loved to welt. Thy purpose Lord. we cannot see. But all Is well that's done by Thee Gone but not forgotten Sadly missed by Wife, Father and Sister. In loving memory ot our dear htttr band and brother, .1th Mekeehttie, who departed this life. Aug. 9, 1926. 'ripCroutyon and we're reminded Mr and Mrs Mathewson. Boutham, ton, were guests Sunday " the home of Mrs Anderson and son Wilbur. A kitchen shower was aim tender- ed Miss Elsie Boyce by relatives Ind friends in Hamilton. while she was on vacation there. The remainder of the evening was spent in social chat. community sing- imt 1nd rdeitatimsn by llu Gladys Pruner. o. Sound. Lunch In then served and all departed for home but not before each had wished the bride many years of health and happiness in her new home. Following this a contest wu held among unmdrrted people. A young gentlemen and a lady n his part- ner receive 1 portion of the bride'n veil to hem neatly. The young mu did tho sewing as directed by his partner. Ten duster: were made tor the bride elect in this manner. A prize was given to the neotest and beat sewing. also to the one doing the poorest work. A. McDonald “In E. Ledlngham. Hartman, was a visitor on Sunday with the Mines Borer. Mr and Mrs McAlister and daugh- tem of Hamilton, were Sunday vial- tors at the home of Mr and Mrs D. Mr Wm Henderson has purehed a new Ford touring ear. . _ Mr 1nd In Lewis Dowdlng mot- ored from Toronto tad spent week end with the former'. manta. Mr. And Mrs John White. Their two sons returned home with them. IN MEMORIAM . CRAWFORD Not only are Kellogg's among the world's largest advertisers. but they are also one of the world’s most suc- cessful advertisers, and this remark- able success is largely attributable to the fact that every statement that finds its way into their announce- ments is as sincere and honest as the manufacturing methods em- ployed by this giant institution. This fundamental policy of giving only of their best has built up the Kellogg business step by step until todsy they have become the world's great- est producers of ready-ttseat break. fast foods. Kellogg's have given a. square deal to their employees and dealers alike. and to the great gen. eral public they have given the " est manufactured food products the world hos ever known-the timsgt food products that human intelligence ttcientitie research and costly upto- On account of new and Improved methods of manufacturing, it was found that it was pouible to sell 100 per cent larger packages " 50 per cent reduction in cost. This was the cause of the real success of Corn Flakes. together with the clever ud- vertising which we: used " that time. In looking over those old ada. come of them ask the reader to stop eating Corn Flakes for a few days and give the neighbor I chance. Kellogg's products are sold in 45 dltterent countries and advertisements are being printed in 23 dittereatlang, noses. . Since the orgnnisatlon of the Kel- logg Company in 1906, it In: never seen a single yen in which it was able to take care ot tUI its business promptly, and it, has been necessary to build new nddltlona you after year, until terday the Kellogg Comp any is the largest manufacturer of ready-to-eat cereals in the world. With that fact as a background, the Review saw the foundation on which to build an interesting story for its readers and secured the follawlng de tails from Kellogg's at London: Mr W. K. Kellogg, the originatorof Commune: and founder of the Comp. any. started to manuhcture in a very small w:y._ He no great faith in his new product Ind was deter- mined to mnke Corn Flakes the big- gent thing in the cereal "ld. The firtet thing he did was to invent one- third ot his working capital in a single page advertisement in one ot the belt known and largest of the women's magazine: ot_the day. This Brttt advertisement put Corn Flakes on the market In a remarkab- ly big way. From an output of M cases I. day, the business was In- creased to 2000 cases per day within a few months. Our Store is the place to secure them Other Fresh Grocetics always in stock G. Campbell Phone IM-- Durham Kellogg Products For Dainty Summer Dishes KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES KELLOGG'S "HAN FLAKES KELLOGG'S ALL BRAN KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES KELLOGG PRODUCTS Largest Manufhctumrs USE World-Wide