Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 8 Aug 1929, p. 1

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s: m 1.75 p dwarf El- .rown and ol iable PI!" Doors no lama Doors at ”00"". ”on. You PRICES ad Anna" in! the butts Mc a lb. am. at ' " Mills. OWEN SUL’ND menu-m tOtt-tro) Ply-ind” rpmunlr 2 (Cl/I (/1 m My to us ' very RCOI CREAMERY Mi; IN al Millwork Mil-on, Homom low. omore tn t Sons limited SALE WI n. TAPIOCA D. IAIN“! v, mu, RIC! Opens Ap " SAG couplctc m. DATES I°=O= ttea It. Cabin“. Cunard. look“..- Wardrobe. OED: b with will The marriage took Mace T'd?trtr, friends of herself and fturtMrwhohad “at: August Tth, at the l’nited Ch. l assembled in her abeepce to shower Mann. Elmwood, Rev. Robt Young and oongratulateher on ttteapprosrett. (manning. oral-1e May, eldest deuxh- ing event. The clrculu clothes hee- ter of Mr Edward Boyce end the het was prettily decanted tit pink late Mrs Boyer, Crawtord, to C1ar-, crepe paper. feetooned with noun" once. son or Mr and In T. C. Me-' of bowere, that honeyed the bride] Gire of Durham. The bride wore I. etmoephere. The bride-to Ate. tho' navy and blege ellh crepe enumhle.' greet the enrol-lee, woe equal to the with blege but end acneorlee end occasion end opened end- read the copper brown kid ehoee. Her ttttt ecccmponylnx vene- to the lovely from the groom wee e white gold gifts. A new the followed end i wrist watch. net with “volume. 'delnty lunch wee served the - In (Rev.) Young, “eluted by at the close. In J. chechnle eerved e te'."."; ---_--- lunch. The young couple un on a Mr end Mrs Hum Sodium}, ot motor trip to lunch an. before Toronto, were when with Me Ino- tahtntt up mum in m, p, W. B. Voile". u “I. The Review Join: In extending the, Hill: ttettetrtt It“ mull. eith- heuhruelwleheetotheyoucooo- srnrttt.rrkr.orrms- Apply“) ”unhappy-urban“. "F.nrotBee.Durttnm. tl Mn Henry Crou Ind Ion Herb. received the and now- Sunday thnt her tttttutter-in-hor, In Wilt Crou. of Hanover, had passed away thnt day at Sauble Beach. Her itinegt, wu ot a sudden nature and the van gone before her friends could twin the fact. Deceased van a daughter of n former Presbyterian minister in Hanover, Rev Mr Jackaon. With the sorely bereaved husband and two in- mm soane tour year- old and the other one and one but. the sympathy ot the community goes out in km measure. l Banish had new Picnic Ground! who has kindly supplied otirerioui: bolkhy. wars, will occupy these four palm-.1 Jill' {gar-non ttlt,'; an one , o e gen ever 9 n mover. Died 'uddertiy at Saul». Beach 'An extensive prom ot sport-Jun Mrs Henry Crone and non Herb. in; throughout an; entire day had rm-s-ivvd the sad news Bunday that, been planned and the weather: can"! her daughter-in-hor, Mrs Will Crou. H, “mm,“ “A ..----.. -....._.. “n muons were tmtendid. I The remaining Sundsys of Ann-i tune man entirely. while littlehove union services of Knox and Queen’ ot “Vin! the rtgttt 0’0 II held. At l'nitod Churches. will be heidint Mr Browne no bending over the Uueen St, In morning and Knox in We. litmus It. during the course waning. Sunday, Aug 11, Rev J. w., ot a sham battle. Before he had time Greenwood will mun occupy "use. to get "my the Bare exploded into pulpitn, also at Zion and Hammemfhis mee, tautsintr the serious sud while the following Sabbath. Aug 18. painful injuries. The accident can 3 Ree w H Hill ot on Park. Illinois. doom over an otherwise Iplendid The death took place on July 3111., u "'"v'" “nu-"'- in Clare, Mich. of Mr Angus Me. Leod, a onetime Priceville resident! Durham wt2d,"',/',. if“... to He was in his 73rd your and may _ . " the older residents or Glenels will, Thou. Bmwnlee veteran of the remember him. He was twice mnr- Great War wt" neverely injured . rial and with " widow, he leaves bout the {we Monday "em. mm three. daughters and one son telirii the couue of the large Civic 1nourn his demlBe. Hits tirst wife Holiday celebration held in Hanover was Mitts Junie Black ot Bunetoan,' when . Bare, which he In. "an", “in" to J. A. Bltreh, Cheney. exploded prematurely. The explmion Union Services next two “my. .9 drmtd out nuclei: eye of the unfor- A Garden Party under the nuplcoe ol the Augusta Church. Alla: Park. will be held in 'l'hoe Brigham'. grove. Tummy evening, Aug. 15th. _In use of min it will be held on Aug. um Supper Iron e to 8 Fm. Bull me nt 6.30 mm between CmpDell'e Corner. and Muloeh.l Good progrun. Admleelon " and Mkt.. In Awarded Dam l In Margaret Hunky vu grunt- ed 86000 We. at Ouoode Hill.‘ Toronto. by Janice McEvoy, in her' claim “unit the Cnnndlnn Pnclllc Runny. The clnlm I» laid u an' outcome at an accident in which a. I' ER. engine hit their motor ear at McWillums Stntlon, permanently In! luring the plaintiff and killing her Izuebanu, the late John Highley. s' Death of Angus McLood in Michigan Durham girl- bul nun lost to Curt-burrs IMPDY team In a tournament. " “ethanol: Old Boy.’ Reunion on Tuelday. The in! halt “I dose and "clung. but Durham'. one but Innis; was the In! one, when the Boner Vulley girls boost-1 ed up their more. 1 Allan Park Garden Party I Loet in F'uhorun One Pooh“ (or quick an. M. Now Pontiac Car tor Sale. Mr Wattee loads. tngeM5unoeer'. prominent furniture men, died on Tummy " his home. VOL. LII. NO. 32 McGIRR - BOYCE HYMENEAL iii,6iU , 1929 model, Big six. 2. Taken In on O new SUITE BROS. Ford Sale. and Service Ics- yraa'0U.Y:, 5.... '""P""'r The charge unmet Pat She: and! "l It?, H Goodyear. who reside a. few miles rigtuun B' wt of Mt For-eat. was that ot having] ". 15th. unaeded liquor in a ear on the high- held on way. Their counsel was Barrister o 3 ttan., Clarke. Mt Forest. Shea. swore he ttotmNynl owned the Dodge car, but both denitd' Muloek. I knowledge of the bottles being in and 15e.. from not of car, until after Lytle's, " Proton funny where they outta: , mm.’ had removed one of the bottle: 9 Hull. which wu analyzed. and found to; in her' Contain liquor with over 11 per cent ' Pacino nloohol. The minute dimmed l d u an cherge unmet Goodyear, but ter hich . Shea. the owner of the en, 8100 1nd,] _ car ntl costs of nearly $40 tor the oftenee. '. Il'; Thou. Brownlee, veteran of the Mu Great War. wu severely injured . a! bout the [we Monday evening, dur- 1'lirur the course of the. large Chic The military tattoo at night, was a Utrilliant spectacle. ten bands taking part. with a. crowd of 5000 or more in attendance. The tlrewortttg display was good. marred only by the tttore. mentioned incident. Mr and Mrs Munro Sutherland. of Toronto, were visitors with his uno- le, W. B. Vollett, teat week. High School undem- wanted, etth. er en burden or women. Apply to of bowers, that botnyed the taiat Itmosphere. The brideto Ate. tho' great the surname, '3' can] to the On Tnnsdn} evening, Miss Chriasie' their Intermediate team, many sup- Mcuirr. a bride of