Enférprise Has _ ound Favor in Many Countries Try them with Fresh Raw Fruité Delicious with Cream or Milk The Ideal Diet for Hot Weather PHONE M 7 P ' THE DURHAM REVIEW W, Kellogg: Indie-Mien Agencies in practlully all civilized countries and Kellogg cereals In on sale at lead. ing grocers throughout the entire world. Advertising is printed In " diluent languages. Candi-n Plain Mr W. K. Kellogg has tstrtattlitstted a new e_thlca.l quads-d Inumuch u 25 branch sales oftieets are main- tained In the principal cities of " lted States. Canadn. England and Australia, to assist in the distribution ot Kellogg cereals. - _ ,_ __-..._.. -.,.. may-vycu to look after the general health and welfare of the company": employees. A dentlat is unemployed to exam- ine and care for the teeth. A large restaurant is operated for the benefit of the employees. Good wholesome meals are furnished at The company has a fully equipped emergency honpltal with graduate nurses In charge any and night. Competent physicians are employed On In]. -AA‘_ 4L7 - - To make this possible the company operates a laundry where the em- ployeeg' uniforms are laundered tree of charge. cLACH LAN A home kitchen equipped with all the modern conveniences provides a p'aee for testing all recipes before they are distributed. Employees All employees are required to wear spotlessly clean uniforms while on duty : no one is allowed to work in his street clothes. The company generates its own power. it requires 5,000 horse power to operate the plant. All machinery is operated direct by motors. The total factory installation consists of more than 2,000. it requires about 6, 000,000 cubic feet of gas per day to operate the toasting ovens' This gas is manufactured by the company's own 333 plant. A fully equipped lab- oratory with expert chemists in charge is required to teat all raw ma- terals before they are used. l date equipment can possibly extract' from the world's choicest mine. I Today, Kellogg’s Corn Fishes wel the standard by which all other Corny Fluxes are Judged. _ They lead the world and so the is their quality, so indescribably delicious is their crisp. tasty tttwor, that the rapidly increas- ing demand would almost Justify saying they sre beyond all oompetl- tion, As an evidence ot the enormous demand tor this, the world's most delicious breakfast cereal, it takes the product of 675 acres of corn to supply the daily requirement of the world-wide Kellogg funny. It is necessary to maintain alarge machine and electrical repair shop, where special equipment used in the manufacture of Kellogg cereals is built and repaired. The plant is run 24 hours a day. The men Lad women work on three 8-hour shifts. More than 2.000 people are employed. The company manu- factures It. own cartons and tshim ping containers. All waxed paper, used for Inneriealed waxtite bags and for wrapping the cartons is man- ufactured by the company. At this point of view I few of the medal features of the Battle Creek plant might be mentioned. The Kel- logs Plant. " Battle Creek alone cov- ers over M) acre- ot floor space. All the buildings are ttreproot and hunt of reinforced concrete. 28 huge concrete tankn. having a total capacity of over three quarter million bushels. are necessary for the storage ot stun. The corn mill, owned and operated by the company, In one _o! the very best. Here the corn grits used in the manufacture otCorn Flakes are made The total capacity of the plant is well over over one million packages of cereal per day. or about 65 car- loads. in spite of this enormous out- put .the ’fsctory is sometimes several hundred cars behind orders. Fresh Fruit Specials ',,"edT2: per doa. DANA A8, per dot. DURHAM Branch Office. NTA‘RTO TORONTO 10 large concrete. mks. hula; I total cap-city of 70,000 bush. or 60 earloads, are used for grain amuse. KI The Canidhn plant ll 1 replica of the male Creek plant. only on 1 smaller scale. . Thp Canadian punt has 150,000 squirt; -aii7iiir; 4ra, All the buildings Ire tire proof ttttd built of reiatoreed_eonereie. muons indicate that In the very tiisiir future nrovIalon will have tobemade 'he believes that sll products Insan- mctured and consumed in the coun- try should be produced as {Ir sepal- slble from material relative to ant country. For that reason he has es- tsblished s ttustory at Motion. Ont., which supplies the market in Cumin Newfoundland and Gt Britain end in- cidentally. other European countries. A new factory hes also Just been’ completed in Sydney, Mutt-slim, end will supply themsrkets under the Southern Cross. I Sold " nil moon. Survon -s, Witches“. on Jinn. Mud. " Kalle}; in London. 