next week. was} porters looked to see Fergus win by 1lcvoyed ttt the home of tt friend on 5 or 0 goals. At end of lot period Lambton St East. and upon "tum-- It was 1-0 for Fergus at halt time in: home. entered a room tmed with i 2 to 1 “a 2--2 end of 3111. Durham friends of herself and tamilywhohad counted in: In 4th quarter Ind led assembled in her absence to showerUCG tor Int time but Fergus du. and rottttratulateher on the ipiriiiiiiliTi,u' better Marintr power: and ing event. The clrculu- Nothy has-l notched , more In the “them: ket was prettily decanted in plat "mum, of??? paper, tetttottated with ,GeiGil nickname In m. mum My In the A street dance on new pavement in front of Knechtel factory. conclud- ed the night's celebration. in the athletic events, the ladies’ 75 yard duh was the only event Dur- ham contested and Durham girls. An- na Ritchie and Dorothy Ritchie won Brst and second. receiving gold and silver medals. 10 u to 11 Daisy Mather, pitcher. 3rd : Sarah McCulloch. catcher: Ptor. McDonald. lat; Mary Brown, 2nd; Dorothy Rit, chie, 3.3.; Mary Ritehie,'8rd, c. f.; Lenore Reay, l. f.; Chnstene McCul- loch. (at. p.; Alma Wilson, Barbara Ritchie, Blanche Boyce r. t. Chealey girls defeated Tara 11 to 10 and later defeated Walkerton 12 At the afternoon Girhf Softball Tournament, Durham lost to Walk- erton " to 21. Durban girls ran up 9 runs to 2 the flrtst three innings. but couldn't stand prosperity and blew up in the 6th. when Walkerton scored 13. Durham team was: Mr Brownlee was bending over the ttare, lighting It. during the course of a. sham battle. Before he [and time to get “my the ttare exploded into Ed Eyes Blown ht at Hanover Celebration I Oscar Hum was found guilty of , raving liquor in " room In tt public L house. and I tine of 8100 and coats I nmouming to 839.40. was imposed. I Judgment was reserved tn the cue unmet his Ether Mr Val Hahn. , A tine of $60 And com.- ot $76 was 3 imosed upon Herbert Murdock. tho I!“ a L. C. A. infraction. He ' wui grepresented by Barrister Campbell i Grant tit Welter-ton. . l ‘ Four liquor men were heard be. fore Magistrate Spereman here Lut tiday ottemoon. three of them B. rising trom the raid made at Herb. Murdock'. and the Hahn Home the I previous week, by Prov'l Omeers, all ot whom were preoent.. Crown Attor- ,ney Dyer reprelented the crown. [ Showering the hide iiht . E 111’ Brings Heavy Fines .Whituker: Cent . Fred H rdoek;' wne w. M. B. mu m tb Iamt '11 .home. Winner. 35m Beau: mm thtemt ttat the m M: W00- his nub. HeClynent. Spa-u, New, Sub, "I” on Momur "m Aug. 12th. W der, Brown. Lt nod mm. including 3 lively m Wrmt.--r. Irwin, M ', 'defemeo- debate. m lunch counter. Ad. a” 1TttoAruo-iiieiirrJioCiriau"'i""'""d".e _ _ " r the) O. ts'. Hunter spoke on behalf 'ot a, all l ratepayers trom Albert St. to Lamb. ittor-; ton St bridge, who wanted . 30 foot . I was concrete pavement only. Anoth- . ot, er petition naked tor a " It upholt ublic, top pavement on Lsmbton St. signed met: by all residents on block east tbe. ttsed. ; tween Albert and Elgin Sta). Reeve' case; Bell thought it should be " tt wine ifor the two blocks, Conn Whitman; WISI spoke Itmiluly. Conn Noble said RICO. both blocks must be some tiniah.. W15; Conn. Howell stated ratepayertfwlah. hell es should be resumed. To settle the [discussion '. to I With the heavy experienced Fergus Me1ACtutut, c, t. 4 2 2 31951111 as opponents and training with McKechnle, e 8 0 2 their Intermediate team, many sup-l - - - [porters looked to see Fergus win iyl 38 14 17 5 or ' goals. At end of m period, Home runs, Haven: , base hits, Wil. ~It m I-o for Fergus at halt time tson, Elvidge, Schutz 2: , but hits. " to I and 2--2 end of 3rd. Durham, R. McGlrr. .counted ttmt in 4th water and led, The 2nd tinal will be phtyed Friday ief tor itrgt time but Fergus dxpiAus 9, " 6.30 p.m. It when." . pured better “um, M011 “d: 'I?? they are_1929 champ- but tr Ben- rerun. luck Saunders. Durham and Goo Glen. Mm. refereed. I Durban. Memento. god: defence, Hahn. amnion. Roll, Ken Wilson. AVhittaker.. Center. Fred Murdock: MeEachniq in MI mum day in the nets this year, blocked - hot one: and Reis, Wilson. launch. Becker and Dean won tetqrt in the play. The Boning. WI tad Eton". ”vote in the "thought for It was the ttmt ltcrosse ot the year in this part of the province and the local lads with only a few nights workouts, (some with none) snee- ably surprised the natives with the steady, close game they played. Fergus 4, Durham 3, was the score in the firat Juvenile lacrosse semi- final in Durhun today, Wednesday. The return match Will be held Sat- urday in Fergus. trelts to count on the round. hho made it close with Fergus in lacrosse The 62 mill rate is comprised as follows '. High School 9 mills: Pub. Sch. " m. Public Library 1 2-10 mills County rate, 8 3-10 mills Bylaw 578, 1 mill Bylaw 639, 1 9-10 mills Bylaw 795," 4-10 min- Bylaw 828. 3 2-10 mills Bylaw TM, 1'3-10 mills Bylaw 756. 7-10 mills General with” The tax rate tor 1929 was struck at 52 mills. the same as last year. This your payments on one bylaw ex- plred ,amounting to $845 and Public School estimates are over 8400 low- er, but County rate is increased from 8 to 10 mills. making increase of over 81000 annual payment. The Finance Com. t1trtfred that rate could be held stationary this year, but next year, when payments for pavement commence. a slight increase will probably be necessary. Imp. Winter of the Post once Dept. replied to a suggestion that a. drinking fountain be inimiied in front ot Post Omee, asking that full in. formation be given and nun-Inca ot upkeep by town. It wu hid over. I Ed. Kresl spoke for petitioners in iCalder Block who winhed curb low. ered and sidewalk tuned, now being ilower than base of pavement in front. it will be looked into. I Other petitions were from David ‘Kinnee and 22 other: south of Smith , harness shop. protesting against deep iditch at side ot pavement and from ig, J McBride asking tor lighting at north end ot town. I I To maintain a wig-wag at C.P.R. Guru. St. crossing,, 40 per cent comes trom grade crossing fund. A letter from C.P.R. was read, suggest- ing that for remaining 60, half cost should be paid try CPR and half by Highway Dept. A motion Concurring in this was passed, moved by Noble- Bell, and the Clerk authorized to forward some to Railway Board. i Whitmort-Be11 moved that I: 34 ft wide pavement, concrete one with asvhalt top, be laid between Gara- frnxa and Elam Ba. Whitmore, Bell, Noble voted in favor ; Howell, Me- Lean, on] Stoneouse spins: and Mayor Murdock gave the deciding vote in {Ivor of motion. 