03%. Oven-frat in the rod-and. Kellogg'l Corn Puke. in delicious for lunch and dinner " wall a. bntkfuh Serve with milk or cum, and for variety, add fruit. or troner. Innis! on Ko1io.e'.--the original Com Flakes. Always out. carp: - [2,009,000 poop]. daitr Prefer them. Em WGiiii% ff) tit! Han-777W n gm " [a, She appreciates Kellmrg'ts-the original Coin Flakes. Kellogg’s have a crispness and flavor that can't be equaled. Ideal for the children’s supper. Extra easy to digest. No wonder Canadian housewives prefer them! CORN FLAKES hmasearife HIVE: A Growing Canadian Industry Supplies Great Britain and European Countries When it 'is a matter of wanting any ' of the we can serve you well KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKE' KELLOGG'. ALL BEAN KELLOGG PRODUCTS PHONE 139 . C. HOW ELL KELLoaa's mos 'uei" --.. - w uy swarm)“ with “Mule “We, thus ensur ing that even golden color with jus' that deucloue empoell which ha, made Kellogg"- Corn when so pop ulu' tn the home. W. K. Keno". the President ot the Kellogg Conway. insists, tha' Where he ttaa e plant situated in a country other then the United Slaw.» executives end employee. should b. chem from their own midst, as he feel. that um c'reete. not only loy llty. but that spirit of nplendid m bperetlon which I. no apnea-at in thr KOHOCK mutton throughout the I'MA arise ot demand which le excee mentions. They In " “I: out 6,000 clu- per " an of In]! ue u 60 cm of mm And 8t ot "It? 3.000.000 arm ot nmtted - ll used Rice [CH-plea --rto new produro h mmrting with I wonderful roam tion. . All "athtly I. anemone twho no unable to prawn It, but the Com may in " present Insulung add] clonal equipment to (the are of th, do“ whlch In exceeding all m mention. They m at present tun In: out 6.000 as. per week. " an of all are med tutnually, 60 an or war Ind 800.000 pound, ot all: 35,000,000 anon. One cal ot we! - te used every N.» week. One toll of clue in used dumb in the “new In the mnuructurr 0 anon. ' m mom. 2.50 on. p. an required to open-Ate this phat. From. severity nine Inbound an of raw the Corn 'ues..- people mun to the trenetttt, chm have received oboe taking it, end n, by no not! I. In popularity that :2. “le- m tut approaching those at ALL-BEAN - In] have hailed, Kellogg's ALLBRAN u a benefaom: of tho union. Countin- numbors I) The WIN! plant um approx. manly 50,000 bush. of when! lnnuai ly and 650.000 hub. of corn Annual!) A pared: inn-linden is in form A The - in the urinal deputmenu in ell "her waned, cooled in up tumor and heated in the winter This rennin in the minimum lmounv of lichen when. employees. new in e ttne nlhlvnv field for the envious tor the ad mum " been nit. [ally-ice! tram in: lid recreation. The girls have a softball tan. The Company mam min. the to... which in one or th, new are unloaded duly. An tty use of 10 an m shipped daily There an 300 employee. In the far n Ind on”, The Gunman plan, “an. in I‘M to (mung Corn Ite. Thu I. done by electrivir, u. Burnett and can recommend them to be all they are advertised to be. Kellogg’s Corn Flakes " Rice Kriapies " All-Bran The" n a soda-n equipped tua can. they. and by mined me ebttMeq and m. to keep tll - a. mu with“ for a aha-ml w. The plan I. mum on . new any cook“): m Gum. and one. He mam.- W - “I. the DH?“ brun- ttemttr-efitahindtncatuuh, a, Kellogg For the wolf-n of the Worker: 'roducts DURHAM when idriau, Pep (Bran andle all ”WI. rum: 95::th We! color with Just Mel. which ha, Com me. so pop t my Ontario i' Discriihi moan-0.3.0. Mun-u... “coho-dun an -dtotvetttmo, WIHMI' of the Lawlt tube-3' at their D Fren can. Going u. mrbts" u .1 “out and. "and “on In youth " i through Bminm 1 Bt the Northern Bui lege. Thin en"te) - the problems I eemdtgttr and ettlor, " " labors later ul latched can or a will IIIOW. 'etttttg a p ”kW-Din no hole Jun Acne-nun. omee III...- Ito-o‘n'hy Western S361 WWW! Mil/Ma Flour, HENDE IOU“ " p, sie? JAB. LAWIEHO mi! 71..) 222/ (bunny AUGUST lights! Pr? Grain deliv " you JOHD All Kin THE CL'S ro at Ire Inter

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