1 l Tuesday night's Town Council ses- sion was petition night, no lens than ',tive being presented, tour of them having questions. ' _ Five Petitions before Council; 1 Tax Rate St Mills In year, blocked some hot' ad am. Wilson. mummiy. and Dean we: trettqrt in r. The Bel-gins. naval and,” ' wake in the limelight for_n lurk Saunders. Durham tutd. Pt DURHAM, THURSDAY. AUGUST 8, 1929 With which G hcotpouud the Holst-Io lam: ...... High Sch. “'2' R. McFadden, c. f, gest--‘ L Hopkins. p. 1:05th McIlraith. lst f by G McCulloch, Thisin. Smith. 1. f. trle-l B. Mellnlth. 2nd I mix Wilson. c. .F'. Murdock -Ml R. Amen ‘edicu turn the ables, a third gum l will be necemry to déclde the win. Afarney Garden Party Vmey United Church Garden Pu- ty will be held on hmatatuld Lee-oxf- xroundu. My. Aug. 18th. Good pron-um. softball - lunch served. Admhabn Me and lie; , Prluvlllo thmmn Lawn Social The W. H. S. will hold a. [An Soul on the lune W, Price- vllle on load” "an; Aug. 12th. A good mm. maul-c a lively "trate, - lunch counter. " miaIittet " ad lite _ 38 14 17 Home runs, Haven: , base hits, Wil. son, Elvldge, Schutz 2: , but hits. R. McGlrr. R, MGirr, 2nd Elvldge. B. s. C. MGlrr, p. Schulz. MeEaehnie, I. f. Glenholme, r. r. Hayens. 3rd Me1aehlan, c. t, McKechnie, c Bachelors Bteinaehor, r f. Snell. l. f. Kress. r. t, Bachelors Benedicts Benedict- Kearney, c. f. Sparllng. 3.3. McDonald. 2nd Hugill, p. Schenk, r, f. Wilson, c. McBeth, 3rd The first of the Softbell Dengue ttttttttg Tuesday night saw I loosely, played contest, both teams saying a. batting orgy in the 2nd. The Bene. dicts after their two previous wins over Oddfellows and High School, were deemed to have good prospects of victory but the single chaps came buck strongest Mter the splash ot runs in 2nd sud iinitrhed in 6 runs up, 17--tl. Umpires C. Mcuchla‘n and J. DuMeld called game at end of 6th. owing to darkness. Snell. El- vidge and McGirr showed some clas- sy fielding while D C Town display- ed the finest exhibition ot Juggling seen on the local grounds-but he didn't drop the bail. U1 ‘Benedicu , 0 'High Sch. , il Bat-edict- Kearney, c. f. Sparllng, 2nd McDonald, I. B. Hugill, p. Wilson, c MeBeth, 3rd Town. lat Snell, l. f. Kreu. r. t. -13. The married men were always in the lead and played the moat con- llstent ball. Harry Kress displayed some nappy ttelding. The students hit " well as their opponents, but numeral: errors and seven walks proved their downfall. The Benedict: Icored 6 run- in the darkness of the lat inning And the High School ral- lied with 9. when it was too dark to field the ball. Last Friday night's game in Town Softball League was a sudden death between High School, second place winners, and Benedicu, third once", to decide which would meet the lea. dera, Bachelors in the Austin. The 7 innings contest conéluded in the darkness. the Benedict: winning 16 Benediats Won Play-off and Enter Finals Jones, Rohmer ; centre-Noam; home-M Muir, Stevens. Headers 3n, Lovell. M Simpson. Spares. Day, J. Simpson. lat ham ilfihttritjttt 1 2 , 4 5 6 total 3 9 6 0 0 2 17 0 ' 0 I) , 0 11 at bat 30 M) M hm cram 10 12 10 the Em. but B. C. ha.- been kind Gl ' Mm Ind look. good for twenty Pt.") tela ot'work yet. While in the hut. he, iam, will be n nest At the wedding or; 'htttonueeaxtGaGkiiiiGi, I: 12ttt. Mctpnnt In the doing nt the re- iretr ImhmttfuerBhanuesnnorsw- All-day next-at the home of In John nan. Pine mu hm (Hench. 11 total " " HM! " 16 Mr Jan. Baird. Grentell. Sank. has been visiting around his old home in Egremont, Nomnby 1nd adjtcent points. Pleased to have . on." from hlm to rehearse old time. and u he In of n obsemnt nature and an " luring when the VIII! m att too short He intends to return to the Welt but will spend August here. Mr The. Binnie of Tall, B. C.. "rived In Durhnm Tuna-y on . summer’s mu to his km: and tin In Durban Ind district. It In 14 yet." since Mr Blnnie’u Int Wit to Miss Beulah Stoneouse, R. N., Tor. onto, spent over the week end with her parents here. Mrs Donald Campbell, Goderich,' who has been visiting her son. D. A] Campbell, 2nd con. Bentinek, return-3 ed with Mr and Mrs B. D. Croft and family to their home town Sal-l urday. Mr and Mn Percy Campbell! and family. Fergus. were Ilsa visit-: on at the Campbell home last week. Mr and Mrs John Boyd and Mr and Mrs Will Bennington, Detroit, were guests of the farmer's uncle and aunt. Mr and Mrs Dan lichen: Tues- day, en route to Detroit, after visit- ing relatives at Crawford. Mrs Mary Brown and son, J. D., o. Sound; Mrs Sarah Penner and Mr. Prank 'Bobzener. Owen Sound: Mr. and Mn J R Clark, Detroit and Mr. and Mrs R Muir and family, Port Elgin were recent visitors It Mr Dan McLean's. Aberdeen. The engagement In announced ot, Gwladys. second daughter of Mr and I Mrs A E Richardson, Toronto, to Mri John Harold Sharpe, Durham. the! marriage to take place Aug. M, at t, o'clock in St Aidan'a.chureh, Toronto', Mrs Hugh Watson, Abbey, Sash! returned to her home Wednesday nf-T ter visiting her ulster, Mrs Dun Me/ Lean Aberdeen, the past six weeks.! Little Christine. one of the three' Calwell triplets. was taken to Tor. onto for specialism advice Int week? The little 15 month old girl is hap-! lly doing better but is being left in the hospital there for further treat-i ment. i Mr W. B. Hunter in u patient in Durham Hospital where he in receiv- lng treatment for " hand, which is giving him considenble trouble and pain ot Lute. It in of a telonous m.- tun, Him Alex. Hay underwent an on entlon at Durham hospiul on Mon. dny for internal trouble and is “nee mung ntlafmtory progress. In Brennan and Mr Jim Collinson of Hamilton, spent over the week end with Mr and Mrs Arthur Ritchie. Mr and In In. H Coleridge and daughter Jean, Toronto, Ire holiday- ing with hi: ulster, Mrs C. ange this week end. Mr 1nd Mn T. M. McFadden and Miss Kathleen, spent over Civic holi- day with relutives " Btoutrviite. um Mil-sure! L Hunter returned this week from Ithree weeka'hollday with (dend- ln Brockville and u. chute Quebec. . Mr and In Will Buchln tad non Ewing, were visitor: with relatives in tad around Durham over Civic Holiday, trom Dunnvllle. Mr and Mrs J. C Howell and Mr. and In Thou. Ritchie, Ipent Civic Hominy with Mr and Mrs B. D. Croft in Goderich. Mr and Mrs Archibald Mllllgnn. of Predonlu, N. Y., Mr end Mr: R. J. McKnight tutti children, of Wtintieet, Welland Co., were vlllwn the tlrgt ot the week with Mr and In Chu Ramage. Mrs McKnight 3nd children Are remaining s week with her par- Min Donald. MeEaehetht, Cedar- viue, In: a visitor Friday last at In Thou. MeGirr's. Mr tutd Mn J. Wilfrid Watson and family, Toronto, were visitors over Civic Holiday with father ma broth- er Bert, 2nd can, Normanby. Mr and Mr: Gerber and children. "trent over the holldoy with Mrs G's mother in Ncuudt. Mr Will Milne and little Ion, Tor- onto : Miatg Berta Milne and two Brpith children: lines N. In." ond‘ #trrretrter, all ot Winona : Mr and I Mrs Wm Forrester 1nd daughtev Gladys. Freddie ma Kenneth mung; ton, I." of Grimsby. have been enter, tamed by Mr ond Mrs Rcbt Milne; the put week. Miss Gladys Sanguer: rendered a sweet solo in Knox Un- ited Church Sunday evening. I I. Brute we um. or the week. I: BALL-an Durham. on Aug. 4, to Mr Mr and In C. Lord. Pittsburg,= and My: Wes. Ball, dl Bott. Penn., with their infant son. are on. EDOE--ht lullinsu. Suit. on June . tow days' visit with her tsister,) M. to Mr ma In John Edge (new “n D. B. JIMM- l vaforim, “1“ I Ann-lunar Mr! Wilfrid Snider (Winter of D. D. lichen“. Ceylon,; Toronto, with little daughter, were visitors " Mr John Ichyden'n. Edge Hill. the tirat of the week. . Mm Mund- Christie, nurse-In- training at Toronto General Hospital. m the guest this week of Mrs W. B. Patterson, 2nd con. Glam-lg. Min Mary Floyd. R. N., Toronto. spent lat week with her ulster, Mrs Wm. B. Putters”, Glenda. mm C. Fetus. R. N., matron ot Durtmm Hospital, left an. week on her annual vtteauon, the ttrut period ot which " went in Dromore with her Inter. In A Henderson. Mrs Ju. Hepburn has gone to Pan. tord, Maine, U. 8.. on a visit to her (hunter Nellie. In B. Ackroyd. mu Amelia Blur nod friends of Toronto spent . holldny " her home here. Heur- Prank Hamllton Holhnd Centre; In. Ind Joe Sulllvnn, In. Utter and D. A. Campbell of Dor- noch. went to Goderlch Monday to amend the races. B. McBETH In this hot lummer wanker, it in molt desirable that the complexion be kept fresh and ttp-to-ttte-tttark. We luv. all the requisites. Let " suppiy your need: in JERGEN’S LOTION TORONTO CREAM. SOAP' LONG”. POWDER PUFF. ATOIIIEI. COMPACT. UP STICK. FACE NWDERI PERFUME. ETC. Paper Napkins Pie Plates Drinking Clips Toilet Powders Compacts. Rouge, Etc. I “EVERYTHING IN MEDICINE FOR MAN OR BEAST" C. P. R. TICKET‘, BOAT Ott RAIL Swim Caps Wash Cloths Clstile Soap. gray &ore Well/s VACATION ll nouswur THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE $31796 Preparations Pun-mum Weekly " $2.00 I 38.60 I yo-Ar tn durum». " 'c,Tadden 's gray Jiore Frigidaire Ice Cream mud - a 82.00 a you In lav-nee. To Unmet In“ I retbr tn “Imam. N C. “Ah! & ION. “but” Bricks, Bon Bone, Sweethearts 8 cakes for 85e NEEDS Maximum Security at. Minimum Cost SAFETY Dena-it Box in the A none-t ,bnnch of wean-dim Bank of Commerce will relieve any anxiety reading the winem- bouts of your unable: while permit- ting free “can to them by you or n duly authorized perm It my time during banking hours. The cool. in leis than one cent a day; the value received is " 'nettthgsabie ”use of security. IVES I ENNEN'. TALOUI POW DER 'EIFUIEI ETC. In P. Witte, con and daughter ot Worth. with Mia. [Mlle Fletcher of Aberdeen. triaitod Prioeville roll» liven Int week and Lilo with Mrs. Thu. Whit-am. Mr George Campbell, (nicer. was in Tomato Int Week. attending the ttttrftt of " uncle. Mr Angus [choker-n, of tttdepend. ence. Ohio, was a visitor with his tother. In Roger newborn. Price. vilie, In! week. and the Review us planed to have . all from him. Mr and In Fred autumn-e and daughter, Dundu, were sue-u over Sunday ot Mr "gt In B. Btotteoutse. Mr W.- B. Vollott and daughter Hill Sun]: are leaving this week to My with the lines Amman In Hamilton. i. to If and In John Ed Valerie Edge) I daughter moi; t. but“! Nretest Castor Oil .... . .. llic, 25c, 40c and " 910w“ and Stutionor English Hum: Sells ...... l5c.25cand 50c Riker's Milk of Mami- .... '.... ZScand Mc BORN NEEDS " l Art EH

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